AoE2 Hidden Cup | Semifinal #1

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and while they've even switched the colors up on us here ladies and gentlemen welcome to game number one this is Arabia this is the first semi-final of the first hidden cup in the orange we have hidden cup number four who went out for the late I'm sorry did they switch no he didn't go out for the lane last time well technically he did but he's not the one who called arre so he's in the orange they're confusing us already he's playing as the Burmese a sieve that has not been used yet in this event I find it really interesting that everybody went mezzo in Game one yesterday and now this guy maybe saw the stream because that that's of course ok and now has gone Burmese to possibly counter the mezzo SIVs with the the strong burmese infantry hidden cup nine one of the best players in the tournament so far we got to see him in the qualifiers he won we got to see him in the quarterfinals yesterday he won and he's coming out again for the lame and guys he's going to find his what he wants here now only will he get the boar but the boar had an uphill hit so the eagle loses less HP there and we might see both restarts used pretty quickly here this guy's gonna steal a pig and back at home he's trying to scout with his sheep you know and we'll see if oranges can lane back because he must know that that boar is going that boar was right next to the TC interesting interesting stuff and look hidden Cup forces Fu lame Green says dot dot this is mind games for sure at least one of this is one of these players are mind gaming it who who are these people who are these people well they have 45 seconds to call another restart so if hidden cup for wants to do that he can call his restart and they'll just get him out of the way they'll replay this with the same civilizations that is a perfect lame right there that is a perfect lame he didn't take another hit after the initial two Andrey coming in or no no we play on we play on ladies and gentlemen all right so here comes the scalp now he is per me is of course he comes the scout for orange and he should know exactly where his opponent is based off the relic position he knows there's got to be over here but if green is able to snag this boar now we might take this one away from orange but orange will have to to pick from of course yep there he goes the boar there's one more here this might be this might be found it's really important that orange finds this I think back at home oh he doesn't know his sheep are there he doesn't know his sheep or there look at that and he's going the wrong way he's going the wrong way at least to start huh well hidden Cup for he's going out to the deer luckily he has the deer close by to be able to recover he doesn't know for sure that his opponents there either now he sees the eagle and he'll fight this and I think the eagle will run back home actually guys you have to keep in mind this is an eagle where you're versus Scout the Eagle can still win that there's a reason there's a few reasons why you choose him as a sieve in Game one be really interested to see just how orange deals with adversity because again yesterday he was the one of the only players where everyone voted that it was the Viper and I think the reasoning for that was because he won 3o but I'll be honest the opponent he played was very weak in comparison to some of the other players so I didn't think it was Viper I was thinking more I was thinking more fire honestly that was my guess I believe Aztecs they are known for going with for their militia they're known for going for their man-at-arms and then they had their eagles and archers very very strong options and there's the barracks already for green and I think orange knows he's not going to get that he's not going to get that Bor so he even builds a mill here on the deer which is a good decision in this situation he did find his sheep luckily because otherwise he'd have no food underneath this TC and we'll see what the play is we have the walls coming up here this is actually not the best map you I've ever seen look at that main gold that Maine Gold is very far forward beneath the hill you have the secondary gold on the right as well this gold even kind of bugged in there though it's not technically a from admin reor bugged map despite that though he clicks up and while we have villagers going to stone so we'll see if he builds a mining camp here because that's a lot of villagers to mine stone he could also just be expecting that I'll rush he might be collecting 50 stone and then he might go back to wood I think that's the play here I think that's the play he sees his opponent is sending them militia out he probably expects the man-at-arms greenspace is much better and he has all the extra food not ideal if he loses this he'll though because his golden his will be gone but Gerst are for him and yeah I was correct I think he's collecting extra stone kind of weird here because he's just now building a barracks right Vermes would probably be going with infantry ideally that's not the case and Wow orange loses his Scout here and now the villagers are being walled in this is a smart move I think we might see a tower immediately on the gold and very passive play from orange because now we can build two towers it's just that he won't have any form of attack here we go I got a t90 whoo Wolfe getting in on the action everybody wants to get in on the action and an archery range so going into archers is orange might not want to force that tower up right might not want to force that tower up but I'm pretty sure that orange expects it here he's getting town watch now and look at the villagers coming forward when your opponent's will in like this it gives you an opportunity to tower aren't just in big trouble because he can't build okay he can't build his tower here because his villagers are trapped in all the gate oh my god he's not gonna get this oh my god he's not gonna get this he is not gonna get this which means the villagers on gold need to run back to the tee see they will run through man-at-arms no villagers went down but in game number one the undefeated player green is playing really well and I'm surprised he hasn't killed a villager yet he's a bit unfortunate to not kill the villager there chat saying that's Viper esque right there with the gate but he did fail with it right like you see a gate you're like it's Viper you see the gate failure like now not Viper more like doubt sorry doubt that's chats fault I didn't make the joke chat started that okay it's Jats fault he's just absolutely huge lead absolutely huge lead for green I mean I cannot stress that enough he's denied his opponents gold this gold cannot be taken really the only saving grace for Orange is that he has a few archers right now and he is going to soon which is safe and he can tower that's the only good thing for him and you know what he's going to at least he forces Green to waste a mining camp for now and so green get some more scrubs over here gated off here build a palisade orange build a palisade here for screen to go the whole way around that's what he's doing there's only two archers here with no fletching but fletching is on the way and villagers could go down here I like this little wall off attempts okay the men-at-arms are gonna go through this way very interesting start to the game you know green with his eagle and with his skirmishers should be able to stay here I love the forward range in this situation and nap look that wall is not gonna happen orange under pressure here everything is just falling apart here super messy game look with that eagle warrior can do there the villager is forced to join the battle see now these villagers could could possibly go down because these archers are being my crowed now the man and arms show up and now orange could lose some villagers of his own this is just craziness this is just craziness one villager down green somehow kept all of his bills alive in 31 villes for green 28 for orange an orange has no map control I think with one more Tower here if green just takes his stone away they'll pretty much solidify this hill and I just don't see a way back for orange even going Burmese archers and squirms is not ideal because they lack that offense upgraded and look at this look at this everything's dying out here look at the kd7 two three will be seven to four or sorry eight to three obviously I can't count it's early in the morning I apologize this crazy play from this hidden Cup nine hmm I thought Burmese was a weird pick I thought they would stick with meso for a variety of reasons for the lame for the eco maybe now you need to build that tower if you're green and he's confident enough to shift this over and build it on the farms instead of just protecting this villagers on the stone orange does not have the resources to build another tower and green places it right up against the edge of the map does this look does this look vivvy like to you guys to place a tower here that's a fat dragon tower if I ever saw one with weak villagers - that's a fat dragon tower if I ever saw it and he loses two villagers I mean still of course he's harassing orange but that's a vivvy tower if you ask me that's a vivvy tower I don't know who oranges of course I don't even know who green is but went forward with four weak Vil's and built a tower there that do we have the fat dragon here this is vivvy if its vivvy sorry vivy did say that he was gonna win this event and he wanted to beat the Viper so there you have it vivy confirmed eagle warriors coming out now very important obviously mercy skirmishers that look at the micro they're nice little dodged with less numbers these are some high level players obviously these bills go back home so I think that's a bit of a wage they think that green could've at the very least stayed on stone here and denied denied that stone but that has not happens and I don't know if you guys noticed that orange added is stable so he was thinking about Scouts however he hasn't added any let's look at the economy for green yet looks pretty good has a lot of extra gold because he hasn't been creating gold units but he's gonna buy some food here and I think he'll be much faster to the castle age one thing I will say is he doesn't have a lot of army