Building Templates For DaVinci Resolve And Answering Questions

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all righty i think that's all good and then we'll go like that uh-oh what happened close there we are and we'll close that for now have this open and we need to pop out a chat there we are all right and going back and chat switch this to live chat all right i think we are good now click save over here so i have uh two more that i need to make i've been working on these uh new call outs um they're pretty cool because here we'll take actually now we'll put something new on the timeline so i can show everyone so i uh in past videos i talked about how they've changed a couple of the effects and now we have the ability on the edit page to add these overlays from fusion so what we can do is we can come in here and this is the first one i've been working on this one has a couple of bugs but soon i'll get to it like you can see the there's a line here but then it's over here and if i reset this that line goes away so i already fixed that just this one that's in my system i haven't fixed yet but so we'll just set that back to default and the cool thing now is one we can add it into um fusion or excuse me in on the edit page we can add the fusion callout but the other cool thing is i can come down here and i can get fusion overlay and then the fusion overlay will give me access to the widgets so then i would be able to reposition these as i need to without going into fusion but if i ever wanted to add a tracker to something so like let's say we wanted to track the tail light here what i could easily do is click this button here which will then take me into this is hard to explain but it'll take me into a fusion comp for the effect it's not a fusion comp for the clip it's a fusion comp for that effect that goes in that effects stack so here i can open this up and then just put in a actually don't want to put it there i can throw a tracker on and then get the track point and then let's say i just want to track the light so i can track a little bit that way and obviously it jumped a bit so i'd probably want to retract that but then i can track back just so we get a little bit of tracking information here and then i could highlight these both so that i can come over into my call out and the target i can say expression grab go into the tracker and then grab that tracker information here so now if i now look at this it's now being tracked very quickly come back over to the edit page and all of that track information is now there that i can pull from right so that's kind of cool um so that's what i've been working on and then one of the other issues that people always um were talking about is they want to add on multiple or multiple call outs without being able to time multiple callouts on the same clip so let's say you wanted to do one for this particular uh car but then you could then add another one before how it was set up was that it used frame 0 for the start of the animation for the call out and this is going to get really sloppy really quickly but um but now i uh put in the animations here so it just goes from zero to one i probably should have just had one so i can show you this but um now we can just say okay let's have it start here and then maybe one second we will have it that full animation so now over that one second it's not cached right now but um it will then be able to animate so in the middle of the clip because before it always animated from the beginning because we had to use fusion comps and the timing was always different so being able to automatically animate or not automatically but manually animate that and then also these they also have animations of their own as well so you could say like to the end of that and then start this animation and i probably don't want to do it one whole second let's come in a little bit and then add that animation because this one's a little bit different none of this stuff is cache but like little different elements will flicker on for that animation and there's a ton of different settings here for all different things with this circle making the circle bigger and stuff like that so that's what i've been working on how am i finding davinci resolve 17 i i enjoy it um there are a couple of like weird bugs that i see here and there but overall um all the stuff that the previous versions of davinci resolve have done obviously this one does perfectly fine some of the fusion stuff on the edit page renders a bit quicker so that's cool still not a huge i still don't know how these effects are going to if there's ever going to be like a button on here that i can cache that particular effect that would be pretty cool to see like a one button click cache this effect but for right now you can do and i made a video on this render in place so it'll take all the effects that you have added to a clip it'll re-render that clip out with all of those effects baked in but then if you don't like the effects you can just right-click and i forget what it's called like decompose or something like that and it'll take it'll get the original uh clip the source clip that you had and then it'll add all the effects back in so you could go in and edit them and then redo it again if you ever needed to but overall um i'm liking it there's uh with i don't know if you guys have seen but over the last uh two or three weeks there's been a bunch of updates uh fixing a lot of bugs that people are reporting on the forum so i have tutorials on how you save all of this i'll be jumping into it because i have to recreate a couple of these well i have to create a couple of more because right now i only have six of them and i have two more ideas that i still want to do so i'll go through some of that stuff today uh what graphics card am i using i have it in the i don't know if it's in the description of the stream i think it is i think all of the all of the equipment that i'm using is currently in the description um of the stream that's all the stuff i'm currently using i would like to get the new um uh amd stuff but with how graphics cards are right now it doesn't seem like that's going to be a thing that's going to be easy to pick up anytime soon so just holding off on that i've been pretty good um just keeping busy uh last or the last uh what was it almost three weeks we did like the um a black friday sale stuff and now i've been just kind of thinking about with all the new tools that are in 17 what is some stuff that i could uh take advantage of and um i i mean it's i the last the call-out pack that i currently have on my website was made in um 2018 and so i believe that that was on davinci resolve 15 and since then there's been a lot of like new things that have come along so i can make you know new stuff now so just trying to take advantage of some of the new uh features that are now out there so yeah all right so i have a couple of them already made uh i have this like little none of none of these right now these are all just fusion comps because i'm like in the process of like building these out but um oh then i was like i was playing with this um i was just trying to think of like different things i could make and this is all with the new shape tools so that's kind of cool i'm thinking about making a whole set that's kind of like sci-fi-ish but that's going to be a little ways out because there's a lot of moving parts in something like this and what do you give controls to what don't you give controls to what things do you you know do you put into groups that use one big control a lot of different ideas that i had with that but that was just me playing around trying to get an idea of what to create um and yeah so i've been making a couple of these i have one little spinner and this you can if i go into it you can change the the just about everything um so on that you have the ability to change like the the length of these obviously the thickness but whereas that default is way better animation speed that's one of the new things that i started adding in because i i did this a long time ago because there used to be there's a lot of the ability to do this but if you just take one of these right you could come in and you could go to the calculation and there used to be and i played with this for so long there's the scaling option right so you could create something over a certain amount of keyframes and then you could scale the time you know that it would take for keyframes because everything in fusion is it's time based is all frame numbers right it's not um it's not time code so being able to scale you know one one frame that's on the timeline could take five frames or whatever it may be i used to use that and a lot of my my old templates actually use that for the dynamic aspect of it but now they've they've added all of this new stuff with this i guess i should have kept that open they added this new stuff with this animation curve and a lot of my new stuff is now taking advantage of this whole animation curve so one of the cool things that i have in here how do i show this to you so if i come back to the beginning here i'm probably gonna just uh show you guys this way so if i take let's do my line i take my line and let's have this over uh 30 frames or however many frames that is um and actually let's let's just do all of these so i can just cache everything then so the idea here is that you uh add these keyframes in and then you can you know retime everything to however you want so i'm just gonna go back and i'm gonna let this cache quick and then i'll just show you one of the cool things because you can set um you you just have to be able to be willing to do a little bit of math but you can set how um a over a certain time period so like let's say you set a keyframe one is a value of zero the other one is a value of one and then in between there you can make a custom curve on how does it get to that value so you could have it go up and down and up and down and up and down until it gets to the keyframe that you have it go to one you have like a i don't know how to explain this so you have the ability to set a curve but then you have a set of keyframes that you can set the time in which it goes across that curve and i feel like now that i'm thinking about it i feel like i have a really good way of explaining it and i might have to get out a thing but here let me just show you this so when if it plays uh hello uh what is going on it's not really playing okay so there we go so there's this like little flicker here at the beginning right and then everything comes on because i was thinking of like a way in which it to have it come on and depending on how long that that curve is would kind of or how long the time period is would i just need to show but anyways the the whole idea is that there's like a flicker right and that is super dynamic because you're just using so we get the flicker we get this animation of everything coming on and all it really is is just this one this one thing that goes from zero and as it comes on it flickers and it goes to one right so that the value is only ever one so the way in which to do something like that so i'll just grab another thing so i'll come in and we'll add one of those curves in is so we have the source right and you can do a custom source so this is the zero to one thing that i'm talking about so if i just have it zero and then we'll come to frame whatever 100 sure and we'll put a one here right so now i can come in and i can make a custom curve so over here this side is when it starts at zero and let's say this is the time by the time it gets over to here it counts as a one so this whole duration you can get it to do whatever you want the value that is right so we could have it go up have it come down have it go up again have it come down right and obviously you can curve these because they have the tool the handles here to ease it or whatever you want but now over this duration of this zero to one it'll get bright and it'll come back down and it'll get bright again and it'll come back down and the value that we are inputting is just a zero to one but it's constantly doing this whole and you know the the the changing and that's where you can then go into these this automatic easing so when it's the in versus the out so when it's at zero and it's working its way to one um you can do all of these and these are super like these are super like well-known curves so i think this is probably the easier way to show this so i'm just going to kind of uh do a little extra here but we'll just make a tool so we can see it move um make a slider sure and then in here we'll add in that curve right and we'll do a custom and then we'll do easing and we can do like a bounce sure all right so we'll do 10 and we'll go to like i don't know like a bit further i don't know i'll make this a one so now we have from 10 if i was actually looking at so 10. all right so now that we have that and we have a bounce then we can