Building Templates For DaVinci Resolve And Answering Questions #2

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all right here we are and pop out of chat should be fine now all right yeah make that a little smaller all right there we go so i finally got the newest update build 15. i guess last one was 14. i don't know but uh i found a couple of bugs that are still in fusion um there was a really really bad bug where if you had nodes that were visible down so if i had like any of these nodes visible and i deleted something up here the viewer would just break it wouldn't you wouldn't be able to see anything which kind of sucks but now they kind of fix that the biggest thing that i have an issue with and i i found out that the uh the directional blur when you play with the length while you're playing it just like locks up the gpu and the gpu goes 100 and then you can't do anything and you have to find uh davinci resolve in the program monitor and close it but i've been working on um i've been working on making effects so right now i'm like working on two packs at once because i kind of want the um call outs that i was working on last time um i want more of them but i kind of got burned out on coming up with different ideas and i wanted to play around with doing these a bit more so i'm just i have a ton of them so far so far i think i these are all the ones that i have so far one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 so i might make this a 30 or 40 pack i haven't figured that out yet but uh um so the idea with some of these is they some of them are just kind of like looks they just add random stuff and they glitch and do a bunch of different things and then some of them you add in elements so if you add in a logo then the logo will glitch out or like this there's just text but you're going to do all of this from the edit page and then you just drop these on like the through on the edit page you have the the new like effects and you can do like i mean they were in the last version but they weren't implement the same way um i don't believe they were at least you can now stack them so you can like stack a whole bunch of different effects um so yeah this is the one that i'm currently working on but the biggest issue with this one is i don't know what to have like visible for you to edit obviously that is just moving way too fast right so it's moving way too fast so we have to slow that down a bit so [Music] uh i take a look at that it's going a little too fast maybe make one of these and the cool thing with this once it's done is you'll be able to go in and edit all of them um so if you like it but you just want to change something you can easily do that oh why is that like a point okay now that just looks horrible so what i'm actually going to do is flip this over there we are uh hello [Music] and oh crap wrong ones all right so then we can go in and maybe i'll link all of this stuff up something like that maybe just uh like half the speed how are you doing today evening hmm not sure what i think about that 2am there yeah it's 4am here so i would actually call this morning i believe i don't know about the evening [Music] all right i wonder if it's still too chaotic yeah we're still way too fast um let's just look at one at a time i guess but then where does it get cut here it does all right so he's gotta watch it like after it gets cached so you're actually getting at 30. if i like play this and then we can see where it's cached um all right i don't know where the fine balance is do i just do it as modest like the text the black text do that for the other stuff because that stuff isn't moving as full now it looks like it's going crazy but where is the just the text you can't really look at just you have to see them both i wish i knew a way to get it to delay for a certain amount of frames like it moved in a delayed have it resolved so what have everything [Music] disappear because the text in the background that will never resolve the same way or will never look the same because it's uh where's the best way to put it it's like super blocky um just to get like a glitchy-ish thing i could now this is an effect that maybe i should start showing the other effects that i have that might make sense here all right so i'll just grab another one and so let's say on here i'll get to that but you just right click on it you highlight everything and then right click and then save it as a macro um all right so it starts off looking like that let's make this bigger right and then it ends up having like this under thing and you know that's like an effect obviously you can put anything in here anything you want in here let me go um i don't know if i have a freaking thing anywhere uh a stable version of resolve um it's once all the bugs are like pulled you know there was a lot of stuff that was uh changed from the last big release to this one and so there's like a lot of bugs but once they get squared away that's i don't think that they would ever put a a date on anything just kind of when it when it gets all squared away and so like there's all these different things and you can change the flicker speed so it flickers less or the white maybe you shouldn't go negative but change the wipe speed so that goes slower and the flicker goes slower or you make the flicker a lot more change your glow i don't know all different sorts of things um yeah still trying to figure it out like i said it doesn't have to be that it could you know you could just or actually let's use the new uh wait a second whoa i didn't know that these hold on a second that's new i didn't even realize that hold on a second let's go look they added in um thumbnails for all of the shape stuff interesting but here's the real question with all the shape stuff what is outline these all look the same i think so before if we look in here there were [Music] no here there was the shape nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen so there's still one missing from their own information uh which one is it though star cliffs expand jitter whatever offset is isn't in there i don't know what that is but whatever that is isn't there an offset in well i guess not was there an ad like when you first started watching it because i didn't run an ad yeah so there's one but now there's icons so that's kind of cool i still haven't gotten any information on how to make custom so like over in here in his titles you can see all the titles that i've made just have a t and then all the ones that they make have like this little thing so that kind of sucks i don't add the favorite hmm never knew looking at this it looks like i have a lot of titles yeah i wonder how you would be able to do this this didn't learn i don't know anyways where were we i don't know what i was showing you guys but i'll go back to the one that i was working on here hello hello home school in germany well you guys have another lockdown oh yeah that's right you guys have been in lockdown for a little while now all right so all right let's close that make a little more room here so you're saying it should resolve itself so do i make a i guess i make or i leave it like this and then have a slider that goes from [Music] one to zero or i don't know from something to something and it's the amount that the effect is on and when it gets to zero then there's no effect when it's on one then it goes crazy like this that's easy to do so let's do that okay so to do that i first need to pick a node it doesn't matter whichever node so i'll just pick this one here right click come up here and then um add and that's on the other screen i'll just make it effect and we'll put this in common and it will be a slider so put it in there and it'll be here so my effect and we'll stop this for now so what would stop this hmm so if i took these down to zero maybe just scale take the scale down to zero then that would be fine so to do that we would take the name so we're going to take merge 2 come into here come into the modifier come into here go to expression and then we're going to take this number that's the number that we're working on and because we're just going to 0 to 1 all we have to put in here is times