Animate using a Background Node instead of Keyframes | DaVinci Resolve

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today I want to explore a cool concept of animating with a background node without using any key frames I'm talking about fully rimable animations that always fit the duration of your clip while you might not use this exact feature we will talk about some really cool D Vinci resolve Fusion stuff and have some fun along the way so animating with a background node yes it is possible and it has everything that we might want we can change the length of the clip change the timings of the animations and even add an easing I first thought about this after watching William J's video on the pro modifier and I thought it'd be really funny to build an animation system us it check out his video after for more ways that you can use the pro modifier before we discuss that let's add in a background node view it off to the side and get this all set up the first thing I want to do is rename this node using F2 on my keyboard and we just want to call this animation map that way it's easy to find later on then in the background node I want to set this type to be gradient instead of solid now when you set up the gradient think of those black areas as a starting point and the white areas as the resting point that in between is where that animation actually happens so knowing that let's grab this white point and bring it down so we'll have a animation right here at the beginning and then let's add in another point and then finally another one so you can just click to add in these different points come down to the color and bring this last one to be black so essentially we've programmed it to have an animation at the beginning hold that value until the end and then animate off once it reaches the end let's say that we want to apply this animation to some text so animating the size if we're animating the size property the first thing I want to do is right click modify width and do anim curves this is going to add on the anom curves modifier if we switch to the modifiers Tab and I know this isn't the pro modifier but I want to add this one right away so that way we don't have to come back and redo everything later once that's been added let's switch the source from transition to custom this is going to add in this input slider on this input slider we want to right click do modify with and now we will add the prob modifier inside the prob modifier there's this image to prob box we want to grab our animation map and just drag it right into that box so now that prob modifier is going to be referencing our animation map or that that background with the gradient let's have the gradient off to the side so we can see what's happening in the Pro modifier if we move this position around you can see nothing is going to happen while it remains on the white but as soon as I bring it to one of the edges it's going to scale down as it reaches the black we'll be able to change the actual values of the scale later but essentially what we needed to do is start all the way in the left and then just move off to the side like this come all the way to the end and then continue going so it animates off in the Pro modifier we have the different Channel select so we can do red green blue Alpha and luminance in this case you can do any of them except for the alpha value because it is there's no transparency in our gradient but depend on your image you could change it so it works on just the red Channel or just the blue channel to get some different results we can just leave it on red because if we come back to the animation map and click on the white you can see the red channel is all the way up at one and then on the black color it is down at zero back in the Pro modifier since we want to do this without any key frames we need to somehow make it automatically go from the left side of the screen all the way to the right side of the screen the way we're going to do that is using an expression so that way it always travels across the screen over the duration of the composition I'll have this down in the description in case you just want want to copy and paste it on the position value we can right click to expression and I only want this to affect the x value so that's this first 0.5 the first thing that I want to reference is the time and what this is going to do is grab the current frame of the composition so this is way too big because when I'm at frame 74 the position is at 74 which is 74 times farther away from the composition that it needs to be so what we're going to do is divide this by comp. render end that's going to take this 119 value or however long the composition is and as a result it's going to return a value between 0 and one so when we're at the beginning it's going to be zero and then at the end it's going to reach one now this works great in this case and if I come back to the edit page and make this longer it is always going to animate off right at the end you can see the animation is already happening the issue with this system is if we drag this over and extend it from the beginning you can see nothing is going to animate over here and instead the animation is still going to be exactly the same as it was before if we go into Fusion it's because we're working with negative numbers so to fix this we just need to add a few different things to our expression so the first thing is time we want offset this by the start so if I add a opening parentheses go to the end of time do negative comp. render start and then add in a closing parentheses this is going to get us closer it's going to start at zero but now it's going to end way too soon because the animation isn't long enough so we need to do the same thing to the end so if I add a opening parentheses and come to the end and do minus comp. render start now it's always going to update it so at the beginning even if it's a negative value it's going to animate on and then at the end it's going to animate off again I have that expression down in the description so if you just want to copy and paste it it's going to work in any comp and that way it's a little bit easier to see as well but now that we have that done we can hit play it's going to animate on and then at the very end it is going to animate back off so now there's two main things that we need to address the easing and the customization that is where the anim curves modifier is going to come in anom curves is going to be driven by whatever comes into this input value so it's going to take that value it's going to modify it in some way and then it's going to Output to our size control by default the curve is set to linear we can change this down to be easing or customs so if I do easing it's going to add two more drop- down menus so I can change this to something like quad and Expo so I can add easing on both the ease in and the ease out there's a really nice website link down below that visualizes all of these different easing functions now when we hit play it's going to seem a lot smoother you can also come to the easing come down to custom and add in your own easing curve and all of the same spline controls work here so you can do control a to select all the points press F on your keyboard and T to open up this easing control so you can just drag these points back and forth to create a really nice curve that is totally custom and works really well that looks really good so I'm just going to leave it on that for now now for customization if we come down we have the scale and offset the offset control is where the animation is going to start from and then the scale is what is added to the offset over the animation so if I play right now it's going to scale up even bigger so changing those I can just make a slight animation or if I make the scale negative I can actually have it scal down during the animation but usually I like to have the offset at zero and then bring the scale up to the resting size and now I just have a very simple animation one more thing to mention before we can call this finished since the pro modifier is scanning the backround node looking at all the individual pixels the resolution does actually make a difference in the animation if we go to the image tab let's set this up so it's as efficient as possible and you do not need to worry about it breaking first let's turn off auto resolution and we can bring this height all the way down to two since it's just scanning across the side it really only needs the one pixel two is the lowest that we can set it to then the width only needs to be as long as the composition and to show you the issue with that if I bring this down to something lower than our composition like 50 30 somewhere in that range when I hit play there's going to be visible steps in the animation because it doesn't have enough information to work with to fix this we can use another expression if we right click on the width we can do expression and we just want to do comp. render end and then minus comp. render start so that way even if it has a negative number it's going to work totally fine now there's a pixel for each frame in our composition so when I hit play we're going to have a smooth animation once again now a lot of the time you can just Kido with a project resolution but this way it's as optimized as possible and you will not ever run into an issue now under the color tab all I need to do is move these points around and we can customize the animation so if I want something really long I can drag those points out and now it's a long smooth animation or I can make it really fast or just one of them really fast and the other one take a long time you can even come in and add different points so if you wanted to make a kind of wobble animation you could bring this one down to Mig gray and when you hit play it's going to animate on animate down a little bit and then come back up it can get a little funky if you do too many of those it's a lot of fun to play with and maybe you want to make your own little preset so you can fit this in your workflow if you're actually looking for a really good animation system so you don't need to use key frames check out my anim engine in the editor collection and editor titles packs there are so many good tools all built from the ground up to save you time so learn more about those link down below I hope you guys enjoyed this kind of fun video and if you have any questions please let me know
Channel: Jake Wipp
Views: 4,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, animation, probe modifier, background node, retimeable animations, davinci resolve fusion retimeable animations, anim curves davinci resolve
Id: laP7zy-7664
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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