he made use of the army he had but now not much I do like this a lot though you how often do you see pro players not wall up their towers so he's gonna wall this up she's actually wall off the corners as well wooo-oooo look at this look what is hidden from green aren't just out here with the tower on this gold I did not expect that to happen well that's gonna work out for him he's gonna tower that green is on the way up to the next stage he's going to make Eagles I'm sure of it they're already on the way but orange could do this now that he has his gold maybe use the market a bit himself yep he sold some stone and if he could get into Knights which permease are quite good at and that could work out and now Green knows okay I need to pressure this area there's gold there [Music] crazy game crazy game man I don't know who we have here we will find out in about 67 hours whenever the final finishes Kumar says hi t 9 official I am late 2000 people here already yes welcome everybody welcome everybody try not to focus on how many people are here because I'll get to feel Z cuz this is just crazy I want to focus on these games this this game here is anybody's game because we will have Knights versus Eagles Eagles will be in higher numbers Green has slightly better economy in my opinion not not based off the Ville numbers but based off the fact that he hasn't had any idle time at home whereas orange was running all over creation now let's see how players utilize their units because the fighting from both of them pretty solid we had interesting wall offs from orange though he was unsuccessful at times Green made great use of his mane and arms and his skirmishers even fighting with less numbers at times skirmish are not really all that important in fact they're a waste of space a waste of hair at this point because it will be Knights at least I thought it was gonna be Knights but we might see Erin buy from Orange we will see Eagles from green and he's already sending them out now and we need quick walls on the gold orange quick walls on the gold he sacrifice what she's a wizard while she's still alive somehow and the rest of her friends are also alive in here because of the walls that seems like there's a hole there but there's not so there go the skirmishers let's see if this guy or this girl sorry can be a wizard now she's gonna die and this is what Eagles can do because you can create them in fuel H so easy to spam these things and green splitting them up this is so good go to the wood line for storage to react go to the stone for storage to react and another wall off that is unsuccessful another villager goes down and these elephants and that can work out their bit slow though and with the way greens playing this I expect him to avoid the elephant anytime it arrives look at this this guy is a good player this guy is a good player and of course your Aztecs right so you can add monks he's avoiding everything he has monasteries going up on the front right next to that main Gold's this is just wonderful play from green wonderful play and immediately for battering room that's how confident he is he goes for a battering ram before am a canal and he'll kill a Ville barely takes any hits from the elephants I say as he runs through the elephants and watch this the castles going up for orange but if you lose his no if and it might not he's forced to delete this oh my goodness funny enough if a maganet have been created it would have been much better look at these eagle warriors running underneath the TC this is not good for orange this is not good for orange we have an 80% castle no villagers building it at the moment he's losing a few more this is just getting so much worse for green or not for green for orange I'm colorblind apparently I don't see any way back I think the player who started off in the qualifier made its way through the quarters yesterday is going to get game number 1 and remember and the castles gonna go up the castles gonna go up just a matter if that would give him anything remember that orange was undefeated yesterday he was undefeated three easy games for him everyone thought he might be viper I bet you a lot of people are questioning that now I think he's I think he's just too far behind that was pretty interesting you see him garrison the elephant right before it got converted it's pretty interesting he has the castle maybe errand boy can save him maybe Green went all in but it seems like a god-awful mess here for orange see here huh you know what Green didn't add any town centers he's doing that now green still has good map control but Green could get overwhelmed by Aaron by because what do you do now well you have to make range units normally Eagles are not going to be the play this is doable this is doable my are much more expensive than they used to be but luckily Burmese they have many other benefits like you got the free eco upgrades that's big you got free bow saw that's big still has a little bit of stone income maybe for a future castle and here come the air but you know I misjudged that completely I misjudged that completely I expected a bigger fill lead for greenie as a 10 billion up here and oh my god these villagers are here these villagers are here and one villager goes down now let's see the micro he's got a hit and run with these air and by now look at this it's so easy to kill Eagles once you get to this unit first time we've seen Burmese in the tournament and will it work monks can convert them though there's four monks around here and orange comes in he misses with one volley he kills one he kills two he'll kill three yeah it could have been better could have been better for sure because he lost a few air and by and he left that monk alive but he of course will create more oh look at this Scout coming in watch this guy go we saw this yesterday you know where he's going you know he's going he's going right for that monk oh this is a crazy game man orange is gonna find four bills for free she'd go for the monk now as well I think but he'll miss a lot to follow here there's so much going on in the battlefield we can't even look at the economies but I need to show you that because that's so important so it's still two TCS for orange green oh my goodness look at this wood count he's oh man we got some some t90 farms over here this guy is really struggling to keep up now really struggling to keep up now three idle villagers here I mean he has a 12 fill lead but does he have the most efficient economy I don't think so has a lot more resources in the bank I don't appreciate the emote spam guys I didn't I didn't mean that my farms would be much better I think if green goes to the Imperial age now he's going to lose all map control because he has no answer to the errand boy I think he needs a response to the errand boy and I think it's got to be ranges but it might be too late even to think about that remember this wood line and this wood line are so range bull orange can do this and look what he's doing on the front now battering ram so this orange player undefeated yesterday many oh the scouts are you kidding me the scouts come in and they'll kill the monk I mean the monks gonna die unbelievable two monks down he's gonna get his gold back now he also did not pick Burmese yesterday nobody picked for me yesterday or the day before in the entire tournament and now it looks like a pretty good idea to pick Burmese microing with three units Green is on the way to the imperial age but orange has full map control he's going to get all of his resources back it is important for him it's very important for him to have an answer to any ranged units now that's gonna be tough so I think he needs to take his advantages now take control what map space you can a greens gonna continue with eagles and imp they'll be elite eagles so they'll be stronger though I know a lot of people are saying this could be Viper but it could also be knee cough it could also be leery it could also be yo it could also be vivvy it could be literally any of the twelve players because I did not pick like two amazing players and ten good players we have 12 of the best players in the world in this tournament so we really have no clue and if chat tells us anything they're both Chinese but I don't know if we can believe that when I say chat I mean like their in-game chat oh boy you know green can defend with mumps if he gets a few conversions he just has to stop losing Eagles stop losing filters for that matter he's losing so many bills there's just no answer to the Aaron body that problem is getting through and I thought for sure if orangy got to Aaron Bai he would be too far behind to come back but apparently I was wrong he takes the villi down great job from him to keep the pressure on because he knows this is his time window to do damage and the scouts go immediately in for the monks these are Aztec monks they're a bit tankier and yeah three monks still survive but he's gonna grunt in anyway yeah okay so he kills two monks he loses nearby and not not a bad situation not a bad situation look at these villagers look at these villagers no wonder they wanted to be Lumberjacks instead of farmers look at this what do we have from green what's incoming now Eagles it's gotta be Eagles elite Eagle warrior he has rebooted over here you gotta give the guy credit and if he goes right to oranges eco Orange has a lot of exposed villagers but Aaron by can still kill Italy Eagles and orange has so many other options as Burmese he could go for long swordsman of course if he gets too imp is probably incoming he could go for champion and while two conversions from green well done again he'll lose his monks so one hundred and three kills for orange and fifty deaths he only had one Boer he's working on getting these relics now and you can see the elite Eagles really hold their weight here and they have their they're a bit faster this is where the Aaron by will struggle yep this is where the Aaron bio will struggle so now orange needs to hold for a couple minutes himself I'm thinking a castle on this hill just castles defensively would be huge for him right now he needs to protect this gold of course he's actually running this way with four villagers oh oh my god I didn't see this apparently green didn't see this look at these dead bodies was that from just to Aaron