Eternal Beings | Kirby De Lanerolle | 4th December 2018 | WOWLife Church

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[Music] so just get smashed the word is there to get you high enjoy the joy all the food service because Zion Zion when you go to church these days they also say we're transforming destination which is like a race fan and guess what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on Hey see like use cheering for me like that you must cheer for everybody yeah you must chafe everybody because the people in this house who serve this house truly truly truly truly they're very very precious there's so many things that go beyond you we can come and sit here and enjoy the production and supply but there are people who really put their heart and their soul their money their finances their lives to get the word to you so I just want Wow is a culture that value people don't ever lose that we're not afraid to value people to shout to cheer to jump to do you know if you clap at a cricket team we clap at someone's car in six runs we can clap it someone doing the work in this house yeah we are always a culture like that we will always be will never be diluted so just reminding you as your posture that's who we are if I can if I can stand for someone you surely can you surely can come on yeah you see because I understand the dedication this is a full-time thing you don't get production like this unless people are fully fully dedicated and we have people who are completely dedicated the worship team the media team people have given their life for this they live to serve you just to save this house you know and they live to serve the free church at the resonation but Roger is a is a witness to that and that's who is ok and the other cultural thing that I need to tell you as you passes we don't clap in this house first the priority is with our mouths first because very easy to clap religiously but it's harder to say hey yeah we bless you god bless you and then the clap supports the shout thank you yeah not the shout supposed to clap yeah people hide their joy behind the clapping yeah and they hide the expression be simple religious things you know religion is a very funny thing you won't know that you're really just till you find yourself doing religious things okay and clapping can be a very religious thing honestly clapping works like this if someone starts clapping ever people are clapping yeah but there's nothing going on in their hearts oh my god it's time clap okay and in fact even the funny you and the funny stuff that goes on TV they said it's time to clap now it's time to laugh okay and we don't want to be a generation like that yeah we need to be about if song comes up here you need to be able to get up on your changes shout come on can someone sign on the show please it's someone sent on Shere Khan say no Chuck stand on your chair stand on your chair standard come on come on come on come on that's it that's it very good come on that's awesome you see see we break out of religion come on that's the way we fight those days we used to go to the blue elephant and and Jackie and Fiona and Tammy days to be on not on their seats needs to be on the podium like who are ya yeah they were on the blue elephant that's how we partied you understand it when we come in you see them there on the podium right there okay and that's how we partied and that's how we will do church okay we know how to be happy we know how to be happy okay and if you were happy you know doing the kind of stuff on drugs and all kind of stuff we can be happy when the Holy Spirit comes or not and we will get on our chairs I will get on the mountaintops and we'll do whatever it takes to praise our God you understand okay and there is nothing wrong don't get into this really just stuff that oh we're not supposed to be Laurie to man oh please please God Himself shares his glory with you in a New Testament so please please you know as you give glory to the person when the Spirit of God is in something you say thank you you are awesome you're giving glory to God you understand so don't go don't go don't get religious don't that's all Old Testament stuff God shares his glory with you you understand it he wasn't sharing with anyone else God is so awesome and so good so good so now let's I'm I've got into a new series okay if you notice I don't know what you call it you can call it something like mmm eternal yeah maybe I'm just trying to give you the background to it you can give it a feeling like eternal salvation or I think eternal inheritance is more like like more like a word or or eternal purpose is something nice yeah eternal purpose is very nice eternal purpose and it comes from a simple pondering on the different submissions that come to men throughout thousands of generations and different forms of philosophies that have come to us and everything has sounded very logical to me till I found what was written in the Bible there was a someone was challenging me to a story that Jesus had learned his doctrines from India or from some sort of philosophy that came from India and honestly I'm a guy who looks at things very realistically you know and I look at things objectively and if someone tell you something I don't religiously just try to argue with them or something like that because I need to be able to hear from the Lord on every single at every single point and no point of time do I get religious okay so and but I could agree with that philosophy because because because Jesus brings in something to the world that is out of this world he takes us out of other Minds he takes us out of a booth the other other other mind I mean everything he says is not logical and I like what lolani said because he said this place is not logical Jesus is not logical I mean human concepts can be understood by human beings and be believed by human beings that's why it's human so you tell something human to a human being the first thing the easiest believing thing that means it is the most human of them all if it's easily rationally believed like science okay it is means it is the most human and natural of it all that is why it is so palatable and some people you know praise me because I bring science in but I keep telling them I bring science in because science is baby stuff okay and I bring science into explain to babies what the Spirit is saying you got it so so when we go beyond our minds like last week at the meeting on Tuesday I started the meeting with people loose I mean I said right now you stand up anyone who has any marks on their body and I said right now the marks are going to disappear from your body that's how I started the meeting now how foolish that's that is and that sounds because it's only a very foolish man even in the realms of charismatic faith it's foolish to start a meeting like that because you started mean that and if it doesn't happen we