Egotistical man explained (The Ego Man Series)

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this may in missouri you and i are going to explore the mysteries of the christ kind let's go into the deep [Music] reformation happened at the cross reformation continues to alter your state of reality immerse yourself in the new [Music] okay wow are you ready for the word then join me in welcoming kay with the ego man [Music] thank you thank you everybody god bless you thank you all thanks a lot that's awesome thank you thank you you guys are awesome okay so here's the thing uh thank you uh narika for that story it's this wonderful story uh both the whole australian teaching thing um you know sometimes i get words and that's why i'm hoping that we will get an extension uh on the tuesdays so that i can prophesy as well and uh minister the spirit because that's so important to minister the spirit um because in the prophet sign in the healings in all that kind of stuff the spirit moves around now with the word as well like this the spirit is moving but in that way the speed moves in a different way so i'm just going to just for the sake of it because i missed here uh i just want to prophesy for two minutes is that okay yeah okay yeah just to get back in the flow okay this is you can sit down you can sit down you don't stand up um so uh this is a dream i saw uh just two three days ago when i was waking up in the morning i i can't remember what you remember long time ago at golden pond i told you you can't remember this i think i told you muru you're going to get involved in something to do with electricity and lighting and stuff like that you remember that and today in solar right yeah so you see so the words are like we have to make the connection so i saw a dream and it was to do with a salt like roads like road like making of roads and i saw you doing something in the future to do with highways roads that kind of thing the god is going to shift towards you and also i saw the word 37 purchase of land so i'm not sure what that means but there's also finances being opened up for you in terms of land but it can be for like your children or something like that that you're looking at something like god is changing something around it you will buy that maybe you already have it or something to it that type of figure does this make any sense to you not yet right okay i just want to say it i just want to say it just like just like i'm telling a nurse about an australian teaching job okay yeah i have you have to be bold when you see something you know and generally in the mornings i would wake up and i would have a stream of visions and so there are more that i'd like to prophesy over you guys so pray that we will get one hour extra here so that we can get into that business can i just add something to that because i had uh this another word for muru yeah i had a dream and uh i saw goodbye i saw dubai i was gonna message you but since we have this forum i saw dubai and i saw you signing something and being happy about something that is now moving forward i also saw a name i'll message you that name and i felt something construction road possibly something in that that's what i wanted to do when we didn't discuss this this is just jumping in right now okay all right so that's good god has been talking to us about you that's really cool okay guys okay are you ready for the word okay so here's the series it's called ego man and um one thing that we need to understand is in the new testament the word sin and the word flesh uh we connect it with a lot of the augustine theology and we say augustine theology means the theology that came after 680. okay after 680 the theology christianity itself uh shifted because of a guy called augustine who was uh rather i think a european guy he was involved with a lot of the sort of the aristotle and the plato and the philosophical concepts that came at that time and he joined he became a christian so he was involved with a hermetic sort of traditions and then he became a christian and he somehow came in and because of what he was running away from he brought in a lot of the theology that today the president protestant and the catholic church carry okay and that theology is a very anti-gnostic anti-hermetic anti-plato anti-aristotle theology you understand that so he's he he framed the theology in a way so that that certain aspects of that those concepts will be not emphasized on for instance simply why am i telling you this remember this is what you say and this is we go deep into the word just understand that when the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god that is a very platonic concept those words were actually said by plato and not by john you understand that that was that was 500 years before said exactly word to word just like that okay so when augustine came in he saw a bit of that because the the bible was preached to hellenistic jews this is so important and if we don't understand this we won't understand who the bible was taught to you must understand that the maccabees and that you have the maccabees in the in the old testament and the old testament the maccabean reward is in a catholic bible it's not in your bible but if you go into the catholic bible you have one maccabees to make that book you know that right catholics okay now that's because the the jews were trying to to refine their temple system the jewish traditions because the greeks had got into it do you understand that the greeks had infiltrated the whole of the jewish paradigm and they had infiltrated the priesthood they got involved with the worship and the whole thing and they were called a hellenist okay if you if you do a bit of bible history you'll realize that they were the hellish jews and so jesus when he was speaking most of the people who were listening to him and when paul was writing they were writing to jews but hellenistic jews do you understand that so they were always making comparisons between the greek gods understanding and the greek method mythology understanding and what the greeks had learned with aristotle and plato and pythagoras and all these things they were making comparisons and even jesus himself were using some of the some of the lingo that they were used to it's like if jesus came here and preached to you who is a sinhalese buddhist then he would be talking to you according to your traditions they didn't demonize those traditions they use that to make comparisons so that you will understand better isn't that cool yeah they they they unlike today's pentecostal charismatic move they demonize the previous tradition they go to a country and they demonize the red the native amsterdam so that's wrong the uh i will get used to the native americans um they will demonize the the sinhalese buddhists they will demonize the uh hindu uh the indian hindus this is today's christianity to make their to make their mark okay but christianity never did that jesus himself never did that okay when he says i'm the good shepherd he's actually talking about the word good shepherd comes from plato a platonic hermitic concept there was something called the good shepherd okay so he's saying i'm the good shepherd because it connects also with the greeks they understand who the good shepherd was you understand that so they were always inculcating and not separating okay very important to get okay why am i telling you this because we need to touch on a few things that the new testament brings in