Dunkey Streams Elden Ring (Day 2)

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hey chubby cube all right let's beat this game let's beat this out in ring game already this game is too long i've been playing for years now even four hours i think i'm still going hey taylo mike oops oh this ain't too big all right let's go back to the to the volcano mansion it's just shrink just right volcano mansion here we go all right now if i remember right there is something oh wait look at this i got enough money to level up oh we're gonna beat this game i think we're gonna beat this game i think we're getting close my mic is too quiet uh i don't know how i could turn the game down a little i could turn the game down like that is that better all right where's elden ring oh thank you name name a ding dong oh this is snake castle now you got to be very careful going in the snake castle this could get extremely dangerous for me oh my god it's this guy let's get him oh what the [ __ ] was that yeah that didn't do anything i have no power anymore i have no power this game just turned off all my power dang that was pathetic that was truly pathetic the damage on that hit was truly pathetic i'm playing this game all the wrong way now we're leaving we're leaving this soon thank you optimist lincoln that was truly pathetic let's see what we do what damage what kind of damage are we doing to this game oh that's truly pathetic oh this that's horrendous that is horrendous i have one of the weakest character one of the weakest characters of all time truly pathetic yeah we got to beef this character up this is not right at all what we gotta do now is go and get all the gunk rack that'll make me hit for 10 million more thank you dr carpet thank you for all the monies thank you shane oh look at this okay here's this is the true battle everything was leading to this fight this is where the truest fight is and this is the hardest game this is a throwback to the rabbit from mario 64. oh wow oh wow completely worthless move but that was fun to get him oh this is a big hand oh god oh [ __ ] okay hey go gregory thank you go gregory i'm not cheating the game is cheating the game is cheating and still i say no still i take the high road now is there any mines on this mountain i feel like there is but maybe it's not marked right isn't there a mine on this mountain there's gotta be this is like a mine mountain there's gotta be one i don't see one on the map huh what the heck is that count as that counts to mine for this part dang i need to get some more rocks did i mind that no i didn't i didn't mind thank you hackie how do you cheat in this game uh to cheat in this game i would pick i would pick a blood two blood weapons i would have dual blood weapons and just swing them super fast that's one of the best cheats for this game or frost weapon those are the best but the thing i got is working pretty good so maybe this is actually the way to go watch this watch how cool that i show watch how good this thing is oh big hit oh a big big hit oh my god a great big hit all right let's go and fight this guy down here i need rocks i need one smithing stone three i think and then like a hundred of other every other smithing stone and then i'm good to go oh [ __ ] this oh no i don't want to fight this this isn't good no this isn't good i don't win this i don't win this oh this okay okay wait a minute i might be able to win this oh okay wait a minute wait a minute yep okay that's dead yeah that's dead you can mash out of grabs yeah i was smashing i think you can mash out of grabs if your guy has more than 10 health but my guy doesn't all right let's go get some gunk rack we need gunk rack no i didn't get the crank yet thank you quarantine wolf i do have to crank on my other character i have a crank character of course if you know me if you know how i like to play games you know that i already have a crank character going thank you peter parker thank you so much for the crank character you need a weapon called the death poker oh look at this oh we can do this we can do this funny move all right now everybody who's played this game i need to ask you how are you actually supposed to get on this because this is how i do it and it doesn't seem like this should actually work i just wait for him to get close enough and do this and this seems really stupid this seems like a really stupid way to do it is that the only way i feel like these turtles are not they don't work right i feel like i found like four of these turtles and they didn't even have the power on even though i killed the boss for the turtle something is wrong with these turtles all right let's break all these bones off that card he's uh he's going down he's going down brace he's going down okay okay let's get to treasure the ones with the bells have all the powers oh if they don't have a bell they don't have any power is that how it works now i see so all the power is stored in the bill now i see what you're seeing some turtles cannot some turtles can only do later ones like there's like two over here there's like two turtles right in this zone right here are they only for the later ones oh this is called electricity zone i like to go over here now keep in mind i haven't bought the crafting tool i'm just collecting these to sell have i talked to papa john lately his pizza is getting lonely uh no i haven't speak i haven't spoken to papa john lady the last time i heard about papa john he was testing out 100 different pizzas he said that he ate 100 different pizzas in a week to see who had the best thank you ant feeder oh my god 17 months oh my goodness holy [ __ ] thank you bison is papa john actually someone's father that's a good question actually that's actually a really good quest his son is named bo bo's in the house he has a son called bo what would the sun be called sun john son of john leo thinks he's called bo i think it's son of john pizza bow so if it so if so once this generation is done and he has it rains over it's dennis it will be called pizza bows that would never work people would never go there would you buy pizza from a place called pizza bowls be honest papa john's has already been removed from the company we are saying this must have just happened recently i didn't hear about this so apparently he's been ousted from the company bo has already taken control right apparently bo's in charge all right keep your guys keep your eyes looked out for the thing i need oh i need yeah i need that rack i need a bunch of racks to win to beat this game is like minecraft it's mostly just looking for a rare rock i see these little guys these are called creepers wait wait no no i didn't want to do that no no come back come back oh damn it i feel like i got turned around am i going the right way what where am i what am i doing how come this game is still going this is a long game how can you get the pizza bone in this game uh well that's what i'm trying to figure out here they're not going to give you that right off the bat once you have that the game is pretty much solved they're going to make you work for the pizza all right keep your keep your eyes peeled for the gunk rack this guy is what's nice about these big