How to Switch from Premiere Pro to DaVinci Resolve

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[Music] this what you just witness cannot be done in Premiere Pro you know it lumetri is good but it's no way near when it comes to DaVinci Resolve and show me one TV show commercial or a movie that ever used Premiere Pro as their finishing tool that just not how it works on the other hand let's just talk about TV shows Game of Thrones The Walking Dead West world American Horror Story just to name a few are graded in DaVinci Resolve let's talk about the movies avatar Jurassic world star wars Joker John wig some of the hottest stuff that you can think of and the list just goes on for days everything is grated in DaVinci Resolve and guys that is important before you go hey I'm just an editor or I'm a videographer I don't need to know color grading that deep rethink because grading is becoming one of those essential things that is part of that service package that you provide to your clients taking a regular indie film and making it look big-budget color grading can get you there most of the way and that's why it's very important in 2020 to know this and for those that are going to jump on this DaVinci Resolve bandwagon right now are gonna have an advantage moving forward and guys you know I'm not getting paid by DaVinci Resolve this is not a sponsored video this is just my two cents somebody who knows Premiere Pro from inside out Final Cut ten avid media composer I know all these tools and last year I made a switch to DaVinci Resolve I never looked back I think of DaVinci Resolve is if Final Cut 10 and Premiere Pro had a baby that they named DaVinci Resolve this is how I look at it genuinely so before we get into the house let's talk about why DaVinci Resolve and the Y is just couldn't be simpler number one it's free generally the full application is free from start to finish not a trial version free application I'm gonna show you how to download it install it and get going with it but you can buy the paid version that comes with tons of freaking goodies that is worth every single cent and even the paid version is only $300 and that's not a subscription nearly subscription you buy it once and you have it for a lifetime all the upgrades are free - it's way less buggy I'm talking way way less buggy compared to Premiere Pro I don't have to say it go on Instagram tick tock anywhere and the world is filled with Premiere Pro crashes means so that is just a known thing DaVinci Resolve even a beta version of a new DaVinci Resolve is not as bad as say premiere 15 point 11 number 3 DaVinci Resolve is a one-stop shop and when I compare DaVinci Resolve I'm comparing it to Premiere Pro not the Adobe suite so Premiere Pro is a traditional editor that's it ok if you need to do a sound design or sound mix you gotta send something to our audition when you want to do your graphics you're sending it to After Effects or Photoshop if you are grading something before you had SpeedGrade now they added lumetri which is just a it's somewhere in the middle it's not really a full-fledged finishing tool whereas DaVinci Resolve you can bring in the project you can edit in it then you have a fusion page which is a full-blown compositor slash motion graphics tool and then you move on to their color tool which is what DaVinci Resolve is known for and then you move on to Fairlight which is the same as audition or save Pro Tools super super advanced and very user-friendly and then finally they have a deliverer page in Premiere Pro you have to send things out to encoder to really get that granular control to like where you're going to distribute your final output to whereas in DaVinci Resolve the delivery page takes care of all of that so it genuinely is a one tool you don't need dynamic linking you don't need to pray that this time the dynamic linking will work and nothing is gonna go wrong you're inside one tool and your one tab away from accessing all those different tools so are you sold yet are you pumped are you ready to jump into this and for those that want to level up their collaborating game check out the link in the description one hour long free training where I will show you how to get the perfect skin tones out of your sony s 8-bit footage how to get the clean white look it's the go to commercial look how to get the creamy film look how to fix the dreaded gamma shift and much much more link is in the description guys make sure to hit a thumbs up subscribe to my channel for more awesomeness I have a feeling that this video is gonna get us to 50,000 marks so I want to thank you in advance for 50,000 subscribers in one year it is mind-boggling it was not possible without your guys's support and help and love I have so much respect for each and every one of you make sure to follow me on Instagram we're very close to hitting hundred KS so help me make that happen and on that note let's roll the intro so first of all I want to show you this ok Premiere Pro by itself cost you $239 and 88 cents annually ok so that's the price of just one tool and DaVinci Resolve 16 studio which is their paid version is $2.99 and you have lifetime access it comes with unlimited upgrades and you don't have to pay any subscription annually so just keep that in mind but now let me show you how to download it for free so we're just gonna type in DaVinci Resolve download and then click on the first link and then once you're in here they made it really simple just click on download and it summarizes the differences between the two and I can