when you're talking of the word hamataya or we talk the word sin or we talk a word flesh or we use the word i in the greek when he's writing the word i i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live it is no longer i who lives the word no longer i there is the word ego now the greeks have already developed much on the ego like ego the word the word when he says it is no longer ego that lives he's not using the word ego he's not a christian like the christians in invented word ego it is a fully developed concept so when he says it is no longer ego who lives he's talking to hellenistic greeks who understood the concept that is already developed they knew exactly what he was saying did you just understand that so we have to understand the background otherwise we want out of context or we won't be able to understand when he said he's no longer ego who lives it's what is he saying it is not somehow ego has come into the western civilizations con context of ego meaning proud arrogant egotistical you understand that a guy who is maybe made a bit of money and he doesn't you know he's uh uh he's he's uh he's very proud okay that's what ego looks like or guy who has made no money and still proud okay you get both types okay so that's the type of concept when we in the western understanding talk of ego but the greeks really had had fully developed the concept of the ego okay and very rarely are they connecting it all together with someone who is proud pride does come from uh the understanding of being normal and natural but it's one part of that story is that okay yeah so why am i i'm explaining this to you because i want to go in to the hebraic understanding of the word sin and so the greek collected everything together and they call it hamataya okay just means missing the mark that means you uh you it is to do with a hero again we're talking about the greek concepts they love heroes and they love their mythology and stuff like that and in their mythology if a hero is supposed to become somebody when he makes a bad judgment it was called hamataya do you understand it that means he makes a bad judgment in his journey to become that hero that bad judgment is called hamataya okay which is a very specific term so today what you and i call sin is the word hamataya which means simply missing the mark is that okay you see you're on a journey okay god has called you you have a purpose and then in your journey you made bad judgments hamataya you got it okay where your status as the hero in your culture in your place in your position as family as friends or whatever now your bad judgments will divert you from that place sin okay very different to what the protestants and catholics are calling you sinner you get it because the jews themselves okay can we have that up there can i have this uh i want i took this from the jewish virtual library can we have it up there i like to i'd like to read it out the jews themselves when they spoke about the laws and and falling short of the laws most of the 615 laws had they said 215 or 213 of the 615 laws or 613 laws 200 and something of those laws have to do with with laws of cleanliness they were antiseptic laws look at this here this is from the jewish virtual library you can get it online we're going to read it together are you ready the unique look the uniqueness of biblical medicine lies in its regulations of social hygiene is it there which are remarkable not only for their for their period but even by present-day standards that means that's how good it was you can use it for corona hygiene and and prophylaxis which is uh the investigation of sicknesses some lead became religious dogma intended for the welfare and preservation of a nation did you see that okay of the 613 commandments 213 of medical nature wow do you understand that so when you say that when the bible says the word lawlessness in the new testament we as protestants charismatics okay or whatever the heck you want to call it when you say lawlessness we are talking always to do with some internal sin they are talking of 213 of them had to do it you not wearing a mask and kill the whole community do you understand it or you went to the funeral and you touched the guy with the plague and you came and you cooked the food that is a sin because it kills everybody did you just understand what their context was okay this is very important guys because when you say jesus died for our sins and he fulfilled the law we are talking of laws and so we miss the mark completely without understanding when jesus died for our hamatayas the hero makes the wrong judgment and fails to protect his community that's hamataya that can happen in all kinds of ways it can be with sleeping with your neighbor's wife to being able to eat something that is really terrible some some backed or something like that and then come back home with a disease it can be all hamata let that settle for a moment because we are talking about when we say the body of sin now when we call what we call the flesh is to do with three aspects according to jewish tradition which is one is sin one is called transgressions and one is called iniquities so again i want to tell you the jews when they say law and you breaking the law which is sin was one is sin which is i don't have to tell you you can call it adultery you can call it murder you can call it thieving okay we we all know sins because the church has hammered us with sins but that was one aspect of the law transgressions had to do with what i just explained to you the transgressions you know transgressions can be the fact that the disciples were not washing their hands they're not kosher before they eat a meal they won't wash their hands and so therefore they say why aren't your disciples washing your hands you understand it it can be a transgression can be jesus talking to the woman at the well because she was a woman it can be jesus going to the samaritan town because she was a they were samaritans those are called transgressions now do you understand that so there are transgressions in their laws cultural norms that if you don't fulfill it's a sin you could die for it it could have been a transgression of picking up wood on a sunday it's a transgression it's not murder jesus died for our sins it's all then you have something called iniquities iniquities were things that were passed down through generations iniquities were like when eating and drinking and giving in marriage when you don't treat the divine feminine in honor or when you don't raise up your wife in your family it is a iniquity when a father doesn't give his inheritance to a son it is a iniquity you understand it those things were judged generationally wow you understand that so you have to understand the holistic nature of the law can we have it up there again so then he says after 630 kilometers 2013 are of medical nature prevention of epidemics suppression uh of prostitution and general diseases ah so you see why you see why not because oh because prostitutes are this and that and all that because of this problem of mineral diseases frequent washing care of the skin strict dietary and sanitary regulation rules for sexual life isolation and quarantine is it there the observance of days of rest why because if you don't rest you're going to work yourself out and you get stressed and you'll have a mental breakdown or you'll have a physical breakdown and guess what then the husbandman is lost and then the family fails so there were reasons for it