weapons is that all you have to do is hit a guy once and the fight is pretty much over lightning grease oh no this is a trap this is a trap yep see this guy no no no no no stir another one this guy's gonna strike no no no no no no no no there's another guy oh [ __ ] where's the guy get that guy get taken get that dumb guy okay this this guy's just cool this guy's cool all right i need this gunk rack get this i'm looking for smithing stone three and four is what i'm looking for here now this thing this is a scam this is a big scam when you hit that you want to get out that's one of the biggest scams you can fall for all right we're at the ruins drawing pressure piss am i bigger or smaller than 10 toads with violins i'll say slightly larger oh oh you ass oh what is this oh what is this what is this oh what is this all right let's keep going what the hell is this okay he's down activate boombox baby you're thinking of the wrong game you're thinking of somebody amigo okay we're getting close to halo foreign oh have a genius plan going in for a stealth kill who is this who is this who is this you're not supposed to be in this game oh i hate the bits i hate the bits oh i hate this oh i hate that oh i hate that come on come on come and face me you're out of there you never stood a chance thank you man can i do a cowboy accent i'm always doing a cowboy accent it's just my natural state oh no oh no okay he's out he's out he's out of the picture can i do the voice from video game donkey channel i actually can't do that all right i'm gonna do my video game donkey channel impersonation get ready oh hey guys sweet i'm video game donkey channel oh hey brian that was it what can i say what can i say next i'll do elmo i'm famous for my ammo [Applause] thank you thank you all right now for this i just want to get in here and just grab this and leave stop hitting me stop hitting me that wasn't worth it i should have left and i should have left that where it was thank you these butts do seth rogen is donkey kong dang this is tough that's like duel that's like do two impersonations in one i gotta go two characters deep i could win oscar if i actually do that one all right this is me as seth rogen as donkey kong let me get into character hey dudes uh i'm gonna go smoke some bananas thank you thank you no that was not leaked actual movie audio that was really me that wasn't leaked audio oh is this guy gonna stop me from climbing don't whack me don't you whack me you cannot climb a ladder all right now this would be better if i had a good ghost all of my ghosts are really junky right now i'm just trying to see how far i can get without upgrading the ghosts all right here we go boom i want big big hit a big big hit we're going on a ride we're going all right all right can i do shadow to hedgehog i can do shadow shadow says this i'm the coolest that's shadow's best line i'm the coolest that's a real line of dialogue all right boss fight time here we go dang i still don't have any trees i still have the shittiest flask i have the worst ghost the worst flask all right i'm still killing this guy i don't care let's bring in let's bring in the jellyfish oh i can bring oh i don't have enough mana to even summon this guy oh look at this let's eat this guy let's just start eating this guy let's eat the moon queen boom okay okay all right now let's go get some endurance all right good deal good deal all right let's kill this dumb guy oh wait i didn't bring my ghost where's my ghost all right jellyfish go the jellyfish is extremely powerful in this game here he comes here he comes take egg roll jelly oh [ __ ] oh that hurt oh that hurt get him jelly come on jelly come on we got this guy we got this guy [ __ ] we got this game boom big big hit big big big big hit boom oh my god oh my god a big big hit boom boom oh my goodness boom oh that was a big big mess oh okay we got this we got this a big big hit boom my big big big hit boom all right we'll get in this chain yeah yeah oh my god that hurts that hurts no no hit him in the eye hit him in the high there you go okay we got him we got this boom oh wow oh wow wow he does not win this there is no way in the world there's no way on earth that he wins this boom [ __ ] you might win this nope he missed yeah [ __ ] he's going again i got this i got this [ __ ] the [ __ ] i got this i got this don't worry guys i got this no no don't worry i got this i got this he's out of here all right oh my god i got a lot of health i got a lot of should i get health you know what i should get health but i'm not a baby i'm not a baby i need to get more and more uh more endurance that's what it's called because i need to get two swords right now i'm not very powerful i need two swords can we use this is this a good one i need a sword that i can put a power in or something i need a big big weapon some kind of big weapon the finger sword well the problem with the finger sword is you can't put the funny power on it i need a weapon that's huge but that that i can also customize with the funny power that's the only way to truly win all right now this guy up here does anybody know what the deal with this dragon up here is every time i fight this guy he just leaves this guy can't even fight me he has no power he has absolutely no power he moves to the east so he's just supposed to run he's just a little baby dragon that always runs come on come on don't run away this time don't you run this time he runs because he he knows he'll lose come on come on he left all right he always leaves all right now i'm gonna give you guys a little uh lower here so basically we're entering the region of uh lindenburg i think that's what it was called lundenburg and someone planted this big dumb tree and it's um the tree was like made from bark or something it was planted by like a man um all right now who's got some wait i know i know where a funny weapon is i know where a funny weapon is now that i think about it i know where it is wait a minute wait a minute now that i think about it i know where it is uh where is it there it is here it is this is where a funny weapon is this is how i win there's a shotgun there's not a shotgun no way no way in the world no way in the whole wide world is dressing up in the ring i would know no no how the jar cannon i did use that actually i upgraded it a ton and then i tried to use it and i didn't do anything i don't think i was using it right okay we're gonna fight cuphead we want the weapon from cuphead come on cuphead come on cuphead do it do it again do it again you think i fall for that you think i fall for that you think i fall for that [ __ ] come on cuphead [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you still going he's still going oh he's still going come on cuphead yeah give me that big hammer wait a minute i think this might be a scam how do you check if it's a how do you check if it's a scam weapon or not do you need uh the somber stones for this one it's not a unique weapon okay then we can use that one but i did see that you need even more strength to put that one i don't know how i'm ever gonna be able to carry two of these giant weapons at the same time let's see let's try it out if i put this in this hand