Kirby de Lanerolle | Kairos-Practor | 08th August 2017 | WOWLife Church

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you ready for science attention fan come on Wow put your hands together and welcome Coby up with the world because we've been figure out so many healings I just want to did what happen to her last what happened you got the last absolute to begin with I'm 68 okay whoa I thought that was my site of failing decipher failing state yeah yeah yeah but after my operation I was I told you that I was rocketing glad ya didn't you blessed me yeah hey Mia Cara and I went old man I was teaching in the night I had like with them to have it I had taken my glasses and it was here I didn't realize it was not in my eyebrow any of us machining something that's amazing in fact the real line was on the wrong side right because I was putting the tool because I'd turn it over sure keep it I was just machining on the impression coffee so clearly that's amazing that's amazing that's amazing now you keep your sight forever in Jesus name I mean look isn't that awesome how God heals I mean miracle of a miracle of a miracle you've been hearing we really I thank thank God thank you serene and Richie for the testimony I know it you don't study David quite impromptu but there are people trust me your testimonies are very valuable believe me you won't understand what you're doing with those stories that are glorifying God there are people here right now there's a friend of mine right now who needs that that frequency right now right now there's a friend of mine who needs a frequency right now and I need to hear that I need as a man of God I needed to hear that so that I can pray from that place you know we can pray from different places okay we can pray from you can pray from the natural realm you've got it the pair's don't get answered in a natural realm you can pray from that place from that testimony you understand it you can pray from those things that you heard from her whether I is 68 years old and Sonia eyes are open and she tends t-shirt is an idioglossia can you believe that come on you see we can pray from that place we can pray from the places are in the rena came here and he was painting and hurting and then she got healed we can pray from that place you see so we need those stories we really need your stories now I I want to prophesy and stuff like that but I know a lot of the the time was taken on the testimonies but it's fully worth it because believe me I'm telling it what is why is it worth it because every story carries a prophetic word for anyone who is sick and anyone who want to break through because the revelation of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy so what do you what you threw out from the beginning to end in this place was Jesus been revealed it wasn't done by a man it wasn't done by a prophet it wasn't done by a pastor it was done by the Lord it's the one we call Lord he is the one who is doing it and my god we are having the miracles signs and wonders and we hear so many stories of people you know getting sick and all these things but we rarely hear the good news of how many people really get healed in places like this how many people actually come and get healed from terminal sicknesses to small sicknesses we rarely hear how many people actually get healed you get it but now we are hearing and we're going to start harvesting these testimonies and we're going to show it for them going to blow it out there and give God all the glory because it deserves all the glory we are going into a season of huge healings they're going to a season of huge it's like sicknesses that I have not even been considered to be healed I start going to get healed because these stories will bring that that is assuring in a season for that all the stories is assuring because there are people here with faith how many people here have actually you saw it you just had three four people just talked about these are the same people in this collective who have faith they've seen it we're going to walk by faith not by sight you know we're going to walk by faith not by sight there are people sitting there they've experienced the little girl are we going to be mutated in your music is it missus very very very good raise it waited but no gave what you call centers no get a little girl going to suggest in Josef Newgarden with a Buddhist friends I mean they are telling them never heard of Jesus let's envision anybody this girl comes and prophesize all my life they leave she grabbed my hand and say I am prophet I saw this and that's what she says prophet I saw this what is this what is this what is this and it's I mean to the P how old are you love 18 years old 18 years old yeah killing a physics teacher how much God loves him you understand it oh man come on man read revival this is revival come on give a big hand to Jesus in the house he's awesome he is glorious he is glorious he is glorious so I just want to I just got an awesome good okay and so if you're good they will go into all the fun stuff okay but I want to get the word in more than anything else do you like the setting that and are sitting this is better yeah it is better okay sure okay if somebody like sorry no way to sound like you know is that the sound okay Sunday's okay okay sure so thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you are awesome you're awesome in this place Robert Carrabba Shahdara Barbra Barbra Jean de ribera I thank you for the grace that is upon us the grace is bonus coach's eye in the house coaches okay just be alert mmm all right okay okay there you go my coaches there okay they understand what I'm talking about yeah yeah when there's a dilution you know bien revival as you can see that many new faces if I ask you how many people are new here there's many many new people coming in we're getting packed up but don't lose your culture don't get diluted okay you are the new thing the god is brought onto the earth you are the new technology we don't need affirmation we don't need affirmation from anyone you are the new thing trust me okay the width the Jesus's delight is if you don't be believe in the work that we do okay you hear you heard if you're new into the house you've heard the testimonies other testimonies this is not new this is every week you will see the same the property quads with names and places and all these things that you will might see today as well and miracles and miracles and miracles God has caught hold of a group of people in Sri Lanka my god who ever imagined okay in Sri Lanka you know these color people okay these people he's caught all of them and he's doing some extremely special and peculiar and strange and we love it and we just love it we just love the culture that he is pouring out in this place we just love it come on okay we're going to efficient there in the psych ascension live in the psych attention because Jesus Christ came to save our spirit okay soul and body and this is what people in the charismatic revivals they started realizing that it not only just came to save the spirit we can even save the spirit then everyone and say yes to Jesus they're saved and then bye-bye your time to go to heaven okay and so the charismatic revivals used to focus on the Pentecostals most of them salvation salvation patient salvation you know let's preach the word get them saved let then they are all packed up ready to go to heaven but how do you know and you and I both know that you don't get to heaven unless something bad happens they know okay I got saved let's go to heaven how did that happen some they call it cancer the heart disease you know diabetes that those are the ways to have another moment I'll tell you the ways to heaven is now the predominant main ways that these three ways okay but we got a better way Jesus said I am the way okay so that means that there is a way to heaven without those three friends or enemies actual enemy you got it okay so understanding that let's look at efficient and let's see what really God came to he came to save your spirit but then they realize oh the Bible looks like he's saving your soul which is the mind the spirit is is a part of you in your inward parts but in there is a soul which is your mind God is saving your mind but why is he saving your mind because your conscious and subconscious mind rule over your biology or the rest of the earth so if we can be saved your spirit but then it says the Bible says in Romans that your spirit is quickening your mortal body that means the Spirit is there to quicken the mortal means dying if in case in case you need to look at in the dictionary probably model means the dying body that means the spirit come to save quicken the mortal body that's what Romans 8 says that means they're like oh the spreadsheet ahead or like I thought we're supposed to preach Jesus preach Jesus as Christians to take people to heaven but then the Spirit is come to save the mortal body that means okay our our doctrine needs to change a bit now so in the Kalispel agree whether they realized okay spirit okay them came to save the soul why because the soul governs the mortal body okay right so so we have a spirit soul body okay so let's just let's focus a bit on the street is it okay can we go there okay let's go in here so it says in Ephesians 1 verse 43 in him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth at the gospel of your salvation is there in whom also having believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit promise is there okay but 14 who is the guarantee so you were given the street because a guarantee to guarantee he is a guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his glory so the Spirit was given as a guarantee a guarantee of the purchase position so the spirit was given for guarantee or purchase possession what is the purchase position the body okay so the speed was given to you it's like you know a bank guarantee like don't worry you take the spirit and you want to get the spirit and he's going to quicken the mortal body that's what it's a guaranteed Esprit this guy how many great got a suite here so when you became born-again and that's why you mustn't forgive a born-again ease when you became born-again you were raised up and now you are like like peanut said on Sunday he said you he said Jesus is talking Nicodemus and he's saying Nicodemus you know I I'm you know no one is going to heaven except for the son of man who's calm down when a man who now he's in heaven but he's on he's on the earth in the Chronos realm the time realm he's on the earth so he can see with the eyes you're looking at Jesus with the eyes but he said I'm not here I'm in heaven and they there he explained what what it means to be by located or actually try located try located because spirit in heaven soul in the middle of heaven and out traversing up and down ok and body on the earth the body is the government of the earth believe me I'm telling you the bodies the government of the earth ok as long as there's somebody in that hospital room in that place you don't even help in hospital can be here and my mind can be the hospice room in Australia you understand it because my doesn't matter because now my mind is there but my body's have a body's on the earth I've so medically locked my sit down onto the earth and therefore I am the government now from now and my spirit is in a location where there is no time and there is no space you understand in the realm of spirit and David hood of you is always say in the realm of spirit there's no time and there's no distance there's no it's eternal eternal that means there's no time it's eternal it's in the present moment ok your spirit is there already but your body is in Chronos ok that means it's perishing it is it has to it under the elements of the world it's reducing in time time is running out with this one but this one is quickening bringing Kairos into Chronos ok ok it's a intelligent Church intelligent Church intelligent Church okay yeah because we don't just want to do not inspiration message not inspirational message won't get us anywhere okay another inspirational message won't save people's lives an inspirational message won't work we need to understand the mechanics of glory in the last day the Bible says that the glory no he doesn't say the glory it is the knowledge of the glory to fill the earth I mean the knowledge the mechanics of how this thing works people will come and be preaching the mechanics of the glory of God okay and that's what we like to do now all right now understanding that I'm telling you this this word will change your life I promise you if you get this one it will change your life it will change your life I mean I'm not just saying it it will change your life when you leave this place today there's gonna be such a huge revelation everything your life can change one message one bit of God can change your life forever do you know that okay so today's a day for you today is a day for you and not just preach it not a message I'm saying every message we get it's like downloads okay from that place okay now watch it I already read they'll rate the world a bit yeah with me okay so it says that we've been saved for that now watch this I want you to see this in Ephesians 2 it's here I was three say this okay if isn't too choppy steps chapter two from the beginning that's really forbidden can be read a bit yeah is it okay okay any and he and you he made alive who were dead in your sins this is there you were dead in your sins is it there in which you once walked according the coast of the world according to the Prince of the power of the air is there the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience today it says that you were once dead in sin very important who's that even dead you're walking around but he said oh you're dead in sin according to the sons of disobedience that means your spirit was submitted to your soul so because your soul is contaminated full of sin so there was a time that your spirit was dead instant there okay that it means you before you were born again and that is why I'm going to talk about the soul realm and could we jump from here to here but before I talk about here because a lot of the New Age world talked about some called subconscious mind and New Age will consider this unconscious mind and many Christians considered subconscious mind spiritual the subconscious mind is not spiritual it's natural okay with the conscious mind okay the spirit is over here creatures yeah give me two chests yeah give it to each other let's do it yeah what explains properties you okay so so spirit soul okay right here right here sprit okay excellent okay brilliant okay lately vida okay so it's so spirit okay the whole lot of the world thinks that the subconscious mind is where all the power is and it is true that the subconscious mind has a lot of power okay it is true that the subconscious mind in fact the subconscious mind govern 3735 50 trillion cells that is the subconscious mind right here okay that means let me explain how powerful this guy is talk about it haven't gone here this is a main guy this guy was made to talk to God that is why in the subconscious mind that in finite potential when you say infinite potential people think infinite potential means he's capable of anything no it doesn't mean that it means that in fine and in finite probability that's very important and that