go saying the most illogical thing how can marks disappear of a body in one second it is impossible it is illogical if it happen if it doesn't happen and you're going for a healing meeting everyone loses faith so you're putting yourself on yeah it's like word of knowledge is a funny thing like the prophetic word annoys it front end if you say healing even say are you feeling better yeah I'm feeling better are you feeling okay you go home even much better I'm feeling a bit better now but I you go home and get much better you don't know whether you're healing or not getting here but you say you look at your marks on your marks ability say perfume on your body it's a completely different thing do you understand you can see what is gone or not gone you can't rationalize that idea is there oh it's not there do you understand that yeah and you saw how many people that marks just completely disappeared come one guys seven inches of a mark on his hand just completely disappear did you see that one lady came in showing telling her husband that there's a boil I don't know what it is I need to get it shake it completely disappeared at the beginning of the meeting so what would make a man okay just like you know different to you do something like that and be able to place his trust in what other people would call invisible okay to do that it's my credibility is on the line you must understand come on you do people who must appreciate the type of faith it takes to do something like that okay you must try it out in public once in a while then you understand you see the ability to do some means that there is something that I know in that maybe I'm seeing that other people are not seeing that is such a reality to me do you understand there is such a reality it is a reality I mean I I you won't put yourself like it's in such an embarrassing situation if something is not a reality it has to be so real that I believe that that can happen and then you see time and time again these things happen you might even see things happen tonight depends on my mood and your mood yeah okay if I'm inspired by your faces and your joy and all that then I can I get drawn to to go into because I feel like oh my god you know god yeah somebody haven't just now what happened yeah just now I told you just now just now what happened a gemstone happened now right now bear with it yeah just funny now yeah it's happening now it's happening now it's happening now right now this gemstone the feel right now but check again I'm check check check around check on your hands a big old and super dust but okay it's Christmas so don't maybe that's that's not such a good good good sign okay so go somewhere else go go somewhere else check your phone the same angel who dropped gemstones and the same into charging your phones check right now when the glory comes like that check you'll be getting SMSs right now it's a message with angels putting money in your wallet right now and money in your phone bills paying it off right now at the beginning of the meeting do you see what is happening something strange is going on now yeah okay yeah check your phones right now to back your phone batteries I'm telling your phone batteries and tell you wait wave your hair for me yeah right now see me angel see angels come to do things because they're trying to get out of Pynchon gemstones come because it hey hey hello we are round we're around we're round we're round right now right now right now right now let decimates has come let the batteries be charged now we release them now in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name check check and wave wave wave at me if anyone has a has a has a testimony something happened to your phone right now you certainly happen just wave yeah what happened how much how much there you go did something happen no whoa whoa check now check now something happened yeah what do that how much no I was at a meeting the whole day yeah yeah it's just increase to 54 54 percent same angel similes I know it's happening to others so he checked it and came and just had a voice the same angel who drop into gemstones but see when you see that wasn't a club be good enough come come on you're coming for men this these angels they like noise they love noise they love laughter they love joy they love George they are attracted to joy joy means faith if you have joy means fate just like they say how do I have faith it's not a cognitive matter as you have joy if it comes yeah yeah right now there's no there's no there's no there's no just check right now there's more that's just one there's more they even SMS is coming to be was phone still now now now now I'm going to show you something okay you see I'm telling you I saw an angel this morning okay when I was just waking up and this angel came to the side of me and he came to put money supernatural and you will see after today you watch what I'm saying I saw it this morning okay an angel was at the side of my bed and he came to bring supernatural connections for financial gain trust me like you see supernatural that that be buyers there'll be galbi that be buyers there will be resources there will be investments but it will be brought down from a different realm and they're coming now you see 2019 he's like a line for 219 you'll even see it happen right now your SMSs will come to your phones now there it is there are people here who this year has been bad you've not seen any movement these Angels you need to move something supernatural you need some you need something powerful okay I'm telling you it's going to shift now I saw this morning and these signs this these are just before me I'm just doing small small signs that God is giving before any gemstones phone battery charging stuff like that okay but it's happening to give you a sign as a people that you're among the company of heaven there's something that is going on in your mids that is different don't lose your joy Wow don't lose your joy you are a special peculiar strange anointed set apart people okay that get healed miracles happen in your lives that are not logical so every time you come here what what I challenge is your is your logic okay unbelief what unbelief is is a logical mind is a rational mind that's what you call an unbeliever so every time you every time you every time you come more about that in a their miracle so the rational mind is challenged so the things that I tell you also will challenge your rational mind every time your rational mind is challenged and it doesn't sound like logic to you it doesn't sound like philosophy to you if it sounds like philosophy yeah yes if if it sounds like philosophy to you it means that you're still in your natural beam do you understand so this series will take you out it might offend you okay but that's okay we get offended out of our logic okay so but it'll sound like only God only God can save what he's saying here