Ego Death: The Mechanics | Kirby de Lanerolle

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that 80 of americans who signed up for their gym membership do not go to the gym and 12 of them after they sign up in january they stop just in five to six months now what is that is that a lack of motivation will intention or maybe even a lack of the right type of energy now let's talk about that because the right intention and the right energy needs to match for you to be revitalized and full of life under christ's life the resurrected life can give you a new energy right now while you are alive in this physical body the glorification is taking place the electromagnetic spectrum is full of biophotons frequencies that you can tap into subtle energies that we live on and then you can go beyond that and touch and tap into the glory isn't that awesome join me the five day program they're going to explore every field of [Music] energy [Music] okay happy sunday everybody i hope all of you guys are safe at home and doing well and yeah let's let's get into this man i've been uh we've not been having uh service like this one thing we've just been at home but we're not even been having me speaking all the time for i mean for months now on sundays and we've been having christ through a crisis and i'm sure some of you guys have enjoyed christopher crisis but because of the circumstances we can't do christopher crisis today and so we had some superb really superb interviews going on and we wanted to really host uh three awesome people this sunday but we couldn't okay so but uh yeah let's let's let's uh have a conversation you can uh shout from home or whatever it is okay i'm going to try and feel your vibe and um let's get into the word okay so i'm not thought for so long on a sunday so i'm going to uh please pray for me because i need to be able to i don't have all my team so i don't have the scriptures on the screen and i don't want to go into too much scripture um and get you all bored but i just want to talk about a few things and and maybe we will have to show it in scripture um because that's important right that you see it here now i want you to know right from the very start when i talk of scripture i'm not like this full-on legalistic religious sort of guy who uh believes that you know from the beginning to end that this bible uh has is so inerrant that uh it doesn't mean it fits every social model or cultural model i i don't think like that i feel that some of the stuff in the old testament can't be brought back into the new testament because it's not socially acceptable uh there i i the way i look at the word is i look at a word like a man writing it inspired by god just like jesus was jesus was a man inspired by god right you are and so we all have our individual experiences and so when i go to the word i see it as each person having their own individual experiences and they're writing the word out of that and so it's so important to see that uh if not uh we can get caught up in the letter and then become legalistic and extremely religious in a sense not in a good way and uh you know become pharisical and pointing fingers at uh at different people because they don't understand the spirit um what i do believe with all my heart about the bible is that it the spirit of god is on it and uh some of the teachings uh though uh it might be vintage and in the antiquities uh and written at a time or beyond the antiquities maybe archaic sometimes the spirit of god is on those stories and you can draw fonder stories so uh so that's why i love this book and i love to go into it because it's it's a collection of different men at different times who experiences god in different ways and and then when i read it i can i can see how i can experience this god in my way because we are all individuals okay so um that said i want you to understand that's if you're watching me for the first time uh and i'm going to the bible and the scriptures and stuff like i hope you don't get bored but um you when you see it and i'll explain a bit it's just amazing because you see a man's experience and what is happening uh when he's realizing uh who god is and his love and acceptance and his forgiveness and all that okay um yeah so uh what i want to talk about today is really uh it's it's it's like a big subject in the bible uh but very rarely touched on unfortunately and um i've been asking myself i mean i i come from uh my stream you know i come from a protestant stream and then uh jumped into the uh charismatic stream then went into the pentecostal pentecostal first and charismatic and then came out of all that and and so i these are the questions that i asked and those are the ones that i'll be presenting to you today uh why uh does why doesn't anyone speak so much about the consciousness of christ because today consciousness is so important if you look at the way you're seeing at home and your in these couple of days what has been molded is our consciousness our awareness has been molded by our five sensors our by watching the tv by reading the news by what people are saying it's what has been molded is our consciousness and um it's something that i mean the old pro problems written probably by king solomon maybe i don't know but uh it says that you know you've got to guard your heart with all diligence that means you've got to guard your heart with all diligence because out of it will flow your limitations into your life so just