How to use DaVinci Resolve as a beginner start to finish

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so this is a tutorial on how to use the Vinci resolve 14 this is more for any beginner just starting off just learning how to edit getting footage into the program how to quickly cut it together put some music on it call it correction and then export it so we can use it on YouTube or Facebook [Music] all right so you just downloaded and installed the Victory's all 14 off of their website this is the first thing you're gonna see when you start up the program this is going to show you all the projects that you've worked on previously what we're gonna do is we're just gonna click on untitled project or new project it doesn't matter whichever everything is set to default and what I mean by default is if you go down to the gear down here in the corner we're gonna see our timeline format the first thing that you're gonna want to set up is your resolution depending on how you want to export and how you want to edit would depend on the resolution that you want your project to be in I would set it to whatever that is that you want to export to but you can set it up as 4k and edit in 4k if you have 4k footage and then export 1080 if you want it to you could do it that way for now we're just going to set it up for 1080 and we're gonna change the frame rate to 2997 and that's what most prosumer cameras and consumer-grade cameras shooting so we're gonna do that you can also do 24 or 30 you know 60 whatever it may be that your camera shoots at or that you're going to export to in this case it's just gonna be 29 97 and the reason why we're setting that first is because once you set footage in a timeline you cannot change the frame rate you can change the resolution but you cannot change the frame rate so now what we want to do is we want to bring that media in to da vinci by media and mean all of our clips and our audio and any pictures or anything like that that we want to use for this project so we're gonna jump down to the media tab and this is an ongoing design that you'll see throughout the whole product is at the top you have all of these buttons that you can click and it adjusts the way that the layout is pay attention to that because if you can't find something it's probably because you don't have one of these enabled you know at that current time so what we're gonna do is we're just going to have the media storage open and we're gonna navigate through our hard drives to find all the clips that we want to use okay so now I brought some meat in and what it notices right away is that a lot of the media that I brought in is shot in 4k and because I set it to 1080 it's asking me hey do you want to change the frame rate and change the resolution of your timeline to match and nine times out of ten it's okay to do that but for this instance I'm going to say no like I was saying before you can always have a larger resolution and then export smaller if you want it to but in this case I'm going to say no the other thing that I might want to bring in is maybe some music so I'm gonna find some music here quick okay now I brought my audio in on the left here if you want it to you could put everything into bins and what bins are is just like folders for the project it's not gonna move any of your fridge anywhere from where it's out on the hard drive but this is just for the project itself so you don't have a clutter of shots here depending on how big your project is sometimes it's easier to put things into bins but I'm just wanting to let you know that that does exist if you wanted to and you were just right-click over here add bin and it's just kind of like a folder you could drag stuff into it and then that clip would then be in a bin so now once you have everything that you want in your project we're gonna go over to edit I'm not exactly sure how it's by default but remember at the top you have these different tabs on let's call it and then you can bring different things in you won't get this I don't believe is set up by default but it's a good thing to save so I have autosave set up so that every I believe it's five minutes or something like that it autosave so I'm gonna quickly save this as a test edit ABC so now that saved and one thing about saving project everything will get saved into a database it's not a file so some other editors will save files and then sometimes that files all over the place when we started up the program it it asked me which project do I want to start up if it will show up in there now there is a way to export the DRP DaVinci Resolve project file so that you could then give that to someone else or archive that project but when you just save it it saves into a database just let you know okay so now we have all of our footage on the side here we have our timeline down here that doesn't have any tracks if we want it to we could add anything in here so if we wanted to add the shot we could bring it down here and then the shots in there okay we don't have to do it that way because maybe you don't want the whole clip so the other way that you can do it is you can just click and you can scrub through by just moving left and right to see what's in that shot you can go to a different shot you can scrub through that and say okay oh maybe I maybe I want this you know this shot here so once it's in your preview monitor then we can say okay let's have the endpoint of this to be maybe here so then down here you're gonna set that as your endpoint and then your out point let's have it where we pass the tree and tilt up a little bit there's our out point we could just click on the shot here and drag it down if we want it to or what we could do is we could click down here and just pull the video or just the audio in this case I'm just gonna pull the video so now we just have that video in there and then on this side is our timeline it shows everything that's in the timeline okay so let's add a couple more shots in here let's get some drone footage maybe yeah that drone shot doesn't look all that great neither does that one that's just pictures okay let's have this one let's start this down a little lower and [Music] let's start it like that okay and let's stop that there and we're gonna drag that shot down and for this one we don't get the option because my drone doesn't record audio so if there isn't the ability to drag audio so the only thing you can do is drag video and as you can hear there's a lot of wind noise so we don't want any of that audio I want to add audio so we'll add an audio track and as you can tell there's re an audio track here but if you drag below that audio track it'll add another one depending on that source so if it's a mono it'll it'll pull down a mono track okay so now we have and with