Make Those Text Message Graphics - Resolve 15 Fusion Tab Tutorial

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[Music] hey guys Casey Faris here thanks for checking out another video of mine here on youtube today we are talking about compositing one of those little fancy text message pop-up things inside of fusion the point of this is not necessarily to teach you exactly how to do this but to show you a little bit of tools and how to basically kind of do some stuff inside of the fusion tab of DaVinci Resolve 15 so without further ado let's get started here we have very satisfied person just looking at their phone texted back nice what's she saying though well we're gonna find out right now if you've never used fusion before definitely recommend checking out my fusion basics video where I'll go over a lot of kind of the basic layout stuff but in a nutshell everything happens down here in the nodes this is where all of the pieces of the composite kind of get built in a flowchart media in is our original footage media out is what the viewer is going to see so everything else happens in between the first thing I want to do is add the little text message pop-up thing then we're gonna animate it and track it and all that stuff but we got to draw it first you could also just use an image but let's have some fun I'm gonna click in the nodes panel and hit control space bar and type BG that's gonna bring up a background and I'm gonna make it like I don't know blueish sweet and I'm gonna hit one to bring that up in my viewer on the left with my background selected I'll hit control space bar and type re see that's gonna bring up rectangle and I'll hit enter so this is going to be our mask for our little text message pop-up thing I'll adjust maybe the height to bring that down a little bit and we'll add some corner radius yeah something nice like that we're gonna make this like a little speech bubble thing and actually what I'm gonna do is bring in a reference image so that we can make it look real nice yeah really cool thing about fusion is you can just drag and drop an image into the canvas here and I'll bring it up in the first view where by hitting one on the keyboard and this is just a thing I get ripped off from the internet hold down ctrl and zoom in a little bit metal button mouse to drag around so we're trying to make this I'm going to go back to my background hit 2 to bring it up in the right and let's adjust this rectangle a little more shape something like that a little more radius yeah something like that now we got to make this little tail thing so what I'm gonna do is hit control space bar and type PL why that's gonna add a polygon mask to my existing mask and I'm just gonna draw it really big to start with and we'll just start with three little dots here and then I'm gonna just my handles to look really nice yes something something like that cool then I'm gonna resize it and move this thing around until it's something I'm in like what it's not exactly the same but it'll do I'm also gonna go ahead and cheat this color mmm just grab it from here perfect so there's our little text message bubble there's also another one that's gray so I'm just gonna select all these nodes and hit ctrl C click anywhere else and hit ctrl V that's gonna paste this and I'm gonna take this background I'll also pick that color so now I have my two bubbles things are going pretty well I'll hit one on this one and two on this one and there I have my two text bubbles alright so now it's time to make some text I'm gonna click anywhere and hit control space bar type T ext and hit down on the keyboard select text plus and let's say let's get food and I'm gonna take the output of my text and just drag it to the output of the background and I'll bring up this merge in that second window there it is all right let's adjust our font which I'm gonna go with Helvetica and size this down a little and I'm gonna copy and paste that text it's gonna be the blue one and I'm gonna drag my text over my background on my gray one bring that up in the left viewer and adjust my text color to something like dark dark gray hey maybe not so dark those are okay to start out with we're gonna do a little bit of fanciness in just a little bit but that's good for a start I'm also going to delete my reference image because I don't need it and I'm just going to start by merging my gray bubble over my original footage and I'm gonna bring up media out in the second viewer so now this is just composited over the image but it's not really placed right we could adjust that in the merge but because we're going to do some fanciness in a bit I'm just gonna add a transform node before this merge 3 so I'm going to hit ctrl spacebar type X F that's for transform and I'm gonna use that to position our conversation here something like that let's get food perfect I'm gonna do the same thing for our blue text message same thing I'll just copy this transform and then shift drag it onto that line to put it in between and I move it down a little bit something like that and real quick we see that these are both coming from the same side a text message actually comes from if it's from other people it comes from the left side so we have to flip this bubble without flipping the text easy way to do that is just grab this background layer type control space bar and type XF again this puts a transform node in between my background which is the gray bubble and the text that means it's only in effect the gray bubble and not the text and I'll just go over here to the inspector and just hit flip that's gonna flip that over so it comes from the other side so now we have all of this built out two things we need to do is probably track this to the footage so it kind of follows the camera and the other thing is that needs to animate on so let's start by