Born from the beginning (Ajai Vir Singh)

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hello everyone welcome to the wow word today and i'm excited to be here i'm really looking forward to sharing what i have what i've been learning what i've been experiencing and uh and what i've been experimenting with and i think that's how the world should be once you have it you take it in you work on it and you regurgitate and try to change the environment around so it's a so it's a very interesting time i'm just praying that i'll be able to bring all of this together so that you know i have an um impactful expression so that you know you would you could take take it back and work with that and overall we add to the word that you know wow releases on us releases on everyone and the word that k and kirby and fiona carry so so i'm really really happy to be here and and overall what an amazing time to be in because the world needs a solution and the word needs to become the solution and and that to me is the most exciting part this is where the word actually gets tested and and how many places in the world where solutions are coming out other than the medical and the sciences where the solutions are coming out and which could impact your environment which could impact things around you so so it is very exciting and uh and and yes it is that time and i'm like i said uh i'm already you know uh beginning to see changes around and i'm happy to share those with you and uh in in terms of what kirby and fiona uh are carrying i mean they're in the u.s at this point and uh in the middle of a meditation retreat which to me is the most exciting part of this world and that is what i want to add towards as well because i'm thrilled that we've been experimenting with some of this here and how things are changing since january 2021 it's been i i felt that the word that kirby released changed gears from january 2021 onwards it's pretty much eight months have gone past on that and uh vast mind of christ series to me is so cutting edge it is probably the only place in the world where we are releasing that and changing mindsets it actually is huge more than vast is huge and connected to that uh what what we've kind of experimented with is the the tohu boho meditations and i think boho meditation is such a such a practical tool to understand the vastness uh the the no thingness as as gay spoke of and i feel i feel that that really is the place where we need to be uh as christians who feel that we have followed christ and while following christ we wanted to see the power which is the father's heart as well he wants his desire is for his sons to have authority and have dominion so to me tohua bohu the entire series that uh the entire seas of vast mind of christ and connected to that toho boho the the meditation the practical meditation that that k is also working uh you know sharing in u.s at the moment to me that is really a significant significant part of christian life now moving forward i mean you can't go back after you've experienced that and uh and and also the luminous tablets i'm sure what k uh showed over the i think uh probably a few days ago or a week ago the luminous tablets were just fantastic i mean i recommend everyone to get their hands on it those those those element cards the you know the cards of expanse and all the four or five elements and plus the the communion card there is something else it is such a revolutionary effective prayer tool that your prayer life becomes quicker faster and you get into and get things done while you stay in the void i mean this is the solution what i wish i had encountered years ago but it's here the time is right and like i said what better time than this when the world needs a solution and we can actually become a solution and and that's what we have stood on so i'd recommend everyone i'll recommend to everyone to spend those 90 days uh if you can on a daily basis in the meditation tohua boho using those cards that'll i'm personally on the 47th day and it's already changed things for me so so i can tell you by experience that uh everything that i'll share now will also reflect part of that experience but i say please go ahead and do it because it will really change your life and it is really exciting after you hear the vast mind of christ series your relationship actually changes with everything around you it actually changes it changes it actually changes your relationship with the bible it actually changes your relationship with the world it actually changes the relationship with the world itself and to me that is uh is giving me such a new perspective that where we were and where we have come and how we can still correct ourselves you know uh the bible i mean i look at the bible i can't look at those scriptures in the same way how i used to look at them say last year yes people say theoretically every time you look at the bible the word is new the word is new the revelation is new yes it is it is for sure but approach it from the vast mind of christ is completely new uh how you absorb the word how you look at the world everything changes and to me that is so significant that because you know as as human beings we we always uh supposed to there there's a there's a there's a saying that says you become what you see so to me that's so important you become what you see and now look at this you see the world and if you're seeing in the world thing that impact you the traumas or the excitement of the world will pretty much change you to act in a certain manner so you're becoming what you see and when you look at the bible you're supposed to become what you see but how