that you need to take a tab at rest these are other provisions inhibited the spread of many of the diseases prevalent in neighboring countries is there anything more the hebrews were aware or the fact that contagious diseases are spread by direct contact as well as by clothing household utensils etc to prevent the spread of epidemics or infectious melodies they therefore com compiled a series of sanitary regulations these include precautionary or temporary isolations quarantines burning or scaling of infected garments and through the scrubbing and the smoke smoking out of the houses suspect of the suspected infections and scrupulous inspection and purification of deceased persons after recovery okay that means after recovery you'll go check like how you go now go and check again you're coughing go and check again okay phi checks and this phi this time was the levitical priesthood you got it okay anyone coming in contact with a corpse uh or carry on or suffering from a pearl uh a pollutant discharge from any part of his body also required a a thorough cleansing of himself and his belongings before being allowed back into the encampment interesting okay the garments weapons and utensils of soldiers returning to the camp after battle had to be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected to prevent the spread of diseases possibly picked up by by or during contact with enemy okay the range of infectious bowel diseases spreading through excrement was also recognized and the bible instructs how to keep the cam clean come on okay they had good toilet habits okay keep going okay that's it that's it okay good you're getting a bit illustrious okay now you i just want you to see that these were what they call sins take for a moment when you say when all these guys go to church they jesus died for my sins like they never even take that into account there's only like seven deadly sins in there in their mind murder thieving adultery and they're tripping on this stuff and they're preaching for thousands of years on those stuff when people are dying of other stuff people are dying of other stuff people are dying of eating wrong people are dying of eating the wrong food people are dying of lust with food there were laws against that people are dying of stuff that they don't even consider or even repent off at church okay let me put it better people are dying of normal stuff people are dying of normal stuff people are not dying of those things those are very minimal and we've been trying to explain this and explain this and explain then we come in different ways to biohack two different different ways why we write value to fast why to do all this kind of stuff because god is all encompassing and when he's in all encompassing he's trying to say you just being you can kill you that's the problem you just forget about ubnc no we're oh we're christians we're not sinning i'm not murdering anyone i'm not silly or maybe i'll go to heaven you probably go to heaven very fast because that's not the stuff that get you killed or sick or kill someone else there were laws in fact previously to do with this kind of stuff and guys why this is important is because all the stuff that the laws are against is called the natural man plain old humanity you understand that okay we unless we transcend our very nature we can get into trouble okay and that is the greek and the jewish concept of the ego okay there are laws against you being natural do you understand that because unless we there is a governance and there was a tutor age at that point of time for people even now today we have to do the same thing right i mean today people are fighting for the same thing there are anti-waxes anti-maskers and i mean i'm going to america this time and people watching me probably are anti-axes and masks as well and man i don't want to get a vaccine either i've still not got the vaccine but the fact of the matter is there are there are community this is this is on voltron okay but but here's the thing you know if i was working at a person's home and if i was working with the elderly then at that point of time i would get the vaccine because otherwise i would be in a transgression do you understand that but it's just me being natural it's not some big egotistical thing it's just me being natural that i can say hey you know what i can be working with people who can be immune immunity compromised okay and but i have no heart for it that would be an equity and it would also be a transgression do you understand it both in one go now do you understand what i'm trying to explain to you so jesus has died for our sins and it is all income passing can i can i now take you a bit deeper is that okay are you getting this yeah i'll tell you you know i was um uh i i was doing my key gong stuff and uh my ki gong master i'm like i'm not not like an advanced student or anything like that but i'm like i love i don't like the kung fu stuff for the cooking i did it was very young you know but i like the breathing stuff the ki gong and the qi and stuff like that and moving energy i love energy i have different ways of moving energy and so i was as i was with my uh uh keegan master you know he was he was he you know he he can do like crazy stuff but uh hopefully i'll have him here in about a month's time but um um you know he can put his put his hand on fire and stuff like that and so i was like oh you know i was showing ryan and them that kind of stuff and i said let me do this you know and at that time i was teaching about alchemizing of emotions the alchemizing of emotions and i was thinking because i i can't move the chi like they move the chi you know they have to move the chi out of the hand and then you know they can they call it a cheek cover and they can put their hand on fire even because of the tree that is coming on the hand now i don't have that type of qi or energy coming out like that at this moment time because i'm not trained in that way so but i was using a completely different technique of doing it alchemizing it receiving it and then converting it from um from from pain and burning into uh pleasure okay um and healing okay so alchemizing the emotions so i was was i was playing around with that i managed to do it quite well and they were all surprised they were like like that takes years of meditation and people meditate for years to get that type of thing done okay and and what he said was very interesting he said you don't understand the ego must be really dead for that to happen because it's the ego it's a natural man that brings all the memories of this is a fire this can burn you this can all this this is how hot this is the ego and the natural man the last time you put your hand in the fire you know or that you saw a fire you saw a movie or whatever it is it employs the emotions employs the memories and it brings it to you and so you have to be able to meditate for literally years to get into a place where you can put your hand on the fire like that and so he was quite amazed and i was telling him that i was doing it in this way alchemizing the emotions not doing it like sending the chi which i'm going to learn soon to do but doing it the other way and he said kirby that way is it's quite mind-blowing because it means there is no ego to meet the fire you see so the fire is coming but he's not meeting the ego which is the natural man you see he's meeting just a void and it's going beyond transcending the natural man the what the natural man thinks