understand it's such a beautiful statement isn't it it says guard your heart okay or guard your consciousness they didn't have a language like that okay but because out of it will flow your limitations you will put your boundaries if you don't guard your heart and especially in times like this where there is such fear and reactionary mindsets out there if we don't guard our heart our future can get hampered because we are allowing words and concepts and ideologies to come in without a filter now that's what i want to talk about because i mean just understand that christ the word christ and even the bible says it was there before the foundations of the world christ is a consciousness and that's why it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and and he created all things so i mean from that simply you will understand that christ was a consciousness and that consciousness or that mind was there before the foundations of the world and it is out of that mind and even in the in the new testament uh the writers of the new testament talk about the christ was in those before so christ is not something that came up only after jesus christ jesus christ is the man of nazareth who received that christ consciousness okay so i mean so then he left us with his spirit but if you understand what spirit is they call it in the new testament and it's amazing they call it the mind of christ okay so the new testament is about having adopting okay the mind of christ and why is this consciousness so important because in this consciousness are certain attributes and characters that once you have them and you don't try to train them or you don't learn them it's an experience okay and once you have it the way you look at the world and you the way uh you process information that is coming out there that can be full of fear and full of uh maybe about the sickness and the disease and all that and i'm not saying please understand i'm not saying that that we mustn't be careful of course we must be careful but our five senses is processing information all the time okay and and throughout every conversation you're having you're processing information you don't know it but it just goes deep into your subconscious mind and scientists today and psychologists today will tell you that your subconscious mind gets molded according to what you're experiencing and so it's so important to understand what jesus has left us because jesus the man has gone but he's left us with that eternal consciousness that was there throughout and then that is the consciousness he leaves us with which we call in the spirit okay we call it being in the spirit of god walk in the spirit of god they keep talking like this okay but what is that so i'm trying to explain it so it's very hard to explain and i'm trying okay it's not uh it's hard to explain because and i think it's completely misunderstood because you have constantly in the bible the consciousness of christ contending with the ego of man that's important to get and the ego of man uh i know some of you if you're a buddhist and or being buddhist and or if you're buddhist or hindu or whatever you you will be able to catch this uh very fast because you you know what the ego is about and how all the disciplines of the ancient antiquities especially in this area of the world in the eastern areas they deal with actually getting the ego under submission and and unfortunately uh christian pastors don't really bring out the wonder of this word ego in the bible because um it's it is they're true out it is there throughout and in fact it's there more than any other book in the antiquities uh or the ancient scriptures the reason simply not because of content of course content yes but simply because uh the the the new testament was written in greek so the word ego is used more time than any other book i mean everything else was written in different language okay so about killing the ego and receiving the christ mind is a is a big big player from the beginning to the end of the these many many books that is put together okay now uh just where do we where do we tackle this form um i just want to uh say that just just by when we are at home and when we are listening and we are using our five sensors what our five senses is doing and this is so important to get okay what ego is doing is that one thing that ego is very good at doing okay is pattern recognizing and what you call your reality or someone's reality is your ability to recognize patterns i'll stop there for a moment and you just think about that okay because once you start recognizing petals you then form your understanding on what that is that's how it works so your subconscious mind is constantly recognizing patterns for instance if i tell you about a sickness you know i about two years ago um i was quite sick and i realized that what the sickness was is my ability to recognize the pattern of the symptoms and so that's how i would know that i am sick so um that's how i would know and and so i would be i would get up in the morning and that would be uh certain sensations in my hand there were sensations in my head whenever in my uh legs when i went to sleep the sensations of my neck and my my spine and my head and so i understood that oh this is uncertain what do i do i'll go online or i'll go i'll talk to a doctor and doctors are awesome we love doctors and so when we ask this is how every man does it i mean whether you're spiritual or not this is how you