How to Use DaVinci Resolve 17 - Designed for Beginners

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hi there jamie keate here today at teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today i want to show you davinci resolve 17 and it's the free version i'm going to show you so by that i mean there's no watermark completely free and this is a super powerful video editor that can do tremendous things but there's a little bit of a learning curve to it so what i want to do today is just start with the basics get you going with it and then create more videos to kind of walk you through different parts at any time just take a look down below in the description and you'll see time stamps that you can jump to different parts but let's get started today with davinci resolve 17. i'll put the link to this page down below in the description so you can get to it to download it if you haven't already but when you're at this point just click on the download now i'm using davinci resolve 17 beta this is the free one right here you can see it's available for mac windows or linux and today i'm using it on windows i'm going to test out my mac one next week with it but for today it's windows i went and downloaded it it was a little over a two gig uh two gig install so things to know about davinci resolve making sure the tech specs match up so you'll want to check into that and your video card is powerful enough to run it but with that said let's get started with opening up the app when you open davinci resolve 17 you're going to be met with this window here now this window is just at the starting uh it's opening your old projects or creating a new project you'll notice you have local database this is where your videos are being saved locally on your machine you can create new databases if you need to but i'm not going to get into any of that and it's nothing you really need to play with around when you're first beginning but what i'm going to do right away is just start a new project and what you see here uh our untitled project you see example projects here this was brought forward from my davinci resolve 16 and when i updated uh then it was able to bring these and i could open them up but i'm going to start a new project just like i'm starting for the very first time with making my first video so i'm going to go new project right here and when this opens i'm going to name it so i'll call this my movie just like that and i'm going gonna go ahead and hit create now so what opens up are all the different windows of davinci resolve and if you're new to video editing this can be overwhelming but what we'll do is walk through kind of a step-by-step and this video as i said will be more of the basics of getting started with your first edits and then exporting it as your final project now uh down below and i'll just show you the different tabs because these are important part of davinci resolve there's these different tabs at the bottom now in this video we'll be working in the media and this is where we import our media into so when i say media that's things like your video clips that maybe you took from your phone or from your video camera or something you've downloaded and you've brought them over to your computer and you need to bring them in this could also be images or audio too so when we say media it could be a lot of different things there's the cut down here we're not working in this but this is uh where you can do really uh fine tuning to your editing through here but this is uh the major uh one that we'll be working in with today this is the edit so this is where we're going to be creating our video inside this edit tab uh we will be doing our trimming and our slicing and transitions and everything to make our video just right and just to note these other ones you notice that there's fusion here this is where we could be adding our special or adding our effects we have color grading uh if you're enhancement to your coloring on the on your videos and this will be future videos because this is very for a free video editor this makes it so powerful but again step by step if you're new to this it's good to just start with the basics and we have fair light and this is where we're dealing with our audio to enhance everything there but another tab we are going to be using is this deliver at the end and so the deliver is when you're done so we can we make our first video we have all our edits in it uh it's individual resolve it's not ready yet for to put on youtube or to share with other people we need to deliver it or export it into its final output so whether it be an mp4 or depending what you need to upload it to youtube this is where we export that final stage uh to get it so that's just just a little bit of a run through where we're gonna be gonna go in this uh tutorial today so let's get to the first step and that's importing our media into davinci resolve right before i bring in my first amount of media inside davinci resolve 17 here i just want to point out the project settings so if we go up to if we go up to file and then project settings right here i'm going to open this up and it's kind of defaulted to what when i started the project defaulted to these settings if you did want to change these settings this is where you would change those default ones here i'm going to leave everything um the same here i just want to make sure you knew that where that was because when i bring in videos or sometimes it'll say do it do i want to match the settings and those are the settings that they're going to match to now to bring in different video and media clips to here if you notice in the left hand side up here we have this is access to my different files and folders on my computer so what i'm going to do is if i go down and i happen to know where my where my files are if i look under users and then teach and then i go down to my desktop and i go down you can see i have