tell you the studio version has better performance it lets you do HDR grading it has film grain noise reduction and tons of other resolve effects and fair light effects that you just can't overlook so I highly recommend the studio version that said the regular version is more than capable to get you from A to B okay so let's just go ahead and click on Mac OS because that's what I have and you gotta fill out this information that's something you cannot skip and then once you're done filling that out just hit register and download and then at the bottom you're gonna see it it will start downloading so I'm gonna speed this up all right so now that we have this downloaded I'm gonna double click on it and now it's ready to be installed double click on it again alright everything looks good sixteen point two is what you need because I'm going to show you a couple of things in here that are exclusive to sixteen point two alright we're all set and ready to go I'm just gonna keep it for now let's launch it for the first time all right there you go ok so this is what you're gonna see when you first launch DaVinci Resolve and the thing that you need to know is it works a little bit differently than Premiere Pro in Premiere Pro when you start a new project you pick a location where you want to save that project whereas here all your projects stay in what they call a database and that's similar to however Media Composer works where this project file or the database is just kind of put away tucked away so you don't mess with it you don't move things by mistake or anything like that and I think it's a way more robust system than what you have with Premiere Pro or Final Cut 10 so here this is where my default database is I will highly recommend changing that not leaving it to local database so you can easily do that by new database calling it the Cosman DB i'll call it that make sure that your under create and not connect and then you're gonna click on this and then pick your raid where you usually work off of for your scratch disk and then what you need to do is create a new folder and then calling it you know I'm I can call it the same thing or you can call it DaVinci Resolve database something like that and then just hit open and now it's gonna save our database there and it's gonna create a new database in a second ok and this is what I want to use because this is set to my local drive and it can fill up really fast but now here I can just feel free to work as I have tons of space here now I'm not gonna be taking you through project settings or preferences in this one but if you are interested in an in-depth tour then watch this video up here in this one my goal is simple I want to give you all the things necessary to make the switch as soon as possible and then once you get comfortable in DaVinci Resolve all the little settings here and there you're gonna start figuring it out on your own let's just jump right in so once we're here we can just double click on this and open up a project and this is what it looks like when you first open up DaVinci Resolve and your insider project okay and what I need you to do I'm gonna make this so everything is on one screen it's very similar to Premiere Pro on the top left hand side you have your media storage or your browser if we look at Premiere Pro we got our Media Browser and all our drives are here and it's a very similar thing and then when you bring in your clips they show up down here so in DaVinci Resolve you know this is where our clips are and let's just go ahead and grab a couple of these clips and bring them in and then this is where we're gonna be dragging them down in here and once you do that it will ask you do you want to change the project settings and this is a little different than Premiere Pro Premiere Pro doesn't let you do that unless you grab a clip and drop it into a timeline that's when it asks you for that information so here very similar still and I'm just gonna say change from now it's gonna go ahead and change my project settings to what it's supposed to be okay so now that that's good to go what I want to do is I want to grab let's just say these clips and I want to right click here and just call it a cam and then I want to move these to my a cam okay and then I just want to click here and call this B cam and then grab the rest and just drop it into B cam now in Premiere Pro the cool thing is that everything is modular so you can grab this and create a new pane and then go back here and you can just really customize it the way you like it here it might seem too restricted but it's not it's very similar to what you can do there but in a much more controlled environment in a good way so what I can do here is I can click on this guy and say hey give me two panes so now I can show my B cam here and a cam here see and just like in Premiere Pro we can do a list view or a grid view it's very similar here we can do a grid view or a list view and it even has a similar metadata right here available okay and goes for both of them right here so as I said in many ways they're very very similar thing here is that I can click on the clip and get my metadata information right here and then anytime you see this little guy and you will see it on the top left and top right this is great for getting more real estate down here so just look what happens okay when I click on this guy it opens up the bottom see what I mean like it's not the same as how in Premiere Pro you can move things around but it's even better because there you have to create your own system