about sickness disease fire and it's going in to like ah this feels good you see so and i was telling explaining to him that because i'm a believer that we the spirit comes to quicken our learning on all these things so and the interesting thing about christianity and the eastern religions so they all talk about ego and ego is in every religion that we have to make sure that the ego is is brought under control but christianity specifically the new testament talks about the death of the ego by the spirit and that's the interesting thing that you all guys need to get that you all don't need to now spend i mean i wish you can spend hours meditating and i want you to spend hours meditating if you have the time and but you don't have to go through the tiresome process of that type of practice because jesus on the cross died as you to give you his spirit so that now as you say yes to jesus it's the only religion it's the only religion that is negative you don't have to attain a certain consciousness when you say yes to jesus and really saying yes to jesus means the death of the self the death of the ego every story that you heard when you heard here when you hear sanjay's story they said when the ego died when of through the spirit i put to death the ego it changed do you see that so how does it happen they didn't i i'm praying that sanjay will do a bit of bit of a longer contemplation and prayer meditation but he probably doesn't have the time that i have but how did he do it he allowed the teachings the light the revelation to come and in a moment the revelation can put down submit the ego man and the beauty of the bible is that the ego doesn't have to die it's just that the spirit is raised up and the ego submits and follows the spirit it's a beautiful thing that's the dance between the ego and the spirit in the bible is the ego submits and says i will follow you it's different it's not pushing away the ego it's not kicking away the ego it's working with him training him to follow the shepherd which is you you got it now why am i saying that because i'm going to explain i'm going to show this to you in in matthew 12 okay jesus is with his disciples and it's in my tutorial imagine 15 hold on let me find it matthew 12 and matthew 15. okay material i think hold on no 1915 okay matthew 15. here we are listen carefully to what jesus says okay jesus is walking around and he disciples and now decided to do something that is not very hygienic okay in today's day and age you can understand this more than ever before okay then it says in verse 2 they ask him a question why do your disciples is it there transgress the traditions of the elders listen carefully for they do not wash their hands when they eat bread you just see there can you bring it down to today's today's your lifestyle today why haven't you washed your hands why have to wash your hands that's the question so most of the problems that jesus were dealing with like how many times do you see him dealing with adultery i'm just asking you or murder or all the things the church deals with most of the time jesus is dealing with stuff like this why don't you wash your hands think about it for a moment when you read why i said matter 12 in 1912 you have the same story why did they not wash in their hands why didn't you nobody watch the place why didn't they understand this okay so he's dealing with what we are dealing with today because most of the commandments were to do with that kind of stuff just get this okay because once you get this it's revolutionary okay so this is natural stuff that they had to put laws into because people didn't understand the depths of the spirit okay did you get that okay so then he says so why don't why don't your disciples wash your hands okay and then jesus says something really interesting in verse 10 he says when he called the multitude he said he said to them hear and understand not what goes into the mouth defiles a man but what comes out of the mouth defiles a man wow do you just get that suddenly he brought in a transcended law here and the transcendent law was guys yes there is a paradigm where we have to constantly and continuously be careful because of the natural man and what the natural man is involved with this is not murder he's talking about here is it this is not uh some big crime like stealing or thieving here that he's talking about here he they're talking about a social uh transgression that can kill others literally that's why they're asking a question okay but they consider that holy they consider it holy because why is it holy because life is holy and if you don't respect life then others can get infected because of something silly that you did now this is what is happening here right here in israel in this nation now interesting okay he brings a transcended understanding into this and you know i don't want you to be saying this outside of this church when you don't do this kind of stuff but you need to know this in your heart okay and this is the story that you should know in your heart okay what is that that you should know not that you should not follow the rules and the regulations that the natural man is susceptible to okay but to understand that guys you know what that all this kind of stuff he goes on to explain that sickness disease murder all this thing comes from the heart of man what is he saying he's saying literally guys you know what i want you all to know that all these things that are natural are transcended by your heart that's what jesus came to do jesus came to bring the light and the revelation and the settlement into the hearts of man so that you can transcend the natural okay i just want you to understand that that doesn't mean you're there that doesn't mean that that's what we're teaching okay it means that the natural applies but there's something about the power of the transcended circumcised sensitive heart that can go beyond sickness disease death and all poverty and all the rest and he's bringing in a a teaching saying don't you understand that a transcended heart the christ mind is above the natural limitations of man because this is a natural limitation that's what they're talking about kosher was a was a uh was a standard that they used to protect the people kosher is the way they eat their food you want to protect the people but he's saying there's a place that you can transcend that if your heart is circumcised sensitive and right you just get that that doesn't mean you go around doing whatever you want it means that the power is in your heart to do it and what is he trying to transcend are we talking about murder here are you are we talking of uh lust to steal here we're not talking about elasticity here we're talking about to transcend the natural sicknesses diseases circumstances that are coming into your life it can be poverty it can be financial failure it can be any one of those things you have the power to transcend it through your heart is jesus saying that and interesting he says it's not what goes into your mouth but it comes what out wow that's really powerful stuff it's not don't worry about what's going in he says watch what comes out now this is i want you to bring it to today's situation look all around you what's happening in the world i'm going to the usa in in a month's time they say usa is like infected and infested with corona so we're going we're going to those places okay whether they're masks or no masks or whatever it is we're going with the faith that what's