How to Make the Perfect Pancake | Light and Fluffy Pancake

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hey y'all looking for the lightest fluffiest pancake you'll ever see in your life that's got so much great flavor but there's a trick to it it's got a little honey in it so come on me and the big are going to flip them you better get ready to catch them [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp this week and in this quick little video what are we talking about the lightest fluffiest no not dog pancake you've ever seen that's what i'm talking about and people say everybody make a pancake well if everybody could make a pancake why are people still going to ihop or mcdonald's and getting pancakes every morning folks we going to save you some gas money give you the tips and the tricks to making the lightest fluffiest pancake you'll ever see in your life so let's get started when people go to making pancakes you know they got them aunt jemima's in the box and i used a lot of them on ranches many years ago and then we made sourdough pancakes we did because sourdough was on the trail with oat cookie a long time ago and buttermilk now to folks i really prefer just a whole milk pancake that's to me it's got more flavor and it's not really got the tang of that buttermilk that goes with it because i'm looking for a little sweet but also just a little savory and we'll get to that one here in a minute but to start off with you gotta have some flour and people have been still getting onto me shannon on youtube how's he say that would he spell it for me f l u r flyer that's what it is so many people just reach in here you know and they'll get like this and bring it over here well folks this is pretty critical you're actually going to see the cowboy measure flyer correctly today because we got to have that batter to the right consistency so we're not going to pack nothing in here we're going to get a cup full uh-huh and then what we're going to do rake it over here like this uh-huh so there is one cup right there so you're going to end up with a cup and a fourth of flour you are and that is the correct amount to making these light and fluffy pancakes so to that what are we going to do add some baking soda and bacon powder now a lot of recipes might be calling for bacon powder but not baking soda well the two react together and when you get there with the whole milk they just make things just pop up there get so light and fluffy so we're going to use two teaspoons of each one and folks i need to know if you really be liking these videos give us a like give us one of them thumbs up deal so i'll know what's going on and we can say hey these folks is really liking them little quick videos maybe about breakfast or something else and while we're speaking to breakfast we do have a breakfast playlist that is out there you can watch it i'm going to ask you a question though how many of you use clapper girl baking powder they're not a sponsor they're not telling me this but i've been using clabbergirl forever and ever and then they make this other kind which is aluminium-free they do so tell me what you sort of like in baking powder i like to know what people's using out there so it makes it good after the flour the baking powder and the baking soda we need three tablespoons of sugar make sure all your dried ingredients are mixed well and then we're going to talk about hen fruit now they make eggs that come in all sizes and colors yes color never really minded me so much to what i was going to cook with the egg i do love a farm fresh egg but you got medium eggs you got medium large you got large eggs and then you have extra large eggs now i really do like to use in this particular recipe a really large egg and i'm going to tell you a little secret if shane will come in here because i don't want everybody to hear it if you got some duck eggs them things are going to make this so rich but you can cut back to one probably because them things are great big honking things we can't just dump them in there no it won't work that way crack them put them right here in this little bowl if you got one you take this you just throw it out there somewhere get it mage attack yep he's gonna get it you can go the second tackle berry hen fruit rooster bullet and i want you to give him a whiskey so you can see we got her beat up where it is smooth and consistent so now we are going to add some milk 3 4 cup of cow juice we got right here now you seen me add that sugar in there you did but also folks i just like a little bit of that something to give it another sweet but just a little bit of a different taste what would that be shannon stick your finger in here you're so sweet aren't you huh a little bit of pure honey i like to use a pretty close to two tablespoons there and we're gonna call it like that a little bit of vanilla i just always make sure it's not whiskey whiskey wouldn't be a bad thing either in here about that much we're gonna mix all that well together and put it in the dry well as you can see there that's sort of like a cake batter sorry i want to leave it you can sort of see right there you get it too much thinner than that it all runs off the pan and it's all right if you think that it's too thin that you can go back and sprinkle you just a little more flour in there and mix it up because it's going to all depend on how big your egg was and was you