a davinci resolve 17 folder now this connects uh this spot to that folder where i was putting my media so let's say if you took video from your phone or whatever device you had or you downloaded audio and you put them in one folder to kind of and i could have sub folders in here too but then you could really organize i just put them one place and then you would get them right in davinci resolve 17 in here i haven't brought them in yet i've just kind of have a shortcut to them where i can bring them in to bring them in what i need to do is to drag them down so if i go ahead and take this and i bring this into the media pool now that's brought in to it okay so nothing is in it until i bring it down here this is not in uh the media pool yet i need to bring it down another way i could do it this is the same folder right beside here and that's why i'm showing it here if i open this up i can actually bring and drag them right from here too and they go into here so i can bring in these clips uh just like you can see that there's audio clip audio clips here too if i drag them down they'll come in i can i can click on different ones i'm just going to bring a few in to work with we're going to have a few with images so you can see just brought down so i have i will bring in uh just one more here like here so where do these go so i'm gonna go to the edit right here and click on the edit and look what is in here so now these are the ones i brought in and i'm ready to take them from my where i brought them into my media pool this is my media pool right here i can start bringing them in to my timeline that's over here now you can go through if i go and hover over any of these you can see as i bring my mouse over top i can kind of play it and get a preview of it right through there so i can see this is just an image this is just another image image and as i go through i can kind of see this is a video if i uh go through and just drag so it gives you an idea of what is each in each one now if you wanted to change the layout of how these look you can go through and adjust them up here to get different views of it depending on what information you want i'm just going to leave things i'm not going to change things too much in here again to keep it simple but we brought our media from our computer into davinci resolve 17 now now we're ready for the next step to bring it in to our timeline to start editing one more way i wanted to show you to bring your media in is right from a window over into the pool this way so i tend to go from the media pool still but if you want to save yourself you can do it that way and just dragging across let's get started now with dragging some video clips and some different types of clips down into our timeline which is down here now i'm going to start with just this one you can hear the audio in this one i'm going to drag it down and just drop it down into video one and you can see there's audio the green is the audio that's connected to the video if i drag these around notice if i drag it up it created another video two track and i can do the same thing drag it up a video three so it creates these new tracks i can move it around in space and time in the track so right now this would be the first clip in my video that i'm creating and it's starting right at the beginning of this clip now if i moved it a little bit ahead and took the this red thing this is the playhead i'm going to drag it back and i can hit the spacebar to play it and that's how i tend to do it notice that there was a little bit of black in there because there's a gap there if i didn't want the gap i need to close the gap and that's the same thing when we bring in more videos and images when we put them together i'm going to bring in another video here so we'll bring this one in here and just drag it down you can see this one does not have any audio attached to it so if i bring it in here i can drag my playhead to watch it i can hit play up here to watch it too and then i can hit stop i tend to do a lot by dragging my play head because then i can get exactly where i want to the frame and one way you can do this is zooming up to get more accurate if you're trimming or slicing and that's by using these tools right up here now if i go ahead and hit full extent full extent zoom notice it zoomed up it nothing changed in the duration of anything but allows me to go frame by frame a little bit easier and pull my playhead across now i could even zoom up more to a detail zoom and then i can drag you can see it just becomes easier to drag to certain spots on this one i'm just going to go back we can also adjust this through here and we can adjust the way way we want and i tend to go back and forth kind of the big picture to the zooming in when i'm editing i can bring an image in so this is an image and i can bring this into here with any of these and i can drag them around i could highlight everything and i can move them around so if i needed to move a chunk of videos together i could draw this shape the rectangle over top make sure all is selected you can see by the red around them and then i can move them or i could click off nothing is selected select these two and now i can move them all around so just by clicking and dragging you can move them in audio you can hear there's some audio i can drag this down below and place this in the audio track so now i've brought in a couple of videos this video has attached audio with it this video had no no video or no audio in it and this is just an image so if i go ahead and click on it and hit play this is just an image that will go by and it has music because i brought the music down below and at any of these if i want them gone i can hit delete and i can keep moving things around and placing them in the order that i want but remember where there's a gap there's going to be a black spade or black on the screen like that if i put them together like so