often does that happen you you look at the bible you read you get excited but i don't think many times is able to change you now you look at the then you have the word you look at the word and you look at the word and depends how you see the word you should be able to become what the word is offering you so to me seeing and how you see pretty much reflects where you are in christ so how you look at the world and how your relationship with the world is pretty much tells you the level of intensity you are in with christ because if you're seeing the world through the eyes of christ and he's in you and you merged one with him you will definitely see the world differently so pretty much what happens in this is when you look at the world outside you see it it does something to you and you end up carrying the trauma and becoming that that's one one part of it how about you have the word in a relationship with you and when you look at the world outside you don't get really impacted too much from it you in fact are in a place to change it so that's that's the reverse of you don't really become what you see but you're able to change what you see so there is a slight shift that happens and and if you go into vast mind of christ another shift that happens that shift is you what you're actually seeing is actually part of you so you you need to look at it in a manner not at something else something else or something external that has come here to harm you or or excite you or traumatize you no it is part of you what you're seeing actually is part of you so when you when you're able to get to that point that what you're seeing is actually part of you it gives you the authority to change something that is part of you because you have the beginning of it sitting right inside of you and looking at it and you're able to change it so you are not if you don't get traumatized at what you see and become what you're seeing you are actually able to change what you're seeing because that is part of you that's pretty much is the vast mind in the in a in a biggest uh biggest possible way but yes it needs to expand your mind beyond the room you are in beyond your realm it needs to really expand to a different different level to uh to come to that i'll be coming to this again as the as the message goes on but i'll be keep referring to the vast mind of christ because it has really you know stretched me and that's what i'm very excited to bring to you what i'm sharing with you today is the revelation that i am receiving on the vast mind of christ and something i thought if i'll if i release it and share it with you it'll impact you that's what my prayer is and let's let me let me present it another way what if i tell you that in my world i'm the only person that exists in my world and nothing no one else exists i am the only person that exists in my world when i understand that then my world is seamlessly integrated with the bigger world outside yes i am the only one who exists in my world even the garden of eden that was presented to me years ago i was the only one in there because things that they needed to work for me were only for me because the colors i like the smells i appreciate are different than any other person's so even the garden of eden that was presented to me at the beginning i was the only one there and in my world i'm still the only one that exists once i understand that then my world is seamlessly integrated with the bigger world this only shows that i'm the only one who has control and influence over my world and when i when i'm able to understand that victimization leaves me because no external resource is able to impact me or it can equally impact me but i have the power to change it because i am the king of my world who is seamlessly integrated with the bigger world and and once we understand that we we are able to take control of our world our worlds are not merged our worlds are separate yes seamlessly integrated so there is a subtlety of you within it and that within everything else let me explain this to you a little differently today is tuesday so tuesday is uh one universal day for everyone in this world it's tuesday we know monday tuesday so tuesday is one day so what's the population of the world say let's say 7.5 billion people so do you know that this one tuesday has 7.5 billion different experiences so while it's one tuesday it has 7.5 billion different experiences my tuesday is different than your tuesday is different than someone else's tuesday so do you see that my tuesday i can create and control my tuesday on this tuesday someone is making pots of money on the same tuesday someone is incredibly poor in everything in some some uh heal some are sick so the same tuesday but it's giving a different experience so we have a so we have a power to control our own used on tuesdays or any other day for that matter is just an example of the world and yet it merges back to that one tuesday where it starts from so do you see the pattern of our world merging into the bigger world so us having control of our world completely if we understand that we are understanding how you are integrated in such a manner that if we understand this we are able to impact our world and through that impact the world that is in front of it so even if two people are having coffee together on that tuesday having the same conversations discussing a similar cup of coffee yet their experiences and their tuesdays are different their days are different but you see how the world being unaware of this comes up with terms like monday blues i mean it's like it's become such an unconscious thing that mondays will be terrible or