come in to all right so now we have this 0 to 10 right oh god anything was going to go out so far and see how it automatically bounces that's that automatic thing because all i all if you look at this value here it's constantly changing right so then how would you then add something onto that so we could make like another tool right another thing and then we can make this into a slider that goes from zero to one and then we could take like this and we could go into there and now we can make this whatever we want right so over let's say this whole duration it goes from zero to one so now we what the heck oh geez i'm like looking at the wrong thing here here we are zero two one so now over this little duration that i just made is when it's going to do its whole bounce now obviously you can come in and you can change this to do something completely different that didn't really look all that different but there you go we can see it does something completely different but it's all then powered by this zero to one so i could always just change this and have it go over here instead so it'll take even longer right and we can simply go back into bounce and over that whole time it's going to do that thing so there's a lot of really cool things that we can then do and now that i just said all that i think i'm just going to snip it this one little thing and turn that into a video of its own because uh i just kind of explained how that works and then we have like scaling and time i would have to go into more detail with that but we can have this time period right but then we can scale how long it goes from that zero to one with the scale so we can make that time period take longer or be a little bit shorter like i was saying previously so a lot of cool stuff that you can definitely do um and so i've been trying to take advantage of those tools because it's significantly less of manual work that i have to do compared to the stuff that i used to have to do in the past all right so my next idea that i want to do i think i was over here uh no so let me um so this was the last one that's just the one but this was the last one i was working on and one of the cool things oh hello okay so one of the cool things i was looking at is i made this little guy here right and i think what i want to do is i want to have another one of these but maybe on the other end and then maybe write something on the inside of it right so instead of having text up here in text down here i could just make one of these that you know you can um you can make it bigger or whatever and it clears out everything inside and but inside of it we're going to have something written so i think that's what i want to do next and then maybe i could also do the same exact thing i was thinking about like do i want to have the ability to insert like an image or something in that circle and that was kind of like ah i don't really know if that's necessary um so i'm just going to start working right off of this one since i have all of the other stuff saved um and i'm trying to keep these as clean as possible because oh the other thing that i i um i made the ability for does this still have it yeah so if we go into the effects um and i go and look into this comp so let's say we're working on something here and you want to there's just something that you want to do custom in this now you'll be able to click on it and you could go into every single node every single element of this whole callout and change up whatever whatever it is that you want so um that's one of the things that i've been trying to uh pay attention to is making sure it stays clean and they all are pretty much all built the same exact way um and not every single template you go into looks completely different and you're kind of lost so thanks for the you're welcome i'm hoping that i can do more i just i'm kind of like not sure what kind of stuff people want to see i think i need to just start making uh beginner content and when i have cool ideas or things that i'm um i'm excited about so like while i'm creating this thing when i find things that i'm i'm excited about i can then share those things um because sitting around trying to come up with ideas isn't always the most productive thing because i end up not coming up with ideas but thank you hopefully i can come up with more stuff that you enjoy all right so um [Music] i now need to go over into here and so we have this little circle over here what i'm gonna do is bring all this up let's close that so i have a little bit more space to work with here and this is my third one so i'm just going to copy and make a instance of it right so it obviously stays the same but then we want to [Music] um i want to make an instance of this all right so then in the instance we want the we want to d instance paint mode because we want to be able to subtract right and then if i come over to here and we add in a border okay so it is working but why is it only working when it gets really big all right what size is this aren't these the same exact size what am i doing here that's not making sense to me why is it just showing up like kind of oh i see why it's because i have to come into here and we need to de-instance the border because the border's going out and obviously it's getting cut yeah perfect so now we have that and then i believe in here we have a dot size dot size so that's going to make that bigger so we might need to undo that but we also need to take this out of here and have this going in here because i want it to also cut the line so this has to go underneath to be able to cut that line so there we go now it's cutting the line so that line's not coming into the middle like it was previously so now that we have all of that we need to also hmm we need to take an instance of this we're going to paste an instance of it out here as well and i think i don't know if do instances work outside okay they do they just don't show the link okay that's fine um so we want to de-instance that i'm going to keep the size the same and we're going to redo all of this stuff right so i'll have this go into here but then this can go into this so we only have it inside and we don't need all this crap anymore this just needs to come into here and we're going to grab the position of this and put the position of that in in here i think that worked all right and then we're going to center everything and just put a one all right so it's there just really dark all right so now it's there but what is going on why isn't this work okay we're gonna get rid of that as well so there we go now we have it in the middle um all that stuff isn't needed anymore come on so now we just have a one right um hmm i don't really like that this is so big but um yeah so we'll figure it out here oh i'm pretty new fusion one question when you have a huge node tree can you like combine it into one node so what you would want to do is group nodes so highlight right click and you can go into group so i could highlight ooh jesus um so i have a bunch of nodes you can highlight and you could go like group so then you would have it there right and then if you ever need to go into it you could double click and you can see all the nodes in there i think that's what you are doing um the other thing too that they recently added well underlays have been around forever right but the cool thing is that you can have a bunch of them now and you can come into here and then you can quickly jump around to all of them they don't close but if you have big node trees you could easily uh because you can make this infinitely big right if you ever look at some of the i could show you a couple of videos of like really big uh projects that have a couple hundred nodes in them and they're for like multiple passes so like there might be six characters in a scene and each character has like 15 passes um there might be different elements that have a bunch of passes and stuff like that and then you're doing all the compositing nodes to to make it look good um but you could say take like each character and put an underlay under each one and then with the bookmarks the new thing that's in 17 you could just jump around to each one that you would need to do but if you just want it to be clean like as you can see the stuff that i have here i have um groups inside of groups so it's a big group inside of like another group so it looks clean you can open it up and then i have a group here right so that's how that works thanks for the membership hopefully i uh bring you some value oh i taught you everything that you know and resolve nice some more drag and drop stuff uh working on it working on it you know each each because i'm kind of uh i don't really have other people creating this stuff with me um stuff takes time but uh the with all the new tools there's definitely some you know bit of excitement uh using the new tools and seeing different ways in which that you can tie those into different um different packs that to make them easy to use and you know with the feedback that i've gotten over the past couple of years i get a better idea of the things that i need to make sure that i integrate into packs so like the being able to animate things instead of just using the the time by automatically doing it now i can do this the only the only caveat and i highly doubt anyone from black magic's here but the only caveat that i wish that was in um that was that i wish was in davinci resolve 17. the only thing i wish was in davinci resolve 17. if you make a facts and this is something that anyone that actually makes these things will understand if you make a facts and you make something animatable right so you can add keyframes it would be nice now obviously this uh callout has a lot of different keyframes in there you don't want a whole bunch of those to be visible right but if there are keyframes that are editable within the ui those keyframes should be able to show up inside in some type of keyframe editor uh if there is a way to do it i just don't know how to do it but um one of the issues that i'm maybe it's just the way that i do keyframes is i like to see my keyframes and being able to you know so like we have the animation for the line so i would like to be able to see where that animation stops set my playhead down then animate title 1 set my play down in the middle of those two start the animation for timeline or uh title two set mine in the middle of title two start my animation for title three that's the only thing i wish was down here now don't get me wrong we can click on it click this button here go into fusion see my keyframes in the spline editor by having it activate it right but as you can see there's so much stuff here right um so that would be like the one thing that'd be cool to see but i've tried to push everything just to this one tool so then you can see all of the animations just in this one tool so you're not looking at you know everything so i don't know we'll we'll see if that ever gets implemented but that's like the one thing that i would like to see in uh 17. all right so let's go back to what we were doing here does resolve 17's beta crash it doesn't crash a ton there are a couple of things i do here and there that crash and that are repeatable crashes so those are things i should probably submit but outside of that i haven't seen a lot of crashes i know people on my um on my facebook group have said that they are reading people um saying that things are crashing it's always difficult to to get a large audience because you have to be able to filter out the noise because some people might not have you know the adequate equipment for resolve and so on so there might just be a lot of people and the only people that really talk about crashing are the people that are having crashing issues people that just use resolve and that are you know doing perfectly fine they're never going to go on and comment like oh it's working great you only hear you know the people that are having issues but a lot of that you also have to be able to filter out the noise people that just don't have the um the proper equipment to run it uh animated illustrations i'm not entirely sure what that even means like are you mean like like stuff that you make in like illustrator like vector like image stuff um i mean you can you can bring in um svgs and then you'll then have whole like all the masks for all the different layers and then you could animate those i'm not entirely sure what kind of stuff you're looking to do like those 2d like animations i don't know all right so now i um i think i want this oh geez maybe make these two the same size use the same size parameter and then make this one a separate one because i do have two different sizes so i have not line size i have dot size and target size right so target is obviously going to be over here um but now what do i name them if i'm not going to use that right so um so maybe not i could just use dot size and what would this be uh um title size maybe