by maybe three Aaron by Wow well orange wants to build a siege workshop there it's a lot of dead bodies the elephant's could have been involved as well green needs to pressure he needs to pressure I don't like this each workshop from our judge and I don't think he likes it either he's now building a house there's the castle for orange I like it I like it a lot he says goodbye to another monk like that too and you know he's chopped through this gold give him credit guys give him credit and he asked his main gold left he saved that for later and green hasn't sent one batch of eagles into oranges eco yet here's the first batch really surprised that's the first time we're seeing that I guess it's because orange is also continuing to pressure right but there's a nice castle from green as well so defensive castles in order for both if Aztecs get to their atlatl scams and they're eagles they could do this and look at this villagers going down for orange this is an amazing semi-final already I thought it was over when iearnt was pressured because half of his eco was idle but then the air by micro has been insane now orange is on its way to empty needs to hold as he's losing villagers and there's only ten villagers in this and he doesn't have the mobility of these Eagles and this is perhaps giving green an opportunity to see what is opponent might mix in like those stables and go for something else and now aren't is going to lose farmers so now he needs to run away what a game what a game look at this tower look at this tower from orange he's gonna get that up who in their right minds would just build a tower there that's gonna be really good that's gonna be really good he's walling off next to the cliff that's so annoying to his opponents golden wood I guess those four villagers went forward earlier to build a siege workshop so he bailed on that idea agreeing you got to get into the farm ecoman yeah he sees the Empire there so he'll lose a few eagles he might send the rest into the Eco all right well here comes a trebuchet this is what she needs to do if your opponent's going air and buy you need to pressure the castles does he have enough to hold this though that's the question I don't know if Green has enough military to protect this because orange is Erin buyer just wiping up the Eagles every time they get close castle from green which will kill the tower and I can tell orange once trade with those Lightcap but can he keep his castle live on the front he's going in for repairs with about six villagers now and here come the air and by-and-by can one-shot these Eagles I believe seems like it yep but he needs to deal with the Eagles before he deals with the traps and he's is he out of stone he's out of stone he has to buy some stone he just bought 100 with what little gold he has so green should try and calculate this as as well as he can it's really tough to know should you fight the air and body and if so how far do you follow and I think orange is calculated this better here he's gonna kill the trebs he's gonna kill the trebs in fact he just he knows he'll kill the trebs with the like having the elephants so he now chases the Eagles with whatever and by he has remaining well done there well done green needs something else guys he needs something else and it's not gonna be Eagles for him eagles are so costly with golds Eagles have rarely hit oranges economy imagine if aren't swore to wall up the right-hand side if you're too I'd be a great way of making sure the Eagles cannot go anywhere near his base so what do you think Jeff what are your predictions right now we are gonna do a vote after game to look at those Aaron might go do we have VIPRE in here do we have do we have the fat dragon you guys have to judge all the minor little details like there's one gap between the the mill and the farm there that could literally be anyone but hey what do you think are just e9d well I appreciate that compliment man I did a great it is me actually I did a great job of acting like I thought I was gonna die but I knew it would come back because obviously it's me people thought 10 was Viper yeah people thought everybody was Viper people thought everybody is Dell that's the beauty of this tournament we have no clue we have no clue but I will say whoever oranges he's playing with Aaron by correctly the way he hit hits and runs here is beautiful in fact this would be amazing if he kills all the Eagles next to him will he do that he will he kill all these bells was that one era by now that one Aaron by can kill all those villagers and greens got a fight with villagers a little bit of luck for orange there I think a little bit of luck but guys he still doesn't have the stone to repair that castle he's trying to push it on the sides I think yeah yeah he's trying to push it on the sides he's going right back to that wood line that's a really smart location to hit obviously he's gonna lose his castle that leaves him on one castle to make Aaron bite and now he's thinking of going cap trim and like have this castle still on fire from earlier green could do this I think if you're orange you have to use your mobility with your horses and he's doing that here but it's really hard to hit the other side because the castle it's really hard to hit the center because of the castle and green is in oh my god oh my god there's 33 eagle warriors for green and are just losing his whole they´ll advantage he's losing his main gold the trebuchet czar coming in this is crazy he has Lumberjacks here he has miners here he could lose all of his eco on this hill green though he needs to protect his trebuchet is because the castle is killing the castles the most important thing for him and he will save his traps for now will this be the game green fire with your trebs buddy his trebs his traps need to do something what are you doing he got Idol trebs I don't know what's going on with the trebuchet I don't know what's going on with the trebuchet is but I could tell you that curry now has a population advantage you know trebs I mean they're in range that's not his fault maybe it is obviously this is a Walmart tread that's what it is don't get your trips from Walmart guys oh wow we got a push on the flank a push on the flank with cap trams and light calves this is what I'm talking about just raid rate as much as possible there we go there we go the trebuchet is working now I think Green can sort this out though I think Green can deal with this he loses the castle but I don't think that'll kill him off I do think that orange could die if he doesn't have aaron by he's built another castle on this hill but will he save this one he's trying desperately to and look look he's sneaking around with the Huss are it's not gonna be enough that is not gonna be enough he needs to get more here his gold is right here that castle needs to protect it that he is no stone he needs to buy stone he just bought more stone just like before Wow what a game what a game I thought orange was out of it I thought green was out of it then he's still hanging on here orange is out of stone again but look the stables sending more hussars well-calculated man well calculated and great positioning from the Arab I'd to sit right between the house and the siege workshop the trap is gonna go down but aren't just also losing a lot of villagers it's a big problem for him now he's he should all my goodness yeah he's struggling to keep up with these Eagle warriors they're everywhere they're in the farms there are in the wood they were in the gold here 150 population for green 118 for orange and he does not have a big ball of hair and buy anymore he's not pressuring here anymore [Music] finally all my goodness this could be it this could be it there's eagles everywhere there are Eagles everywhere look at this orange has 91 bills 27 idols you know saying that green actually has 50 idols but I mean this is look at this eco man look at this eco this eco is just a disaster area [Music] but he's pressuring Orange it's the first game of the day guys it's the first game today oh this is wild yeah Green's in a worse situation we're situation oh wow he's going to that gold look at that gold placement both of them found that look at this scouting for orange just look at that and look at green scouting these are two exceptional players orange has he doesn't even have enough food in the bank to keep villagers pumping out of his TCS 93 population total now he'll lose these villas Green's gonna get the gold I think green is closest to victory now he's definitely closest to victory you can even take this relic away from orange and oh my God look at the Eagles look at the Eagle warriors I think this just won't stop now I think Green can just brute force his way home with the Eagle raids orange came keep up orange cannot keep up and green knows it I would not do this please don't do this please don't try and kill the castle with Eagles please don't be that confident green there's still air and bi and also orange what do you ohh ooh look at that gate all right I was like what are you doing running out there with villagers but he had a plan orange before losing the builds Walt them in so green that's gonna be quite annoying for green I'll take a while to be able to take that gold but all green needs to do hit on the right make orange Jason hit on the left make orange Jason keep it upright and then in the meantime take those extra golds take the relics he does see this relics here but again his 30 idols right so he's struggling to keep up with everything if he were to take a moment to fix all of his idol villagers that would be the moment that orange could possibly push back out like that's what it comes down to su you can't let those idols get to this point [Music] his big issue is an issue that players have when they first start for the day I think because this happens to me anyway they don't queue up farms in their mill and you can hear all the farms expiring it's not that he doesn't have the wood it's just that he hasn't shift clicked a bunch of new farms that's the issue which is kind of a funny issue for a pro player Green's gonna get the gold he's running into the gold from from Orange it again and aren't just pushing out aren't is pushing out population stabilizing a bit for orange one twenty population verse one forty of green and