Kirby de Lanerolle | Communion Culture | WOWLife Church

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welcome to a communion culture ladies and gentlemen so we are here in Sri Lanka is an awesome day today and we are about to discuss something that has been within our community for so many years I [Music] had seen a very very poor condition but of course my knee disturbing Landro he always used to say that he's the secret of what he was doing was in the community the cup of blessing that we are blessed with is it not the blood of Christ and is it not the body of Christ that's what one conscience senses and look at a cup of this thing maybe a blessed with is it not the communion of our Lord one cake I'm not even two treatments and on your end Aryan I'm killing fit the desired size three months ago I produced eating completed 300 calories per day and now last month and only when eating later the dream come for the iPhone I grip a jewel one season of a see me one click on the date I'm not eaten at all but I'm really quick it is to demand is not by bread alone by the word of the Living God four five years ago we were invited to look at the scripture and dwell into the scripture every blessing all our strength comes from the communion from that cup from the table of our Lord from the blood and the body of bribe it was power in this community manifest is live in authority this works definitely does work for me because I'm a believer of Jesus Christ and I got into it I made the convenient my place and in that same scripture you will see that the Lord asked begs the question it is not a communion your strength and your power and then he goes on to say do not make a large jealous that means an idol could be anything and either could be your top limit an idol could be your vegetarian diet and either can be your organ exposes it says is an either just the idol or is not even the food offered to the idol the same as the idol I did a lot of fast at the training just a huge task one and a half years I set a target level to come back into comfort auditioning making the communion the basic exactly one and a half years I was able to compete after 14 years being out of the pool and I played in every single meat that I've smashed today that is a German we are sick and our bodies are weak because we've not understood that the cup of blessing development is the body and the blood of Jesus Christ that's where our sprint comes from that is where our emphasis is we have to go back to the cross and to the blood and body of Jesus Christ we have to look at it again as the superfoods of superfood as you watch this video you will see that many people in our culture actually focus on the Communion and their life so we don't train like normal athletes and we are able to show them from the way we live our day-to-day life it did something I something biologically for me to be this biggest change that has happened with me dramatic exists I can't explain how it is from having almost close to seven years a day I've come to like just having a meal or if I want to Mill City so in this video you will see athletes and different different people winning national medals just emphasizing the communion as the life source that doesn't mean that they don't eat it doesn't mean that they're going to live their life criterion it means that they are emphasis is shifted from the supplements from the food from the workout to the communion as the lifestyle all this time up to this point onwards I've trained and I have competed fasted which is only about 0.5% of the nutrition that a strong athlete put have to take every day I also did a few other things like I swam on 10 kilometer swim completely faster without any food nor any drink just a little bit of junk here and there I did a triathlon completely fast the difference is dry fast that even without water and I just used communion I just drank the communion I ate the community and made convenient base I'm 36 years old I'm a model a wedding planner fitness trainer the Pierre - the youth pastor and the nutcase I'm a graphic design and I am also the CEO and founder of money in it I'm also a revolution as big I am 22 years old and I am a real ocean athlete I'm also a student who's studying psychology and I also work for finger okay as trainer and their PE like we train we go to work we have plans with evening they go home with it at night we get like very few hours of sleep and then we better played in the next day morning that I've got a beautiful wife who hates me and she 100% she's the backbone of everything that I do I always tell everybody if not follow be good to kids we got a 7 year old daughter a 2 year old daughter I've got two beautiful dogs they're females is where they need a lot of attention I run two businesses it's my family's my dad and my brothers I am also the Wow youth pastor and my wife is also you pass to be a lot of commitments that we need to really focus on but I am doing all that I train average 19 to 21 hours a week on my sport and all I can say is when you are focused and when you have the Spirit of Christ in you time is not they're not saying that you have to do well-trained and complete completely faster even though we are now taking more nutrition working with supplementation make us a stronger the base will always become trees useless only the front end in Russia it won't last long so we believe that everything that the world has to offer is very temporary that's why athletes have to give up at 27 2008 I or 30 and 32 nobody is going to be thinking occur with the position swimming in the level that we are thinking right now it is because of the word that is preached at wildlife Church it is because the challenges that are put before us at power light show and we believe that when we take the communion there our biochemistry is being reversed I'm 36 years old and I don't eat three meals a day or take the normal nutrition that enormous affection honestly would and I still manage to win two gold medals as a recently concluded Sri Lanka national master athletic championship no more communion we take it changes your life completely not this if you're not going to be the same person you once were the holy communion for me is if the entrance to the perfect athlete in Jesus Christ because I can't do anything so I hope you enjoy the communion culture and I hope it will inspire you to really move away from the idols and focus your strength on the communion and my god you will see that your bodies will be quicken your physiology will be quickened by the Holy Spirit with that's the power of this meal [Music] [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 12,985
Rating: 4.768116 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek, 5dayprogram, powerrangerprogram
Id: w3xOgQFk5BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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