okay so yeah let's do that let's do that so we will first go into these two and make sure they are the same so we have the pointer right and we will grab the target size and we can just use target that's fine all right so we have dot size so we'll change this to target size and then um uh what was this before this was target and then we had dot size right yeah so pointer three dot size okay so dot size that's dot size and then this one out here should be dot size as well right yeah dot size okay i need that to be a bit bigger okay so now if i click on this even though the wrong thing those are getting bigger by themselves and then we have this one getting bigger okay that's perfect we just need to change that name all right and what is it on here target ring size target ring size target ring size um do i make this a dot or do i just keep it as a ring i think we just we turn that back into a dot so where is the cutout for that is that this one yeah we take that one and we just remove that so now we got it back to a dot but why are these two dots different sizes uh pointer thickness target ring thickness okay so we will take that out of there and we're just going to reuse some of this stuff and in here we are going to oh gosh where is it is it this one yeah we will just put that in here right and so um and you just need to start making notes because there's a lot of things i have to change here so target ring thickness and what was the other thing that we needed to change here in the target ring thickness and uh target size okay so save that for now all right so these two will move around like that great and then ooh do i just have this as two points instead of three points or no maybe three points is good because we still have the uh control to make this line right here this line you know move around so we can oh hold on a second if we move it over here okay it's still good over there all right it just updates slow okay so that all looks good [Music] i mean i can get rid of all that i don't need any of that i don't need that either all right so what are you guys saying right here another question hard to explain audio files faster heidi but how to make an audio file faster so that it's shorter because i had this problem where our song was longer than uh i don't know what you mean by make a song shorter you're just gonna cut the end of it off if you speed it up everyone's going to sound like chipmunks you just cut it i would always cut off the end if you speed it up it everyone's going to sound like chipmunks what you can do is if it doesn't have if it doesn't have um if it doesn't have like any type of lyrics like people singing you could find a common like the common like beat structure and you could cut it and then wherever the ending of the song is you could match it up so that it sounds you know like that was the end of the song that they intended um so it takes some some work to to get it to work and sometimes you can overlay other sounds on top of it so it's not as noticeable because sometimes you can't get like the perfect so you can sometimes add other sounds over top of it that might uh fit with whatever v is visually showing to to kind of hide that audio cut in between but most of the time you should be able to get it pretty close you can't import a blender file you could import open exr which blender can export you could bring that in i'm not entirely sure i would need more information on what you mean by you're getting only studio overlay are you using an effect that's only a studio overlay effect or is it you're just bringing in media because that doesn't make much sense to me just bringing in media okay so uh um animations here so what would this look like currently that doesn't have any animation we have our line animation right oh i didn't think about that part in here i use level to uh animate all of the uh elements coming on and that's fine i could just come into here and like i'm only thinking that these are only going to be like numbers right so uh for text animation one what i could do is i could take these two and come over in here and then go over into shading and let's just do opacity i think opacity would be fine oh geez okay well then um [Music] all right so come over in here tool all right so now that'll be the animation for that right all right so i guess that's good enough uh the other thing we could do here is we could add in some type of a background for this so that would go in there then this comes in here and then we could change this to like right so we have some type of like a background because that might work all right so then instead of having that in here take that out remove that um i think i have an a better idea here so what we could do is we'll use this okay this is actually gonna we're gonna need some uh some math here so i'm thinking what we could do is for this instead of doing that we could have it be the size of this right we could start it as that size and then as you bring this animation one up this circle could open up like right and then reveal whatever's inside of it but now that i'm thinking about that too hmm now that i'm thinking about that it's going to be small but then you're still going to so if like we do uh what was it target size we do this dot size it's gonna look like that and if there was like an actual like letter in there it's gonna look stupid right so if you have it small so that doesn't really look all that great either um so what would you do in place of this hmm i'm not entirely sure so maybe just go the easy way for now because that is going to look bad i could do it so that it bounces out but that would look bad all right so [Music] for now we'll just do it over here we'll do the blend mode go like that and then um then when we do this it'll go like that right then the real question is i'm guessing that you see the color underneath right yeah you're seeing the color underneath okay hmm i kind of like the animation where it like bounces out i don't know i have to think about that but let's maybe i don't know what to do yeah and in the studio version or excuse me in the free version you obviously can't use the studio effects but you should be able to use the free version and not have any issues so um i'm not sure why i don't i don't think they took any of the tools that were in the studio or the free version before and made them studio only i think they went the other way around with that because there was a couple of studio only tools that they're now including the free version so i'm not entirely sure why you're getting that pop-up if you're not adding anything on two years ago you watch my stuff oh nice what is your other uh what's your other go-to tool since only fifty percent of your work is done in resolve are you only using resolve for color stuff or are you using resolve for editing as well all right let's see here i'm not entirely sure how to do this or like what kind of an animation to do i feel like that is fine but what do i want to have as an animation for that yeah i feel like if if it was a big thing that there'd be a lot of people uh talking about it but like i said i haven't seen or heard anyone um saying that when they installed a 17 that they were getting a lot of studio only errors because i feel like if other people are having that same issue it would be all over the place and that would be quickly fixed hmm oh i see i see i gotcha um maybe maybe i could do something like that where it moves so if i put this here so if i then had it come in so i could use that as the animation right all right let's show um sure how i feel about that but i feel like it's a bit better than what we previously were working with here so um [Music] what was that wait what is it what's moving this oh all right wait wait wait wait what am i oh no no no no it's in the wrong one there for a second okay uh hmm all right oh geez oh geez louise talk about my computer like running like crap right now okay don't know how i feel about that all right so if you use after effects fusion tools are very similar there's a lot of things that are very similar um if you've used the color page within resolve you're kind of used to nodes and how they how you like pull uh an image from one and then you can you know modify it and put it in another area and whatnot um i don't think it would take you that long it's just kind of wrapping your head around how you can use the same node in multiple areas instead of having to use um like nested sequences and stuff like that but i don't think it took me that long to get comfortable with if you look uh on my website or on my youtube channel and look for reusing i don't remember exactly how i worded it but i think it's something on the lines of like reusing fusion animations i talk about all the different ways that you can use it and making templates is one of them all right so all right so now we got that i feel like that looks a bit better so i think i'm just gonna roll with that all right and so now is there something here that i'm forgetting that is the real question all right so what is this um oops background color uh all right so we do that and we can close this how do i make this look half decent let's bring this over this up that like that that go over one more all right i think we're good there so now i believe that we are on seven that doesn't need to be there take this yeah we will close that i'll take all this copy this and now we will make a new uh do do do do oh gosh what was this one seven all right so now that i have all of that we will just copy this just to make sure that this actually is everything and let's make sure that this actually works all right so i think the thickness was one thing and then there was like target size oh gosh okay yeah we need to rename that and then rename that all right so target ring thickness so we'll change that from target ring thickness to like title ring all right target ring thickness right here name uh title ring thickness just serious right now all right and what was the other thing so we have the uh the thickness of that and the ring size what the heck is that okay so uh we'll change this to uh dot size let's change that one first all right so all i'm doing here is i'm just um on title all i'm doing here is just changing what the interface or what the uh yeah the ui will show that's all i'm doing behind behind uh the scenes the source is still going to all everything's going to be the same this is just to for the end user to so that it you know it makes sense uh the other thing so we did dot size and then target ring size target speed target ring size title okay so we did that but then oh that's not the same thing target target ring size um i don't think i just did that all right so let's see what it looks like now all right so we have dot let's make sure these actually all work correctly all right so the dot ring size should or dot dot ring we don't need a ring why did i have ring in there oops i just opened the wrong thing dot dot ring size no dot size all right um so dot title dot i think it's bigger title line size okay yeah so that makes that line longer and then title ring thickness okay so that all works and what do the defaults look like defaults look like crap okay we're gonna have to reset all those defaults that's way too small all right i think all of that let me just make sure that i change something here but and i want to get my defaults all right so my the defaults that don't make sense now is the title dot size and the uh title line size title line size shouldn't mean anything yeah that doesn't mean anything what was the other thing that was like okay that looks fine it just the the dot size right um oh geez so let's see if this actually works find [Music] all right well we'll just go to title. here we are perfect all right all right everything is looking good i don't like its position but i could care less and [Music] now we can just change the line size over there and then we can do that all right it's all looking good and then we have the line thickness all right change our dot size there we go and thickness and move it over a bit perfect and now if we move this down we should probably have that over there not the biggest fan of that animation but whatever all right works for me all right so that is pretty much that so we'll save it come over to here alrighty any questions am i still even live i am cool all right so the next idea i have which would just be the pretty much the same thing um but this one we will now allow an image to come in so hold on a second let me grab an image quick we'll bring an image in and then or actually we don't even need hmm here's something interesting to see this will be interesting i don't know if this even works so we're going to try this together so if i come over into here right so the project that we were working with before can i inside this template or inside this effect can i bring something else in and have it have it be a part of my project so if i do that