Dunkey Streams Resident Beaver

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they are going [Music] what's going on [Music] [Music] we definitely need the water i'm gonna need that [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now i forgot what to do [Music] this is gonna take about a it's gonna take about an hour to get back to where i was yeah i said eat doggy food i don't have any doggy food all right what am i thinking i had to go to the eagle room i remember i was about to solve the puzzle in the eagle room and then i took me like 30 minutes to solve it and then i didn't have enough space in my inventory here's the eagle room all right we're back in business right that was it that can't be the price yep i'm gonna be i'm finally gonna be resolutely you gotta stay out of the shadows we gotta stay in the shadows already defeated we just gotta get the treasure the president's already been destroyed i don't know i'm sorry i'm sorry what you ain't it out of there oh i think it lacked i think it lacked that if the ego sees you at laxa look over here you go look over here get it all right now we gotta go to the top zombies in this game there's zombies on this no i think you're thinking of silent hill there's not any zombies in this as far as i know now where's the tiger one tiger room is over here [ __ ] huh what all right i'm good all right i'm good i'm good ah [ __ ] all right there's a couple zombies on this one all right i'm good i'm good now we're in the tiger room oh thank you deepest christmas oh my god it really is jeebus christmas thank you for all the bone jeeps for you jesus i'm activating the tiger statue what what is this what's the chopping snakes the [ __ ] is this stop it keeps dropping in more stop dropping in more snakes you piece of [ __ ] get the [ __ ] grenade launcher [ __ ] these snakes [ __ ] you how are they still alive shoot the thing shoot the guns how are they still living oh my god thank you jesus thank you for the bones jebus that's the most bones ever so what do i do against these snakes how do you defeat a hundred snakes maybe this maybe i can swap out i have like poison grenades in there him there's a couple more what is the point of this room okay i think i have to go somewhere else i'm poisoned i'm poisoned how did i get poisoned from being in a room with a hundred snakes oh my god jesus jesus that's too many that's too many subs jesus thank you so much jesus that's the most bones ever how do i get on what's the poison do dang the hype train is this cheapest got the hype 17 100. oh my god chipotle oh my god chipotle what the [ __ ] what are you guys doing [ __ ] that's so many you chipotle you guys are too crazy [Music] i'm just gonna eat them all that's what they're for eat the buns i have the most subscribers now on twitch this is the most subscribers in twitch [Music] history okay i think i'm back in the business i [Music] think is this something look that click you gotta do this and this [Music] this is a puzzle you guys today is actually a big drama today there's a big drama that i heard of it's a huge drama that i just heard about [Music] they took they're not gonna let they're not gonna let super seducer 3 on steam super seducer 3 got uh it got denied thank you species and bad they said it can't go on steam [Music] richard is so sad [Music] richard made a crying video he's so he has sad release it on the epic store how come i don't know i don't know why they can't put super seducer 3 in there they have the other two now people that bought the first two are never going to know the ending to the trilogy they're just gonna be on that cliffhanger unless they go to the epic store [Music] all right i'm going upstairs jesus oh my god [Music] thank you jesus jesus is real i gotta beat the game now now after this after this christmas of subs all these people subbing what'd you say man oh leah has him taro him taro is shocked he's shocked i gotta go to what now okay now i see now i know what to do now when i activated the tiger room you got to think what is above the tiger room and clearly it is this room up here i have to get through this door it's locked huh how do i get in here i gotta get into this floor somehow or could it be the third floor no i can't be the third for my way did i know you can sub for free with amazon prime i knew that oh thank you woody go back with the yellow gem yellow jim what go back with the yellow jam i already put the gems in the tiger's eye you need the golden coconut for this part go back to the snakes i don't want to go back to the snakes i don't want to come back to the [ __ ] snakes i used the wrong gem but it said use put red and blue it said do i really got to go back to the snake room oh man yeah i know it's safer way back i know a safer way back i can just go down here have i tried to listen to the snakes it said blue and yellow you fool i'm pretty sure it's a red and blue i don't really mix those i don't really mix up colors i know all the colors red blue yellow green i think i would get the colors wrong in the eyes i'm saying i'm saying this now i got it right but i'll go and check just to make you guys happy [Music] but i'm calling it now i got it exactly right did we solve the room with a moving bird yeah we just oh oh huh all right this guy sucks oh you plugged this for the first time and the walking controls confused you yeah it's it's hard to get used to these old controls just controls actually for this remastered for the steam version that they added this like new control scheme doesn't really make it any easier but a tiger with blue and yellow c that's what i said you guys a tiger glowing with blue and yellow light put the red jewel in sometimes twitch i feel like you guys don't even read the tiger statue and there it is the floppy disk oh this is uh this is jesus all right let's listen to jesus i'm extra flat there you that touch this guy okay what do you do with this parasol 1200 i need a cd player where's the cd player you use it much later what i don't want to use it much later i beat this game now i i won where do i go i remember there was a record player in one of the rooms maybe you can you put a cd on a record player somebody go try real quick does anybody own a record player out there put jesus on a record player and tell me what happens somebody says it works the largest says it works [Laughter] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no don't come up here don't come up here i i don't know where to go i gotta get to a safe safe room i gotta get out of this monkey room thank you oyster gumbo another zombie will i remember if i start looking at items will i remember that that zombie's about to hit me you need to get the emblem off the door that leads to the cabin the emblem again i think i gotta get i gotta get into the basement this is about to [ __ ] kill me i gotta do something with this this is what i gotta do ah wait a minute wait a minute boom here we go solved solved game solved okay now it's just a simple matter of doing this boom that goes there that goes there this one oh you can tell them you can tilt that goes there okay it's like tetris this is tetris now boom boom that's perfect that's perfect that's a perfect fit boom perfect okay wait a minute wait a minute it's the emblem it's the emblem okay wait it's the emblem i'm thinking this was right that looks like it's too good to be wrong gotta make the emblem picture this goes there okay okay i'm figuring it out and figuring it out it's like tetris okay wait this is kind of this doesn't really work that good this kind of works though this maybe this maybe this is this is this the way is this the way [Laughter] is this the way what what i'm winning okay okay that [ __ ] that fits that's good okay i don't get how this is not working this is all perfect so far all right quit the puzzle no no i'm winning i'm winning i'm so close what if i say this what if i say what if i say listen you guys did you really think i thought that was right of course i knew that was fake this is how it's supposed to be [Music] ask madden all right i'll try asking man one second i'm gonna use ask man once i get mad and then on this it's pretty much it here we go thank you for selecting ask about it to solve the puzzle erase faces to make a picture of the amber thank you so much man wow right so i'm thinking we gotta arrange this like to be like the emblem like how madden said boom that goes there that goes there perfect perfect look at this stupid little piece well this clearly doesn't work okay i see what we got to do we got to get the bird i think this has got to go here it will probably help to go look at the emblem i think the birdie is like this we should probably just center the bird before i do anything all right leo's laughing leo's laughing at me okay i'm thinking the chicken goes there clearly now this probably goes i'm thinking this is like this that looks good all right it won't lock in this game might be blah they might be busted guys maybe they didn't play to us this part i don't think they play tested this one all right all right let's see see now that's that's that's it this is it no this is actually it this is actually it no why are you saying no that's it look at that that's it boom boom oh my god billion iq billion iq this is what billion iq looks like it doesn't look great all right that goes there this goes here boom baby's not fitting in right i think i have to like i think i have to put it like perfect this is what it looks like when you have a million hours on resident evil bonus there we go boom just get in there i saw it was in there for like a half second there there boom get there there the brooch all right we got the brooch all right the [ __ ] is this what do you do with this put it on your shirt oh it's a key oh it's a key the key is designed with the emblem of the spencer family whose history is as old as raccoon city okay so this is kind of like slag cooper in a sense [ __ ] i forgot about that guy i knew i would forget about that guy all right so now i gotta go okay now i know what i gotta do now basically what i gotta do is i gotta go upstairs so basically i just gotta go this way i knew i forgot i know i would forget about that guy zappy was waiting for me to solve the puzzle okay what is this now plants eat the plants you should have never left all these plants out stupid ass zombies oh thank you gentle magenta from the icon keep getting iconic goals now this is the library i believe a collection of philosophy books they're all about the eternal question of life and death this is what zombies read this is gonna oh [ __ ] ah [ __ ] go down go down the ladder