effect all right so we take that now and then we would put it over in here too all right and in here and [Music] in here now because they what these two do is you have the one and then the other one and all they're doing is subtracting each other because they're on top of each other and right now the effect is off they're in the same position and because they're in the same well always that way yeah because they're in the same position then that and then you turn it to one and then it's on and then you have zero and then one zero okay cool so there is my effect let's have this all the way up and now i need to do the effect for the text so uh here [Music] here where the heck would i have that so my fat comes in i built this yesterday so i kind of forget how it's put how it plays out all right so what is this so that just is showing it so what i could do for this if i have this go to zero then it wouldn't show anything but if it doesn't show anything then the effect isn't going to work so we wouldn't want that so these two are the same thing let's go side by side these two are the same thing they're just inverted images right so exactly the same they're just inverted and this just doesn't look the same because it's not on the same thing so it's the same exact thing just inverted it and so we have it come in just a little bit here and then it comes over here and it's the same thing but just the top of it's moving so what we actually want to do is on here we would do the same thing right here actually um time's up so now if we come into here we go to zero now we have no effect so let's see what this looks like so we'll just do effect already on because we were talking about it resolving itself and then have it come down to zero oh let's actually view the whole thing how abrupt and bad does that look it does kind of look abrupt but uh i i mean in all reality if i just did this over more time then it wouldn't look so abrupt i guess whatever we have a we have the ability to turn it on and off right great and right now the uh default is off so we want to change that quick so we'll come into here and we have the effect and we want the default to be a one so it moves that little default guy over there to one so now we have the ability to turn on and off um i think that's fine okay i think we're good on that so now what do i want to have as the controls be default so we want color alright so color one color two and we can just leave that the way it is all right so we change the colors and we change the colors and this little control here the effect and i think that's good enough but how do i want to lay this out so if someone comes digging in here they can understand it a little bit better all right so i'll bring that all over like that straight okay maybe that's a little easier to understand good enough for me uh all right so then to save these you simply highlight everything you want right click add macro and then in here you just grab the things that you want to have on the page so we just want color um color 2. and then merge on the control oh hello uh common uh effect all right so that looks good and then we will name this oh what will we name this we're actually going to close that for now because i think i think this is the same exact thing okay this is the same exact thing connect that up what the hell is in the background there yeah this is the same thing okay but that's like the shitty version that's why i was redoing it okay so that is five so let's do this again highlight everything's in there right click create this is gonna be five uh color [Music] merge common effects and one second close save and that's gonna go in that folder right there yes replace okay all right so now [Music] in here whatever save and commit yes and we'll push that okay so uh any questions so far are you asking what are my thoughts on motion array or are you asking someone else in the chat well i guess i'll tell you my thoughts on motion ray um you might find value in it the only thing that i get emails about are the documentation because so motion array is just a website that a whole bunch of people uh put their stuff on right so it's very hit or miss if you get a good template and then people come to me for support for their products i'm like i'm sorry i don't i don't do that but i'm guessing there's some stuff on there that looks nice i haven't ever used it motionray has reached out to me to make stuff for them but i wasn't a huge fan of how they like pay out and work so i obviously didn't do it um but i just see people on on blackmagic's website on their forms and in my own email uh asking for support for motion array stuff so that just kind of leads me to believe that there isn't good documentation or um they don't really respond back when you need help but it's kind of hard to beat the price um because it's one of those things where if they get enough people that go to the website then you know they can the website makes money i don't know how the how the um artists do cause when they were talking to me it didn't really seem so good is there a site i suggest you have my own website and if you don't if you're looking for something that's not on my website at the bottom of my website there is a form that you can fill out and submit a suggestion and if the suggestion isn't super specific and it can be used by a lot of people then i will probably jump on board with it uh the 5700 xt or 160 xt uh well you let me know where you can get one of the new graphics cards because i'm looking for one i seen on youtube there's these uh bots that live stream um them constantly searching all the different websites and it says the last time that it was in stock and it says like when it went out of stock and i was like that's interesting i wonder how many people actually sit here and watch and wait for the different websites to come into stock but um i i want to say the new card is probably way better than two of the old card i don't really and that's just me going off of um how nvidia's like sli is having multiple graphics cards unless you have like very very specific software that does really well with multiple graphics cards you kind of don't really get that great of performance when you're using like sli or whatever the new stuff is at least that was my experience when i uh explored that oh i know but he was asking about two of the 5700s and i said i only know of the nvidia like sli using multiple graphics cards at the same time uh my experience it's almost like the second graphics card doesn't really give you like everything it's you kind of get like half of what the second graphics card's capable of but i would do the new graphics card because um if i'm not mistaken it has the ability to do ray tracing and the old one doesn't so well they have something similar to sli now it might not be called sli but it is something that you can have multiple cards working together they have like a new a new like i don't know a new adapter or whatever hold on let me see what the heck it's called because i'm actually interested myself i know that i've seen like some type of thing oh yeah crossfire but isn't there like a new thing that like nvidia cards has it's like yeah i would i would get the that card well actually yeah yeah that's what i would get i'd get the new one but if you find some in stock let me know okay so this one's done i guess now i just build another one and later i have to go in and do a couple of custom things to the uh uh file to make it my own is there is is there a reason why i'm not doing nvidia well i currently i have an amd uh cpu i really like the new amd cpus so i think i'm gonna do that and i really want to try as much as it it seems like uh intel and uh and nvidia are going to be doing something similar i like the idea of trying out that new rage mode where the it uses the cpu and gpu in some type of like synchronization with memory i don't really know how it works but i kind of want to explore that and uh there isn't any one particular feature at least of the uh g-force cards or gtx cards that i would want to get nvidia if anything it would go up to the um so yeah it seems like uh anything new is just completely out of stock