How to make Looping GIFs in Davinci Resolve

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let's get one thing straight right away is it a gif or is it a gif let me know in the comments below which one you prefer and perhaps why I've always called them gifs so for the remainder of this video a gif is a gif and a gif is a gif and I apologize for that right away but I'm going to struggle to call them anything else so if you've ever wondered how you can create eye-catching looping gifts just like this [Music] one then stick around because in this video I'm going to show exactly how you can create looping gifts in Venture resolve really really easily we're going to go through setup editing your content adding titles and graphics and then how we can best export them in the most optimized format possible so if you're ready let's Jump On In right let's get started so here we are in Dent resolve 19 I'm on the edit page and I have a blank timeline open in front of me as you can see we've got the desired outcome just loaded into the source viewer here so there is our GIF stroke meme sort of thing that we're working towards and I'll show you how we do that so first things first we're going to need some footage and in this instance I've already been over and I've grabbed my stock footage so there it is I'm going to use the same shot again and I thought this was particularly apt because we've got the European championships happening at the moment in Germany not too far from where I am so I thought why not do something sort of football or soccer for you guys in America related so let's do something like that so first things first we need to set up our timeline now if I come down to my project settings I'm going to use the little gear icon in the bottom right corner to do that so if I click that we've got some master settings here timeline resolution is 1920 x 1080 my timeline frame rate is 25 frames per second and you'll notice that's locked and that's because I've already brought footage into my media pool okay so that's going to actually impact us in a minute because one of the things we're going to want to do with our GIF is make sure we're reducing the file size as much as we possibly can to make it manageable optimiz it for sharing and make it very quick to to load and play so we're probably not going to want this time resolution set as high as we have it because again a very of high quality GIF is probably around 720p so we want to reduce this as well but rather than do it here in the project settings in this case you can do of course I'm not going to do that though I'm going to come away and I'm going to come to where my timeline is and this is the timeline I've got here so that's it right there I'm going to just simply right click on it come to timelines timeline settings as you you can see here and then click that and what you'll notice here is you've got some timeline settings there's a separate box now that pops up and this is because we're going to set some independent settings for this particular timeline which is going to work really well for us now at the moment it's all gray out but if I come down to this use project settings I can simply uncheck that and everything now is going to open up for me so a couple of changes I'm going to make here first of all my Tim run resolution I'm going to drop that down and actually if you can't find one that you want then simply enter it in under underneath and you can have a custom number now I'm going to use 480 just because I've done some testing and I like 480 and I'm going to make it a square resolution often these are square but they can also be vertical they could also be you know 16 by9 aspect ratio if you want but typically they're either square or vertical in this case we're going to make a square one the timeline frame rate as I said earlier whilst my footage is 25 frames per second often we have animated gifts that are actually not playing back at 25 frames per second they're playing back a little bit less and this also helps us reduce our file size at the end so what I'm going to do I'm just going to drop this down I'm going to just go down to the lowest I can which is 16 frames per second in my case I'm going to leave the mismatch resolution to scale entire image to fit and I'll tell you why in just a moment so let's click okay and we've created ourselves our timeline with independent settings you can see here that we've got a little icon that denotes that this timeline has independent settings to the project which is again exactly what we want so let's go back to our video clip and I'm just simply going to bring it in in the way that I normally would you can do it a number of different ways but for example I could load it up and then just drag it straight over the program viewer and then drop it in in any of the ways that I'm going to do like that so I might just use overwrite and then in it goes there so as you can see that's work that's loaded perfectly into our new timeline with our new settings and because I had it set at scale to fit you'll notice that the whole frame of the video has been scaled into fit if I wanted to change that I could of course come back to my timeline settings right click timeline settings and I could of course change that if I wanted to so I could set it so that we wanted it to Center crop with no resizing and then that would change and obviously I'd have there more control of moving it around and framing it as I wanted to you can also do that directly from the inspector as well so let me just reset what I just did there like so so if I wanted to I could also come to that clip in particular open up the inspector which is in the top right and then come down to rtime and scaling open that scroll down where it says scaling simply open it and then change any of the options here so for example crop or I can do fill and if I wanted to use one of those I could also then use the smart reframe option here to then concentrate on an object of Interest maybe this Chap's animated excited face for example now if you'd like to see a video about smart reframe do remember to hit that like button for me let me know and drop in the comments and say that you'd like to see it and I'll make sure we can do that one another time for you but just for now I'm not going to concentrate on that I'm going to set it back to how I had it and the reason being is again I want to