Easy Camping Meals for Families | Come Cook with Us!

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hey guys escape from wild tales up where we share about family travel and outdoor adventure I'm taking a little break from our trip to Mazama here at the freestone in it is our last night so we decided usually when we travel we like to take advantage of the local restaurants since this is our last night at the cabin we thought we would take it easy and do some cooking here at home so this weekend we were supposed to be actually camping cabin camping out in further out into the Okanagan and Canelli at coggan le State Park and so we had really fun plans of doing some camping meals and so we're kind of doing a camping style meal here even though we have a regular kitchen and I wanted to share a fun resource we worked with Monte Boca last summer and I have a whole blog post on wild hills of calm all about recipes that we used while camping to kind of spruce up your camping meals to make them a little bit fancier just a little bit less backpack style and bringing in some more fresh ingredients but also not adding so much weight and bulk and hassle since I did that post-op chef Corso came out with a really neat trail meal book and so we're going to do a couple of our favorites they're already on the blog but we wanted to share them on video here on YouTube just to give you a better idea of what some of these meals are all about here is the Monte Boca trail meals guide and so it's fast easy and tasty trail tested recipes for any outdoor activity now I know we're taking the easy way out and cooking with a real stove but all of these recipes are designed to be able to use a camping type stove and you can use them when you're backpacking cabin camping tent camping car camping all those sorts of things and so one recipe we are using from Monte Boca that actually isn't in here is his mac and cheese which we love it's super simple and easy and obviously our kids love it and then the other one that actually is in here is a dessert the blueberry lemon rice krispies Bowl which our kids absolutely loved and it just takes a few simple ingredients things that almost things that you almost have already had at home but just combined together they make for a really awesome treat so we're gonna be putting together this mac and cheese we're also having brats with it and then we are going to have the blueberry lemon rice krispies Bowl for dessert and so join us in our little cooking adventure here in the Methow Valley macaroni which we've got boiling he suggests Dijon mustard packets grabbing it from laker to go kind of a place so it's your packing left but we didn't find these on when you do find just regular mustard I put horseradish may be putting horseradish that we have left over from a different meal and lemon and pepper and then we've got shredded cheddar milk butter and then he suggests sub courses to just fancying it up with something last time we use bacon you remember that oh that was really good we actually had leftover bacon from breakfast this time we didn't bring bacon but we're gonna add some goat cheese and you can add other to make it that much better so all we did was add butter to our noodles and now we're doing our fancy Dijon let's leave shaft up shredded cheese [Music] let's check on the Bronx how are the brats doing look good good what do you think Georgia guys excited does anyone want mac and cheese with their brat can their dinner control be like the goat cheese edition we are feeling pretty full after that so we're gonna do a little walkabout before our dessert one last trip around before we head out tomorrow [Music] yes we're checking out this hike that we didn't do today because of the rain you can see there's a fire tower right up there the tippy-top next time alright guys so we're back from our walk about and we're ready to make rice krispie treats we were making blueberry lemon rice krispies Bowl this one is in chef Corsos book trail meals Monte Boca alright we're gonna melt that butter [Music] Thanks one two three four [Music] what do you guys think Oh it'd be good good job Burgin kind of looks like breakfast Eden I think you can have it for breakfast well guys thanks for joining us on our little cooking adventure this evening if you wanted to know more about Monty Boca make sure to head to our blog wild tales of calm where I have a full blog post of recipes that I shared there from our cabin camping trip last summer and that is it from us from Isaiah Washington we hope you're staying happy and healthy and we hope you are able to get out and have some brave wild adventures and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Wild Tales of
Views: 2,466
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Keywords: cabin camping, camping meals for families, MONTyBOCA, camp meals, cooking with kids, Mazama WA, Freestone Inn & Cabins, Freestone Inn & Cabins with Kids, easy meals for camping with kids
Id: 9RvHJIo0F6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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