and if i get rid of all that armor can i hit it's still it's not hitting it's not doing a good hit isn't it aren't you supposed to hit l2 and it does a double swing l1 they need to be same weapon type oh damn it damn it so it has to be a great sword is there another great sword that is not uh that is not unique sweetheart where's that one at so i gotta go find that one great short and grafted great sword i could do that but i need more power what you guys don't realize that i'm going for maximum power here basically what i'm gonna say is this then i'm gonna say boom boom do it again and i'm gonna hit it twice and i'm gonna do a mega hit and kill i need more power all right so i need this we just we handed it and that is how you say it right this wee hander it's italian it's from the papa john's menu it's called this wee hand pizza it was uh it was phased out ball wouldn't play ball thank you jk lee okay where is the zoo lander i think i keep looking away right when you guys are telling me where to get it where's the zoolander gun where do i go to get to zoolander bottom merchant you buy it you buy it from a guy it's from a merchant in the weeping peninsula merchant at the weeping peninsula uh what is this the weeping peninsula this is it right isn't this it or is this it is this it this is it this is it oh this guy is from this game i think there's a merchant over here i think he has it right all right let's go find a guy the guy should be somewhere he's over in this little house i think this house let's go get it the italians are famous for their swords here we go here we go once i get this my power is about to increase tenfold there it is this is it right this all right there it is here it is the zoolander boom right when i bought that i could feel my power go up my power just increased oh my god it's almost the game is almost done now new items can be purchased oh my god the game is completed i say roll credits i say we're all credits we pretty much beat it at this point oh my god upgrade to level nine oh my god this game is completed already watch this is a good trick to make some quick cash this is uh i'm letting you guys in on a tip so don't get this nerfed for a quick uh for some quick power sell all these actually sell every sell all this stuff sell it all this is a quick little tip sell all this stuff this all this so all this stuff boom all right that should be enough for about uh one upgrade okay now we need more let's go ahead and sell let's sell all this stuff man shout this out this boom damn it i need one more stone all right let's upgrade the zoolander where's the zoolander gun zoolander i'm already at a rocks all right this is gonna take this is about this is gonna take an about an hour to upgrade this let's see let's see maybe if i read i can cut some time down on this okay so up to plus three so i'm gonna need like i'm gonna need like like like seven racks maybe unless okay i need 12 [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how many do i needed this how many smithing stone two do i need i need 12. this would be really good if you could just buy the rack from the guy you know just like upgrade without without going to this guy why do i have to go over to this guy you can you cannot you cannot back over he should just sell me right here all right upgrade upgrade boom okay okay dang i have just enough to get this but i'm out of powers i'm out of souls [ __ ] what else can i sell i could sell these stones that seems like a really bad idea oh you can sell these wow that's pretty crazy that you can sell these well these are for bow and arrow so go ahead and sell those uh what is this the crystal knife this thing is terrible um yeah it's almost like an insult to sell these the runes are so low but i'm never gonna use these ever anyway let's sell these never going to use these let's be let's be honest uh shields these aren't for these are for babies i'll never use that uh is that enough that's still not enough okay oh wait that's still not enough i still need 40 more wait i know what to do i know what to do there's a guy over here we can steal this guy's money here we go [ __ ] yeah yeah all right give me the power give me the power oh my god that's a lot of power that's a lot of power from that guy i don't know how to get back up joe think you go this way uh oh here's something here's something cipher pasta we can sell that that's a nice hundred runes how come the weapons aren't worth any runes at all what kind of scam is that where you only get a hundred runes i'm just gonna do this trick well i took you for nowhere tonight you're out they don't want you to sell them well i am going to sell them anyway all right all right now this is what we do here now what we want to do is we want to duplicate the funny power now watch watch what i say here and it's very important this step now we're going to go back over here oh [Music] oh okay okay can i wear a hat can i wear a hat no all right so i can't have pants but i can't have this funny shirt all right okay now let's see how do i do this i say this then what do i then how do i do it on the other one then i gotta say huh then i say this is gonna be tricky oh i don't even i didn't even activate it on this yet that's why okay okay this is a good plan i have going here much better quality quality is 260 versus i can't i can't what is this what is this 273 273 versus two 77 is that right is this actually better somehow yeah i need heavy that would be a lot better 275 whatever listen guys man that's the hardest game of all now watch okay i still have that equipped for some reason what what oh no no okay wait i have this okay now what do i do i say i'm still kicking how do i i gotta do i gotta say listen i gotta say what if i say can you say this can you say this and this no no no no so i say this then i say this why press l oh then i say this then i come back wow but wait it's not on this anymore can i say this then i say this then i go left hand first did i get scammed did i get big scammed here okay wait i think that works i think that works right i'm gonna need a lot of mana yeah i'm gonna have to start building mana we might want to get another mana flask going all right let's see how do i do this right now you say boom no no you say boom boom boom now let's fight this goat come on go so wait i have to say how do i do this the right way what is the proper method i say this can i say this so you have to do the left hand first then right hand okay one attack uses all the mana we can respect how much strength do you need for this only 19 i could respect all right let's go get let's go get some xp tested on the giant all right i'll go test it here let's test it out on pumpkin head all right all right wait wait pumpkin head wait wait wait wait wait let me do my trick let me do my trick okay this this here i go i gotta say i thought this would do a lot more damage i did not do that much damage and i died all right let's try it again let's do a redo let's get a redo here come on pumpkin head [ __ ] ow all right i got this i got this don't worry guys okay this this one kill only that much that should come on that's nothing that's nothing there's no damage hey [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh that did it more his head his head is invincible maybe this way maybe he just has an invincible head okay let's go test it out on this guy where's the funny guy to test it out on uh yeah this is a funny guy to test it out now 110 does less damage oh you think that's what's doing it hmm all right all right let's try this out let's try this out come on funny guy come down here come down here let's see this guy better not be wearing armor okay the thing already wore off all right all right don't worry guys don't worry i'm really smart for doing this okay turn this on turn this on [ __ ] okay wait wait don't worry guys this will work all right we got to redo it now we got to redo it because it turned off all right wait okay bring this wait put this on put this in now let's see that was not that good oh wait a minute okay all right that was pretty good that was pretty good let's try it let's do a redo let's do a reading let's say this okay wait maybe that was too early here it goes yeah oh my god okay that actually is pretty good okay maybe this is a good idea actually all right all right let's go fight a real guy and let's see what happens let's go find a true battle now this is a really funny move to do ow ow pumpkin head is back ah pump [ __ ] you pumpkin head look at this guy i'll knock you off your horse malfoy i'll knock you off your horse who says this i'll knock you off your horse male 4 i'll knock you off your shield i'll hit you off your shield malfoy yes it was debbie the house elf correct uh where am i going okay so now we're approaching uh lindenburg this is a city of uh city was uh it was very integral to this whole story a lot of important stuff happened here in the world of eldon ring uh this is where they originally created the elden ring they crafted it here in the city and uh this is the home of the dwarves now this is two of this guy i'm gonna show you a good strategy for this boss that was the strategy all right i'm gonna show you guys and even another strategy though hey horsey that that did not work that did not work at all that was terrible [Laughter] the hell was that all right let's try this again let's try this thing i want to redo okay let's get this get this now kill that did not do anything hey come on come on how is he not staggered yet okay there we go there we go whoa okay okay one hit one hit come on all right we're gonna we're gonna put that on pause for now i don't think i have enough power yet to make that work i need enough armor to actually take one shield hit of damage maybe i can bring out my old strategy for this game oh oh [ __ ] okay look look i survived it i survived it this is working oh [ __ ] have i tried throwing cheese that could work all right let's get this guy let's get this game and you know what was you know what i did wrong jellyfish wasn't there no wonder i didn't win this all right let's get this game jelly jelly hit him jelly hit him jelly my jellyfish is just standing there it's not even playing it's afk okay it attacked it attacked it's dead already the jellyfish dies faster than me now the other horse is in here okay ah this game is really going to make me break out my best summon huh all right game that's how you want to play this all right [Music] let's see you beat this one yeah oh yeah got him turn on my power that didn't work that was not a good trade that was not a good trade uh where are the plants they probably like spawned inside of the city probably like 300 yards away from where i was plants are really good all right but maybe let's try wolves let's try wolves here [Music] now the wolves you can't go wrong with wolves unless they go and aggro the other horse they might do that all right let's get this guy boom a nice big hit come on horsey come on doggies no no doggy doggies they egg rod the other guy all right new strategy new strategy the [ __ ] is this huh why he doesn't even have a boss it's not even a boss fight what is this i got this i got this under control guys yep oh you think i hit i get hit by that huh no no no i got this under control come on come and hit me don't actually okay okay oh [ __ ] okay i got this i got this this doesn't even count as a boss fight that's how you know oh man oh god do i get to heal do i get the heel yes okay let's whack this game and what is he doing no no no no no no i think i hit him i think i hit him i think that i think maybe i win maybe i win right let's drink this and let's summon these wolves these will help the wolves are very strong all right they're all dead let's uh let's turn this on okay i almost got him almost got him boom okay okay this is going good this is going good just turn on this power oh oh one more hit one more hit i got him i got him right where i want him i got him right where i want him easy one of the easiest fights now there should be a treasure in this car oh oh wait a minute dang if i had this all right let's go let's go get some rocks if you're ever not winning in this game you need to go and find more rocks that's one of the biggest tips of this game oh here's these guys this is where they summoned all right everybody look out for the elden rocks uh this i knew it i knew it all right where are the elden rocks we need that we need depth we definitely did this is something oh that's that's pretty good actually okay okay boom eldon rock eldon rock what am i looking for am i looking for rack four i think i need one more rack four and then i need five and six thank you tv lane did i pass up a secret tunnel i see one i see one i see a secret rack you always gotta go for the secret rock they always put one there hey thank you ali staircase now be on the lookout you guys if you hear a rock tell me what the [ __ ] is this get out of there oh there's another guy there's another guy okay okay another guy okay all right i think that's it for that guy nope here's another one okay just gotta take this one out and that's the last one and then this one and that's the last okay now there's gonna be a big monster down here come and get me we gotta trick him into hitting this statue come hit the statue hit the statue come on no not me you ass no no i'm still alive don't worry you guys i'm still alive i'm taking this guy out grab me what is that what is that hey my rooms are at one two three four five no way i think you get like a bonus for that right don't you get like a big bonus i think you get 300 damage for having that many that's a yahtzee exactly that's a yahtzee did i die no no no i'm still alive where's my sauce give me my sauce it is one two three four five oh oh no oh no all right now all i have to do is kill all three of these guys and the giant thing i can do this okay that's pretty good damage that's pretty good damage open it up open it up he's rolling he's doing this at this again not this again open up yeah i hate this i hate this guy open up open it up he's going for the roll he's going for the charge come on come on come on you son of a [ __ ] ow ow come on no oh come on come on here he goes here he goes he's going for the charge that's still hit what does he drop he drops nothing okay couldn't you give that guy like like 10 stones for me to get wait i