here you get similar customization options with better direction now I can click on my clip right here and just view it or I can just hover over and just look how responsive it is okay that's something that you cannot ignore compared to Premiere Pro these are all 4k Pro res Clips shot on our ear ah I left this is for the media page now other way to bring in our media would be the traditional way which is right click and import media and then you can just bring in these clips but I think this is way faster and that's the method that I prefer moving on to the Edit Page in the Edit Page you got your timeline your canvas and your record window right here and then all your clips on this side okay if I need more space on my timeline which I do I can click on this and open it up and I can click right here and open it up even more then I can grab it right here and bring it down okay to give myself more space what I can do is grab all these clips and just drag and drop them down here boom now they're in here obviously there's no audio with these so didn't come with it now the cool thing is that any clip that you use is gonna have these lines underneath that will tell you that it's being used okay in your timeline that's a really cool option in the B cam if I were to open this up and do an in and an out and then I can just drag it and it gives me all these options now these options are very similar to Premiere Pro once again I can say append at end so even though my playhead is sitting at the beginning if I do a pen at end it will add this clip to the end now let's jump over to Premiere Pro let's just try one so I'm just gonna go right here I'm gonna grab a clip and bring it up and see I get all these options as a matter of fact I don't get the append option which was really cool in DaVinci Resolve which Premiere Pro doesn't have so I have to move my playhead here in order to add a clip which is a really cool feature here that you don't have to worry about that your toolbar in Premiere Pro sits right here in DaVinci Resolve assets right here it's very very similar tools your blade tool your slip-and-slide tools your insert tool your override tool all the similar tools set right here that you have here okay now let's go bring in a soundtrack so I'm just gonna go right here in my music and I'm just gonna pick something so I'm gonna pick this soundtrack and let's just create a new folder called music and we will drag it into that and now that we have it here let's go to our edit page our track is up here we can just drag and drop okay and now I want to show you one more thing so if it's bugging you that you have to learn new keyboard shortcuts and you're just used to everything in Premiere Pro it's pretty simple you go right here under the vintage resolve keyboard customization and in here you can click this guy and it gives you different presets okay so it will be set to DaVinci Resolve but then you have Final Cut ten avid media composer of Premiere Pro now I don't use Premiere Pro once every tool that I use I try to learn their keyboard shortcuts that's just me but if you want to use this as a start off point so then you're not like driven crazy and then eventually just build on that then you can do that as well and just hit save and then go from there but for me I'm gonna leave it to the one that I set up for myself and I'll just keep going so I'll just hit cancel here this card I don't want to change that now that we have music in here let me just show you a couple of things okay so if you select the creme mode up here now I can slide my music over right so I want it to start right here so another really handy key is this guy right here so this will do a pre-roll of the clip that's selected two seconds before and after so in this case it will play the whole thing but all I want to do is just play and see if the beginning sounds cool so it sounds good now I'm gonna go back click on this guy and then watch this this is super cool okay you can just grab this and move it over unlike Premiere Pro where if I want to do this let's just do the same thing here I'm gonna bring in the clip and when I lay it in here so I'm gonna trim the music down to our last clip and then I'm gonna go to the beginning of my edit and look at there is nothing to smooth out that transition I have to click right here and then click right here and then add that that's one way to do it or I'm gonna have to click right here and hit command shift D and then move this over to whereas here I can just do this but another cool thing is that this guy that you see watch what it lets me do I mean this is crazy this is all happening right here and then I can just play it through and see how good it is now your meters are right here but if that's too small you can click on the mixer button right here and now it gives you your meters just like you would have it in Premiere Pro another thing that I want to show you is in Premiere Pro you can have multiple timelines right so if I take these three clips and just drag and drop it it will give me another timeline and I can switch between these two timelines whereas here I don't see that option I don't have more timelines even if I try to create it so where we go here we select all these clips and we click right here we create a timeline timeline - where is my timeline one so that's pretty easy you just click on this guy and right here you pop that open now it's showing you timeline two you can click here open timeline one and you can even rearrange them and now you got both of your timelines right