do it okay and so we in gather the information to recognize a pattern and once they tell you this is the symptoms of this and you can get online and you can find then you now have pattern recognized and now you have accepted that pattern according to the information given to you so i hope i hope you i hope this helps okay because um that's what we that's what we call reality and then it becomes your reality and you will call it whatever sickness disease you want to call it and there was a name to uh what they uh told me that i was and i i called it that okay and so now that is consciousness anytime you're conscious or you realize what you will call consciousness is your ability to recognize the patterns in the world and the more ability you are able to recognize the patterns in the world then you are more conscious now uh think about this if you close your eyes and and if you have no five senses okay um you'll realize that ego is going to have a big problem because if you have no five sensors then you are not sensing time just think about that that's a crazy thing right time is realized by our sensors time passes because of our sensors and then you'll realize my you can understand maybe what a tree feels like because he's not he he doesn't have eyes to see like you have and he doesn't have uh he of course have different senses please understand his senses are different but he doesn't have eyes to see or hands to touch okay so he doesn't know like you know how time is passing by okay of course he can sense in different ways but he won't know like you know this is important to understand because we form our reality out of the information we get how we process it and we form our reality out of our five senses play a huge huge part in forming our reality okay if you uh if you understand that once you can de-materialize from pattern recognition okay how do you know a tune how do you know a beat you know i remember when i was young i used to listen to like rock okay like serious rock you know like uh ac dc metallica iron maiden and stuff like that which i loved i still like and i still listen to it by the way uh and so um i still i used to listen to that and then of course then we went heavy all my friends started getting heavier with the music okay and so we started bringing stuff like metallica was a bit heavy but then we started bringing what they call trash metal like mega death okay mega dead playing and so it was called crash metal and honestly if you asked me to listen to that now or if even then i remember very distinctly um because there was so much peer pressure megadeth is the cool thing uh that i had to listen to megadeth once and there was another one called anthrax it was so funny these bands their names okay and i remember after going from like classical rock from hair metal bands into uh mega death basis just hardcore guitar and some of you might enjoy that kind of stuff but i mean i had to listen to that i remember very carefully that i had to listen to it a couple of times and you might have the same experience i had to listen to megadeth a couple of times to really find a rhythm or a beat or something like that and when when i found it you you guys might understand what i'm saying because once i found it and i recognized the pattern then i could recognize the song and the beat and and it became something that i enjoyed okay but it took time for my mind my sub subconscious mind to pattern recognize that well now we do that all the time there are neural pathways that are formed when we keep doing something constantly and continuously we recognize the pattern and it can be a sickness it can be a disease okay as you start recognizing the pattern it becomes more somatically locked down okay and it can start manifesting into reality okay and that that's that's simply i i simply told you about uh the mystical you can't take away the mystical from the bible if you take away the mystical from the bible you've just got a whole lot of words and letters on different people's thoughts and honestly uh this what jesus left us after he left was the spirit or the consciousness and so when you get christ what you're getting is a consciousness with a different ability one of the main things is that the ego the one who starts recognizing those patterns especially of sin accusation judgment those patterns how you can judge someone is because you see certain patterns you know you meet someone and you see what he's like and straight off certain patterns start kicking in oh i i don't like how he did this i don't like how he did that or the way he spoke here these patterns these recognition patterns of your subconscious mind you start realizing they say i don't like him you concluded because of pattern recognition so what christ does is he gives you a consciousness and it it happens i must say it happens progressively okay but i remember the first time that i realized the spirit uh the next day i was different my consciousness changed the next day it was like a big deal like i was like whoa i'm seeing things like i've never seen before and i'm feeling things i never felt before and it was mind-blowing but just the first day and then after that of course progressively and every day because the consciousness itself works i hope i don't know what you understand the consciousness works it's not you don't have to try you just have to be invested in the christ consciousness okay and you start seeing things very very