use this letter boxing effect that we've got going on for my titles which is the next thing we're going to look on to but before I do that one thing we might want to just again look at is the length of this now we're creating an animated looping GIF so with that in mind I don't need it to be 24 seconds and this is 24 seconds long at the minute or so so let's work with around sort of 8 seconds I think it's probably going to be much better uh for our needs so here's a little tip for you no matter where you are on the timeline let's say we're here at 18 seconds and 11 frames as long as nothing selected all you need to do is press the equals key on your numpad like so and it will open this little time code entry box up here all I'm going to type in now is eight and then a period or a full stop and you'll notice that we now get 8 seconds showing when I press enter it'll jump automatically to 8 seconds and from here I can use a keyboard shortcut just to trim the end off of my clip which is going to be shift and close brackets and then we have a clip that is 8 seconds in the timeline and if I press shift and Zed I will do a zoom to fit everything in my timeline I could of course come here and press this button which is the full extent zoom and then that will actually dynamically adjust my timeline to fit my footage so that's all set looking good so far how do we add titles well let me just close inspector for two seconds to give us some real estate and I'm going to come up here to the effect panel which is the top left click that come down to where it says titles I'm going to grab a very basic simple title and I'd recommend a very simple Title Here these types of content you know these gifts and so forth they're not particularly good for animations and things like that sort of fancy Graphics it's really kind of a simple sort of style so let's just go with that for the time being I'm going to close my effects down I'm going to come over to the inspector again and open that up and actually at this point what I'm also going to do is just use this button here to go to to a single viewer mode so I'm going to click that there we go that just gives us a bit more room to work with things so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to quickly type in some text so I'm going to adjust my title there we go so that's looking good I'm now just going to change the font and style it how I'd like there we are and I'm going to reposition it into that nice little spot at the top that we have also it's a cool thing here in this actual simple title tool is that you've got this font case option here so you can change it from mixed to all caps and that also works really well for our needs so there's the first one just going to leave that like that and to make this really simple I'm just going to use this little quick shortcut to duplicate this particular title so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold the option or ALT key down I'm going to click on my title and I'm going to drag up to create a copy and then what I'm going to do is select the bottom one because I like to have it sort of orientated how my composition is orientated so I'm going to grab the bottom one and I'm simply going to drag down to drag my copy down and now I'm going to edit that there we go something like that sounds about right and as you can see we've got ourselves quite nicely to where we want it to be we've got our nice little footage we've shortened it down we've created some titles and we've got it in a nice Square format with the settings that we want so this is looking really good so far now let's just say at the moment this is going to provide us a black background but let's say you wanted to change the color of the background well you could do that really easily so what I'm going to do is come across to my track header in my timeline I'm going to right click and then I'm going to add a track like so now what I'm also then going to do is just simply switch up this one level so that we now leave video track One open on the bottom and I'm going to come across to my effects again and I'm going to come across to the little search dial on the top here and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to search for solid and I'm going to make sure actually I'm selecting on the toolbox and then I'll see a solid color pop up I'm going to drag my solid color down there and then drag it out to the extension of the full timeline and now what I want to do is just change the color so I can now set any color I want so for example let's just say that's that and I can change my text to be appropriate now of course this is not a typical uh a typical color should we say for the type of things you see on social media but for example if you wanted to kind of put some branding on it your kind of colors then you absolutely could do that if you needed to I'm just going to back that up a couple of steps because I don't want to do that in this case I'm fine with the black background so I could also just by the way turn that black and there we go and then that's going to give me my black background as well so we are pretty much there we' pretty much done what we need to of course if you needed to as well you could jump into the color page and you could start throwing some effects on here you could do some color grading on here if you wanted to uh for example if I wanted to I could create a very quick effect here so I'm just going to create a very very quick effect here I've just created uh a couple of extra node and a layer node in this case so what I want to do is actually turn this top load black and white so I'm going to come across to the RGB mixer which is this chap here just above my pallet change that to monochrome and then what I'm going to do is Select this bottom one because in the layer mixer whilst it sounds unintuitive the bottom one is actually the top one so just to make that really clear so it works the other way around so this is actually our top layer now if you will so what going to do here is I'm simply going to come to my qualifier which is this trap over here and this isn't the hard and fast way to do this you can do this a number of different ways but this is just the way I quite like it seems to give my workflow good results so I'm just going to find a shot of our footage where I can get a nice qualification of this red color and so selecting my qualify