and do what he's doing here if you turn to acts 8 I'm going to show you this guy Sara Bosch and Arabic and Arabic Arabic thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus this place is about growing you in the supernatural it's no point of me just walking in the power and the supernatural we want you to walk in that okay so we're what we are doing is we are teaching you equipping you with the right doctrines to have that now watch acts 8 and what he says okay so Paul is saying thank you Jesus thank you Jesus now the angel in Lord spoke in verse 26 now the angel Lord spoke to Philip saying arise go towards the south long road you see who spoke an angel okay this is a New Testament angel speaking to people are normal it should be your inheritance hearing from angels should be your inheritance do not be scared of that kind of stuff if you are scared if you got if you got religion you will not be able to hear what these guys are saying how do I know that these things will happen it's because any angel will tell me I am about to do this and then I know right this is what will happen at the meeting you understand it angels are your inheritance okay even if you don't know Jesus you do have angels okay but they are not upgraded till you know the Sun the reason is what Jesus gives you is something called sonship Jesus didn't come as the father Jesus came as the son the reason he came as the son is to be able to show you what you are supposed to become you understand it and so for those who are being baptized I want you to understand what you're being baptized into you are being baptized into an eternal citizenship you're baptized into something forever okay you're baptized into not just being a human being and just a way per in the wind because human beings are like grass you know they they they they live for a second and die in a day okay Jesus comes at the Son of God so that now you can become the sons of God till then every human being and every dog every animal are just children do you understand it that the children of God okay every creator being a children okay but son has to do with the word son in the Hebraic understanding has to do very specifically with inheritance it's not a gender issue it's just that it is an example that God is giving you of who is going to get an inheritance that is eternal okay alright so that is why he comes as the son so that he can present to you something of any ability to inherit because sons get inheritance you got it so the son of God so I'm just so those of you knew just to explain a bit about the gospel of Jesus Christ and it's you'll get a little more now as you come so here's any 2op Ethiopian okay very interesting story now the angel the Lord spoke don't ask me it's actually apostles these when the church was just been built two thousand years ago after Jesus had died okay he says now arise go toward the South alone road which goes downwards from Jerusalem to Gaza he is telling very specific words of knowledge do you understand that you're literally giving it address copy how do you know where people live and isn't that because the angels are supposed to minister that kind of stuff so right here you hear so he rose and went and behold a man of ethiopia a eunuch of great authority under under the queen of Ethiopia okay so here's an eunuch so I mean that should answer a lot of questions to you with what's going on with the church today a eunuch okay that means he is general less at this moment of time by force we don't know or what would Jesus say there are eunuchs in different ways eunuchs are born you knock some people become units we don't know why but this man was a eunuch okay interesting that one the first the first messages were given to one of a you knock of great authority under the queen of Ethiopia were charge of all the Treasury and had come to Jerusalem to worship okay now watch is was returning and sitting in his chariot he was reading I sighed a prophet okay then the spirit said to Philip go near him or take the chariot and ask him what he's reading so now this guy he's a supernatural thing going on the charity is going and Philip has something supernatural as well he's running with a chariot the speed of a chariot okay so you can understand what he's going on here this whole story it's just awesome the you're not even a child he's reading not only that this guy is not only coming to him he's also by word of knowledge knowing what he's reading by word of knowledge she knows that this guy is reading in this scripture and in this chapter you get that yeah so then at that moment of time so you see how supernatural the believers life is the believers life is not some natural thing it's all supernatural we have naturalized it because we don't understand why we have been saved they're saved to be sons okay now watch is okay and then he goes on and he says and he says do you understand what you're reading and the eunuch ran says in verse search mine said how can i unless someone guides me is it there so you need someone to guide you and he asked Philip to come up and sit with him the place in the scripture which she was reading was this okay he was led as sheep to the slaughter and I was reading about Jesus the Prophet is writing about Jesus 700 years before Jesus true prophecy is writing and eunuch now is reading that after Jesus has been crucified what the prophets of old had written about Jesus okay that's what he didn't do you get that so he's reading and this is why the letters are like in this funny way because he's writing reading for Lowell Scriptures he was led as sheep to the slaughter and as a lamb before his Shearer's is silent he opened not his mouth in his humiliation his justice was taken away he's talking of Jesus okay and this is an interesting statement it's into the statement so the Prophet is asking so this person came okay he said he was the son of God he was crucified okay and now who will declare his generation do you just get that the question okay so now all this has happened who is going to declare the generation of the son do you get it that's the key because up to now no one has declared it the word declare means who is going to now preach this who is going to explain it who is going to now declare show present to the world a generation the word generation okay now in the singlets collar you where you get a means and in the sanskrit also you go the birth what yoga is a very heavy word it means that is going to be a generation take a pause there from this time onwards time split in two they call it ad and BC so you can understand something shifted completely and then the question is beckoned to the people now there is an age there's a you go that has come later generation that has come on the earth it's different to every other generation okay here's a guy running with the wind hearing what he's been said and he's asking the question who is going