see a stone that was an invader oh that makes sense that was actually an invader now for bonus damage if you say yeah it does a little more damage that way oh oh oh [ __ ] thing elden ring sucks i'm going back to kirby oh i got a checkpoint i got a checkpoint [ __ ] [ __ ] no no all right all right wait where's all my sauce where'd they go okay i got him back i got him back now all these are more this guy oh that's another game oh that's okay i passed a stone no way no no way where there it is i did pass it okay okay secret all right we're almost to the end of the game now give me this rack now jump down here there's uh this thing is this this guy there's okay important message first off well done told you guys that was good okay that's a trip thank you cloud thank you for the bones cloud okay we got a big battle coming up big big battle coming up here i'm thinking let's go back to the old strategy let's try this out one more time yeah oh oh wait i still have the armor on though whoa oh my god oh oh my god you didn't even get to play holy [ __ ] all right did i get enough rocks to win let's go see if i got enough rocks to win thank you atlanta gang i still don't i still oh wait i think i got the bell for this now but i did not maybe i got the bell for that too let's go see i do remember that i got a bell oh here you go yeah yeah i win i win oh i beat this game oh i beat this game wow i can upgrade this one again okay i need three more of that though let's do whatever you use to this dang i need two more now how many stone three do i need i'm thinking about eight eight or nine i need nine okay boom now we're in business now we're finally in business my guy is now starting to be in business oh we need two more four i think i can get four still how many four do you need six 12 for four i can't even afford that many [ __ ] uh did i get anything here we go this is good he's dead get 12. wait 12. am i even gonna have enough souls to upgrade now let's eat these boom okay okay i'm finally in business here now we go over here upgrade this boom boom oh i need some more souls all right let's go kill somebody let's go to uh what's a funny boss that'll give me a bunch of souls let's kill these dumb horses i have runes just a shitty one [Music] all right what do we got to do here i'm going head only all right revenge we're going for the revenge run i want revenge boom boom yeah [Applause] that did not do that much okay okay it's okay that's okay it's okay that's okay this okay it's okay i got this oh that did that did some good damage okay okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute okay okay oh okay wait a minute okay okay i'm dead i got hit i think what i need to do here [Music] i wish i had the soul jars they could run interference for me let's get uh let's get a jellyfish out let's run this let's run this let's try it one more time big hit that's a nice big hit jellyfish hit him okay i survived i survived the hit okay i'm in a very good position here to win this yeah yeah okay i lost huh yeah my guy has a diaper i don't know i don't know about this two-sword strategy not only do i have to have a diaper on [Music] let's try one sword and then one sword one jellyfish have we tried this combination yet yeah face me face me horse oh [ __ ] that sucked face me horsey that's a big hit that did a lot oh no oh no i'm out of mana if only you could that's what game would have been over but now i can get a third talisman slap oh okay i have another idea i have another idea let's go kill this game there's a boss up here this might be more of a fair fight here this guy sucks this guy sucks this will be easy come on bozo i need some free money here boom yep this is free rooms free rooms here boom give me the free rooms [ __ ] [ __ ] let me eat this real quick let me just don't don't kill me don't kill [ __ ] huh what happened all right all right let's for this guy let's go back to this maybe and let's try this one more time here okay here it comes now we're going to bring out the jellyfish to level the playing field here when he sees the jellyfish he'll feel a lot of fear okay he didn't land where i needed him to land and now my thing is going to turn off and i missed okay and i have the stupid roll on okay okay and the moves and both of them turned off okay let's turn into this giant turn both back on and boom it okay he knocked me out of the air okay okay that did a lot let's eat some health oh what huh wait this is not doing good damage don't worry guys this is free runes this strategy is not working at all i gotta admit the two sword strategy is getting is not doing anything all right let's try this one more time let's try one sword one jelly and this is gonna scare this guy into losing come on jelly let's get let's take this guy out oh i missed oh i missed come on jelly come on jelly hit him no no no no no come on jelly [ __ ] come on jelly hit him hit him jelly there we go that's a hit okay okay i got him right where i want him yeah yeah i won this one i won this one oh good remember yesterday when my guy was really powerful for like three seconds what happened there was like one dog fight where i was extremely powerful and then my guy's power just fell off the earth all right let's try this one more time come on bonjour no no no no no no no oh i don't like this you think that kills me [ __ ] all right i got this i got this no no no no i got this don't worry i guess yeah yeah boom boom this guy takes no stagger damage why is he never getting stunned oh my god i had him i was so close i was so close wait i wasn't too handy that whole fight are you serious oh [ __ ] okay well now we should be in with i think i got enough practice in there now that i'm doing this let's see yeah okay i got this guy yep okay all right can i win just let me win let me win there we go let me win here we go here we go let me win no no no no okay i win this i win this let me win yeah no no damn it no [Music] all right day but this time i'll get him [Music] this is what i call the horse method this is a whole new method look at him look at him now he's scared he's scared of me you can tell his whole playstyle is changing man i've outsmarted him horse activate boom look at him his career is coming to an end boom oh it's all over it's all over i tried to give him a chance wow he gave absolutely no runes i could have just killed one of those sleeping guys for that much xp i thought that was gonna give me like something that gave absolutely no runes at all who [ __ ] makes this game what is wrong with this game that that guy gave 2800 xp god damn all right let's go get this stupid thing now somebody said i can buy a thing i can hold another talisman is this it how do you hold another talisman this is for spells the fingers are saying something funny the fingers say become elden lord okay well that actually is really good because now i can do uh okay actually no because i'm not even wait wait a minute that's pretty good actually okay okay maybe we're starting to be in business i think i need a lot of rocks to get in business i need more smithing stone five i need oh look at this i can upgrade that dang i need a lot of smithing stone five all right let's go [Music] let's