3 EASY Ways To Put A TEXT BEHIND An Object Or Person | DaVinci Resolve 18 Tutorial

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what's going on and welcome back to the channel today in this DaVinci Resolve tutorial I'm going to teach you how to put a text behind a person or an object let's get into it hey if you're new here my name is Josh Haynes I'm a freelance filmmaker and I bring up videos to help you grow as creators consider subscribing if you have not already today in this adventure resolve tutorial I'm going to be teaching you three different ways to add a text behind an object or a person one of these is definitely going to be the paid version there are however two ways that are in the free version of DaVinci resolved so if you're watching the first one you're like I can't do this because I have a free version of DaVinci Resolve hold tight or skip ahead to the two free versions that there are methods to do that as well to get you the same effect one is just a little faster than the other let's hop inside Adventure resolve and get going so the easiest way to do this is I am just going to be focusing on One Clip at a time so I'm going to move both of these out of the way for now I'm going to go ahead and grab this video clip and I am going to hit option on a Mac I am going to lift it and bring it above it's going to copy it so so what we're going to do is we're going to be focusing on this one I'm going to lift this one up so I've got a little bit of a gap so I'm not confused in the coloring tab I'm going to go ahead and change the color of one of these so I'm going to right click on this I'm going to go to clip color and I'm going to do it as lime green so let's go into the color Tab and then here you can see that I have them separated I have the green clip right here is number one and then the blue clip is number three so in here there's a couple things we need to do first thing we need to do is we need to right click and we're going to add an alpha output it's going to bring this little blue Little Dot in here we're going to grab the blue and we are going to connect it to that it's basically sending our effect out if we don't have that selected on certain effects it's not going to show up and that may be why some of you have been stumped before so what we need to do is we need to go into the magic mask I've already got the tab selected right here I'm going to make sure I have the plus sign selected and then I'm just going to start painting onto our model here I'm just going to kind of cover as much as possible without going too far out I'm just gonna get majority of her the more you can get in the mask the better it's gonna do again you don't have to go crazy but you can see that already selected it very well if you do this and you don't have the mass showing up right here under toggle mask overlay you can turn that on and off so you may have done this and you're like where's my mask make sure it's turned on so you can actually see it now that I have her selected and masked there's a couple things I like to do I like to change the quality from faster to better now I'm going to go over here and I'm going to track it because if I start going through this you can see that the mask is only right here where that little blue dot is it only added one keyframe so we're going to slide over and we're gonna hit the forward and backwards button and it's going to track it backwards and forward if you're in a hurry the faster is okay and will work for majority of your cases but the better quality is always going to give you a better result so what we're going to do is we're going to hop back into the edit Tab and in here I'm going to click on the bottom track I'm going to shut it off and I'm going to play that through again see how that looks yeah that actually looks really well the last step of this is grabbing a text I prefer to do a text plus dropping it in here stretching it out to our video clip length and then under the inspector we can change the text and we can change the font size we can change the color the tracking the spacing whatever we're wanting it to be something I like to do is go into the settings and I like to actually turn the opacity down just a little bit so it's not overpowering and sometimes I'll add an effect on it or two I do like to go in the shading as well sometimes and do inverted but I think for this one it looks great just having it be the way that it is and because it's a text plus if we wanted to we could go into the transform and we can actually keyframe some of this because it's a text plus if it's just a normal text you're not able to keyframe that now before I get to the last two effects let's talk about the sponsor of this video and that is motion array I've been using motion array for years now and I'm always Blown Away by the high quality stuff they're pumping out I I just jump on motionarate.com look up some assets and me being an editor that primarily Works in DaVinci Resolve I love that they have so many templates and presets designed specifically for that there's so much to choose from I find what I need download it load it inside my editor and there's so many ways you can customize each one of these assets you can design it to be perfect for the style that you're looking for in the video I will have a link in the description below if you're willing to check out motion you're right use that link when you sign up and you'll get 50 off your annual plan thank you so much motion rate for sponsoring this video and