Christ Consciousness Explained | WOW Sunday | Kirby de Lanerolle

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but do you want the carb to be the sole energy what about ketones ketones is a type of energy but you got to let go of carbs once you've passed your carbs you pass your ketones you can get to autofocus now autophagy is when your body depends on the waste and the proteins in the cells convert to energy but you let go of that you tap into your happy hormones they're endocrine energy and that is neuro epiphany dopamine serotonin oxytocin and all those awesome energy that you can tap into you let go of every second once you've let go and understood about all those sectors of energy and you tapped into autophagy you can maybe explore the electromagnetic spectrum to understand that subtle energy is what keeps us alive our hearts beating our lungs are pumping our brain is working there are firing of neutrons there's electrical and chemical patterns that are exchanging your body join me in five day program this time we're taking you to a new resurrected energy life good morning everybody welcome to wow sunday i hope you guys are relaxed and ready for uh some word that's going to come to you and um uh really encourage you and build you up uh this sunday morning everybody sorry that's my phone i got this okay so um yeah so we've been on a series on sunday as you know we've been uh preaching from home from those those of you watching us from the u.s we are uh just coming out of a lockdown and we're still preaching from home churches still can't congregate in large numbers and therefore um this is church at the moment okay so um yes and i've been i've been uh we've been having uh what we call christopher crisis the last couple of uh seasons uh and i think uh we're discussing with the leadership and with fiona and we should start christopher crisis again uh from next week or the week after that okay but so we maybe got one more session with me that's going to discuss and i wanted to discuss christ as a consciousness and it's something that has somehow been ignored in the in just the last couple of uh decades and uh it was it's a big theme in the bible uh christ as a consciousness christ is a consciousness uh the word christ is a word that has it didn't come because of jesus christ the word christ was there messiah okay the messiah or the anointed one was there uh it was a hebraic a jewish mystical understanding of someone who will come to save them as a nation state israel but if you understand anything about the hebraic mindset they were very very different to you and me and just let me give you a perspective of how the hebrew person thinks uh not the modern israel hebrew i'm talking about the old ancient hebrew understanding and how the greek and the roman that's where we come from that sort of the english sort of language comes from what there's a huge difference and that is why i think a lot of people uh find it hard to really understand uh the bible because i think we have to embody the mindset of these ancient thinkers and once you start doing that things start looking a bit different for instance everything they spoke was in parables okay now the parabolic language was a normal language it wasn't something that jesus only did people went to sunday school and said jesus spoke in parables but he spoke in parables and asking the question because he wanted them to understand because at that time the hellenistic greeks were coming into the scene that means the greek linear thinking was sort of infiltrating uh the culture big time okay that's that's something that needs to be understood and jesus as well they were talking aramaic but he i'm sure there was a bit of greek influence in i'm i'm not a historian but you can search this this stuff is on google okay it's not the revelation right uh you see that there was a lot of greek influence and uh in fact the the sadducees were hellenistic they were that's why there's pharisees and sadducees those are the people challenging jesus and if you understand the sadducees that type of culture the sadducees did not believe in the supernatural you see said you see it's a sad situation right because they couldn't they couldn't grasp the the mystical aspects because they were greek thinkers okay uh they were not even neoplatonists because plato was sort of uh he he loved the supernatural he was uh he followed the hermetic corpus and that kind of uh theology but um i think um they were like completely what you would find today with the western mindset if you go into europe and places like that they cannot understand any part of the supernatural neither do they agree or believe it or anything spiritual everything is a chemical reaction that uh that happens in your brain okay very newtonian reduction is sort of thinking now why am i telling you this okay this video is gone okay that's okay i don't need that let me go take it here okay so i'm just trying to take you to a background because i want to discuss christ as a consciousness okay christ as a mindset because the bible talks about the mind of christ and i'm before i talk about that i need to talk about christ not jesus christ and i we will get to jesus christ but to talk of christ and that christ was a concept an ideology that was jewish but was there far before the new testament or before jesus christ okay they understood the christ and they in fact had many types of christ in the judaic understanding that came for instance enoch cain and he walked with god and he was not you know you see that enoch had an ability to walk with god in such a way and the word walk is walk and talk and get to know god really embody god and then in fact the old testament says that he didn't actually die he was just taken and then you get the elijah and the elisha story the parable you see the story but in the story is the parable is the is a is a a foreshadowing a shadowing of something and everything is foreshadowing something else and so they had a very parabolic understanding of things they have a very dimensional understanding not the greek sort of understanding so i'm just trying to show you why we sometimes can't grasp the bible because we are not coming from a contemplative or a meditative state i'm going to stop there for a moment and i know some of you might have heard that for the first time but but this is how you should read the bible unfortunately unlike any academic other academic book or any other book this thing cannot be comprehended unless it is really supported by a contemplative or meditative life so these things i'm not saying to even to grasp it i'm not saying it's difficult to grasp i'm saying it can be misunderstood that's all it can be academically understood and you can write papers and all that about it but it has to be it can only be grasped by experience it's supposed to be grasped by experience because why