Emotional Tolerance | Kirby de Lanerolle

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come on hey guys will you just let me know what page i'm on hi ronald i think i'm on the wall of usa canada page let me walk with you guys outside and find myself a place to sit hey guys hi claudia hi john hey hi ginger okay aaron is that right okay we're back in hi dear hi carly i like that that's cool uh hi danielle okay so this is what we're going to uh discuss today uh literally we've been doing a series on emotions and if you missed it make sure that you get on to our sunday service and if you're on the transit page yesterday was just uh it was just awesome okay and uh just let me show you around and these are these are my dogs in the garden they're about to yeah trying to get some this is what they do in the morning they get out there and they play you got a big garden here we go yeah so emotions okay and the emotions such an important uh important important role in the bible you have to understand that jesus comes to satisfy rat think about that like like god was interested in satisfying rat and when i say uh rat i'm not talking of the wrath of god as you know some of the doctrines that we teach we're not he's not trying to satisfy the the wrath of god but he's trying to satisfy the wrath of man according to the new testament okay why because rat had to be satisfied okay another word for rat uh can be compulsion you know our compulsive behavior that we need to you know justify things so fast you know when i say justify it's the same word as accused okay there's no difference when you accuse someone you're trying to justify very fast you're trying to justify yourself your place your situation what you believe okay and that's what accusation looks like it comes from a place of wrath a deep place of insecurity that you're to justify yourself very fast okay and that journey comes out as an accusation now jesus comes on the cross to settle the wrath of man okay that's amazing because that's an emotion and that's exactly what happened at the garden when you see adam reaching out to the tree you know and that he saw something that could make him wise he saw something that was good uh it was it was attainable that's why he's reaching out with his hands with his eyes his five senses you see and he's moving to quickly justify himself he's moving to quickly uh get that thing that's rat isn't it it's exactly what um it's uh exactly what uh uh isau did isn't it you know when he had a bowl of soup and he just want to quickly move to compensate and gratify himself that quickness i've seen that sometimes when i see something i like on the table you know and i just want to reach out in that moment where some food is there and i want to reach out you know and it's just small doses of this but this always like when you talk about food and stuff like that i know it doesn't sound as potent or poignant as it should because but it is that place where i can't stop myself from reaching out to that thing on the table the foot on the table i just put it in my mouth you know take that and amplify that okay that's exactly what we do when someone is trying to compete with us when someone is trying to contend with us and our competition is getting better it comes out in sports you know you know we say we're great sports people but sometimes when uh in sports you see it a lot when we we have wow um uh sportsmate in july you know and that's the uh the sports festival and we see the best you know people who are uh normally generally patient and loving and kind and affectionate somebody in a moment the change and that's that exact thing that happens on the table with the cookies or the chocolate but it comes out amplified and then whatever pressure you put under you'll see that wrath is what god comes to justify on the cross it's the exact thing that causes us to fall and fail okay and that's exactly why uh god loved david because he had saul in the cave remember he had the king in the cave he could have reached out and and taken the kingdom for himself but he was able to uh to activate and invoke patience you see okay we have vessels of rat that's right we're called whistles of wrath in the bible so now if you're coming on right now just share this because this is important you're talking of emotions and how the spiritual forces around us respond to our emotions emotions play a huge role in attracting demons or attracting angels you know that's it's emotions a lot of people i did it yesterday i said a state of being you know i mean a state of being can an environment that you are aware of or you're not aware of that you have now created literally invoked through a trigger that is in your head a trigger that maybe comes on news or someone says a word and then that employs so much of emotions that now now that state that you're in is what will attract different types of spirits to be able to help you or even negate the help and even destroy okay so emotions are a big deal like i said before god talks to us telepathically okay he talk we talk to each other so much telepathically we don't really we're not meta aware that we are very telepathic beings the spiritual realm is telepathic and we've been told a big lie in in a lot of pentecostal charismatic sometimes they say they would say that you know god the devil doesn't know your thoughts and that's that's so not true that's how the realm of spirit works the realm of the spirit works through thoughts and emotions okay and that's why we need this series if you're coming on right now please share because we need