wait for me to go down the ladder oh [ __ ] where'd he go [Music] does he get hurt by the toxic grenade probably not this gun will shoot him there you go come back did i win [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i can win [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i win i win maybe you should have maybe should have read [Music] uh maybe should have read some more books then he would have knew how to beat me and that's why you always gotta shoot the snake there doesn't seem to be anything useful i saw an item i shot a item when the snake was doing something that biggest snake the snake was very weak it was weak both times the last book volume two now i have i have jesus i have the book eagle of south wolf of north wow what can the words on the cover mean i think that's just a it's just a title oh i need that i need that yep wait did you guys remember what it said on the book i think i just threw the book out oh i think that was info that i needed it was like wolf wolf of the north going to the western dog something like that the wolf the north wolf goes to the go and go west kanye west kenya west kennedy north something like that because this jesus is involved somehow all right i think i saw the fizzle now what am i saying what am i thinking here this snake was challenging foe you can just walk on his head this is all pre-rendered right i think everything is pre-rendered but then like i think the only thing that's real i think the shadow the shadow must be real i think that's the only thing that's like interacting with the with the level though it's just a shadow for my character and stuff and like lights it's kind of cool how they did that it's drawn by hand in real time wow they're still drawing it even today damn i'm locked in here cheers for browsing let's go back up here thank you high six as soon as you notice the shadow it doesn't make sense anymore it's it makes sense to me you got a shadow people have a shadow it doesn't matter if there's any source of light hitting you when this lamp is hitting me that looks that that's that looks right maybe all right i'm so confused so now i'm locked what did i what did i accomplish i guess i just got this medal and now i gotta go just gotta go back all right this door is locked this door you guys i'm pointing to it do you guys see me pointing to it i'm pointing to it with my finger this door i can't go to you see the one right steel bar no that's not the game this is not the right game you don't steal bart in this game you peel bark what did the book say it said old wolf north by northwest or some [ __ ] watch north by northwest somebody watch that movie and then try to pay attention to any clues about like a snake or a wolf right i'm gonna leave this zone where do i put this metal i wonder there's two rooms that i gotta get to this room see this red door on the left see on the left side there's a red door that's just blocked though that's not even locked it's blocked it's like completely inaccessible maybe if i go oh wait a minute now there's like a little stairs down here that looks like it goes down though see that oh wait there's a basement wait i was in a basement okay wait i should go in the basement okay there we go i didn't know there was a basement don't you eat me don't you eat me captain boy what are you saying what are you saying how can you say this horrible that's so horrible of you to say international puppy day [Applause] save save oh that's cute that's cute you guys save oh i laugh i laugh at that that made me laugh [Music] now i hope there's a save point where i'm going otherwise i'm gonna have to fight the snake again okay this is a horror i hear a horror sound i hear a very scary horror sound going into the basement the basement will be safe okay this is the kitchen oh there's the zombie there's a zombie now where is the door it's locked from the other side okay there's a little zone over here let's just do can i open this the power doesn't seem to be turned down okay so this is not right i got him i got him yeah there's zombies in this thank you look a bird [Music] maybe i should go to the top right that red door in the top right maybe that's something and then there's this door in the top right over here i guess i'll check those out oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hit that guy go to the gorilla for you i don't want to do that somebody said i got to do something with this no i can't mess with this anymore go to the gorilla song no no no i'm not going to the gorilla song i absolutely refuse now let me think maybe this will work watch this i can just do this i can just use the emblem key on this no i can't wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute this ha damn thank you dan sheedle am i scared no i'm not scared no game can scare me i'm unscarable actually i'm the first unscarable player of this game i'm extremely unscared right now thank you mason see here to share this music even though they're playing this music right now i'm extremely unscared even by this music i'm not even scared okay okay wait wait wait wait wait i'm not scared of this okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go ah now watch this yeah yeah now this goes into this room what happened huh what just happened what is this huh this is this huh there's a switch here