McDonald's Sausage & Egg McMuffin But CHEAPER And BETTER

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[Music] it's no comparison let's talk about McDonald's arguably one of if not the most successful fast food brand of our time ever originally founded in 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald later taken over by the infamous gray croc in 1955. now if you don't know who Ray Kroc is well he is responsible for the McDonald's we know and love today and actually there's a biopic on him starring Michael Keaton you should absolutely go and watch it it's brilliant I've said this before I have a love-hate relationship with McDonald's quite like a quarter pounder with cheese I like a Big Mac the fries are good but sometimes they just don't agree with me after I've eaten probably because I've eaten too much but I get a bit of belly ache and I regret my life choices but we're not talking about Burgers and Fries today we're talking about this the double sausage and egg McMuffin it's one of the most popular breakfast items on the McDonald's menu and I love them they taste good I only have one problem with the bloody price man what you do in McDonald's why why is it three pounds 39 for one wow so we're going to tackle it today we're going to make one cheaper a lot cheaper less than half the price than the McDonald's one because let's face it as well if you've got like a family like two adults and say three or four kids you're taking them out for breakfast at McDonald's it's gonna cost you a small fortune so let's go and dive into it remember to like share subscribe thank you very much share these recipes to your friends family and of course the people in need now before we make these I need to do a bit of like inspection we need to dissect one of these and just do a bit of mathematics ah the brown paper bag man it just smells at McDonald's you got it in your hand it's nice and warm you just can't wait to get it home and like stuff your face zero it out do it look at that egg oh dear get one of our patches on these scales so that's 49 grams when cooked so I need to make eight of these patties for four double Sausage Egg McMuffins don't need to do some calculations so I've got 500 grams of minced pork Oh not five thousand 500 grams of minced pork uh we'll divide that by eight patties so they need to be 62 grams each which is going to be plenty they are going to shrink a little bit in the pan when they cook because they're going to lose some moisture so that sounds good to me and I'm not gonna waste this okay first things first get the mints into a bowl I'm using quite fatty mints because you want to keep it nice and moist if your mince is too lean it's just going to be dry so I've gone for about 12 12 back there it's gonna be fine of course got to season this up you can use fresh onion it's no problem but look I'm the reason I'm using that is because if I was to add fresh onion I've got to cook it down which is going to cost Gas and Electric so we're going to substitute it for dried onion and of course all of the measurements will be below in the description as per usual good half a tablespoon of sage and some fresh thyme as well I'm only using fresh thyme because I've got it if you haven't got fresh thyme you can use dried it's no problem you're going to want about a teaspoon of that I'm just going to pick the leaves off and just kind of add it in good old pinch of salt pepper as well and then you've got to get your hands in there and give it a good old mix until everything's all combined so now I need to make them into patties now if I've done my calculations correctly we need to make these 62 grams each I guess you don't have to be this fussy with it you can kind of just guess what's that it's 44 so we need a bit more 61 62. okay so roll up into a ball and if you want to guess then that's the sort of size you're looking for whack on the plate I'll do the rest oh what do you know my calculations were actually correct for once I've got eight meatballs there there's a couple there that are slightly larger but that's because I had some mixture left over and I don't want to waste it so what we need to do then to turn them into patties which it's it's simple isn't it take a take our meatball whack it down and we just form it into a Patty you want to kind of make it a little bit bigger than your your bun because we are going to see some shrinkage then what I've got here is some greaseproof paper and just take a suitable scraping vessel then pop it on your on your greaseproof paper and stick another piece on top and you can see I've just cut them into like little squares okay this just keeps the Patty separate so they're not all stuck together and then just do the same with the rest and build up the layers so you've got like a stack so there's the sausage pad is all nicely made up nicely stacked they'll quite happily sit in the fridge till you're ready to cook in fact you can do these the night before if you want save you some time in the morning and also if you're like me you live on your own or you've got a small family there's just a couple of you maybe you're not going to eat four double sausage and Egg McMuffins oh yeah what you can do is just make the ones up that you want with the rest of them just put them on a baking sheet on a single layer whack them in the freezer until they're fully Frozen and you can just take them out the freezer make sure they're Rock Solid like properly Frozen and then you can Chuck them in a freezer bag whack them back in they're not fully Frozen you run the risk of them all sticking together and being like one big clumpy mess muffins now I'm only gonna make one because I'm trying to like not eat too much at the minute because my belly is growing since I've been off work I'm not as active it's a little Ponce look at that it's starting to grow so I'm trying to like be a bit be a bit sensible so we've got enough so I'm just going to take it and cut it down the middle you know the drill we're going to get the pan onto a sort of medium heat now usually what I do is add some butter to that pan but I ain't got any so I'm just going to drizzle the tops of my Muffins with just a little bit of rapeseed oil smoosh it around a bit it's gonna be fine and then straight into the pan face down like that and on a moderate heat I'd say it'll take about 30 seconds to a minute to kind of get a nice sort of golden brown color on them you don't want them burnt just nicely toasted and then to the bottom half I'm going to add my cheese it doesn't matter that this is all going to go cold because we're going to add the hot Patties on top it's just another job that's out of the way isn't it straight onto the bottom like that you can use any cheese you like but this sort of plasticky processed cheese it it works it melts good and it's got a sort of cheesy flavor as well got my sausage patties out of the fridge I'm gonna cook up two of those get the pan back onto a heat and get it fairly hot you don't want it like smoking everywhere because you'll end up burning the patties but get it fairly hot which this is still quite fairly hot from when we toasted the Buns so we're gonna go in with two patties first one down you shouldn't need any oil because there's plenty of fat in the patties themselves second one down and they're not going to take very long to cook you're talking maybe like a minute each side because they're quite thin so what I do is I'd cook them for about 90 of the way on one side that way when you flip them over you've got a nice Golden Crust once you've got a nice Golden Crust we're going to top them onto our bun with the cheese look at that the last thing you want to do is top that with a nice golden fried egg look I I like my eggs I will not scrimp on the quality of those um I I always buy free range and buy the best I can afford but I'm not judging anybody if you want cheaper eggs then that's your choice foreign Egg McMuffin and which one would you rather bite into the twice the price McDonald's version or half the price my version I know which one I'm going for without getting egg yolk all over the floor marks will get that gorgeous miles apart from this one which is still good like I'm not gonna waste this I'll probably stick that up in the airfryer later look at the other one as well and I'll scuffed them I'm not going to waste it because it's still a good product it's just bloody expensive man considering the alternative but I'm going to shoot off remember to like share subscribe share this to your friends and family and anyone that you feel that's in need nice cheap easy recipes like this but anyway I'll see you gorgeous faces next time bye for now [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Adam Garratt
Views: 52,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcdonalds sausage egg mcmuffin, mcdonalds egg mcmuffin at home, homemade mcdonalds muffin, double sausage and egg mcmuffin, how to make sausage egg mcmuffin, sausage egg muffin, how to make mcdonalds, mcdonalds but cheaper, cheap homemade mcdonalds, cheaper than mcdonalds at home, how to make a mcodnalds meal at home, cost of living recipes, fakeaway mcdonalds, sausage egg mcmuffin copycat recipe, mcdonalds copycat recipes, copycat susage egg mcmuffin, mcdonalds, sausage, egg
Id: oxsxjubxSeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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