Meal Prepping SIX Healthy Meals for our Family of 12

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hi welcome back to our channel my name is Sarah if you're new here and this is my husband back here solo and today we are meal prepping 6 dinners maybe fry this year we started meal prepping at the beginning of the year it is now almost April and we are loving it I'm loving there are you loving it solo he actually hasn't been a part of all of them but it really takes us a couple hours so we haven't been consistent on the day of the week that we do it but we try to just pick a day where we need dinner anyway and take an hour or two and just knock out a bunch of meals at once it has made our weeks so much easier and dinner time a lot less stressful we try to eat dinner together as much as we can and this just makes it happen even more so today we're like I said we've got about 6:00 in the lineup and we're gonna see if we can make it happen with two adults here and children napping it should happen here's the plan my chickens scratching we're gonna do fish curry stuffed peppers Thai chicken a roast with roasted vegetables they do which is a Kenyan dish that's vegetarian and we're gonna try to make a couple kinds of lasagna we have lasagna noodles and then we also have some fresh spinach that we need to use up so we're gonna make one that's very low carb and then maybe two of them that are regular if you are new around here you may not know but we have 10 children they all live at home there ages 4 months to 16 years old three teenagers in there three toddler slash babies in there and or middle so we got a lot of ears they're all there's always a couple of them going through a growth spurt so we make a lot of food so you're making some rice here no no no this is indeed Oh so this is just an extra bag yeah it's time to think one has to make two or not done they decided just do one he has these mung beans in the pressure cooker for what did you put it on nine minutes meanwhile I'm gonna use this bag of flounder and this crock pots and I'm gonna make up a fish curry okay I'm getting ahead of myself but with my clean hands I'll show you that I unloaded that whole bag of fish it was a huge bag into here so all those pieces of flounder and then I put all these frozen vegetables on top if I had a curt bigger crock pot I would put more in there I'm not even sure do they make bigger crock pots in this they're probably called Roasters maybe I don't know should look into that one day but then I yeah I put two of these bags in here like two of the small bags on top and I'm gonna make a sauce to go over it I've made this meal many times with different meats different vegetables I've done it a lot with chicken four different vegetables on top and here's the sauce that I use every time I do a large can of crushed Tomatoes this is 28 ounces so you could do two small cans as well or half the recipe your normal size Biblica and then two cans of coconut milk I'm gonna need a spoon for this it would be easy to have by just doing one candidates and a small can of crushed Tomatoes I also have done diced tomatoes in the past it's just that I have a couple kids who would be more likely to pick out the diced tomatoes and fresh tomatoes avoid that okay next solo is making some white rice and you just dumped a bunch of curry powder on there in the pressure cooker and I'm going to take this curry powder and do two tablespoons on this sometimes I do one sometimes I do two depends on how much curry we want to taste next I'm gonna do a teaspoon of salt and I think last time I did this much I needed more salt so I'm gonna add another 1/2 teaspoon and I might need another 1/2 a teaspoon in the end that noise that's him putting a lid on that thing I'm gonna mix that all together and pour it over my fish and vegetables that's that for this meal we will cook it on high for four or five hours today we're gonna eat it or on low for eight hours and then shred up the fish which is really easy the fish shreds since they're so thin it shreds just by stirring it chicken though I would shred that up after its scent and it's a really easy meal what you with rice I like to eat it low carb so I just eat it plain by itself or eat it with some cauliflower rice or mashed cauliflower or something like that probably just like a stew I'm getting some water boiling for my stuffed peppers I have never made stuffed peppers myself my mom used to make them all the time though and it just sounded good to me so i'm going to trusty Betty Crocker here for my recipe first of all I'm doubling her recipe Betty's recipe and then I'm gonna replace the rice with some cauliflower rice for 2 of my peppers I make in 12 then they'll be some low carbon in our stores fresh produce was so readily available and we also have spring fever so we got so much fresh fresh produce and we've been eating it up nothing is going bad around here it's been really good it looks like Solar put curry on the potatoes - I don't know I'm gonna ask him when he gets back here what's on your potatoes your red potatoes it's a little a curry just for fun okay are these going in your roast you're making these okay yeah and cutting the tops off of my peppers and I'm gonna scoop all that out that's just recycling and ignore that Sunday pretty I remember really not liking this meal it's a kid I I think my kids will like it though they're a little less picky than I was I have not scooped out the mess yet but if they choose to just scoop out the filling and eat it I will save the peppers and eat it myself for lunches throughout the week so I won't mind if that happens around here but I think most of them will actually like it okay I'm not browning me cuz I was doing his said cousin ting you water here and working on working its way up those are ready so now I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do while I'm waiting for him and us to I put this thing on to boil water faster these things are so nice when you want boiled water quickly it boils really fast and then for us like when the kids want hot chocolate we lay out all the mugs put the mix in it and then just boil this and pour it in all of them really fast my family and solos family in Kenya I'll use them too and it helps like if you're wanting hot when you don't have hot