Making youtube subscribe button with bell in DaVinci Resolve 15

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today we'll be making this alright so the first thing that you're gonna want to get is the YouTube bell if that is something that you want to have a part of your animation so I just go to Google and then just type in Bell YouTube Bell go to images we're gonna go to tools color transparent and what this is it's gonna find all of the shots that have a transparent background so when we bring the bell on to on top of something we can see the color from behind none of these this bow looks like the that notification bow on this one does too so if we click on this we can see behind we have the checkering that's just indicating that there's a transparency there so that's the primary thing that you're gonna want to look for when you're grabbing one of these all right so I have mine I'm just gonna bring it into my project alright here it is in my project I'm gonna go over to fusion now and in fusion we're just gonna right click new fusion comp and you can set this to whatever you want your frame rate for this to be just note that if you set your frame rate to something different than mine your keyframe timings gonna be a little bit different depending on whatever the timing is that you want so you're gonna have to play with the project a little bit let me show you what I mean so if I click on this by default everything is 5 seconds in length but you can just take this and increase the length so my 30 frames part for me is gonna be 1 second if you choose different frame rate well then obviously you're gonna have to set your keyframes accordingly all right so let's just jump right into here let's just make the button itself so we'll grab a background and we'll grab a rectangle connect the rectangle into the background through the mask that's what the blue arrow is and then we'll just play this in the preview monitor so we'll just drag into a preview minor when we come to the preview monitor or release and I'll play over here I'll just do this so we just have the one monitor and then next we're going to let's change the color just clicking on that background switching the color up clicking on the rectangle now I'm going to round the corners just a little bit and then I'm going to bring the size down just something like this as you can see right now my project is 1920 1080 if you want to if you have a different frame rate well then obviously you're gonna have to change your your project to match that but this is the way I export most of my videos so that's perfectly fine so so yeah that's my play button now I just want to add some text to play button so we'll grab the text tool I'm gonna go from the out to the out of this background because what I want this to overlap on top of this so I'll go from the background here on top of here and I make a merge and this merge will have the green this is the foreground and then the yellow is the background if for some reason when you connect these and you go the other way around that's perfectly fine we'll just click on the merge itself and hit shift T and it'll switch them so now that I have them switched we're still playing the background up here so we're gonna grab this play this up here and click on our text and then type in subscribe okay alright now that I type that in I can come in and change the sizing to have it match the current version of the play but and I think is just flat I don't think that there's a gradient in it I think it's just a flat color cuz most like that's kind of like the style of most stuff now is like that flat look so we don't really have to add that gradient in okay so there's my subscribe button I just need to animate it but I want to add one other thing quick and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add this belen because I'm going to add this belt in the same way that some of this stuff was built so we're just going to grab this these two nodes the background in the rectangle ctrl C to copy ctrl V to paste will paste this down here we'll grab in our Bell I'm just gonna move all this stuff down so we have a little more space and I'm just gonna click here in empty space hit shift the spacebar and we're going to put in bit for bitmap and I'm gonna connect this into here and then I'm gonna grab another background we're gonna connect this into the background now if I play this we have the Bell here and our background color we can change this and I think we had it like a good I think the button is like a gray so what we're doing is we're taking this well I grab the blue one to make this a little easier to understand and then it's gonna go into a bitmap which is just this and then I have it going into the background node to color it okay so then we'll just connect both of these and this is where we're at we're gonna change this particular so we have two of these going here to remember I'm just going to change this one to white and then I'm going to take this background and I'm gonna have it highlighted show spacebar shift spacebar and type in transform hit enter transform node is applied here I'm going to take this pivot and I'm going to change the Y so that it's to the top of this belt in the middle let me show you why so now if I move this angle it's like the bells ringing right if I don't have that it all spin in the middle and we don't want that if we want to have like a swinging Bell animation so I'm just gonna move this up and all I'm doing to zoom is I'm holding ctrl and then zooming in with my mouse wheel so that looks in the middle looks fine so now I can swing this back and forth like a bell other thing I'm gonna do with this transform has changed the sizing and then just move it down to fit in window I'm going to move it over to here so that I've equal spacing all the way around you might want to think like that equal spacing all the way around okay and I'll come back to this whole area and why we're doing that but for now we have our subscribe button and now we need