you can see now it will just go from one to the other without that gap there so that's just some basics about moving your audio in or moving your different clips into the timeline just to get an understand try playing around moving them around if you are working on a project that you want saved i would suggest that you go up to file and you can see save project save project as because if it crashes you want to make sure it's saved just to point out too down below we have a home button in the bottom corner that if i click on it i can create new projects from this this way too but i can also do it from the file menu and my settings are down here also okay so let's uh get ready to move to the next step and that's going to be some editing with our clips that we brought in so in this video tutorial i'm just talking about basic editing to get you started so i'm going to bring in a couple clips i'm going to bring in this clip right here this first one bring it down and i'm also going to bring down a second one here the first thing i want to show you and this isn't really editing but it's just about layers and understanding if i put one on top of the other if i go ahead and play it only the top one shows so if you notice that you're not seeing something um in your in your preview of your in your timeline it's because that something's on top of it there's reason why we use layers and everything in this video i won't be going over it um that much on it but just so you know that can happen so i'm just going to bring this down i'm going to zoom up also when i'm doing this uh i just want to show you when you're moving around your timeline when you zoom up there's this bar down below that you can grab and to bring it along the whole timeline as you uh work your way if it gets longer than what fits into your window so i'm just going to bring this back now i have this clip and i'm going to show you three different ways to edit a clip and that's going to be from trimming and slicing now with trimming what you can do if i have a clip and i go and bring it over top of another clip i actually just trimmed off part of it here so if you bring down a clip and bring it over top that's actually trimming this it just made this shorter so if i bring it even back further this clip is a lot shorter now and it's trimmed it just by bringing it over notice if i bring it away look at the size of the clip but don't worry you can get it back if you've trimmed something you haven't changed the original i can hover over click and drag back to where i want it to i can't drag it back longer than what the original clip was but i can drag it back to how it was now i can also trim this way too if i'm just trimming individual i can grab from either end you can see how i can move it back and forth if it's something from the beginning i can trim off the beginning of it so i can make these clips shorter that way and so that's the trimming now i just wanted to point out with the snap tool if i turn the snap tool off and now it's not as highlighted you can see if i bring it over these slide really easily over top of each other when i bring it back and forth if i turn the snap tool on uh it kind of snaps to the end and this is good when you're trying to get rid of those uh those gaps in your video you can bring it and it just snaps on and you have to push it a little harder to go over top of it so i usually keep it on but if you know you're trimming lots where you just want to smooth over another clip and to get it to the exact point where you want it you can just turn that off now i just want to show you a different ways sometimes so you can either trim from the beginning or the end but sometimes it's the middle that you need something taken out of so again i'll just zoom up a little bit more so you can see uh so the clips a little bit larger here and we have the this uh this blade edit and what that allows me to do as i hover over a piece of it you can see over the video i can clip just like that and now you can see that there's a line there and i'm going to move over back to my tool here that i can move and i have two chunks i haven't deleted anything yet but i've cut it and so i've made it two chunks nothing shows up that if i was going to play it nothing will show up there like that if it's side by side it didn't cut anything out but let's say if i wanted to cut something out in the middle of it i could take my blade tool again and go here and click it and now you notice there's a chunk so i could go to it and i could take this complete chunk out i could change the order if i wanted to play it at the end maybe i want to just delete it and then you notice how it just i clicked back together and now i'd have a gap so now if i'm playing it you can see it it did a little bit of a jump there with it not super noticeable just because the video was pretty simple and the dog was already laying down so that's three different ways you can be trimming and using the blade to edit to cut things out of the video that you don't want now i just wanted to point out when you bring images in so i'll bring in this image right here into the timeline i'm just going to delete this one and put it here so the duration of a sense of uh image is static i can go ahead and play it but i can play it longer i can stretch it longer so when it's if i wanted to play play longer i can stretch it because nothing's being changed i can't do that with video i can change the speed of video and the duration speed it up slow it down but with a picture i can make it play as long as i want just by grabbing the ends to it now audio if i go ahead and grab audio i can trim just like video too so if i grab the ends i could drag and trim it this way i could use my blade tool cut it off and then i can go ahead and then select it maybe i don't want this and delete it another way to get something back is if you're on your windows you can control z or on your