it tracking it I'm gonna bring up my media in in my second viewer and with my media in selected I'm gonna hit control space bar and type track that's gonna bring up tracker a planar tracker and camera tracker I'm just gonna grab planar tracker and it add that's gonna put a planar tracker node right after my media in and now it's gonna want me to drag an area to track so let's see what moves around here ladies moving around background moves along with the camera we might be able to get away with just tracking the background so what I'm gonna do is go to the beginning of the clip and just drag a big rectangle around this kind of high contrast bit in the background for tracker I'm gonna say Hybrid Point area motion type let's just do translation I don't need anything else I'm gonna set my reference time and I'm gonna hit start I lost the track here at this frame so I'm just gonna back up a little bit and just keep going there we go so there's a pretty good track follows the basic movement of the camera and now with my planar tracker selected I'm gonna hit create planar transform that's gonna make a node just out in the middle of nowhere and this has all our movement information in it I'm going to shift drag this planar tracker out of the way just so it doesn't have to think about it anymore not connected to anything first of all I'm gonna hit ctrl C click somewhere and hit control V and now I can just shift drag these onto the connections in between the transform of the merge now let's bring up media out in our second viewer and see how it goes there we go so it's following the motion of the camera you can also track it to the phone I feel like she's just shaking the phone around Lotso this kind of gets the job done without being too wild okay so now we're gonna animate these on and we're just going to do that by animating these transforms first thing I wanna do is grab this pivot and actually move this Shoop move the pivot right there at the end of the little tail and then just kind of adjust for that I'm gonna do the same thing for the blue really kind of should have done this beforehand but whatever it's gonna be good now and now that pivot is on the edge of each of those little tails and the reason for that is because that's where it's going to animate from if we take the size down that's where it's going to come from so let's animate these on I have my transform selected I'm gonna go - I don't know frame 10 and right here where it says size I'm going to click this diamond that's going to add a keyframe and I'm gonna go back 10 frames or so and just bring that size all the way down I'm gonna do the same thing for the blue well let's go to frame 20 because I know that's going to be after set a keyframe for my size go up to frame 10 and bring all the way down so let's see what happens there we go that's pretty good we have the basic animation I'm going to go into my spline panel and adjust some timing as well as the way these animate on so I'm going to deselect my planer transforms I don't need those just need my transforms and click this button to zoom everything up first of all I'm gonna select both of these keyframes and just move them over a bit because I feel like this needs to animate a little faster so let's try that yeah five frames is pretty good and then I'm gonna select these last keyframes on each one what this is is the transform one animation which goes from 0 to 0.6 or so and the other one from 0 to 0.6 or so I select these last keyframes and hit F flatten and that's going to flatten out these tangents so that when it zooms up it kind of eases in so now that we have those animating let's go back to our keyframes and I'm just going to adjust the timing a little bit select those and move them down a little bit something like that maybe see how that looks let's get food I love you let's let her do that let's get food I love you oh she loves him there you go that's pretty much our whole composite again this is kind of one of those things that looks really scary but if you build it kind of piece by piece it makes a lot of sense let's clean up everything a little bit here these right here this is just our background with the masks on it that makes the little speech bubble this is the gray one and this is the blue one this grey one has a transform note on it to flip it then it's merged under some text that is transformed and scaled and kind of moved to the side this is also the node that animates it and then we have the tracking data applied to it and that's merged over our footage and the exact same thing is happening with the blue one it's being merged under the text it's being transformed and animated and then it's being added to the tracking information and merged over those two layers and that's what gets rendered so there we go there's our finished composite I hope that makes sense to you if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comments below if you like this hit like and for more videos on the fusion tab in resolve color grading all sorts of post-production things make sure to hit that subscribe button my name again is Casey Farris I will catch you next time you [Music]
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 78,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lumetri color, lumetri color tutorial, lumetri scopes, lumetri color panel, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 12, how to color grade videos, how to color grade in premiere pro, color grading tutorial, color correction tutorial, how to color grade in davinci resolve, color grading in premiere pro cc, fusion tab, resolve 15 fusion tab, fusion tutorial, fusion compositing, text message, callouts, resolve 15 tutorial, fusion tab tutorial
Id: 0XmQrliWr2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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