Easy Background Removal & Cut Out Effect Inside DaVinci Resolve 19

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what's going on and welcome back to the channel today in this denture resolve tutorial I'm going to teach you two different methods to do a freeze frame style effect let's get into [Music] it what's going on and welcome back to the channel if you're new here consider subscribing I'm a freelance filmmaker and I bring out videos to help you grow as creators so today I've got two different effects ins side eventure resolve both are going to give you about the exact same effect so no matter what version of denture resolve you have whether it's the studio or the free version I've got something for you let's load up denture resolve and get going so to do the first effect we're going to need two things we're going to need a video clip of our subject whatever we're wanting to have and then I've got a video clip that is the background of this kind of retro Style TV I think it's a really cool effect so we're going to take this we're going to drop it into our timeline I'm going to go ahead and just play it through and find the spot that I like pretty much any will work but I think right there should be good cuz I want to be able to put a title or something up in the corner I would go ahead and envision what you're going to do before you really dive into this effect will save a lot of time in the long run so what I'm going to do is I am going to make sure I'm on the spot that I want on a Mac I'm going to hit command B to cut that you can also hit B that would bring up the blade tool and then you could cut wherever you want but having it over there that's just a quick shortcut I am going to right click on it and I'm going to go to rtime controls I again on a Mac could hit command R and it would bring that up I'm going to zoom in here by hitting the command plus button and then I am going to click this little drop- down Tab and I'm going to go to freeze frame and you can see it's kind of added a freeze frame spot here I'm going to just drag that out because I don't care about going back to the video so I'm going to just trim that up something like that it's excessively long but it will work for the purpose of this tutorial so I'm going to play that through freezes just like that I think that looks good so what I want to do is I need to now start working on the cutout now this is specifically going to be in the studio version right here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring this a level up just making it easier I'm going to go ahead and drop the video kind of Graphics underneath it trim that so it's about the same I'm going to make sure I'm selected on that one then we're going to go inside the color Tab and in here we are going to do the magic mask that's what's going to create this effect very quickly so I'm going to click on the magic mask subject I am going to go ahead and just highlight a decent amount of him kind of make sure I'm not going too far out just getting a lot it does pretty good and if we need to add more we can just add more in there now it doesn't look great around his hair and the best way to do that is we're going to hit better instead of faster you can see if I change between the two it is dramatically making this look way better uh and then I want to rightclick on the Node I'm going to hit add Alpha output I am going to connect the blue to the blue and because this is a still instead of a video I don't need to track this forward you can see if I hop back into the editor that the entire thing it's just one image uh now the other thing I want to do is I want to add a text so I'm going to bring him up one more level I'm just going to do one of these Fusion titles that's already in here I'm just going to grab the clean and simple title I'm just going to put that right there get it to somewhere in the middle I'm going to hit the little box here in the bottom left so I can find it just like that and in here we're just going to change this I'm going to get rid of the clean and simple title because I think it just looks good the way it is unclick that let's play that through yeah I think that's cool again if we're want to change things like font color we could do all of that inside here and boom we've got that guy right there nice little effect that's going to pop him up if we wanted to resume back to where the video was we're going to hit command B I'm going to right click on it I'm going to go to rtime controls I'm going to drag this clip out right to where I see it is I'm going to go right about there where I see that it resumes move it there bring that back over and you can see he's gone because we still have that magic mask on so again jump back into the color Tab delete that node go back to the edit page he's looking around maybe some nice buildup of Music title pops up you've got the cool graphic behind him and then it's going to snap back to him looking around there's so many things you can do that are just branching off from what I'm showing you right here now before we go any further with this tutorial let's talk about the sponsor of today's video and that is motion array everything that I've been using in this tutorial today has been provided by motion and ra I want to touch on one thing specifically and that is their amazing templates no matter what kind of editor you are they have got amazing templates on their website I cannot tell you how many times I've hopped on there found an amazing template that's going to fit specifically for my video load it inside Adventure resolve