mac command z and then it will put it back like that too but i'm just going to leave this gone so those are some different ways that you can trim your video lengthen the pictures and trim your audio too these are the basic uh all video editing programs will do the same things but this would be the basics of video editing so two things what i want to show you now is how to change the duration of a clip so you can speed it up or slow it down and how to unlink audio uh from video now in the first one uh if i hit play right here and i have this clip here i'll hit play i'll just bring back my playhead hit play you can see how slow this is running here now i want this much faster and it's quite easy to change the duration of a clip if you wanted to speed it up or slow it down if you right click on the clip you get a lot more options now i want to change the clip speed and go ahead and take a look at these different ones to your clips that can play with it and see what different ones will do but i'm going to change the clip speed notice now the clip speed is at a hundred percent uh now i need i wanted this go to go faster so i need to increase it over at 100 percent and i want to be about three seconds i can see the duration here i'm going to drag i'm going to click in here and hold my mouse down and i'm just going to drag and i'm watching i could write the numbers but i'm going to just drag in here and i'm watching for the duration for it to go to about three seconds here so i'll just drag a little quicker and right about there now there's a few other options i could put on here from freeze frame reverse beat i'm not going to be working with that in this video i'm going to hit change notice it just shortened up nothing got deleted in it if i hit play now on it it plays much faster because i increased the percentages now the opposite would also be if i wanted it slower i just need to bring it down so that's just something about that part now if i wanted to if i bring this down into here notice i have audio on this clip here maybe i didn't want the audio attached on this because right now whenever i move it they're together if i right click take a look where it says link clips now i'm going to click on it and click off now i can select them one at a time so maybe you want the audio deleted on it just like that so those are just a couple tips i just wanted to show you on uh on these ones also if you're working with different tracks you can mute the track so if i mute it here and hit play i don't hear anything i didn't delete it but i did mute it so the other thing that i wanted to point out is if you want if you have your videos in place and where you want them you can go ahead and hit lock now no one can change or i can't change this layer anymore so if you have things in place and oops and if you uh if you have it locked and you don't want to mess it around hit the lock on these you can hit unlock and then adjust them after so those are just some more tips with some video editing features that you can use all right so now i want to show you how you can transform your clips and by transform what i mean is you can change the size or rotate them and this is how you do it so i just have a clip in here in video one and i'm gonna i want to transform it now there's different ways i can do this but right here if i click on this you can see transform there's also crop and dynamic zoom and i'll go over these three here so i'll click on transform when i do that the handles appear around it and so what that enables me to do i can grab the handles bring them in i can move this to a different spot i can grab this top one and rotate it here so i can move it around make it smaller now what i want want you to notice is up in the top right hand corner under the inspector here that these are the things that are happening here so uh i the position and everything everything's got moved and it's showing up in here so for instance if i reset these you can see the zoom is gone and the position and i can reset these back and it will take me through the different points until it all got back to normal so that's how you would reset uh or adjust this is the reset button i could put in the the numbers if i wanted to a lot of times i'm just doing it by hand and moving them around now notice it's all black in the background because there's nothing behind it now watch this if i drag this up one layer and take let's say this video and drag it below now if i go ahead and play this here oh wait there you can see two videos playing at once so it's like picture in picture i could do this on another layer and put another picture in and adjust and transform it just like that so that's one effect of the transforming but with crop let's take a look at crop so i'm just going to delete this here and i'm going to delete these ones here and i'm going to drag this back in to video one now with crop what you can do if i go here you can focus on a certain area so if i was going to go to crop just like that and now i hit play you can see it's a shorter smaller picture now now if i go back to transform it i could make it fit still but now it's going to stretch just the cropped area so i can fit it in to it so i cropped it first and then i stretched it to fit the picture if i want but i can still if i go ctrl z back i could move it up again and i could put a picture behind it or this is a different video and i can adjust it so just of the cropped one just like that so now the other one i wanted to show you was with the dynamic zoom so if i bring this image in again and this time i'm going to drop down and click dynamic zoom i want to make sure dynamic zoom is on over here too dynamic zoom and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to shrink this down and move it over here so watch now it adds this dynamic zoom that it's moving to fit where i told it to start with and where then it ends back in it so that's