this because it's so a beat I could actually edit to the music a little bit so I'm gonna quickly cut something together and then as you can see here if I just drag this over there's this big empty gap if you have gaps there's a couple of different things you can do you can click in the gap and you can hit delete and or close that gap okay other things you can do is you can hit spacebar don't delete that gap as well other way that you can do this is you can come into this trim edit mode and you can pick the end of it not this middle but the end so you get this icon and you can drag this over and it'll pull all the other clips and audio over to wherever you're you know dragging it to so we will do it that way we'll do the same here bring that over okay at this point let's say that you're having your computer's going slow there's a couple of ways to speed up this process you can come up to here and you can go in the proxy mode and you can change the resolution that your playback is the other thing that you can do is you can come in to render cache and what that will do is it'll render a proxy file that is easier for your computer to handle what we'll do is we'll come into here and we'll just do smart and then what will happen is along the top here you'll get a red bar and when you're not using your resources in the background what your computer's doing is it's taking those frames and it's rendering it to a proxy file and this is all behind the scenes you don't have to play around proxy files or anything like that so now no problem and then once I stopped using the resources to do the playback it'll continue with that rendering and you'll see that bar start to you know shrinking and get smaller okay I'm gonna save again and we're going to add a couple more shots in here was actually going to film here on this farm they only breed this one type of pig and it has tassels so that was weird and remember control s save save save whenever you're working on these projects just save a ton of times I do it all the time okay so now this shot here I'm not I don't really like how it starts because everything is over here there's not much over here so I actually wanted the end point to be a little further into the clip so what we can do now is we can pick the middle here and we can drag it over and what we're seeing here the top in the top there top left is its end point top right is it's out bottom left is the frame before the clip and then the bottom right is the frame after the clip obviously we don't have anything after so there's nothing there so what we'll do is we'll just drag this over till it's like closer like that and then we'll just use that one other thing that I think isn't by default is the waveform so there's a couple of different ways that you can have this all displayed you can have displayed bigger you know you can you change this up however you want it but for me personally I just have it small and then I make the audio a little bit bigger and then I display waveform because I edit to me took a lot at a time okay okay so here's another one my shot alrighty so now we have a couple of shots and we have some audio to go with it the next thing that sometimes you might want to do is you might want to add some titles in here so we go to the effect library and by default da Vinci doesn't have a ton of things here but they do have some stuff here you have different video transitions we have audio transitions we have titles and then we have effects and I have a bunch of stuff most of these things are purchased or they're just found online okay so yeah let's just add a quick title in here we'll add it to the beginning and then what we're gonna do is we're going to go back to the selection tool we're gonna click on here we're going to close this so we have a little more real estate then we're gonna come up here to the inspector and then in here in the inspector I can add something in here so my first video okay and you can change there's obviously a ton of different settings in here the other thing that is kind of weird that doesn't make much sense you have video options for this text sometimes people get confused with that and the video options are going to be the same options as any other video okay and what they're going to do is they're going to enable you to move that text around let's go back to where we were okay so now we can move its position say like right here and then let's say we want it to animate it a little bit we want it to move okay let's make this a little smaller so it's just on here we'll click on this again and we want it to move so now we have it in its ideal starting position and we have our playhead exactly where we want the start so we cook on this little button here what that's gonna do is it's gonna make a keyframe so it's gonna say when it's at this point these are the parameters that it must be so now the rest of the shot doesn't have any keyframes so it's just gonna stay the same to here right but I want it to move over so what you can do is we can just take this and we can move it let's say to their right and because I have the keyframe thing still enabled it's going to if you hit this little arrow here it's gonna go back to that keyframe and show me where that keyframe is go to the next one it's gonna show me this keyframe is now if I play this it's going to move right now we can layer a bunch of things on top of that so let's say we have it move but then we want it to disappear so one thing that we can do is we can do we have it like right in the middle somewhere we'll have it the opacity at a hundred percent and let's say by the end of the shot by the end of this shot we want this opacity of the event we want the opacity to go down to zero so now we have both of these now we just layered movement and opacity and it fades out instead of just disappearing now if we wanted to we could move this to wherever we wanted it to and make it last longer or shorter and we could do that by just clicking down here and then we have the different things that we want it to do showing up here and the type of where the keyframe is depends on you know where what it's under so that will explain that okay so like this keyframe if I want it to I can move this here so it disappears soon so that's how that works all right so now and then you would just click this to hide that now we have our shots how we want them to be one thing that we can do here is if we want it to this is for all audio is we could fade in and a cool this is cool because you don't to do much is you just grab this little guy here and you move this over and then you can adjust the fade however you want to adjust it I'll just move this down a little bit and now we can fade in the music and you can do that for all of your audio tracks you can