Easy Camping Breakfast - Bacon Egg and Ham Waffle Bake

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hey y'all looking for a good quick and easy breakfast camping recipe I am - folks that ain't it but stick around I'm fitting to show you one that is a waffle bacon egg and ham [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by it is a great day my name is Kent Rollins and welcome to cooking with cowboy weekend what do we do here we make dishes that are simple hearty and easy to fix but they will please the whole crowd and if there is some new viewers out there oh let me put my arms around you and give you a hug we are so glad you're here Mother Nature has turned the light on it is rose up over the hill and we are fast approaching the pastime of breakfast that it might nearly be brunch but I'm always looking for an easy camping recipe one pot dish all in the deal easy to do we're going to need a 12-inch Dutch oven but if you ain't got one you can do this in the house and just like always Shan will have everything you need to know in the little description down below but we have over there on old Bertha melted a whole stick of butter now I want you to use it all but I don't want you to use about half of it and just pour it right in there and would you say that's half shame I need your opinion okay Shanna's measured in metric leaders and kilometers and she allows that that is pretty close to half now folks if Shanno paying around here everywhere just so y'all can see cuz I want y'all to make sure that you don't see it because I've been looking for it and an IHOP anyone here and I do like a waffle so you can use a waffle of any kind but I'm just telling you to get you some of them waffles that is frozen let them thaw just a little because they are the foundation of this great treat I like to sort of tear them in half so I can make sure that everybody fits in here well and it'll take five - six - seven waffles depending on what you're putting this in we're gonna put this and red in here to make sure it fits and you can get creative and cut them however you want we're going to set this aside for just a little bit how many no it's not for six yeah that's how many cackle berries we got today in mixing bowl of some apparatus now I need you folks to also comment and let me know when you try these recipes how they come out did you cook them while you was camping did you cook them in the house did you cook them in the backyard but remember most of all did you share them with a friend or a neighbor that's what it's about so we got a have some mayo y'all gonna make them light and fluffy and who they are gonna be some of that good but we ain't got no spoon sweats running off me like a cow peeing off a 40 foot Bluff on a flat rock so we have us a Mayo spooning apparatus and it calls for about 1/4 of a cup so in she goes that NAT folks would have eat just fine but I really don't like him we're gonna do about 1/2 a cup of cream heavy cream well you call it a whiskey later I would say that was smooth and creamy at this point in time we're gonna have a little black pepper that is coarsely ground a pinch of salt and people asking where do you get that fancy little wooden salt and pepper deal you have well Sam's got that in little description down there as suggested products that we use let's give her one more story look here we have that butter we're gonna pour some right across here like this next comes what the egg cream Mayo mixture and hang on folks I'm gonna run over and get that fine next skillet full of bacon so we can put something in it be sure now the next video after this one we're going to be doing a review on this fine fine neck skillet so be sure and stick around I like to drain the grease out give everybody a good sprinkling I like to cook this half done but you can see I got busy and Oh Bertha decided she'd cook it nearly the way doing but it'll still turn out just right chopped him with mine you can use sausage you can use chorizo you can use whatever you got on hand but make sure that you have plenty of meat you can just cover it up with making more and more and more this is about a cup a diced up ham and I'm going to put it on there and then I'm gonna spread it out a little more to make sure that everybody is well covered so when you dish down in there you making sure you get some meat I've been to them deals folks to where you're gonna eat something and you reach in there and you get something and they claim it has some meat in there and you can't find it that's what we call a mystery meat ingredient you don't even know it's there so folks I'm gonna let that sit there and rest just a minute well I get this next type of ingredient ready to go we have just got though putting together a little gravy concoction mixture here which was two packets of just peppered gravy mix don't go by the instructions it calls therefore use a cup of cream and a cup of cool water stir it up we're gonna pour it right over this it is going to become the topping layer of the scrumptious goodness so we go just pour it all around here I want you to watch right here as I turn this around did you see it no you did not a Dutch oven does not have a knob or a timer that says dinging I'm doing but remember we've taught you how to cook in these deals we got some coals and Oberth though we're gonna cook it on a tall trivet pretty low heat on the bottom pretty good heat on the top because it don't take much to get them waffles browned up right there so y'all ready we can't eat till we get it done so let's get after it oh and