here okay another super handy thing in DaVinci Resolve that we have here by default whereas in Premiere Pro you can get it but you have to create smart folders you have no way of knowing where the timeline is you have to go in the right folder to find it okay whereas in DaVinci Resolve you have smart bins so regardless of where I am and I'm looking for my timelines in the bin structure I can just click on timelines and it'll pull up all my timelines sometimes your projects will get super elaborate and you'll have like 15 timelines because you're delivering in so many different formats Facebook Instagram web all sorts of different deliverables you'll have so many timelines so when you have this button right here it can be a freaking lifesaver couple of more customization options that I want to take you through in your Timeline view right here is I usually turn all these three guys on and then that just gives me a much better view of my timeline and here is where you can increase the size of it so I can just leave it usually around here somewhere and then for the video clips somewhere around here and then this is where you can control how much you want to zoom in on the timeline usually I just have keyboard shortcuts for that so I can really get in there and guys I mean come on look at the playhead how responsive it is and how fast everything moves that right there let's try it here and see if it does the same thing now I have a twenty thousand dollar machine so that might have something to do with it it's doing pretty good but still not as good as how it is here like this response is just absolutely bananas okay this is crazy in full res now adding keyframes is way easier and more user-friendly in DaVinci Resolve compared to Premiere Pro so in Premiere Pro if you want to do a speed ramp on this clip you have to click right here right click go under here speed ramp and then you have to make this bigger so you can really see what's happening and let's say this is where I want to add a speed ramp so I can raise it up to this point and let's see that's not enough even more make it bigger that's too let's bring it down somewhere around here that's better and now see what I mean so that's how you do it in Premiere Pro whereas here in DaVinci Resolve you just grab a clip you hit shift C and it pops this open and then you click right here and we do re time speed okay and now I can make it a little bit bigger so we can see what we're doing and right here I can just hit option click and then raise this puppy up and I can control how much I want the speed to go up I think I wanna take it close to twenty-two twenty-three ish hundred and let's see this is nice and now if I click right here look I can just click on this guy and gives me a nice curve boom done and now I can hit shift C and we're done and just keeps it nice and tidy so that's one way to do it another way to do a speed ramp is really nice where I can just grab this hit command R click right here and just do a add speed point and then I can click right here and say hey make it eight hundred percent see so it does a really nice job or I can just grab it from here and then make it as big or as small as I want it now let me take you through the inspector window right here which is very similar to the effects control in Premiere Pro so we have our motion control opacity and time remapping here and in here we have our opacity and transform control positioning and all that and then we have tons of other tools like cropping dynamic zoom stabilization lens correction retiming scaling so bunch of more options stabilization is built-in here whereas over there you have to drop in an effect so I can go to this clip and I can grab it and I can zoom in make it bigger repo it and all that good stuff or I can crop it stabilize it all that but the cool thing here is that if you click on this guy right here now you can move it around within your record window so let's say you make it bigger but you want to just reframe it here instead of like using these controls you can do that by activating that and then it will be highlighted so you know that you have this mode selected but when you click on it it goes away I feel like it's way more intuitive like how they have it here compared to the effects control which usually is not even available you have to double click and then click right here and then access it whereas here you just always have it there and you can make it smaller or you can make it bigger whatever you are working with another thing that I want to show you here if you are not using this window and you're kind of hurting on the real estate on your screen you can click on this guy and just have the record screen right here okay and that's very helpful if you're on a laptop or something like that you can do the same thing here okay I can click on effects library that goes away I can click on media pool and really get some serious real estate I can even click on inspector and make that go away and now I can just uninterruptedly work so those are some really cool little handy tips now let's look at some of the effects that come with DaVinci Resolve and obviously this is a free version but let me take you through and how everything is organized let's just trim some of these so we can add crossfades and I'll just do this and just to make a point and then let's go grab a crossfade drop it in works like how crossfades usually work and I'll open the inspector window and show you this so if I were to click right here will give me transition settings okay so