other creators just like me let's go over the last two effects that you can accomplish in any version of DaVinci Resolve the free or paid version so the first one I want to do is we're going to grab the Statue of Liberty clip right here we're going to bring it over here let me play that through so I can get an idea of what it looks like I think that looks great again we're going to do the same thing we're going to grab a text plus we're not going to duplicate the video this is the most simple way you could do on this we're going to grab it we're going to bring it right over here stretch it out we're going to change in the inspector the text as well as the font maybe the color the size whatever you're wanting to do I'm going to leave it white I like this font I like the size I like the tracking think it looks good I did accomplish the inverted by going to the shading Tab and then I just changed it from the appearance of being just like that to just the outside you can change the thickness if you'd like to but I like it the way that it is I think it's solid now to accomplish what I want to do next I go into the settings and then under the composite mode instead of normal we can change it in here I'm going to do difference and you can see it does something different it's going to actually change the color of the font here as well as outside when the sun is on it to when the sun is not on it it's not exactly putting it behind it but it is going to give you a very interesting effect now the other way you could do this if you didn't like that is if we wanted to make this text be black we could make it be Black by the bringing the color tab there going back to the settings and instead of that let's just do normal and now it looks like it's behind it because this is a silhouette again this doesn't work for everything but it does look really good for something like this this is a very stylized way to do that you could do the exact same thing you could track the text so let's say if you like it there we'll go back we'll bring it up here and then we'll play it through and then now New York drops down behind it it's giving a completely different style now the last effect is a way to do it just like we did the first one having the text behind the city but this is the way to do it in the free version so I am going to again duplicate my video clip bring it up here we're going to change the bottom one to Green because I think it's easiest for me to know so I'm going to change it to Green I'm going to jump into the color Tab and in here I'm going to click on the top click so I want to make sure I have that selected then I'm going to go into the mask right here not magic mask go into the window which is mask but DaVinci Resolve calls it window I am going to select the cursor and I'm going to kind of zoom in just a little bit and we're going to start drawing around the building just like so now I am burning through this pretty quickly just for the purpose of this tutorial however I would really take your time and go through and make it look really good try to get it as close to the buildings as possible but just for the purpose of this tutorial this is what we're gonna do I'm going to bring it around here to finish it I am just going to be on the last one I'm going to click the first one and it's going to bring that mask together we don't have our Alpha output we're going to grab that connect it you can see that it is finished there I did however make a crucial mistake and that is I did the green one instead of the blue one that's an easy fix we just jump back in the edit page we grab the blue drop it down bring the green above it and then we can shut off the blue if we want and we can see how the mask looks you can see it's not great it's definitely not pretty so we're going to do is hop back into the color Tab and here you can actually soften it up just a little bit if you want you could zoom in really tight if you wanted and clean that up really good but again like I mentioned earlier just kind of burning through this fast now one of the problems with this one is again it's not following it it looks absolutely terrible by time it gets to there so what we're going to do is we're going to go into the tracker we're going to click that it's then going to go step by step tracking it and holding frame by frame then I would hop back in the edit tab I have a text right here bring it over let's go ahead and enable that so it's there then you can add a text behind it you can see it's not perfect because I didn't spend an insane amount of time on the mask this is going to give you the same result as the magic mask the difference is this one is way more time consuming than the other but there you go three different ways to add a text behind an object or a person inside DaVinci Resolve I hope you learned something I'll have links in the description below for motion rate if you want to check them out you're amazing I'm Darren giant I'll see in the next video peace [Music] all right
Channel: Josh Hanes
Views: 13,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorials, Learn how to video edit, DaVinci resolve 18 tutorial, how to put a text behind a person in DaVinci resolve, Step by step DaVinci resolve tutorial, 3 ways to use DaVinci resolve, resolve tutorial for beginners, 3 EASY Ways To Put A TEXT BEHIND An Object Or Person, Josh Hanes tutorial using DaVinci resolve
Id: 3-MfEEml6rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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