that's how you get killed that's how you get killed what is the deal with this maybe i can reset this if i leave and come back be careful in this room am i gonna die maybe i should save maybe i should say i'll go downstairs and save real quick thank you huge is that's a weird name this is some kind of little leprechaun character don't hit me when i come out of this yeah sorry you suck bone explosion thanks for the bones all right now what was that doing saved this is kind of like a memory game because once i entered the room i forgot what i was doing all right now what i'm thinking is what i'm thinking is that i'm going to want to put this thing put that huh put this in there and put come over here i got magnum around say boom good to go some bastard was gifted this mansion by his parents and he loved puzzles and apparently having to go on eight hour adventure just to find a bathroom key when he had to go [ __ ] yeah that is true actually it is the storyline how the [ __ ] did he do that you're out of there you're [ __ ] out of here jump upstairs [ __ ] lizard man jump upstairs that's [ __ ] was i doing all right all right now when i go through here this is the monkey room okay this is this room okay now basically what i'm thinking is huh i just huh i'm gonna die oh so this so basically so pretty much hit the switch i'm thinking let's go ahead and hit the switch okay can i block this wall with this statue see how i got the statue here i'm thinking with the statue you see what i'm saying here let's block the statue let's block the wall it's okay i can't push it over that little step i'm not that powerful okay basically what i'm thinking here is you gotta come up here see what i'm saying and basically you gotta say boom and basically see what they want you to do is do this now i can crush the stitch press the switch now watch watch and learn watch and learn watch what i do here boom boom is this is this something go am i waiting am i beating the game is this is this beating the game the statue will block see see i am a genius of this game and now basically what i need to do i hit that switch see what i'm saying now look at what i'm doing now i can come back here go don't stop that okay all right here we go check this out check this out camera oh man this is this is where you need the tank controls on okay okay get ah oh it worked it worked i win what this this is the shittiest mansion i did this whole puzzle for a [ __ ] battery that's how this is how you when you live here this is how they find the double a's you have to solve that puzzle every time you want a double a okay wait a minute wait a minute there's a hole at my feet you can't see very far into it though go down yep go down eagle of south wolf of north you guys write that down write that down babe write this down in a notebook eagle live south wolf of north alright alright now if i open this boom another metal incredible incredible okay now basically what i'm thinking is i can't get out i have tried every possible way to escape but only to be faced with the reality that i'm trapped i've been everywhere the laboratory but the large glass tube is filled with former dehyde and those dark wet and eerie caves what can i do at first i didn't want to believe my eyes but that familiar high-heeled shoe in the corridor it was like reflex one name came to mind jessica i don't want to believe they share the same fate as me no i can't give up hope i have to hope they're alive november 30th 1967. i haven't had anything to drink or eat for the past few days i feel like i'm going crazy why is this happening to me why do i have to die like this i was too obsessed with designing this ghastly mansion i should have known better this is the guy who made the mansion this is the guy who made the mansion cody this no cody this is resident beaver this is the guy who made the [ __ ] mansion it was a dark and damp underground tunnel and another dead end but even the see this is why this game is such a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] game this is the guy that designed the mansion and he's stuck in the mansion he can't figure out how to get out he designed it he made the whole thing and he can't even beat it he can't even beat the game himself that he made it was a dark and damp underground tunnel and another dead end but even in the darkness something caught my eye carefully i lit the last match i had to see what it was a grave but deeply engraved into the stone was my name george trevor [Music] at that instant it all became clear to me those bastards knew from the beginning that i die here and i fell right into their trip but it's too late now i'm losing it everything is becoming so far away jessica lisa forgive me because of my ego i got both of you involved in this whole damn conspiracy forgive me may god justify my death in exchange for your safety oh my god george trevor it's the tomb of trevor wait there's a ladder under his tomb george george george are you a spider hey george catch oh [ __ ] george you got turned into a gigantic spider oh i'm low on health hopefully there are no monsters in here okay there's a giant spider okay that might kill me all right inside the cardboard box has the discarded shell molting spider okay okay okay okay wait wait all right that guy's dead okay if i get hit one more time and i'm