fridays you look up to go and have a drink it's so i mean how is that even possible that you my monday will have the monday boost because someone else said his monday was having monday blues so that's that's the that's the lack of uh awakened state or other awareness of how this thing works but i feel now we are aware and we are able to move forward in this so if you are able to awaken ourselves from this slumber that monday blues does not affect me is not part of my life then we we are able to encounter the christ structure of creating and christ's structure of creating pretty much again is mocked in the world you know people say yeah go create your own world and then people say oh that's a cliche go create your own world yes when you say it's a cliche you're actually mocking christ's word because christ actually says create your no create your own world when i am with you create your own world and and that to me is such a awakening and opening into plugging in into the vast mind of christ because christ by nature is creating christ by nature as kirby has said time and again was way before jesus in the flesh christ was before the foundations of the world so christ is is ever present and christ is ever creating so if the moment you plug into it you're able to create new it's just that we have not woken up from the slumber and i'm so hoping that this year and with the word that wow is releasing into the world will we will be able to come out of a slumber take control and start creating with the tools which are provided let me ask you this question what is easier a white blank canvas to create on or already a muddle canvas to create on so those are the two choices that we have in front of us most of the time unaware we our prayer life is always wanting us to create something new create something better but we're creating already on the already scribbled paper so when we try to draw on it it's not clear it's not defined it's not we are creating on the muddled muddled canvas so and if you go to one and and if you're in christ and if you're understanding what christ is beyond the theory beyond theory the reason i'm saying is some of my words even may sound cliched or used or gone over many times before but i i urge you to see it afresh because christ invites you to see this whole thing fresh look at new as a fresh piece of canvas even now that as i'm speaking so that you can start drawing on it let's go to uh 2 corinthians 5 17 and 2 corinthians 5 17 and and we have heard this many time but let's see it again so it brings certain relevance and perspective to it and then we go further from there it says therefore if anyone is in christ he's a new creation all things have passed all things have passed away behold that is to see behold all things have become new repeat again therefore if anyone is in christ he's a new creation all things have passed all things have passed and all things have become new i mean to me it is such a like how come we never added value to it or how come we never felt the weight of it because how it was presented how we experienced it kind of closed the door for us to awaken to this scripture that could really really push us towards this and yes new is a huge dimension new is such a weight that okay where do we start new because if i if i if i ask anyone can you start new now he will have the burden and patterns that he's carrying from yesterday till this very moment and now if you ask him start new it's a completely challenging world for him where do i start new what about all those things yes that's why if we go into tohu or bohu i'm talking about it again now you go into the void you have the ability to disengage and re-engage disentangle and create new patterns and that's why what what the word wow is releasing at this time actually is talking about how you can go in in the void and create your patterns where scriptures like this are no more flat scriptures but these scriptures come alive they have a real meaning and you connect with the mind of christ because it's the mind of christ that's saying that behold all things have passed there's truth in that and like i said once again i'm urging everyone to engage in you you can open these dimensions and experience this months ago i was trying to understand visually what a vast mind of christ will look like so it came to me this picture came to me which i'd like to share with you is think of a huge big mirror in front of you and there's an image of you in the mirror and someone throws a stone and the mirror cracks and falls on or is cracked and it falls on the floor now when you look down on the mirror you'll see all the small pieces which are broken they are still reflecting your image back at you even if they're not together they're in different different shape size they're all reflecting your image back to you you know that one of that small thing reflecting that image back to you is your mind which is connected to all the other mines which all reflecting the same image back to me this image of the mirror first complete then broken in different shapes and sizes still reflecting the christ image back to you to me that was the best description that i could give myself on the vast mind of christ because once christ reflects back at you you are at a place where you can start creating a game so one once you understand that that little bit of piece of mirror which is your mind reflecting the christ back at you what is what is that what is he reflecting back at you he's reflecting back at you where the christ is at the beginning because christ was before the foundations of the world so he's at the beginning he's at the starting