am i saying that because there's 66 books different orders spanning thousands of years okay and there are a lot of conflicting um uh sentences and stories and for a long time i struggled to say that but i think i've got a little more mature in my faith and i really understand that these things have been written by men and uh because some of it i mean is uh morally abhorrent even today if you look at you know slaves and sexism and stuff like that you know you you think that uh either god is uh very sureistic and uh patriarchal or or he or this is just uh constructs of the human psyche that has been inspired by spiritual experience so you you have to decide that and i'm not forcing my theology or my view on you i'm just giving you my thought process in understanding this book and so that it can make sense to me it's a it's a it's a big book and if you try to make sense of it you're going to find that you're going to hit walls and as you go deeper into it you're going to find that you're going to hit certain places that are going to really challenge you ethically uh even even now and it's the relevance of this book will challenge you if you are a serious student of the bible i mean if you're just doing a religious thing they're going to church and you read a bit and you listen to what your pastor says and then that's not the type of christian or believer or a mystic or or seeker that i'm i'm interested in talking to i'm interested in uh talking to people who are who are willing to really go deep and have that conversation have that dialogue that might challenge you and me and maybe at the end of it you and i both won't be left with answers okay that's not the idea the idea is not to be right or wrong okay the whole idea is to have an experience a contemplative experience the philosophy has to challenge you the philosophy has to leave you bewildered it has to the uh the uh there's a book called the gospel of thomas and it's uh one of it's called pseudo epic epic graphic i can't even pronounce these words but uh that in that in that book uh they say they explain how jesus said you know if you seek you find in fact he says when you seek you will be alarmed and then you will find so unless this alarms you it you'd still not read the bible this this is a alarming book written with people's mystical experiences and you know language is so limited you can't really put it to words so therefore it is only a consciousness it can be caught and not really taught you can teach it but if we are so limited by english and that's why i want to under explain to you the hebrewic understanding of things uh and the hebrew understanding of things is simply that one letter okay carried a story so i'm not i'm not a jewish scholar but i'm just trying to give you a background i've listened to somebody and talk it's it's mind-blowing and amazing i used to listen to a lot of that kind of stuff when i was 14 15 years old you know the kabbalah and stuff like that and understanding how they how they understood every letter every letter uh had a numerical value to it and every letter had a story to it so one letter would be like for instance a man opening a door another letter would be like a hook falling from the sky you know every letter had a symbolic value i'm just trying to say another letter would be a camel uh coming home you know so every letter had a story so they when you when they read one one word and if it was the word god or even the word dog or the word earth or whatever it is there was a numerical value when you added it all up and they made synchronized sort of uh it's the consciousness isn't it they see a letter and suddenly there's a number and they see another word and the number of that word and this word are completely they're not even laterally connected but the just by the numerical value they know that there's a connection between this word and that word though it doesn't make sense when you look at the word itself can you can you understand how they were thinking it was just mind-blowing okay so uh i mean also the the word itself every letter went into a deep story so every word will come up with a narrative and a completely different story like you're watching a movie so literally the experience i mean wow it's just amazing just this on the thing when they were reading visually they are seeing a completely different narrative to what they are reading being played out i'm going to stop there just to understand the kabbalistic hebric mind that that's just crazy that means when you're looking at words on a book you're looking at one word and you're looking at a word maybe five five paragraphs down and you're realizing the numerical value of those two words are the same and the story and the narrative fits and then they make a connection so it was never to do with what they were seeing in the letter because the letter kills but the spirit breaks life so they were trained from the young days and you must understand that every jewish boy knew the torah they knew the five books of moses they had studied it they knew every jot and tittle that's why they said jordan tittle because every jot and tittle meant a whole story you could miss it okay and so they've already studied and memorized every single word by the time of their bar mitzvah and it doesn't happen now in israel but it happened then they knew every every single jewish boy knew every single letter to the t and until the time of the bar mitzvah and if they have done really well in it then the rest were taken under a sort of a mentorship by a rabbi that they chose according to what interpretation they liked and guess what what people hate this is what people hate in a new linear greek sort of mindset interpretation was the the most profound thing for the jewish scholar that means everyone was supposed to have their own interpretation so once you get to your bar mitzvah they choose their teachers according to the interpretation and there's another book that is as holy as the torah and that's what christians must understand is if you don't we understand reading something predicated on deep jewish tradition if you don't understand the tradition you won't you won't understand what they're saying and it's like people come to sri lanka but you don't understand how sri lankans think or their traditions how would you really understand the people so giving in to just simple being open to simple things like there is another book as holy to the jews called the talmud now the talmud is a is a is a book that is written for literally thousands of years but they've compiled it it was verbal it was it was oral it wasn't supposed to be compiled but they compiled it now because when the jews were dispersed and persecuted and stuff like that they started compiling it but they're just stories of interpretation of thousands of rabbis that they thought that were not thousands forgive me it