water coming out of your sink you boil some water quick and it's a great way to wash your dishes the house or for whatever you know see it's time to turn on the stove we'll make it good time not everybody has hot water coming out yeah for making cricket team yeah yep anyway I'll link that down below you don't have one they're life-changing if you didn't have it abusing it remembering that you have it mine is actually really old it was my grandma's and she gave it to me and she didn't need it anymore and it has seen a lot of you today is our day off we don't normally spend our day off cooking pull out here but it's gonna pay off I think and we're spending time together it's like cooking day date yeah during quarantine when you can't go anywhere we didn't even need a babysitter big kids are playing outside little kids are napping hey look you guys this is a problem that happens here a lot our dishwasher is full and running and yet there are dishes to be done I can see why some people have two dishwashers we would definitely use to destruction yeah but I can't imagine us doing it maybe sometimes we just wash the rest of the leftover by hand or that cilantro looks good going on the peppers oh so I forgot to show them what you did here you brand some onion or cooked some onion yep and Anna did a can of tomato and a can of diced tomato and a kind of Rotel tomatoes okay crushed her child had some pepper in it easy crushed garlic and then I added the dangle so once the onions were soft once the onions and the tomatoes are soft okay then stir it up to top it off no you let it boil a little with the beans and you kept the juice in the beans the water in the me yeah nothing about much water it is it's done that one's so fast and easy if you want to see a step by step all week another video we did making that below these are just supposed to cook up for about five minutes to soften them put the lid on here's the rice this is not like the normal rice we use but it works good and he made it curry rice so it's kind of yellow I'm gonna take some of this rice for my stuffed peppers now I'm gonna Brown a couple of pounds of ground beef with some onion chopped up onion I'm just giving the onions a little bit of a head start here in the meantime it's been five minutes on these so I'm going to drain the water out so those adding some garlic to it for me thanks for crushing that up old-school style yep smells good in here smells like a restaurant Asian restaurant no I'll just walk through the kitchen and dude that was good great yeah let's put the Big Mac because the chicken for me okay put the knife down okay we just added two teaspoons of salt and now we're gonna put in the rice I did not have cauliflower rice so I'm thinking for my low carb ones I might add this fresh spinach to it I don't even know what to do I tried to guess that's not anyways it just calls for one cup for one pound and we're doing two pounds so cuz it yeah all that has to fit in the peppers so it's yeah it'll be good I could just do meet with them too I guess for me but I'm gonna try with spinach okay I pulled my beef out or that I'm sure that's gonna be low carb and putting the race in I put the tomato sauce in now and I just did see a little of that can and a whole of that can just because I'm saving some for the other one I'm making and save some to pour on top of them and I also just remember while I was doing it that you're not supposed to cook tomatoes in cast iron so if I remembered why I would remember if it's okay to cook tomato sauce oh well don't these look beautiful I'm cooking a finish down to mixing with that meat for these last two and then we'll bake this at 350 for about 45 minutes and then throw cheese on top of it when we serve it we'll also pour the remaining sauce on here before we're done there it is the low-carb ones look great I'm going to pour this stuff on while filming whoa it takes Talent not really where's our twelve-year I think so yeah so that means about one per person for our family that's probably not enough for most of them so I will do I've been making a lot of homemade bread so that night I'll just make sure I have a fresh loaf who doesn't like a fresh piece of bread or two or three with some butter on it so that'll be good to fill up the ones who need it and we can also we have a lot of solid stuff so that'll be a good side for that meal well see if I ever do it again so like say he tried the mixture and said that's a meal in itself so I think it'll be a hit I think so I already put in the roast I was gonna show that process so we do have a lot of roasts in our freezer maybe next time I'll show what he did cuz he snuck it in while I was busy stuffing backwards over here and I think that's what we're gonna eat tonight so I'm gonna make some roasted vegetables to go along with that and then I got to work on the chicken dish we have already scrapped the idea of making lasagna just sounds like too much work at this point or an hour and a half in so we're using the ground beef that we thought to make tacos tacos is one of our go-to when it's things are just it's too much and you need a easy meal tacos are spaghetti basically so I really want to know if you can leave a comment down below tell me what your go-to meal is that's super easy I forgot we do have another that we make a lot its Sukuma wiki which is kale and spinach mixture we often do it just with frozen stuff so we almost always have it and we do it with me or without and it is so fast and easy so that's another one we do and we have very little time or we're too tired it's a mess of munch I just remembered that I do have cauliflower rice I could have made that with cauliflower rice I bought it at Sam's Club in a big bag instead of the small bags I normally buy at Walmart and so I was just looking for the wrong thing oh well I made up a new spinach thing and sure that'll be good too it was good I took a bite you next up I am going to roast some vegetables these are actually frozen vegetables that it works just fine my kids really like it this way cooked in the oven and so I do have frozen broccoli I just poured some olive oil on it I'm gonna throw a bunch of salt on it and roast it at 425 in there for I don't know like 1820 minutes I'll keep an eye on it when it gets a little brown and crunchy