green does have the idol villager so he really only has like ninety some villagers working and he's gonna lose some here are we gonna have one of the best games of the tournament the first day for the first game and the final day keep thinking orange is gonna die he doesn't die keep thinking green he's gonna die he doesn't die and now orange has a population lead aren't runs out to the gold and he will not be able to take that away from green in fact if I'm green I build a stone wall here just to make sure hustlers don't slide in wow this is crazy this is crazy one relic for both there's a relic in this corner Green's gonna get that now there's a relic up here all my goodness look at this monk nice try buddy but green could possibly get that as well and he's as Tech's orange just dropped off the relic that was next to his castle a moment ago where's that monastery at right here which is not the safest but that's something that's some type of gold income I think aren't just biggest worry is wood actually is wood here but anywhere else he goes for wood he can be raided he used to have wood back here but he's chopped through that and these farms these farms are being consistently idled by the Eagle warriors greens also doing a fantastic job to protect the flanks with his pikes however our oh boy oh boy look at that wood line orange just found look at all the darts in the ground and look at these bills they're gonna go down without even dropping off the gold they both have 30 idle villagers they both have 30 item idle villagers it's not because they're bad players but because they're both extremely good players and the pressures coming in from all sides Green is on the right he's on the left of oranges base aren't is here orange is here in green space this is amazing this is amazing and I don't know who's gonna win normally when you see a player past an hour go down to 120 population that person loses except in this game that's both there they both have had awful populations at one point orange was behind by 50 or 60 pop I believe right this is craziness 116 to 115 pop are you kidding me guys are you kidding me this is the best of five and whoever wins will have to well luckily they'll be able to take a break but sit around for the finals later on you can see new villagers are being created but they're going to wood that no longer is there yep you could see I mean all this stuff happens in late-game aren't just probably having the same problems yep see you kind of lose track of where your bills are going see this TC look he's moving so fast he didn't click the tree this is an annoying problem but he didn't click the tree he was just a millimeter off there so these voters are all idle it's because they're moving so fast it's because they're moving so fast and so much is happening and green comes to GG are just able to do it orange is able to do it he gets to this corner he gets to this side as well Wow orange wins the game he lost out on the Boer I thought he was dead I thought he was dead he lost his main gold what a game for Game one Wow alright so it's a shame I really want to do a poll mal I want people to vote now but we're gonna hold off if you missed day one and day two after the second game of every series I let everyone in the twitch chat do a poll on who they think the players are and we will find out who all the players are later on today after the finals we will reveal it by having the the winners come into teamspeak for an interview and then we will reveal the whole bracket while they're in there with me Dave might be joining Dave said seems good so Dave might be joining for the co cast let's back out here actually let's not forget the achievements and there's the KD so Dave and I predicted that Viper lost yesterday to MBL eye that's the one thing that we said that we might catch hell for and I'm still fairly certain of that after watching that that series again last night but I could have been way off because these guys were exceptional there's the KD let's look at the Eco difference here 21,000 gold for hidden cup nine but he couldn't deal with those eran by that's what it came down to dealing with the air and by I don't think he could have done too much differently and I'll honesty I don't think he could have done too much differently because if you try and transition to arrange didn't your opponent can always go like calves or hustler right you can't just go sperms and going ARBs even can be tough against Burmese I think possibly should have done more damage with his Eagles and early imp possibly could have added TCS earlier or not haven't had as many idols who knows who knows but guys two of those of these twelve players are playing in front of us right now you can see the 12 players on the right side of your screen I don't know who it is I'm going to update the score though and I'm going to get Dave in here for the KO cast so that means hidden cup four is still undefeated right he is still undefeated I was saying earlier that both of them spoke English and Chinese in the game room which I believe were just mind games I believe it was just mind games take a look at the map pool these are some maps that we'll have showing up later on the loser of that game will now get to choose his home map from this pool so we have crossed Baltic Arabia El Dorado betta wins Gold Rush land of lakes golden island chaos bid Scandinavia lots of maps the players cannot retake a civilization they've already used so that means that Burmese cannot be chosen by our winner and Aztecs cannot be chosen by our loser here's a look at the prize pool split it's actually a bit higher than this now but that gives you an idea of what the champion will win today of course everyone in the semi-finals will be one of the third or fourth players at the very least so there is some cash involved for the players and we'll show you the brackets just to show you their previous results hidden Cup 9 in the the qualifier 1 3 2 1 he won 3 to 2 yesterday and currently he's behind that's not updated but currently he's behind and then hidden cup for he was one of the four players who has randomly given a pass to the quarters he won three nil yesterday and now he's up one nil okay let me call Dave before he gets too antsy I didn't think it'd be up this early but Dave's probably typed as I am holy cow hold on a second grant thank you man holy cow ten gifted subs thank you very much man thank you very much there's so much going on Dave plays a high Watsa senior fuáá ll be next sneaky beaver Pete sleepy Sammy thank you guys all for the subs thank you very very much everybody thank you for the support welcome to the stream welcome to the party welcome to the show if there is an issue with Dave's audio like if he's too loud or too quiet let me know he was fine yesterday this is probably the first time that I had Dave wake up before noon to cast with me what are you talking about I've been know there's been tournaments before I remember I woke up at like 7:00 in the morning one day not with me yes I'm kidding yeah you did dude I'm so glad to have you here though did you see that game that was so sick yeah it was sick man yeah bro okay so guys I got to put this out there ahead of time okay so Dave and I we were really into that one set yesterday and we were thinking this is Viper this is MBL and I had some guesses throughout the previous sets as well and I rewatched the games yesterday I went offline after eight hours of streaming and I rewatched a lot of the sets in our cast and I gotta say Dave we could have been way wrong and a lot of them we're probably wrong at every single because I'm thinking yeah I'm thinking there's no true way we can know like we can we can guess so this scout pause near the villager was so MBL esque in the floor yeah this is true but yeah but there's about there's been about 20 lames in this tour event and they can't all be MVL of course so we'll find out I don't know it's been super fun though I mean regardless if you get it right or wrong it's been super fun I think that arguably the player reveal will be more exciting than the games you I know can we just skip to that it now again sorry all right guys let's go ladies and gentlemen welcome to game number two in the hidden Cup semi-finals this is the first semi-final it's a best-of-five and we have the same colors luckily never orange player who's hidden cup number four who won with four means last time he has chosen the Italians here and then the loser of last team got to choose the map he chose Baltic and he went with Japanese huh um I have to say didn't expect anything but Italians Dave Japanese mint Japanese is a solid pick dude any on a water map you're saving the wood on the mills in the lumber camps your fishing ships are like unstoppably good they're Japanese the solid pick a can but yeah there's a Malay that like we saw yesterday what's interesting about this is that this player played in two previous sets so he played in the qualifier which is best of five he played in the quarter which is best of five and when Bostick came up he always chose Italians as did most I agree that Japanese can be good but Italians is normally the pick so hmm all right man all right I guess we'll find out this time looks like the players have all their stones there was a game yesterday where someone didn't have stone didn't matter for him it's a weird Baltic setup to like yeah players actually have room you're right they have room and also they're kind of closer to each other right a week this could be a map where you could go land if players don't wall up you could go land here I'd love to see I mean it'd suck for them but it would be funny if orange were to wall from that cliff to the lake and then leave that one tile gap open that would be him just like a little pathway yeah yeah can you up that might be glitch though like at the end there maybe you can't walk on that sometimes yeah and sometimes you can't I'm fairly certain you can but we'll find out oh I see what you mean that little rock area it might be a tile okay fair enough fair enough it's not like we have a tool that makes walls that we can check this well unfortunately we can't if players have not scouted it so if it's scouted then he'll probably wall it so it kind of defeats the purpose because if you if you try and do the wall trick where