BIG FAMILY MEAL IDEAS! \\ Cook With Us For Our Large Family of 10

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hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm Angela Brandis mom of eight kids we've got kind of a big family and today I wanted to share with you guys some of the sort of crowd-pleasing family favorite recipes that we make so I've done a video like this before I shared sort of some of our more hearty recipes that we like y'all really loved that one pot meatball recipe that I shared last time I'll leave the first video link down below but if you're new to my channel I make all kinds of content here but I do make some grocery haul and meal planning and after seeing that a lot of you guys were asking to see the actual meals that were making so I'm kind of starting this series of sharing some of our sort of crowd-pleasing big family dinner recipes so that's what today's video is gonna be I'm going to share with you guys now that the weather is starting to warm up and we're starting to use our grill outside more and we're starting to make some of our more summer or spring summer recipes I thought that I would share some of those favorites with you and one that y'all have been asking for forever and a day which is the spaghetti carbonara recipe it's a huge hit around here so without further ado let's get in and I will share with you guys the recipes don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you liked it if you want to see more like it let me know down below in the comments and subscribe if you haven't already so alright let's get into the recipes I'm gonna share with you guys the first recipe this is a big favorite around here and this is Christopher's honey mustard chicken that he makes on the grill it's so so good alright so the very first thing I did was take four chicken breasts and cut them in half lengthwise patted them dry put some salt and pepper on there on both sides and then I threw them all in this bag and smothered it with just some like honey mustard dressing this one that looks like is Ken's Steakhouse sometimes we'll go at the sweet baby Ray's kind and I'll let it just kind of marinate for about a good thirty minutes once that's done we're going to take them out and literally just throw them on the boil we're gonna let those bad boys cook for probably five minutes on each side might add a little bit more honey mustard the kids like the flavoring but we're gonna give this chicken outside nice and crispy the inside nice and moist my little dudes gonna come help me cook outside aren't you aren't you you're gonna come help me grill he's ready to go so we got the bacon-wrapped asparagus prepped basically just one package of bacon about fifteen or sixteen pieces of asparagus press that up sprinkle it with some pepper throw it on the grill about 20 minutes if you guys have been around here for any period of time you've heard me talk about the Blackstone before I'm a huge fan of griddles they are just so versatile you can do so many things on it breakfast lunch dinner you can sear you can almost bake with certain accessories that you want to add to it a lot of fun stuff that you can add to the to the griddle as well just to make it a lot more user friendly a lot of counter space to place all of your your needed supplies and and basically what you're cooking but either way we've been using this bad boy for almost about a year now I think we might have got it last summer and we've just used the heck out of it all right we got the asparagus on we're gonna cook it for about 10 minutes maybe five minutes on each side before I flip them over and then we'll throw the chicken on let these guys go another five or seven minutes as well so total 15 20 minutes for the asparagus 10-15 minutes for the pickup's we get that going [Applause] [Music] yeah watch how easily this stuff just pulls off of here no stick love it right so we flipped them over I added one more round of honey mustard while the other side cooks we're gonna let it go for another couple minutes here and then we will start plating it up and there you have it grilled blacken honey mustard chicken all right here's the finished product honey mustard chicken bacon-wrapped asparagus and one of those super salads I think it's kale cranberries some seeds some a lot a lot of good stuff but there you have it okay so the next recipe I'm gonna share with you guys this one was this one was mama this was me cooking for Easter actually I just thought I would share with you guys because we're under you know sort of this lockdown stay home we had of small well there's still 10 people because our family's 10 people but but without like grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins and all that kind of stuff so this was our Easter Day Resurrection Day late lunch early dinner we greatly missed having a bunch of family around but we still had a wonderful resurrection day and celebrated it was awesome so let me show you guys what I made on Easter Sunday it's Easter Sunday I am in the kitchen looking up our Easter dinner keeps bringing in the other room very real life late lunch early dinner is kind of how we typically do holidays so I am making ham from the store free class ham roasted broccoli I'm going to make a carrot recipe in the crock pot and I've got some potatoes on to do some roasted parmesan garlic potatoes and then we've just got some package rolls so we are keeping the Easter very easy this year all right so I'm just getting the potatoes on to boil this is just a pack of mixed potatoes from a Costco I just love those little red potatoes and gold ones they