all right well i'll just make it small and flip it upside down all right can i add that to that and then come back over here okay so i can have a video clip inside something that is in the effects stack so because i can do that one cool thing that i can do is i can add in a loader and then the loader should almost work like um like one of my other title templates okay so let's do that so we'll come back into here i in instead of a title here we are just going to yeah we will not use a dot anymore we're going to use a ch and then all right so we don't need that anymore don't need that anymore we'll add in actually you know what working from this one's probably a bad idea let's not work from this one let's work from i think number two would be the better idea to work from all right so let's view that all right so now that we have that we will make a on one sec loader all right so now we have a loader in here and you just have to go into here and type in loader it just opens up a a panel that uh yeah so now we have a loader in here we need to add the loader into come into here too we need it to connect to something inside so we'll do that right and then uh we will copy all of this make a new and we'll paste this and then one second i gotta shave this quick this is going to be uh geez i don't even know which number i'm on right now mine's seven or eight something like that um i'm on eight okay okay so now we're here and we have that what we're going to look for is the main input so we have a main input one we're going to make another one here and in here we want the background source to go into what is this just going to copy that it's going to go into five right so now that it does that we can copy all of those if we close this now there should be a link hello all right so there's only one though hmm did i do something wrong oh i sure did i didn't name it as a 2. oh wait a second though that wouldn't work we're going to have to test this quick because with an effect i think it's only going to make one connection oh wait no no no no no we don't do this we don't do this this isn't what we do no no no this isn't what we do we put the loader inside the freaking thing that's what we do we take the loader we cut it and we put it in damn it we put it in here all right let's see here so if we paste this is this crap still going to be here probably will be uh uh now there's no input uh was i copying from two before i don't remember what it was yeah right there that's what we need so i'll bring that back in all right so now curious if i bring this in is every time it's gonna request a loader it will okay so that's good so every time it's just going to make a request for what do you want the what do you want in the loader so now that that is in there the next thing i need to do is um see okay so what do i have in here we have 1920 1080. hmm maybe we split that resolution up a bit uh because if we resize right and um how would this work why don't i stream on twitch because i have no uh i have no audience on twitch if i streamed on twitch i might get like two people that watch me as we're here i have a whole bunch of people that already watch my content that you know if they have questions they can easily ask me over there i would just kind of be just streaming to no one so when people have questions they can come in here and ask holidays have been okay interesting um with everything that's going on in the world you know you kind of can't be together with everyone so but it's nice to take a little break here and there um all right so how would i do this hold on one sec let me like actually have this bring in a clip or something [Music] so we'll just bring in that right all right so now we have okay i guess we don't have a freaking video clip in here um why isn't this actually coming in i'm so confused why didn't that actually work i have a whole write-up on being able to export with a transparent a lot of the questions that you uh might have i have a whole thing hold on one second i will give you an exact link to my whole thing about that and it really depends on which version of resolve you're currently using [Music] but let's see so i think this is what you're looking for uh the exporting um i don't remember the whole reasoning on why alpha or audio needed to be there but i think that still does the same exact thing i don't remember exactly why now i'm thinking about it why there was the need for audio but um there you go uh all right so my question here is why isn't this like actually pulling in the actual video clip because this is a video hold on let me just try to add in another loader and go through it this the normal way are loaders like not working it really seems like loaders aren't working what if i put it out here loader hmm it almost seems like loaders aren't working that's very weird no clip but it has a link or it like all right so we're not going to be doing that right now because i don't understand why that's not working that that doesn't make much sense to me you should be able to just use a loader and it brings in anything as long as you know fusion can read it um [Music] but uh yeah so i'm not entirely sure greg what you're asking how does it make sure you're trying into whatever coding so i use um i use video studio for a couple of different things one because the template files are just in lua so it's easy to edit things here's a perfect example let's say you have this test node right there text text node right and you add something in here and all the different things right you can add expressions in here and the one part that sucks is you can't really read everything in here there's no way of making these bigger so that is like one thing that kind of sucks but the other thing too is some of the uh fields you can add expressions on but you can't actually see what your what the expression is so for instance these drop downs here let's say you wanted to add some type of an expression here to pick different types of fonts or maybe you just wanted to call a different field for a particular type of of a font right when you right click in here and go to expression it doesn't show you the expression field so if i click on any of these it'll show me you know what whatever it is in here but if i right click again i can now remove the expression so i would just take this into vs and then i can open it up and then i can see where the heck is it um right here the expression for the font right the font input i can see it here actually you know what what what what what what where to go there we go now we have pretty colors but um yeah so you can see that it's here right but there's no way in the interface to actually edit it so that's kind of why i use that and then i also um when i'm done with a template i i use get um with a private um get lab server that i push everything to so if i ever have to do changes i can see it and i keep like logs of um all of my changes and uh whenever someone has an issue i just push i put it onto the git server so that i can get to it at some point but that's why i use uh visual studio i used to use sublime but um i don't really use that anymore but yeah so i i mean i crea recreated another one so so far in here i believe i mean do i have well we can get rid of this crap i don't need that and we don't need this so so far i have seven of them made but the cool thing is my old version my old uh my old callouts i used to have to make a left version and a right version but then i was like you know what i'm not gonna do that so yeah this eight one it like really isn't a thing yet so that's why i didn't count that um but this is a cool thing that i i did actually let's get rid of all this crap so that i don't have to make a left one in the right one anymore so i have a control to change the length of this line here so we only really have two visual controls and that's if you watch the beginning of this stream i talk about how on the edit page now you can see these controls right so i didn't want to have a ton of controls i only wanted the controls to like move around the ones that are visible on screen um so then all my other controls are obviously over here so we have this like this ability to change the length of this line right but the other cool thing is now i have this so if i go the other way my text always stops like right here on on this so now we have a left and a right version and they're all in one um file so then i don't have to worry about making a left one and write one the only thing that sucks and a lot of people do this in their marketing stuff is they'll say like oh this template pack has 50 different templates right well there might only be 25 templates but there's two different there's a left version in the right version um a lot of those packs that you see like they'll say like oh there's 2 000 different templates in there a lot of them are just like very subtle variations and aren't like that big of improvements where like one line of code can say okay you're going to anchor to here but if this gets passed here then it will follow the other the other way right so like that so uh hold on one sec i'll show you um let me see what i can actually show you um so i have a lot of um on what is this footage okay perfect so i have a lot of um um i have a whole video on my server solution that i use and i think i'm going to do another video once i upgrade it's probably going to be a little while until i actually do the upgrade so watching that previous video is probably going to be beneficial but uh i use what is well now they changed the name of it it used to be called freenas but now it's called truecore uh same exact product it's just a newer version of it truecore has a lot more um when it comes to zfs and if you don't know what that is that's perfectly fine but i have everything on a high-speed storage array and so all of my stuff is on a big storage array and then i just read off of there and that drive and then i just look at it on my computer but if i wasn't doing this i would probably keep everything on um like big the the usb drives but then if i was ever editing a project i would put them all onto like internal um drives because one issue that davinci resolve doesn't like is when it can't see media so when it can't see media you'll get um like that that file doesn't exist or whatever and you'll get like the red box so i always try to tell people to always work off of internal storage if they can or some type of network drive so let's say let me show you so um if you have like windows or mac you can do like network drives as well so like you can see like my network drives here and those network drives just go to my server um and yeah i don't really know what else outside of that um but you want to if you're working with raw one of the big things is like the the size of the footage is like the biggest issue and so like my raw storage so raw is typically runs oh my camera froze did that fix it no it didn't which one of these is it there we are there we are okay so um yeah so it's all local it's a local server yeah it's in my basement um one thing when you're working with raw footage is you like the size of the files right so because it's not compressed running on on how do i explain this so if you're working with like a video from like a phone or like a um like um h.i.264 or h.i.265 files those are heavily compressed so to be able to view them the file size might not be that big but it's a big workload on your computer to read the file right because it's like um i'm trying to trying to think of something to make a parallel here but i can't really um they're a lot harder on your computer but the file isn't that big so you don't need a lot of storage space where with raw files they're super easy for your computer to read but they're just very big so if you do have like a network storage solution it has to be fast enough to be able to serve the bandwidth of whatever the file is so like if you have like not the best like i know a lot of people work on laptops so if you're working with a laptop on like wireless and you don't have the best wireless connection to like your network system then with bigger data rates it's going to be you know a bit um a bit of an issue on your system but if you have everything like hardwired connected then it's uh it's not that big of an issue because most people well i feel like nowadays everyone has at least a gigabit connection uh within their house now going outside onto the public network internet that would be completely different what is going on with this freaking camera and why was it freeze at that oh that looks horrible oh jesus i wonder if it has to do because i'm i'm also uh recording locally as well i don't know seems like sometimes i can do like a 10 hour stream and my camera never freezes and then sometimes i do a stream for like an hour and my camera continuously keeps freezing so i don't i feel like it's something on my computer itself obviously my camera itself isn't freezing