which is crazy i think i think that's uh crazy all right so now i need a new idea so so what what is um have you played with the new shape stuff i think they're definitely going in the right performance uh right performance right direction with the shape stuff because the shape stuff is insanely fast in all reality it should be fast but uh it's definitely in the right direction i don't know this for sure but i just fee it feels like there's a lot of like legacy stuff in fusion like old methods of doing things that has the performance of fusion kind of slow the shapes are crazy fast so um only thing that's weird all right so this is the new like shape stuff you have like this and this oh look at when you look at them you can't see them because what happens is it processes all the nodes and you get all the vector information and then it turns the vector information into pixels with an s renderer so now i can see it well if i didn't have the grid on there you would see it right so we have one right so oops that's not what i wanted to do all right so we have our one circle and then we have this other thing that's like a grid right so you can easily add this onto here and you can just increase all this and everything moves really freaking fast it's kind of it's what's needed and i hate that i'm like oh yeah this is like amazing because this is like it should have been like this right so if i come in here now and i put like a hundred and i'll show you the other method of doing this too right so now we do this and then if we play this okay this is playing at 9 frames a second but let's do that the old school way so you first do that and then you do another duplicate right so then we would get this what size is this sure we'll just steal that right all right and we'll try to get these to look the same i can't guarantee anything here all right what am i doing here no this is me wasting time all right why don't i say anything uh hello oh because it's black okay there's my little dot okay then what we're going to do is we're going to make a hundred copies of this right and then we have to offset them right so we go like that right then we take this and we bring it all the way over and go all the way up so we have a hundred mm-hmm wait wait wait wait wait this one a hundred but we want to increase this width because we want to take this over into the corner jeez going back and forth with so many okay and then we do this and we do a hundred right and then here we go down let's actually look at this at the bottom yet okay so here we have four oh we're playing these both the same time let's see here we get eight frames a second turn that off and play this and here we'll get nine frames almost 10 frames a second but i highly doubt that anyone's doing a hundred of anything so you save one one frame a sec or one for yeah whatever it's just a bit easier i'm still trying to the the big thing that with um the shape stuff is that there isn't enough shape stuff like why can't i bring a vector in and have it be a shape because it all the shapes are just vectors until they go into the render and then they become pixels doing things yeah doing very simple things can be very complex i mean the other thing that you you could do in in in this situation all right so actually there there is a faster way of doing that now that i'm thinking about it there is a way faster way of doing that but i was just thinking like using the duplicate thing so you would do this right and we would get a dot now i just did that it's kind of making me laugh all right so we come over here into shape or into thing and we can make this 10 by 10 right so we get our little dot and we do like 0.9.9 so we do that and we go another background and then we put that background on top of this background and then we take this and then we go mirror but that's way more than a hundred but that kind of did the same thing right so we could do like 20 by 20. i don't know how many that is but that runs really fast that's 30 frames a second so there's i guess there's always we should do simple things ah all right let's where were we all right so we're first starting off with just this and hmm let's do some more of the stuff that i was doing previously i have like this new method of what the hell this new method that i really like uh doing for [Music] um so we are going to make stripes up and down so i'll make that one go like this come over here in the color no no no no just give me that and then we'll go contrast and then we'll go transform and then we'll uncheck this and we'll make this really big or yes big um all right i think that was too much that all right and then we'll bring this in so something like that and then boom all right that is not complicated enough so let's actually bring this back up all right then we come in here recede right one all right there we go look at that pretty noise right now we'll take that and we'll go into a transform [Music] transform we do like one one bring this in go across and now we'll go into here the heck no no that's connector um uh [Music] you you oh what would i call this [Music] um all right so now that will affect this and then the overall effect or the overall control for the effect will be this all right so i i didn't do my math on there correctly um um uh oh i know exactly here come on there we go all right so why do i keep doing that you all right so now if i look at this okay that didn't work so bring it back to here oh so this would actually come inside and then we have plus a point five all right let's try it again three i hate that these are like so small i wish you could uh make them bigger all right so there's our thing and comes back down and it still looks like so what we need to do [Music] if i wait a second if i open this up all right question if i go look at that what happens then what happens to this then what happens in that then what happens to this all right see those little like things i'm trying to get rid of those so that's actually off but i don't really know what this is going to do [Music] so what happens oh gosh what did i do i not freaking do that correctly okay it's working now now i don't even see anything oh cuts all the way off right so as i turn this on okay so what we'll do here is we're not going to do this exactly what is oh god what the heck is [Music] math all right let me see any questions interesting i see how you're building these up from scratch cool ideas is there a way to make a graph is it to say in fusion i can only think of making a graph in another program and it depends what you mean by graph like what are you just trying to do like bar charts are you trying to do like a line so you could definitely do it with a csv file but you would probably need to do a little bit of lua or a little bit of python to be able to do it but you can do it um this is am i doing full screen okay so this is uh how you would like i said you would need to add on um if anyone wants to they could you know do this um what the heck would i use here um [Music] i think boom and we go like this right and then all you would need to do is so how many points would you want let's do one with five points right so one two three four five right and then i'll take all of these and then we will publish these uh publish points right so there's our five points obviously it starts with zero so then all you have to do is let's take this one make that centered and take this one and do like uh 0.6 and then this one point seven and this one point four if you [Music] can do anything with a um if you can do uh you could definitely make a simple script with this i'm kind of not really thinking and then you would obviously need to make your ranges to be able to to plot your data right so that would obviously be something that you would do but then you could simply just come in and you know whatever your data plots are um you just have it like that and then just throw a little bit of a border in here so you can see it like that let's make this a pretty purple and there is our chart you know what i mean yeah we'll go like that and maybe make it a little thinner um that's just five points so all we would need to do then is whatever our data