fade them in you can click on the audio tracks you can change the volume and you can keyframing a volume if you wanted to have it go up down whatever it may be you can also click here and have this adjust the audio then you'll see the waveforms also change as well but what we'll do is we'll just have this at a hundred and with this being gray that just means that there aren't keyframes enabled one okay and let's say we have all of our video done what we'll do now is we'll go over to the color tab okay so now that we're in the color tab at the again at the top we have these different things where we can do gallery we can see our timeline we can see our clips we can hide our Clips over here we have this thing called nodes we have open FX we have more of those and then we have which is a lightbox which will just show you all your shots if you have a big project obviously a lot of them will show up there if I have one screen this is how I would normally do it I would have my nodes up and I would have my Clips and if you have more here what will happen is they'll be a little slider that you can slide back and forth this first one we have a little gray box and the little gray box means that there's no color effects at it if I move something now it's gonna say that there's a color effect added these little circles here are - to reset any of these so if I have these all out of whack I can click on one and reset that one or you can come over here and reset them all and lift game again think of it as shadows mid-tones highlights and the color world this is what we use it's lift game game if you come over to your primary bars this is the identical thing as the wheels it's just represented a little bit different and sometimes it's easier depending on what it is you're doing let's say your shot had a little bit of in it right so we want to pull out the green so we're gonna go down with the green right and going down with the green what you'll see is over here we'll have our here's our green we're pulling away from the green because now to move up to the magenta more so that's how that would work and if I reset this that one's gonna be that one's gonna get reset as well so these two work together the next one we have this is log and this is going to be just our it's fine-tuning your highlights or your shadows you know just like the the tip of the iceburg highlights and the bottom of your shadows it's going to adjust those your primaries are going to adjust a bigger portion so if we look here on the scopes your gain is going to adjust a larger portion and when you come over to here at the highlights it's just gonna be a smaller portion that it's going to adjust you can move them around and make them just change the way that it looks and there's I just wanted to give you a quick idea on how these work and what they do so down here you have contrast and what that'll do is it'll pull everything apart and make it more contrasting so we'll pull all that data as you can see over here it's gonna make it more contrast yeah that's a little overkill but just give the idea the next thing here is pivot now normally what it'll do is it'll just stretch everything evenly you change the pivot that that is the pivot point of where that middle point is of where it's gonna start stretching you can click on the the words here to reset them all right then you have saturation that's just gonna add saturation hue luma mix don't really worry about those over here temperature if I reset all of this now for the temperature one you can you know take it and make it warmer you can make it feel cooler tint this is if you kind of have like a color shift with tint from green the magenta mid-tone detail what that's gonna do is your mid-tones it's going to add contrast into your mid-tones which will then make them look sharper color boost this color boost saturation saturates all of the all everything color boost will just take like the mid and boost those shadow this is to adjust shadow if you see something that's like kind of on like the milkier side like that you can pull that down and in the same way with highlights you can get like good to highlight roll off with that so it's not really Clippy you can pull down the highlights I'll just a little bit so you have those and then curves they all kind of do the same thing but just in a different way well you'll see a lot of people when they want to add contrast with curves you'll see them do like these s curves where they're kind of just you know spreading it apart adding more contrast that way there's a plethora different things you can do in here you can change your Reds you know pull the Reds up maybe pull the Greens down and then going further just briefly going over here you have different ways to change saturate or hue hue which takes one color and maps it to a different color you have pewter saturation it takes one color and it makes that one color more saturated here's a perfect example of that we could bring this green level up like that's with it off that's what it's on I don't know if you can tell the difference due to is like in these Reds we can make that with those Reds pop out a little bit more so that would be like those Reds popping and all I'm doing is I'm taking this note and turning it on and off and you can do that by hitting control D so you have that qualifier this is to take a either a hue a saturation or luminance or a mix of all of them and you can qualify them meaning that you can pick particular values and then you can adjust them with all of these other parameters so if we wanted to like select all of these reds and then we clicked on here to see what's actually highlighted it's just those Reds what we could do now is we could take this offset and we could you know shift that to whatever hue we wanted to or make it brighter make it darker there's a plethora different things that you can do with this like I said there's more tutorials on explaining that power windows this is to make a mask of a for a node to make an adjustment in a node so instead of doing something like the qualifier you could take say a square and then you could just have it just effect everything in that square so if I wanted to inside that square I could make that square whatever color I wanted to so you could adjust different things then if you wanted to you could take that and then you could track it so it would follow maybe it would follow one of these chickens or you know the other thing that's in here that's kind of hard for some people to find a stabilization so you can stabilize your shots a lot of my shots on this shoot we're actually done with a tripod so I don't I can't really show that to you you have blur you can blur it you can sharpen you can add a mist I would just stick with blur and sharpen misses