because all i'm doing is turning on and off the capture device um i don't know if it's ob i don't know what it is i'm just going to stop trying to guess what it actually is but yeah i attempted to tell you how to do the whole storage thing but i have a whole video on um on my like my storage device um kind of going over my system the software i use i i really want to because that's the kind of stuff that i like playing with i want to go into uh like redoing that whole system again and and doing like a big update yeah here it is so that's my actual system in my basement um i wonder where this actually goes to now because freeness isn't like a thing anymore it's called okay it doesn't even load okay it does load it just loads really slowly um yeah okay yeah yeah so now they're they're um trying to push you to uh truenass i thought it was called truecore but it's trueness core um but yeah zfs amazing over a billion dollars of uh of um what is a term i want to use rnd into that storage solution if you're worried about uh it's called bitrot where a file can be sitting on a hard drive and go corrupt that file system will completely stop that because it constantly monitors the files and if something doesn't if something looks off on the file it goes into um in to try to figure out where the bit flipped to make it doesn't look low cost okay well i will say this um there's a whole world of um uh retired enterprise equipment so added like this and all the drives that i have in here would probably be i don't know if you've ever seen like linus tech tips videos and his storage solutions would be probably when this stuff came out like equivalent in price but when i started this top box when i first started and i go into it in the whole video but a little snippet when i started i bought a um what the heck is that qnap i think i think what they're called i bought a qnap device and if you look at like qnaps nowadays you you know you would spend uh you know anywhere from i think like three to six hundred dollars right for like the beginner or like the entry-level uh systems and then you have to buy like drives for it and everything right but you would then have a a a storage device that's on your network that multiple people can can um a drink bottle salesman that's hilarious uh but you can have a device that's on your system that multiple other computers can access all at once right and depending on the software you can access it outside of your house and and so forth uh but this top device when i when i bought it is cheaper this is cheaper than that and you can find like i said i go into it in the video where you can find devices like this it comes out of like big data centers or it comes out of like large enterprise businesses and they just don't want it anymore so they will hire like a um a computer recycling company to go in and take it all and so they pay the recycling company to come and take it all and then that company recycling it just puts it all on ebay and then you know sells it for close to nothing so uh over time my system has changed a lot and now there's just so many drives because once you start working with raw footage as you can see here just one day of or this was like maybe i was filming this whole boxing thing for maybe two hours and you can see i almost i almost used a half a terabyte of footage so you know when you start to get like um when you start to use like uh cameras that can shoot raw you quickly burn through storage so um finding a cool idea oh see the govern the government auctions are good but you ha you can't buy single units because i i've like looked through that as well the government auctions you'll have to buy 50 of the systems that i just showed you in that picture right and you'll get a great deal but you have to buy 50 of them you can't just buy one you have to buy like i there's there's like a whole website for it at least in the united states there's a website that you can buy um retired like uh government equipment but yeah you have to be like 50 of them like i was looking at getting you know just like a couple of desks no you have to buy 150 desks and you have to go to where they are to pick them up you can't get them shipped to you um but yeah i feel like the only thing that you can buy like a one-off from the government is like a car you could buy like one car but that car has like 200 000 miles on it and was beat up by everyone that worked at the government but yeah yeah footage can get really big really quick and then you're like oh yeah you know i could i could shoot this in raw why would i ever want to use any of those other you know versions well depending on which cameras you get because like the new uh black magic 12k camera the only thing it can shoot in is raw but they've changed it a little bit it doesn't do prores anymore but like my camera does prores and you save so much so much on the prores unless you're willing to do like super compressed stuff oh raw meaning i gotcha gotcha um yeah i mean all of my footage i can go back to um when i first no wait oh my god i was showing stuff on screen but i had it like full screen anyways it doesn't matter um i have really old footage from when i started one one person that really made me uh make sure that i save all of my old footage is watching um what the heck is his name casey casey nights at like watching his videos you know years ago when he would show like random footage of him doing this one random thing or he would be talking about something and he shows like footage from like 15 years ago and stuff like that watching that really made me want to archive all of the stuff that i ever filmed and hold on to everything because i don't know being able to go back and tell those stories or just looking back at that stuff i i feel like is pretty cool but i never really had a solid storage solution that i was confident that i wouldn't lose footage or like files wouldn't go corrupt or you know the the hardware if it uh you know uh went bad that i i i would be able to still get all the footage and that video that i i linked there i think i linked it uh i go into um being able to combat all that stuff and then being able to if your uh needs get any bigger being able to uh improve that system so yep oh man so i think i am pretty much done on this front i have a couple of them made i don't know if this is like a realistic thing that would be good to explore creating more of because i like had this idea of making these um like sci-fi looking titles with like random numbers zipping around you have these bars going doing random things like i feel like that would be kind of like a cool thing but i don't know the true application for this unless you're doing like some type of like sci-fi thing i don't know so you can make um you can make controls on anything any node you can add controls to so i can come into let's take this one right i did this a little earlier to like show so you have these controls here right and if you can you can ch any node you can pretty much change any of the controls to do whatever you want right and you can just make nodes that are just control control nodes uh but you can add controls to any node too so let's say i wanted all of this so or i wanted to add a control in here i just sorry i went too fast you just come into here and i always just right click up here and you go to edit controls and it will then i'll show you all the controls that this node has right and you can go and you can edit any of those controls but you can also add your own controls in if you know lua you can add your own lua into a control uh as well so i just you know you just come in the the ids and the names there are some like rules that aren't really managed by um davinci resolve but maybe i should just like say you don't ever want to have anything relative in name and you don't want to mix um um easiest thing is you don't want things to be named the same thing but sometimes on the pre-made stuff here some of these aren't actually what the uh i'm i'm doing terrible at this so we can go in and then we have the page right so currently on the color page we click the color page and then boom i hit add now i have a new control here that's pretty much over here for this uh tool control that's pretty much what i did there right i just made a whole bunch of controls and there's a bunch of things that you can then add in there as well so if i take a look at this let's go back into editing that control you can make it animatable if you want so sometimes you want them to have to be able to be animated you know if you want it to be animatable it's going to allow you to add keyframes but then it's also going to allow you to add modifiers and modifiers are typically where you're going to make your most uh creative or cool things right um if depending on what you're adding in there are like different types of controls that you can get but that's kind of outside the scope of what i wanted to show you here but then if it's animatable you could right click in here and then you can add in your different modifiers as well right because now you're adding an animation to that animatable input control but what i was going to show you or what i was trying to explain earlier that i did a horrible job at is this color control here that is right here that's actually not a control that is really here um this is just a clone control of the shader control here right so uh it's always going to be calling these um and this is kind of like when you get a little bit more into it it's going to always be calling these and this isn't actually anything because if i open this up and we look in here uh we're going to get like blue and stuff right so we have like red one green blue blah blah but then if we were to how would i actually show this off um it doesn't matter because i highly doubt that people are going to do it it's clone um of that particular you know thing but anyways yeah sometimes i i just i dive in too deep on some of these things oh wait my camera oh man oh well earlier mentioned you don't collaborate are you open to collaborating on fusion motion graphics and templates uh [Music] collaborate in what way like the only other collaboration thing that i've always uh i've been asked in the past was like hey can i put stuff on your website to sell i'm like that's not really collaborating um yeah is there a way yeah yeah so you would just be making a template that's that's all you that's all you do you just make a template or excuse me not a template you make a macro so you just highlight all the nodes you want right so so let's just grab a bunch of nodes right you grab all of your nodes you then right click you come into here and you go create macro and then you can come in this list and you can pick the things that you want to have visible and the things you don't want to have visible thinking about making like long-form like actually structured um like uh i don't know what to call them lessons maybe i just don't know if people would be willing to to get that kind of stuff and then i don't know like what kind of lessons like do i dive into making templates do i dive into all the different pages on i don't know i'm still kind of on the fence about that yeah kind of like a skillshare something like that but i'd probably just do it on my own website i don't think i would go through them so i don't have a patreon but i have that uh membership thing on youtube and it's pretty much just like patreon because you can do everything patreon can do i can make videos specifically for the membership community um i also give the membership community uh discounts except for like right now cause like we obviously just had like the black friday sale so i wouldn't give a better discount than that um but like i i give out like discounts and stuff like that um and i just need to get better with doing that kind of stuff but yeah i was thinking of making videos kind of like how like you would get on like a skillshare or something like that where because i i make videos and there's like that fine balance of giving someone too much information for like a youtube video verse i don't know because you want to make videos that people consume like the whole thing because how youtube works um the more of a video that someone consumes the more uh valuable youtube kind of views that video because most most stuff on youtube is more like entertainment and not like educational so um if some if you make like entertaining videos people want to watch the whole thing right so that's like the the uh the thing that youtube kind of ranks videos by so then do i make a video that is super entertaining or do i make it a video and i noticed like a lot of my videos are pretty dry and if you you really need to have a passion to want to learn because i'll teach you like random things like i might go over like one controller and then i'll be like okay well you can do this and you can do that you can do this and it'll kind of take away from if someone