is you have to map it in the coordinates of zero to one uh down here is zero up here is one um obviously x is all going to be across so then you would have to just depending on how many points you have you could simply plot that um and then depending on your ranges of whatever your data is you just have to uh interpolate that to a zero to one range so you know if you have negative five to nine thousand you would just have to take whatever the differences are scale that down to a zero to one um for on here or actually no you would yeah you would zero to one and then your middle point is going to be like a point five right in the middle but yeah that that would pretty much be like your chart and then you know you could do all of your lines to make it you know have your graph lines and then your lines going across to uh to have all your data points and stuff um yeah all right so where were we on here i don't remember exactly uh i was going to do some oh that's what i'm doing looking up blue and math because i forget it all right so here we are i'm sorry but i can i can only read english i can't really help you out on there all right so we need uh either min or max returns the maximum value among the argument or returns okay so what was i trying to do exactly uh oh jesus what was i trying to do okay so it was over here so this is going to so i want to have the maximum how would i do this okay so oh man how would i do that one up there why this is simple think think think so i need this to be zero or one nowhere in between so how would i do that oh my god this is simple math why my brain fart come on math is simple zero maximum all right let's just play around because i i like can't wrap my head this is all right so we do just got here what are we trying to do uh we're building a whole bunch of different effects i just built this one out right now i'm having a brain fart on using min and max and arguments uh okay so um min what is it that math.min all right take all that out all right so we would do zero no one uh why am i having a brain fart one this right so it should always bring back a one minimum so those will be whatever the minimum is so if i put it here then it's gonna do the minimum of these but then if i did like a two it's always going to be a one right gotcha makes perfect sense but that's not what i want at all um if i do max it should be this one unless this can't go oh this slider can't go that low or that high that's why okay i'm like struggling with this it's not that difficult justin um [Music] geez all right that's disturbing all right so um boom all right so those are fine why was i trying to change this ah i see i see i see because when it's small like this it looks kind of bad all right you you you i hate these little freaking things man dude i cannot freaking think of it for the life of me i just wanted to be a one or zero oh my freaking thing is starting to do that again okay so uh one two and three so all this is kind of pretty much done just stack that like that take these two all right so text comes in here so we'll do what the heck come on come on get them all both at the same time how far away do i have to go together both the same time bam all right so and then we have our out right here fantastic all right so i have control here right part one part two part three um [Music] interesting i could do a oh gosh i forgot what that node's called there is a node that allows you to delay frames in time what is that node called time speed i think that's it so my question is is it time speed and then we could go background [Music] no that's not how i want i want this to go into here all right so now if i take all of this right and i do a time speed and i go boom boom like that and then my time speed we delay it by one frame and then we change the color to something else right and we put it behind so we flip the thing is this not working right yeah it's behind now oh there we go there we go that's what i was thinking of look at that okay it looks like um what if we do that twice and we do this two frames and we do a different color it's too chaotic to look good can you break down what you're doing sorry as i'm digging so far i'm just unfamiliar with the idea you're using um with the nodes so uh wait nodes that i'm using all right so i'm using a couple of different nodes um i typically like to when i'm making stuff like this i typically like to leave the node names visible so that if someone does look at this they can say oh that's what that node is oh that's what that node is because some people don't know how to figure out what the node type is [Music] i don't know what i'm trying to tell you here uh but i'm just making different effects uh on the edit page here there is the you can you can add effects so like i'll uh here is uh in the effects here's like one of the effects that i'm i i made so that's not really a good one to show you here's a perfect example and i have the effect on here so if i look at this when it plays what it's doing is it's wiping across and it's putting an outside line on everything and it's changing it's putting a color on it right so that will go across and it does that and then you can come in here and you can easily change the color it's just different like little effects that you can add to videos and then the cool thing is that you can stack these so um once i have a lot more here i'll show you with the ones that come in the benchy so you can see so i can stack all of these right and so you can see the binoculars on this right but the binoculars are cutting out like the the the text down here this like whole um drone thingy it's uh putting it behind and then it's also adding an effect on top of that so if i come over into all of my effects if i turn off my binoculars you'll see that you now you only see let me see if i can show you zooming in you see like how we can just see the white line but then when we turn the binoculars on there is like this uh effect like the lenses are distorting right so the what what i'm trying to explain here is that you can add a bunch of effects on here and then they can all affect one another um depending on how they're layered in here in the in what i am have been referring to as the effects stack and then you can simply switch out how they're layered so now the drone thing is on the top that's the last thing that gets affected and there's like cool things i can come over here now this is all new in davinci resolve 17. you can come into your your fusion overlay and now you can it looks like they kind of screwed this up a little bit oh cause i'm on the wrong thing um and here we can now you can move different areas that you allow the user to change within this effects stack so there's a lot of like really cool things that you can now add in and what i'm doing is i'm currently making a pack that has like a whole bunch of like uh glitch slash like flashy effects um that kind of uh will allow you to kind of show off something that's in the frame or edit something and some of them that i'm working on will affect the whole thing so it'll affect like a background or an image or something and then the ones that i've been working on like right now are just affecting elements why is that that color in the background oh because we're at the end um just affecting elements that are here so if i was to put this on like a whole screen it obviously wouldn't work but because this is cut out and there's like an alpha channel so like if you had like a logo or some type of uh element you would be able to put these particular effects um on and it'll manipulate whatever it is so like right now it's just a text layer that's coming in right so if you're on the um edit page if we're over here and we just add on we come in here and we go into like text it doesn't matter you can use anything right so i can come into my wedding titles i can come into my wedding titles and then come over to the effects if i take that off and then that wipe that we were doing i was pretty sure yeah you can all right that wipe that we were doing now it adds it on to here right because these things are so small it's hard to see like but in here you can see like it's on the outside