means that in finite probabilities in the subconscious mind 37 trillion cells six trillion cells he governs right believe me if you count from one now if you go on to count and try to count one trillion okay he handles 37 trillion cells this guy you already have him it's not like you get him you're already doing it your absolute genius absolute you're already doing in 37 tier is that if you know just to for you to understand the figure if you start counting a trillion now you know how long will take on two trillion like one two three four like once we don't forget 37 one trillion to see how powerful that guy's you know how long it take just because just go in the comment if you tell me something call me some throw me something throw me something oh yeah huh Chilean singer 393 okay if they get 200,000 hundred ninety thousand years one hundred ninety thousand years two hundred thousand years he believe us to do one trillion ok negated 37 trillion he's governing this show okay now okay now so you can see that he was created for something greater than you and I are conscious of he was created to converse in this guy but this guy this guy's spirit that's like nothing he is everything good here is infinite potential this is the tree of the knowledge they knowledgeable knowledge from the word Sunni dates this means consciousness and so when shipping on consciousness in individuals or we're conscious we're conscious yeah that means you're in knowledge but it says it's the tree of knowledge of good and evil that means in him is in finite potential of good and bad as much as it's 37 trillion cells people are dying at different maturity levels of the cycle in Matthew 13 he says they're a cycle cycle cycle cycle the crop cycle different maturity levels like banknotes you put you know you put a bank if you I don't know if you know a bit of finance your ancestor north and you have maturity levels on a note this thing the cycles are maturing at different rates that you're functioning perfectly one time but at forty your eyes start giving in so he's great but he still is programmed and it's fallen so there's good and bad so the knowledge is good and that the subconscious mind has brute and bad program and believe me you can suddenly get into a bad program and as you can see many people get it a bad program okay hmm okay that is why you need this guy okay all right sure and then of course this guy will follow guys is very simple a most expensive the whole Christian paradigm the whole Christian paradigm is I have a spirit okay I am a spirit okay I have a soul I live in body it's the old Christian paradigm okay weird valve do differently I am a spirit I am a soul I am a body I am oh okay because you can I can say I am a spirit I have a body because I also am a body I am a soul as well at the same time now what is important to understand is a spirit talks to God hmm that means days God's Spirit Holy Spirit your speed given by God to communicate with him he talks to your mind okay but if you're not born again you just got a spirit the account of God and every man has one but he is a portion of God so he is not talking to this guy in fact this guy with his five senses is talking to this guy okay and this guy is not even this size chair he's like small he's not being regenerated you understand it that's why you need to be born again a time we're going to get there and when you're born again boom sonic is the throne boom okay and now she's talking to God and now all those unwanted cycles and programs like death and menopause and you know whatever you want to call it okay a nine-month pregnancies I have a friend in Africa actually I spoken to on the phone but I know him very well who his church people just just have three four months pregnancies why because something the subconscious mind and the boy is baby is fully grown they're not premature please answer yeah because the cycle broke because it's under the curse that is nine months okay so so I'm trying to explain to you that if this guy get involved which shall change in a program because in him is everything good this is not infinite potential here it is in finite goodness that means it is the absolute glory of God right here pull and he needs to now fill this and take the darkness out of this and make these bad cycles into all light okay and then if that happens the biology and the earth changes that is amended heaven what Jesus Prayer father let your kingdom come upon the earth our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name let your kingdom come on the earth as it is in heaven to be looking up for heaven no heaven it's you know hot because mind hot and so God speaks to your heart which is the sweet okay yeah so actually let your kingdom don't look up but even I come down look down I a griot vision come on that's why Jesus says it become a fountain in Shh so let's get a head rush and then you're safe yeah this is the deepest part of you there okay the right okay so understanding that can we read yeah so we won't qualify it in the word right okay so it says so it's a there is a spirit or the power of the air that the sons of disobedience that's why I like my phone miracles I'm back to charging don't worry about it you might not like it I like it because it speaks to me about something it's the Spree to the power of the air okay that means the in this realm is the second heaven realm frequencies vibrations all those they entered all those things have to do with this realm it's not it's not it's not spiritual to a vibrations and frequencies and all that it is soul realm okay the speed of the power of the air okay but he is taking authority of that okay so you can see that's what it says here and then it goes on can you read okay so but God who is rich in mercy and all these things okay he he came down and what do you do was sick and he raised us up together is it there it was six chapter two verse 6 and he raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus okay so he took us saved us from the somatic on the first seven realm from the second heaven realm and he put us far beyond every principality every power every throw in every Dominion and you're boom like yeah okay now that's speaking and we pray we don't pray from there you pray from there in big trouble you need to pray from here and I explained the character of you the character here is very very important you'll see okay I finished it to be like oh my god your hope I'll have to change believe me okay because you'll understand the cracks of here the traffic is very important okay the character here is called faith faith I always wonder you know in the Bible one of my first Psalms was I think everyone for some it's something 3 the Lord is my shepherd and I went to sit on this prep so the Lord is my shepherd is like like normal the Lord is my shepherd I shall not what what the heck does that mean I never could understand I said I want I can never could I get never could till today you know since today I was preparing and the Lord said ok during the 42 years now let me explain every explain I shall not want okay and any touch thing to me or I shall not want okay because it says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he leads me beside still waters he leads me to green pastures and he restores my mind soul soul soul it restos this guy okay and he said you shall not want and he explained want to me in a way like oh Jesus also okay and you end of this you'll understand why want is a big problem want is the biggest problem it's that guy's problem and that guy's problem okay and you understand that those who are of faith can easily pray the prayer the one I shall not want prayer okay I'll explain to you okay now so