this series to help us understand that we have a choice with our emotions david had a choice in that cave to take the kingdom to allow to employ certain emotions that would cause him to move his motor functions his body his biology the temple to move to wrath and kill and destroy and take by force like adam okay or he could be able he had the power to choose the right emotions or use that very energy and those very emotions now for something else okay david had a choice in the cave we have a choice today okay so this is this is important and uh i always thought about that one scripture and it really changed my life in james when he starts off it says count it a joy when you fall into trials and testings for the testing of your faith produces patience and patience has a perfect work that you will lack nothing now that's in james and that first one there when i started reading that i was going through hell in my life i had uh had a huge debt over my life and at that time so many years ago maybe 15 years ago it was close to a million dollars and a massive debt actually and at that point and i remember my house my cars all that were about to be taken and i was reading this count it a joy when you fall into trials and testings counted a joy and i thought i was doing quite well because uh i was reading the word i had faith and i had faith that god will take me through but i still was not counting the joy i was just still tolerating the situation i was still tolerating the situation i was still dealing with the situation but i wasn't unhappy or i wasn't depressed or i wasn't complaining or grumbling either but i was sure not counting the joy okay and there's a reason why every word is in the bible you know why it's placed there in that way and i said why isn't this not working because he says if i counted the joy i will lack and then i looked at the situation and said do i count this situation and joy i was like oh no way i'm not counting it's a joy at all i'm tolerating a situation i'm dealing with it i have faith for it but i wasn't counting the joy that word joy there simply means just exuberant just exciting joy like and i was like hey maybe i need to alchemize this place of tolerance this tension into joy what happens if that happens and then that energy that i alchemize and change now can have can draw in the right angels and the right everything that is right the whole creation responds to the sons of god and the bible says that jesus was anointed by joy because of where he was and what he loved and what he disliked okay and then i was like wow the anointing of joy that's what i need for the creation to respond okay and i remember that day i was driving in the car and uh i said i i really evaluated my joy how much joy do i have in this situation when i look at the situation with the banks trying to take my cars and my house and all this and i said do i count it a joy and the word count is so interesting you to count count means like one by one by one you know you'd count it and i said am i counting every moment of this situation that i'm going through with uh this huge problem on my company i'm about to lose my whole company and people lose jobs but am i counting it a joy that's what james says and if we respect and honor the word we need to be able to be doers and uh man i had to appraise myself and realize that i was if i had a joy meter and it was 0 to 10 was when i'm happy and 0 to -10 was when i was not happy i was at them at probably with all the problems i was having i always had faith but i was maybe at a minus two or three and i had to be real with myself and that's how we developed what we call a joy meter and i said no no no i have to have be at least a plus four when i'm dealing with this problem and i'm dealing with the banks when i'm dealing with the suppliers are calling and accusing me of cheating them because i'm not paying them the money back i have to be at a plus two or three that doesn't mean i mean talking to them being able to still be happy while i'm being accused okay and uh man that's what i did and it was it wasn't hard i said holy spirit you can give me i said i am going to take you because you will can come and anoint me and i can be ecstatically happy joy okay bubbling up you know happy when i'm being able it's not just not just not even happy just a plus two three you know and man that's exactly what happened and holy spirit came in helped my heart and i got very happy and full of joy and from that time onwards the whole situation changed it didn't take long it took just a couple of months i didn't see the solution immediately but miracles started happening in angels started doing something because i counted it a joy there's a big difference between tolerating some a situation whether it's a sickness whether it's a disease whether it's a situation in your marriage but it's something that you're doing that is mundane but it seems like life is like you know uh retiring you and worrying you and your your your is weighing you down hey you're called to count it a joy not tolerate not have faith but call you the joy as i started doing that life started changing and i came out of it okay and so i don't forget that lesson in my life as i'm leaving it with you okay alchemize your emotions no matter what it is start converting it to joy love you guys i'll see you soon bless you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 1,998
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: CfhWV9wb0zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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