so you can just start to add all these like different effects and elements and stuff and then i i'm also working on another pack that is i don't know if that's an actual working one but hold on a second it might be yeah i'm also working on the okay i don't know how i just move that that's interesting wait a second hold on i just realized something how did i move that interesting so now all of my titles you have those effects i didn't know that i just learned something new but anyways coming over here to my call out i have like all of these call-outs that i worked on um and i'll be releasing soon but now you can change them in the edit page instead of having to go over into fusion but that's super interesting now we can change we can all the elements that i have access to here wait how do i i'm i'm a little confused now how did i how did i grab this before maybe turn all of these off hold on a second okay yeah i can move them interesting that's super interesting so now all of my stuff should be like that right you know that's kind of weird um uh i don't know which all my real estate stuff oh look oh wait what the hell all right there's gonna be some things that are a little weird oh man all right there's some because this stuff didn't exist before so now things are going to get a little weird if people have that turned on that's interesting though okay well whatever let's go back to what we were doing all right all right so i don't think this idea is going to be good for here it would be a lot better if i had um things that were not moving so chaotically i guess is the best way to put that can i make you a template my website has a lot of different templates i typically don't do like custom work um for a number of reasons but um if it's something very specific and depending on if it's something that's on the website you can always request to have something uh made on the bottom of the website there's a thing that you can submit requests for all right so i completely forget what i was doing so we have that looking great and i think i want to change one of these to like something like negative zero [Music] something like that okay so zero three um effects part three point zero three all right so that's a lot better all right i need to i want to add something on here but i don't know what it's literally 2 20 am uh it is here how can we see this it is five 520 here nothing in here is being manipulate it right yeah everything's looking good all right so part one two and three and then i'm curious point oh one what happened here okay that is like moving the same speed oh you know why it's moving the same speed i know why wait a second how is that moving so fast if this is all this thing is doing ah because we have it all smushed so much so that's all that's happening okay so we're gonna unsmoosh this a little bit and then we are going to make that a little bit more and what happens now why is that going so crazy okay that looks horrible oh there's the other one two that's red that's right i forgot there was another one so we put this like um all right you know what we're going to do with these we're going to delete that one we're going to copy that one we're going to instance that one and bring it over here and that will solve that and then in here we just come in here we go like yeah remove and we come in here we go d instance and we change that one just a little bit all right what do things look like now all right nothing's moving yeah i'll have it um it'll be on my web on my channel to watch later if that's something that you uh are interested in doing all right so we are going to all right one thing that we're going to do though we're going to turn this back up i don't like those soft edges but i also think this height needs to be a bit smaller so we get more lines ah i'm going to instance this as well oops there we are all right oh it's windy outside the more you do it the easier it gets for me it's more so coming up with ideas and then kind of smoothing out the idea so that it kind of looks good um you can come up with an idea like this 10 minutes ago this looked a lot better than it does right now let me just probably say that right um all right so now i just gotta like oh that's not what i wanted to do i wanted to make this bigger all right what the heck am i on right now right here make this bigger all right hmm crazy hmm okay if it's going to be like that let's make the uh in here 50. okay no something happy happy medium hmm so now i have another idea so i have this effect slider right that kind of controls the whole thing right and this is going to be open to the user to manipulate you know do they want the effect on or they want it off right but an extra level to that would be what if we make the effect go on and off that would be cool but the effects slider still works so you know it's on for a couple of frames and then it's off and it's on and off and off and on on and off right so to do that we'll come in here and make another one we'll call this t and comment all right slider sure and then in t we'll come hey i hate when it auto saves and it closes that that's a p in the butt all right so we will start at zero and we'll go custom boom and [Music] it'll start off on and for a couple of frames it'll be on is there two key frames here oh we don't want that 10 on and then we'll go one off and we'll be off for just five frames subframe on and then we'll change this up for a longer period of time boom off uh all right so now that we have that open this up where did i put that in here input open that highlight go like this loop so now that will loop it's on and off fantastic that's what we like to hear and then now i have to go into all the things that i had so part one i remember was in there so now the part one we will go like this that's wrong [Music] it's gonna be in the effect right yeah it is windy out there hopefully i don't lose power that would suck and we'll times this by to t okay see this is where it kind of sucks because stuff is getting way too small to read in there all right so the merchant okay great so what we'll do is we will just copy this and we will just replace that in all of the others and then here and then in here all right and then in here so now it goes on and off right so now if we watch it that looks like [Music] all right so instead of that we are going to why can't i see these i'm so confused what the hell is going on here all right we're going to get rid of all that it's going to be like that we're going to start on we're going to come there and go off and then we'll come hold on a second i think i think i just thought of something i don't know how this how this this thing works curve so if we add easing on all of these does it just ease them okay i need to add way more all right [Music] zero oh it does okay cool cool cool cool um [Music] so do that like that i don't know all right so there is that so i don't have to ease them in here but i can take all these and then go oh what did i just do i don't know what i clicked loop right all right so that works but um yeah so that worked and then so that yeah that works and then we can always come into here maybe slow this down a little bit all right these keyframes are horrible so we'll fix this but that that works i just need to fix the um on here i need to fix this so it's either a zero or a one and not this crap oh wait what if i do [Music] math.4 i think that's what you do right no that's not what you do maybe a small m is a math floor math floor huh oh oh oh what'd i do oh i fixed it what the hell is going on all right that does give me a zero or one um but i will need to at the end of this put point plus point nine nine i think ah yeah there we are that works like i said this uh these keyframes need to change have a good one that was actually like five minutes ago all right yeah that will that that'll do i need to go to the bathroom quick so i will be right back uh yeah ugh right all right all right all right let's see here all right so i think that except for these all right so yeah let's work on these uh keyframes here because this looks horrible all right so we start on let's break this way out so let's just remove all