precise on the measurements there so let me get her stirred up again we'll meet you right over at the fire well we broke out the stargazer we have and folks a very important tip i'm going to give you right now i hope your kitchen is more level than mine we may have to hold the skillet to one way or the other because we're a little on a slope we are now i like to try these with about a fourth of a cup after the butter has melted now you could use that butter spray but it changes the taste in them it does all the time we're using real butter and it was probably like half of a tablespoon is all it's going to take because if you try to do this where you're like frying and oil and everything the things cook too quick but you need to be on pretty well low heat medium low as far as you want to go get you a quarter of a cup in there make sure your subjects are ready and watching we're gonna see which way that wants to drift before i put another one in there and we might be more level than i think we are shin so we're gonna go for broke here and add two so we'll see what happens here in just a second and don't be in no hurry to be trying to flip these because the pancake itself will tell you hey hey down here i'm showing you that i got all these bubbles coming up through there i need you to turn me over i'm hot on the other side so we'll be able to see as these puff up a little and rise and all them bubbles begin to come up there then we'll flip all right folks you can see at the edge of them pancakes they're beginning to brown up just a little and you want to let them get to where you can see them puff up in the middle pretty good but you can see right there on the edges it's probably time to flip now a trick i'm going to show you we'll be using this to cook with but i don't want nothing sticking to this here spatula so that's what you can use that butter spray for get under that pancake and what flip it over and lookie there it is what i call the just right doneness so we're gonna get this one oh that sort of tore up a little but it's pretty short flipping in here in this pan now people are gonna be saying i thought you weren't supposed to use metal against metal now folks i wasn't in there doing this scratching on that skillet i just needed something that i could flip that pancake with and get it off there and be sure you don't overcook them because they will get a little drier as they go along i just like to take my hand and use it as a guide to mash here to see what's happening with that dough and we're a little ways off usually takes about maybe three to four minutes on one side and about two to three on the other [Music] oh ain't them pretty foot for breakfast supper dinner whenever time you want to have them but i had a lot of good help today and they do love some pancakes big here you go buddy here comes little mage mage for his bite duker where are you at buddy come on get yours you you love a pancake because it's soft don't you what oh come on now say can you catch nearly saved well i made you little heathen i'll get you another bite in just a minute sadie so i've been waiting on this and i'm going to cut it right here i'm going to take that out stack there's a lot of good flavor in there get me some of that syrup gonna do the flip flop flip them pancakes so smooth so light so fluffy folks the taste that you get in there i'm gonna tell you a secret shane cause you took a bite while the camera wasn't running and what did you say they're they were the best bats you've made uh-huh folks we increased the honey just a little on this but the honey is what stands out white sugar sure it is a sweetener but that honey's gonna bring it so much flavor there and it's good for you get the local grown honey in your area it'll be so good now everything that we used in this video will be linked right down there below and as always i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans that are keeping that old flag flying in camp over there we appreciate you wanting all we do folks we hope you sure do enjoy these videos on a sunday afternoon and thank you for letting us in your living room your kitchen wherever you might be we never take it for granted you watch so god bless you each and every one get on in here and i'm gonna go take you down that pancake trail so light and fluffy they'll float off the plate if you ain't got them there shoot that was wrong everybody did a good job and they love pancakes so much well we sure thank you all for dropping by camp and we hope you enjoyed these videos and what two times a week they're coming out now sundays and wednesdays we appreciate you watching spread the good news and let's feed america with a full stomach and a smile
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,578,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best pancakes, fluffiest pancakes, buttery pancakes, pancakes from scratch, pancake recipe, pancakes, Homemade pancakes, cooking pancakes, pancake tutorial, tasty pancakes, old-fashioned pancakes, old fashioned pancakes recipe, how to make the best pancakes, how to make the best pancakes at home, how to make the best pancakes in the world, cowboy kent rollins, cowboy cooking, delicious pancakes, outdoor cooking, fluffy pancakes, pancakes and syrup, recipe for pancakes
Id: a_pxmiGcRkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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