CUT page vs. EDIT page - DaVinci Resolve 16

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Aside from copying fcpx, it’s still track based. Also, when I spoke with them at NAB, they made it clear the cut page was meant for early stage rough editing. For fine tuning, you still are meant to use their existing edit tab.

I’m sticking with fcpx. And resolve for color work.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FilmYak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi I'm Alex warden from one color grading and some simplified comm the venturi love 16 was released a couple of days ago and usually I release a video detailing who I think about it however this time it took me a couple of days to release this video because I needed some time to work with a new feature that was added which is the cut page and when you look at it it first looks like a watered down version of the edit page so the question here is why do we have a new page where we can edit I mean we've always had the Edit tab in resolve and it's just a fully functional very powerful it tab it's actually a full non-lp so why do we need it why should anyone care about the new cut page well there is one word speed [Music] you see in filmmaking literally time is money whether you're a tuber trying to push more content a wedding filmmaker or a corporate filmmaker time is literally money so the question here is how can we make our editing process faster usually when you think of speed when it comes to editing everybody thinks in a very simple way a faster computer a faster machine means you can edit faster which is absolutely true however what Blackmagic Design did here is to ask themselves every single question what are the bottlenecks in the editing process itself in the mentality how do we edit the way the Edit Page is built where are the bottlenecks that makes the initial edit much slower because when you think about it the editing page of the editing cabin result is extremely powerful which means it can do a lot of things whatever you can think of it can do and this versatility this this extreme power comes with a downside which is the editing process becomes a bit slower because we focus a lot on the ability of doing anything so the cut page focuses on raw editing just cutting films together and making the whole thing come together much much faster that's great in theory I can detail a lot of things that makes this faster but what we're going to be doing today is putting the cut page versus the edit page in a head-to-head comparison with some of the basic editing workflows where you can see how the cut page can make your work much much faster so before we start the comparison let's take a fast look at the cut page so the cut page is pretty simple you simply have your media to the left here to the right here you have one monitor which works on three different modes two of them you are already familiar with so this is the source mode you know when you go to edit usually we have two monitors so if I drag this here for example now we have two monitors this is the source monitor and this is a timeline view however when you go to cut they're both lungs something to one monitor so if I click this button now I'm in source view I can view my clips and if I click this button now I'm in timeline mode of course I don't have to keep on clicking if I double click a source here this will turn into a source and if I simply drag the timeline it will automatically focus on the on the timeline view so you don't have to actually click these buttons at all there's a third mode here that we will see in a bit you have some buttons here these are the same buttons we have an edit here so for example an edit if I drag a file here you have insert overwrite or for example a pen to end you have some of these modes in the cut page so if I switch back to the cut page here you have some of these modes here with new modes also added this is where you have transitions and if you click this button below the monitor you have control to many effects we'll get to this later but this is where you can do stabilization for example so I'm gonna click here to close this and you see this button here this is one of the most important buttons you're gonna be working with then we have the timelines we have two timelines so the upper timeline is a zoomed out timeline that will always show us our timeline from beginning to win you cannot zoom in into that timeline which is unbelievably great because one of the things where you waste a lot of time when you're editing like a lot of time it's basically zooming in and zooming out every editor is assigning this zoomin and zoom-out functionality to certain buttons and half of your time and at least is spent zooming into the timeline you know to do some very clear editing process then zooming out to the time like to see where you are in the timeline and just keeping back and forth however now you have two timelines or tops each other the first one is ruled out entirely and the second one or the bottom one is ruined in so at anytime without zooming in or out you can look at your upper timeline know exactly where you are on the timeline and then take a look at the bottom timeline and you know work with it more precisely so this is a very fast little bit cut page now before we move forward I want to note something very important the upper timeline is not simply a zoomed out static view you can drag things to the timeline so for example I can drag this here it can add it so I just added the clip from the media pull to the upper timeline and I can move things around in the upper timeline I can trim from the upper timeline notice how when I trim also the lower timeline shows you a reflection of what I'm doing and you can actually drag things between timelines so for example I'll drag this clip here and then if I want to move it I can move it from the bottom timeline to the upper timeline in a very fluid way now that's very important because you waste a lot of sometimes you just want to drag something from the end of the timeline like you're zoomed in and you want to drag something from the beginning of the timeline to the from that from the end of the timeline to the beginning and you just have to zoom in drag it or copy it zoom out zoom in to the other side drag it over there and it's just a mess however here I can simply drag things between timelines so I can drag a clip from the upper zoomed out timeline to the lower one now for anyone who hugged edited before professionally you know how important this is because the zooming in and out just goes out of control usually and this is just unbelievable so now that we just took a very fast look at the cut page let's take a look at some operations compare them between doing the same operation in the edit page versus the cut page and see how much faster the cut page is so let's start with the first scenario I want to trim edit the clip so I just want to trim it and I'm going to trim a big portion of the clip first and then I want to go in you know in detail