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hi there titling is a really important part of the work that we do as editors so being able to create your titles but also to be able to reuse them effectively is a really important skill in this video not only am I going to show you how to create your titles in D Vinci resolve but I'm also going to show you a technique for saving them as reusable templates that you can use in any project that you're working on even better you can follow along with me and the steps even if you're using the free version of resolve so let's dive [Music] in to start with resolve has a number of options for adding titles to your timeline in the edit page and they can be found in the effects panel under the titles category Believe It or Not these first five title generators used to be the only titles available to us in resolve until Fusion arrived back in version 15 whilst you can add any of these generators by dragging them directly to the timeline I usually prefer to doubleclick them to open them in the source viewer this way I can use traditional three-point editing techniques to edit the titles into the timeline okay let's start by highlighting the text and adding my own across two lines double click clicking the title in the timeline will automatically open the inspector where I can change the font and color for the first line of text and choosing a different font and color for the second line I'll just adjust the size of both of these lines for a little bit more visual interest and tweak the line spacing to bring them closer together I'll adjust the rotation angle for the entire title as well as a slight outline using the stroke control and a gentle drop shadow just for good measure well that's not bad for a couple of minutes work but it could do with a little bit of Animation as this is where I want my title to end up I'll add a couple of key frames here to the zoom and rotation angle controls then move backwards towards the start of the clip to adjust their starting positions I'll also fade the whole title in over about half a second using the opacity handle opening the clips key frame editor now allows me to reposition the key frames to get the animation timing just right [Music] I'll just copy and paste each of these key frames to the end of the title using Commando or control C and V allow to fade out using the handle as well as use it to refine the timing of the animation for the end of the [Music] title opening the curve editor I'll add a small amount of easing to the zoom and rotation key frames and this creates a neat little animation for this opening title okay I think you'll agree that this is a pretty awesome title but what if I wanted to be able to reuse it in a different part of my project or maybe in a completely different project entirely sure I could simply copy and paste the title to a new location or timeline but a quick way to save this title is to drag it from the timeline directly to the media pool where you can rename it and open it in the source viewer as you can see this preserves all the settings including the key frames so I can just edit it directly into the timeline to reuse it where I can change the title and adjust its animation as needed and here are a couple of power tips if you want to use this title in any other project you're working on in the media pool's options menu choose to show Power bins these bins live outside your project and can be used to store certain elements like titles which you can then access in other projects in your project Library whether that's a local network or cloud-based Library simply switch projects and then you'll be able to access the title directly from the power bin from here you can either add it to your project or edit it into the timeline immediately and for projects that aren't in the same project Library just right click on the bin containing your titles and choose export bin this will create a small drb file that can then be imported into any other project or another set of power bins in another project library and just remember that this isn't actually copying any media that will need to be managed separately you can also use the same techniques for any of the other Rich Text generators which include the three lower third titles as well as the scrolling titles and although effective they can be quite limited but what if you want to have a bit more control over your titles well that's where the text plus title comes in the text plus title is actually a fusion tool that's been repackaged for use in the edit page and it functions similarly to the titles that we've just seen and if you're using resolve 19 you can enable the new Fusion overlays in the timeline viewer to allow you to select and edit the text as well as move it around the screen whilst these controls are fine for this Simple Text Plus clip they can become a little bit more fiddly when used with some of the other Fusion titles however we can always adjust all of this stuff anyway directly in the inspector so I'll use the inspector to change the font and resize it as before but the power of the text plus generator is the way that you can customize your titles to a much greater degree for instance clicking the layout tab lets me position the text accurately and I'll open up the rotation controls to create a bit more perspective to my text this control treats the text as a whole element the transform tab though allows me to adjust the text based on individual characters words or lines double click a parameter name to reset it and finally we get to stylize the text using the shading tab the Text Plus tool has up to eight different shading options for customiz in your titles now these can be from simple changes like changing the face adding an outline or a drop shadow to much more complex looks I'll begin by changing the face color using the auto enabled element one don't worry that it says white solid fill that's just a reference in fact I'll change the name to face and adjust the color to Yellow if you want a bit more interest to your text you've got a couple of options firstly you can use the image to load a graphic file directly into the text where you can adjust the mapping angle size and aspect as well as choosing to have the image applied to individual characters words lines or the entire text or you can create your own custom gradient using the gradient controls to choose different colors for the gradient with the same options to change how the gradient is mapped to the title's text that looks great but I want my title to stand out a little bit more so I'm going to apply an outline and a drop shadow to add an outline I'll need to enable another shading element helpfully element two automatically adds a red outline which works well with my warm text I'll just increase the thickness slightly and maybe back off the intensity of the red finally I'll enable element three a black shadow I'll adjust the softness and offset slightly and