to declare this generation okay so phone battery is being charged should be a like a joke you see people find it hard to understand that like how they can often disappear cancers been healed you know they'd been raised should be like water who are you who are you are you a human being or are you one who knows the Son of God and now because of him you can become adopted as a son God had top adopts humanity to be his sons okay that's the story that's that's that's the beautiful story okay why why the reason why is because he can see the whimsical nature of humanity he created it you see we are born one day we die we die what is the use of our suffering what is all this about people give different reasons are we suffering here and then in the next lifetime I'd be born as someone better and all he's kind of stuff but you know it all that didn't it didn't make so much sense to me because even a next time if I am born it doesn't I won't remember what I did so how do I carry forward a better life so for me I was a gangster and for me it was like you know who gangstas life is a good life trust me if you're doing it well I was a gangster if you're a good gangster I mean you didn't even know your profession well okay it's luxurious you're powerful you run the show everyone bow down to you you're the boss okay and you you can live an average life maybe a little shorter than others but but hey but but it's a good life okay and so if everyone decides to be very selfish at every potential please understand it every potential in life the way out of your your suffering if you are supposed to eat turn if the concept is that you're supposed to eternally suffer till you can get it right here get it right here you could fix your soul you fix your heart you fix your heart and then the next life you'll get a better life and then you fix your heart and you get a minute but a life and so it continuously be fixing laughs then at least and be give me the memories of the previous life so that I know where I've been wrong because then I can fix this life but most of time I'm thrown into it if if that is true then I'm thrown into this life without an idea of what I did wrong previously so it doesn't help so what I thought if that philosophy was right and please understand those of you watching me on podcast but in Sri Lanka so I'm not talking to a bunch of Christians in America okay I'm talking to have gone and evaluated all these philosophies like me okay so I evaluated it and I thought hey you know if that's true then all I need to do now is be as selfish as possible in this life because I won't remember it next time anyways and so I can be a bank robber I can be a gangster I can do whatever I want I can do whatever I want and really best selfishly in this life because next life I can do it again I can be selfish again even if I'm born a paraplegic reincarnate as paraplegic I can be really be selfishly and still because I won't know anything better so I will have the best as someone with all hands or legs I want you to understand that so it didn't make sense to me I pondered on these things till I found this story where Jesus is saying hey I planned something for you that is eternal do you know that I want you eternally do you know that I have an eternal love for you and it's a crazy story because for me the investment I've made in this relationship with my wife I've loved her I can't bear to be without her I don't know what we'll look like without my wife when someone passes the first thing that goes through your mind is betrayal you feel that you've been betrayed like how did I lose someone is what is life when someone passes that's when you ponder like what the heck is life what was that all about what wonder what did I invest my heart in why am i given a machine like a heart that I can invest I can give my all I can love so much I I lost the dog called Ruby I loved Ruby so much why did he give why was I made with a heart that can love so much we were broken window Ruby died what is it there's something wrong with the fact that I will live till I'm 60 or 70 and then I'm gone and then I become consciousness or a frequency or I'm born as a something else it if there's no point till I made Jesus and he gave me something completely illogical he doesn't fit the rational mind it doesn't fit the rational brain it doesn't fit it doesn't fit that philosophy he said this he said if you believe in me those who getting baptized I've got an eternal plan for you if you and this is the beauty of it and I don't know charismatic smile might judge me for saying this but but I'm not a Universalist but there is a place in a Bible that says that if you believe you and your household are saved and we live eternally and for me that was enough to believe I didn't want the Richards I didn't want the money I didn't want a success if I can live if one day if they--if jeans what Jesus is saying is true then if I believe in him I will be with her forever not not even here even if even if someone had passes I will see them again and this lifetime he says he said I will wipe every tear away you don't understand he says this momentary time is like it's like he said a thousand years is like a day for me he says one night is like a whim for me he says but for eternity you will be with her if you believe in me he said I'm giving you that and I'm the only one who can because I am God and then I thought that only God can do that only God can think of a concept like that he's the only one who can think of it because that's what I long for I want to see Ruby again I want to see the people I've lost again that so many were lost in this church I want I know for sure I'm gonna see them again I know for sure I don't care it increased body or not this body I'll be with them one day forever and for me that broke every logic in me and said who can do something like that that truly is real love it has to be God and so I believe in Jesus because I love my parents and so when you talk about Second Coming people made such so religious the signal Christians you don't go there they don't know who Jesus people most people don't know Jesus is there talking God is gonna come the second coming of Christ is don't come look most people don't know who Jesus is this is the promise of Jesus hear me out you know change everything preach the gospel to people like this because there are only two options either you're going to be reincarnated and born again and again and again and again in different ways in different forms what you've done or you can be forgiven once and for all for your sins now okay and never be reincarnated but be incarnated as a son of God for eternity with every single person you love [Applause] even with Ruby and blossom and everything only God can do today's hope beyond the grain and he says death no life can separate us now from the love of God so he's not about riches when I gave my life