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This next tip is a total game changer when it comes to organization. What's up guys welcome today i'm going to share with you some really useful, camping, tips and hacks so this is specifically for car camping when you can drive up to campsite. These are some of the things that I've just learned over the years that make it a lot easier when you go camping. First up, I recommend bringing a bunch of Stasher bags now I've talked about these in another like review video that I did of reusable bags, but these are my favorite for car camping. They're made of silicone and I always bring a big stack of these when we go camping because they're great for leftovers. I love to cook outdoors. I love making food in the Dutch oven and the cast iron over the campfire but we have leftovers and so these are great because they don't take up a lot of space, and you can put leftover food in here and then just slide these into the cooler. So bringing a stack of these is definitely one of my favorite tips. Next up along the lines of, sort of storage is these gelato containers so if you guys get this gelato ice cream stuff well gelato is different than ice cream I think. Anyway, these gelato containers are awesome, for all sorts of things we save them and they have a nice little screw on lid, and they're pretty durable so they're great for not only storing food stuff but also like cords. And just like little knickknacks that you might have to bring camping. This is great for storing that in here as you can see I have some instant rice. So a lot of times you don't want to bring like a huge box of rice or a huge box of pancake mix, you can actually just put a serving or two in these containers, and then take these camping. My next camping hack is to bring fire starters, because it just makes things so much easier. So here, I actually have these DIY fire starters I'll link to the video that I made on these below because these are made with things that you probably already have in the house and they burn for about 10 minutes so they're awesome to have on hand we just keep them in our camping bins. And then we always have these to help us start a fire really easily. Next up is some cooler hacks. In our cooler here as you can see, we actually do not have any store bought ice cubes instead we freeze these gallon Gatorade containers so obviously this is just water in here, but we reuse these we have two of them in the cooler right now instead of buying big bags of ice at the store, this will actually stay frozen, a lot longer. And so it keeps things in the cooler cool a lot longer. And another thing about this is if for some reason you do run out of water, or you're somewhere where you don't have access to refill your water jug, you can technically drink this as it melts instead of having to drain it out of the cooler at the store bought ice cubes melt. So this is sort of one of our biggest camp hacks and then we'll take this home, and actually just put it back in the freezer and it's ready to go for the next camping trip. My next hack is to actually clean and wash all of your vegetables at home, so that when you get to camp, all you have to do is just start to cut and prepare your meals. So just washing everything at home first will save you a step at camp when there's often limited water and no sink. And then, as you can see here, we've opened some of these chicken sausages last night and so I just put them in a Stasher, and they're perfect for storing in the cooler. My next tip slash hack is to bring cash, specifically, some of the smaller bills like ones and fives because a lot of times you need exact change for the camping fee, and I have gone camping so many times and I did not have the exact exact money you have to give more or you have to go find some other campers and ask them if they have change and it's just like a serious pain. So making sure that you have a bunch of ones and a bunch of fives or even checking the camping feed before you go to make sure that you have the proper amount of bills makes things a lot easier when you're at camp. So my last hack is I think the best one, and that is to stay organized with bins. So I have two bins here, this bin is for a lot of our camp cooking essential so there's no food in here it's just things like the cast iron pan, a pot, silverware, plates, spatula, stuff like that. It always just stays in this. And then this one is for pantry items and things like snacks and our coffee and other food items. So, we always have this distinction so that we always know where things are. The other benefit is when we get home, we wash and clean anything that's dirty but then we put it back in here, and we're basically ready to go for our next camping trip. So there's not as much packing and stuff to do because you just stay organized with the pantry bin, we actually keep a set of spices as well so we have salt, pepper, and just the common spices that we use that we always leave in that bin. So that's just one less thing that I have to worry about packing when we're going on a camping trip. In addition to that we leave things like a box of mac and cheese and ramen and some Indian food, things that don't go bad, we just leave them in there so that I know I always have some sort of extra or backup dinner in there, in case I forget an ingredient for something else that I was planning on making or I just want to stay longer. I always have some backup meals in that bin. This makes things so so easy when you go to camp. If you feel overwhelmed by like camping gear that you need just stay organized, take some time to put some things in the bin, get a second set of spices get some pantry items, it will just make things so much nicer when you go to camp. There you have it, I hope that these camping tips and hacks are helpful as you go on your next camping trip, make sure to comment below with some tips that you have or any questions that you have about camping, hit that subscribe button before you go and I will see you in the next video. Peace.
Channel: amandaoutside
Views: 241,572
Rating: 4.862885 out of 5
Keywords: camping hacks, camping food hacks, camping packing hacks, camping tips and tricks, car camping essentials, how to keep camping gear organized, stasher bags, camping tips, car camping, amanda outside
Id: 4WIcKkMhgv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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