just wants to make one one specific thing because i'll show you all these other tools to kind of show you that you can create your own things and make your own versions of things instead of just doing a copy and paste of a project that i just created you know what i mean like you then learn the tools because i always felt like watching when i first started uh into video editing i watched a couple of people on youtube many many many moons ago and all i was doing the whole time is just recreating something that they already had created and i never it took me a long time to start to learn why am i moving this this you know this control this much like what is it actually doing um and so i try to teach people all the different when you when i pop up a tool like i try to show people some stuff but sometimes i dive in a little too deep and i can tell even when i edit my own stuff that i might be a little too dry for some people and it's not that entertaining maybe i should just make content that's kind of entertaining educational and then if you want like really educational then maybe make the the skillshare type of videos i don't know yet though so i'll be completely honest i used to watch andrew kramer way back in the day and i was just like that effect looks really cool i'm gonna create that effect and i would sit there and i would just do everything that he does but i would have no idea why i did one thing over another have absolutely no idea until i started to say okay i want to i want to change this and do this little thing and then it would be like me just sitting there trying to figure out because it was just all sewn watching andrew kramer videos i i feel like are kind of like my videos where we'll make something but if you're just fresh into learning um davinci resolve or fusion you'll be like i have no idea why he's doing half of that stuff and i my big thing that i attempt to do i don't always do it really well is i try to not use video editing or industry you know terminology you know what i mean i try to use very simple terminology that anyone can kind of understand although there's some things that like how do you explain like an alpha channel it's the invisible channel i don't know but but yeah i'm still trying to figure out exactly how i want to create things and then also still trying to create like cool stuff on my website um like these call outs i i really felt like the call-outs the ones that i have on my website i made them in 2018 and since then there's been a bunch of tools so i just wanted to create like new stuff yeah it's definitely finding a balance because i try to make it simple because a lot of my community are um like people that do this stuff on the weekend as a hobby and might have an interest in doing it further than that but a lot of them are people that do it as a hobby and it would be good to know a lot of that terminology if if i specifically just stay on the terminology you wouldn't really learn or a lot of my computer community really wouldn't learn that much i i try to you know do a fine balance of both but i try to make things as simple as possible did i order the speed editor no i didn't um i don't really i don't i don't know if if it would really fit my editing style i think that's the best way to put it i i tried using the edit page or the excuse me the cut page and i ended up just getting more frustrated than anything um but yeah so i don't really i'm gonna have to dive into why the the uh why that loader wasn't working correctly like even it didn't matter i might have been able to add an image to the loader but i couldn't add a video to the loader but i could add a video into maybe i don't want to do a loader maybe i just have them have it in the video or in their project and then they just drag it in and then i just make a connection point right something like that because um because that would work too right instead of just using like attempting to use a loader so yeah maybe i'll just do it this way but then it would have to make sure that it's inside of well i'll have to test that too i'm pretty sure i'll have to make sure it's inside um inside this because i i don't know but i feel like this uh when you're using the effects stack it can only connect to one um it can only connect to one one uh main input i don't know what will happen if you have multiple main inputs so that's something else that i'll have to test out is if you have two main inputs what happens then i mean they could be named differently but yeah i don't know yeah i tried to cut page but i was a little i mean the the speed editor is i feel like it's a perfect tool for people that do use the cup page for sure i've said this before and i think like this is probably the best use case is something like a newsroom or the olympics where you you want to get things out as fast as possible and the perfect example that i could come up with was uh doing stock because let's say you have um a gymnast that's a that just did something that no other gymnast has ever done at the olympics you have someone that's out filming that then you have someone that's a runner that takes that sd card or you know whatever the storage card is takes that card takes it in to the media hall gives it to whoever's gonna do the ingest they bring it in they use the little uh speed editor they look at all the footage because this is someone that's brand new right so having that that that um i mean it's not really needed but having the uh what do they call it the tape view or whatever where it just butts up all of the clips back to back you could simply go through really quick and then cut a couple of pieces out cut them put them onto separate timelines or you know separate areas and then export those upload them um to whatever like getty or whatever and then you would have that stuff you'd be the first ones to have it on those sites for approval um stuff like that like where time sensitive stuff i feel i feel is like the perfect use case for that um i don't know that's kind of like if i still did stuff that's where i could find value in it maybe people edit differently and with other tools they might find value in it with something else but that's kind of like my thoughts on it you so i don't know if anyone else calls us this but there's like this uh when you put effects here i just like the fusion effects stack because the reason why i use that is because you can put multiple effects in here so take some binoculars and we'll take this oh geez i gotta put them down here right and they stack on top of each other and depending on how they're stacked kind of states like where the effects happen so you can see like there's nba occlusion like happening here right but if i take this and i go down oh gosh now you don't see it right because it depending on how the stack is because it will process this then i'll process this then it'll process this so that's this is what i'm referring to when i say that and each one of these that are in the fusion these are separate um fusion comps so you can have a comp on on the effect right so i can come in here and this is just a normal video clip i can put an effect on here right i'll just use some text for now and but then so we see it there but then on all of these the drone overlay and come in here and there's a separate fusion comp just for that drone overlay right so it's a little bit different in how they how they work so that's i always just re refer to this as the effects stack oh geez if not then ebay it right i mean in a sense you kind of got it for free right if you at least if you took advantage of that deal but i feel like a lot of people will end up modifier stack in blender modifier stacking blender i feel like i know what you're talking about but i can't picture it that's like where you where you put um oh jeez i wish i could think of terminology that's where you put um um what the hell is that called okay they work the same way as i described yeah there's a there's a thing that i'm thinking of that i feel is on the thing but i can't think of what the heck it's going um damn it oh subdivision so you can like you can there's like a um you can i feel like there's like a subdivision modifier there's a decimate modifier i think i think that's the stuff you're talking about geez man i need to start doing some 3d stuff tell you i can't remember terminology ugh that's that makes me sick um all right well i mean i did a little bit here i'm hoping that i could kind of have this done you know in a yeah yeah yeah i'm hoping that i can have this done in i mean i was kind of hoping i got it done this week i need to i just want to think of like one or two more um other ideas and then once i do that then i'm probably gonna release it if i end up having like a bunch of issues um is there anything actually this is a good question is there anything specific i should make a video of that's a good question can you do like um [Music] can i do a poll a live poll on uh i don't think i can that's a bummer i don't think i can do a live poll on a stream anyways if you have any recommendations on content i should make next week or a video for next week i'll probably end up making it this week slash this weekend uh let me know in the comments or in the chat because it looks like i cannot make a poll oh well so i do want to make something with so all of this stuff over here all of this stuff here is all made with the uh the new shape tools so i thought that that would be a cool a cool idea so we have like all the little bars all right i don't remember what this is i can't even see what it is okay so that's just some more bars and then this is like this little i don't know thing uh but yeah i'm open to ideas i i i still want to play with the shapes i feel like there's so much more that the vector shapes could offer um i think that um more tools still need to be added for the vector shapes because like i said in the video when i was talking about the shapes in the pdf that comes with the beta so if you come up here and you go in to look at the manual there are more nodes in there than there are in the software currently so i i think it's only like one extra but that means that there's still there's still some work to do there i'm just hoping that there's more stuff that comes out like i it would be nice if you could take i don't know like letters or something and you could then get paths for like the letters you know what i mean like that would be really cool because then you could be able to animate you know you do like different type of like animations because it'd be like a path uh you currently can do that but you need like third-party software you need to go out into another piece of software take some texts then make paths then bring that in as an svg and then you can do it but it's not really the same if you can't do it in the software so you got one of the new chairs if you don't mind me asking which one did you get because there's a couple of different ones on there it looks like did you take advantage of like the sales that they have going on oh oh no i was just on the website so i want to pull up the one that you got oh no no no no no audio please mute i'm so indifferent about mesh like it seems like all of the ergo chairs are all have mesh i just don't know how i feel about it hmm oh they have a head i wonder why in their all of their pictures they don't show it with the headrest this makes the chair seem bigger wait a second there's a leg rest that you get as well are you supposed to be doing work or falling asleep oh here's something i i i don't know how many people are here because i i have like an honest question for people how many people are actually in here did i close my thing okay so does anyone know how to take a i think my my camera is like currently like 17 16 pounds 17 pounds but i have a standing desk that i just got right i want to put the camera on the desk so when i raise it the camera goes up too so i don't have to go behind the desk because right now it's on a tripod i hate that uh but is there a mount that i can because like i currently have like i don't know how it would show this i currently have like a a monitor stand that's built onto the desk right but i could clamp something on i don't know i i need to i want to put something on my desk that can hold the camera so when i lift the camera up i don't have to go behind the desk and pick it up it'll just be like a part of the desk so does anyone have any recommendations on equipment for that does anyone build car rigs because that's the kind of stuff i was looking at getting i don't know i don't want suction cups i just want like clamps but i don't know what the a good option or good options would be to get that kind of stuff i don't think i want to do pvc i'd be very upset if pvc started to sag and a very expensive camera and lens fell over i'd prefer gopro has a clamp yeah but gopros also weigh less than a pound and i feel like my camera right now is right around like 16 17 pounds i