are delicious and then I am going to spread out the broccoli over a cookie sheet that I have covered in foil and just kind of spread out that broccoli I'm just sort of prepping everything and then I'm gonna grab the crock pot and plug that in and get ready to make the carrots so you can see my ham there ready to go in I'm going to dump about two pounds of carrots into the crock pot you can again change this recipe based on you know how many people you need to feed and all of that and then I'm going to add about four tablespoons of honey and four tablespoons of butter then I'm going to sprinkle a little bit of salt pop the lid on and cook this on high for about three hours then I'm just gonna drain those potatoes and put them into a separate container where I can start sort of adding in my other ingredients that I want to give them some flavor normally I would do this on a cookie sheet and lay them really flat so they could get nice and crispy on the outside but we only have one oven and giving the restrictions of cooking different items for different amounts of time this was the best I could do so I'm gonna drizzle them with olive oil and then I'm going to add just some salt and pepper to them and mix it all up together I'm also gonna add in some of this delicious butter oh my gosh it's so good I love Kerrygold butter anyways but this stuff that has the garlic and herb already mixed in so so good so I'm just gonna take little chunks of that and sort of place it all around and then I will take some more aluminum foil cover the top of it and let all of that just kind of mix together and chill together and hang out on the counter until I'm ready to actually put it in the oven and cook it then I'm gonna do the same thing and drizzle the broccoli with some olive oil and then again I will just add some salt and pepper I see you spying those funfetti cupcakes in the background I see you oh they were so good good lord funfetti greatest invention ever been I'm just gonna mix all of that together the salt the pepper the oil just get everything nice and coated I like my roasted broccoli to be crispy on the outside I just love roasted broccoli it is one of my favorites all right then we're gonna pull the ham out and I just need to take the foil off the outside of it and then pour the glaze over the top it's again this is just a store-bought ham that comes with the glaze already in the package very very easy and that's how that's how we do when we just want to have a semi relaxing easy Easter dinner so add the glaze and then pop him back into the oven for another 15 or so minutes to really warm up that glaze and give it a nice outside layer of deliciousness and same thing here now I'm gonna take the lid off of the potatoes and I'm going to add my mix everything up and add my Parmesan cheese before I put it into the oven I also decided to make some deviled eggs my kids love deviled eggs the last time my husband made them that he put relish in it and so we've got a bunch of not relish eaters in this house so I promised the kids I would make another batch so I just do that with the egg yolk mayonnaise some butter salt and pepper and then I add a little bit of dry mustard powder to it as well and then smash and mix all that up and I totally eyeball this I don't use any kind of a recipe I just eyeball it and because I'm gonna be extra I like to put it into an icing bag and squeeze it into the egg so it looks nice and pretty if I do it with a spoon that I end up kind of making a mess so this makes it a little bit prettier then we sprinkle on the smoked paprika on the top and voila deviled eggs they are delicious and as far as the vegetables go I usually do about 425 for about 25 to 30 minutes just depending and then the carrots about 15 minutes before they're done you're gonna want to take the lid off and just let them sort of cook with the lid off and that will help that glaze to thicken up and then you've got your lovely glazed carrots so here is the final look at those packaged dinner rolls and that's how I roll and there's no shame in my game it was delicious everyone loved it and we had a very very happy Easter lunch dinner okay and the last recipe this one is a huge hit we've been eating this recipe for I would say probably 10 or 11 years I mean since Kennedy and Shelby were just toddlers is when I first started making this recipe again Christopher has kind of taken over and he sometimes doubles it and even triples it now to feed a family our size back when I made it it was just one little pack of pasta but so yeah this is our eight-year-old son Noah is like favorite recipe I think everybody in the house loves this recipe I don't think there's one single kid that turns our nose up at it everybody loves spaghetti carbonara spaghetti carbonara we're make a massive pot because I got a lot of mouths to feed and it's super tasty on the side nice little cucumber tomato Italian salad we're gonna throw on some feta cheese and we're gonna have this back what we've done in under 45 minutes that's the goal all right so let's cover our ingredients for the main dish here or spaghetti carbonara we're gonna start out with two boxes of just regular classic spaghetti noodles I'm gonna go ten ounces of Parmesan cheese five eggs we'll probably go about a tablespoon of minced garlic we have two packages of diced pancetta you can also use a package of bacon if that's your jam we're gonna go with maybe a half a cup to a cup of chicken stock salt and pepper to taste and then a few shakes of a lamb's tail I mean crushed red pepper that's gonna get a nice little kick here and even the twins can