Tater Tot Breakfast Casserole

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what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me av now check it out i know you didn't seen that thumbnail you didn't read that title so you already know it i'm getting ready to show you guys just how easy it is to make listen this is just a tater tot breakfast casserole super easy let's get [Music] it [Music] okay so look before we go over these ingredients i want you guys to think you know about this listen long as you got tater tots and you got eggs you can walk right over to your refrigerator you can look inside of here you can get all your whatever you have left over like any leftover meat or something like that you can take it out of there you can come back throw it all together and you can make a casserole look i feel like i'm rambling i'm not gonna over talk it let's get over these ingredients and let me just show you guys just how easy it is to make again that's just a breakfast casserole okay so look we're gonna start with the eggs look you got to get yourself some eggs so what we got here got four eight we got eight eggs these are large eggs right and then i'm gonna go ahead and show that star look these are just some frozen extra crispy tater tots now that says extra crispy you guys can use whatever you have it doesn't make a difference you know just having to see these and i just said this will make it you know make for some good ones right we got salt this is just uh kosher salt pepper now i'll come back here look this is milk we got to have milk then we got onion and garlic powder that's these right here and look standing over the top of that i'm trying to figure out which one is which but don't forget look down in the description box below and the full ingredients will be down in there both of these are same in equal parts now we got mozzarella [Music] cheddar cheese and then here you know what that is right there you know i'm an onion guy right hey those are just some fresh you know diced green uh red onions now let's talk about the meat i didn't have anything to put in there so look i'm gonna go ahead and just start with my italian sausage right here this right here i like and notice what it says right there mild hey for you guys that like that heat go ahead and do your thing and you know when you're doing a casserole it's completely it's completely uh customizable right meaning check this out you guys can put jalapeno in it it doesn't make a difference like i said you can go in your refrigerator and do whatever you would like so you've seen the ingredients there's not a whole lot to it let's go ahead and let's cook okay so look first thing we're going to do is we're going to preheat the oven to 350 degrees 350 hit start that's go on turn my light on got that now i think i'm gonna go ahead and spray my 13 by nine dish right put this over here hey let me just show this part right here look at this y'all you see that right there look at the top right here you see where i say stator brothers that's for all you guys that live out here in this ie all right anyway look we just spray this [Music] and we done okay so first thing i'm gonna do is let's get some heat in our pan all right so my pan is hot go ahead and remove this little paper on the bottom okay so look we're about halfway done right i still see a little pink what i'm doing now is i'm just like breaking it up i really didn't want to form no crust because we're gonna put it in that oven right but now i'm gonna take my onions remember we halfway i'm gonna take my onion and then i'm gonna go ahead and just start adding my onions now i told you guys just up to you i don't want to give no measurement on those onions because it's really up to you how you like your onions you know i mean how much onion you want to put in there for me i was a little conservative even on this and that was like about one cup so i'm gonna keep on taking my square edge you see that right there i'm gonna keep taking my squares with a spoon and continuing to break this up and i'm gonna let this start to cook but don't forget the onions gonna cook too when they put them in the oven you know what's gonna be in that egg mixture now i just wish that i had some bell peppers or something like that you know but anyway we're just gonna do this let your onion flavor infuse in here with these with these uh with this sausage we're gonna continue to cook it until all of the pink is gone and i got it broke up to the bite sizes that i like you can make it more like ground or you can leave some of it big like this okay so what you want to do is listen if it render down a lot of fat what you want to do is you want to take this and you want to strain your fat right which i've already done so now we're going to take this and move my hand back hey so listen you see i'm not using nothing when you got a little bit of a better pans you know the handle don't get as hot but the closer you get to it obviously it does so i'm gonna put my hand back here now i'm gonna take this we're just gonna go ahead and put our sausage in here and all i can keep saying is i sure wish i had some bell peppers i want you guys to let me know down in the comment section below after you make this are you guys gonna use bell peppers hey you can use everything you can actually use the holy trinity however you want to that'll come out fire too now we got that there now i'm gonna set this off to the side i'm gonna set this back over here and now what we're getting ready to do is uh you know what let's do it this way this now i'm gonna go ahead and open this up once we get this open i'm gonna go ahead and just mix it now you know what it's nice and hot we'll just add these right and look i know they're frozen and with the heat right here going to defrost them a little bit but you know what i wanted to do as they defrost i want the sausage listen to this folks i want that to marinate on these uh on these tops right so we'll just leave it like this we're not trying to overthink it but that right there that's cool we'll just leave it just like that right i'm gonna set that off to the side i'm gonna add my cheese in just a minute because look at steel you can see the steam i don't want it to go ahead and just melt completely on there as of right now right so i add my cheese in just one second now i'm gonna take my