understanding this so he says he raises up together and tell us in heavenly places in Christ Jesus yeah that I love this one verse 7 that in the ages Oh My Jesus and the ages to come he might show he's oh come on I'm to get here okay what is he going to show why did he tell us why did he said I debated here raised here that in the ages to come that he might show I mean you can get drunk on it yeah the ages come to he might show why did he lay raise you up God raised you up curious all realm to do one thing with you to show it's exceeding great kindness kindness Diderot oh hi he raises up to show us exceeding great kindness kindness slam hey Peter Dixon great kindness that's why he raises up to show us I mean can you believe that he devoted sabotages he sabotages why huh because he says the world is perishing but he says I raised you up so that my one ambition with you I want agenda here the agenda with you it's full of agendas with you okay and this is the agenda that he's going to show you he's exceedingly great Oh huh well come on Jesus come on man that he may show you he's exceeding great kindness anybody let what he says it showed exceeding grace he says he might show the exceeding riches of His grace in his kindness towards us in Christ Jesus right there hmm how about great sheep in Salem is a gift of God not of works and all the holding and you are his workmanship and the whole thing and the whole lobster inefficient but I want to set you up to what I'm trying to bring to you are you ready 1 Corinthians 2 God so loved the world that He gave His only begun why look at the world with that was dying the world was already condemned the world was already in its knowledge of good and evil in unconscious cycles you understand us okay and then God sent his son so he raised up and place us in heavenly places in Christ Jesus spirit is it there hmm now watch it's okay migrating Galatians 2 how do we thank you a very courageous yeah recollection sorry my mistake 1 Corinthians 2 okay you can just preach many very good for you let's go back to Exodus a big piece of there man I mean the whole thing is preach this Bible is phenomenal it's just you need to fall in love with it if you believe in Jesus he is the word just fall in love it is word read it every day surah Baqarah bara bara bara bara bara Cassandra Varro serovar a politician thank you Jesus thank you Jesus 1 Corinthians 2 okay here we go he says he again I'm going to show you this again so no eye has seen no you're 1/3 now I entered in the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who he loved in that awesome that means you're not seen you're not conceived in your mind ok the things that he has already prepared again he's qualifying on the same for those he loved hmm but God is reveal them I was in carefully to us how through her arm - it's all subconscious mind no no no he's revealed it to us to hit ok here here okay so he's revealed us reveal it to us through his spirit hmm interesting huh okay why for the Spirit is searching okay why you need to be born again the spirit is searching all things yes the deep things of God okay your spirit is searching well even you a Buddhist or a Muslim or a Hindu or whatever but you've got here because you have a spirit that was given by God and the Spirit is searching your spirit given by God is searching for all things the deep things of God okay so every man has a spirit but it doesn't mean it's connected with the Holy Spirit the two here the two come together okay and then now if you got the Spirit of God you know one spirit with him that's born again but the spirit of man can be searching but this peak can be small under the law but he's searching come on you know the mind is dictating all these things I know these guys go to crash one day but I can search for something you understand it so the spirit research of all things even the deep things of God is there okay now what is okay even so no one knows okay what's given for what man know the things of a man except the spirit of a man is there which is in him okay today the spirit of man but it's a spit given by God which is the speed oh man say intelligent Church you need to figure it out don't think it's too hard because if you think it's too hard then you will are known on the semi mechanics how it works you have to understand how it works so the spirit of man that was given by God who's searching for God this guy can't if you'll give it to these guys that I do it on them it's just knowledge let I do it on their own this guy is the one that gets you to come he's searching and born-again now you're connected you're paired to him okay now watch it's okay even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God so the spirit of man knows the things of man okay the Spirit of God knows the things of God okay now what's the pairing that is happening here this is why we need to be born again okay now we have very very well now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God that we might know the things that have been remembered inheritance because this guy has a knowledge of in finite goodness not infinite potential not good or bad not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil not the old cycles and the new cycles and all the different different cycles in the subconscious mind this guy okay noting finite goodness in fact Paul says let the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you will know what is the hope of your calling that you will know what is the length the breadth the depth the height of the love of God this guy knows the love of God he is seen the depths the length the height of what God has planned for you this guy is a program so in a new age well is like oh are you tapping a subconscious - it's a program you need the programmer okay he needs to come and change those programs like old age like eating five meals a day or three meals a day you know okay whatever you residue okay all that that program changes the amount of nutrition you need now what happens when you get sick when you get a sleeper laughter that what happens applies this program needs to change and you can't change on its own the spirit of man can kill him certain things and get him somewhere the spirit of man but when the spirit is paired with God then it starts changing and light comes into the darkened program and things are changing here that is what you need okay and that's what it says here look at this so that we will know what has been freely given to us it is freely given to us through the cross we're setting these things were also these things we also speak not in words which man's wisdom man's with them hmm we're not speaking with man's wisdom this is not some esoteric teachings that were Gnostic or is not a story some some Eastern teaching okay this is not ferment wisdom teachers but which the Holy Spirit this guy teachers Wow how is it comparing spiritual things with spiritual not with that guy spiritual sweet Oh God little man ah spiritual is bridge ha you agree not so not this wisdom so important on the same psyche attention this need this needs to get that you can't just end up here and think everything is good okay now that's what we need to be born again that's why we need the speed but 40 a lot of people you can go to a lot of New Age shows and it all subconscious mind is in da da da da da da da but man and there you were say it like this it's always a subconscious mind at the first thought and if I started because you know I something and the first comes because you're subconsciously program they tell you that but then they tell you this as well after the first thought comes and you respond and react as fast like that later on there's another thought that