they haven't scouted it says that it's not possible well if land does come in that gold would be in an awful position because they'll probably go to his main gold if archers were to go there oh boy that would suck but I like the dock placements orange pick like the orange literally picked the worst place on this entire pond to put his dock I think yeah you're right the way they're scattered on the a map and then look at where his dock is yeah it's like a black hole yeah man well normally this is the best place that that's why it's so unlucky for him you want to find an area that juts out look at all the other areas that jut out there's fish surrounding it but I think we'll be fine it's just that he won't have an area to move his fishing ships to to deep fish that would be safe because sometimes you'll have to reposition them hmm all right green benefits from that at least he also benefits from the fishing ship armor and dude you know what we haven't seen a lot of Japanese fishing ships ever since the balance change was made because yeah I know that's what that's what I'm thinking about yes the fire ships do less damage to the fishing ships now are in it yeah it takes a while to kill regular fishing ship I'm wondering just how long it'll take to kill Japanese fishing ships huh well Green shows up he just misses out on seeing oranges dock he's probably looking for it and he also probably assumes the oranges to his left think orange spotted green scalp players will be very careful look at look at their builds just watch their uptime okay nevermind they both got loom at the same time and I was laughing okay there they're closed they're closed six are closed not bad these are two good players man my my guess on day one was that green here was Leary I guess on day two was that a kid beat any of the 12 players and I have no clue I have no clue I I thought last game it might be vivvy actually because of the one tower I don't know if you saw it but it was kind of a fat dragon tower but we don't won't truly know and there's a second doc coming up for orange and a second doc will come up for green soon as well we'll find out man if you do the math on those Italian fishing ships and then you do the math on the Japanese the wood they save on they're like gathering Yang's yeah equals out at this point can you give me the exact math or is that too complicated too easy do we need to get another Canadian in here it's all in my head no math on street map but they've saved roughly the same amount of wood logic good logic Japanese underrated well dave is obviously spirit of the law when he's not on my stream there's two fire galleys from both coming out I imagine they probably won't deviate from that just yet we have seen a difference in styles with the strategies some players will go for three docks some players will go for two and when you go for two you tend to lose out on water and you know what's weird orange had a fishing ship queued up and his one dock maybe that was a misclick and you just can't know he was he was a bit late with it I think usually you want to go with four fish going up to feudal age yeah and he just forgot about it so he's gonna be behind yeah well they're so close to one another man they're so close to one another he can't fight next to green stalk because green can just repair his his fire ships with that villager yeah here we go that's what he's doing good space orange is house badly look at this he's building a ton of houses now so he will run behind in population at least in Vil's or on water and so far Japanese so good yeah I mean he's got four fishing ships two oranges three his fishing ships click faster he's got same amount of fire ships now look they're not made of that ship they're made of iron man they're made of oil he doesn't even care he does not even care comes the demo just needs to hit two ships here yeah orange does the right thing he scatters and runs away I love how green didn't even care it didn't even move but we got a demo coming in from Orange does he go for the fish oh boo that was a good demo from Orange Wow all right man but even though you know one of the things even if you lose water in the wallet kingdoms like expansions they can always sneak a fire to come kill your fish yeah with Japanese that's way harder yeah definitely I do like oranges position on water though he consistently has more numbers but you never know when a demo is gonna pop out though here comes another one from Orange I don't think you should use that there yeah whatever he'll use it it is two docks for orange by the way it is two docks and no one has walled that choke they didn't want to waste villager time so we could seal and if someone loses water they could just abandon it and go on lands green leaves on that little cliff cliff path by the way so else the thing it is a thing all right it's a thing but he lost his Scout which kind of sucks for him yeah that's why I'm thinking arts could go on land while that demo from green is so good he'll kill both these fire ships now from his opponent and he could kill the fish and then we could see orange triangle lands he's already on less docks than his opponent he doesn't have the safe or the the iron fishing ships keep an eye on that Dave all that demo oh that's so good that's so good pink aren't just in trouble on water will he go land in anyway if he shows up to this wood line he also hits the gold which would be beautiful and he sees that now at the scalp so green is ahead for fish now once this final fishing ship goes down for orange for Japanese fish that's yeah it's quite a big difference dude I just wonder if that's also a tell on who this player might be because hidden Cup 9 has chosen Japanese very few players would deviate so possibly player who prepares more often a player is very good on water like tat so maybe I don't I think it's I still think it's slam I thought oh yeah you thought it was slam yesterday I agree okay but guys you have to remember Dave is Canadian so he's biased oh I know I know there's a greens making of barracks and he's made an outpost so he's already like predicting yeah orange is gonna do here okay well for fishing ships are still alive for green he said pressure oranges docks a bit more I'd say okay he's he's killed his fish he just doesn't want to get hit by a gigantic demo I think he's trying to sort out his land army right now yeah and I think hidden cup for might be thinking about just going up and maybe making some Knights once he's up there yeah so there's a stable interesting decision to go for stable I feel like players will be walled right so you might not want to commit towards melee unit but then again Green is not waltz the Greens using a lot of villagers to build these buildings he's really throwing them up there yeah but look at his res yeah a cup said earlier we'll see man we'll see this is awesome this is awesome stuff orange needs to get back into this best way back into this is with a few night pick offs well and he's redocking at the top as well further down the line okay that's that's something Green should be doing he should be having a ship wandering around the shoreline to check for more docks yeah he had a ship in the North he was trying to get the fish he got all of them so to his credit he did that but Green is behind a minute in ten seconds oh that demo oh man demo from Orange on those four fire ships from green and greens gonna send a transport and oranges fire ship is right next to it that's so unfortunate for green the transports also kind of picky all God the demo oh god the demo oh please are you kidding me it's a one HP transfer now will he dare to transport will he dare to go for it if he goes for with a wattage feature poor man these archers are gonna be like up to their waist and water as they go across here completely redundant transport since it's already open at the bottom but yeah she ate the effort he's gonna go across with the 1hp transport that's great that's great and he made another one too goodness he's he's really doubling down on the and that never Sam calls him orange is doing that thing where he's raiding with the fire ships to try and kill the fish but look at how slow yeah killed one final got one it's not even worth it at this point right it's not I agree so orange will have solved the transport though so he might expect this is coming might not expect it's coming from this side and yeah the archers looping around the back is really nice he's going straight to that gold and he should wait until he gets crossbow yep to attack you know even if he doesn't Dave this is not where Orange expects him to be art does not expected green to have scouted this and vodka arrows on the way gonna get in between him and the TC and yeah here come the villagers back once in there yeah man hey just the idle time is huge now here comes a knight from Orange he'll go right to that gold green should a walled up in my opinion he's had the time and that Knights gonna get a few Vic's of both players under pressure on land yeah and he's losing water as well Wow and it's the italians being able to research everything cheaper or the doc techs 50% cheaper we have ourselves a game here guys and i think orange is kind of in the lead here he has more villagers the knight is still going to kill another ville here green has done an exceptional job with this crossbows I have to say look at this not many villas are gonna run but now look at green space look at green space he it seems like a simple thing to just wall that off and he didn't go for it even lost villagers on his milk because aren't just winning water this is a crazy game both players are just wide open both players have awful EKOS this is just like Game one actually at it's why I love Baltic yeah it's cool and even after all that water pressure those fishing ships are still alive from green yep for so long but they're on their own Shore fish right and he has five idols and in Game one he did struggle in comparison to orange to sort his situation out and when he'd get pressured he'd have a lot more idols and take him a lot longer to balance his eco so orange is probably feeling pretty confident right now after doing the damage with the Knights and he's sending in two more yeah he's got to get some upgrades for those though yeah you're right but green is defensive