now I can just click right here which is really really cool so I can either do by seconds or frames right here and then see how it works and then I can go back and increase it to six and again remember when the clip or the transition is selected I can hit back slash and then it'll give me a little preview and it'll stop after the pre post role so we got bunch of different transitions here you can just play around with these go through and you know use the ones that you like I usually avoid transitions I don't really use them I'm not a big fan so doesn't really matter to me but they're right here for you and you can apply audio transitions too you got the cross fades and everything but like I said I usually just stick with a really cool feature right here where I can just pull this from the side and then even control the easy ease on it right here then you have your title tool available right here which in Premiere Pro you either have to click this guy and then click right here and start typing and then you have the graphic and then you can go in and make changes to it make it bigger whatever you want to do with it so this is how it works in Premiere Pro for text whereas in DaVinci Resolve you go under the titles category in your effects library and I can just grab my text plus I want to show you this one because this is kind of cool and I can twirl that down so I have more controls here and then what I can do is you know that could be the beginning of our video so I'm gonna move all these Clips over and then in here we can just say that golf life' and then let's go ahead and make it smaller so I'm just gonna grab it here and scroll it back and that's a pretty good text but what I want to do is this okay if I take the right on and go all the way back and add this little diamond which is a keyframe I can come to the last frame here and then or actually you know what midway through and extended so basically it's gonna write as it goes so that's kind of cool and then I can even do see again like it's it disappears but when you come close to the clip like you get this and now I can do a nice fade out so watch look how nice it is and I can do the same thing with the clip too then so that's looking pretty good let's move these over so again all the tools right here okay if you click on your trim tool it gives you it's a dynamic tool so it gives you different ones slip-and-slide so I can just go to the bottom I get a different option top I get different so bottom I can move it around within Clips Park it somewhere around here if I grab it from the top I can move it within the clip which I can't because it doesn't have any give like I have to make the clip smaller so let's do this and then even grab it from here and let's do that and now if I grab it from the middle I can move it around and it even gives you like a little wireframe to tell you how much room you have on each side which is super super cool and then I can hit a and go back to it if you want to add a cut you can just click on this and then add a cut or you can just hit B add a cut or you can do command B but if you don't select a clip it's gonna cut through everything if you select a clip and then hit command B it's only gonna add a cut between those clips so now that we have our basics down we can move on to the color page and I can show you some really cool techniques there okay so let's just create really fast a really fun look and I'm just gonna go in my RGB mixer and I'm gonna turn on monochrome we'll just create a cool look and then go right here bring up the contrast and hold my highlights down a little bit and give it even more contrast and then take my gamma up so we can see some more detail keep pulling the gamma up if bring the contrast down a little bit something like that and I'm gonna create another window and this one I'm just gonna do something funky I'm gonna do this park it somewhere around here and then just really create a crazy vignette I'm gonna go here grab it from the middle just kind of pull everything down around it okay doesn't look like much but from a clip to clip it's gonna make a difference now what we can do is click on Clips so we can see all our Clips here and another really cool thing that you can do is you can click on this in middle click on this clip to copy its attributes boom done another way to do it if I go here I can right click and say apply grade so that's another way to do it so now we're applying that grade to our footage and if I go from here I can turn on turn off loop so then it goes from this clip to the next clip and then I can click here do the same thing right click my grade and then it'll apply it to that or I can do one better I can grab all of these and then middle click and I'll apply it to everything ok now we can go in and make some adjustments like this one can use some more gamma and even gain just to bring everything up because if I go from there to there now it's looking better I can even copy paste this one here and then go in here and bring the gain down just a tad but this is looking better I'll just look at this like we were able to create a really cool stylized look really fast now I can show you we can go under our fair light fair light is exactly like if you're an audition or if you are in Pro Tools like all the features that it gives you and look at it the tracks can go on for eternity and then your effects library is right here so if you want to apply clip based effects you can apply them here but usually I don't I use track based effects once again the benefit of being