Color Shift Your Videos Like a PRO! - DaVinci Resolve

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today I want to talk to you about how to use the color page in a little more depth than I have in some of the previous videos I've made I want to talk about how you can do things like take the color of something in your footage and change an individual item like the color of someone's shirt or something else that might be in there that's one color that you want to change to another so let's not waste any time and let's Dive Right into this if you have a piece of footage in your timeline in the edit page here I've got a piece of footage I've gotten from story blocks of a gentleman with a pink shirt on or a reddish shirt on waving and he's got a blue background now let's say for this piece of footage that what I wanted to do was to change the color of his shirt the first thing I would do is Select that footage in my timeline and I would go over to the color page now we're going to be using a few different tools here that we haven't used before in this middle section we've talked about the Scopes over on the right and we've talked about some of the primary wheels and how to change colors on the left but this middle section we haven't talked a lot about yet and I want to show you some of the features now just so you know I am using the latest beta version of Da Vinci resolve Studio 19 so just be aware if there's something that you don't see and you're in the free version it might be a studio only feature but most of the stuff that I'll be using you can actually do in the free version the first thing I want to do is try to isolate his shirt and see if I can change the color of it so what we want to do is come over to this tool this little eyedropper tool right here that's called the qualifier again another silly name from resolve they couldn't just call it the ey dropper or the Color Picker it's the qualifier so that's the word that we're going to use today the qualifier if you click on that you'll notice that it defaults to this Color Picker here I'm going to go up and I'm going to bring that eyedropper which is now my cursor turned into an eye dropper place it over his shirt and I'm going to click somewhere in the middle where the main color is now if you notice nothing seems to have happened right here but if you look up at the node in the upper right it's gone from looking at the entire image of that video clip and it's just isolated the shirt now if we want to see just the shirt in our preview window what we need to do is to go up above it here on the left and click on the Highlight tab that'll change so that we only see his shirt exactly what we've selected that one color and as you can see it hasn't selected every bit of his shirt it's just selected the majority of it and if we're going to change the color of the whole shirt then we want to make sure that all of the shirt area is actually selected so we can make that change so go back down under that qualifier tool that eyedropper tool and let's switch over to where it has the qualifier plus that's called the Picker add and what that's going to do is allow us to add more areas for our selection and if I go back up to my footage and start clicking inside of it areas where the shirt doesn't seem to be selected you'll see more of that shirt becomes visible and if you move this playhead marker around you could actually start spotting areas where maybe the shirt isn't selected it in all the areas we'd like it to be and you can click in those different areas to get more of it to show up now here's something that's problematic as we start clicking more areas can you see that there's other areas up in the preview window that are beginning to get selected that aren't his shirt you can see sort of his eyes his hairline some of his lips down in the lower left here it's starting to select part of his arm where the red is reflecting into that arm and we only want the shirt so now that we've done a pretty good job of selecting the shirt so so far we need to take another step here to just isolate the shirt only but let me take a second to thank our sponsor who actually provided us with today's video clip story blocks story blocks is an affordable asset house where you can get things like b-roll music sound effects and images that you can use royaltyfree in your next YouTube video and story blocks just added an entire section of templates specifically for Da Vinci resolve that include animated titles transition Motion Graphics and more now I've been using story blocks for years before they ever became a sponsor because I actually really like the quality of the product they offer I also like the fact that for one affordable price you can get access to as many assets as you need there are no download limits about how many videos that you can use at any given time period how many images you can use or how many pieces of music or sound effects that you can get from story blocks I'll leave a link down below if you want to go check out story blocks for yourself today so now that we've done a pretty good job of selecting the shirt so far we need to take another step here to just isolate the shirt only now the way I would do that is I would take that playhead and put it all the way back at the beginning of our footage and we're going to switch tools here and we're going to go over to the window tool which is really just like a masking tool and it has different shapes that you can choose now if we don't have a very specific shape like a square or a circle that would make sense for what we're trying to mask you can go down to this pen tool and that will allow you to one by one draw around dots to outline the area that you want to select so let's select that pen tool and let's slowly start drawing around this image as close as we can without going inside of the image so that we have lots of areas to control a mask now I know when it comes to drawing masks sometimes it gets really confusing because it can feel pains staking because you're drawing all these little outlin L around things and sometimes when you're video editing you want to feel like you could just click a button and have things happen but you'll notice when you start doing more advanced video edits learning things like how to properly mask can make the difference between an effect that looks really good and one that looks just kind of okay so I want to give plenty of dots around this I want to give myself plenty of areas to adjust later on as we move through this footage so I'm just going to sit there and click around the outside edge I'm just left clicking with this tool all around the outside edge edge of the shirt that I want to mask and I'm even going to go a little bit below here and I'm going to drop below the frame and as you can see the minute I finished that mask the stuff that was outside of the Mask disappeared you could no longer see the shadow of his arm you can no longer see the lips up above and the ey line that was getting a little bit of that red in there and you can see mostly just the shirt now but I've only created this mask right here in the first frame of