and just trim it exactly frame by frame now without using keyboard shortcuts this is what I usually do of course we're starting with the edit page I'm going to click on the trim edit mode to make sure that I'm contribute without actually leaving any gaps and then I'm going to have to zoom out if I'm zoomed in for example I'm gonna have to zoom out and then trim the part I don't want so this is my major trim and then I'm going to drag the playhead back here again and zoom in again to be more precise with my trim and then I'm gonna hover over the Edit point trim to the left or trim to the right to be more precise with my trimming which is great but notice that we need to zoom in zoom out and we had to switch mode which which took a long time however listen to everything and repeat everything now in the cut page so I'm going to switch to the cut page and notice something very important on the top here I have my zoomed out timeline that shows me the entire thing and I can simply click here and start trimming on a large scale then note that without zooming in I have the lower timeline already zoomed in so I can simply click here and drag more precisely so note that we did not need to select the trim mount we did not need to zoom out to know where we are and cut a big part of the clip and we did not need to zoom in and when it comes to the cut page take a look at the monitor now the monitor is showing me a very precise frame accurate control without be needing to do anything so this is the clip to the left I can simply over here and start trimming the clip to the left I can click here and start trimming the clip to the right and it can actually trim frame by frame on the Left clip and on the right clip note that I can click here to trim frame by frame and here the trim frame by frame so notice something very important once I selected an edit point in the same page I have three different zoom levels so I can trim whatever I want on any level without needing to zoom in or out at all I mean imagine if you just need to trim like a thousand clips per day and every time you trim a clip you need to zoom in or out multiple times that's like what unbelievable so the first operation which is trimming is unbelievably faster with the cut page let's take a look at the second thing so this is how it works sometimes you go out and you find a lot of things and you can't even remember what you film through the day or someone maybe sends you sometimes to edit and you just want to take a look at of all your clips so let's take a look at all of these clips in the Edit Page I'll just click the edit page here I'll delete everything from the timeline and now I want to take a look at my Clips so I can hover over every single clip which is not very efficient or I can for example double click a thumbnail and then I just went through the clip or maybe I play it and then maybe I'll just click this clip and play it and just keep on clicking and playing around great at this point you will run into a root problem some clips are very long other clips are short so what you're going to be doing naturally we all do this which is when you get into a longer clip you're gonna play it at faster than normal speed just to go through the clip and see what's what's in it and of course you're gonna have to decide the speed on a clip by clip basis which is unbelievable however take a look on how the cut page shows your clips so I'm going to switch the cut page now and these are the clips I haven't I've been now notice this button here if I click it notice what happened resolve got all the clips I have and merge them into one virtual clip so I just play and it will play from the first clip I have in my bin to the last one without me having to switch so now I eliminated the need to keep on double-click on a file and watching it which is great so now if you look at this line here this line is simply a line that combines all these clips with the same order I have here so if I switch the order to the left this would you know what switch here big deal so now you have you could have always done this before we could have always this created a new timeline drag all the bins to it so for example before we could have just selected everything added them to a timeline and started watching them so what's the big deal well take a look at this in the cut page after creating this source clip what I can do is click this button and this button will show me all the clips while speeding up longer clips automatically so if there is a very long clip it will be played back at much faster speed than a shorter clip which means I don't have to keep on just deciding on every clip has fast do one want to preview this clip based on how long it is I can simply click here and notice what will happen let's move to this point for example okay and now if I click notice that it shows me this clip at a certain speed the clip next to it is much longer so it will play much faster take a look at this how much faster is place is just previewing you know the things that I have in my timeline this is a bit slower it will play this much faster and it will play the next one even faster so that I can watch every single thing I can just relax sit just take a fast look on everything I have in my timeline now notice how much faster this happened in the Edit Page if I wanted to do the same thing I would have either had to click every clip watch it or maybe just drag all the clips into a new timeline that I don't need and just adjust the playing speed manually per clip however everything happens automatically here so that's the second thing where the cut page is much much faster it saves you a lot of time the next thing is simply moving the playhead to a certain point so for example if I want to move the playhead to a later point here I'm gonna have to zoom out for example so just zoom out to see exactly where I am so to click zoom out then I'm gonna have to click on top here and keep on clicking you know keep the mouse down and just drag the playhead where I want and maybe when I get to that point I'm gonna have to zoom in again so first we zoomed out then we have to actively look for the playhead controller drag it keep on clicking drag it where you want and then zoom in again so if I look at this in the cut page almost in the cut page and all of these steps are simply compressed into swiping around look I'm just using the trackpad to swipe around and in the upper part I can see exactly where I am in the timeline so maybe I just want to move to this point and in the lower timeline it's already zoomed in I did not have to zoom out I did not have to go look for the playhead controller the you know the playhead itself I didn't have to click it and keep on clicking and I did not have to drag it swimming again I mean if that's not faster I don't know what is faster like seriously I'm sorry I'm just very excited I like this so let's move to the next point let's move back to the Edit Page everything and take a look at the next thing adding clips now there is a purse in all and