going to happen the heart can transcend what we're going to experience or what we're going to see do you think i mean i'm just asking you the question you think that being a pastor that you can get away if someone comes and says i've got a cough can you pray for me do you think that has happened to me in the last couple of months do you think that would have by the slide what would what do you think that some of your comments said i think i've got corona would you pray for me you think that would have happened huh you think just understand that in different situations what transcends the natural is not what goes into you but what comes out of your mouth you understand that that means your heart has to believe and your mouth needs to speak did you just get that okay so i'm trying to set you up to get you to a place of understanding what the ego man is and what the natural man is okay so we will get to romans 6 and i'm going to show you there romans 6. are you guys okay romans 6. if you're watching me from usa and canada you are watching wow deep and therefore this is the time that we go deep into the world so i want to show it to you in romans 6 okay and i want if you can read the whole of romans 6 7 and 8 it'll be wonderful because you'll really get it because romans 6 explains this and my emphasis today that the word flesh the word sin the word when you when you say ego has all to do with the natural man and not the guy trying to kill someone okay that as well you'll get there if you don't mind the natural man okay that's the emphasis because we are very quick to move from our natural ways to be very tolerant with our natural ways and say oh that's normal that's natural that's the way i am okay and we deal with the things that we would never do anyways and look at your faces no one is going to steal or rob a bank here like i'm dealing with colombo's finest you think no one's going to drop a bank here okay no one is planning to murder someone i hope you understand that so i'm dealing with i'm not dealing with those so why the heck should i preach against those i've never been preaching against the doors i'm preaching against the natural man the ego is not that guy who wants to kill someone ego is not only the guy who wants to kill someone when someone cuts into you in a traffic block and you want to you're shouting in filth that is just one part of the ego it's a very small part before you got to blast him in filth there are a lot of other things going on with you like there's a lot of iniquity that in a natural in everyday life you're not dealing with and before you get to that place there's a lot of other stuff that you're not dealing with iniquity transgressions there's a lack of sensitivity in different areas that we are not dealing with that's how we can get there and of course that looks egotistical but that's not what i'm talking about there's so many just normal everyday natural ways i'm going to get there you're going to see it when you see it you see it okay watch this okay so here it is now romans 6 okay she says it like this in in verse [Music] in verse 11 okay it says it like this roman 6 verse 11 likewise you also reckon yourself to be dead indeed to sin is it there but alive to god in christ jesus a lot do you just see there reckon yourself that means to be dead is it there to be dead indeed to sin but alive to god in christ jesus so when you say reckon yourself dead to sin now you know what sin is did i explain to you what sin is it's not what you think i showed you in the old testament sins transgressions iniquities there's so much going on there when you say reckon yourself dead to sin because the other one is easy because you're never planning to kill anyone so you say i'm dead to sin no no we're not talking of that we're talking about the body of sin that is natural and now that you're alive that means you're in brand new creation you're brand new okay now listen carefully again okay this is in verse this is in verse nine okay it says like this this is so it's it's not sorry it was nine it's verse nineteen it says i speak in was 19. i'll read it here i speak in huh now he's trying to explain what i'm trying to explain i'm just this is just normal stuff guys okay this is human terms it is i speak as a human being the word term there is italic that means i'm just talking of humanity here you understand it because of the weakness of the ha you understand this he's trying to explain flesh and humanity are the same thing and speaking as a human because of the weakness of our flesh do you just get that okay so he's explaining that this is not just some far cry into murder and and robbing and thieving and that kind of stuff this is just human and the weakness of our flesh where are we weakness of our flesh for just as you present to your members as slaves to uncleanness and of loneliness leading to more lawlessness so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness now stop there for a moment now for the first time if you are a believer and if you are if you've been in church you've seen that word lawlessness and uncleanness before stop for a moment you get this a big one you've seen the word uncleanness before but every time you saw uncleanness before you put uncleanness to do with some some sort of sin that was in your soul and say it again these are jews right into jews buddy the problem before was the wall not washing off hands 213 commandments is to do with washing and cleaning so when you think of uncleanness they are not talking of the soul when they say lawlessness they are not talking of murder and adultery they are talking of lawlessness 615 laws less lesseners they're talking of 615 lawlessness no cells these are jews writing to jews so when they're saying uncleanness that was a big deal uncleanness was a big deal they actually called out people for uncleanness they actually did it they called out people for uncleanness okay so we look at this and we read it over and why they're using so many words to explain no no we're talking about natural people man we're talking as human beings okay so now that you have you know you put away your lawlessness and your uncleanness and all that leading to more lawlessness now present your members are slaves of the word righteousness is settlement of debts justice slaves of justification okay now listen carefully to this worse okay for the end of those things okay okay verse 21 for the end of those things is for the end of those things yeah for the end there there you go for fruit what fruit did you give okay for the end of those things is death is it there okay so the end of those things we can be dead but now having been set free from sin now you understand what sin is talking about and he became slaves of god you have your fruit to holiness and the end everlasting life for the wages of sin is death do you see that so when you say wages of sin is death it's not just murder and adultery it's lawlessness do you understand it it's lawlessness now we understand why jesus came when he says he came to pay your sins it means all this kind of stuff gets paid this should empower you in today's age it should empower you in this generation because that was a big focus of their generation 215 of their commandments had to do with that kind of stuff this should empower you today and to understand when jesus came and in this with the spirit he settled it in your hearts it means not that you can go rampaging out there without without being you know socially