of that and we'll take all of this and we'll just slide uh hello there we are slide that down to there and it'll call all right so then let's have these like actually fall on all right so we're just going to set these keyframes 0 like that and zero all right [Music] 5 10 15 20 25 so maybe here 10 go back to one all right i think that looks good why are there two key frames down here where's the point of that one there is no point so we'll just take this and we'll loop that all right i think that is good enough for now if you ever need to manipulate this more you could simply just go in and do it yourself since you'll have the ability to go in and edit anything but i feel like that's a good starting point for this at least all right let's make this kind of cool and have this go across like that all right i think we're looking good there that might be confusing for someone uh all right i don't know where to put this whatever maybe we'll bring that back all right so that looks fine that's just blank was there anything else that i needed to do this i think that was it anyone have any questions all right all right so and this the cool thing with this is it will work with just about anything that's on the timeline that is like an element or overlay or something like that see the cool thing with this too is you'll be able to add this effect on top of a different um thing that you have on the oh man i just this is it's gonna turn into a lot of really cool stuff see now that i made this one so cool i kind of want to go back to the others so i keep i keep like working on these little things and then i'm like oh man that that worked out so well now i want to go back and do it to the others but the other the others kind of have a charm of their own i guess so maybe i do two of uh do i do two of these one that's going up and down like this and then one that's going side to side now i'm just going to leave this one the way it is like this if you people want to hack apart this they can all right so all the elements that i need to pull out of this so in here we have effect and speed and then in here we have part one part two part three and i think that's it yeah okay so we'll go across boom right click what are all of our names [Music] so common all right we need to make this bigger oh uh oh no it's this isn't it this isn't it doesn't it they're all they have parts yeah part one close part two part three merge effect okay that seems good so now this is just going to be called part six i guess save all right and there we are part six okay so now it's time to make another hmm new idea new idea i need to come up with another idea um all right you can i just do i have to have some type of a texture oh i do whoops excuse me all right so quality we don't want quality we want horrible blocky yes all right a little bit more quality than that this or something like that all right and then we come over here and we go like that uh scale not that much scale all right we need to horrible quality oh no no no quality quality doesn't do anything does it i mean it does but we want blocks that's what we want we want that and we also want to come over here and we want an alpha all right [Music] um all right um this isn't gonna work because they're all gonna have the same this isn't going to work at all all right so how do we do this with the least amount of nodes because i could just make three for everything but i'm trying not to do that um see all of these if i just stack all of these right now they're all going to be in the same spot that's why the colors are mixing obviously don't want that i want them to have all of their own kind of thing [Music] what we could do an easy thing is that you just go like this and you connect that up and you go like that and then you just invert one of them right hey crap that didn't work that's not what i want uh i don't want to invert i want to no i do want to invert i want to uh what if you add what does that do no multiply is the way to go [Music] um hmm how else do you make freaking glitchy stuff i want to do three colors so you can pick all three colors and obviously we don't want it to be all the same we want them to all be separate so we just copy this i kind of don't like this i'm curious can you copy a whole bunch of things no you can't what am i doing with channels like i don't i want them to have different patterns so i mean i guess i just copy everything and just make i don't really like doing it that way but they they just need to have different patterns so i need to come in here and switch this up so they all have different patterns watch so that's what it looks like now right but once they have this needs to come in here and these come in here but once they have all different patterns then they fill up different areas right so now they have all different patterns so that's kind of what i want right but what i'll need to do on here is we are just going to show just do can i just see just this uh what is this what if i go to brightness levels why can i oh that's confusing what if i do that in here uh huh there we go all right now that we have that that's kind of cool um now what do we do so now in these transforms why did i make all these i don't even know why i made these you that was horrible all right so now how would i animate these hmm hmm what inspires me to make templates uh inspires me to make templates i watch a lot of uh i don't know i just i watch like a lot of different things online and then i'm like oh that that's kind of cool i don't know if i have it in here let me see shh so it's not in this oh man i don't even know which project that would have been in oh maybe it's over here maybe it's in here somewhere i don't remember this is when i'm brainstorming this is what ends up happening i just end up making a whole bunch of things i don't know i don't remember where it would be and i know it would stick out somewhere nope this is kind of the idea that i had is it ah here we are so do you know the new um cyberpunk the new game i don't know if you've seen it or played it but uh they're at the beginning of the game i'm not ruining anything by saying this at the beginning of the game i've i was like while i was working on stuff i i watched um a couple of uh twitch streams and one thing is you get this like chip put in your um in your head or whatever and it has this bug where you have like your alternate like ego or something i don't exactly understand it but um whenever he comes out everything like glitches because it's like a bug with this chip and i was like can i make that in infusion and i kind of is kind of it um it chugs a lot because these are all like a little i mean and there's multiple colors in here but it's kind of the idea the only thing that this doesn't have is density but if i take this what is this clip all right that is a boxing clip all right so if i take this and put this into here and now we look at it it it adds it to like wherever there are lines pretty much that's where it draws it so the only thing that it really worked on is a building that i was playing around with let me just pull in another one here this building you add it on here it actually that's actually how it looks like in the game it's like on like the more and more i was watching it it was like it was on l like edges and stuff and that was kind of like how it had like the little glitch effect now obviously if this like cached it would look way better but hold on a second i'm like using 30 gigs but random effects that i see online and the other thing that i really liked about the game is the layout or the the the user interface and i i tweeted about that that gave me a ton of ideas so stuff like that like things that i see in different visual things so it's a video game i can't really say a video but things that i see in other projects kind of inspire me to like make um different effects but yeah i don't even know if this is gonna play yeah but that that's pretty much how that effect looks so i like built it but it is kind of really heavy so i might i might be able to go through and and fix or like change it up a little bit so it's not as heavy but um yeah that's kind of what inspires me it's like