can't be thousands but but maybe hundreds of rabbis that they thought that were very good and each of them are conflicting each interpretation disrupts the other interpretation and guess what they were completely okay with that because they loved the fact that they could interpret this in so many different ways because it was multi-dimensional now once you've understood that you will see that jesus was a master of being able to because he was the word embodied he was able to bring in interpretations that uh for them some of them knew some of them not heard it before it astounded them and that's why people flocked around him because of the interpretation of the revelation and stuff like that so right now that's just a background okay and i'm just going to uh yeah i want to show you that all this is about the word and the way you integrate okay and if you say interpret the there we go scholarly scholarly again we can talk about it as uh instead of interpret we will call it perceive okay because perceive is better so how you perceive it should be valuable to your pastor to your leaders how you perceive it if you're in a church it means it's yours once you perceive it it becomes yours it's your it's the way you see god it's the way you are experiencing god so it has a lot to do with perception and that's the discernment that you're called to have the perception that you're called to have and no one's perception and discernment is uh heratorized and uh said that's wrong but they allow people to grow in their interpretation and they guide them different teachers would rabbis would guide them in their interpretation of what is actually being said because everyone's perceptions are different you will interpret according to the traumas and the suffering that you had in your life i would interpret according to traumas and the sufferings uh i've had in my life you know and uh we all are a par we we create our world according to our pain and you must know that i mean just a simple understanding of humanity is that uh we love to be comfortable and that's okay because the garden eden was supposed to be called the garden of delight god created us so that we can be filled with his delight okay uh so that's that's why you were created you're created to be filled with his glory and his delight so getting comfortable is okay all right so i mean just a simple uh simple understanding that uh if i sort of shift the phone like this so if i shift my chair like this and that's constantly do it unconsciously and subconsciously is so that i could be more convenient that's that's you're doing it all the time you're unknowingly you're making yourself and this is important because it's a part of the growth process in god you're making yourself more convenient more comfortable constantly continuously on micro levels just i just said show you how i do it when i'm just uh trying to speak to you i'm always trying to be more comfortable okay but you're doing it with everything your unconscious subconscious mind and that's what we call survival okay and so when there is pain we will we will respond to pain in certain ways that will not allow it to happen again and again and again and so therefore our worldview is formed according to us reacting or responding to discomfort now but god is okay with that because he wants to fill you with all his delight okay that's the truth of the bible and uh but there's a way he does that okay and and even i was talking about telling fiona about you know this is completely out of where i'm going to teach you but i'm just trying to show you um you know when when we we used to i used to look down upon it at some point because you know when you come into grace you become a great pharisee you you you start understanding things about god and you start getting enlightened and the first thing that you understand is that that what happened to me was that the church uh everything that they were telling me when i went into the sort of event into a pentecostal charismatic revival i was in a protestant church before and uh i i sort of went astray but if you ask me how i went straight the very strange way i went to stray i went astray reading uh a biblical uh literature at a very young age you know uh written by bishops and stuff like that and who were then later on characterized and uh understanding that they had a completely different way of looking at uh this text you know and um then i went then i went astray from the lord and of course uh when i went astray not because i i don't believe it's because i went astray i don't believe because i did make the right choices not just with my spirituality but because i i was young i was a teenager right and so i made the wrong choices and of course the disaster uh struck and when that happened i unfortunately i can say fortunately now but uh there's an unfortunate place in it as well because uh at that point of time all the condemnation of religious guilt that the church had put on me calling me a heretic and a new ager and all this kind of stuff when i was young 15 16 years old and you know all these occultists and all that kind of stuff suddenly hit me and i was like oh my god you know maybe it's all because i'm a sinner and my fault and uh so i went into years of condemnation and repentance and uh you know reeling in guilt and uh of course that was completely exploited by uh uh this is the unfortunate part but honestly there's no accusation because i i love the church and but they don't know any better and so if you have people that around you as well you can't help it the pentecostal charismatic revival you know took me as a trophy and then i would go around you know in different places and then telling them my past and what how i was a sinner and stuff like but somehow it didn't make sense because i'm saying i'm a sinner but i'm feeling when i'm talking about things that i was doing not some some other things are shameful but some of those things like uh on my trips and getting high and stuff that i wasn't so uh i wasn't so ashamed in a sense i was having a good time at that time so so i i find myself in a in a hypocrisy and um but everything about me was supposed to be like wrong and bad and i was supposed to be the sinner and stuff like that and there were certain parts of me that was truly rebelling against that which was good i believe uh because there was a part of me saying no you weren't so bad come on kobe you weren't so bad can't you remember you did this good to this person and that good for that person i'm i'm talking to some people out there if you're in a part of these uh revivals the pentecostal charismatic revivals that and if they're churches that don't teach grace you'll find the same thing and we have to we have to talk openly about these things because that's how we can come into a renaissance church wake up we need to be relevant to the world so i'm not