come to see and say explain that to me please it's not a thought to come where did that all come from it just says that's the way the brain works because now another scums okay and they're like that that's not death dots has come from this guy saying the first thought with your eyes and your ears what you heard you went for it but there's something else this guy is speaking there and that is why don't jump I just don't move enroll any patients at the first one just wait for the second one okay we want to you understand it and even if you don't know God the spirit still will start hey have you got this impression hey I think I know you think that's right but have you had a look at this this guy's is trying but it's got a sharp I'm ruling me and body me and my five senses are ruling the world at the moment of time you shut up not a still small voice is like he's like a minut feeling okay but when you pair with God that becomes a strong impression the second thought like now I know and did what the doctor said but you know I have a very strong impression about it I noticed with my bank said by I just got something something is inside of me and it's like in this area it's like like this is what's 2005 words per minute but this thing is like okay and because you're paired with God and now suddenly comes to second thought mmm but now was happening there two thoughts okay one that the speed has spoken the subconscious mind one that the subconscious mind played because he's in oil record the old record all cycle Oh cycle or cycle so he responds in a certain way always a great sponsor that for all his life is responded like that your father is one let your grandpa responded eyes is passed on in the field huh in the field okay however this guy talks us up of the mind again we had subconscious magnet made for him he said hey get that impression on man get that feeling get emotional kitted you know I know this guy's going screwy he's scared he's worried he said he's not going to work out only things are coming in mind and then some is that the feeling of like they're just feeling of peace that it's just trying to come you know and it's like ridiculous like like I I'm not supposed to know things yeah see things I have not suppose have peace now I'm not eligible be joking now every all halibut are not supposed to laugh now you come to church you come all together laughing Hawaii is so happy anyone saying a joke why they are all happy no they're just laughing why are you laughing because there's a peace that comes that surpasses human understanding that's the one you would go in if you're just getting the giggles so go for a giggle don't worry I know you're used to laughing at comedy shows that's the problem because you need to be tickled in your own soul and then you play all program ha ha ha ha ha ha that's funny and it's not really funny either you just want to laugh you got a bad day okay so you watch community it's not funny it's not funny it's just like bursting you but you could have laughed without the Comedy Central you liked how you saw Han I just get really drunk oh whoa I can't get drunk because there's something coming from that guy and now it's changing a program and now you know yo yo yo your neural pathways are we being reinforced and reinforced and a conscious mind is trying to play the old record but now the conscious mind ready Mystics cover up you play this record and then he just played your training baby and then connie's it could be how you happy I said man I was depressed I was intense you don't understand this guy was never happy but I went with this feeling and then I allow you to play and play and play and play and now those days I take ecstasy you know and then pop pills and ecstasy and then I could I get very heavy and because why didn't you report ways to x20 the hit serotonin boom see what I mean fast you know the pathway to go the pill makes the pathway to go but now holy speed makes poppy to go yeah yeah so the same like I don't need a pill I like a cheese screw god yeah so gone that maybe I can't even preach yeah then what will happen to you yeah so if I'm if I'm beside myself it's for God but if I'm with you it's for you you gotta understand okay so now so that's what we need that's what we need to happen we need to Spirit to search these things and bring it forth now watch it revi very very very very viewing very fast okay now now we have received not the spirit of the world but speed that it is from God that we might know the things that have been freely given to us these things we also speak not in words which man's wisdom teachers is there nobody doctors that told us no I mean doctors we love doctors I'll give your friend to doctors we go with what doctors say 100% you go before doctors say and they hear they are a part of God's plan for healing that's why they given the brain okay to do it okay but my god sometimes they always give you the good and bad so say well it's a surgery is I mean it can work but it also so through the knowledge of good and evil which cycle will you choose unless someone speaks to you and says go with our one neuron I don't care how it just go ahead I remember property over to Sunday and they were wrestling you know of this boys wrestling you know you know you know shopping mall and suddenly one boy Britta that boy one guy fell and his head bleeding to little kids ages well and and and profit was like in the mall and within two three minutes it's and I'd like it boom and they're like what I do and you start praying God God God we know it's gone I know what you're good to me are good to me tonight all talking I said I can't do anything without peace so playing from here the paint something I juices he said no no no no you don't understand I'm here I finished the work two thousand years ago Jesus Christ came he's finished that's what it is fini say finished faith is in the eternal that means fate has a character and a character is in the realm of heaven that means in the understanding of faith it is finished but if you are praying from this place and you pray for a business will be pray for different different things but you have to hate tune channel switch boom oh wow oh right here yeah that's it that's it that the response that response we are here like oh oh I feel like homeless my child is dead but God I just feel such a peace that surpasses human understanding yeah okay I need to happen okay right you need to happen and then suddenly like you know I know I know I walk by faith not by sight and he prayed from peace and then the boy picked up he took the blow that ran through the doctor decided off his daughter he ran victim a husband in front she he came up he came alive he picked a big lip they always preferred to check the key God pick the child up went Beatrice went to the doctor the doctor said what happened he said oh my god it's very serious the doctor said the injection that I can I can give but it's very dangerous because I mean he's gone but I think give this injection that will numb him out be kind to do an operation immediately on him but in this state to give that injection he'll die is a doctor you give the check and man this man died I just brought him back to life you see it's so past the ocular like you're crazy man but you know you're trying my die but actually did he just died my God brought him back to life you give the injection boom Terry Peterson is preaching why am I telling you this because whenever we do anything okay we need to come from there we need to come from there we need to understand the finished work the finished work looks like something it feels like something okay and yeah I'm gonna get there now are you with me okay now watch it so it is how