to Christ it was because I did one thing eternal purpose and if you don't know where you're going you would be lost see on earth we need to know the end people can't you feel as though I don't know what the end what the end it's like from samsara it's answer I'm like am ia lost boy I might just I'm I lost what what am I I'm sure I'm somebody there's something bigger in here than just me going into consciousness and she's become of us not a consciousness to be the bigger consciousness there's something bigger I'm called I really have emotion my name is Kirby DeLand roll I'm sure I was born once I can't remember anything else and I'm sure I was meant to be with a father and I must sure 100% that Fiona is my wife and I'm sure that this will be forever gone you know today there are things that you know and the things that you know and people can tell you different things but I'm here to submit to you that God is offering you an option away from what has been taught and when you stock up second coming on Christ it's not I know it's glorious to say the Jesus I know Jesus I've seen Jesus I met Jesus I've seen his angels I've been to heaven I know what heaven is like but some of you might not have ever experienced that okay but just think about what the Second Coming means he says he's coming with all those who said yes to him and who said yes to living eternally in him and his purpose and when he says his so is coming he says he's coming with all of them come Mohawk that's worth it that's what it come on he's coming with all of them I will see Kensie again obviously eat it again obviously cereal again I see magnum there's all my grandparents I just see them again I see badge again come on man you know for me saying yes to Jesus just for that it's fully worth it so I get up forget about the money forget about all the rest you know forget about the success here because you know what even if you live to a thousand years and we preach life in His Church we preach life you would even live to a thousand years okay even if you live to 150 thousand is people say you live with your thousand years it's still in a face of eternity it's a joke it's nothing do you understand that so I want to talk about your eternal purpose because when you know who you are and who's you are who you are okay you can say yes to Jesus so easily because honestly the other options don't seem so attractive to me because I love you guys and I know what love feels like you know what a lot further look at the person next to you do you think this is a 60 year old thing a 70 year old thing all this is a 60 70 year old thing they'll be having here a hundred year old thing but even if they said it was 150 years that you can live at 149 you'll be holding your partner's hand and looking into the eyes I'm telling you even if you lived her it appeared to be holding a hand silly oh god I hope I see you again so what it and then Jesus comes and gives you the option it is just believed forever together what I god only he can do it so that's why I'm asking you the question I said why do you believe in Jesus I know he's charging phone batteries and know all i canna stuff you know put mighty pretty money healing people he saw the healings all that that's awesome that's that's because of his character and nature he is in heaven that is truly a place like that and I want to read it from Daniel if you go into Daniel 7 inner cities now that we believe in life and living long long lasting life we can talk about this stuff we can really talk about it and look at this without trying to you know long to go there you're not supposed long to go there I suppose it long to stay here ok but if you go God if you go home it's ok that was awesome come on now we can get healed because we know the God's plan is eternal he is from his name is l olam that means o the from everlasting to everlasting that is very characteristic sure I ready come on Jesus we're we ready I said we can go Daniel 7 yeah Daniel 7 I want to show you this place called heaven is actually place like this and I've been there you know I I you have access there when you're born again it doesn't take a prophet to go there it doesn't take some some Swami or guru to go there it takes just a man saying I believe in Jesus and then you are regenerated as a son so that you can sit there and go there okay and it's very accessible to everyone who believes you got it now what's the watch watch this okay I'm just showing you in Daniel 7 this scene it's just wonderful wonderful scene thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus dan yeah prophet Daniel comfort comfort reveal yourself in the book you know I can't find you all these Minor Prophets tourism yeah yeah I know sometimes you just so it's so saturated honestly I just can't I don't know I I have no motivation if I need like it's like no and I know yeah I know it's like it's like yeah it's like my motivation is gone I don't know why okay right okay yeah hey can you feel that yep that feeling that feeling that feelings hope it's like you just went beyond your natural hope you like what the heck is he talking about oh my god he's just talking about eternity and Sonny illogical mangoes and Sonny offense would come like what is the same is wrong and then if it's real if this thing is true oh my god come on we are we are in the good stuff for hammy if it's true I will see each one of you I'm telling you each one of you I'll see you forever yeah we are hooked forever you got me for life eternal life I'm telling you if I get to heaven I'll ask him to be able to preach and prophesy even in heaven and maybe there's no prophecy in heaven will I know in full but I want to have you I hope my people will be my people forever eternal isn't it awesome and you know our logical minds don't think about it why it's not logically what is he talking about get there get back get out of the box will chip you're out of the box anyways we're saying that marks disappear away tell me to get out of box anyways you know how foolish to start a meeting like that how foolish yes awesome awesome fool which because you know because our rational minds can't think of eternity holiday meeting of eternity but this book the beauty of this book it talks about it it gives you the story on the end to the beginning so that you know whether you're going home when you're driving just even a console it'll drive you driving a car sorry I'm going towards you got it there your intention is set I'm going toward the glorified state I'm going towards the authority of a Sun they're alive I'm going towards it you see preferably a lie okay God come on yeah preferably alive come on guys okay right so Daniel 7 is talking about this scene okay and it's it's here ok 9 okay as you can see a doctor here for this mission okay okay I'm just passionate I don't I don't know what I'm prepared but I'm passionate what are you know passionate