LPS when you add a lot of clips which is called I don't know I'm just a man give it a name the name is gonna be very creative so I'm gonna call it focusing on the timeline after adding a clip go okay so this is how it works I'm going to select this clip here for example at an end point at an out point then add it to the timeline and now my keyboard control just moves to the timeline if I press play my keyboard does not control the source monitor anymore it only controls now the timeline view which is a big problem because now to add another clip I'm gonna have to move back here click again and the source monitor to activate it then use my keyboard to add more and drag it one more time and guess what the focus moves to the right one I have to click here again which is not a problem when you're adding 100 clips but in a very long turning session today this can waste computable time now take a look at how this done in the cut page almost edit that page here I'll just remove these two Clips here double click on this and now I'll just move in out so this is my source clip and I'll add for example a pen to end notice what happened I'm still controlling this source monitor I did not have to click again in the source monitor to control it so now I can in and here out for example add another one move in very fast add one here one here and move fast that's why it's called the cut page it's much faster to cut things in this page is unbelievably faster yeah more things so I'm just gonna keep this a bit short so they got beige once again with this one let's take a look at the next one insert for example I want to insert this clip between these two clips here note that to insert it exactly between the clips the playhead must be exactly on the Edit point if the playhead is not on the Edit point and I inserted this clip so this is my clip and I hit insert notice what happened the insert happened exactly at the playhead which was not at the Edit point which means that by mistake I cut a small part from this clip and I did not enter this clip at the right place let's undo move to the cut page and repeat the same thing clip a clip B and I want to insert for example this clip in between and let's just select a small portion and now when I hit insert notice what happened resolve understood that I want to insert at the point between these two clips and that the playhead is currently is not on that point and in a very smart way it adjusts the insert position between these two Clips automatically so I don't have to keep on zooming in and out to make sure that the playhead is always at the point between two Clips resolve is smart enough to understand the difference and to understand that I what I actually meant was to add something at that particular point I'm not sure how to how to explain how excited I am but anyway that's just unbelievable because if you edit it before you always end up with all these three small chunks that are just cut throughout the film because by mistake you weren't exactly you were like one frame before two frames after and you want to kill yourself anyway let's move to the next thing I have a lot of things I'm not going to mention all of them now but I'm just going to mention the last two things where we compare the Edit versus the cut page so let's say for example you have something with audio so let's select a clip with audio for example so this is my clip here I want to add an end point here an out point here I want the end point to be very close to the peak at this point usually you're gonna have to come here though show full audio waveform so now you're seeing the full audio waveform but you you're not zoomed in to add the cut exactly at the peak at this point so you're gonna have to switch to show zoomed in and you know it just takes a lot of time however and cut I have these scratch controllers here so if i double click here note that after selecting in-and-out I have this control to the left and this controller to the right these are scratch controllers so once I click it keep on clicking and move to the right once I start trimming from it notice that the audio already zoomed in to show me exactly where I am and it's accurate down to the frame and once I stop and zoomed out showed me all the waveform again and same with the right one I can be very precise of where I select in and out so of course when it comes to the Edit to select all you accurately even have to zoom in zoom out do many things however now with just a scratch controller and it zooms in automatically to show you what you're doing the last thing we have here here okay so the last thing I'm gonna add here in the comparison between cut and edit sorry by the way I'm sure I called it the trim page like 300 times please whenever you hear trim page just understand that I be in the cut page still new to the whole thing the last thing is sometimes you want to add a scene and you want to zoom it in this is very common especially as we're most people film in 4k so you just want to zoom in into a scene so in the Edit Page for example if I want to just delete the whole thing here and for example I want to add this scene and I want to zoom into the car so look at the steps I'm going to dry to the timeline that I'm going to click inspector if it's not opened and then I'm gonna zoom in which is not a lot of work but there's an easier way let's delete this move to the cut page select the same car scene so double click this is my car scene and there is one button here where I click it and this is already added with two times zoom which is basically full HD so instead of you having to zoom in zooms and then you can simply click on the controller here and you can just move the you know the car around and then close the controller just to get exactly the scene you want I received a lot of emails after this the announcement asking me to you know to explain why do we need a new page to edit well it's not a new page to edit the editing pages is great it's humbling to be advanced it has a lot of new features and Europe most of the time actually finish your edit in the editing tab however the initial cut putting everything together just just putting the film together initially it's just it just usually takes a lot of time and this will make it much much faster so thank you very much for watching one more thing if you joined any of our bundles of course bundles that includes editing in the past here you'll get a new course dedicated to the cut page for free and of course if you joined our courses on from simplified at any point your courses are going to be upgraded for yourself 16 for free for everybody as usual so thank you very much please visit us at learn color grading and some simplified comm thank you film simplified dot-com [Music]
Channel: Learn Color Grading
Views: 111,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, color grading, editing in resolve, cut page, edit page, davinci resolve 16
Id: _5U00UYhXDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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