different video games or different music videos i'll see like a a particular effect and i'm like how can i recreate that infusion but then add like my own um look to it as well all right um so what am i going to do here so i need to break this up a lot but how yeah no problem i mean if you really think about it everyone kind of i don't even know how to properly word that but everyone gets inspired to make things by other things that they see or experience in some way i was going to try to draw a parallel there with uh spacex rockets but the more i thought about i was like that doesn't really make much sense i kind of want to all right there needs to be a lot of motion that's what this one is going to have this one is going to have a lot of motion how the motion is going to look i have no idea but it's going to have a lot of it all right all right we need to speed it up we need to add a lot of okay that's a little too fast and we need to reduce this down to like 0.3 all right so we got the wob there we go that's looking great right but [Music] we also want to add the same exact thing after this and we're going to come in here and change the seed quick just so it moves a little bit okay this is like moving super okay we gotta we got we gotta chill that out a little bit okay and let's give it a little bit of uh vertical as well so let's see what we got going on here oh gosh oh gosh are we going to save okay i thought we were crashing okay um all right we're not doing that we're going to just steal one of these and we're going to come over here we're going to make this unique and we're going to pipe it in here and we're going to look at it okay it is taking away way too much so we don't really want that much so what we'll do is we'll look at this like that and come over here and we're gonna change the scale where's detail okay so just a little bit all right so now that we have that we can paste another one right and we're going to bring this over but this time we're going to invert it and here we're going to put another merge and be since we're inverting this it's going to be what the opposite of what's cut out we're not going to have it move at all right so let's just see what that looks like so the whole thing is going to be there all right that didn't do what i wanted it to at all wait how is this how does this work i see i see so we're going to put this in between here and then do that and maybe we switch these so we invert that one and not invert that one oh that looks cool like little elements kind of pop in and out i'm kind of liking that i'm curious if i was to put this on break that put this here and we're just going to put it on all of them all right well that didn't really work out how i wanted it to we're going to delete all that happy quick prototyping and i should probably stop that i think that just crashed it i don't remember last time i saved that definitely crashed it okay oh maybe oh did it crash my whole computer i still shave it yeah i'm still streaming good well let's all restart da vinci am i still streaming i think so alrighty here we are we're back at it so i like how for somehow it saved doing all of that okay well whatever what is drtv i don't know what is it dr tv jrtv it's uh it's my channel j a y so j a-r-e is r so j-r and then t-v it's like a shorter version of it i have no idea we're talking about drtv all right um [Music] why is everything going so slow okay so i'm liking the like the random pieces moving around so if i was just to look at all of this right so if i just get it like a background quick and then just put this here okay well we can't really do that like that so we'll just do this all right that kind of looks pretty cool and we actually don't even need that well the way everything's built uh we got it we got to relax on that actually not no um we're gonna put it right on here what do you mean by be available in stores like a copy that says 17 i have no idea that's not really that's not really a thing you have to be concerned with um because davinci resolve it doesn't matter what version you you buy like whatever the the the when you go to buy it it that it doesn't matter what version it is you just have to buy a davinci resolve um license and then uh you can all of the upgrades are um are free so like my copy is like from i don't know like let's say i bought mine and it said like let's say davinci is all 14 all of the new updates are free so my license uh when i bought my camera all right so i bought my camera last year the g2 and that came with a davinci resolve studio right and that was 16. that license will still work in 17. um it's always been that way so you don't have to buy a license for each big name change you only have to have a studio license and then all of the other uh updates are free so it's like you buy it once and then you always have the studio version um yeah all right that's way too fast there isn't any licenses available there there's two ways that you can get a license you can either get a and don't buy these on ebay because there's a whole bunch of like fake knockoff ones that because they're faking their knockoffs um they stop working but you can get um a legit version of it of a dongle and it's like a little usb and you can plug that in any computer and davinci resolve that that's your license right or you can get the the key and then the key you can activate on two systems at one time um and then if you ever need to you can just always come up to here and then deactivate license and then you know install it onto another computer but you get two licenses with the key and that it's installed on the computer or if you're let's say you're jumping around so like let's say you're on a work i don't know a couple of different computers you can just plug the dongle in to whichever computer you're currently working on and then the license will work so you have like both of those options um yeah but that's weird if like you can't buy a key like you can't buy a 16 license that's weird there was um the free there was the free um the little keyboard where the what the heck were they calling it speed edit or speed editor i think it was called so if you buy the license you can have it on two systems at one time uh if you if you have the license like if you if you buy the the the the the little card that has the um the license um serial number or whatever on it uh you ordered the speed keyboard well i'm hoping it comes with a license because for a while it it was free um and i don't know when they stopped it or anything like that here let me actually go look now i'm guessing um you're not in the u.s but hold on a second let me just look at one of the bigger suppliers in the u.s to see if they're still offering it yeah so like here you can buy the license it's the activation card which then you can do it on two systems and you're getting the speed editor with it for the price of just the license so it's like you're getting the the speed editor for free this was a the deal that they were doing and uh new item coming soon means that they're currently out of stock but you can at least buy them um i know i know i've seen like a lot of people so like right here look at this the price of just the license is the same price as with the speed editor so i'm hoping that you got the speed editor for free and then you can get the two different versions you can get the activation or you can get the dongle the dongle only works on one system but the usb you can quickly switch between systems or you can get the activation which works on two systems but it it's like it's on that system and then you have to deactivate it if you want to take it to another system so how is it out of stock if it's the the digital license because uh um b h isn't going to sell you something they're gonna say it's out of stock because the whole kit isn't in stock so the it's probably the speed editors are are currently not um are not um in stock so they'll hold the order but um at least on b h you can still purchase it with both which is like really good um but yeah man if i needed a license right now would be the time to buy right now would definitely be the time to buy hmm that's crazy see and then