to think about how we want to animate this on and off screen so for now I'm just gonna keep this animation the whole five seconds so the one hundred and forty nine frames and we're going to start here so I'm coming out of this merge I'm going to do a grid war and then the grid warp will enable me to manipulate how this particular everything that was fed into the grid warp how it is spit out after the grid war and the really cool thing is I have the text and the background like the button into a merge and then into the grid warp so anything that comes into the grid warp I'm going to be manipulating so the cool thing is if I move this like that obviously you don't see anything cuz we're not playing that node so if I play that node now we see that we really moved it around let me just show you here so you can really start to manipulate how this look so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come up to frame 30 let's go 33 I'm just picking random frames here and we're gonna right click here click animate and the reason why we're doing that now is because the grid is perfect right because we want to come to this pristine look and the easiest way is to make our keyframes now so if I click on the spline and I have this grid warp and I can see that I have one keyframe there okay so now we'll come back to the beginning and we will just start to I'm gonna change the the size of this I'm just going to start to bring these outside points in the center so we'll bring this up to here bring this down bring this in bring this corner end in that corner and in here there's no perfect way to do this I'm just kind of and this kind of almost makes it a little bit more natural I'm just kind of bringing it in like that so the idea here is as I play this it's going to open up right to our button what we can do additionally is if clicking on the spline clicking on this grid warp and then showing just selected so if you've other keyframes they won't be showing it'll just be the one that's you have selected I'm going to highlight this top keyframe hit F and then hit T or X we don't even need to just hit F we're gonna grab this little handle and if I bring it above what's gonna happen is this is the first starting point and then this is the ending point and what we're actually doing is we're going past the ending point so we're going to here it's actually going to open up even more so it's almost like a balance I know who I am you know so that's what we're gonna be doing here yeah it can be props for those awesome sound effects okay so it goes in as it works its way out it gets big and then it comes back in settles alright looking good so as you can see at the beginning here it's still here it looks gross so after this career to work chef spacebar transform and we will add a keyframe let's see where we're at here 33 will go to 35 come back over to our transform node keyframe the size come to here keyframe and we'll go to zero now if we play this we won't see it and it'll start to come into existence all right the other thing we're gonna do is on this transform and hit this button so we see all of the keyframes gonna highlight this n1f T and we're gonna ease this so the majority of the zooming happened at the beginning so the majority of its up until frame 10 and then it starts to slow down till it settles at 35 so if we play this it's gonna play back the first time a little slow until it caches it and now if we play it that's kind of where we're at and I feel like it's almost too slow so I'm gonna just take this hit F and we're gonna ease this like that okay it's looking a little weird just maybe a little less alright that's looking okay all right and then what we're gonna do is we want to animate this subscribe on so maybe the button comes up but it doesn't actually have the letters and then once it settles the subscribe will come out so there are a bunch of different ways to do anything in fusion but I'm just going to show you the easiest way to get this effect so we have our text tool I'm gonna copy it control C control V to paste we're gonna break this connection here we're just going to connect these two together and then we're gonna grab a rectangle I'm gonna connect the rectangle here connect another rectangle connect it to here for this first rectangle in the exposition we're gonna go point to five and the second rectangle we're gonna go 0.75 so now we have one on one side one on the other side if we play these nodes so I'll play this one we have half of a subscribe we have the other half of a subscribe we have both of them okay so let's see where our animations stop animation stopped on frame 35 so we'll just come in because this is just going really slow here so we'll just come in let's say two frames and for this text I'm gonna come over to position we're gonna keyframe it and we'll just look at it here and then we will come in a couple of frames keyframe it again come to this beginning part and then we're going to shift it over this way and the easiest way to do this and for it to make most sense is just to put in here point seven five and then we're gonna do the same keyframes over here so keyframe here come back to see where other keyframe is right here and keyframe here come back to this one if we play it over here we'll see it for this one we're gonna put point two five so now if we play both of them they come together alright but they're coming together and they're there just really quick so what we can do is for each one we can add easing in and I'm just gonna go all the way to a hundred oops just want this top one easing in now if we play it now kind of comes in it comes you know it slows down a little bit additionally we can add is if we come over to this button we can add in motion blur the higher you make the quality the longer the render time is gonna be for the end product but I'll just put in 25 for both of these anytime you add in motion blur whatever object is doing the movement is the object that has to you have to apply the motion blur for it to