it's a little bit more advanced coming into here here will take your nodes here is like luminance or it's like opacity for layers so you could have a bunch of these nodes and that you could take so like let's say for this node we made it let's say we made it really blue ramp well if we want it to we can make this half the amount that's half blue this is only half the half the strength excuse me so you can do that there's tons of different things that you can do here to add a node the easiest way is to just right-click add node you can add a serial node after or before and then what happens is it will process the first node then process the second node whatever changes it just adds those changes it's kind of like layers and then you can get into things like these parallels which will then take two nodes and mix them and will blend them together as if they were just one node there's some pros to that the other things that you can do is you can do layers layers are kind of when you're starting out they're kind of they don't make much sense because here let me show you so if I on here if I was to take this and you know make a color value and then on here that's a little too intense but on here let's add a hint of of green but let's say we take that hint and we just have it in a power windows so now what's happening is that's getting blended together right so that's how that would work let me delete these two now with layers is they stack on top of each other unless you come into the layer and you change how they interact with one another if it's normal they just stack on top of each other let me explain so in here this is it's your top one is always on the bottom it's very confusing when you first start out but you get the hang of it but okay so this first one let's add some color adjustments to this right so we add some color adjustments let's make them a little more intense so we add some color adjustments to it but you see this node is like really you know bright but this one you can't see at all right because this is the top node now for this node if I only you know I only want to adjust this it's saying okay for this top node I'm only going to just this the rest of this I have no information for and then it's going to pull whatever's underneath it which is this one so then for inside here I could change this to whatever I want the previous one it blended them together on that little area for this one it's gonna only one thing and then whatever is gray it's gonna hold whatever is the next layer in line and then you would also be able to add more layers in there if you want it to as well do this it's just alt s to make nodes sequence series nodes then the other way to make nodes is if you hit alt P it's going to make it a parallel mixer node okay and if you hit ll that's gonna add a layer mix or node and then the layer mix or node you can come in and you can adjust how they get mixed together a little bit more advanced just make one node and do a couple adjustments add some saturation whatever it may be like I said that I'll have more videos on how to do that one other thing that I wanted to show you with the colors okay so let's say we have this shot here that's looking pretty good right well what I want to do is I want this shot or I want that color to be added over here what we would do is just come over to here and just hit middle mouse button and it'll add that color or what however many nodes or whatever you did to it it'll add it over to whichever one so let's say for this one I want it to add that same color it would then add it and so forth so I could just come through here I can select multiples and I can click on that and it'll add that color to all of those other ones for this one I will need to add another node and I'm just going to overall bring this up and make this look a little brighter because that doesn't look all that great so maybe look it make it look like that so before and then after okay so now I have my shots colored this one we didn't want this node to have such an effect we could just come into here and our keyer which is like a little key we can come down here to key output and we could reduce how much of an effect that one has on there the other thing that I want to do is I want to come into here and see this this is its level right here I want to actually bring up the mid-tones and then bring up the highlights a bit make that actually look a bright day something like that right so now we have that shot we have this one this one this one's really dark what we could do for this one is before this node is we're gonna click right here and then we will bring up this brightness a bit make this look a little brighter maybe even add in a little bit of saturation get those guys to look a little cooler bring that down just the tad now they're looking a little bit better yeah so now we have all of our shots colored fair light I would say stay out of fair light unless you're really into audio I don't really do much in this it was just added in DaVinci Resolve fourteenth one thing that I do use in here is the dynamics and I use it for sometimes like the noise gate that is like you can take room noise out there's a compressor and a limiter I would say watch a tutorial on how to use these but this is something that I do use in here alright so now over in the delivery tab there's a couple of different presets you can use you can use like a YouTube preset let's say you want to export the YouTube at 1080 it's going to set everything up for you the only thing that you have to do is come over to file is you would want to set a file name so let's just set this file name is test edit ABC and then you're gonna browse you're gonna set select a location so I'm gonna put this right on my desktop one other thing if you were working on a project and let's say you didn't you know you weren't done with it in one sitting and you wanted to come back to it later you could just come up the safe project if you didn't name it I'll ask you to name it when you hit save you're done you exit and then that panel that first came up when you started it you'll see your project in there you just double click on it it'll open it up and you can continue where you were so that was a basic run-through of how to use the venture resolve hopefully I was able to help you out and at least be able to get a project out if you have any questions ask me down in the comments again my name's jr. and see you when I see you Wow [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 106,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, beginner, getting started, new, how to use davinci, guide, davinci, learn video editing
Id: hYDmkg0wdtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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