have uh an ursa g2 with a lens that's twice the value of the g2 so i would prefer if it was like something that was actually like sturdy um let's go look at b h are there any gaffers in this chat that can help me out that's what i really need i need a gaffer clamps uh well um oh my gosh i don't know what that what i'm even looking at how does it how do you make this go away sure i accept the cookies so like i need like a like a clamp clamp like a real one a good one a strong one but i don't know what the right thing that i should be doing i per i don't want it to be plastic or anything i was like looking around and i'm like dude i don't even know half the stuff that grips use i have a bunch of like c-stands oh god that was loud as that scared me oh my go away wow anyways um i was like looking at some stuff i like what is this okay so that's for a pipe right i get that but man i wish there was a gaffer in here because they'd be like yo this is exactly what you get i mean shelf kit all right let's see here like she here what does this come up as is this what you mean is this what you mean do you know how big my camera is that would never work weight capacity six pounds my lens almost weighs six pounds actually that's probably a lie but my camera system as a whole weighs a lot more than that but we're definitely in the right direction i feel like but i don't know because i don't have anything like that so what the heck does this thing connect to it connect to a wall what is this thing this looks like something that you would say like a hospital like when they're going around and they're trying to give medication to people and they have to okay i don't know depending on where you live you might not have this but in the u.s for like for you to get medication at a hospital they walk around with these little things and they have to scan everything um but yeah anyways something like this but larger do they have anything larger okay this is like a just a stand company oh maybe they do have something like i was talking about yeah this is what i'm talking about so they walk around with this little thing like this look i don't really know what this does but they walk around with this and they have like a little scanner and it like spits out the medicine and like you they can only get access to like certain stuff um but yeah so let me show you the kind of stuff that i was looking at um [Music] uh this is the kind of thing that i was thinking of right obviously not suction cups but something that would connect to the desk you know what you know who whose help i could actually use that is on youtube that makes actually really cool stuff matt workman hmm he would know how to do this hmm i don't think he uses twitter anymore all he has links to is instagram yeah i don't know camera is about 20 pounds uh a little bit less than that but yeah right around i would say like 16. actually it might be a bit less because i don't have batteries on it because i have it plugged into the wall hmm maybe i'll have to catch him on one of his live streams because he still puts he actually isn't on twitter but yeah anyways hmm i don't think these would work like this is this what i mean these would never hold my camera no no no no no maybe something like that might but this stuff would never hold my camera doesn't even say what it can hold i don't know i just need to find myself a look for some basic brackets those just a little match yeah um i don't know what to do something heavy duty yeah so like that's why i was looking at like all the grip equipment because this is the stuff that like you would hold like heavy heavy lights but there's just so many different pieces of grip equipment i don't know the correct thing that i should be using i have a lot of like i'll show you one shaking oh geez i'm hitting everything so i have like little heads like this so i could like connect like this to like i don't know like could i could i build something that i could like do they i don't know this is where i need help why am i looking at clothespins that's not what i wanted um see this is all just stuff for lights that's why i just grabbed it from the light back there but there's got to be something right because like look at all this crap i think they're just called gobo heads or something like that right but like how do you how does this connect on here help me so i have a mono i have a dual cam i don't know how it turns i don't have any mirrors in here um but i have like in between the two monitors i have a tripod that is holding the camera and i just have the monitor separated so you get a mounting plate all right so then like help me all right so where do you get a mounting plate is it just in light equipment is that what i'm looking at um so all the grip rigging is this what i go in i don't know um yeah but how do i get the uh hold on okay so tx come on help me out all right so i get a coba a a grip arm adapt let's see let's see let's see do i do i how do i mount the camera do i have to use a tripod head i mean i have a couple but then like what size like ball head do i need for the tripod i hate when i don't know and i don't have anyone that i can with this lockdown it makes things so difficult i would typically just be able to like call someone over but all right so do you have links to this stuff because i can't find it i don't know where i'm looking all right so here are those like plates right but what are the hell what are these plates called okay so cheese plate right i think we're on the right path here so i get one of these these plates are freaking expensive as hell why is it 500 that's not what i want okay so i just got a normal plate oh look at that is that for a ball head no that's definitely not what is that camera mount all right so oh look at this perfect but i really wasn't expecting to spend 500 so just mount my camera um oh sorry about that there we are there we are so i initially found uh this right on their website and then i found this so this is kind of like what i'm looking for but i obviously don't need to get this because i don't need four mounting points um all right so i get a cheese plate but i don't know which one i'm supposed to be getting i guess it really truly doesn't matter i just need to make sure that the holes are correct but how do i mount my tripod to this do i have to have a tripod head or excuse me how do i add a tripod head to this do i have to have one that doesn't have a ball head baby receiver baby receiver baby receiver okay those are brands all right so we're gonna keep this i'm just gonna keep this open uh suck some cups no don't need that what the hell these are all like the same things i'm just looking at oh here we go okay so another baby receiver the a baby receiver can i just like look that up on here oh what what happened okay oh this is i mean is this the go on to like a c stand hmm i don't know what the i'm looking at i'm about to just duct tape this damn camera to the desk all right i feel like we're on the right path here though we're definitely on the right path here what is this used for oh that goes on to here i see i see i see now i'm now it's making sense now it's making sense okay okay but how do i connect the tripod or the tripod head to this what if i have i i don't even remember what size ball head i have on my tripod uh is there something to deal with that um when you really have no idea what the hell you're looking at those little black plates were great yeah that's cool but the bottom of my tripod head is a ball so it's probably probably something probably something i don't know what they're called though all right so rigging equipment it's gotta be in here right tx come on you gotta know this you're pointing out that i don't even all right let me show you guys what i'm what what because i can probably find it where is that thing so i can probably find it in here because it would probably make more sense so i don't see it anywhere they typically have these things that it's like it holds the ball hood and it makes these look these these look so much easier all right you know what i'm just never going to stand up that'll be it anytime i stream i'm just never going to stand up it's that simple what the is that that is a system and a half oh my interesting okay today's job attach as much stuff as you can to the side of van okay well it seems oh here here here here maybe it's one of these nope it's not that oh way to shake it yeah see i don't have a maybe i can just take out the ball and i can just use the stud at the bottom of the ball and then i'll just have to make sure that my table is straight can i all right so i think i feel like i might have figured it out because i can probably i don't know if i really want to attach it to this pipe as well so if i had here's a question i have is [Music] uh i have a fluid head but my fluid head is like it doesn't so let me see tripod heads see if i click on one of these you're not going to be able to see it they're not flat these might be but it's a ball all right their like selection of freaking heads are terrible bolted in it's flat at the bottom yeah mine mine isn't flat mine is like a like a half a circle or a half a ball all right anyways this is besides what i was going to stream today but that's like one thing that i was like trying to figure out how to get it onto my desk so i could easily stream with both because if if i can't do that then i have to buy a different camera and maybe buying a different camera would be easier uh because like the other thing i was looking at getting is one of uh these little guys right because like that is super light and since i already use sdi i would just be able to take sdi into the other room and just use this little guy right but i was like if i can use my camera instead of having to buy another camera i'd just rather do that but feeling comfortable with having you know it hooked up and not falling over it's like a whole nother thing sweet water isn't that like uh what is this sweet water yeah my my uh my i think i think photography heads are flat it's it's what do you mean it's one of the cameras that i've had a camera that's in the description is the camera i had then i don't have to buy anything it's the camera that i'm using now oh i see uh i i used to film stock so having a high-end camera was kind of necessary making youtube videos obviously it's not as necessary but um using the same camera instead of having to buy another one is uh it's preferable but uh yeah before i got really involved with uh with uh youtube i filmed stock when i wasn't doing uh commercials so anytime i was i had downtime where i wasn't doing commercials i was out filming stock somewhere all right well we will hold on a second see i just i need to catch uh i need to catch matt workman someday cause like he has like all this crazy crap this is crazy his uh his stuff so the camera is filming this green screen and filming the uh the drum set here and if you look in in this screen here it's a virtual environment and he's been working on this stuff for a long time a couple years now i feel like two years now uh it's pretty cool he he has like these whole and his whole things about that but um and this is all run in a uh video game engine he has a bunch of other stuff i don't know if he puts it up here anyways but he would probably know how to how to rig it onto my desk yeah because right now i just have it on a tripod uh for life yeah maybe i should well bandwidth limits i've right now i'm i'm streaming at 3 13 000 i don't even know what that means and it's only it's only 1440p so but i feel like you youtube can do like uh 4k i think i think they're like one of the only ones i don't think twitch can do 4k i think i feel like they're still in 1080 but uh yeah so i don't know i'll figure it out at some point i guess no one can want no one can stream at 4k you can stream 4k on youtube youtube allows 4k streaming i currently stream well this should be going out at 1440p i believe my settings are correct oh no it's not right now right no wait is it no it is oh yeah yeah yeah twitch definitely doesn't youtube does so but uh i don't have the bandwidth for it for 4k i mean i have the equipment for it but i just don't have the uh the bandwidth um where i'm at right now to be able to to do that so and it's not really going to bring a lot to look at a freaking desktop screen yeah i'm thinking you know i wanna see i'm gonna look and see what kind of clamps i can clamp to this desk that's not gonna destroy it um so i'll look at that and then how to from that i don't know yeah i'll figure it out i just i really don't want to destroy a new desk i mean i could just drill something into it i guess but i don't know if i'll be streaming forever or or what i could do what i was going to originally do because i wanted to stream like several months before i actually did start streaming and i was like trying to work out something where i could get a different setup and then that kind of fell