differently and the ego starts literally bowing down to the consciousness the mind of christ that's what happens okay and uh because of and it's amazing what what jesus did as a as a mystic you can't take away the mystical from from god from jesus you know what he did as a mystic he left us with this consciousness that uh i mean paul and all these people start talking about and that's why no one reads every i mean guys let me tell you something okay this is crazy i mean when i go to churches and listen to people's preach and pastors preach i'm they're always talking about the old testament or the four gospels matthew mark luke and john okay but guys that is matthew mark luke and john it's just only four books of the new testament there's so much more but why they speak about matthew mark luke and john the four gospels is because jesus's words are in it and yes we can get from jesus's words but you must understand matthew mark luke and john is still old testament because jesus had was still alive when they're when they're talking of matthew mark luke and john but after that after jesus the man died and left us with the mind the consciousness of christ you if you read the rest of the books and i'll just i mean i'm going to just show you some some some scriptures that would blow you away it's like these guys who now receive this consciousness it looks like they're just constantly and continuously on a trip i mean i'm that's i know it might be offensive to someone but i'm trying to say that's what it looks like because these guys i mean you can't read like efficient if you read ephesians or colossians something like it's so rich because they they're tripping out that they're not taking anything to trip out they are they've received a spirit and it's a one sentence is so rich because now they are like in a land that is completely different to the pedantic religious paul for instance he was a legalistic jewish guy who suddenly received christ so maybe his life i mean to say the least was quite pedantic and looking at small things and changing things around and all that and suddenly he receives christ and you know he was persecuting the christians and suddenly the lights went on that one instance and after that he writes most of the books on the bible now get this jesus i mean paul doesn't talk of jesus of nazareth and that's like it should you you must there's something something should go off in you if you understand the person who writes most of the new testament does maybe one reference and are talking of uh one or two references talking about uh the last supper or something like that you know and that's also not as we wasn't there but the fact that he doesn't talk to jesus or nazareth at all he doesn't talk about the person of jesus of nazareth the man but he's talking about christ the consciousness and so you can see it because the language from the gospels the gospels are telling a story okay jesus was in the sea he got off the boat he walked into a galilee you know the gospels are saying the story of jesus and white people can't sort of chew on the new testament is because it's just ecstatic trips of people just in the in the christ consciousness just being the same thing so differently seen every falling in love with the trees and falling in love with people and following no one's a sinner and everyone is forgiven and suddenly something shifted wow that's what happened to me you know i mean we were at one consciousness and then suddenly the other conscious our eyes the way we started seeing things changed and the ego um i mean i'm not saying the ego has completely died you know and i'm i'm i'm hoping that the consciousness will increase so much so that the ego just completely um is decimated okay but this is such a real thing because jesus himself says it he says carry your cross daily and come after me that means your cross you don't have a cross to carry but you have your mind yourself your way you see things your perspective is to carry okay look how many times he says it he says it in into corinthians 10 and paul goes on to say that we've got to take the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but my team's got to pull down strongholds okay and he says we've got to take every thought captive to the cross you see it's thoughts that we need to take captive to the cross and constantly in the bible you know romans the romans is talking about that you know to be carnally minded is that but this spiritually minded is life and peace the word carnal day just to be naturally minded just to be like a normal man can bring bad results but to be spiritually minded is life and peace the battle guides is in the mind and um i mean i mean if they they weren't scientists at that time okay they weren't psychologists at that time they weren't psychiatrists at that time and uh so they they put it some of them were just i mean paul was a complete mystic you know uh uh a capitalistic jew and then you have um uh you have uh the other disciples who are fishermen but their the spirit is there where they're seeing things brand new the world has become a new place to them and when they look at everyone no one is dividing one from the other and they were jews you know how careful they were about their their religion and prosecuting and and circumcision and all the laws and suddenly they're looking at the gentiles who they won't even touch and they're realizing oh my god christ in them is the hope of glory there's christ in every man and every man is made in the image and they've heard those echoes from the old testament but suddenly this sword the spirit is poured out on all flesh every man has christ in them and the job was to bring that christ consciousness out of them and that's every christian's job is to bring the christ out of every person because every every person whether muslim or buddhist hindu has christ in them has the spirit of god inside of them and being able to to pull that gold out instead of seeing their sin and their mistakes and their judgments you you pull the christ out of every man and that's preaching the gospel okay and so uh you'll see that i mean i'll just show you some words that he uses that can help you now this is a new testament paul is writing his head this ecstatic consciousness now coming in and he's the way he's seen things are completely different and so look at what he talks about like he it's amazing like like i'm just going to show you just just check this out okay and i don't want to bore you show any scriptures because it's not even on the screen but just listen to the ecstatic lingo of consciousness okay the way he's saying things are completely different and he uses certain things like watches and that's why he's not telling a story like the gospels were telling a story about jesus's life where he walked all this okay matthew mark luke john wrote about that paul never made jesus never met jesus but met the christ consciousness and suddenly the way he looked at the world completely changed now guys we need that today right we need my god do we need a consciousness of peace and faith and love and forgiveness and really i promise you it's really deeply mystical as well there when the consciousness changes reality changes okay and really interesting but i won't i won't go into all that but but look at this okay uh was no three in ephesians he's writing now these are all letters okay all letters uh he's writing to the efficient to uh to uh ephesus okay which is a city all right paul is writing i want you to understand when he's writing these things this is the crazy thing okay he is in prison most of the a lot of his letters he's writing in chains he's in prison and that he's writing i mean you have to be on i mean something if you are not a believer of christ okay to talk like this okay but uh right here he talks about now he's in chains being persecuted all that i mean the way he talks is like it doesn't make sense really it doesn't make sense unless you see it as an ecstatic lingo and language that is coming from just being able to see things so differently and his consciousness is completely elevated he's not seeing the sickness he's not seen the disease he's not seen the the um the fear he's in prison i mean everything his five senses can surely pick up on those things but that pattern recognition has broken and he's seen things brand new the ego is dead now watches okay look at look at the lingo blessed be the god and the father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing is it there he has blessed us with every blessed be the father of the lord jesus christ he's talking about the father of everyone okay through christ he's blessed us with every spiritual blessing okay it's their inner conscience and where is it listen carefully to the word he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in christ that's what you need to understand in the heavenly in christ i'm just going to break it down for you he says god has already through this consciousness blessed you with every blessing not 50 not 70 there's nothing more to get now yeah i think when you understand it like that there's nothing more to get you know no one will even want to go to church because there's nothing more to get did you just understand that he blessed you with every spiritual blessing in heavenly in christ now that is a really interesting ideology and concept let me just put it to you he says heaven itself is in christ wow did you just get that jesus says it all the time he says the kingdom of god is within you you know and people don't get it it's a consciousness okay so he says he's blessed you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in christ okay so suddenly the way you see things change it's like heaven okay you know when that one corinthians 13 you know you read 1.13 and you read about love and love trust and love for games and love hopes and all that kind of stuff that really happens you know that's a real place man was it cool just to be there i remember me and i was so suspicious of people you know i come from a background that i had to be suspicious i thought i'd be street smart and stuff like that and of course i i think it uh i'm still alive in the places i were if i wasn't street street smart i could have uh got killed but i didn't know christ at that time and um i can tell you that i was suspicious of everyone i was judgmental of everybody and then when i met christ one of the first things that happened was my judgment of people started coming going away and come on some of you might have the same experience right and so go deeper into that that's the consciousness of christ if you didn't come to a teaching it came through of course words which is christ but suddenly the lights went on and he stopped judging okay i mean at least those who know christ and a lot of churches out there do a lot of judging and accusation stuff like that but that's not the real christ okay and so every blessing is given to you in christ and that's what this word throughout ephesians there's a word called in christ jesus in christ jesus and um this word in means it's like a vehicle or a house isn't it okay that you're put in christ even heaven is put in christ so he's talking about a mindset a consciousness okay verse four just as he chose us in him again i'm just generally he has chosen us in him before the foundation to the world wow you see how rich that is that is so rich he's chosen us in him before the foundation of the world what does that mean it's like it's hard even grasp why because this man is not he's not speaking from the lower mind he's not speaking from the ego he's coming with ideologies and concepts that are directly from god or someone of you or buddhist or whatever it is coming from the higher mind it's coming straight from there from the spirit okay and suddenly you know he's realized that every blessing is already being given to us we don't need to look up and say please anymore okay heaven itself is inside of us it's so rich and he says just as he chose you before the foundations of the world so you were chosen before the foundation before anything was placed you were an eternal being chosen by god loved by god you understand he breaks every theological really just think that you know you've got to be chosen by god now and you've got to receive christ now and you've got to receive jesus now and all that i mean i told you i'm i'm not universalist yet but these are very profound statements the only reason i'm not the universe is yet is because there are certain things that i'm grappling and struggling with and uh but like i said you know i'm on the edge of this but but just as it shows us in him before the foundations of the world wow everyone every man was chosen in him before the foundations of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him you see he we were chosen in him that we should be without blame before him in love that means every man has chosen to be without blame isn't that cool and so this is the gospel telling people about this consciousness that you can have a consciousness that doesn't accuse it doesn't blame that yes that that judgment of good and evil constantly eating from a tree of good and evil pattern recognizing is it good or bad good or bad that you can actually leave that and then come into a place of bliss a place of ecstasy which is outside of your five senses man i hope it's not too heavy how are you guys doing are you guys okay yeah okay so i don't want to jump into more scriptures but i'm just trying to show you that what christ is giving is a consciousness and constantly if you go if you're going to i'll just show you in ephesians with just one book later paul paul talks and again if you're watching me for the first time i want you to know that i'm going into the new testament the reason i'm going to new testament is because jesus of nazareth is not there in the new testament it is the people who receive like you and me paul was just a man just like you and me he was not inerrant he was he made mistakes you can read his you can read the new testament you can see the mistakes that he made he himself corrects his mistakes you can see so it's not i don't believe that this bible is inherent like a lot of these pentecostal charismatics believe i believe it's written by man inspired whoever experienced with god and that's why it's hard to read a lot of the new testament it's because different people are having different experiences and it's like different thought different ideologies and concepts and trips that are going on i mean just take a look at revelations you'll understand it's crazy like revelation is written by a guy on the isle of patmos who was in prison but if you look at what's going on it looks like i mean either he's uh on something seriously hardcore but if he's because he's imprisoned so he's it's a island with nothing so i mean otherwise some of you think he's eating some mushrooms or something like that because it's all about you know vision after vision of beast coming out with ten horns and leopards between horns and stuff like that and honestly if i go today and tell a pentecostal charismatic pastor pastor i had a dream and there was a demon coming out and he had 10 horns and he had a head of a lion and a head of a bull and all this kind of stuff he would literally say have you drunk something or or he'll say you are demon possess that's what he'll say because it's been our vision has our consciousness has been so accused they say oh you're demon possessed that's what you're seeing on it then john was because he was on the isle of patmos in ecstasies and visions i mean it was amazing the mystical so this bible is written with different people having different experiences with god and that's why the the new testament is wonderful because as you read those experiences it's a invitation to you to have your own experience and don't we need an experience now man man don't you need experience now in this season don't you you know what sickness is sickness is a shift of consciousness that's it sickness is a shift of consciousness okay because as you start getting those symptoms okay your body starts responding according to the patterns that you're recognizing and the world around you starts recognizing even in quantum physics they call it observer effect okay as you start concentrating on something it closes down