in one place is that you save so much time you're not exporting everything and then sending it out and then bringing it into a different software just to find out that some files and come through or something is missing or the timing is off and timecode slippage and all those things that can happen none of that you have to worry about when you're inside resolved because everything is in one place so here I'm looking at my video I'm playing with my music if I want to add an effect I can come in here go into reverb select this guy and then just like audition or Pro Tools I have some presets to start working off of or I can create my own if I want to play with it so all that is right here I want to go ahead and delete that but that's just to give you an option that all these tools are available right within DaVinci Resolve and then finally let me take you through the deliver page and here just like encoder or Apple's compressor you have tons of options you can deliver directly to Vimeo or YouTube or you can deliver in Pro rs-422 HQ or you can you know customize it I'm gonna show you the best settings for h.264 1080p if you're uploading the web okay I will click right here and then click on this guy to twirl it down so we can see all the options right here just telling you that hey it's 24 frames 1080p right now set to automatic don't do that I would click on restrict and I'll click right here and set this to 40,000 when you see my videos on how clean they look and they have no artifacts I am setting this to that but obviously my output is 4k so I'm setting this to 80,000 for 4k then you want to click on advanced settings and here is where the magic happens and this is why you need a 16-point to version okay and this will blow your mind people who are having gamma shift issues especially on Mac when they export from resolve and it looks darker and they can't figure out what's going on when they pop it open in QuickTime under the gamma tag click drag down and just click on rec 7 or 9 now export and thank me later your biggest problem of your life is solved another thing is for sizing to highest quality force D beer to highest quality these are very important to check on because if on the back end if your system was chugging along and in here you turned on render cache or something like that or if you were using optimized media then you will deliver in those reduced res format but by setting 2 for sizing and force D bear you override that so that's a really good option where you don't have to go back and fiddle with those settings you can just leave them as this once again another example of how robust this tool is and at this point we can just name it let's just call it golf and I can click on browse I can choose my location wherever I want to deliver this so I will just throw it on this drive right here once you're ready you can hit render to cue and then just hit start render boom done in two seconds and now I can right click here reveal in finder and play my clip done okay so that is resolved in a nutshell and especially at this point you guys should be more than equipped to make the switch from Premiere Pro The DaVinci Resolve now one more thing that I do want to mention is that those of you that are still bound to Premiere Pro because you have so many templates and cool transitions and all that stuff and you don't know how to get that in DaVinci Resolve here are a couple of sites that I'm gonna link in the description and I'm not paid by these guys okay so 640 puts out really good transition pack and it's basically all the transitions you need come on if you want to use more than 40 transitions or if you need more choices then you need to work on your editing okay so there's gonna be like three four kinds of different transitions that you're gonna be using punching in like zooming in like that or they got you covered like a switch pan so all those basic ones are here you can look into this or you can go and check out this motion array site and it is filled with templates text and just every single thing that you can think of lower thirds lens flares I mean the list just goes on the kind of stuff that they have so I'm gonna have both of these links in the description and if this is the only thing that's keeping you now you can have all that cool stuff for DaVinci Resolve check out these two sites link is gonna be in the description hope you guys had a blast I mean I just wanted to give you the most practical knowledge to just transition from Premiere Pro to resolve right now after this tutorial or obviously it's on YouTube so you can go back and watch it again if you like but guys make sure to smash that like button subscribe to my channel for more awesomeness share this with friends and make sure to check out the link in the description for one hour-long free training and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Waqas Qazi
Views: 98,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16, resolve 16, davinci 16, davinci resolve, davinci, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve studio, davinci tutorial, color correction tutorial, resolve color grading, color grading davinci resolve, color grading tutorial, theqazman, premiere pro tutorial 2020, premiere pro 2020, color grading, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, waqas qazi, davinci resolve tutorial, how to color grade, davinci resolve color grading, how to use davinci resolve 16
Id: b2F_V_quvpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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