you don't have any prepared you just you just go god is awesome watch this okay he says it was 9 I watched it okay so Daniel the prophet is seeing and some of these visions are so awesome then in chapter 9 chapter 7 chapter 7 verse 9 verse 9 okay somebody did a man I pray when I'm speaking about it it'll open to you and you'll go into these realms I mean I mean these realms are awesome if you have one experience with it you honestly one experience with a realm like this will change you forever okay right now I release it upon you now okay that you will see your eyes are opened you don't have to be some you don't have to be it's you were some holy holy pure person that's why Jesus came because he knew you're not a holy holy pure person he came and dumped you in the blood and made you a holy holy pure person so that your eyes will be open you've got it he's the only one who could do it so here Daniel he says I watched till Thrones this is a scene in heaven now watch there's a real place like this to consider it either we believe it or we don't we can't go half me on this okay I watched still trolling or die Neeson I watched his Thrones were put in place Wow and the Ancient of Days were seated the Ancient of Days that means he's beyond Eon from yon some time to time you know his garment was white as snow his hair was like wool is it it he's throne was a fiery flame its real the burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him a thousand a thousand thousands Mirren one bush is that the myriads of myriads of angels ministered to him that's why that's why he you know I mean this is God thousands upon thousands of watching him not right now your honor the Angels a ministry ministry means serving yeah ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him the court was seated and a book was open boom you see and then he goes on to explain this okay verse 13 he says this and I was watching the night visions and behold and behold one like the son of man come on coming with the clouds of heaven no Jesus no huh he came to the Ancient of Days and they brought him near before him then to him was given Sully God is there and then God gives someone in the likeness of a man come home okay he came that is a prophecy Daniel is prophesying about Jesus and they brought him near for him then to him to this man was given Dominion and the glory and the kingdom Wow he gives the kingdom to this man you get it then that all people and nations and languages this is all oh hello signal a puncture [Laughter] hello I'm Hyder macchina single a burger Allah made them Allah burger column on huh make another single iboga Muslim Malik Allah that all now this is not only for Christians let's wonder and explain you got it you see he says and then to him was given to mean and glory and a kingdom that all people nations all languages should serve him his Dominion is doesn't come like the political parties of today there's a number one two years and three years is gone and someone can comment and we all know this is a Dominion or Kingdom that is forever you see is everlasting Dominion that's why we have the charge in the phones the speech healings and all that because no matter who's in power we are plugged in the brand name this kingdom is still ruling the kingdoms of the nation are fighting and no one knows who's there and who's whatever but we are seated on high now the Bible says with him friend throne in heaven to decree a thing and it shall be done it says if you cancel cancer it'll go because my kingdom forever if you say where there is no babies there will be babies it will be done if you say there is no hearing there will be hearing you have authority because you're no longer as a human being you have been born from above as a son of God now you are not here for a whim or a season of 60 years 100 years um now just entered eternity when you said yes to him and guess what the ones with you also now are stepping in only God can say something ladies is either a life from hell what is the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ [Applause] and it's causing us to say okay is there he says it Jesus says it I'm the son of God I've said the kingdom of God is not my hand believe in me and you shall be called the sons of God God so loved the world you that He gave His only begotten Son him me me he would say me whoever believes shall not die but have a turn [Applause] and that's not just immortality I'm not talking about allottee I'm saying even if you die that no life you will have it you will that's it no more will you be born again and again in any other way 30 will reign as sons with the ones you love come on Jesus what earth it's awesome you get it so then he says this domain is forever he says his Dominion everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away is it there that's the promise and it's kingdom the one shall not be this now understanding this is so important because when you understood that you stepped into eternity and they actually at a place like this it's a dimension that this is really happening okay so think about that and when it says in efficient that you have been raised in to him any place and you're seated with God that is right and you don't have to die to get to heaven he says when you were born from above you bring heaven to it and you're seated with Jesus with your holy angels so why time and time again I demonstrate angels to you is to show you that if kirby the lateral can have angels you can and if I can ask angels to do certain things then guess what you can why we don't do it is because we don't believe that we are eternal beings subject to an eternal purpose to do eternal things we think all we're gonna just make some money here it is 66 years 50 years 40 100 years 200 years I don't know you always you obamas right hundred years for a few years 20 years perfect years I don't know wow is right okay so y'all maybe will go beyond because you all believe that it's possible right now what I'm trying to tell you guys is still it's nothing you were you're bigger than that or you have you are an eternal being think about it yeah think about that think about it the Bible says that God said eternity in our hearts and then he wants an eternal purpose everything you do here okay you're like hey you know what I got eternal purpose I I come in not because you don't want to say no any lad you just like hey you know what there's eternity for me okay I don't need to do I don't need to do I don't live life like it's a short time I mean immortality itself gives you long life here eternity itself extends you till infinity okay and if you don't ponder what happens on the other side will you become a butterfly you need to ponder what happens to you because you can be the caterpillar caterpillar caterpillar caterpillar caterpillar all you want but those metaphors are given to us in our world because that's exactly what