with this crossbows at the moment why isn't he wall this that this is almost tilting me at the moment just wall to the edge of the map there's a there's a hole between his blacksmith ins barracks of why so weird now he's trying to host wall good quick walls from him yeah prevent those from going and drive them right into the Spears and since they have no upgrades taking a lot of damage yeah did take a lot of damage what you see what orange did there he ran that week night away and the other night is left to do damage now he kills another Ville and that's a nine Ville leak now for orange and green has a pretty bad map for Nucci sees just realizing this now he's going to that corner this elevation on the left has not been good for him think arch is coming back Dave I really think he is yeah he's had some good water fights as well are you lately does it made some more fish at the top no I think I got a shot man no I mean I mean are you slightly disappointed right now because you think this is slam and you don't want slam to lose I'm just curious it's okay I'm just curious I'm super hyped about the fact he wolde of wolfe out on the right side the wolf was literally attacking his villager yeah yeah well tricked it out yeah yeah it's cute all right well that Knight will patrol there I guess on just 9 HP and finally an upgrade comes in on the nights it'll be bloodlines his aren't you have more than one tea see no he doesn't Dave so okay he's adding a second now we've really imbalanced eco lots of gold floating not much food but he has water again and he's adding fish again to orange so and getting gillnets huh I like it gill nets is an expensive tack though he's gonna have to add quite a few fish to make it worth it and greens loading up the transport ship again yeah here we go where is he heading and his orange gonna send these Knights at the wrong moment the Knights only have bloodlines so if green can micro like he did before he did kill a ton of ills well he's got he's got his armor upgrade for the Knights now and they're going forward no they're coming back he sees it oh wow look at this the crossbows on the stone there's a bunch of weak bills here as well the Knights are doubling back but the damage has been done here green get back in the transport man get back in the transport that's what I would do or just run the other way which is perfect because then orange can't go forward and green is going for defensive monasteries this is really weird play from green man no walls now two monasteries but he's he's doing well didn't he do two monasteries last game as well yeah but he was at sectors yeah makes what's weird to me is that he hasn't walled it up because most players would just wall a bit or even sent villagers forward and wall that choke where you have the crossbow now but doesn't seem interested instead he wants to micro down these Knights and I like the scorpion from orange that means that these Knights are going to finish off the crossbows for sure so we're just one range double monastere yeah like I guess they're really distracted at least he's got it looped a fire ship around to kill all the fish from orange oh wow nice some more he's got some more heading in that direction as well nice I like it I like it a lot he sees that orange is adding more fish as well he might not have known that for sure of course we can see because we have a bird's-eye view orange doe with a nice demo shot there aren't just taking better shots with demos I think a buck green comes in and that's a big demo for him and now green can turn around and fight this I believe Oh green can win this yeah sure yeah Eddie's hesitant here come the Knights from orange raid his greens trying to pick up that relic denied by scorpions and I think he's gonna get one convert here No Wow no conversions this is looking good for our and charging our just needs to run away and of course that monk converts within a millisecond so Green gets one he can pick off all these scorpions now watch with what a nice job nice job that's what conversions can do for you it down goes well he'll get one scorpion and the other Knights still aren't just not in the numbers they need to be so they'll probably leave here once they hear the the new monks but he could pick off the monks and orange is coming forward with the castle right on those monasteries he's got to be careful cuz if he gets converted this could be denied he did get converted everything he's sending forward he's got to be so careful man if orange gets another conversion I think or if green gets another conversion I think he can deny this castle but he doesn't have the monks so there's the castle Green deserves this honestly for not walling up Green deserves this that's a solid castle for March GG coming in from him yeah did he see here he had Vil's here and it was already wide open I'm why are you making transport ships if you're not walling yeah yeah wall it up he could have done that he didn't even need to wall the choke here he could have walled next to his base earlier to prevent the early night attack he is really weird this you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of a back when Viper were before Viper quit the game like three years ago for eating quit the game but he was away for eight or nine months he was getting bored and he just decided to never wal ever and he intentionally left gaps in between his buildings that's what this reminds me of that is not what you would expect from anyone in a tournament with so much money on the line so I don't know I don't know but still hidden Cup four is undefeated and he could go for back-to-back sweeps he did that in the quarter he's on his way in the semi-final Italians are obviously better than Japanese right Dave how the Italian stallion there we go there are just so many reasons why Titans are good there though you can up to the next age cheaper he really utilized that window as well with the Knights the doc techs are cheaper I did like the fact that the Japanese fishing ship stayed alive a bit longer but I don't know if that's enough for me to pick them there he definitely had an advantage after that first those first fights and then he just went he didn't wall and he wasted wood on the transport ships and like I don't know it's just weird weird all right guys so this was the result from yesterday a lot of people thought that hidden cup four was doubt or Viper so I'm gonna show a new poll mal and you can type a number in the chat for who you think this individual is type away numbers one through twelve and the twitch chat will vote please everybody get involved this guy has not lost a game yet and we're seeing a lot of ones Dave a lot of people are guessing VIPRE here see I wasn't I wasn't impressed with him cup for yesterday at all yeah and I have nine like he's not a level that I think Piper yeah yeah but hey everyone has their opinion like it was a nice score but that was the worst set of the day yesterday yep I agree in terms of like quality of play yep blue won three games but it was a bit sloppy but hey look at that we have almost 3000 people here now we haven't gotten near that many votes but that's because my viewbots can't vote come on lurkers oh yeah it's viewbots obviously yeah I mean this would this would never happen without you bots can't get good BOTS nowadays I think we should also vote for the other individual who is number nine again Leary was the one who won the vote in the previous days so guys stop typing numbers for a second please I know there's a delay of don't help them to do that oh yeah it's true too late won't well we have a new poll and go ahead and vote on who you think this person is people are just typing some personnel predictable who do you think it's hitting kept number nine so my hope is that we can go back we can look at all the polls see what the results were and then we can compare that to the individuals actually are so I understand that you there's a lot of trolls in the chat I think trolling is great but for the sake of the tournament and for the sake of all the data that we can collect and look back on I'd prefer that you guys actually vote on who you think it is that way once we get all the results later on at the end of the day we can compare to what the community thought but we have doubt winning this one and I think VIPRE was winning the last one right so people think it might be VIPRE verse doubt we have Leary pretty high up there as well in third place at 16 thank you for your votes guys we have game three coming up this is the best of five five okay best of five so that means whoever nine is has to win every single game you and then the finals today will be a best-of-seven so I hope it can do it I hope we have more games because the next time you final is not for an hour and a half and I don't know if I can kill an hour of time actually who are we kidding this is the streamer who does force nothing we could figure it out alright let's go ladies and gentlemen welcome to game number three this is the home map of the loser of Game one who is now in the red so we have hidden cup number nine ditching the green color and going with the red color so we've red and orange you these colors suck but whatever whatever we have Slavs vs. Mayans this player here in the orange is undefeated and we have gold rush I am pumped for this Dave we saw a similar matter yesterday yesterday what is going on with this lad pick man slabs are good pick cuz the faster farming man we saw the sneaky scurbs yesterday I swear that was MBL buddy Scott who this slap player has a sick map this map is amazing good like look at how close he is to the gold at the front yeah the only problem is the stones but the wood lines like they're helping them they're like wall and office space yeah we'll have his Gold's in the back a stone in the back as well well obviously I mean everyone thought that orange was Viper cuz of the winds but obviously red is Viper because of the map right that works oh we got a lane well I know it and then orange must be MBL we figured out there's lane yeah yeah yeah you guys are wrong if he loses the board oh he's doubt so you know split-personality [Laughter] actually this is just a bunch of barbarian ai's how pissed with the community okay that would be the best troll ever if I just had a bunch of games between