through so but what i wanted to do is i wanted to have multiple camera angles um and if i did do that then i would feel comfortable with making or getting like a small camera for my desk and then i could just mount it onto something that's maybe i'll maybe i'll look at one of those other cameras or something because i don't have uh any way to stream a camera that spits out hdmi that's my only issue i can only stream to a camera that has sdi you do a custom tool known to check boxes i've only seen tools use a zero to one okay so what what is a check box can you use a custom to do check boxes i've only seen tools use a zero to one with zero being off and one being on i'm not entirely sure what you mean by a checkbox are there other states with a checkbox that could be more than a zero or a one because a check box it's either on or it's off right so how could you have a check box have more states than two like a slider you know you could have multiple values because you can have it in multiple locations but checkbox is only on or off maybe i'm not following there i'm not entirely sure why haven't i started a discord yet because i struggle with the communities that i already have i'm making discord i wouldn't be able to uh add any value to it uh all right i think i'm kind of toasted at this point um i did a couple so far um i can't think of much else i'm kind of burned out here the value of this word coming from here base more oh the value is the squared comes from your base more than yourself it's a place for us to get together out of each other's home um that's why i have uh that's why i have the um the facebook i know some people don't do facebook but i do have a facebook group um and that's where you know a lot of that kind of thing goes uh but that's all i really have i have a private facebook group where people can ask questions we're at 800 100 people facebook is a devil well sorry that's why i decided to make it so oh man so i don't know when i i feel like we just had a new release of davinci resolve 17 i don't remember exactly when that date was but yeah it came out on tuesday yeah a few days ago so improvements h.i.265 decoding improvements for the apple platform oh geez i didn't actually read all of the stuff that's in here improvements on tone mapping i guess i could put this on the other screen actually you know what hole [Music] all right that's a lot easier to see all right is there several things we got the color page resolve effects audio cut page edit page holy crap i did not know i knew that this like came out because any time that it comes out i always post about it but i did not know it was like this much stuff there's a lot of like are these is this from the last version oh wait new and resolve 17. so what is new in the i'm confused i think these are just all the things that were added so what this is one thing that i kind of hate about how they do their stuff they don't depending on what it is actually you know what i know where we can go to get it i know where you can go to get a hole on one second [Music] know where we can go and get it so if we go over to the forms that's where they'll have the uh the big update uh thing okay so um issues camera raw in collaboration projects oh did they actually finished does does anyone have the free version try the the collaboration stuff since now it's a part of the free version um i'd be curious if anyone has taken advantage of that stuff i'm curious if anyone used the collaboration stuff that have used the free version i know that when they initially talked about it they said that it was going to be a little bit until they released it but i didn't really follow with if they ever released it and if they did release it if people were using it but i guess if it is the case then maybe i should make a video about how to use it yeah i'm guessing that it would use the postgres server because everything had you have to have like something to go back to and you don't want it to to be local on everyone's system i wonder if i made a public postgres server and i let people connect to it the chaos that would ensue in making stuff infusion as a big community and i wonder if i would be able to host that on like google cloud or something i'm curious if we would make a see it's easy to make like a render because you can make like a single image i'm curious if we would like say okay we're gonna take 15 minutes who can make you know something do this or that i don't know how he would share it though because it would be like a video then you have to render it then you have to have a place to upload it maybe everyone has to upload it's like a google drive or something local host mode i'm pretty sure when you install davinci resolve it also installs postgres on your computer if you select it like i feel like in the installer uh it allows you to install postgres i feel like it's already like together if it wasn't such a nightmare are you telling me that i should create a tool to make it easier for people to use collaboration mode that isn't ridiculous i don't even know how how complicated that would be improved handling of s vg images i wonder what improved means doesn't come in as a thousand freaking masks all right well wait the postgres server did they update this i wonder if my old one would work i'm almost i almost want to retry it like start up my postcard server and see if it actually connects because my davinci resolve like wouldn't even start before uh with it because i accidentally ran an update and my postgres server update it but the version it update it to davinci resolve like wouldn't open it and then davinci resolve itself when it opened so ah all right i'm just kind of aimlessly not doing any work right now just sitting here i am going to get off of here um and attempt to figure out something so that i can mount my camera i feel like we're definitely on the right path there with getting a cheese plate maybe i can find a tripod head that i can just screw into a cheese plate instead of having the ball head that my um thingy has or does this one not have it i don't know alrighty oh well i am out of here if i could figure out of the freaking hundreds of things that i have loaded up here um i still don't get did did people say what i should make a video about next i feel like i asked that and then i kind of went on a rant about the camera mount thing um is there any new effects that people have seen recently that would be cool to break down and recreate in a fusion because i could do i might be able to do that yeah before i was i am kind of burned i before i was working on making a template and i made a couple of templates or a couple of different i made uh four of them today and then well i stream for a little bit making one of them and then i tried making another one and it like wasn't working with the way in which i wanted to do it so i just kind of stopped can i turn up my audio i don't think so i think i'm pretty much let's see here let me see if like the mic controls can be turned up any because i currently can't can can't turn up anything in i hate how windows new sound or just like how windows 10 deals with everything i like the old stuff way better all right i don't think i can turn up my mic anymore i might be able to like boost it or something let's look uh advanced settings [Music] i'm guessing that goes left and right yeah that's not what i want uh what is this this make a louder hello hello uh making a little bit louder is that louder oh there we go all right so let's go like to eight i think that's better now i don't know i might be yelling all right i increased it a little bit i don't know okay well i don't know if i'm i don't think i'll be uh creating a video this week i wanted to get this template pack done and do you guys have any ideas of uh kind of effects or something i should do all right i'm gonna get out of here i can't think of uh any ideas you guys aren't helping me out any i need to go get some something to eat yeah how to set up collab collaboration mode uh okay um i'm trying to think if i can set up an environment for that all right that's definitely an idea that's definitely an idea uh can we find out let me see if if there is there anything on blackmagic's website about this already that is a real question let's look is there anything on their website about this collaboration so there's a download okay all right so i'll have to dive into the simple like how simple they make it with that whole download file maybe i'll have to dual boot so i can uh use the free version and then i think that that that might be a good idea to dive into okay so they have a little download file here what happened when we click this this isn't even clickable no wait i thought they said it was going to be a separate download i don't know i have to download the free version and see how it's all set up but that that is a good idea i think that's what i'm gonna do i like that i appreciate that um okay yep yep yep that's what i'm gonna do that's what i'm gonna do all righty let's see if i can make it i i don't know if there's a different uh do i win anything uh i don't know is there a training that kind of maybe teaches you how to do this fairlight managing media delivery no all right i don't think they really talk about how to set it up anywhere all right um they're just kind of showing all the benefits of using it right what is this what the hell oh these are all of their like i don't know if you i would have all this on this page but whatever okay well i'm curious how many editors have a color correction book on their desk and a thirty thousand dollar lens some of these pictures are hilarious look at this system no wires nowhere it's the cleanest office i've ever seen i could understand like these desks not have any wires but i don't know about that all right i'm kind of i'm burned out here uh the documentation is instructions but it's like a wall okay so in the i'm curious if the um uh is it is it in the free version documentation workflow improvements is that it do they show you how to set it up in here all right improvements so that's the only thing they talk about here though is the improvement that's only the only thing that's in the table content hmm and then these are just like random things talking about i'm not a huge did anyone play around with this i forget what it's called i it's like one of the new effects the video collage effect i i didn't like the implementation of it i didn't like i wasn't a huge fan of how it's how it works it took me a while to wrap my head around it yeah i was a bit confused i to be completely honest i was like this is so much easier in fusion because all i have to do is just bring the clip into fusion and throw a mask on it and call it a day but i don't know um okay so the main but hmm okay so it's not in the it's not in the manual for the davinci resolve 17 public beta it's only in i'm guessing the 16 um full manual is what you're saying so yeah maybe i'll make a video about things that are needed how to set it up and then working with it and stuff all right so that's a that's a and i a video that i haven't or like a video idea i haven't done yet at one point i was supposed to do the collaboration video with someone and then i was like all for it and they were all for it and it seems like anyone that i try to work with i'm like yeah let's do it okay when are we gonna do it and then like they never get back to me so whatever um but yeah on that note i'm going to get out of here uh thanks for hanging out with me everyone and uh i will talk to you guys later at some point don't know what day or when i am definitely going to be making a collaboration video now that i think about it because i haven't done one and i'll try to do as much information as possible on how to set it up and i'm going to attempt to set it up with the free version because blackmagic said that they are now going to allow that with the free version of davinci resolve my only question because i couldn't find it on their website is do they already have it available for the free version so i'll look more into that um and i guess that's will be my next video i'll probably if i can't get it done because they don't have something ready yet then i'll probably do a couple of streams in between here but um everyone that's in europe stay safe it's kind of sucks being locked being in lockdown again and uh everyone in you in the us uh it's kind of chaotic over here too but i guess no matter where you are stay safe it's weird hopefully uh 2020 ends on a positive note and with that being said thanks for watching guys have a good one i'll talk to you guys later
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 6,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 17, updates, new release, video editing, live, Motion Graphics
Id: jcghb6zfzRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 0sec (11340 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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