3 Easy Breakfast Camping Meals

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hey Ronnie Dahl four-wheeling in Western Australia calm and welcome to another cooking video this time I'm going to do three easy breakfast meals the first one being a potato bush omelet the second one Bush pancakes really tasty ones really old recipe of xix of the kid and the final last one is bush bricky wraps so stay tuned and let's get cooking welcome to breaking meal number one and this one is the easy bush omelet but first I need the ingredients and there we go so running through two ingredients real quick now this is a mainly consisting of canned food which makes it really easy MC easy name the only two things you will have to chop up is the chorizo sausage and one onion onto the tin third now we have two cans of baby peeled potatoes now these are precooked in the can then we have your baby corn and peas or you just need corn and peas this is five eggs in this bottle oil for the pan which will just pray oil now and utensil wise we have a pan egg flipper a nice a bowl and some aluminium foil we're going to go on high heat first and I'm using a coleman finite gas stove this one's really good with the wind and the first thing we're going to cook is the truth so sausage along with the onion at the same time now we're just going to cook this until it gets a nice round texture and the onions start to go transparent so while you're browning your trousseau and your onions just occasionally stir to make sure it doesn't get burnt you can then prepare your potatoes real technical here ever in the bush so we're going to pour it out here this smells bloody delicious we haven't eaten yet this morning but what you want to do you want to get all this back out into a bowl you don't need any more oil because there's enough oil here from the trooper sausage and then still the high heat put the potatoes in and you just want to cover wanna cover one layer so I'm not actually going to use them all with a few left over and what we're going to do here is just going to brown them for a bit okay the potatoes have been on there for couple of minutes just to brown them up a bit they want to get them to brown because it's going to stay on the heat for a bit because now now we're going to add all the other ingredients and potato is going to stay on the bottom so I'm not going to stir anything so now going to add our chorizo and onions back in sort of evenly spread it out as best you can yeah just add however many you want I'm just going to add maybe a third of this skin a little bit I'm now going to add the egg to the mixture and this is the final stage now what I've done is I have pre done my eggs into a bottle with a funnel at home in the kitchen and camping is all about being prepared and making things a lot easier so this is a really good tip for you and you're not going to smash your eggs on the way to camp especially on some of those rough tracks you might be driving on so now we just evenly throw it in evenly spread it out that is going to be one big meal turn the heat down a bit this is where Nidhi aluminium flow to help seal the top of what's going to burn the bottom trying to cook the top of it going to weigh it down a bit because it's a little bit windy and that day will help sort of seal the top of it okay so it's pretty much ready to go I have checked the bottom it's not burnt I'll do recommend not putting as many eggs as I did on top of here normally I'll do it with three eggs I did it with 5x this time so it took a little bit longer to cook the top so I really had to turn it down on low and keep the Alfa on it and just keep checking it but it come up pretty good so we're now going to taste this it alright well I'm going to have to ask my taste test is the compaction again because you ran out of battery in our audio equipment so the first slice or went to well there was no audio but luckily they liked it so much they want another piece here you go John second one is going to get you going with two days now here you go is a bit more - coming up on skis flies are getting pretty bad now obviously like it is awesome so what do I was reckon you already tasted the first one for food amazing next up they're going to do some Bush pancakes and I'll give you some good tips to that - welcome back this time we're going to cook Bush pancakes now this is the recipe I've known for a long time since I was a kid and the easy part is supposed to be easy meals so what I'm going to show you is how to prepare it at home but I'm going to show you that here at the bush and then how to put it in a bottle and place it in your refrigerator in your vehicle should you have one or your cooler and take an account with you and simply pour it out and make some cool pancakes but before we do that let's look at the ingredients so ingredients first we have milk full cream milk we're going to use half a liter of that we've got oil you use vegetable oil in this case we got olive oil 3 tablespoons of that half a can of beer 3 eggs that's the wet mix then we have the dry mix I've got cinnamon sugar that cinnamon story better off or cardamom each of these two spices you need a teaspoon of table salt half a teaspoon and then we need two cups of flour triple sifted also part of the dry mix 2 teaspoons of sugar then we have our toppings at the end we've got honey or you can use maple syrup we've got Jam brown sugar butter and a lemon thank you alrighty so we're ready to do the dry mix so it was to the dry mix before you do the wet mix and that is due to your measuring items because if you measure the wet stuff first the flour will stick to the measuring cup so I have a teaspoon area so I'm just gonna that's the half teaspoon that I can go in there cinnamon sugar about a teaspoon some cardamom now TSP and we go into the bowl just whisk whisk that up