is gonna happen to you you're going from caterpillar to butterfly and this book is only the caterpillar story and bits of the butterfly story okay so because the Bible says it's reading this and after that God will be all-in-all and this you don't have prophets you don't have past this you don't have teachers you don't have anything like that he says when that happens okay when you get your eternal inheritance this book at that time the word is forever but the book becomes redundant but the word becomes forever so unless you ponder on what your eternity looks like how can you have it I mean it's it's even logically you can't drive to a place you don't know where you're going so think about that you can't drive to a place you can't create something of a future for you if you don't know your eternal purpose if you don't know your eternal purpose you will make things here that are very volatile unstable and very temporary your building material here will be so temporary so shakable okay because you don't know your eternal purpose so how you do things you'd be so irrational you be so rude you'll be so you you will be so wrought full so impulsive all those things because we don't understand who we are you got it so if we understand hey this isn't this is not about me trying so that even the do-gooding stops you know do good do good do good do good it stops because then how much can you do good you're gonna do good and do good and do good and then and then get another life to do good and do good I do good oh you can trust in God who says you know what I forgive you one shot for what you've done and what you are going to do because I know you I'm gone I can see there's no chance that you're doing good can sort this problem out trust me the things that go through our mind the things that we do there's no good that you can do to sort your eternal purpose out I'd rather have a god coming to me and say son you are in bad shape boy you are in bad shape you know Wow okay you need some serious payment for your sins and guess what you can afford it you can't afford to pay for your sins you can't you need a god I can save you from this do you want reach out reach out to me get out of your works and say save me Oh God because there's no point of me trying to do good to get out of this there's no good that I can do to get me out of this come on all you Saints in the house you know what I'm talking about okay reach out to the one who is calling out to you right now beckoning you heart right now say save me save me now I want to be saved eternally I I'm tired I'm trying my best but failing in every single way Oh God I need you is yeah Katie is it cousin says yes that's why I sent my only begotten Son to save you rest now rest don't worry as you receive me you become good not by your works but by my spirit I will make you good you can't do it even if you try you need a bit of me you see now see so the church has preached it in you know you know in a way I thought I don't know how they got it there they're preaching about hell and damnation ll-look God is a judge of all but if you preach to people the true gospel the God is trying to tell them I can give you eternity with everyone else with the people you love you preach salvation in the right way the way Jesus came to give it did you understand that okay one point in 15 you are in your deep pondering at the moment you rather ponder together because you go home and ponder anyways and believe me you've been pondering about this anyways if you've not been pony bunny you don't have a change in your heart you know everybody even eight is talking is pondering about it that's why he writes the books they write so angrily okay so because everyone's pondering about it there's no solution except Jesus gives a solution and it's so glorious it's unbelievable and it will only take someone with faith to believe really that's really crazy yes it has to be God with everything else looks like natural okay so he did so he says Jesus is saying listen listen carefully if you know Jesus in the house you don't be a Christian but if you know Jesus check what Paul is writing about you the Western my christ is preached that he had been raised 150 you one point in 15 was 22 when I first was 12 okay now if Christ is preached that he has been raised from the dead how do some among you say that there is no resurrection from the dead now listen carefully he says but if there is no resurrection of the dead then Christ is not risen was 14 and if Christ is not risen then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty think about that other gospel is saying that all Dominion was given to someone called Jesus Christ from Nazareth who was declared as the son of God no one has ever seen a son of God everyone the children of God including the Jews and the Hebrews okay and then they said a guy saying no I am the only begotten in fact he tells them I am the only one who's ever made the father and come down from heaven now that that upset the Hebrew people so much that he crucified Him because for them they say none of your all children of God come on we are all children come on Kobe don't tell me the VHL no no I know we are all children but he's saying that he is the son of God that he's the only one who's seen the father that he was sent specifically by the father to make you also now the son not just children so that you will have a eternal inheritance because he says the father loves you so much that he wants you eternally forever with him and he wants all of you together because y'all are not invested in families and lifetime there all these things just in vain if there is an eternal purpose in every word you tell the person next to you every time I tell you know I love you I know that they will ring eternally do you understand that it's not just a little while this is a eternal union with my mom and that is an eternal thing you see and so he says you must understand so what wraps this story up is that this man who came and they killed him because he said Oh son of God they realized that he was because guess what happened on the third day he raised himself up from the dead and he showed himself that he was the son and he's explaining this he says if if he didn't raise rise from the dead I'm challenging your hearts and your minds to believe this stuff you got to believe it again you don't believe it again you don't believe it again or you're just a religious believer or you're not a believer at all and that's ok that's ok I'm not I'm not I'm not condemning you but I am submitting these things to your heart because I do be able to say these guys liar or Jesus play never existed Oh who is doing all the good stuff why is he chasing behind us the way he is why is he baking us in every single way yeah come on okay but he says but if there is no resurrection of dead then Christ is not risen is it there enough preaching is empty