uh having your social etiquettes correct but it means that you can be saved if some other idiot does the same that idiot might be you and it has been has been me on many occasions okay but you understand that because it's a very it's a nervous thing to be around to be a constant religion you have to check that everybody mask up here you put it i've done this have done i mean look at i mean how hard is this but they had the same thing so that was a big deal they had nine plagues at one time having one play we can't deal with one play play in a couple of strands they're nine plagues one time and they beat that because their law was great the law was not just laws about sin but they had laws to do with every damn thing even how you eat your food or even how you put the food in your mouth they had laws to make sure their communities were protected you understand it so jesus died for now all my lawlessness uncleanness and my sins okay why am i trying to get to i'm trying to get to the natural man is what kills you okay not just the angry man you understand the natural man can kill you you understand it sanjay and they were talking about house what was blocking them was the box he said okay and after the box was broken the box is the ego you understand that he he left off with a beautiful uh word i can't remember what it was but one sentence that was a one huh he blind what did he see but just before blind to see the house was always there i love that everything is all ready there and he said i couldn't see it so what is blocking you from seeing it not you wanting to kill someone so get let's get out of this rubbish because that's something to help you or you wanted to rob a bank that's not what's stopping you getting the house so the the next big thing it is just that the natural man kills you you did you just understand it it's a natural lens that is stopping you from getting what you want did you just get that okay now understanding that let's check can we close this yeah okay let's land this plane okay now let's get to galatians this is going to be fun okay i've wanted to go down this road with this this verse for a long time okay but i'll break it down and trust me you can do your own uh hebrew and greek searches i've done my own okay on every single word i've done my own and you can see how the king james people have twisted it and tried to you know put their little uh augustine theology into it okay and focus it a lot on sin okay that's augustine trying to focus a lot on their what they call sin without focusing on natural man so i'm going to explain the greek words to you because the english obviously are very sin focused but the greeks weren't they were very ego focused now here's galatians 5 and this is what this chapter says galatians 5 please out there if you're a theologian if you're watching me and if you love the bible you would do your word search before contesting this you will do your word search and you'll find out for yourself what it really means these words okay now here we are some of this stuff is really good okay now it says it like this okay listen carefully this is not walking the spirit so that you're not fulfilled the last of the flesh okay and then he says in verse 17 uh galatians 5 17 but the flesh lusts against the spirit and spirit against the flesh is it there and they are contrary to one another that means the ego the flesh and the spirit they are contrary to one another you understand the christ mind and the natural man they're contrary to one another do you get it okay now watch this okay so he now is going to explain what the ego man is okay so then he says in verse 18 but if you are led by the spirit you are not under the what is that law wow do you see there that is what jesus was trying to explain if the spirit comes into you you can transcend the the laws you see but for that you have to allow the spirit to minister into every single area you can't just say i've got the spirit i'll know if you have to spirit if now these practices here are not evident in your life it's as simple as that these practices i'm going to show you now the practices that are going to go on here these practices are under authority it means in those areas you've got the spirit someone might have the spirit in one area one someone might have the spirit in healing but he might not have the spirit in finance someone might have to spirit in finance the anointing huh but he might not have the spirit in healing someone might have the spirit in his marriage but he might not have it in finance you got it so it's allowing the ministry of the spirit by the spirit we put the dead to death the deeds of the ego by the spirit you got it okay so we're going to now see in what areas we and i want you to consider yourself as i teach this stuff okay to see whether you have a spirit in these areas or not or whether the ego man is what is ruling those areas okay are we ready okay all right so wonderful now here it is okay now the works of the flesh are evident i like that because it means guys you will be able to get this this is not elusive it's not it's not some magical thing that you can't see it is going to be evident to you today so cool okay are you ready are you excited like i'm excited yes you guys are a good church i'll tell you all right here we are okay now listen okay now the works of which fresh are evident which is and the word here that they use for adultery and fornication is an interesting word okay the word for adultery there is the word pornea the word ponya means porn okay now i want you to understand this word so it's very different to adultery very different the word adultery and fornication is coming to this word pornea which mean which is simply means the lust of your eyes in that context that's the way that we got pawn form you understand that so yes you can you will finally get into adultery but the root is not adultery it's paneer it means that you have not got a covenant with your eyes you will allow your eyes to constantly continuously look and lust now only you would know that that's an iniquity that's the exact thing that jesus was talking about when you look at a woman he said it's not if you are going to commit the act it's the paneer it's a it's the the lust of your eyes in another place he says there are only three sins the last of your eyes the pride of life remember again he talks about the last of your eyes now that's very different to adultery now why am i telling you that that's not a sin but he says that this will prevent you from having dominion he's not talking of heaven you see he said just as i told you before in the past you see it 21 those who practice such things will not inherit the dominion dominion means you will lose authority on the earth because your eyes man i'll tell you when you have to you you one day i will i'm still perfecting this for the last two years i've been sitting i've been looking at something called a pinwheel i don't really know what a pinwheel is it's like a it's like a pin with a paper on it you know and i've got uh there's another little object and all kinds of things and my most of my meditation you know after my prayers is on this pinwheel okay and for two years i've been trying the first year i tried it took me one year to move it it was in a glass you know it took me one year for normal people it takes them about normal telekinetics you know key gong guys and you know russian telekinetics and all my friends right they can do it like in three