point he's at where you can start creating again because he's already seated in heavenly places far above every principality power thrones dominion names that is named he's seated up there and now he's inviting into that so it's no more you are above there you're also right at the beginning even now even now you can you even if you receive it fresh you're right at the beginning because christ is always able to take you at the beginning of any creation that you want to create of any kind like i said my relationship or how i relate to the bible has changed it's no more a book like this well it was never a book like this because it always used to open different beautiful dimensions now pretty much it's like a it's like a freshwater pond to me which it has a lot of marine life fish different things come up and every time i see it differently so i just have to like lean in and i go in and i see different perspectives to me now it is an amazing uh it's an amazing world with over 1 000 characters who invite me to play a role with them so one day i can be abram one day i can be joshua one day i can be david one day i can be mary one day i can be jesus one day i can be rich one day i can be poor one day i can be sick one day i can be healed i can be all to all within that pond i could access every mind because of christ because that mind was right from the beginning and that mind still continues when you when you talk about cloud of witnesses is part of the same mind so if you if you lean in and you touch with your mind in there you have a universe of characters inviting you to play a role in whichever form you want depending if you have not judged yourself or judged the others or isolated yourself into little silos you're able to do that and that's what christ christ provides and and and if you look at the whole thing who would have preached the gospel to abraham at that time christ who on who would have inspired david to say my lord to jesus way before jesus was born so and and let me let me support it with an interesting scripture that i came upon and i it really opened my thinking to vast mind even furthermore and so let's let's go to uh 1 corinthians 1 corinthians 10 1 to 4. it's a really really interesting scripture and i and i love how it's presented there one corinthians 10 1 moreover brethren i do not want you to be unaware moreover brethren i do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers all our fathers were under the cloud all passed through the sea all were baptized into moses in the cloud and in the sea all ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and the rock was christ so it is everywhere it is everywhere it just awakens for you to plug into the mind of christ and go right to the beginning and start creating what i'm saying has different dimensions to going into the beginning and creating going to the beginning and creating these different dimensions you can start from when the creation started you can bring it down to when your creation started you can bring it down to pretty much this day where you want to start the creation again or the project with you can bring it down and expand it depending how wide you can stretch your mind and that's why once again try to meditate that and you will have wonderful experiences just understanding this so look at this scripture like i said i had never probably i missed this scripture when i saw it or probably when it was when it came to me it got presented to me completely new it's so it's the christ from the beginning before the foundations of the world and understanding that is so important as it says in colossians 3 3 that you're hidden in christ so you're you're hidden in the same spiritual drinks same spiritual food carrying the same spiritual rock so if you're if you awaken yourself to that in the current context you're able to create as christ would create and what you see changes how you see it and it shows at what level are you in in christ hidden in christ let's go to colossians 3 3. so colossians 3 3 says if then you were raised with christ seek those things sorry i'm starting from one colossians 3 1. if then you were raised with christ seek those things which are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god set your mind on things above not on the things on the earth for you died this is important for you died and your life is hidden with christ in god what's really important to understand is that your life is hidden with christ in god with christ in god so with means you're one so you're hidden and you're one in god that to me is wow to me if i just sit on it and keep thinking my mind starts traveling to places just thinking that uh how many times you've gone over this without giving it again we haven't given these wonderful amazing scriptures life in our life if we give that to it we're able to go on the vast mind of christ even more effectively and i urge everyone to again once again spend little time on this and move because you're able to impact things around you if you are hidden inside the mind of christ you realize that every pot that you carry is a seed for creation but the thought that is supposed to be seed for creation we haven't paid much attention to it it's it's completely stained a lot of times without judgment traumas it doesn't have clarity and it it brings out the crop which is not really what you want so it's time when we disentangle we disengage and give a purity to our thought system to our thought process so that it goes actually as a seed in a really fertile ground and bring forth the crop that we're looking for and and and that is how we have to look at the world i mean