dead so i gotta not get hit [Music] hearing a tearing monster hearing a monster monster there there can i combine this red and blue is health red and blue makes health all right i'm poisoned oh [ __ ] here this is boom see now i'm good now i'm only in danger zombie zombie oh [ __ ] okay i got this i got this i got this i got this get the knife i just got to play this is perfect i just can't get hit if i don't get hit then i won't die okay that goes there maybe i can just uh i can just go upstairs that way i think that these zombies are done for they can't stand up to them okay i'm hearing electricity and water so this could be bad so let's go here anyway though the power supply to the elevator there we go should i do this should i do this gotta do it i gotta do it whatever four months no way is that gonna kill the skunk oh cool all right i'm good oh i missed something thank you hd thank you mack watch out what are you guys saying watch out look this game is over the game is pretty much over at this point boom now we gotta remember there's a zombie in this room but he cannot face me he doesn't have the power to face me is this fucker's mansion yes please go big motion celebration of this occasion all right i'll go big i'll go big mo just for you guys [ __ ] [ __ ] come on elevator where does this take me it was upstairs take me somewhere good take me to a room with like a bunch of health and like a bunch of like ammo and grenades [Music] be like a birthday party you know there's like surprise birthday party okay this health it's health wait can i use this wait i don't want this then can i do this okay i can do this okay i can do this okay now i'm in business now i'm in business now i do this okay now i'm back in business now i'm back oh okay that's the snake over here happy birthday donkey no don't it's not my birthday it's not don't say my birthday don't say it's my birthday again there's an oriental scroll on the wall but the picture is western style watching you while i represent the icon clan on rocket league thank you for inspiring us coach oh thank you hit my head don't you told me to dunk you told me to buy glover now my wife left what why did she leave over glover it's a great game that's one of the only that's one of the only games where you can be gigantic thank you robot there's an oriental scroll on the wall but the picture on it is western style i'm thinking this see this little moth i'm here the [ __ ] is that who's saying that snake to good game okay somebody talking about snake noise the classic gunky thank you for the years of content i've been a fan for a long time ever since your aladdin speed run keep up the great work hey even since the aladdin speedrun thank you the gray door the gray door the gray door don't you get it the gray door is the key to all this this thank you cobo oh look grenades i knew it all magnum rounds wow i knew it see guys i knew it i knew if i came up here i'd get grenades and make them rounds up i don't get room hey donkey eat poopy haha you have stinky brain have i found james yet no i haven't found james i think he's in the monkey room i'm wasting ammo no it's a part of the game it's part of the game it's part of the game that you don't you don't really want ammo that much in this game dang what do i want more why do i want more do i want the plant oh i can get this now i got to make them i got to make a move here so i'm definitely gonna need this car battery thing donkey are you scared be honest i'm thinking dang i'm thinking to keep the health i'm thinking keep the health actually yeah i'm thinking keep the health i gotta shoot three grenades off [Laughter] i might as well just shoot him at this oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you up is that did that kill him dang that was a waste okay he's still okay good there you go all right he's out of there all right now i can get this i'll wait after it here but game game game game why do you do this game game why do you come up with stuff like this why do you come up with stuff like this game all right all right now what am i doing wait a minute shouldn't this game be called evil resident where do you put the battery what am i doing with a battery right now i have these two dumbest metals and a battery and a jesus album where do you put the yeti there was an elevator thing outside that needed a battery no we already did the that outside ah the elevator outside oh that was so far back really we gotta go all the way back there all right i'll go out there wow that was really how the [ __ ] did you remember that [ __ ] [ __ ] okay wait i'm winning i can get away no no no ah go i really wish i had the health plan that i had to eat you this way this way okay wait a minute what am i doing here oh damn it i gotta get to the item room courtyard okay so basically what's gonna happen here is i gotta get to this that old elevator okay okay is this gabagull but i wish i burnt the bodies i wish i just didn't shoot any zombies at the start at all i wish i just walked around though oh no yeah i got the taser i got the taser i really hope i have a healing item back in the back in the room let's see if i can get past him for his wife pays a mansion yet you need to go to the basement kitchen and bake a cake no i can't believe it's your birthday happy birthday donkey oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no don't die don't die how far back how far back do i go how far back in the darkness lies your fears is this before the snake this is before the statue okay so basically what i'm thinking here is don't need right there [Music] i don't need that i don't even know if i need this should right ashley uh okay okay i remember use the dog whistle the dog whistle is gone i got rid of the dog whistle okay okay push the stitch go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go i don't need the dog whistle anymore i solved the puzzle of the dog but maybe i do need to during the final boss that is something that would actually come back up push it on there go put there we go all right we gotta go to george let's go to george's room read the book read the book go to george this game pretty spooky this game isn't scary q you think this is scary this ain't scary listen to how not listen to how unscared i am now can you hear that okay now this watch i have a new plan this time that's how it's done that's how it's done this is how the pros play okay actually they get hit and poisoned could die here very easily gonna need this pretty much in the same spot that i was actually oh here we go there we go now what am i thinking what am i thinking we gotta go down this zone right this zone turn this on turn on the elevator come back here now watch what i do not watch very carefully what i do why are there giant spiders it's like a haunted this the mansion is hunt it's like an evil mansion that george made and then you got a doggy food thank you epic you thought this game was over 100 haunted well back in the day they didn't have that technology to go that much haunted they couldn't fit that much onto the discs is this game hard some of the puzzles are oh no it's not there this is kind of confusing oh oh here we go oh oh oh oh oh oh oh that's not hard did i get two of them oh the double the double kill told you this game isn't that hard i told you this game is not hard that's called a double kill okay now we're here now i know that i know the secret of this room boom look at this i think i want the magnum rounds i can get both actually dang that's better i feel like the magnum rounds are actually more powerful than the grenades somehow i'm pretty sure the magnum rounds do more damage i think two magnum rounds is actually more powerful than three grenades i'm just gonna stick with it all right now i can't lose now i can't lose okay okay uh this way the apes are weak to acid are they bring out my ass again all right now what am i doing the battery the battery okay okay i got this i got this all the animals [Music] all right we gotta go back to the elevator i definitely wouldn't have never even remembered that zone if somebody didn't say that if i was just playing the solo i would probably still be in the first room put the thing in the thing beneath the stairs i don't think those metals go in there can i combine the metals let's see if i can combine the metals maybe maybe i can do this combine boom nope all right let's keep going wait how do you get [ __ ] this isn't the right way you gotta go this way i think i'm winning i think i'm winning i think i'm getting somewhere now now we're going to the monkey layup oh boy [ __ ] [ __ ] so that's how you do that i didn't even get hit didn't even get hit now i can save i didn't have the right grenade loaded in you can have two different types of grenades in the grenade launcher but i guess i was trying to put like maybe that put a third type so that's where i wouldn't allow it i think you can have two different types get the crank i don't want the crank the jars i don't want the [ __ ] jars you need to crank i don't want to crank this game has the most this i don't think there's ever been a game that gives you it gives you eight inventory slots and it gives you a hundred items that will never once be used i have two jars in here i have a serum that's for a guy that died already you have a crank in here you guys are saying get the crank have a self-defense gun that's never going to get used to have that [ __ ] jesus album i have a broken shotgun in here hello donkey i need to crank the crank is more powerful than the magnum i can't get the crank i can't get the crank no way no way i'm not i'm not bringing the crank i'm not bringing the crank i refuse to bring the crank i don't want the crank i don't want to crank [Music] i don't need to crank i already use the crank i swear to god if i bring the crank and i don't use the crank there will be hell to pay there will be the biggest hell of the play i've ever seen crank it donkey if i bring the crank and there's no crank usage every every character in chat will be [Music] banned i don't need the crank listen i don't need to crank [Music] i'm trying to make any sense out of this map i don't get this map at all all right i'm bringing this stupid ass crank i'm bringing the crank crank for secret ending i don't want to crank i don't want the secret ending i want the easy ending i have the crank you guys happy i have to crank in this game where you can't you can't bring you can't bring anything excess you cannot bring you can't bring anything that you don't absolutely need in this game and you guys are telling me to bring the crank i can't even pick up an item i don't even