I'm just going to drag this down like so and get a kind of a good red color I'm can then use either of these options either the feather or the additional eye dropper here to then just go in and just fine tune that a little bit more if I want to it's not done too bad of a job actually I don't want to get too much of the other colors but that's looking pretty good and I'm just going to do this very quickly just to give you an idea of how much you can play with this but again we'll just have a little bit of a play and let's say that's suiting our needs right now so as you can see what we've created there is a situation where our red colors are exposed and this is looking kind of cool it's you know our meme you don't have to do this of course but it's an option so as I say you've got yourself now into a position where you're ready to export your finished product so how do we do that well let's come over to the deliver page there we go and all I'm going to do here is I'm just going to press shift and Zed a couple of times to get that into my full timeline and I'm going to come over here and look at my options so first of all I'm going to need to give it a name so let me give it a name okay so looping football gift give it a name and a place where I'm going to save it now there's no actual preset up here for a gif so we need to manually set this as a custom export setting so as you can see already I've already got it actually set but by default let's say you were on a different setting it might look something like this when you come down to the format You're simply going to go to the top format drop down and then scroll up until you see GIF click GIF you can see animated gif there now this will automatically take on the resolution of your timeline so 480 by 480 and in this instance our frame rate is locked in at 60 and there's nothing I can do to change that so that's really good now because we've already already taken care of the resolution and the frame rate that's going to really help us in terms of reducing our overall file size equally we've taken care of the duration and the length of our our GIF and as I said because it's going to Loop infinitely we are absolutely fine with that we just need to kind of keep it nice and short so this is one of the areas where I do recommend playing with your different settings to see if you get different outcomes but for me this is generally what makes the biggest difference is the actual resolution the frame rate and the length of your clip what you can also do is come down to these further settings here the last frame delay pallet generation and then number of colors and this will also have an impact into the size of your GIF so one thing you can do is first of all change the number of colors so gifts only support 256 Colors by reducing the number of colors in your palette you're going to make that obviously a little bit smaller because it's not looking at so many colors and it can also help you create that aesthetic of a gif where it looks a little bit kind of not quite super eight or kind of 8 bit but kind of it's got that kind of look to it right so it's going that way so pallet generation medians is the default but if you want to try and reduce the file size you can also go to clusters as well so without getting into too nerdy kind of information about what clusters and medians do and different palletes and so forth I found that generally on the whole if you want a an image that has a little bit less sort of artifacting um but you don't and you don't mind the size of it being too big stick with me medians stick with 256 as the uh as the default if you want to drop those down obviously coming down these numbers is going to create some interesting maybe slightly wacky effect so by all means have a little look at those and see which ones give you the best results for me I'm going to have a sweet spot about one to eight colors and then obviously the resolution set as I have it so there we go we have all of our settings in notice that with the GIF there's no audio at all so there's no point putting any audio in either and we are pretty much good to go so all we need to do now is drop this onto the render q and and then render that out so I'm just going to render that now for you it's not going to take too long and then let me show you our final result there we go as you can see we've got our looping GIF looping away quite happily it's 8.9 megabytes so it's a bit of a bigger gift but we've obviously could do some further work to reduce it further if we need to this is what probably I'd say is like a medium quality gif as I said we could definitely reduce the colors slightly but the point is we've got a loopin gif straight out of denture resol very quickly and you can have a lot of fun with this so there you go if you didn't know how to make a looping gift in Vin resolve before now hopefully you do it's actually a fairly straightforward process I think you'll agree and it is significantly easier than it used to be but that's of course because you now know something else that's super simple to do is to hit the like button for me and make sure you're subscribed to the channel and then you'll get notified when I release more videos just like this one your support by subscribing to the channel massively helps me to continue to produce these videos and I'm really grateful for your support equally hitting the like button just let everybody else know that this was a good video and it encourages YouTube to show it to those people so there's a much greater chance that they'll see it too again massively helping the channel and I really appreciate your support for now though that's us done so whatever you're doing I hope you have a great rest of the day and I'll catch you in the next video bye for now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alex Cameron - Depiqd
Views: 1,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: looping gifs, animated gifs, how to make looping gifs in davinci resolve, how to make a gif in davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci gif, davinci resolve 19, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners 2024, social media gif, davinci resolve gif loop, make a gif in davinci resolve, davinci resolve, davinci gif export, how to, video editing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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