condemning anyone but that's what happened to me and but there was places in me where every time i said i was wrong and i was doing this and i was bad and i'm you know total deprivation it came from understanding that you're a sinner and that's all you are you know you're tall at church you're a sinner and you're you know there was a guy in the i think it was in the great american awakening and he was the guy called uh uh i have forget him uh what it was jonathan edwards yeah jonathan edwards uh i think yeah i think that's his name uh um and he uh did a sermon called sinners in the hand of angry god okay and it was he literally uh i used to read that okay and they said when he preached the fire in the brimstone people would hold on to their chairs like this okay because they were really scared because they were he and he was such a a charismatic preacher he brought in the great american awakening okay so so i mean you can understand the awakening they would hold onto their chairs because he was such a charismatic preacher and he would bring them into his uh his dimension and they were so scared when he used to preach that they would think that actually the the earth will open underneath them and they would just sink in and be taken up into hell you know that's that's how the the great american awakening hello okay i think america is having another great awakening okay one of the awakenings happened like that so you can understand the guilt the condemnation that when people that caused people to be more legalistic and more you know very resolute about their works and their performance and being righteous and good and i was there because i was then called all these names brought into this and then taken around and said look you're a sinner and you need to repent and you stay there and there's nothing good in you and so and john edwards in one of his sermons he actually says you know that we were worms and we are worms and we are like we are we are hung uh on on top of a burning precipice like uh which is hell and you know it's god's mercy that keeps us there we are dropping us but that's believe me that's unfortunately what christianity uh has become and many people are still there and but very soon you know i was uh that that that part in me and i was very well read okay when i was 14 15 i was just i i i could uh literally forage uh you know two three books a day you know and so um i was very well read and then very very soon because of my calamities that were happening to me i bought in and i was i got sold into sin but very soon i was questioning this thing i didn't take me long my third visit where they take me as a trophy i was like colombo's bad boy now been saved so taken around and then by the third time i was really at a protestant church it's so funny this this thing anyway while i was preaching and telling this thing i felt like a hypocrite you know because i knew that there was good in me even before um you know they i was with bad people but there is trust me there is honor among thieves i mean some of the honor among thieves is far greater than the honor you get at church among righteous people believe me i can guarantee you i've been a church now long enough and i can tell you the honor among thee is greater than the honor among pious people anyway so while i was giving this sort of discourse of how terrible i was i felt such a hypocrite and after that i decided i would never ever again go out there publicly and condemn myself and make me feel like that because some of that was not true and by that time because i used to forage so much of literature by that time in the first couple of months in my sort of pentecostal charismatic walk i started reading the new testament and the bible and i realized that everything that i learned from my past that they called the occult and wrong and all this kind of stuff jesus was saying the same thing now that will blow you away some of you and i was like where the heck does jesus say all these things that these guys are saying of the pulpit and i realized hey jesus is saying i mean i'm gonna just read you john 1 and this this john 1 jesus was saying the same thing that we you and we and god are one and that we are not sinners and that that he's come uh because he loves us and that the father loves us and where is this stuff coming from and for instance i'm just going to read you the consciousness so i realized it was a perception and as long as you have a perception and and a perception that you are a lesser being and uh i was just watching a video that someone had sent me that um i am saying that we are going to be transformed into the image of god and it's going around all the world you know people are watching it and say oh my god this is heresy but just stop there for a moment and and and and think about it i'm not saying that we are god the father i'm not saying that please even in that statement in that video that is going around i'm not saying that i'm the eternal god but jesus himself came to let you know that you have a divine spark inside of you and unless you take ownership of the divine spark and not the spark of that human condition that has that that is failing but take if you want take take the take the ownership of the the the virtue of humanity the excellence of humanity that is in each one of you which is god okay which is your higher self and and uh so we need to really look at what and i and i read all i went into all the heretics like pelagius and all these people and started reading who who did the church you know uh there was a guy called he was uh joanna's heidelberg that i used to study a long time ago and you know he's kind of john d you know all this kind of stuff i studied the christians and they were called heretics and i started reading these guys and i realized well they're saying what jesus said and the institutionalized religious approach broke away from me and uh i very very soon i started talking to my pastor challenging my pastors asking them why it says certain things till i found a pastor pastor nidobe sacra who who who when i met him first can you believe it okay i met him first and you just like likes attract likes doesn't it you know birds are the fed or flock together yes and frequencies attract frequencies and so i was i was then understanding that what the institutionalized religious christian church was saying was completely different to what jesus really said and at that point pastor neil came into our life and the first thing that my institutionalized church said to my parents when neil came on board and when he started meeting us and coming going out for dinner and stuff like that it was oh my god this guy neither basically he's bad news he he he was in the seminary and then afterwards he tried to he tried to write a paper this is what pasta neal told me he's written a paper comparing jesus and the lord buddha