you look at the price of the of the keyboard yeah because you look at the the the dongle is in stock so you can buy it right and then this is also in stock but the only thing that's not in stock is the keyboards so yeah whoa well i mean if you for now you can just get the you can you can use the free version of davinci resolve right and then once you go to studio your database will all go over to studio that's no problem you just install studio and then you'll get all of your database and everything no no issues so you can you'll still be able to like edit and everything um yeah the new bait is the new bait is way better i didn't know i was clipping i just noticed that um the old beta i was crashing a lot but there are still at least the one bug that i was having an issue with is still um is still an issue all right so what am i doing here all right so i got some like wiggling going on that's kind of cool right so now i just need to duplicate that with a bunch of different colors you're welcome all right so i had this grand idea of doing this other thing i'm going to make this more complicated than it needs it to be what is the easiest way to go about doing this the uh when you come into the raw do you have your ross your raw camera stuff oh and let me put a raw clip on here do i have one in this project yeah right there be raw bam so when you come over here can you see all your raw settings is that what you mean that's how you would know i believe all optimized media i could be wrong on this i'm pretty sure optimize media will go back to source and i'm guessing the new proxy stuff is completely different so i don't even know how that works i haven't really dove into it yet my cg i have no idea what that question means do oh i've made too many i don't even know where i'm at here we are all right that's not what i want here we are all right let's see all right i want to do this in multiple colors so what do i do in all reality i could just kind of go like this boom it's in multiple colors what is the smartest way to do this though well actually i only need the moving part right so which is the moving part just that because this part doesn't move at all all right so i'm going to copy this and this we're going to paste that down here we're going to get rid of all this well i don't want to get rid of all of that i just want to get rid of this copy bring it up all right so i don't need that at all so we just bring it in and bring this in and bring that in all right so that's looking correct but we actually don't even want that there we are and we're going to put that there all right so we're going to take all this paste this down connect in like that what is going on here why are these both red what is that there's a blue and then one more whoa something didn't work correctly here there we are all right well let's see here oh why they all look like they're moving together oh because they're all no that wouldn't move everything oh because all these have the same seed all right my cg i have no idea what you're asking all right um shhh i'm very welcome hopefully you uh have good luck and you can create some cool stuff in fusion you can pretty much make anything infusion it just uh just wrapping your head around a lot of the tools or just coming up with ideas because i can't come up with them tonight yeah google translator is not doing a good job at uh helping you with that um but i can kind of guess what you're asking me um it's very hard to i'm guessing you're making something in fusion and you want to know how to share it with someone else that's kind of what i'm guessing i'm getting out of that it depends if you're making it in davinci resolve fusion or the standalone fusion if you're making in davinci resolve i would just share them share with them the project file if you're making it in fusion studio i would share the comp file with them but oh yeah well you're saying the edit page so i don't make anything on video hive i'm not sure okay well let's see here all right so i think um you it's not really going to work out how i want to i'm sick of looking at these colors [Music] mm-hmm i'm you kind of run out of space in this little hey this is going to look like you why don't i go all the way over there all right so the next what how does a one become a five what a one skip oh how'd that scale change that's weird that's a little weird you keep saying the same thing over and over again that's all you've ever said i don't understand all right all right so now i want to oh yeah we were right in here damn it is really windy outside ah that's not what i want to do you really whoa all right i didn't really think of that i just thought about that the last uh packet or the last uh template i just did i didn't add like a time thing or speed so you change the speed okay so if i wanted to motion blur this not even that noticeable it's not needed all right i need like a way bigger delay in there all right well i'll just get like that take this go like that or actually you know what sure whatever all right um i think i want to uh ugh i have no idea what this is doing okay no no no no what in the world why is it just giving me one value why doesn't give me a range what if i want to do like a range somebody like shake shake gives me a range right yeah minimum max that's weird i'm not sure what this value is supposed to mean let me give you a minute max shake 1.2 you can't tell with that at all what the heck does this even look like okay we're not gonna do that um we are going to do a blur and we're going to power this by whatever the value is over here highlight both of these take the length bring it up here bring it in here uh minus one oh now we're getting some cool looking stiff okay that might be a little too much on the blur a little too much on the blur i can't tell what's going on i need to figure out a way to make this lighter um ugh i wish it didn't do like every freaking frame an adjustment i wish there could be like a uh maybe there isn't i just don't know it what if i do no that wouldn't change anything this isn't working out and it needs to be a lot more uh a lot more complex there needs to be a lot more going on a lot more texture a lot more detail uh and i need to do it a lot less fewer nodes here is the real question starting with this what is my dod look like view uh um channel guy no no no no no region uh show the idea okay then how long does it stay there oh look at this we're already full screen ah it's because we're pulling a blank so this blank is what's causing everything ah look at that now how fast does this go purge hold on i want to look at the whole thing though that's just because of that oh we're getting a good dod here okay why are we still outside um i mean that is better i think oh no 2.2 i mean it should be better without this you've got to be kidding me okay now we're back to us nails please and we crash all right i'm gonna call it at that some of these things i want them to be like super detailed and do like a whole bunch of things and make a whole bunch of stuff but i also want it to be extremely lightweight for the edit page and we start to get in there with multiple nodes doing blurring and potentially motion blur and stuff like that it starts to get pretty heavy even if you didn't have motion blur it was getting kind of heavy the glow is obviously another blur oh well all right i'm done uh don't know when i'll stream again but thanks for everyone that did hang out i hope you uh learned something and uh yeah with that being said i am going to be getting out of here i don't even know my camera froze look at that my camera froze and i didn't even know it all right well that's fantastic didn't know what first don't know how long it was frozen for i love technology sometimes all right i'm out of here thanks stay safe everyone i'll see you guys later peace
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 5,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 17, updates, new release, video editing, live, Motion Graphics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 44sec (11384 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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