barbarian a eyes and I told you guys afterwards literally every fanboy regardless of who they were fan blowing over would be disappointed that would be wonderful I will never do that I would obviously not be this excited ever see like a David Cup don't even bother oh man and the barbarian AI calls G & G G and everything and even says like well-walled so it would be pretty funny anywho Mayans what do you think of the Mayan civilization we talked about slabs with her faster farming their strong Knights but what about Mayans Mayans are arguably like they're one of the best gold rush tits I think yep it's just such a smooth transition once you get that castle down and it helps you secure the middle yeah and it's a unit so it's just beautiful I agree Mayans are arguably the sieve of the tournament because very good Arabia which we've seen a lot in Game one and very good on all maps and already stealing the boar here orange puts red under pressure to maybe push some deer where's this deer yeah that's not possible so I think that stealing the boar from Slavs is quite nice however it does force them on the farms earlier so they'll catch up a little bit stuff though man normally you have to push deer if you lose a boar see if he can do this maybe to his yeah he can push him to his mill and if he gets him to his mill he can get him to his TC all he needs really is one deer just one deer and he's fine I guess he doesn't agree yeah it doesn't agree go to the other base all right just go eat the Jaguars man just go into Jaguars I'll be fine so does he go for the two hidden ranges no more mature approach that the dude did yesterday I see watching yesterday right yeah I swear that both players were watching yesterday because they've changed their SIVs a little bit we saw Japanese for example oh is red gonna lose two turkeys as well Wow don't do that TC of snipe those that's huge actually yeah that's massive and he was going for the drush yeah I think he was going for the drush and he just lost two more turkeys in addition to that boar and he's forced to run all the way back he now will have no food underneath his TC in a bit well played from orange man with the weak eagle to snipe those and that sloppy from red Wow is yeah and he should just take him right to the corner don't try and take them back to your base look at what Reds going look over Reds gone but to see all I turned around he was heading right for him dude what turned into a very good base for red to start with has become a really bad base now because he can't get the deer and I mean one bonus thing for him is at least he Slavs so like he can make up the food difference faster than other SIVs yeah other sips can Dave he's going to the north bro pigs he's going to the north not only can he hit Jags but he's just going the wrong way oh he doesn't know he doesn't know where oranges damn he's gonna know soon he's gonna see this wood line and be like nah yeah the other way but then he's gonna run through 45 Jaguar East raftsmen he's gonna surround it here aren't runs right through the middle he knows where his opponent is after the lane and if he gets in here before the wall is up red is gonna be so frustrated that is totally possible you know well he's gonna block it off at the berries there the militia can't get in over there and a trial wall here yes with that house nice nice very nice and I don't think orange wants to go through that area well it's gonna do it oh and that's a great house wall too yeah it might be slim it might be slim maybe it is man maybe it is a red and does nowhere aren't as TC is but he's sending his militia back which is probably a wise decision aren't just gonna be walled by the time he gets there so sending the militia back makes sense now and got to toss up those farms here if you're red get as many farms out as possible catch up here and that poor militia from Orange is trapped inside he's a scout man that is a slam for me that militia was kind of worth it because he forced four villagers to garrison and the TC and a fifth to build a house in an area where he wouldn't normally want to build a house maybe better than the other two which has died way to go buddy orange now walling up his own base and he's got everything securities like he's only one two villagers behind he's almost in futile age it's definitely got the advantage here actually that other two militia did not die but they could they could read has militia it's about to run into Jags we could see a Jaguar lure and oranges collecting some jacks as well take them to your opponent's base yeah yeah where do you go with those though you just go near the berries and then yeah just go near the walls and then eventually they'll run in after opponent's tails rats coming in with some Jaguars right as orange comes out with some fills let's go orange once the villages range is there this is funny he gates off the jacks he gates off the Jags unbelievable on their way off they might kill an archer so you're just waiting there all right chat so a lot of people are saying team colors I prefer to stick with the colors that the players choose but they made it difficult for us so I can change orange to blue here how's that sound that way red has been consistent all right I'm on the same page that work yeah I think that makes sense maybe a bit too late to make that decision but we'll roll with it and then we'll go back to whatever colors they go with next game hopefully it's different if there is a next game because things are looking good for blue he's on his way to Castle age already rush fast castle and red is you know balance this out but he's behind blue does not see that stone in the back of his face he sees the one forward but he doesn't see the one in the back ah that could be that could be something there well he's gonna go with crossbows first and he's gonna have a pretty big lead over red he's killing the jack horse right now which is pretty comical but one thing is that blue has more hills next to the gold that he has access to in the center he can place T C here but beyond that it's gonna be difficult to lock down red is closer red needs he needs food man if he just had those two sheep well there's two turkeys he would have been up already he's idling as T C as he should waiting for that food because he's so far behind four is a comedy Viper consistent perfect fast castle builds that's that's what somebody said in the chat every player in this tournament like the other 11 players in the world are obviously so bad they don't know Jeff see it's it's sure though Blue has been very consistent blue has been very consistent but if you watched yesterday his builds were not we're not perfect it's great I love I love to see Chad's response on it anything that's really impressive has to be Viper because it can't be anyone else in their eyes can't be well no man well the crossbows were here and Barry filters can run lumberjacks can run red he's fighting for his tournament life here he won on qualifiers he won in the quarters yesterday he's now in the semis and hidden Cup for has been a beast he's been an absolute beast Dave is probably praying that hidden cup for his slam now praying that he got it I don't think it is I don't I don't think it is yes I just it's weird to me because he didn't impress me at all yesterday yeah yeah like pretty strong today but like the last game wasn't that impressive either I I agree I think that blues been getting results but maybe he hasn't found the right opponent for him yet yeah maybe but then again li9 has won two sets he won in the qualifiers he won the quarters so it's hard to say Dave and I obviously have very high standards so they're the Knights and I think red will be able to stay in this game it's just that blue will get a bit stronger now as it'll mix in some monks and he's on to TCS so we'll be a stronger eco for blue yo the militia type Reds militia they're here okay yeah this is great loose loose got to be careful because all of a sudden his if he doesn't get his army in the right position it's gonna get cleared up and then Reds closer to the gold in the middle could swing yeah dude slabs could add sees versus slaps are very good save first Mayans mines are gonna go with crossbows and pikes on lakeya most likely so could just have a seat workshop go for some scorpions go over some Mackin ELLs could really work for red third TC now for blue is it possible that he did not make enough because he's small groups of crossbows all around the map which was really peculiar I don't know exactly what he's looking for he knows where red is and he'll lose these crossbows now this is really weird you see where he put that TC it's on it's on the stone there because he doesn't see the stone at the back yeah I could play that really wants to get on that stone but that might be might be an issue for him yeah so as I as a counter-argument oh my god like this is for sure Viper right this is for sure Viper losing all his crossbows hasn't scouted the back of his base seems like Viper to me oh my god what is happening man red is back in this game for sure yeah it just didn't seem to know what to do with the crossbows you know what it is I think Reds Viper because look at that KD 11 - - has to be him well I think we got it wrong joke we'll never get all the point is guys we don't know we don't know so now red is in the ideal position he's protecting that gold in the center Tom and Jerry are showing up Tom and Jerry areas yeah it's going Forks Wow okay so Eagles Eagles to snipe the manga Nell's and stuff yeah didn't we see this yesterday in one of the games a few eagles mixed in with the crossbows I think we did do you remember who that was I forget I forget but it's it's an interesting approach however I think if you get a few conversions with the monks you're good convert the Knights use those Knights to kill Megan else so red has to be on the ball here but be careful that he doesn't lose any Oh as he added that scalp he might have added that scalp to go for the monks which is a wise decision it's a lot of army from red yeah and the hill oh nice shot there actually that it's not too bad for blue only one crossbow really got hit it's a nice nice dodge I guess even though he took a shot to the face just Age of Empires things red has three less villagers but he has slab farmers he has two less