with the adding to the dynamic zoom just by changing the area this size and moving to where you want to add that effect but as you go through you can reset them all through here through the inspector the other thing i just wanted to point out was the transparency so if i bring this up one more layer and again i'll bring this down again the transparency is how you see through things so the opacity if i bring this through you can see now it's see-through here so just like that i have two videos playing at once and you can adjust it and again go back and you can reset all the different things now do take a look at all the different things i'm not going through everything here today but take a look at all the different things you can add to the clip and then reset through the inspector here i'm just going to talk a bit about audio here and i talked already about how you trim it and slice it to get the exact part that you want but you can do some more adjusting i'm going to go and bring an audio track and just drop it into audio here notice how i can see the wavelength if you wanted to adjust the size of what you're seeing here take a look at this timeline view options and if you're not seeing all your audio you can have audio view options or you can increase the size if you wanted to be able to see it more so you can make those adjustments to it now i'm just going to go ahead i hit play now the music starts in there notice right away we have we do have a mixer so if i click it it's gone open i have it selected and i have it placed down here now and i can make adjustments and i can move it down here so when it plays now it's quieter [Music] like so so you can adjust with with the mixer on it but what i want to talk about is the inspector and adding some keyframes so with the inspector you notice there is a volume level here that you can make the adjust and what you notice is you can see how it affects the uh the waves in it so if i hit play and i start to bring it down you can hear it get quieter on it so you can make those adjustments to it you can also have if you take a look at the different ones there's pan and remember there's the reset buttons just like i showed you before there's pan if i play it [Music] i'm not sure if you can hear the difference in the pen but of this you will with the pitch and i'm going to bring this down a little bit and then we also have our equalizer if we turn it on and you can start to hear the different changes in the music here so those are just some different ways that you can adjust the audio in here the other thing i wanted to point out is with keyframes because maybe you want to bring it up and down through the audio clip and if i open it up see this right here if i click on this i'm going to open it up and now what enables me to do to add keyframes so i'll bring this back here and by clicking this dot right here i added a dot you can see direct to it that red dot i'm gonna go and click a few of these here so i've added another one and i'm just gonna add four all together so i'll go and move my playhead and add another one now i can make adjustments to this so if i drag this down i can drag one up and as you can see what it does to the different parts so as the audio is playing now i can adjust it to different parts so maybe there's somebody's talking at this part and you want to hear them more clearly and then it goes into more images and videos and then the audio will pick up at that point so those are just some things with audio i just wanted to show you as you're playing along with it that you can get really specific on how you want your uh your videos to sound the simplest way to add transitions so transitions are between different clips and make it smooth uh when it goes from one to the other so you can see right now i have things set up no transition and i haven't overlapped and the reason why i have more left i'll show you in a moment that was kind of more of a just a jump from one frame to the other but i want it more smooth if i make sure your effect library is clicked so if i click it on this opens here and in the tool box look under video transition so i have some right through here now all i need to do and i'll just take this cross dissolved drag it onto this one right here you can see as it appears this white box the other thing to notice is in the clip inspector if i go up to transition this is what i have right now and i can adjust it even more i'll just show you what it looks like here so now we have this nice dissolve between the two different video clips just like that i can make some adjustments i could stretch it here if i want to but you can go through here and make more adjustments you can even change the type of transition so if i go back now it should be a center wipe just like that so i can go through i can take a look at different ones if i go and drop it be this is a picture to a video here so this is a video here and i'll drop it and then i'll bring my playhead up and i hit play and you can see the order that it came through so now i'd want to switch it around so i could delete this one if i select if i select this i can delete it and i can bring it over this way and put it on this picture now look at it here it goes so you just want to make sure you have your layers if you're overlapping like that you have them in the right place just like that so that's an easy way to add transition do take a look at the other ones too even with audio transition uh the cross fade that you can just drag and drop and then you do have different effects that you can do the same thing by dropping onto video clips then check into your inspector to see if you can adjust or if you need to reset back to normal the last thing i want to show you before you deliver your video or export it out to to wherever you want to go whether it be youtube or maybe just even locally on your computer i our title so titles if i go over to make