I believe is now we have received I wish I can talk you in times you can get it nowaday we can do very fast I gotta clear it over now now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God we might know the things about every devil Eva did all these things we also speak not in the words which man's wisdom hold on along with some teachers okay but by the Holy Spirit teachers know about the doctors say not what the sign to say I should be dead because they said was the answer was beating 3 meals a day to define calorie today I mean I'm not had a meal for three days last made me of a three foot is and I by first time should be dead icon Idaho raise all your knees you come from poop hold it ok needy you get it it break yeah let's let's play with this guy the subconscious program has been changed so we're living it a subconscious program has been shared we don't eat like we love our food I love all the mine stuff you know all myself but we don't have to do it like that is it Eddie insanity what was the insanity program I did inside it max out everyone who's on insanity max max are you one person is done in sediment is insanity max out max out insanity max out it's like serious stuff after dry pass for a day not ringing about a fun day it's not possible this will tell you because somehow God taught us that we need to get spirit into the subconscious program because subconscious program is great but it's also not so great and our job is to allow the spirit committee surveillance change the program now understand of the foot thing just because that's where we have a toy game but I'm waiting for us to have authority or cancer the way we need to have authority over cancer heart disease we have people that have heart disease we need to have the same thing the same model can be used parkinson's depression hmm all these things financial problems there is no point of doing anything within it with your mind because it's suta doctors are changing you eat coconut drink oh crap what is it coconut oil is good for you recover I did bad for you how people very bad for you now coffee is the best thing for you thank God okay I'm telling you just a shoe great that for you and positive Fe I'm telling you they will turn around and say you need some Cubs in you everyone on keto they don't this thing keeps changing good and back you you need this guy to bring truth okay now I'm trying to get through this message okay these things that we also speak not in words which man's wisdom teaches but the holy spirit teachers comparing spiritual things with spiritual but a natural man say natural man does not receive a single spirit hmm okay for they are foolishness there you go why don't I understand you because the foolishness to him nor can he know them because they are not spiritually discerned is it there but he who is spiritual judges all things but he's not judge himself for he now this is important for who has known the mind of the Lord that you may instruct him who will know God's mind right that you can instruct God God is looking for some advisors that's what he's saying I think I saw fortify he said the thing same thing he says him no you guys talk big topic but he says you know he says who is going to give me some advice I made you in my image can you tell me about Sri Lanka what kind of revival will tell God about Sri Lanka and what I believe that God needs to do in Sri Lanka this judge said come on can someone instruct me who knows my mind who has the mind of Christ to tell me what is needed now you know it they come on good friends yeah you get it okay now understanding that understand that that's just grow into Galatians probably thank you for your word we thank you for your word Galatians yeah Galatians Galatians Galatians five okay okay let's go into it okay now I'm going to show you something okay spirit conscious mind subconscious mind biology all those things okay you need to be born again otherwise your spirit is submitted to your mind okay and your subconscious mind is a phenomenal engine and instrument that was supposed to be used by the Spirit of God without the Spirit of God he had got good and bad and that is why you're playing the OL record that has been passed down through generations okay can you change the old record doing different different things sure you can but you can never receive that in finite goodness that God sent for you in this season just by handling this part you need him to come in okay now here can we shift again oh okay they're going into that I channel one thing can we do that yeah I'm shifting a gear right okay now what is important on the same in Galatians 5 is the going to Galatians 5 and they're going to understand a few things that God says that these people cannot receive the kingdom of God he talks about people who are ambitious he talks about people who are adulterous people who are doing certain things they cannot receive the kingdom of God what Kingdom there is Dominion it doesn't mean heaven it means they cannot receive the Dominion of King okay but he says the people of the Spirit who got the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace patience goodness these people can have the Dominion that is necessary to rule okay you with me okay the interesting thing about this guy Asians are just and Galatians 5 you go there Ellucian 5 sorry thank you for your donation sighs okay okay are you guys okay yeah Galatians five okay now what is important if you understand Galatians five is this to get it it is the one to have love joy peace patience goodness kindness can get it okay love joy peace patience goodness kindness all that are not doing very funny yet they are literally you can even call it emotions but I just attitude hmm the risk that God is talking that cannot inherit is all to do with Minds it's very very important to understand okay so God is trying to give you the Dominion of a king but he needs you to have these attitudes emotions love joy peace patience goodness kindness in Matthew 6 it says it beautifully he says the Lord the father is looking at the Gentiles and what they're seeking after I've done this in Matthew 6 and he says every time i gentile is looking at a new Mercedes the father is saying you need it it's Almighty success you've heard it before okay every time a Gentile looks at a nice house with a dream pool Mattituck says you have any first note that you need them don't be like the Gentiles seeking off those things because your heavenly Father knows you need them so don't seek them because you need them okay now that's what Matty 6 is I'm not even going to make you sick video done it before okay now here hear me out okay that means you're healing if you don't like nice pools and nice cars you might need one day I said no one dies of a cold you might need to tap into this one day okay so you must understand so one day you might need is need to be here okay so but your heavenly Father sees if they are spending millions on their medication and all these things okay and only 10 doctors can help them you have any far to know that you need it because the Gentiles can do it I can just call the doctor get operated in a second okay you have any part I know that you need it okay so but the beginning of the scripture says this and this is a beautiful thing he says do not worry this guy what is or what you gonna eat drink oh well in fact he says do not take a thought King James do not take a thought thought of what do not take a thought of worry of what you need drink aware why because they were you out sourced your worry they do not take a talk over you eat drink aware because your father knows that you need these things do not take a top that's what this thing is hmm that means ladies