go over here health yeah i could get health i really don't like to get health it's very embarrassing but i could get health get heavy infusion yeah where do you get the heavy infusion oh look at this game no power no power in that game that is a zero power game heavy infusion is in storm all right keep your eyes peeled look for the rocks if i get enough rocks i can even win this game i think i can hold this now ow doggy no doggy no i want pants i just want pants give me the pants wait that's that's not pants give me the pants here we go all right i'm thinking pants and the swords i think this could work this could actually work now keep your eyes peeled for racks here's a rack give me that that's my smithing stone five here we go here we go i can feel that i'm about to win this oh i hate this i hate this guy he took no damage he took no damage oh he took a lot of damage always did come on bozo come on bozo get that dog away from me who is this guy where's all these guys this is so many guys now no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god all right so the storyline to this tunnel is this tunnel is actually where they would ship out gunk rock to the dwarven city so that they could build their uh hammers a lot of people don't know that here's two dogs okay the oh my god the bolt drake talisman that's a lot of power there's a rack there's a rack these racks are essential the kerbin ring i wish i wish this game was good enough to have the kerbin ring where are those dumb dogs no no no no no okay this guy's fake this guy's challenging me come on come on he's out of there he is out of there they're no match they're no match for this setup face me you dogs face me let me up let me up do not kill what did he what did he do he hit a barrel this guy's powerless he has no power he has no power powerless powerless you have no power all right i think there's a steering wheel all right boss cam here we go whoa okay he's almost dead oh he's almost dead oh he didn't even get to play he didn't even get to play you are out of there he doesn't even get to play the game what a shame what a shame i didn't get any racks from this tunnel though this tunnel was kind of a scam when you think about it did i pass something up did i pass up like the entire cave is there like this dish is this a way no i guess this is just a really short tunnel doggies no doggie no no my power my 16 000 power no revenge give me that you guys don't know we run run i'm out of here i'm out oh my god that's horrible you keep getting bullied at school for wearing jake paul merchandise oh my god that is so horrible well i'm gonna give you some advice if you're if you're going to school and kids are bullying you because of your jake paul merchandise put on donkey merchandise instead this is a very this is a very easy fix this way both parties win hey math core all right now we're going to this funny castle now this castle this castle is called the shaded castle and this castle was built by uh uh peter that's a lure some lure you ass you are an ass do you realize that you are an ass do you ever realize that i'll i let him live i let him live so that he can learn a lesson now this horse is a [ __ ] man horse you are dead oh what is this another horse oh [ __ ] i don't like that i don't like that now a good strategy for this enemy is to do not engage do not engage when you see that enemy oh [ __ ] yeah yeah you want him down there how what the [ __ ] he can climb hey why am i back in a tunnel i am so far away now okay no the 16 000 souls are still they're not gone they're not gone yet i can still retrieve them and i can still beat this game all i have to do is go back to the castle defeat that impossible thing kill everyone and then get my money back it's an easy fix wait here's a treasure all right all right let's sneak in through the right side of the castle that's where all the treasure is boom look at this guy this guy sucks the [ __ ] how did i die so fast is it going to put me back in the stupid mind do not put me in the stupid ass mind a piece of [ __ ] game piece of [ __ ] game you know what i gotta walk all the way back do i have to tear i don't think i have a single tier yet i cannot respect here i was thinking i could do a funny strategy here i am with the funniest strategy this game just will not let me win this game is inhibiting my funniness oh thank you tommy thank you for the bones tammy all right i have a new i have a whole new game plan here we're gonna go into this castle and we're gonna not and we're gonna run from every enemy that i see because every single enemy will kill me in one hit and we're just gonna run straight for the boss i see a little painting in there maybe this guy i'll kill him just oh here we go here we go okay that's good to get all right now we got it going here uh-huh yep of course of course now these people are called the globber king that's a crossover enemy from the witcher universe it's a globber king now this is a hat this is a hell ball if enough of those hell balls touch you you die instantly if you get hit with seven hell balls in a row over a duration of over a duration of 12 hours you'll die instantly oh you want to challenge me you want to challenge me he's not ready to challenge me jump jump over this jump over this no hidden path ahead thank you horsey face me face me face me i want revenge and this dumb guy come and face me come and face me you dumb guy boom okay hey at least i didn't spawn back in the tunnel what level is my game 47 that's it why is my guy so weak i'm only level 47 still i've been playing for seven years oh huh yeah i played for seven hours that should be a level 1000 by now do you know how many gobbler kings i've slain let's slay this glover kim come on globber ken oh okay i have a new strategy here i do not engage i think my strategy of never engaging an enemy is starting to bite me in the ass here now that my character is level 10 and i'm almost done with the game occasionally engaged i don't know about that i don't know about that all right now the big big boss how okay thank you my mission all right now we gotta run past this zone this is a hell zone i hate that guy i hate that guy i hate you i hate that guy i hate that guy all right don't worry this time i get it i get it this time you guys this time i get this but i'm still not gonna engage him as a sign of disrespect as a sign of disrespect i will never engage him i will never engage that player now where's the boss as a sign of disrespect i will leave these players i hate that i hate that stupid good all right new strategy kill every guy i see we're doing a new strip all right bozo all right bozo you are out of there you're out of there all right here we go here we go this guy you're out of there what what happened this stupid thing went around and hit me in the head these guys are using all kind of cheats doing all different kind of cheats to win meanwhile i'm playing with the with the all the stuff playing with all the stuff at the lowest level my guys only level one all right this guy this guy is out of there this guy this guy's out of there this guy you're out of there thank you hush thank you for the boom oh what is this with that