be affected so because both of these have a position move we're gonna be adding the motion blur to these so now if I play these we can see a bunch of motion blur and then as they slow down that diminishes so that looks a lot better if your computer is starting to chug and slow down and not really go too fast and you want to edit the rest of this at you know a quicker rate you're just right-clicked right in here and you can turn off motion blur so then you can come back to the old but the end product will still have that motion blur we're just turning off the motion blur for the preview monitor okay so now let's add this back in and now if we look at this node we have everything added in so we have that bounce with a blank and then once it settles then it comes in you still have all that motion blur if we want it to add the motion blur to these guys we can come in and add it to these as well okay so for the motion blur real quick we have the quality which is just how good the motion blur works and then shutter and here those are the two biggest things to work with shutter angle is the amount of motion blur that to add it 180 is what you would normally see on normal stuff because that's normally what you do if you shoot at 30 frames per second you're gonna have your shutter angle at 180 F which is 180 degrees so all right so now that we have all of that added in now we have to and we have this button or this bell we can add them both together so we'll go from up here to down here and if we look at these currently you only see the one right so the idea here is that we're going to have this when it comes out so as it's coming out let's have it maybe like right in here we're going to bring that other animation which is the Bell let's go to to preview monitors now so we can see this we're gonna have the Bell slide out and it's gonna do like a little bout rocking back and forth after this merge we're gonna do another transform and we determined that right around here where this starts to come out we're gonna have that slide out as well so we're going to key for the center position on this transform and then we're gonna come up a couple of frames and we will reveal that bell so I would say right about there or actually let's bring this up a little bit further so let's do no actually I want it to come out hard like that alright so that sounded really bad but so the idea here is it's gonna come out and it's going to stop but what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to ease these tiling both of them hitting F so it slides out and now for this animation here so let's go back to one and we'll just play this once this stops or let's have it start let's come back to here and now we are going to have this like this keyframe here and then when it comes out let's see where the keyframe is that it stops it's right here we'll go one frame after then we'll rock it the other way okay and then we can come a little bit further and this is just really gonna be dependent on your project okay so it comes out and it rocks a little bit and take all of these we can smooth them out and then we have a little Bell bouncing back and forth if we look at all of them together it comes out like that now that's looking pretty good one thing that I don't like actually it looks fine I'm going to come into here because we have the animations on the Bell I'm going to add it into here I'm gonna go 25 on that Bell this transform it has movement because it's coming out like that we're also going to add motion blur onto here so now everything kind of has motion blur it's coming out that's looking great additionally now here towards the end wherever you want your end the beat we're gonna have to get rid of everything so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to start off with bringing this back in so let's just start here I'm just picking random locations and what we're gonna do is we're going to start this and we're going to have it random keyframe something like that and for it to be inside of here this just has to be 0.5 so we're just gonna go back so and then once that happens one keyframe in here actually let's go one keyframe this way so before the animation we're gonna keyframe this position or excuse me not this position not keyframing this position at all we're gonna keyframe the angle and then one keyframe after this starts to move in we're going to actually two keyframes in we're going to have it rotate like let's have it rotate a bit more like that see how this looks it looks kind of bad because I have this keyframe here alright so now let's do you alright and if I turn everything motion blur back on that should just be a blurry blob sliding in so now it's just sliding in and I can actually ease this a little bit for that rotation in and then that should look pretty good just like that alright so we're gonna turn off that so we have that go in and then once it's in then we can start to mash everything together so the easiest thing that I'm going to do is just right here I'm just gonna put a transform after everything and we're going to keyframe and then come to this is five frames let's do seven frames and we're just gonna go in to zero so I'm just gonna play this one so now it's just going in then it's just making itself small there's a ton of different ways that you could animate this but that's how I'm gonna do it maybe just have this come out a little further so something like that and then ease out like that so it starts off slow and then it goes additionally I can add in motion blur for that frame or for this transform so now everything should have motion blur so I think I have just about everything here the one other thing that I think I still need to take care of is this stuff underneath yeah before it appears so I'm just gonna pick up spot where it's the biggest so like right there I'm going to make two keyframes one to the one before this is gonna get dropped down to zero so we just don't see anything underneath it becomes and then we don't see it and then it