and gentlemen if you want to manifest things and here's what it is very important James one says it like this it says count your joy even if all in trials and testings because a testing of your faith produces patience and patience has a perfect work now patience is that things do not take a thought patience is not waiting for something thinking about something phases things while I'm not got it I don't got my new closet but I'm very patient you don't go to a new car but your think about it every single day so you know it's not just a patient you're not just resourceful that's all because you're thinking about is so much the way you are thinking about you should have it by now but I will see your uses you thought you were genius anything in how do you make a million dollars or to make a million dollar you and if your last study is everything I'll make a minute good okay so you obviously not resourceful you're not patient don't have me I'm just waiting patiently for my missing don't tell me that because you're thinking about it you're you're thinking thinking thinking thinking but Tata to tell okay now that's why says do not take a thought of what you're going to eat drink aware it's given you the way to do it say there's no time there's no distance in the glory that is why when you're praying you need to pray believe that you mark 11:23 says when you speak to the mountain tell you to leave you to believe that you've already received it in this guy this guy for him it is finished the devil somatic lockdown over 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ died for you it is finished finished finished the means this is an eternal moment say eternal moment this is the eternal moment okay some people still live in the present yep living the present you can be whatever your present is bad the new is worth living a law of attraction they were a lot of dragon come on Christian Christian sighs the law of attraction design competition I read the book secret no no Jimmy no that's that's from the devil no it's all real but as a big glitch in the system the law of attraction of working and it should work okay law of attraction it basically works what do you focus on you get what do you focus on so they're boys their framing affirming every day that thinking every day okay and they're thinking every day how do you think let's see in their pool okay I'm gonna have a pool one day they seen their job all it's all is all is all this stuff okay but the problem is they are not being raised up you see so the law of attraction you get what you focus on which is what you what your mind focuses on you get the still of the simple basis of Law of Attraction read a book the lots of it on line but the problem is this and that's why a lot of Christians are understand as well we go for a property of constantly for one thing and praying for my church building cream for my church willing to bring for me and we just a lot it'll be even have a church meeting every day that's starting prayer for when you're ten years church building not in no church building because why because the biggest problem is they have not understood eternity the eternal moment is infinite goodness the eternal moment it is you see as long as we are praying for something here okay as long as we are focusing on our business okay praying the prayers of our business crane the prayers for our healing okay declaring this all the time will not help one bit in fact the mind works like this you get what you focus on so when you're focusing on lack and focusing on lack and focus on because I don't have a file I need to pay for I need to pay for and one believer farm would believe for if I'm gonna believe cause I did it attracts more luck because you are in eternity in this one that is why Jesus came and it put a somatic love deny identities finish them now now onward it is finished heaven came on earth you are healed it not by us your type you it changes ability but I said you were ill it throws everything back to eternity so when if you really believe you're seated here then you are not waiting for something to happen at all because when you're praying it is absolutely it is done it is finished and your prayer is coming that I said I want a story it is finished it is finished it is silly these stories tell you that healing has happened now I stand in that area and I pray yeah it's outside Chronos it's the eternal moment if you can practice living here that's what faith is that's why at the Mathew success do not worry about tomorrow that means tomorrow tomorrow it's something to happen okay do not take a thought if you can stay in love joy peace patience goodness kindness I mean we look in Galatians I'll show you here are you with me okay we're just about to close but you need to get this okay here we are okay Galatians 5 look at this here it is verse 16 I say walk in the spirit Israel they walk in the spirit that you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh but the flesh lusts against the spirit you see the two and the spirit against the flesh and to a contrary to one another the flesh word means sucks sucks means Flex we just means the pattern of human cycles that's what flesh means sucks they have the pattern of humanity okay sucks okay but let each one vary now the works of the flesh are evident okay what about the flesh adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness all this you see that ambition dissensions heresies all those things are the works of the flesh those are all now doings and thinking but verse 22 but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness are these can you think plug 3 think joy the things you can think but those are actually you know what those things are is the daughter to the street and says again such there is no laws there's no laws you know law of gravity that although finance they know law financial system clothing down they know law of the stock market crash they're against such there is no law against love joy peace patience goodness penance these these things are actually the absence of this to be in the spirit you need to have the absence of that you got it so how do you walk in the spirit oh I'm just gonna walk in the street because I'm going to have what is already coming inside of me then worry is coming you know sickness is coming you know financial probably coming I'm just going to allow that maybe the second thought just to comprise did something come into something I'm you know I'm not supposed last no but IIIi think I'm going to laugh yeah I think I'm gonna love it looked really bad and I've been thinking about it and singing about anything about it you know what I'm just going to allow peace to come in that stuff as says human understanding and I'm just going to have love joy peace for you want you know something to think about if I say think of love you think of a person you can think of love sleep joy you can think of happiness happiness if you're not happening you can think of joy joy comes from inside view it's the absence of thoughts and so if you are in those things in your biggest problem what God says is take no thoughts because by what you think about you get so why are we walking in all the stuff that we're walking in is because we're walking in we are getting exactly what we are focusing on okay but if you just say hey you know what I'm just going to love this free to talk to my subconscious mind and I'm going to just have just love joy peace and I'm going to just allow I'm going to take know taught this is not meditation it's different you understand I'm going to allow the spirit to come in to my mind I would have them minor price I'm going to live in eternity in a realm that everything has just