Cooking While Camping at Turkey Run State Park in Indiana - Fun Family Camping and What We Ate

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hi there and welcome this is Jennifer I'm Indiana mommy on this episode I'm going to share with you all the fun foods I made for my family while we went camping at Turkey Run State Park in Indiana for this camping trip we were going to be set up with only an electric type of camping site so I wanted to do as much work as I could in advance to save myself having to do dishes because when you don't have a water hookup or a sewer hookup you really have to be on water conservation mode so I started out with prepping a bunch of different fruit just to have it cut up and ready to go I did watermelon strawberries pineapple and grapes I really like to buy the seeded watermelon not the seedless watermelon I just think it has so much more flavor and I don't think the seedless is really seedless I always have to clean the seeds out anyways so it's really not that big of a deal when I cube it up I just pick out all the seeds so that way when we're eating it it's all kind of cleaned and ready to go so basically I'm just gonna get all the fruit cut up into bite-sized pieces so that it's just easy to scoop out and just ready to eat for the pineapple I just trim off all the outer edges and then also the top and the bottom and then I cut it in half and then cut it in fourths and just cut out the core and then I cube it it's super easy for the strawberries I just take out the little green part at the top and then just cut it up into bite-sized pieces and I always like to cut up my grapes because they're a big choking hazard for those little ones and I have a two and a half year old so I'm always worried about that so I just gives me peace of mind to have them cut so I don't have to worry about her choking [Music] the next thing I'm gonna be making here is homemade banana bread muffins I think something like this is really nice to take camping because it's just a quick super easy thing to just hand the kids or for my husband and I to eat ourselves it's like a nice yummy snack and if you make it in advance it's just super easy and even make these and then freeze them also so that I have some at home and I make them pretty much whenever I have bananas that are going bad so we have them quite a bit I've modified my recipe over the years to just make it a little bit healthier if you'd like the full recipe I'll put a link at the top of the screen here now I'm gonna get started making some bacon I like to bake bacon like this whenever I'm gonna be making a lot at one time otherwise I usually cook it in the microwave but I just think it's nice to do it this way because it cooks it and it stays flat and you actually you don't have any little chewy bits it cooks evenly and perfectly every time now what I'm working on here is making some homemade blueberry pancakes I'm actually using a Barefoot Contessa pancake recipe it's a banana sour cream pancake but I'm omitting the bananas and instead using blueberries so I'm sure you can google that recipe it's really good I really like the way that the sour cream acts in this recipe and in fact I ended up using plain Greek yogurt in place of the sour cream and it turned out perfectly my little ones are always interested in what I'm doing in the kitchen so I think it's a lot of fun to like give them a little job to do to kind of help they really enjoy it and so do I okay here all I'm doing is cooking up the pancakes and I like to find my pancakes in coconut oil I think whenever I can use coconut oil I do and in applications like pancakes that's a good place to do it because I think the coconut flavor is really nice in there so I'm just taking some frozen blueberries and topping them on top of that half once you start seeing the bubbles come up into the batter you know that it's time to flip it basically so I'm just gonna flip him over I will say using frozen blueberries does make the middle take longer to cook but I knew I was gonna be microwaving these at the campsite so I knew the middle would be completely cooked through here is the bacon the pancakes and the muffins all ready to go I also made a little bit of breakfast sausage to take with us so the next thing I'm gonna start working on is making little scrambled egg cups and basically I'm just gonna do layers of a little bit of butter then top with a little bit of cubed ham then I'm mixing up scrambled eggs with spinach green onions a little bit of heavy cream salt and pepper I'm gonna pour them into the muffin cups and these silicone muffin cups work awesome for something like this because the eggs don't stick and then I'm gonna top it with some cheddar cheese and just bake them until they're cooked through it took about 20 minutes at 350 degrees these are so good and super easy and just wonderful to take camping okay so now I'm gonna start working on a Philly cheesesteak foil pack this is an idea that I saw on Pinterest and I thought gosh that would be so fun to do in advance and have it all ready to go and then all I have to do is get the fire going which you know my husband actually does that get the fire going and then just cook them over the fire so that's what I decided to do this time and it worked out so great they were so good so I'm gonna show you how I did it here I started at the bottom of the foil with just a little dab of olive oil then I took sliced onions sliced bell peppers and then topped it with thinly sliced sirloin steak what I did was I put a little drizzle of olive oil at the bottom of the foil then I put sliced onions sliced bell peppers then thinly sliced sirloin steak I topped that with freshly chopped garlic a little dab of butter Italian seasoning see salt freshly cracked pepper and a little bit more olive oil and then I just folded it all up completely sealed inside that foil I did end up adding a second layer of foil just to make sure that it didn't leak into my refrigerator in the camper one more thing that I added was a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce I don't know if that's how you say it but that's how I say anyways I just thought that would add a really great depth of flavor so I just took an idea that I seen on Pinterest and modified it and made it my own which is pretty much how I cook in general [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we are just cooking those foil packs over the fire and doing some baked potatoes on the side so what I did was I opened it up and you can see that the steak and the peppers and onions are cooked and then I just put some I left them open and put some cheese on top put it back on the fire and allowed that cheese to get all melty please serve this on some rolls some bread rolls but you could easily do this meal as low carb and I'll eliminate the bread for the next dinner then I'll be doing it's gonna be barbecue boneless skinless chicken breasts I'm taking some help from the store and just using a bottle of barbecue sauce that I really like and putting it in a ziploc bag with some chicken breasts that I've already trimmed and sliced in half I think that you know they were huge chicken breasts and I just didn't really need them to be that big plus they would take forever to cook so I thought if I just sliced him in half that would be a little more convenient and a little easier to deal with all I did was leave it in the plastic bag and then when it was time to eat we popped him on the grill cooked him up I did it with a little bit of zucchini on the side and then we did potato salad that was store-bought so that was a super quick and easy dinner that I was able to prepare in advance for a fun little treat I took green grapes and dipped them in white chocolate and then finely chopped unsalted peanuts these little things are so good they taste exactly like a taffy Apple but they're bite-sized perfect for the kids and I love them too I gotta give credit to my cousin Amanda who gave me this recipe many years ago and I made them many times for the kids and we always loved them so I just thought that would be a fun way to have like a quick cold snack I keep them in the refrigerator and it's just super yummy in addition to all these foods I made in advance I did buy some lunch meat we did sandwiches I had sliced carrots we had company on this trip and they also brought some food so we had plenty of food and I actually came home with quite a bit Turkey Run State Park is beautiful I highly recommend checking it out having this food done in advance made my time there so much more relaxed I wasn't cooking and cleaning and having to do a ton of dishes while we were there I was able to actually go hiking and enjoy the time with my family thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it don't forget to subscribe to my channel and make sure to hit the thumbs up icon if you like this video thanks a lot bye bye
Channel: Indiana Mommy - Cooking From the Heart Land
Views: 29,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking while camping at turkey run state park, cooking while camping, camping food, camping food ideas, turkey run state park, turkey run, how to prepare food for camping, travel trailer camping, fun family camping, fun camping food ideas, rv camping food, travel trailer camping food, indiana mommy, cooking over the fire, feeding kids while camping, family food while camping, dinner ideas for camping, breakfast while camping, food to make for camping
Id: PxI5NfccxUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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