sure your effects library are open you can see i showed you video and audio transitions but here we have titles and now with titles they have all these different examples there are templates you can bring them over for example if i wanted to drag this one i could just drag it right over onto a top layer and then you can see there it is right there so if i hit play i have that title in it now you can still adjust it in there if i go over and again inspector always check out your inspector when i double click on this it opens it up if it wasn't already but go into your expector and then you can type whatever so if it was dog on a boat like so i can go through and then i can pick my different fonts i can take a look as i go through i can change my color if i wanted to be a different one i'll just hit ok i can change the size on it so i can make these adjustments if i click on it you can see i can make i can drag it into a different place on it also you can go through make the alignment changes font style all these different changes and remember there's the reset button on or the reset on the right hand side that you can go through drop shadow all these different things if you want to stroke around the outside of it take a look and play with these now the nice thing is you have it created here doesn't mean i can't move it somewhere else so i can still drag it to somewhere else maybe i want to change it to dog eating i can just go back and as i go through it i can change the text here now i do want to show you there's also the fusion titles you can drag those on they just have a little bit of movement to them if i grab one drag it on here and what you'll notice is as it goes through it just has a little differently you can see as it comes through here and i can double click on this one i can make the changes to it you can see from tracking and everything we have our small text our large text and again i can move it so as i hit play you can see as the kind of an animation comes on so these are just simple to use drag them so maybe you need your intro you need credits you want different things throughout the video to give better explanation take a look at all the different ones you have here that you can just drag on so let's move let's say your video is all done you've added you've edited you've had transitions you've had your audio you have your text in there you have it all finished and you want to export it so you can share it with other people okay so we're at the point where you need to render it and this is under the deliver tab so i'm going to go to click on this you can see i have some videos and pictures some text some audio in here so i'm going to go ahead hit deliver and now so we want to make sure that when you uh make sure you have the right part selected that you want to have finished so this grade area right here so if you want to make sure you have the whole video uh captured or recorded that is exported make sure this gray bar is uh selected all the way because if you bring it back it's only going to do up to that point so make sure you have this in the right place now looking up so we up in the top left hand corner here we have some custom settings you could do so you could go through you could uh you know give it the title give it where do you want this to go save you to go find it i'll just leave it there and it shows me the path for it and as i go through i can pick my format here it is quicktime but i can adjust and go through and pick whatever i wanted when it comes to the resolution i could pick it and go through now if you're using something like youtube and a lot of people are uh to be uploading their video if you click youtube it has all the settings there set for you so as you go through you can see the resolution frame rate everything is set up for youtube when you go through and you can pick from vimeo twitter and go through and kind of just pull through this you can see all the different ones through here i'm going to leave it at youtube when you're all ready and you've got all your settings what you need to do is just go add to rendered queue and then replace i'm going to say replace if i already had a file there name that and then you can see that here is the job one and i'm just going to hit render all and then it's going to start the rendering process and you can kind of see it go through this is a really short video that i created here and you can see that as i'm talking the percentage that it goes through in the file will be there and that will be the file if that's what you're if you're uploading it to youtube that's where you can bring it into that or it's going to be saved on your computer that you can email or share how you would want so i hope this walkthrough of davinci resolve 17 has helped you get started that was the goal of this video is to help you get started and comfortable this video editor can do so much more i've just touched on it i'll look at your comments down below of what i could create that could help you more but again making sure that you have the right computer to run this and making sure that you have the time to go through and learn but if you do you're going to create some fantastic video for people to watch thanks for watching this time on teachers tech i'll see you next time with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 61,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve, new in resolve 17, resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, introducing davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 beta, davinci resolve tutorial, video editing, teachers tech davinci resolve 17, how to use davinci resolve 17 for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, how to use davinci resolve, what is new in resolve 17, how to use davinci resolve 17
Id: XPF4ESuvub4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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