on you and you bring it into manifestation these are i mean scientists today use a different language they weren't these guys were not scientists i'm not either but i'm sure you can explain it scientifically i love science and i wish science was there before you know then he could have explained all this stuff that is going on with these crazy people but uh but the fact of the matter is there wasn't and so we have to now filter the language of what they're truly experiencing and you'll realize that your consciousness starts detecting patterns and that's the ego and unless that's what jesus says carry this guy every day put every take every thought captive and and hang him on the cross and paul writes beautifully i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yay not me but the christ lives in me the word there is i am crucified in christ it's not i who live it's it's not ego in greek it's not ego who lives so that means the natural man this book is all about that natural man the one who has the fight and not a lot of people bring it to sin and say oh you need to stop your sins and is there a part of that of course if he could die your sins die of course but it's much more than sins it's much more than what people call sins in the bible it's about the natural man the ego man being submitted and dying on the cross and now we coming into a new mind which is a new consciousness and if you have a new consciousness you look at things differently you know things um uh don't hurt you you don't walk around with bitterness you walk around full of faith no fear isn't that awesome what is plague in the world today i mean people are uh you know mental mental distress is a big deal guys and you know as a past i deal with many many people and i can tell you what this virus will leave you with is yes you can get sick but you can also get sick mentally and i know a bit about that i was depressed when i was young and i needed to get joy again and happy again and that it happened and that happened through understanding the spirit inside of every man if you're watching me now and you're in sri lanka and your whatever religion you are you have the christ inside of you it's not only exclusive to christians it's the whole bible is about this consciousness about tapping into this christ consciousness and that how it comes out of you and so colossians look at this beautifully says it like this i mean really gorgeous uh again i'm only going to the scripture to show you the ecstatic nature of the new testament it is not a story of he went here he turned around he got onto a boat he went to galilee it's not that this is ecstatic mindsets talking in a different way looking at things perspectives in a different way a lot of it is that and you see colossians again and remember it's written by a man who is in a prison cell so you can understand how this how this mindset really helped him okay so look at this one this is really gorgeous it says in colossians okay paul is writing again if then you were raised with christ seek those things which are above where christ is sitting at the right hand of god now you are not naturally being raised with christ you're not sitting in heaven you're sitting here but he says if you are raised with christ that means now if you understand this consciousness then your mind your seeking is always on the things of the higher thought process the higher mind the the the mind of god your your it's not like you're constantly seeing angels and stuff like that that's not what he's talking about he says there are things that don't distract you that things on the earth distract you and pull your ego into different conversations different situations your ego is scared your ego is frightened your ego is sick your ego needs to be delivered okay your ego is the one who recognizes all the wrong patterns with people as well judgment is a pattern of the ego and when you can come out of that what when you say i don't want to judge it means that i don't want to recognize those patterns that i'm seeing with my five senses and then conclude on it that's what it means when i say i don't want to judge someone it means that i don't want to see those with my five senses recognize those patterns and conclude on it i'm going to leave it in a state of potential and flux so that it can now go and become something else than what i'm trying to lock it down to be that's what judgment is it can be with your husband it can be with your wife it can be your mother with your father you know and it's the same thing we do with sickness as a man of faith you know when i see people who are sick i can easily conclude on a certain thing but that won't help them because i need to see them healed and i don't recognize those patterns i see it but in in my deep inside my noah says no i'm not going to lock them out i'm not going to allow that to be concentrated or crystallized and you'll realize that when you start coming from this consciousness when you have faith in a situation if you can laugh about a situation do you know what it does to your body you know if someone tells you some bad news have you tried like not mocking but laughing inside you know that there's something inside because all the hormones that come into you when you hear bad news is adrenaline cortisol all this kind of stuff and you can you you get sicker because there are healing hormones that need to come but it comes only with a consciousness and you can't do this