I like to run over a beagle for you those of y'all who haven't met Bertha this is her now chin y'all know I love her oh my gosh she is the best woman I ever seen but this is the hottest woman I ever seen be sure you shake them ashes out there remember we've told you a lot about that because ash insulates you don't cook and today we're cooking with a little mixture of oak and Mesquite folks you seem a big them coals out our old Bertha little light around the bottom bring them out away from your oven just a little because we don't want to burn them eggs and then waffles that's soaked through there on the bottom you can go pretty heavy on the top because we can see the top ain't no breeze today but we will still rotate to regulate heat as we go along and cooking this probably ain't gonna take maybe 10 to 15 minutes in a Dutch oven to get this done so stick around [Music] it's time to check it it is as you can see I got me a trivet over here for what to put the lid on Oh looky there what's happening there waffles is jumping up there you can see them eggs how they begin to sit still just a little jiggly we're gonna give it a rotation we are nearly there on that bottom we will be able to take off that bottom heat there in a minute and just finish it on top now folks I'm looking for that bottom to set up then waffles don't have to cook long but I want them to sort of puff up just a tad and that egg you'll begin to see it set it'll get that Oh yellow color but it'll get a little springy to the touch and we can probably come off that bottom at the time I don't know if y'all know it or y'all got to deal with it in y'all's kitchen but like it's a lot of creatures out here in mother nature's kitchen that tend to show up when you cook especially if it's hot so let's check it and see uh-huh you can see them waffles is poaching we're gonna go ahead and pull this off the bottom let that top go ahead and brown up make sure you check that heat when you bring it off so that top can go ahead and Brown and set up okey-dokey as you see folks it didn't take long to really cook this deal the waffles browned around the age everything is sort of springy to the touch the eggs set up they're good then waffles will bubble up and try to jump out of there everyone swallowing occasion just poke to your ear holding them if you have to let them back down there but it'll Brown pretty easy on the top that bottom and don't take long to cook let it cool before you get a bite because it'll burn the hair off of you I promise and I'm just gonna see if it you can see we got some ham some bacon some waffles some egg see that white gravy mix in there now I'm going to address this to the southern folk everybody that growed up in my neck of the woods and Edith demo greasy spoon diners that was some of the best breakfast you ever eaten your life do you remember them old buttermilk biscuits you used to get and they'd pour that gravy on them and they'd sit there and soak it up and when you reached in there and took about it that it's just a light and fluffy I think it's Shan would say maybe quiche like mixture going on but folks this is some fine dining right here get the waffle as the base but it don't taste like waffle no more tastes sort of like a buttermilk biscuit that sit there and soaked in that butter all of it come through the top but then you top it back off with that bacon and ham layer that gravy mixture on there it's it's all your basic food groups you need it one time in a Dutch oven and it's easy to fix it's what I call it an easy camp breakfast and it'll feed a lot of folk I hope you enjoyed this it was a little hot humid and a little bug infested at times as creatures was flying by here there and yonder and some of them even bit me but it's okay because it's worth it to get to share this with y'all you can do it outside in the backyard you can do it on a camping trip you can do it for breakfast any time in the house now remember Sam will have everything you need in the little description below recipe everything it'll always be there the folks are out looking something special I want to say I took my hat and I thank you to all our servicemen and women and our veterans who have kept this country free and safe and that's what it's all about folks and we get so many emails and comments from them that say hey can't y'all sort of keep our life normal sort of like watching home we were tuned in and what y'all so we appreciate it we do we don't take that for granted and I have a very special shout out today to a dear friend of mine Roger Bianco my friend stay safe stay strong I mean the big counting on you watching so you can help us out on future videos okay so I asked you to hit that subscribe button down there on the bottom but also share the videos with your friends and family but also share the food god bless you each and every one hope you have a safe day above the grass and don't forget to share
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,000,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dutch oven, dutch oven cooking outdoors, dutch oven recipe, dutch oven recipes camping, dutch oven breakfast casserole, campfire cooking, cast iron recipe, easy camping recipes, easy camping food, breakfast recipe, outdoor cooking, kent rollins, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, breakfast casserole tasty, cast iron cooking recipes, cast iron cooking camping, red dead redemption cooking, rdr2
Id: 6vE3P0luz20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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