we can't go back from the vast mind and start looking at the world from how it used to be it has to be moving forward where you are accountable to your thoughts you're accountable to your journey you're accountable to your word and you're accountable to your world which is around you if you've been following uh the vast kind of christ series that what kirby has time in the game spoken of and also uh shown the luminous tablets that were recently revealed uh you will understand the the importance that we are now uh laying on the elements that create our world you know earth wind fire water these elements personally i was not even aware of them a year ago i mean i was aware of them theoretically as a knowledge but i was not aware of the kind of role that role they play and now i realized that everything around us is created like how cmyk the four colors that create all the colors in the world cyan magenta yellow i think and black they create all the colors that are possible in the world just four colors same way the four elements that are here right and yes there is expanse that's the fifth one these four create our entire reality it brings uh from the mind realm of a thought to the firing of the neurons to the emotions attached to it and to the earth where it's manifested all those four elements play such a role and we never thought of those we never laid emphasis on that we never tried to even take authority and control over that and when i started dwelling more and more in there and and yes i'm talking a lot about the luminous tablets but it has really changed things and i really once again encouraging everyone to you know go on that and what i was saying was the moment i started dwelling on those plan uh those four elements probably in last three or four months i started seeing shifts around me i could understand that if four colors can create all the colors in the world then the four elements can create a reality and and yet we have never you know placed any emphasis on that and this is the first time i actually understood the the scripture galatians 4 galatians 4 3. let's let's go there this is the first time i understood what was written when the word element was used there let's do it so we'll put input more perspectives the whole thing galatians four three but let me start from one because one gives the whole perspective to uh the the scripture now i say that the air as long as he is a child does not differ at all from a slave though he is master of all but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father even so there it is even so we when we were children were in bondage under the elements right even so when we were children we were we were in bondage under the elements of the world we were in bondage to the elements of the world now i understood what it meant that i could not reach my fullest potential though i was a master of all but yet i lived like a slave and i was under bondage to these elements i did not understand i if i did not and if i did not spend time in last three or four months understanding these elements i would have continued to be in bondage to these elements and then i would have one then i would have realized where is the power where's the authority where the promise is why are they not coming on and i continue to be a slave i continue to be in bondage under these elements but now that we have understood this here we are presented to have authority over these elements and that's why the practical meditations that's why uh the you know uh all those 20 or 25 cards that that apart that are called the luminous tablets are actually allowing the allowing our spirit to go in have authority of the elements come out and change things around us for us and for everyone else and this is for the first time i feel i experience going over the elements and and to me the scripture has so come alive after probably reading this scripture for 10 years and now it comes alive with this thing in support of the case that i'm building so that we are able to control our realities and shift environments around us and be a solution let me let me let me share something from the language that jesus spoke aramaic and i came across something really interesting that kind of blew my mind so i'm getting to john 3 3 the scripture in john 3 jesus's conversation with nicodemus but before i go there i'd like to share something really really interesting which i thought was just mind-blowing and help me understand or stretch my mind further to understand the bigness of god that we're experiencing at this time in like a to z in english in hebrew the hebrew alphabet the first one is alif and the last is tav so when you when you go deeper you understand that the entire thought spectrum like in english when if someone refers to it they say oh yeah i've done the whole thing a to z means the entire thought process so there's no other thought before a and there's no other thought after z means a to z is should be able to capture your entire thought process now in hebrew alphabet is exactly the same left and f that's why it says from the beginning and the end the start and the and and the and the finalizing of it it says this entire thought spectrum exists within the creative realm of christ so whatever you are thinking a to z or lf to tab or is is exists only in the creative process of christ so while you were thinking that you were while you you must be thinking that okay i'm creating my own world and i'm thinking no it is seated it is resting on the creative process of christ so that full spectrum is within that to me that was really really amazing because from there it took me to the very first