psychologically you have to do it through christ and i'm not saying crisis exclusive please understand i didn't say that that could have come out wrong and i don't want people to understand that i'm trying to sell something that is exclusive to christians and us it's not uh that's not what i'm saying you have it if you're watching me at home you have christ in you okay you might call it a different thing it might be a different semantic to you okay the light that you have inside of you just just tap into that it's awesome okay and that's what paul and the whole new testament um writers are talking about that christ who is unlimited guard your heart with all diligence out of it flows the limitations of your life problem says so when you tap into the spirit you get unlimited okay now watch this okay hades i mean this is what he says so he says if then you were raised with christ seek those things that are above where christ is sitting at the right hand of god listen carefully verse 2. here's some ecstatic advice it says set your mind on things above not on things on the earth wow city of mind how do you do it how do you do it what's the idea what's the ideology what's the concepts that you need to do that it's just a it's just it's a revelation or a concept an ideological it's it's a philosophy you can say it's a philosophy no don't worry about it i'm i'm not a word pharisee it's a philosophy because in this part of the world people love philosophies and we uh eastern people who are watching me for america we love philosophy we like to discuss philosophies so just how it comes to you is in a word but it's the philosophy has a consciousness of it a spirit of weight okay now watch this okay for you died in your life how do you do it set your mind on things about not on things of the earth for you died when did you die oh when i look at the cross when i conceptualize the cross you see for you died and your life is hidden with christ in god you see with christ in god isn't that cool to your life now you died so when i concentrated to cross i look at the cross and say oh my god my ego myself died because i am still alive right so what's what's this ecstatic ideology that they're trying to tell you okay they're trying to say is hey when you look at a cross you die then your life is hidden with god in god in christ okay and and now who is rising the christ inside of you and that's how easy it is okay when christ who is our life appears then you will also appear with him in glory so it says hey then christ will start appearing this is not talking about something is theological or end times it's like christ is appearing constantly you're speaking to your spouse you're speaking to your workforce christ is appearing and when christ when christ who is your life appears i like that when christ who is our life appears then you will also appear with him in glory so christ is your spirit your life and when he appears when he comes out you also appear you understand the true identity of who you are okay i don't know how long have you got now well yeah i think we're done we've done well okay i mean it's uh um it's a bit heavy but i just want to remind everyone that we need to have a new mindset we want to change our situation the first thing that changes is the mind the consciousness and as the consciousness changes the way you will recognize situations and patterns will change and if that happens i mean this book is full of stories like romans 8 talks about how the physical reality the creation itself and we've had experiences and constantly we do have experiences where the physical reality changes because the internal climate change and when the internal climate changes you can bring that shalom you can bring the peace externally to the surrounding areas and which there is a storm you can you can chill it down you can still it down okay because your internal environment is completely different and you're not coming from a reactionary mindset coming from a place seated a higher place really and the way you look at things are very different you can look at things objectively you don't have to invest your emotions in every man's patterns you don't have to invest your emotions in some other man's accusation you can look at things objectively because they're not coming from that mindset and really you become really creative and you can bring solutions that can change uh i believe truly the world if you tap into the christ that is inside of you okay so i'm gonna leave you with that and i bless you guys and yeah internal mindset change internal and external will follow that's what this word says okay bless you guys and i shall see you on tuesday on the transin group bless you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 4,903
Rating: 4.9325843 out of 5
Keywords: How to Dissolve the Ego | Sadhguru, how-to-dissolve-the-ego-Sadhguru, dissolving your personality, dissolving the ego, Sadhguru, sadhguru latest, sync mind, sadhguru meditation, sadhguru speech, jaggi vasudev, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru speeches, isha foundation, isha kriya, isha yoga, sadhguru speeches, organize your mind sadhguru, be sensitive to life around us | sadhguru, sadhguru eye opening speech, sadhguru, wisdom, sadguru, wowlife, kirby de lanerolle
Id: lr_gCnx8BfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 55sec (2995 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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