together so the lord jesus and lord buddha you know nilo bay sacra was writing a paper like that you know saying the attributes of why they are similar and you know so naturally he was heritarized and um and of course he was a he was a thinker he was a philosopher and uh he could he could talk to me and we started resonating and uh just understand that we uh uh we we i i i became a spiritual son because i saw the mysteries that he was teaching and and uh yes they they said this man is outside of the understanding of the church and then i realized that if they called neil a heretic who loved the lord jesus christ where the personal relationship the lord jesus christ okay and that it's so evident uh i realized i need to go back and read all the heretics okay and i went back and i and i foraged through all the heretics that the bible called heretics and they i was in this is not what i was going to teach but this is fun okay this is sunday morning okay and you you see i i was in a church that then called william branham and william branham was a 1940 revivalist and he was prophesying and doing great things and i would watch his black and white videos um you know and and really blown away i got a little cd when uh about branham and i would put it on and and and listen and i got a whole lot of books you know five books you know about brandon and reading these books and i asked my pastor at that time you know brandon branham's really interesting like god would visit him and at night and he would have his mystical experiences angels in caves and meet them and then then come out and prophecy prophesy of the world and have detail uh really not rubbish stuff that is going on now but really really good stuff people used to get healed and stuff like that and i used to ask my pastor and he said oh don't touch branham branham is a heretic i like branham is a heretic okay so branham's a heretic as well everyone's a heritage and then so i said as they said brandon's a heretic guess what i did i got more books on branham and i got more downloads on branham and i studied branham and my god everything that was happening to branham started happening to me the heretic yeah okay and none of them were having those experiences at church they would come to just you know weekend lovers just come to church on a sunday but i couldn't i was i was completely uh [Music] engrossed in in the word you know reading the word reading uh different commentaries okay not the novel commentaries that you guys are reading now okay and realizing that this book is full of mystical experiences it's a it's full of contemplative mysteries and it's not hard to apprehend if you live a contemplative mystical life and don't live in a box and don't don't don't allow the institutionalized doctrines to hold you down because there's a divine nature in you which is god who is god and he's not condemning you and accusing you and that's what the bible says and and i'm just going to read a bit about it and how does this happen and this is what i want to explain and i've gone on [Music] many many rabbit trails but the fact of the matter is that i want to explain this to you i'll be okay are these rabbit trails okay i'm just checking on everyone natasha is here with us okay is it okay the rabbit okay yeah okay so anyway what i want to explain i don't know where we'll get to it but was christ as a consciousness okay so christ has a perspective a perception do you understand that it means that when you receive christ okay your perception changes you get out of the box in seconds okay and maybe you get into a bigger box but then that box goes as well the more you get to know christ the christ was there that's where we were that's right that's where we were the christ was there before jesus christ and enoch was the christ yeah that's exactly where we were enoch was the christ okay then you hear moses who comes and he saves he becomes the christ okay and so you have melchizedek coming as christ okay i used to think that melchizedek meeting abraham was jesus but and prophet kobush is a preacher light as well but i don't believe that anymore in understanding in the order of that christ that the christ was there before the foundations of the world okay uh it's the logos it is the sun okay sunshine okay this very thing i'm talking about that people call it heretic uh uh heresy is is the fact that we are sons or even sons means we are the mind okay the logos the mind of god okay and that's what we are called to be and uh even to talk like this is blasphemy institutionalized church and um interestingly okay uh that christ came and what he did on the cross made it so easy now for you and me not through works and toil and labor and then you know in parts of the world like this you know i i sit with uh wonderful people from different faiths you know different religions and different faiths and uh i'm some of my closest friends uh mentors uh uh really people who i'm very loyal to uh are completely not from christian faiths okay so uh they they are but they are but they they are out there and i see the toil the labor the the the dedication and the commitment that some of them have towards finding truth and really finding god that's what they're looking for is god and unfortunately christianity has been presented him in such a weak manner in such a reductionist sort of manner not in the way christ has explained it but just the ability to go to heaven or hell and if they don't believe they'll go to hell and my god you know you i mean some of you i mean if you're out of this country you must come and sit with some with a buddhist priest or a hindu priest or something like that these guys are deep uh in their understanding you can't sort of throw that kind of stuff at someone who is meditated for uh 10 hours a day because they've contemplated on all that you have got from a pastor's sermon on a sunday morning and then decided to go on mission work do you i mean it's really close you know you you hear someone saying go on to the mission field and go and go into the 10 40 window that's what this area is called and you know go and convert people and people come with a mindset oh we're going to convert sri lanka or convert india okay when these guys have been sitting for thousands of years just under trees just meditating on what you heard in a sermon they've been meditating on that kind of stuff for thousands of years so you can't when you bring that it's it's that that's not christ that's not christ it's religion and you bring that and you don't attract them to jesus at all and so they've got an understanding of jesus like really is that who jesus is or we don't want to know jesus but if you bring christ to them man i sit with most of these guys there's not one person who rejects christ do you know that not one person i met who is deeply mystical who really spends time in contemplation no matter