months it took me one year to just move it even a bit and it's one of the deepest meditations i'm telling you one day one i will teach you how to do it i will teach you not how to turn it because that's not the point the point is not turning it the point is watching it and the whole thing is with your eyes how you set your eyes on things how you set your eyes into entitlement you can look at something with complete entitlement and we we christians we look at things with absolute pornia ponia is at absolute entitlement with the lust of our eyes you see the way we look at things sometimes you know why people like like people would like to do miracles and all that but they don't want to go to the process when i tell them guys it's going to take you some time now you might have to do these things to get there they don't like that they want no we want we saw it we want to have it now the problem with porn is one thing what is it entitlement the deep-rooted iniquity of pawn is what come on say it out loud entitlement what is entitlement you're looking at something it can be fish on a plate can be pornea to someone chocolate can be big porn yeah to some people okay or a woman who is someone's mother or sister or wife but you look at it with entitlement do you understand that that's the problem the problem is entitlement behind the eyes and so i'm watching the spin wheel and if i watch it at one point i got it and this is the one of it and i'm like wow it started moving it's moving it's good i videoed it and all that and i want to put the videos out but before i could put the videos out guess what happened it stopped moving and when i stopped moving i'm like why the heck can i get now it's been one year and i can't get a move and i'm like why the heck can i get this to move and it's my entitlement that i got it last time so what has come in my ego my natural man okay and there's so much there but i i won't go there but i'm just trying to explain to you this word there is this word now watch this okay and then you have i'm going to go over a few words so that you you might connect with some of them okay so here here we are now it works at a flashlight and adultery fornication pony are uncleanness huh hello uncleanness is there i worked on the flesh hello now you know because i gave you a base because i told you this before you would have never believed me if i told you before uncleanness has nothing to do with what you think uncleanness has to do with no uncleanness it means uncleanness uncleanness uncleanness uncleanness uncleanness you can kill a whole lot of people if you're unclean uncleanness is a sin it's an act of flesh not a scene like you think that you're going to go to hell you understand that it means that you be natural like that you will lose dominion so guess what you can get infected that's all you'll lose authority you will not enter i tell you again that you might not enter the dominion the authority the realm of the flesh because of uncleanness okay did you just get it there okay uncleanness lewdness this is an interesting word it just means debauchery i don't know whether anyone if you understand debauchery i was ten years of my life living lives like this lewdness okay so i understand where that can go okay it's debauchery okay idolatry i don't have to tell you much about idolatry but idolatry the bible says an idol can be anything it can be your boss or your next job when you think that anything's your source it's idolatry you'll be interested in the word sorcery you want to know what the word sorcery is in in um in in greek you know the root word of the word sorcery pharmakia pharmakia pharmakia what does that mean can anyone tell me what pharmacy is huh no i won't say medicine i'll just say anything that you are using to stimulate yourself in a certain way drugs no but hold on okay alcohol okay nicotine all can be a part of the pharmacia it's not uh i always say that there is no there's no such thing as drugs i don't believe in drugs i've been taking drugs for a long time before okay but you must understand that drugs are not a problem the problem is drug addicts now who is a drug addict the ego man pharmakia is big farmer today is big farmer everything is big pharma pharmakia is what people go and get medicine from but if you are addicted to it if you have to take the sleep appeal every single day then guys you're not trying to murder someone you're watching me online you're not i know you're not trying to murder someone i don't feel bad but you're not trying to kill someone because what you've been taught is that if you try to kill someone then dominion will be lost this means if you get addicted dominion can be lost that means you just be natural to pharmaceuticals so that's why we must not get addicted to anything like if you're taking sleeping tablets good take sleeping tablets but try and take them once in a while you understand it i have no problem with smoking cigarette cement nicotine in fact is good for you it's neuro protective but don't do it every day in fact you i'm going to new york now new york they say that you can you can buy a joint on the road okay i'll send you some pictures [Laughter] the grass is not bad for you in fact it can be very good the problem is the ego man the natural man that's the problem okay so huh that's a cool word for sorcery i like that but you see how the nice king james guys had turned farmer kia to sorcery how the heck did that happen now please explain i don't understand even if you go when you go into the normal translation and say what is this word sorcery it's called pharmakia so how did they manage to to twist it like that onto that level of twisting okay but that's in your bible hatred we don't have to worry contentions is simply you being competitive jealousies is a nice word here you will love this the word jealousy there because another word called envy the word jealousy is being a zealot okay i've been there being a zealot that means being a religious zealot when other people doing things you're always bringing in your religion and your aspects and your blessings and we are having constantly be having problems in this country we're having problems you know when someone becomes born again he goes and tries to convert his whole family and tell another person and telling the other person and being a zealot and telling us he's wrong and that is wrong and they should worship decentration worship is all that zealots that will rob you of authority i've been there okay because of your understanding your religion you don't want to hear anyone else what they're saying you always have an opinion people feel choked when they're with you because you want to like tell them like i'm going to know this is where i am this jesus loves me jesus loves me i've seen that that's zealot you lose authority like when someone like a new age one is coming i've seen some pictures of like like richards or something like that and and then these pastors are rebuking the witchers in the church and for me that's just vilitary like video which is authentic there might be a couple here as well [Laughter] i use witchers okay w now you have to understand okay we won't we won't try to force them won't go and force people with their religion or tell them that they're wrong or going to burn in hell the reason is because as you do that you can become a zealot and it looks like jesus said you're full of zeal but you've completely missed the mark the hero has fallen you understand that