this entire video clip what I want to do is make sure that the mask follows all the way through now resolve has another feature to the right here that's called the tracker and if you click on the tracker and you have your playhead at the beginning of your footage what you want to do is track forward by hitting the play button and if you hover on it you'll see it says track forward there are other options here let's say your play had happened to be in the middle of your footage you could track forward and reverse all at the same time so it'll do the entire footage but it'll go one way and then go the other way if you were at the end of your footage you could track backwards there's all these different options depending on where your playhead is at but for us we have it at the beginning so let's hit track forward and you can see as that played through it started tracking what it thought was happening in that mask now even at the end of this footage if I look right here I can tell the mask didn't track as well as I would like cuz I can see a little bit of his arm popping through so I'm going to have to do a little bit of modification on this mask and tweak it so that it actually follows the shirt and doesn't allow other things to sh show up throughout the course of this footage so let me go back to the beginning I'm going to activate the individual key framing feature which is over here on the right we're currently on the Scopes feature but if you click right here to the left of it it'll open up the key Frame Window key frames are just little information markers to tell the software hey as this thing moves through I might need it to do something a little different so at this point I want the mask to be here but I might need to make an adjustment how halfway through so right here all I'm going to do is I'm going to turn on this automatic key framing feature for the corrector it looks pretty good here but I'm going to move the play head forward and watch what happens okay right here I can see that the mask is allowing some of the red in the fingers to come through as his hand gets in front of his shirt sleeve so what I'm going to do at this point is I'm going to grab some of these little markers in the mask and I'm going to pull them in and adjust them a little bit better to what's happening in this footage I want to make sure it stays true to only letting the shirt show through and all I'm going to do here is every time I see something popping through that isn't the shirt I'm going to make a slight adjustment just to make sure that only the shirt is showing I'll move forward a little bit and I can see that arm showing through here on the left so I'm going to move some of these little mask markers over and it'll keep adding key frames over on the right here for the placement of that mask to make sure that the entire shirt continues to show go through and not his arm that's pretty close again I could sit here and tweak this uh at any point if I notice later on in the footage that this some of the other things are showing through I can continue to tweak this and make it even more precise now once I have that mask in and playing the way I want I can even go back to the Picker tool I can grab that picker plus the Picker ad and if there's areas like down in the shadow see how that doesn't seem to have grabbed all the shadow of shirt I can click down in there again and start grabbing some of that I want to watch for any artifacts though I don't want to pick so much that I actually start showing up more of the things right on the edge of my mask now let me put the playhead at the very beginning of the footage and down below I'm going to switch over to the curves menu and I want to make sure that I have the Hue versus Hue option selected it's the second window right here and in here I can start to move this around and if you look above you you'll see that color of the shirt change different colors depending on what I've selected but find a color that makes sense right there it's kind of red let me see if we can switch them over a kind of a green shirt and if I go back up above the preview window and deselect the highlight and if I hit play you'll see it looks like he now has a green shirt on there are a couple of artifacts in there that I can notice that I might want to adjust watch for things like see right here on his sleeve can you catch that there's a little pink showing through that shows me that the mask is a little bit off in that air area so it's really easy to go over and select the mask tool again and then make that little bit of adjustment you don't even have to switch back to the Highlight window you can do it right inside of the full frame with everything turned on and do some little bit of adjustments just to make sure it's doing what you want as you play through and if you see anything that looks a little funky make your adjustment now I want me show you another thing that you can do let's say just instead of changing the color from one thing to another you might want that color to change over the course of the footage if you look down over here on the key frames menu you can see because I put the playhead at the beginning it dropped a key frame right here on the color corrector if I were to move this playhead farther down the timeline a bit and then decide to change the color by going back to the curves window right the Hue versus Hue and instead of green maybe I wanted him to change to I don't know maybe back to that more of the pinkish red that he had what I can do there is just move that where I want and if you notice it's added a key frame right there where the playhead is because I had that turned on and when I told it at the beginning I wanted it to be one color and here I'm telling it to be a different color it's going to make that transition based on the distance of the first frame to where I had that color change and if you play this you will see that his shirt will actually change color as he's sitting there waving it's almost like a magic trick goes back to that original color right so that can make for a really cool effect to change color right before the viewer's eyes going from one color of something slowly fading into another now there's lots of different things that you can do with techniques like these understanding how to place a mask understanding how to track that mask and then add key frames and do some slight corrections to it while your footage is playing so mess around with those few functions I've shown you and if you have any questions about any of this make sure you ask me down in the comments below and if you want to learn more about how to edit your YouTube videos with Venture resolve click on the video that I have on screen now or the ones that I'll link down below peace
Channel: Daniel Batal
Views: 6,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Batal, Creator Conversations, davinci resolve, color change, masking, mask tracking, change shirt color, create a mask, animate a mask, change color of sometning in your video
Id: B_8wvXet0RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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