with that cookbook i just beat the game even though i just still haven't bought the crafting item but if i did i would i would have gotten a big power spike there now what is the deal with this guy where he shoots a magic boomerang that hits me in the back of the head you are out of there oh my god thank you parker black thank you okay now watch out watch out there's an evil guy here there's an evil cry oh oh this isn't him there he is i see him i see him up there he's already doing evil stuff you are evil okay here's a guy boy yeah doggie no donkey the [ __ ] dogs who put doggy there that's what i want to know what sicko put the doggies there new strategy we're going back to the do not engage strat go on go on we're going back to the do engage stream engage half of them that could work that could actually work this guy i engaged actually i changed my mind okay okay okay okay okay this guy i'm killing this guy [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm killing you okay okay now this guy i'm not killing this guy this i'm killing this guy okay [ __ ] it i'm killing this guy that's really how you want to play there you go now get this stupid dog stupid dogs okay stupid shitty dog stupid shitty dog game only engage dogs that's a good plan actually nope come on bozo come on bowser nope now i'm gonna consider this guy a dog okay okay here we go here we go he doesn't know he doesn't know he has no idea okay here come the shitty dogs here come the shitty dogs okay i got this boom boom no no no yeah yeah another guy okay okay okay okay all right all right there all right that should be that should be the whole castle i think i think i won now kick that down why are the dogs harder than the guy with the scythe uh well that's because the dog is only worth three xp that's why he's incredibly hard all right boss fight time now how many times did i die to the dog three or four let's see how many times i died at this the boss of the whole castle let's compare who is more powerful okay he's pretty he's pretty strong this boss might be a problem not for me not for me isn't [ __ ] [ __ ] hey don't worry happy just game he's just getting very lucky it's a luck based game it's entirely luck based i beat him here though he's just getting very lucky this time i'll get him now and you can tell you can tell that he's starting to you can tell that he's getting afraid now okay all right that's interesting all right how about this how about this how about doggies how about i get the doggies out they run interference doggy go run interference they're not running interference what the [ __ ] huh what even hit me what even happened what the [ __ ] hit me okay okay it's okay it's okay doggies you run interference look at him he's scared he's scared he can tell he's about to lose okay okay okay i hate that all right let's try let's try this let's try put that in the garbage can let's say this let's say let's try this and let's actually maybe this is [ __ ] me over let's say maybe let's try this let's see what this let's see let's see how this goes okay here's my whole health bar oh i'm doing heavy roll okay yeah that i can tell that's that's definitely gonna work all right all right let's say uh let's get the hat let's swatch let's swap the hat let's bring some dogs in and this is going to work get him doggy okay okay let's get this game boom big hit big big hit doggy doggy no what is this okay okay that's okay okay hey have a new strategy have a whole new strategy let's go [Music] over here have i tried using the meta knight sword no right now i'm using the great sword this is a dumb dumb lobster come on boom yeah yeah now keep your eye there should be there should be like a secret lobster that'll give me a tear so that i can get more power now the lobster is not fake the lobster is not fake it's real it's a real real lobster trust me i forget where he is exactly he's somewhere in this zone so if anybody sees a lobster tell me he should be up this way somewhere somewhere up this region where are you lobster he's an especially evil lobster even more than usual okay this is a hundred lobsters i don't want to fight that maybe that's him that looks like it could be him come on lobster come on lobster is that him that's him okay all right let's kill this guy just gotta take this guy out now come on bozo boom big big hit a big big hit ow come on yeah one more pass one more pass yeah oh refill okay he's out of there give me the t yeah okay now we're in business all right so i only need 31 strength to have this thing and 12 12 dexterity 31 strength okay so let's get 31 12. and now let's get that should be pretty good i think all right where's this [ __ ] bozo let's go back to bozo's castle wait is this the ladder that i kicked down it doesn't even reach down to the floor is that wait is that what i did did i kick a ladder down that goes nowhere that can't be right that cannot be right it's a different letter i don't know i wouldn't put it past this game to have me kick down a shortcut ladder that actually doesn't lead anywhere that seems very in line with this game it was like over on this side wasn't it oh [ __ ] where's that big ladder is that it is that the one out oh all right let's go to this thank you swift sword where is the ladder how do i get to the funny letter this is it this has got to be it right hey misty oh oh there's no elevator hey it's okay it's okay eventually i make it to the game all right all right now all i gotta do is pull this hopefully i don't die while this is happening ha they fell in they all fell in they suck what kind of stupid what kind of stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] falls down that now to beat this dumb game can i bring this out yet i need to tell this man that lets me carry more stuff where do you get that talisman maybe let's put this hmm dang i still can't get it okay okay let's see do i stand a chance okay still dead in two hits but i can actually live through one hit now i'm at a very big advantage now hey [Music] this game kind of sickens me when you think about it this game kind of sickens me all right let's kill this man okay okay oh he missed he missed you think that kills me you think that kills me no that is stupid why is he swinging his sword a mile away from him that's not good but i did give him the half health victory is within reach yeah it might be bugged it might be bugged i think if i bring in doggies victory is within reach get him doggy jesus christ this dual sword strategy is not working at all this strategy is not not cutting it all right let's go back to one sword i guess all right let's kill let's kill what the [ __ ] oh i tried to hit l1 the first thing you got to do is clear out all these tables boom all right all right that is stupid don't do that okay okay i got this guy don't worry i got this guy you could tell that i was about to win that one come on bozo don't do that don't do that that's cheating don't do that no don't do that okay he's only using cheap moves he's only using g moves any dual hammers the dual swords is just it's pitiful i thought i would be killing out here all right all right come on bozo take a big o what what the [ __ ] let me eat let me eat boom