what faith he is he doesn't have to be a christian who rejects christ i'm not i'm i'm 40 45 years old now and i've been doing this sometimes 14 years old i've not met a mystic who is of another faith who rejects christ when he realizes that you're talking of someone he already knows he says oh is that christ oh that i know that i've known all my life i have intimate understanding of him and is that what jesus was talking about wow the christ wow that's awesome and then you can show even the new things that jesus spoke because some of the examples they don't have the full picture different religions have different pictures different values different shadows different aspects you know no one has got the whole thing okay and then you can bring about the certain teachings of jesus that really they would value and it's so profound but you have to bring it in the context of the christ okay and and uh here it is i'm going to just read it to you uh how this christ comes how this consciousness comes it's a consciousness okay uh it's a perspective it's a perception your it it it takes away from your five senses and it it uh empowers you into spirit straight off the the work that jesus did caused the simplest man that you don't have to now sit for 10 hours a day to meditate and if you do please do but i do okay i meditate but it causes a man who has worked for like eight hours a day to be able to just invoke the name of jesus and the consciousness of christ comes on his eyes are open it's like the bible says prophets and kings he says have wanted to know this but couldn't know but by invoking the name of christ the system that jesus gave okay it's not a religion it's a system okay as you apply it okay even the simplest even a child suddenly starts their eyes get open if it's a real thing i mean you can come to wildlife church and you can i can tell you if you walk through the door and you hear one message the consciousness comes upon you you get reconciled with all things you start hearing from god seeing god it's experiencing god it's a real thing it happens because your perception changes okay so it's just it's a consciousness listen this is what john 1 says okay in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god so just get that okay right there it sort of eradicates any sort of any sort of academic approach because in the beginning was the word and the word was with god so that means it's not this okay because in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god okay the word okay so guess what if we need to know god we need to know the word and i was like many uh of my predecessors in the pentecostal charismatic stream where we said a word this is the word okay and really if you go into this the letter will kill you because it's been translated so many ways it's been spoken in one language translated another language the biblical scholars today say there's 400 000 in just in the new testament alone 400 000 uh sort of changes okay that means textual variance 400 000 textual variance in a new testament alone just get that okay so we can't be a word pharisee so it's not letters because the bible says letters will kill but in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he was in the beginning with god all things were made through him and without him there was nothing that was made now just understand that that itself is like it's so awesome because it tells you you can close this book and hey experience god that's what he tells you and that's the first thing that should happen to you and you get out of the letter you get out of the doctrine you get out of the theologies you get out of all that rubbish that is holding you down is our sound doctrine is important yes pastors i love sound doctrines but sound doctrines don't bring me to god jesus said that you can search they search the scriptures looking for me but they never come to me jesus said it jesus said it they search the scriptures looking for me but they never come to me close the bible come to him when you can do that when you can come pure to spirit and there is you come not to your thought processes and your your your parameters and your pattern recognition you come into a perceiving of the spirit okay anyway better read it again okay because that's the first thing that you get it you understand that oh so this is secondary the letters are secondary we can read it but it's just secondary what is better is the spirit okay and the word spirit there what is spirit i'm going to show you okay so he was in the beginning the word was god so it's not the letter okay the word word there if you just do a research on it it's lagos and the word lagos is literally revelation of mind okay revelation or the the logos of god the revelation of god it's not uh the written word it's the logos okay it's the unspoken word it's the mind of god and so hey guess what who is the mind of god the son who is the revelation of god the son so who is jesus he is the revelation he's the mind okay so god he cannot be compared he's in finite consciousness and then suddenly to create all things you have to have the mind and sun in the mind the consciousness comes in the consciousness christ is christ means that consciousness christ is the consciousness that imbues matter christ is the consciousness that lives in every single matter christ is the consciousness that animates all matter christ is that consciousness it's not something that is far um out of the out of every single man's uh uh touch or reach you know every it's at it's at hand it's there every single man and the sort of gospel many preachers like hey the kingdom of god is at hand it was never preached like oh it's far away it's it's hidden somewhere it's like hey in other words he's saying hey guys you know the kingdom of god is under your nose breathe men that's what it means it's not far from you man it's there you can apprehend it it's not in in some deep uh scripture and academic review it's right there that's what it says and he is in all things he's created all things what has done it it's the word or the mind or the revelation of god and here it is it's so beautiful because it says here uh in verse 14 and he says the word so the mind of god the revelation of god became flesh okay huh and he dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth isn't that cool okay so that mind because just understand this okay so everyone is in their uh linear thinking hellenistic jewish sort of mindsets okay uh they are pretty uh their their fathers had experienced god in powerful ways they've the red sea had been parted men had come down from heaven okay economies and uh nations have been destroyed they had experienced god as a fire by night as a cloud by day and now you thousands of years have passed and you get these hellenistic sort of that's what they're talking about these people who are uh tasted all those things