is how they like it the best so I'll stir that olive oil around and then put the salt on for the green beans actually did season salt which I had not stirred in yet and I used avocado oil because that olive oil is gone I usually do coconut oil but I just am not taking the time to melt that so it's pourable because it's in hard form right now it's cold enough here I'll do one more thing a little different on the green means to some adding nutritional yeast flakes on top the kids much unlike their french fries they're good so I told you I'll cook you for about 18 minutes or so sometimes I stir it up half way through if sometimes I don't that's when I might want to because it's more on top of each other but these are laid out real well so I may not have planned super well because I just realized were making our third curry dish what did you use curry Ford oh maybe not then so we have fish curry there's a little curry in our rice that's no big deal and then we have I'm making chicken curry so we'll just separate it by a few days it's a good problem if you love curry I like to switch things Oh would you eat could you eat curry every day yeah I could probably eat it I could usually do but I guess we don't have that many curry recipes that we do he throws curry and everything but I don't have that many curry recipes I'd like to try some new ones if I was going to eat it that often I'm making it my spice mix that's going in the chicken and onion that he is chopping we're gonna fry that up quick and then throw some cans in and then the chicken curry is done I've made this one for you guys before I will link it I'll link the video that we made it and told you everything if I can figure out which one it is haha I think I know I do hear from you guys a lot that you've tried it and you like it and you eat it over and over it's super simple and I can see why you like it it's good one in fact it might be the most of the recipes I've introduced not so low it might be the most loved so the people love your recipes more than mine I just try it I loved his recipes more than mine too but I don't like it when I make his recipes after this fries up it's all my spices mixed with chicken and onion after it fries up then we'll throw in two more cans of coconut milk obviously I use coconut milk when I do curry and then 2 cans of diced petite diced tomatoes and some red curry paste let it simmer a little it's done we'll eat it on rice here's the vegetables cooked so I did these longer about 35 minutes and I think no not 35 25 and I think this I did around 20 I lost track see how it's a little brown that's how my kids like it and this probably could be a little more Brown if they're a little more cooked a little more shriveled up they'll eat them even better they like them that way I don't know why I'm gonna put it back in we haven't involved our kids today we've been doing it alone Vittoria just walked through and we're laying out the food to show you everything at once and Tori walked in and goes well looks like we're having a pretty big dinner today yeah I like six meals all right I did end up giving him about eight more minutes and I think they're good now [Music] Sheba's into jazz right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay it's done I'm gonna pull out this broken show you what we did here is the final result doesn't it look beautiful any work done ahead of time it's beautiful right does e right okay over here we have bingo that vegetarian green grams mung beans whatever you call it made a Kenyan style there's a lot of it in there we'll eat it with rice then we have the fish curry that we will also eat with rice I will be making a big pot of brown rice and the pressure cooker tomorrow because we're eating a lot of rice this week and we don't have enough of it that one we will cook the day we are eating it that one is already cooked this is the it's probably hard to see Luca do you want to grab a spoon and stir that up a little that is the Thai chicken curry and that also we normally eat on rice although we could eat it on noodles Luka will stir it up here so you can see yeah you love them then there's a stuffed peppers that we will eat like I said with homemade bread and salad probably then we have the roast that came out of the pressure cooker with the potatoes a real soft and we're gonna eat those with these roasted vegetables tonight guys keep in mind I told you I have 10 children so you'll hear some of that now they're all inside ready for their we're gonna need that tonight just because it's a little better fresh especially the vegetables and then over here we cooked up four pounds of ground beef I think we're going to divide that into two meals we'll take some of that brown rice that we're making and add it to that half of the ground beef for tacos it already is seasoned with taco seasoning and then we will do something else with the other half like make it up with some spinach and kale or whatever it'll be great with the taco seasoning anyway maybe we'll try something new if we have two meals out of that it makes six meals maybe we'll have some leftovers so that would be a full week worth of eating that is mostly done right now which is awesome my hope and making these meal prep videos is a gets my meal done to the weak oh you got water good B I'm hoping it gives you some inspiration for some meals that we like to eat you guys are awesome always asking what we eat C is that I hope it gives you some inspiration to cook something ahead if you're making dinner and you have a little extra time maybe you can make two meals obviously we could have planned better to make similar meals so it's easier but you know we save some time calling out the Curry's because we had curry over solo thanks for help today you [Music]
Channel: Our Tribe of Many
Views: 755,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: large family, large family vlogs, large family homeschool, homeschoolers, lincoln vloggers, nebraska vloggers, family vloggers, interracial couple, interracial family, interracial kids, international family, international couple, international kids, feeding a large family, prolife, meal prep, healthy meals, healthy kids
Id: 2AwmiFQRztc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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