Backpacking Meals I Buy at the Grocery Store

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preparing for a backpacking adventure can get a little expensive there's a ton of things to buy and especially food if you are sourcing all of it from your local REI or camp store can get a little pricey so I have assembled some options that you can get at the grocery store to save a little money and to keep you eating well before we get into the video please like and subscribe to our series here our Channel we're trying to keep you informed and inspired and we've got lots of videos about backpacking that will hopefully be blowing your mind and entertaining you along the way okay I just got back from the grocery store because I spend a lot of time in the wilderness and if you're like me there's only so many meals that I can eat that are dehydrated meals I like to switch things up a little bit and I also like to stay regular so eating some regular feeling food is a nice option as well so backpacking meals that are dehydrated are super convenient they are a really simple way to do backpacking meals and if you're just getting started they can keep things really easy and I totally recommend them they're delicious but if you're going to start spending a lot of time in the backcountry it's really nice to know and have a few other options in your back pocket for what you can do and save a little bit of coin while doing it so I just got back from the grocery store and I wanted to run through all of the things that I like to buy for my trips here so let's start with dinners I'm gonna be going through some of my dinner options I love these darn good Chile's from Bear Creek this is essentially it's just a soup it's a chili and it's really easy to make in a jet boil or in your one pot stove whatever that is if you just have boiled these away they are an awesome meal and I guess before I get into too many things I do want to let you know the secret ingredient to almost all of these dinner meals that I have here selected are these the our Adele's Cajun style and dewey sausages they are precooked I love backpacking with them I pretty much use them in almost all of my meals and if I'm making my own meals out there then I totally will add one of these sausages in per night so one of these packs of four usually is good for a backpacking trip and I know that meet in the backcountry can be a little bit suspicious per chance so if it's super super hot out maybe I will just bring these for maybe two nights and then after that I probably don't want to do meat but if it's not super hot out these are precooked they tend to last a long time and I found them to be really handy to just chop one up and add into a meal as a really delicious boost flavor boost for a meal so one note about these this is a lot of food I typically break this into two meals I'll put this into a ziploc bag and I'll split it up into two meals so just so you know one of these says it serves eight and it's a lot of food so I typically break that up into two meals here next on my favorite list besides the darn good Chile's which I always make I always make mac and cheese in the backcountry as well I love taking Annie's mac and cheese out there with me throwing in some Adele's and then throw in on some sriracha on top this is a big bottle of sriracha I don't carry a huge bottle of sriracha like this I'll often put it into one of these smaller backpacking containers and then just add a little squirt onto the mac and cheese with this sausage maybe I'll bring a jalapeno maybe a clove of garlic out there as well if I'm really feeling like being a chef out there and you'd be amazed at how good it tastes out there another one of my favorites and if I'm feeling to be a little bit more advanced on the scale I totally recommend doing something like a pad thai and it is awesome to do in the backcountry so I will take these rice noodles and I will ditch the box and I will just put these in to their in a little plastic bag on the inside and I'll just take that but then I love making my own peanut satay sauce I will have my sriracha that I just brought with me I'll take a scoop of peanut butter and I'll mix that into a pan or into my jet boil add a little bit of water to kind of liquid by that peanut butter out a little bit and that makes a delicious sauce on these noodles especially when I combine it with a little bit of extra protein for a boost as well another thing that I really like happened with me is just cheese and protein I love having a good snack on the trail that is something with some fat and some salt so pepperonis are awesome I love just being able to open up this package and to eat two or three pepperonis as I go it's a really nice way to just kind of keep that nutrition bursts going eating that salt and fat it's good for energy and it tastes good and it's cheap and it's easy and a lot of times for my lunches I will just make a burrito out of cheese and pepperoni throw in a little sriracha and I've got a really delicious trail burrito and I love it so and sometimes if I'm feeling spicy I'll make a cheesy quesadilla at night if I just got into camp I will throw one of these over the fire with some cheese and some pepperoni and man it is so so good Pro bars are just kind of like your your granola bar type thing that you can get from the grocery store some groceries don't carry Pro bars but I found them at like sprouts and some other things like that but it doesn't have to be a pro bar it could just be like Nature Valley bars those are great to decide aside from the fact that they crumble everywhere but they're really delicious and it's great to just have a granola bar type thing hello of having tuna with me as well just a spoon making sure that you have a spoon to dig it out of there but these pre flavored tunas are actually surprisingly good I know it can sound a little gross and I said this before in another video but a ranch flavored tuna sriracha flavored tuna sounds kind of suspicious but it's surprisingly good and I actually really like them and then Quaker Oatmeal just your breakfast I love doing these these are super cheap and easy it doesn't get any cheaper than that now the quality of nutrition might be a little lacking but it's a good way to start the day for me I like it especially if I combine it with a little scoop of peanut butter it's a really good easy breakfast to do while I'm drinking my coffee have but a granola maybe some almonds and then I hate the trail I like having some backup nutrition as well so things like Top Ramen are really easy if I'm just feeling like man I just need something to really see my hunger especially at the end of the day once I'm in camp I might make a pre meal before I get into making a full meal like this just cook up a simple ramen or something like that they're really easy they taste good they're satisfying and then I always like to have a little bit of fruit with me as well so apricots maybe some dried pineapple and dried mangos are awesome like that but there is a ton of food that you can just get at the grocery store and as I have spent more and more time in the backcountry I almost always now just cook meals that I just bought at the grocery store they're just as easy and I really enjoy saving money you know so these are $2.00 a meal as opposed to ten twelve thirteen dollars for the backpacking dehydrated meals so there's definitely some room to save some money there and then just one other note is I always bring with me Ziploc bags they're useful for a million things sometimes I use them for keep storing my toilet paper but I also like to aside from that throwing trash away I like to ditch all of the cardboard and all of the packaging on most of these things I can get rid of a lot of this packaging and make sure that I just put them into a ziploc before I go and then that way I'm not carrying a whole lot of extra trash and it just packs down a little bit easier well I've worked up a bit of an appetite talking about all this food so I am going to say au revoir for now and go maybe make a nice little meal out of all of this food if you like this video please like and subscribe to the channel hopefully you found this interesting entertaining and yeah if you have ideas about stuff that you get at the grocery store or things that I missed please let me know hit me up in the comments below thanks so much for watching I'm Eric Hanson I'll see you later
Channel: BackpackingTV
Views: 101,682
Rating: 4.9308643 out of 5
Keywords: backpacking, Backpacking meals, backpacking meals at the grocery store, Cheap backpacking food, backpacking food ideas, backpacking food, hiking, Camping, camping food, dinner meals, outdoors, hike, easy backpacking meals, meals for backpacking, backpacking meals easy, easy hiking meal, camp food, easy meals for camping, meals for camping, food for camping, meals, REI, food, backpack, adventure, cheap camping meal, cheap hiking meal, making your own backpacking meal
Id: vEuaV9xJHA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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