come on bowser boom boom how is he not stunned yet what is the point of this [ __ ] big shitty sword if you can't even stun him oh man he was so close to dead i got the whole point of the shitty big sword was that you can break their poise you're supposed to be able to stun them with this i think i'm gonna have to just go with a whole new strategy i think i'm gonna have to dump the dual sword strategy okay okay come on wolf come on wolf hit him in the head oh oh hit him in the head why did that break why did that stone him i only hit him three times what is it cause i hit him so fast you have to hit him like three times in a row oh oh no oh you think the dogs helped oh the dog stunned them get in there doggy no no [Music] the doggies are dead already it just started yeah okay okay come on bozo come on you big bozo come on and face me i hate this guy i hate this game hey what's this thing all right maybe maybe i'm going in with the wrong strategy here oh i don't even have enough strength to turn the sound anymore that's good all right so that's out of the picture let's get this dumbass thing back let's drop this strap this let's bring put this back hmm i'm gonna try this one more time yeah yeah damn this build might work if i upgrade my doggies to the max rank i need a lot of distractions going on for this to work i still have level one dogs that's kind of [ __ ] this strategy over i think i think we're gonna have to go on a flower run but i hate this game so much that it's hard to walk away oops i don't have enough mana [ __ ] here i go all right let's go get the flowers all right where's all the flowers i think there's flowers over in this zone somewhere i think up here thank you bunky chunky hmm what are weapons do i have do i have some kind of [ __ ] thing that i could use how does the war cry work could i do war cry and then go in and hit for more can i say this can i say put this in here i say this and then whack them like this does that work swap this out maybe swap maybe swap this with this that doesn't work dang that sucks hmm how can i get more power let's go find a tree thank you lucky arrow right now i have the worst tree powers i need to get better tree powers it's just the most dog [ __ ] build you've ever seen you say that now but what about this but what about afternoon the most dog [ __ ] build ever seen huh but what about now [Music] this is the damage that i need to get to i need to get to that damage but for the big guy then i can win all right let's go let's go over here raptor feathers yeah where's the raptor feathers at that's what i need i need the raptor feathers cloak oh let's hit this big bear bye bye bear it didn't work it didn't work he's still going no no no he's out of there all right does anybody know where the raptor feather thing is at where the raptor cloak is i think raptor cloak makes your jump attack do more if we get that around that's going to be a lot of power oh let's go down here oh wait let's go over here wes lindell catacombs by the lake is there something good in this castle who's over here oh this is good i like to get this okay okay here's your pumpkin head let's get this let's get this cute pumpkin hey what are you doing here pumpkin head come on what are you doing in my castle ow yes no now you pissed me now you guys pissed me off now i'm killing everybody nope nope i'm killing everyone you guys pissed me off man oh this guy's pissed me off thank you kingpin oh this guy's pissed me off oh now this guy's pissed me off oh this guy's a shield that's pissed me off this is something good this is something good deck this medallion oh my god what a great item the deck this medallion is such a great item all right let's go to the let's go to the funny world let's just go around the whole map and get all the power now i think my power is at a level where i can be funny enough but also i need more power to hit the big guys it's very important to think about the funniness of your build thank you alpha wolf thank you for the bone jail for wolf give me something good now no dumb stuff this stuff is dumb i'm leaving what is my goal when gaming basically my goal is to find the funniest thing and be really funny all right we're going here we're going to space world get ready for space world thank you rag shoop oh here we go all right now keep your eyes peeled for flowers so far i think i have zero flowers yeah i need like a million to win am i seeing any flowers over here any flowers any flowers i've seen a lot of these little plants but no flowers yet rainbow stone okay that's funny oh smithing stone okay okay oh this okay okay i think there might there's a flower there's a flower boom okay i just i just got a lot more powerful just from picking that up already my power is increasing oh give me this give me this stop showing me this message stop showing me this message give me this give me the item don't show me this don't show me this no no get on that get on that rail no no this is harder than the boss no there it was all worth it all right so now basically the zone i'm in is called uh the tunnel of space it's like outer space but it's in a tunnel uh pretty much the storyline is that uh the blue giants made a deal with like aliens so they could be here oh that's a big crab so pretty much now what i have to do is i have to run around and light the eight torches to summon a gigantic deer and then if i battle the deer i can get a lot of points this is a big dumb crab that won't stop being an ass oh my god thank you so much bumbling oh my god there's too many subs bumbling that's way too many thank you so much oh okay so these are the giants these are the giants that made the deal with the aliens and this crab runs everything so now i have to go around this whole world and find the eight things so that i can win the game except i always forget where they are so this is gonna take a while thank you captain flower oh my god oh my god i just got a lot of power from that oh what is this purple purple thing oh my god that's a lot of power oh [ __ ] stupid thing oh the frame rate is messing up i can't tell our internet all right our internet is dying this might be the end of the stream you guys the internet is turning off don't oh don't you shoot me don't you shoot me hey don't you eat me now is anybody seeing the torch oh okay all right that was like a eight hit combo i just got hit by standing there still busting that's all right guys there's nothing really crazy happening right now i'm just going around and lighting torches i'll tell you guys what's happening so basically i'm in like an underground world lighting torches and it's really funny there's like an electricity ball hitting me i just went behind a tree oh wow this is really getting funny holy [ __ ] what wow you guys are actually missing some crazy stuff i actually just went into the i just found they put they included the entire map of bloodborne in this game i'm now roaming the map from bloodborne holy [ __ ] if only you guys can see this you
Channel: WaLter .NO
Views: 156,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 53sec (11873 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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