tolerate it so that's that's the that's the lineup and then as far as our salad goes I'm gonna either go two or three cucumbers haven't decided just yet package the feta cheese about a cup or maybe two cups of tomatoes some Italian dressing all right so while this water starts to boil we're gonna go ahead and knock out the salad and get it in the fridge so it can chill a little bit then we'll jump on our pancetta and all the fun stuff over here [Music] [Music] right veggies you've done let's go ahead and sprinkle on some feta know-how probably not gonna go a full pack here but maybe pretty close all right Italian dressing time have no idea how much this is just kind of eyeball it you can always come back for more that was something my grandpa said that looks that looks about right we'll give it a good toss though in the fridge all right so we got the noodles going here we're gonna cook these guys to about oh I don't know al dente but we want to save some of this juice we'll come back to that in a little bit now it's time to get the pancetta starter so let's throw this stuff in there I am actually gonna need probably bout two tablespoons of some kind of oil I usually go olive oil with this just because I like the taste better so we're gonna get this stuff started and hopefully it'll be done by the time our noodles are done all right for the olive oil I'm usually I'm usually pretty liberal I might go a couple tablespoons here I just want to make sure that this carbonara doesn't burn so I'm gonna cook it on about medium heat to get it going once I see that it starts sizzling and we got a good cook come back and add our garlic and our crushed red peppers all right so while the pancetta is cooking what we're gonna do is take about a cup of this boiling water and we're gonna use it to mix together our egg yolks and we're gonna put together kind of our base mixture for our pancetta all right the pancetta is at a place where it's about it's about done but I don't want it to burn so I'm gonna go ahead and throw in our garlic like I said I usually do about a tablespoon full keep in mind we're cooking here for a pretty large family so a lot of the ingredients are doubled but I'm gonna throw this in here we're gonna go ahead and add on our crushed red pepper flakes as well give this a little kick we're gonna let that cook for about a minute or two don't want to burn the garlic that's where our chicken stock is gonna come in oh that smells good doesn't it boys all right our garlic is done now we're gonna add about a cup of chicken stock here now what we're gonna do is we're gonna turn up the heat so about ah I'd say medium-high bring this to a boil and we're gonna cook about half of this chicken stock off and we're gonna basically picking this up a little bit by that time our noodles would be drained and I'll be dinnertime remember we're shooting for five egg yolks only it's okay if you get a little bit of it in there but do your best to ditch as much as you can all right so now we're gonna get one cup of our boiling water over here and we're gonna slowly stir it in with our egg yolks we're not gonna just dump it in there and start mixing slow is key here so make sure you don't get any noodles either all right let's get these puppies drains we're almost about done over here this is looking oh smells so good you guys bright crew pancetta is done we're gonna go ahead and dump it in our noodles this is one of my favorite parts I'm probably gonna need to push it down here so I can actually scrape all that goodness out of the pot and then we're gonna add our eggs and our cheese mix it all together and serve this bad boy do our egg mixture now don't worry a few guys stir this up the eggs will completely cook over and they kind of thicken up a little bit if not sometimes what I'll do is just I might add them back onto low as I'm stirring that will make sure everything gets time for cheese what I like to do here is go about half of my total cheese start mixing this stuff together get our cheese nice and melted and then I'm gonna come back and add our second dose oh we are done now a little salt and pepper there you have it spaghetti carbonara alright guys I hope you enjoyed today's video I hope you enjoyed some of these family favorite recipes of ours I will leave everything linked down below for you guys to check out the recipes of course if you make them tag me on instagram I want to see I loved last time when you guys shared that you were making so many of these things the one pot meatball was a huge hit last time you all loved the one pot meatball and so let me know if you guys make any of these recipes I would love to see you tag me on Instagram that is it for today's video I hope you guys enjoyed if you enjoy this kind of content dinner ideas meal planning all that kind of stuff that is part of the type of content that I make here on this channel so be sure to subscribe that is it and I will see you all again very soon [Music]
Channel: Angela Braniff
Views: 154,320
Rating: 4.9464121 out of 5
Keywords: cook with me, dinner ideas, meals planning, large family meals, big familiy dinners, meals, easy dinner, kid friendly food, easy meals, easy dinners, quick dinners, dinner made easy, quick recipes, easy dinner recipes, one pot meal, crock pot meal, dump and go, crockpot recipe, kid friendly meals, kid approved dinners, busy parents meal ideas, meal planning, grocery haul, big family meal planning, meal plan with me, grocery shop with me, simple meal plans
Id: JVid9ZAH_6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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