eggs let's get these out all right so what you want to do is you just want to crack all your eggs okay now that we got all our eggs cracked right i'm gonna go ahead and take my milk okay so we got our milk in now i'm gonna go ahead and take myself a couple of generous pinches of salt i don't want to say a few but it's gonna take at least three you know what i mean got that you know me gotta have my fresh ground pepper that's good for starters now we're gonna go ahead and add both our onion and garlic powder [Music] right get our whisk and you give it a whisk okay so this is ready we'll move this here bring this back into play now we're gonna go ahead and grab our cheeses right so i'm gonna take a little cheese like this a little bit of this cheese all right i'm just going to give it a just a little mix we just want to get it everywhere that way that's up to you i know you cheese lovers out there gonna have this mixed everywhere you probably gonna double maybe even triple you know the cheese but for me i just like it like this i just suggest you guys try it like that i love cheese just like the next man or woman you know with this right here this is the only way you're gonna ensure that it gets everywhere and you don't want to overpower with cheese you don't mean you still want to taste you know the sauces the onion the egg the whole shebang all right so this is mixed we'll bring our pyrex remember this is a 13x9 right so i'm gonna take this and now what we're gonna do is we're just gonna add these these tops and everything else if you wanna know why i'm being careful because you gotta remember i'm the one to clean the kitchen you know what i mean i make a mess here nobody coming behind me so we just add it look at the amount this was perfect now i always talk about having the right tool for the job how come i didn't get myself one of my rubber spatulas super easy folks i'm gonna give it a little re-whisk just in case something tried to separate and now we're gonna do is we're just gonna pour it over here just like you see so i can get in every nook and cranny now look all that talking about you know the cheese and the cheese lovers and all of that i tell you i'm a cheese lover so look i just went and got myself a little handful of the mozzarella and i'm just going to sprinkle a little bit of this on top just like you see here just a little bit just to tie it all in our oven is already preheated now it's time for us to go ahead and put this in there we're going to put this in there uncovered you know for one hour let's get it all right check this out right here if that ain't fire i don't know what it is now look we're gonna let this cool i'm gonna go ahead and sprinkle you know when i went ahead and chopped up some of this parsley you know i mean we're gonna put that over the top but look at that right there folks now it's up to you if you got a little bit more cheese on the top you know a little bit more extra cheese and you want to add some cheese now's the time to do it because it's piping but i'm gonna just do this just to give it just a little bit more you know to help me out with that thumbnail but outside of this look at that tell me down in the comment section below if your mouth is watering if it's not something is wrong folks but that i present to you guys look that's a breakfast look we gonna call it this a breakfast sausage casserole [Music] all right so look you've seen it my mouth is watering i can't wait to get down and check this out folks i got that grown-up drink right here got that mimosa so i'm gonna go ahead let's go ahead and just cut this i don't need no whole big old piece you know i mean we just want to make sure we got a piece that's big enough for us to get out of here with this spatula go ahead and take it [Music] like this and i want you take a look at that right there if that don't say good i don't know what it does folks [Music] put that on there like that and i want you guys to let me know what down in the comment section below look at that steam look at that cheese look at that sausage and let me know when you gonna get down and make yourself one of these so i'm gonna go ahead oh man this is cooked just right and that's 60 minutes it depends on where you live and how your stove works some of you guys might have to go to the 70 but for me i like mine a little bit on the soft side look at this right here y'all hey enough talking let's get it [Music] oh hold on y'all hey fire hands down you're talking about uh easy meal something to put together look in about 15 minutes this should be in your oven i'm gonna say it like this just about the time that it takes for your oven to preheat to 350 degrees this should be already in your 13x9 and ready to go in and with that being said super easy super simple and huge on you know on the flavor don't forget you can go in there and throw some of your leftovers in here also and just make it however you want to make it now you see that i got this right here right this right here telling you hey this is my brunch for today oh hey we set up right here hey let me just say this also alicia norrish this video goes out to you hey pam good looking hey with that being said listen if you're new to my channel let me just take your time to say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell right so you can be notified every time i drop one of these fire recipes just like that and with that being said i'm trying to like cut me another piece i'm going to put my little danish on the side of that also and uh oh and let me know down in the comment section below how many y'all like a little dab of that uh ketchup on here hey with that being said i'm about to eat and i'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 1,261,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, tater tots, breakfast, breakfast casserole, breakfast ideas, brunch, brunch recipes, brunch ideas, tater tot casserole, tater tots recipe, tater tot casserole breakfast, tater tot casserole recipe, casserole, casserole recipes, breakfast casserole recipes, easy casseroles, easy casserole recipes, easy recipes, easy breakfast recipes, brunch sunday, eggs, breakfast with eggs, cooking, recipe, how to make, cheese, sausage, recipes, tasty, food
Id: R2Fu7nWpadM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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