first mix all the dry ingredients of it now remember your sugars supposed to go in here but that's going to go into wet mix because my sugar is wet five hundred mils of milk then we have our olive oil 3 tablespoons then we got the eggs then we whisk these ingredients together you know I've got something better than this here we go Cheers I forgot about the beer about half of you radio now time to mix the dry mix with the wet mix to make the pancake batter so what we're going to do on your little bits at a time goes in while we're mixing I'll dish the drill was a really clever idea it was too getting too lumpy of the drill you got to use you with and that's what helps assist it or we sift it with our sister I got laughed it in there okay take the good file in it just to make sure you get all the lumps out of it alright we're now ready to put the mixture into a bottle alrighty well the whole mixture is in his bottle now is about 1.2 liters worse and what we're going to do now is let it sit here for about Oh 15 20 minutes just let it rest without touching it and I'm going to put a lid on it so no flies governor because I'm outside and just leave a little loose of it but if you had home just let it rest in the bowl and then pour it into your bottle try to rest any way on your way to camp alrighty we are pretty much ready to cook this batch now you need to pre-heat your pan with some oil in it now the first time you probably need a little bit of oil in it there's oil and hint in this mix to help it a bit and help it not stick but I recommend is having a spray can after every free pancake just give it a quick spray more oil and here we go Expo has recommended but if you want to stand keep people that like flicking them around you can do so as well and it's actually easier to pull this out with a bottle side note don't use a metal spatula on a Teflon pan I'm doing it anyway because that's all we got so as you go just flip up the edge just to check out going once it starts going to brown you need to get to it and flip it over and there you go so when you take them off put it on the plate and then put another plate on top of that and that will keep them warm next time and out of this batch you should get at least ten decent sized pancakes [Music] Oh Rea this is pancake number 13 we got 13 out of this batch now this pans a little bit smaller than the one I'm used to at home so we've got a few more out of it very tuned to the fun part eating all right pancakes done I've gone for butter with brown sugar and lemon what are you going with brawn damn pizza sure you are honey pure honey nothing else all right let's roll them up and eat them or follow them or however the hell you want to do it so we reckon to him we end absolute novice yeah yeah very good beats the hell out of these three shake and bake ones alone after all mm-hmm confirmed yeah so you obviously don't want to be mixing the whole thing out in the bush because I had a lot of cleaning to do lucky I've got a running spring right next or make it at home chuck it in the fridge bringing out the camp it'll be the easiest thing to do pour it in the pan and off you go but don't forget your booty call it spreads I guess top of watering clear this is the third breakfast meal easy meal I'm going to show you and this one is a bush bricky wrap simple as that this time we're using fresh ingredients and we're going to use four eggs even though they're six here optional cheese for your wrap at the end for rushes of bacon finely chopped baby spinach and two small mushrooms just chopped up into thin slices now you can of course prepare this at home and then bring it out in bags like I normally would but I chopped this out here we also have wraps this case using tortillas but normal wraps are fine and all your condiments so let's get started now we only lightly oil in the pan as the bacon should do the job for us the pan is hot enough now and I've chucked in the mushrooms and the baking so I'm giving the bacon a good old cook here so it goes a bit crispy on me a lot crispy bacon on a final work that up with the texture of the egg that's going to go in later dropped it of pepper in here a bit of salt I forgot the four eggs in there and I'm now going to put the spinach in and just give it a bit of a stir with the knife the pans now back up the heat and I'm now going to pour you have a contents in and this is the final stage of the cooking then we need to continuously sir there's going to be kana like scrambled eggs that mixed up with all this other goodness in a very basic mix I'm getting hungry already time to serve up now this is this is for four people but there's only three of us it's going to be enough for one more optional cheese one without two with taste testers please it's now source times all you guys one source metals all right wrap it up however you like that's very good yes good absolutely awesome three out of three so if you want the actual recipes for these three easy meals that I've done see them in written form they'll be on our website and you can find a link to that in the description below do you want to see more cooking videos there's another three easy camp meals which you can go to just down here and thank you very much for watching you can subscribe here and I hope you enjoy watching and you can support the creation of content like this at patreon.com slash Ronnie Dahl thanks again for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 168,436
Rating: 4.9182782 out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, Bush Potato Omelette, Bush Pancakes, Bush brekky wraps, breafast wraps, cooking with ronny, bush cooking, outback cooking, easy camp meals, best camp meals, breakfast at camp, camp breakfast
Id: Mpz6HAusEjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2017
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