adjust the offset Zed to make it appear as though the text is floating a little above the background image okay so that's got the text styled the way I want it I'll just spend a moment and tidy up the interface so that I can begin animating it with key frames as I did before for instance in the layout I'll add a key frame to the center Zed and another in the same place to the X rotation moving back to the start of the title clip I'll change the X rotation to around 90 and the center Zed to about Min -.6 depending on your system you may need to enable the render cache to view this back without dropping frames so I'll just give resolve a moment to Cache this part of the timeline well if I say so myself that's looking pretty good although I think the animation is still a little bit too slow unfortunately I can't adjust the pacing of the key frames directly in the edit page because the text plus is a fusion tool I'll need to use Fusion but don't worry it is very straightforward to open this title infusion I just need to click this button at the top of the inspector and that automatically switches me to the fusion page and here you can see I have my text plus template with all of the same controls available in the inspector I'll just switch to single view for this in the time ruler you may be able to see these smaller thicker vertical white lines these represent the position of the key frames for the selected tool which is my text plus template in order to modify the position of the key frames I'll need fusions key frame editor which opens to the side of the node editor I'll start by clicking this Zoom to fit control so things are easier to see and if I toggle open the template you can see I've got my key frames here I'll select the last two key frames and bring them back to increase the speed of the animation as well as Tiding up the beginning key frames that seems a little better and just for good measure I'll open the blind editor again I'll enable the template to see the key frames and click Zoom to fit then select the last two key frames and click to smooth them both okay that deals with the opening animation and it's easy to reverse it for the end of the clip back in the key frame editor I'll select the two key frames for the center Zed parameter right click and and choose to copy them and for the moment I'll paste them here by right clicking and choose paste then I'll do the same for the angle X key frames though of course the animation needs to be reversed so I'll select the key frames and simply press V on my keyboard to reverse them scrubbing through it now shows that my animation is running in the right direction I'll now just reposition those key frames to the end of the title so that they animate out at the right time with the animation finessed I can now return to the edit page to see how it all looks again giving the timeline a moment to Cache if necessary and I can also save this to my templates power bin in the same way as before understanding a basic title like this is very useful when it comes to working with the other Fusion titles that are available in the edit page as with most elements in the effects panel the fusion titles can be previewed by moving your mouse back and forth over the title for this example I'm going to use the horizontal line reveal for the the end of my current edit let's start by editing this into my timeline using a place on top edit in the inspector I'll change the upper text to the website address bring the size down and change it to a gradient let's adjust the lower text and simply adjust it spacing and finally I'll change the line to roughly the same color as the main text you may have noticed that some of these controls are very familiar indeed many of them are from the same Text Plus tool that I've been working with and have just been made available as part of this Fusion title of course we can always access assess the full range of controls directly in the fusion page but before we go there I just want to show you something annoying about this particular [Music] title do you see the problem the eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that the line doesn't animate off I think somebody simply forgot to do this but we can fix it so let's start by opening in the title in the fusion page now I can access all the other controls not made available in the edit page if I doubleclick this group of tools to expand them out I can select the upper text tool and make further adjustments to the shading gradient such as changing the mapping angle a control that was not available to me for this Fusion title in the edit page I'll change the mapping level of the gradient to the text as a whole and adjust the mapping angle so that it matches the direction of the gradient of the line I can also add an outline by enabling shading element two though let's make this a black outline rather than red in the key frame panel I can see the key frames for the animated elements this is where they are at the start of the title and here they are for the end and here's the line mask that specifies the length and animation of the line and you may be able to see there are no key frames animating it out okay this may seem a little confusing because the End Key frames are actually well beyond the end of the title itself but that's only because this is a title template and it has something called a key frame stretcher applied and that tool will hold the title between two particular points this means that you can then change the duration of the title directly on the timeline and you still get the animation in as well as the animation out for this title template then the end animation is actually happening at this point frame 134 not the end of the title as you'd expect but the key frame stretcher brings those key frames in at the end of the title in the edit page timeline still with me good okay let's start off by right clicking the line mask tool and choosing to select the previous key frames pressing command or contrl C now copies those key frames I'll now select the width control and paste the key frames back in where the rest of the template animates out and finally I'll choose reverse to swap them around now if I scrub through the end of the title you can see how the line finally animates out let's just return to the edit page and see it play in all its [Music] glory and I can also add this title to my collection in the power bin as always if you've enjoyed this video and found it useful please like And subscribe and leave a comment there's 's also a link in the description to download the drb file that features all of the templates that I've made in this video thanks very much for watching and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: Chris Roberts Video Production & Training
Views: 1,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve, Editing
Id: p39Hu9ThL98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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