but now they've just got into religion and they're called pharisees that means they they are measuring everything they're they're they say uh they're straining the net but they're swallowing the camel they're like measuring everything taking time for everything legalistic to the core i mean come on uh it's what you're getting in church today judging everything judging everybody okay that kind of thing and he comes into a mine into a people group like that okay so that's why it's relevant for today and then they suddenly see uh the dead been raised they say water turned into wine they seem walk on water they're seeing everything that they saw their fathers they heard that their fathers are done that's what is happening here and they suddenly realize wow this is what was written in the old testament because they didn't have the new testament they only had old testament and this was written in the old stories about who this god was to us but we've forgotten because we've gone greek on ourselves and we're not seeing it in a parabolic nature anymore we're not seeing things in the mysteries anymore we lost the power of the supernatural of our lives we're just natural men judging according to letters okay and we're just doing laws religiously but not really experiencing who god is god is an experience you can't read him you can't write him you can't you you you can try to and you can try you can't preach him you this is this is nothing you're not getting from the letters i'm saying honestly you're getting from a deeper place of the spirit you every single person has the ability to discern in the spirit it's at hand you can do it you're doing it even now while listening to me there's a there's a there's a struggle that goes on inside is it right is it true is it wrong is it is he a heretic is he you know all his struggle that that's it that that part that is struggling is the part that you need to allow to just explore find yourself there and and so everyone is not you're not listening to letters you're you're you're listening to spirit and every man is telepathic by nature you're more telepathic than you really know you're you're more teleporting than than the letters do you really think that these letters that i'm telling you really are explaining these deep concepts to you do you really believe that that four or five letters i'm not even so good in speaking my english i can't pronounce my language sometimes well i'm i'm dyslexic in my reading you do you really think that i'm making sense to you or is it really happening that no there's no way you're you're a deeper being your your word your deep spirit your mind and you're connecting with my mind and these are just on on a shallow level just coming to you like you know what barbell you know i don't know whatever it is rubbish okay but you're just tapping in to the spirit okay and uh it's not just these letters of english english is so limited i feel so limited with um with english that's why we constantly use our hands i think italian may be more more limited than english but we're constantly communicating but it's something else isn't it it's coming to you it's like a flow okay now and you're connecting with that okay so it's not the letters okay and so uh what needs to be understood is that this thing this this mind started coming and walking on the earth and he broke every box he went to a funeral and said oh he's dead oh no he's not dead he's asleep just understand that that's what he said that's a bit crazy he's completely tripped out or what are you talking about it's the most saddest time of my life someone died my the loved one i love died what are you talking about jesus no he's asleep what do you mean sleep who are you what the heck are you talking about it's out of the grid and then he demonstrated so that's why he said the word the mind of god so cool became flesh and he dwelt amongst we beheld his girl we saw like he said he was asleep but lazarus was really asleep oh no but but he was dead but you know he was asleep you see the supernatural the mystical came over and they realized oh this god that we had heard about and suddenly now is walking and talking among us and that's why we call him emmanuel emmanuel now god is tabernacling with us now guys this doesn't have to mean i mean with all my heart i i give preeminence to jesus christ my lord and savior i love him and i have a relationship with him but it doesn't take away from your divinity it should never take away for your divinity because if that is the case that it takes away from your divinity and leaves you just human and him up on some big throne somewhere then it's absolute blasphemy i need to tell you with the same breadth of telling you that jesus was the divine the word became flesh the glory walking around people that you are not different to him it has to be said the same bread with the same weight with the same weight because jesus prayed a prayer in john 17 he said father make them one just like you and i are one the word wonder has two full meaning it's parabolic it means that giving preeminence as the first bond means you have to become the first born son just like he is and it means one means that you you're all encompassing that when they look at you they'll see the father and when jesus they saw jesus they said jesus said i am the father he said show me the father philip says he said i am the father i have been with you for so long philip don't you see that i am the father i'm i'm sorry please forgive me if you think i'm blaspheming but if you can't say the same words we are in big trouble big trouble that means the gospel is not preached the gospel is not preached we are we are preaching we are preaching god is a separate entity and and that's the sin isn't it the sin the sin from the old testament to the new testament there's one sin and that the scene is separation the sin is separation the worshipping of other gods for god was not the problem of the worshipping of the other gods it was here o israel the lord your god is one why are you worshiping a separate entity when you understand that i am all things that was the greatest thing i'm going to teach on i'm going to a whole series on separation but it's it's it has to be understood and we we are one with the cosmos the whole earth and the creation is the body of christ and god is now uh animating through us and once you understand that and once you realize that you are called to be the body of the christ you are the body of god and so where's the separation there's no separation okay and so jesus is preaching absolute union and so we saw suddenly jesus the the father embodied in humanity and that's why it was blasphemy because he said hey i am the son of god i'm the only begotten one i've come down to demonstrate that god wants to tabernacle with you you are now the temple destroyer you saw this he saw the synagogue what