verse 20 s sorry was 16 for if the dead did not rise verse 16 is there then Christ is not risen and if Christ is not risen your faith is all we are saying is futile if it's actually in heaven you are still then in your sin that means what's gonna happen to you you're gonna pay for the wages of your sin and guess what mecaenas go to okay something as they say different philosophies will say that your will be born as something table then you still even if that philosophy is there in your heart it's still not a good thing you need to be saved from your sins and that comes been a man came and said I am the resurrection and I am the life all Authority has been given to me in heaven and in debt and then he goes even the keys of death and Hades has now been given to me and he said I've got it inside of me now I've got the keys to everlasting life these are the words of Jesus and he says believe in me and now not because I want you believe in me because I'm such a great guy believe in me for your sake because I've got keys now I've locked it but you can never go there you get it that's what he's saying it's pure luck okay now what is that he says it was 18 then also those who have fallen asleep was was 18 is there then also those who have fallen asleep is it there those who have fallen asleep in Christ have wow he's really hitting it huh he's trying so hey guys if Christ in rice then everyone who died gone he says guys that means everyone who we believe will see again but if Christ is not risen everyone else has gone into like what they say consciousness all just go and become a frequency again he's know how long no no he says then also who those are fallen asleep in Christ have perished was nothing if in this life I love this if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men the most pitiable if we don't believe in this if it's only like here we're going to go and am I going boom consciousness or frequently never gone a big Banzai he said man if you hope only in this life then we are says power Megalon the power and God looked and said oh and then he said power willings mum solid enough God forgive you from your power okay so that now I wonder to say pal but I can say wow yeah you can see sons of God because his sons of God he says you will be winning forever no more power for you only God can do it come on verse 20 are you ready but now Christ is risen from the dead is it there come on who and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep oh you see isn't it cool for since by man came death ha you see my man came death by man came the resurrection of the middle man who was given the keys for in Adam all die even so in Christ you all shall be made alive come on then he goes to a crazy but each one in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterwards those that are Christ's at his coming remember I talked about coming ok so they all come ok this is when you are eternalized not immortalize eternalized okay watch this and then he goes on in this version to explain you ladies verse 51 watch this one I like was 51 yeah give me one sweet one here beautiful yeah behold I tell you a mystery it's a mystery like no one knows this that means in one place you say this mystery has been hidden from all generations before okay only Jesus tells you this mystery okay before I tell you a mystery we shall not all Wow we all don't have to die okay because it's for a generation who will declare this generation okay we shall not all sleep if we are a generation well mister we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed glorified in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for a trumpet will sound and Dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed now who can have a solution for that except for God they no other story have I ever heard wherever I've listened I've searched high and low that God is saying I am going to conquer death death is an enemy and I will concrete and one day you'll have eternity to living only God can say stuff like that every I've never heard it and he's saying it right now what is for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality now listen carefully so when this corruptible has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought the same debt is swallowed up in victory right or dead raise your sting or Hades where is your wick read that's the end game what is the end game the end game is this this wicked think all dead will be conquered come on now that can only be a message from God that can only be a God message no man could have ever thought about it but that is the gospel and that is why some of you are getting baptized because of getting baptized in to that to Eternity sonship eternally do you understand that and believe me baptism doesn't save you okay I'm not saying you got to get baptized but it's to happen please I'm not saying that at all I'm saying you're getting baptized as a sign within the community to say I believe in that do you get that it's a symbolic act of you saying you know what I believe in that and that's why in acts we can go to XM close with that in acts 8 he closes with who shall declare his generation right that's what it says so who will declared this generation this you wear this you gear where people will no longer go from samsara to samsara you gear where people will no longer be born again and again and again or miss you here where people will be not human anymore they will receive their divinity as a gift not by works and coil and labor but by just receiving that God can make them and wash them clean and give them their life come on ok there's going to be a generation and he said now who can declare this generation this guy was a eunuch and so he says so the eunuch answered Philip and said I ask you of whom does the prophet saying verse 34 whom is the prophet say this of himself or some other man then was terrified and Philip opened his mouth and beginning beginning at the Scriptures preach Jesus to him is it there was 35 verse 36 now as they went down the road they came to some say water and a eunuch said see here is water what hinders me from being baptized then Philip said if you believe with all your heart you may and he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the son who will declare this generation we are we are we're the ones who said yes okay and we will declare to the world that there's a new age and I say that with with all my heart there's a new age you understand it and it's the age of Jesus Christ it's the Yuga of Jesus Christ did you just get that okay okay just an okay pan can have you up you go yeah ASIS you go you go hmm sharra baku Robuchon de te kura mashanda thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 3,365
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: nJOdoUk4Eqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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