military but he has siege and Knights which is better than crossbows and eagles these check wires getting killed off my blues tower he's very paranoid about this red don't get too out of position here bud he sees it with the manga Nell now but the Eagles are coming in he did wound those monks so the Scout is on the hunt for those monks the Scout is on the hunt it will he get one here these two monks healed up one will go down and red holds on red holds on to the hill well played dude that Mac a no shot could have killed all three monks they all got head read snout teeth seeing the middle and it didn't take him long to get there so close there and that's the ITC spot if he manages to hold this area and secures that middle be rough for blue because blue will be forced to put a castle somewhere aggressive yeah Oh two Jaguars attacking the chick no she that she's fine next line man the blue sending his Eagles out to engage the Macan elves will we see an attack round here wow those Eagles just got flattened they didn't even stand a chance blues looking to get to the center as you said Dave to build a castle but he doesn't have the military numbers to secure it goodness gracious now he has a defensive tower and his TC that's how scared he is of this getting bodkin arrow just now might even go guard tower at this rate goodness this is trouble for blue man yes is trouble big big trouble and this is live so they must have paused at some point yeah let's just it's just helping the helping build up the suspense I guess dude I just layer pauses a lot well we don't have backed in this tournament if backed was a missed ornament it would be pretty obvious but with all the pauses I wonder if he's gonna get guard tower ballistics because he just built this university as he's building the tower he's two of them I think he might go guard tower yeah maybe I mean if he wants to secure the middle eventually as well it might help him out yeah and no one is fast proxy guys so obviously we don't have niihka up here we go and those watch towers putting those down another good shot on the eagles as well putting those down means he's really low on stone so he can't go out and castle anytime soon yeah I don't think it's worth it oh man look how many eagles he lost there just to kill one mag Adel and as TC still might die it's not even gonna get one here oh man this went from so good to so bad for blue Fred don't hurt your own Knights it doesn't matter he's in he's in on the eco Oh God the monks are even gonna die here I think where are you going blue I'm sorry for the lag guys this is just us catching up from the pause it's over I think it is over I think that that's why I paused plus two coming in front him now he's on the TC in the North just slaughtering villagers it was red who paused ok stood SEC okay sorry go I don't know who says that so we don't know yet but yeah this this seems over to me Dave I think red needs to be careful this maghen elzo he's lost a few for free he should not have done that that guard tower has paid off for blue but everything else has just been bad for him red has that gold in the center blue still lacking the stone to build a castle and he is a horrible economy at home a horrible economy at home so red losing those Magon else has stalled out his push now but like such a swing there in the last two minutes I think he still is in a fine position because he has 15 extra villagers he has the gold in the center there's no way blue can get access to that gold and blue is on a clock he's on a clock here because there's very little gold left in his base there's yeah you're gonna it's gonna be forced to drop a castle here forward yeah right in front of that TC and that you know it's a decent spot but it's not ideal for where he wants a castle any other map that's fantastic castle I'd say but on Gold Rush it has to be in the center yep dude and he doesn't have the food to fast it like once it goes down yeah her to go up to imp he can make a few plumes to attack the massive Knights and see each from his opponent that's not gonna do it and all this Mac and L know it's it's gonna die Castle go up yeah needs to see it and pull it away yeah he doesn't want anything to do with that just thinking back here to early castle aged man did blue squander his lead he at he just ran around with his cross he had a group of three a group of four group of two I don't know why he was trying to scout like that it was almost like he was trying to kill all the Jags to boost up his score or something was so peculiar you know red is making Rams and Red's trying to run in it into the Eco if he splits up his Knights here it could be pretty devastating but those Rams are gonna have the hill bonus against the castle if he positions him right yeah question is does he even need to kill that right yeah he's so far ahead he doesn't even need those Rams look at this more villagers going down for blue half a blue economy is idle red just needs to keep this up he doesn't need the Rams in my opinion and the cross holes from in the middle dying that was his only army out so weird so so weird from a guy who's been undefeated in this tournament everybody has bad games he hasn't had a bad day yet yeah red needs this man he needs this so we can go to game for so many battering rams queued up - he's got two more in the thing he's I think if he pushes that in Castle aged red only has the converted Knights to deal with them yeah you mean four or blue only has the converted night's getting pikemen now okay he's getting pikemen now yeah but still it's like red can afford to do this right he can afford to lose the Knights and the battering rams and the Macan Ellis blue cannot afford to lose anything but Dave he will try and build a second castle soon so he wants to build a second castle near this one he yeah he's just gonna have the stone for that in a bit - siege workshops for red as well both makin battering ram so this is gonna be a push yeah if blue can defend this it's game on but if he loses this castle it's really rough for him yeah he doesn't have a big ball plumes blue he will have the Pyke's I think if red gets plus two plus two whoa look at the dancing Knights Dave yeah he's getting ready they're getting hyped that's the pregame anyway Fred gets all upgrades on his side so he gets more numbers in here his castle should die and let's see here we go Dave he's going he went to the side with the hill - he's getting that no bonus up Lance yeah and these these Slav Rams are so cheap as well you can afford to send more in he has more back at the workshops blue spikes it's a contest of wills right now do the villagers repair faster than the Rams ink and the pikemen clear up the Knights - money Knights Dave I think there's too many nights reinforcements are pretty slow from red I have to say there's so many villagers though but there's so many ramps there's more Rams looping around to it the Rams are big clunky how much stone is this yeah this is the stone that he wanted for that second castle right so he's probably gonna save this castle gonna stay up yeah so blue blues back in this game again that was uh he's a kind of swing you don't want to see if you read if you lose try to get another castle down somewhere yeah if there is building stuff in that seat workshop what is that just Rams but still oh my god yo he could get this up he could get the side he has the Pyke's and the plumes red he didn't need to make that push and he has no maghen else Wow blues gonna get this castle up are you kidding me are you kidding in the RAM such a weird investment yeah I didn't need to do it man didn't need to do it or at least have a few Mackinaw waiting defensively did not need to do it he says game good local finals [Music] no that's a throw man I don't know who blue is or who read is but that's a throw certainly have to say blue has been undefeated though he always finds away men he always finds away he did it yesterday three-nil he did it today three nil this is not the most convincing game from him but it's all about the results Wow did not expect read lose that Dave all he had to do in my opinion was have defensive manga Nell's on the syllabus hold the hill just hold the hill go - stone at home build a castle game pretty much it it's such a big lead it was so peculiar how he went for the Rams like that we'll find out who he was later on obviously he played well to get to this point though he had to play on Friday and Saturday so Thank You mr. hidden Cup 9 whoever you are for playing in this event and we're gonna move on to the other semi-final 9 is not slam he plays nothing like him alright so many so many opinions in the chat all right guys there's the KD look at the eco difference man that is that's hard to lose bread was in a position where he could only throw really more food more wood more gold could have easily gone to stone earlier I think back at home I'm a bit speechless after that I'm a bit speechless I didn't expect that yeah okay so I'm gonna catch you guys up to speed with what the plan is for the day the semies and the finals today are all live and the players for the next semi-final we're told that they would need to be available in one hour which makes things super interesting for us because I'm not sure if they can get here early if they can't get here early then I'll have to find something to do something to do maybe we'll play a game with with hidden scores or something crazy amount of viewers here thank you everyone for being here hidden Cup for just takes the victory in the semi Robo said they won't be here early okay they won't be here early let me catch you up to speed at least with the brackets here the brackets shows the results we'll find out who all these players were later on so three nil yesterday for hidden cup for three nil today and he'll move on to the finals and the finals would be in about four hours and then we have number two and number three up next if you look at number two's results he's the guy who we thought was MBL yesterday Dave
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 56,815
Rating: 4.816165 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: EGZeih4lYW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 8sec (5768 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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