and in there I can customize it however I want to make it fit my project even more than it already is by just being a drag and drop template if you're want to check out motion rate I'll have a link in the description below use that link when you sign up and you get $50 off when you sign up for an subscription thank you so much motion Ray for sponsoring this video and other creators just like me for the second effect that is in the free version of D Vinci resolve this one's going to be a little more timec consuming but it's going to give us pretty close to the same effect of the first one so I've got this businessman here given this weird kind of smirk I don't really know it was just a clip I went with I think that looks fine so I'm just going to kind of set an n and an outp point just like so we're going to grab it drop it in Here Again Play it through find the point that I like I think right there is pretty good uh I do want to go ahead and zoom into it so I'm going to zoom in I'm going to kind of just reframe him a little bit I am going to go ahead and make this a fusion clip because we're going to be jumping inside Fusion I think it makes my life so much easier further on uh same thing I'm going to hit command B I'm going to right click on it go to rtime controls I am going to do the drop down Freeze Frame stretch it out kind of trim it up a little bit close it make sure I'm over on top of it hop inside the fusion Tab and here's where we're going to be doing majority of the work so we are going to make sure we've got the media 1 selected which is our video clip and I am going to go right here and I am going to be grabbing the beastline tool now you can get this also by hitting shift spacebar on a Mac and it would bring up your toolbox but this is just a shortcut so I'm going to click that I am going to make sure it is connected to our media and you can see it took the video away which is kind of hard to draw on when it's not there so the fastest way I figured out to do this if I shut the effect off it actually lets us still see and draw and do everything we're going to do it's just not going to affect it so I'm going to make sure that I have the Beast blind selected hold command on a Mac and I'm going to zoom in here and we are just going to be going in and we are just going to be taking our sweet time and drawing all the way around him once we get to the end we are just going to come right to the first one we started with you'll see that little circle lassos there click it and now it is just going to completely cut that person out you can see it took a really decent amount of time to kind of cut him out but it made it look insanely better now you can see if we hop back in the edit page play that through that it's got our guy Crossing his arms and then now it's going to cut to the spot that we have so now we need some kind of background I've got this background right here I'm going to bring this in I'm going to time this up just when that ink drops hitting I think that looks good right there there I'm going to play that boom ink drops I actually kind of like that background better than the previous one because it just kind of hits harder no pun intended uh so I'm going to trim this up a little bit something like that I think that looks good and again I would like to add some kind of title so I am just going to add just a basic title in this one for now this is really not important I'm just showing you more steps that you can do kind of Zoom it down a little bit again turn on my transform so I can just move this quickly think something like that's cool we wanted it real big we could and just drop it right behind him something like that again I think it's cool having that lay effect so if you've got a title or something else that you want to put in front it just kind of enhances the effect a little bit more one last thing I would like to do just the cherry on top is go to the beginning of it I'm going to turn on Dynamic Zoom just like so but it is going the opposite way so we're going to swap it so so it's still there and it will zoom in just like so I think that looks cool maybe do the opposite for the uh the ink splatter play that through One Last Time Boom it's got a little bit of movement I like that if I wanted to go the extra step I would just maybe have the title stretching out more uh fading on some kind of Animation I wouldn't probably just slap it up there both these effects that I'm showing you take this as inspiration and make something a little more custom to you and the video that you're going for this is just meant to spark that inspiration that's inside you that will make that next project that much better that's it for me today if you like this video give me a thumbs up drop a comment below let me know if you want to see more like this uh check out motion raid there are links in the description below do not forget to check them out they're an amazing platform highly recommend them uh that's it for me I'll see youall next time I'm the AR giant you're amazing did the backwards peace [Music]
Channel: Josh Hanes
Views: 9,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve 19 Tutorial, Step by step DaVinci Resolve 19 tutorial, Leard DaVinci Resolve 19 fast, Free DaVinci Resolve Effect, Free DaVinci Resolve tutorial, Remove background in DaVinci Resolve 19, Easy Background Removal & Cut Out Effect Inside DaVinci Resolve 19, How to in DaVinci Resolve 19, DaVinci Resolve 19 Studio, Cut out DaVinci Resolve 19 tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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