slides out subscribe all that stuff happens goes back in and then everything gets small together so now that we have our whole animation made now we need to save this so we can use it in other projects just recently they added a saver node now this node I'm guessing is gonna still get some stuff add it to it because it doesn't have everything that the DaVinci Resolve I mean the standalone has but for now we can make this work so we just add at the end of our whole at the end of our whole node tree we're just going to add in that saver node so now we have to pick a location to save this so I'm just going to make a folder inside this folder perfect and then I'm just going to put sub and bail I'm gonna change this file type I'm gonna put dot PNG because I want them to have the transparent backgrounds and it'll be just a per frame basis so we hit save so now the next thing that we have to do once we have that is we're gonna come up here to fusion and then render all saver so we click that and now it's going to render the whole project with the motion blur in and yeah it's just gonna plop it into that folder so I'm gonna let this render quick and then I'll be right back with you also while you're rendering if an error pops up or it says that it stopped that frame number in my case it was frame number 80 all I had to do is just you move these in and out points so I just moved this I just typed in here 80 so it goes to frame 80 and then you just come back up and click render and it'll start at frame and 80 to finish it so I just thought I'd add that in there but once we're done with adding or once we're done rendering this out all we have to do now is in our other projects well simply so here is that rendered out guy and I'll just add a new folder and I'll just have it sub and bail and you just take all of your frames you put them in one folder and now in your next projects you just simply drop it in so let me add some footage in here just drop it here in the main the master put it in and then all we have to do is just click in the Bell and then it says it has from frame 0 to 149 which is 150 frames which is the 5 seconds you bring it in here and then you just play it and then there you go sounds can be a little bit differently I don't know if I have all the sound effects that I I used to create this I think I used a I used a glove so that's how I did like that the opening so let's just add that in here Bell I don't know if I have anything in Bell uh what were the other sound effects it was so long ago I don't remember all that sound effects but so just simply come in here or to kind of have this positioned something like that but I had for every little little thing you can add like this coming out you could have like I don't even know what the no okay so we could have the beginning half of this not all of that snapping so maybe just so something like that and then a bell and you know whole bunch of other stuff I wish I had more sound effects in here that I actually used when I made mine but once you would have all of your sound effects in here that you want to have added you just come over to the deliver page and you click this button so that you don't export video and you just do audio and then you pick an audio file type that you want and then you just export just the audio itself so you could just do like a WAV file and then pick whatever you want export it and then you have both the only other thing that you have to make sure of is because these are frames and if you set up this audio for the timing of 30 frames per second so everything matches up your going to always have to make sure that this sequence of images plays back every time and to do that you just if you're in a project that's 30 frames per second it will always playback at 30 frames per second but if you're in a different project so if you're in a 60 frames per second project or 24 frames per second you want all of this you want this image sequence to be treated always as 30 frames so it can always match your audio so to do that you just when before you drag it down here you just right click clip attributes and then you would just change this to whatever you want your frame rate to be so if I want it to be 30 obviously that's not going to be there but then we drop this down and it became a little bit so now it's at five seconds so because remember we made that sequence that fusion that fusion comp at 30 frames per second and right now we're in a comp at to 24 frames per second so my audio isn't aligned so when you go to create the audio you're obviously going to want to have make sure that everything is lined up and then when you bring it into a project that isn't whatever the framerate is I might even at the end here put like 30 fps or something like that just so I know what this sequence is 30 frames per second or even maybe in that folder so when I bring it in here I know that - so it's just right click clip attributes and then you just state what to playback those frames back at so that's kinda how you would create this and then if you want to move this around you just simply have this highlight it have your image sequence highlight it click this button and then you can move it around if you want to make it smaller you could do that make it larger whatever it may be and you can just move it to a different corner and that's kind of what I do every time just drop it in click this button move it and then you're done but with that being said let me know in the comments what you guys think about this one if you have any there if you have any if you have any other ideas of suggestions leave them down below again my name is jr. thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 41,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, motion graphics, subscribe button, fusion, davinci resolve 15, saver node, fusion comp, animated, video editing, video editor, guide, step by step
Id: gBFh0aYItBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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