we called at that time we call it the temple the big solomon's building the dead built to worship god and he said tear this thing down i mean you see how how how crazy it sounded clear this all patterned down that's not a system that is an old system a new system is that the father and the son will come and live inside of you you are the temple of the holy spirit that's what jesus said so the word became flesh and dwelt among us we beheld his glory okay and my question to you is are we seeing that glory now are we seeing christ in you that's what it says the bible says now christ in you is the hope of glory christ in you and i i mean it's a prayer that you can pray every day wake up christ in me is the hope of every man's glory there's a christ in every single man whether he's muslim buddhist hindu it doesn't matter there's a christ he might not call it christ because the word christ is just i mean just a 8 000 year old world man they say humanity has been there around for six million years what are you talking about do you think what christ matters do you think the word letter the word the the greek or the the the religious word christ means anything to god the creator of heaven and earth who's who's made the world for millions of years you think it means anything to god the word christ it doesn't mean anything i'm sorry it doesn't it doesn't okay so it doesn't because it's just a crisis just a concept to tell you that that is the special purpose vehicle that was made to hold god and it's a consciousness that you can have and others may be having not knowing do you understand that and crisis in every single man and this christ now is is the one that holds the spirit and this crisis in every single man and now what god is trying to say is this spirit that is inside of you is the same spirit that raised christ from the dead jesus if you could only understand no matter who you are and you're watching me out there i'm the gospel tells you that the christ in you you have a christ inside of you and that christ if you're going through a tough time today if you're just a housewife at home and and you're thinking hey you know what i'm i'm i'm having a i'm a problem at home and my children need to uh get a line and my husband need to get aligned i want to tell you today that there's a christ inside of you that can realign the whole creation response to that spirit that spirit inside of you is god himself and he's called you to now activate that and take authority of your circumstances if you are a person just doing something mundane say you're doing something just monday and then you you know you are doing uh the the everyday task and your your thinking is this all my life is going to come to i'm telling you tap into the divine nature that is inside of you the crisis is inside of you and the gospel tells you that that spirit raised a person a man called jesus up from the dead the spirit that is inside of you isn't that good news and you realize really the spirit that i have inside of me raised jesus 2000 years from dead and many many more people and many more people wow this spirit instead of me and suddenly there is an activation your eyes are open and you realize who the christ sees and jesus comes to give you the good news that the dominion is not far off it's right around you at hand in your home while you're doing your cooking or while you're watching tv or while you're you're you're in the bathroom okay yes it's not blasphemy you think dominion is just at my hand it's the good news man and this is how they spoke it they said the king of god come on guys wake up it's at hand the crisis inside of you is waiting to be acknowledged activated it's a spirit that is inside of you and if it comes forth your life changes and that delight that god wanted to be you become that delight okay and i won't uh i i think we've done well okay um where are we now how many means to be done yeah i think we've done well okay but uh i want to go into matthew 13 and i want you to uh to do read matthew 13 and it explains about how it is christ that's what i wanted to explain this morning but i was too excited uh but um i want to explain how the christ comes the christ comes through the word which is the mind which you receive right now okay and this word comes it's the spirit is the mind just these thoughts coming on to people and once you understand that that's how this thing increases and it becomes 30 uh 60 100 and you start increasing in every single way you start growing spiritually just by receiving what we are doing now this is it this is the way you do it it's not complicated and this will cause you to go and meditate it will cause you to go and contemplate it'll cause you to go and do good works no one is telling you not to do good works you have to do good works but it it's out of a fire that suddenly comes on you that you go out and you do nothing you do those things it's not out of some religious program that has been given to you because you're frightened that god is going to send you to hell okay it's not about that this bible this book is not about that and um yeah we're at biola's church want to just try try our best to present jesus christ and 66 books of crazy mystical experiences that people have had communities had together and try to present it in a way that can be palatable and be uh be understood for those who are real seekers of truth okay so we bless you guys and if you want deeper stuff tuesday i think we've done with who is satan we're going to go into a new series i don't know what it is yet i have kind of i have an idea okay now love you guys and bless you carbs type of energy what do you want the carb to be the sole energy what about ketones ketones is a type of energy but you got to let go of carbs once you fast your carbs you pass your ketones you can get to autophagy now autophagy is when your body depends on the waste and the proteins in the cells convert to energy but you let go of that you tap into your happy hormones they're endocrine energy and that is neuro-epinephrine dopamine serotonin oxytocin and all those awesome energy that you can tap into you let go of every second once you let go and understood about all those sectors of energy and you've tapped into autophagy you can maybe explore the electromagnetic spectrum to understand that subtle energy is what keeps us alive our hearts beating our lungs are pumping our brain is working there are firing on neutrons there's electrical and chemical patterns that are exchanging your body join me in five day program this time they're taking you to a new resurrected energy life you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
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Id: ak_mJ7qRXV8
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Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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