scripture of genesis and something else that i encountered really it lifted me up and and supported john 3 3 for me so it says in the beginning god created heavens and the earth to me that was like yes we have heard it many times but in the beginning it says the word the very first word there is bare sheet bar means sun and and barish rish is i may be pronouncing it wrong because i'm i don't know he proved but i got to bring a certain perspective to it means head chief bare sheath so that's the first word in the beginning so in the beginning god created heaven and earth so in hebrew when you read or in aramaic when you read it the sun head means the sun is the head means the sun the christ is the head right at the beginning means when you go to the beginning of your creation you're already head of your creation you're already the head of your creation you are the chief of your creation so god in his wisdom put this as a prophecy when he said and god created heaven india in the beginning in the beginning god created heaven then the earth in the beginning he'd already placed that sun will be the head of the creation so you see that is at that dimension and bring it down to your dimension is still the same you will be the head you will be the chief of your creation so it is from the big the first scripture of genesis where this beautiful book starts even now you are the chief of your creation in the beginning right and so when i was looking at this in the same book when i was taken to john 3 3 it's the is the most amazing discussion that jesus has with nicodemus when he comes to him at night we've read this many times and you see the not the discrepancy this is the limitation of a translation because it says that uh let's go to john okay we know this it says that only when you're born on when you're born again you're able to see the kingdom of god that's the famous thing if you're born again you're able to see the kingdom of god is mentioned there but if you go in aromatic that's the beauty of it of the same scripture it does not say it does not say born again it has a different meaning it's this is what it says yeah okay let's go there i'll just read it out to you and you will you will get it here so it says the same scripture yeah but in aramaic uh says uh i say to you so that jesus is telling nicodemus i say to you that if a man is not born from the beginning he is not able to see the kingdom of god not born again there's a difference i say to you that if a man is not born from the beginning he is not able to see the kingdom of god so when you are born again actually you're born from the beginning see how it changes the whole perspective born again had born again had also become such a devalued term but you read it like this so every time you receive christ salvation blood of jesus that covers you even now and you say okay i'm born again actually you're born from the beginning in the beginning god created heavens and the earth in the beginning sun was made the chief of his creation so this very moment the moment you say there's jesus saying nicodemus a man unless he's born from the beginning is not able to see the kingdom so you so he affords us and he presents us this opportunity of when we receive him as salvation and if we truly understand what christ's mind does he takes us in the beginning so so i say it again so you were born even today you're born from the beginning born from the beginning and you encountered the rock that was christ referenced to what i spoke earlier of 1 corinthians 10 1 4. so it's from the beginning that's where you are right this very moment you're born from the beginning and now you can see the world now you can see the kingdom of god and if you've gone to the beginning you better have the eyes to see what you want to create with a thought pattern which is so stainless and clean that it has power because you spend time in the void when you and when you come out of it your thought process your intentions your will is so clear that you are able to go into each of the elements or when and when you speak your thoughts out when you sow the seed from your thoughts is able to create a world that you would want to live in and the word that will impact the connected word the seamlessly integrated bigger word around you so to me this was such a thing that you receive christ and you're not only born again born again is you can be born again here you're born from the beginning and now you can start creating it you can be born from the beginning even now and you can start connecting all the dots that around you and start looking at everything around you as part of you if there is something wrong going on there you still have impact on it because it's part of you because you are at the beginning and whatever you see is your world you're the king of your world you're seeing your world and you can impact it because you've gone into the void you've understood the void and you've done meditations and you've gone to tohua bohu and you have worked with luminous tablets and you will definitely see the things around you shift so you're born from the beginning start creating a world that you want to live in and i'll leave you with this thank you bless you all
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 1,286
Rating: 4.8730159 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, wow church, wow life church, Born from the beginning, Ajai Vir Singh, born from above, born again, kingdom of heaven, kingdom of god, releasing kingdom culture, born of the spirit
Id: rKxJEyB-jvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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