okay so one by one i can go on to these and contentions wrought okay this is like sorcery okay hatred contentions zealotry outbursts of rot i don't tell you what that is okay that's impulsive nature selfish ambitions is wonderful okay the word selfish ambitions is you need to check selfish ambitions out because really it will speak to some of your selfish ambitions just understand selfish ambitions that should just destroy you straight away like what selfish ambitions like i don't think anyone will even sit to find out whether ambitions are selfish or not do you understand i don't think we sit to even think with our ambitions are selfish but this causes you to lose the dominion and the authority suddenly you can have all the selfish ambitions and how you get very sick can i have all your selfish ambitions and suddenly uh the whole damn thing collapses and he can just be selfish ambitions but you never look you look at i'm not killing anyone i'm not planning to see robert bank i'm a good man but it's selfish ambitions till the ambition do you know that when prophet copus died prophet kopi's died and he was in the coffin i was flying there and i was in my mind you know what when i go there i'm going to pray that he'll be raised up but do you know how many guys like me were thinking the same thing and i mean i got there i found out there was a line there was a polymer to raise him what is it selfish ambitions because each one of them all dressed up because the guy who does that means he's the dawn you get prophet kobus up from the dead he's the dawn he rules after that he's the prophet of all prophets not the king of king the prophet of our prophet the major prophet and i was standing in line till i was thinking i was thinking one guy before me and i'm thinking this guy the guy before me he could prophesy more than me okay so the guy two guys before me was i can't tell you the name but he was there standing in there and i feel dressed up and all and i was looking at him and he said this guy can see deep man he can see everything i didn't know that these guys were fooling around with facebook and stuff at that time i really believed it okay but but uh but uh i was thinking bloody hell how the heck am i going to do this because this guy can see more than me so by the time i got there i'm already dead but but what was it all about okay and then i get to annalise and annalise is is uh he's telling me this and she's sharp sharp sharp cookie sharp cookie so she told me you know sometimes you know god wouldn't have just raised up because it was all about these guys coming from all over the world just wanting to raise him up to become the boss look it's all that and was that true absolutely true why do you want to hear someone want to show off selfish ambition you really don't care okay but you want to prophesy why aren't you prophesying he's a question it's a better question why don't you prophesy selfish ambition why do you want to see angels selfish ambition but you want to do all this stuff selfish ambition you see have you noticed that when i start talking about anything that i can do i always bring in the person i've learned it from have you ever seen that have you seen me ever do something and not told you i've learned it from you can be but you will consider new age or even eastern philosophy or whatever i don't care what you think because what matters is that they get the credit when you give credit to someone it means that you trust god but it's in your business when you're a ministry today i always say without linda and rose and those people who help me i could not have got there i tell my leaders without you i need you without you i can't get there why because bringing them into the picture means that i am dependent on god you understand that very very very important guys why am i telling you this selfish ambition is robbing people away from a lot of things a lot of things they can't learn even because of self-ambition why they want to learn is all wrong when you see revelations or when you see miracles or when you see something some people it's it's to do with hey if i can learn this then this can happen selfish ambition it gets us into trouble it gets in trouble in fact we lose the kingdom i'm just showing you little by little one aspect of what it means to be a egotistical man it doesn't mean that you're proud it just means that you can just be simply natural and not knowing that you are natural okay and then you have envs and the word envy and murder is together the word enemy is simply jealous guy guys i can tell you one thing jealousy is a big big deal in the bible okay you're not wanting to kill someone but that's what kills someone at the end okay yesterday we are watching uh the facebook and we are seeing the we're seeing all this stuff play out there you know we're watching uh what the move people moving in roth we're seeing jealousies we're saying selfish ambitions we've seen everything coming together why because humanity is like that okay i love this part we'll stop with this one okay this is important okay here it is alberta wrought selfish ambitions dissensions and the word heresy teresa people think heresies is blasphemy against god that's not true the word heresia has to do with a person in a community it's the same as this one here descensions it means a person in a community okay who always wants to be a leader and what the leadership says he says something contrary to what the leadership says that doesn't mean you can't have another opinion but he never tells it directly to the leader he's just making divisions that means it's all together it's selfish ambitions it's a heresy cerecia means that it's not what the leader believes he's saying something else so therefore it becomes a heresy and that's why the church called him heretics because it was to do with the church in rome and their leadership but it can a heresy can happen in a family it when someone separates himself and wants to be separate from the community with his own mindset without bringing that into the light you understand it divisions you know if you're watching me from usn and canada why we have coach groups and put you in different coach groups and you might be a pastor you might be a very senior revivalist you might be someone who is uh influential you might have hundreds of thousands people under you but we put you under a coach because your ego man can be put in place for you to do the things that i do you need to have your ego in the right place submitted and fully in the culture that is why we put in a coach group and sometimes the coach might not be as enlightened as you are okay but it teaches you to be under and it's not a heresy when you submit yourself you see that is the reason why we have coaches where we put people in different areas because of these things because these simple natural things can cause you to lose authority and dominion and kingdom just simple things of being natural okay i hope this helped okay you'll have been very good it'll be a long study you've been very good god bless you and we shall see you on sunday [Music] so you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 3,213
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, Egotistical man explained, Egotistical man, Egotistical, man, explained, ego, god, bible, jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 38sec (4238 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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