happened is that eternal moment I'm going to live in live there and then when I come into my problems if it's storm is here the sickness is here I'm coming not from there in fact I'm coming from a place that when I engage these thoughts and these cycles and these biological issues and engaging those pleadings form like I'm like like data microcosm or later atmosphere data data there's something inside of me that is just eternal and I'm just going to allow this eternity to super wade into a bit of Chronos but you're carrying it you're going to pay for someone if I take to sign up right now if I think we are painting your body just and eventually if you are painting your body the setup just it's a eternal moment is eternity right now I don't need to say that Peter shadow through the ticke hmm how did it happen because he's having an eternal either he's carrying eternity by the eternities in your heart now Cronus is there but I should be able just allow it Tony to go into my work into their bodies into every area right now it's timeless the timeless moment just rub tangles off on every situation of your life just allow eternity because it is speeded not there's no time there's no distance they love joy peace patience you're not worried one bit you're not thinking about those things but if I go there just blame my hand goes over 303 over God get this now in Jesus name like the Christ we have a lot of shouting and a little pain go okay the water won't register okay it's written right now it's over it's finished it's not even it's not it was there but it's not there anymore because in my space that I carry which is heaven we fit it's not it doesn't exist poverty can exist cygnus can get exist come on let your hands up everything it right now right now go you see I'm came from that place bring that same place to your work the more you know body didn't work hmm okay hands and down and down okay wait the pain check the pain ready now check now oh it's me now mooo Gator on hook oh oh good good perfect yeah awesome okay but how about the credit check check check credit check check check check check how much better 24 the method that I'm good enough okay yeah check a 80% better check again check chip stick stick stick password check gypsy all check I'll check culture culture closet madam just check and back how is it move it move it around move it around how would that appear disappeared how is it how is how is it how is it good how is it plz speed penalty to it how is it how we double check check poet he person gone okay but there was no touching or praying it's just just a person leaving he living in the realm of the spirit so one person anyway what happened you you all just do it what about you always go hey I'm sitting in heavenly places in heaven there is no dead there's no death there's no sickness there's no disease what about me take a moment to be that that's why I say the 15 increments when I said do the 15 increments is because those moments that you're doing the 15 increments you're going to the best place you know the places that you want you know in those places do the 15 increments that place is a moment of eternity you won in that place now from that place you need to pray hmm sit down sit down I'm just going to show you I'm just trying to explain to you how this thing works but what happens if we can just live here live here and so that is step band can have your guys patience is not a process of waiting counted joy when you fall into various trials and testings for the testing of your faith produces patience patience is not a process patience is just an attitude of I don't think about it patience is not thinking about it thinking about anything about it because if thinking about it and something should happen patience is you know what God has done it I walk by faith see it means you know what it's finished it is finished and maybe later on the certain things look like something but you like it over here I'm going to say no one rocked me from this place my mind shall be engaged from this place my prayers shall come from this place you want to send it actually the more you focus on them what you're tracking is what you're focusing on believe me because you have such a financial problem you do an audit and find out how many times I think about your finances and then you understand why you're getting everything refused the orders are failing everything is failing why is it happening because you're thinking about it so much huh people who are not so concerned of saying goes like how do these guys you know all the rich guys where they take off exactly think about that for a moment right applause when you are working in the office thinking about it for you for them and they're not even thinking about it think of think about just a simple concept of rest what it means the more you can trust him the more you rest you let go you let go let go the attitude of patience on the sinner what I'm living in this place you know the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I will not want the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want how do you get a place of not one you know why you don't want you get to the place of not want because you have it you have it you have it you have it you have it you have it it's here it's here so if you pray from a place of what nothing happened the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want anything man I'm telling you to either Jesus Jesus Jesus thank you Jesus your bottom okay so there what's a bit what's the best thing to do man when in trouble isoprene tongue click how does that help exactly how does it help by talking gibberish exactly exactly raise your mind because you because you want to say something so nice isn't it god help me God this is probably a little a sharp shock a wrapper good idea Dellavedova what am i doing I don't know I don't know I disagree you're adorable decapitation you mind okay yeah buddy come on with me you can you know why we come screeching why you know a lot of people why can't you speak in tongue because this make sense to you with your control freak and and that I can talk on moment I can't say something I don't mean no I can get out of it getting to the brain the street right well you got this pray in the spirit pray in the spirit chuckle about sugary marinara what are you praying for it is a Bible did you pray perfect prayers the ballot in your favor you need you I'll shut you up just go already in your brick public press public this these are the mysteries of God freedom is perfect under God why because you were you don't not redeem man you've fallen your subconscious ways of falling you're eating on a fuel knowledge of good and evil okay the only way that it can happen is you focus more on this guy he is the one who can transform this mind your allow your mind to receive from your heart what about customer borrow you want to pay for a problem you want get heal right now it is just chock inshaaallah body daddy did ya barracuda capacity ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba da da da da da ba ba ba ba ba ba ba - pi here you are introduced wait you're going for you da da da ba ba ba ba ba ba ba da da ba ba ba ba ba dee da ba ma che guevara so the family Oh [Music] [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] well our meter Lord will are talking in review at the end of the glory never gonna be happy new in Supernatural
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 6,813
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: ems3pp6t8Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 46sec (4246 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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