have room to pick up items anymore all right where's the save i needed to save do i really not have any save left did i save already oh all right i swear to god if i don't have the crank if you don't use the crank i already saved i can't even remember you need the jesus album that sounds like it makes more sense than having a crank what the hell am i going to use to crank for i'm getting trolled this thing don't bring the crank all right there's only one way to solve this there's only one way to solve this hey that opened up a slot all right so just barely people are saying bring the crank so i'm thinking don't bring the crank the majority of people said bring it so i'm thinking don't bring it it's too dark just turn that lamp on you ass there you go ah yes ah the metal object thank you finally i have the metal object a collection of scientific books almost all of them are biology related all right people said bring the crank so i'm thinking let's go back and let's put the crank back and not bring it i'm thinking let's go back and have no crank i'm thinking let's go back let's put that crank back in the box and in it goes all right all right let's go back let's go back to the hint place without the crank have you played mario before bad ending no there's no bad ending there's no bad ending the acid ending there's no acid ending i've already gotten all the bad endings i've gotten the dog ending the shield ending i already got the acid what is with this guy he doesn't die get out of here [Applause] wow all right okay okay crankless ending i'm gonna get to the final the final cut scene i'm gonna be fighting a gigantic monster there's gonna be like a [ __ ] slot in the middle of the monster where i'm supposed to put the crank [ __ ] it's broken [ __ ] bread i swear to god if i need the crank this is bread do you have the drink this is brad do you have to crank you i need to crank right now all right i'm pretty what the [ __ ] you [ __ ] snakes stop that that kills me i'm damaged from that i'm poisoned from that get in there wait was it wait is this right this is not right is this right huh i'm so confused is this is this i need this all right all right where was that elevator i think it is over here somewhere there it is boom use the battery here we go here we go now we'll find a secret now we'll see what the whole mystery was the whole time okay so it turns out didn't need the crank at all confirmed no crank was needed huh oh we're getting raided by dan oh dan thanks for the raid don't let any of the damners don't let any of them see try to get all the good seats before the banners come in and raid crank damn no dan hates the crank dan hates the crank so this stupid ass elevator this dumb ass battery all it did was it brought me back up here it just activated this stupid-ass elevator does it bring me somewhere else that's why what was the point of that that's all it does this can't be real this cannot be real courtyard look at this bottom left area how do you get over there how do you get to the bottom left zone is that connected to the top right at a mansion with the crank no it's not the crank it's not the crank nothing is crank crank is nothing is not doing anything there's no crank needed i'm so confused i get crunk at least once a month i splunk to debunk the things i think i thought i'm feeling the funk but i might just be drunk lala all right i'm very confused i'm extremely confused i have no leads right now why would i crank the pool up what is cranking the pool up dude do i really have to crank the pool up are we about to crank the [ __ ] pool up if i have to crank the pool up i'm gonna be so angry i guess i've gone to every room in the mansion all right let's crank the pool up what does that do what is cranking the pull up dude ask madden i'm gonna be so mad if i actually need to crank i'm gonna be one of the maddest characters where do i go where do i okay this way i don't get what why do i want the pool to be lifted what does that accomplish all the crank does is it just lowers the water in this area it stops the waterfall it stops the waterfall oh my god i actually did need the crank i definitely would have never in a million years thought to even try to stop the waterfall is there like a secret passage behind the waterfall this [ __ ] game this is a point and click this is just a classic point and click the [ __ ] waterfall that was like 20 hours ago that we saw the waterfall who would remember that you have to be one of the geniuses of the world to figure this game out all right let's get the [ __ ] stupid-ass crank god damn it how many times have i died in this game not that many there was the dog incident there was the poison in the room incident there was the shield stabbed me in the head gorilla cut my throat there was the part where this uh the plant killed me plant picked me up and started throwing me around i think a shark ate me at one point and a bumblebee i think maybe a bumblebee killed me [Music] all right i'm getting the crank what is all what i'm not i'm not even gonna question the logic of this game at this point of course you need to crank this this stuff worthless this stuff terrible the crank that's extremely good weapon put away the metals beavers i am going to put away the medals medals are going back in the chest oh somebody's saying no stop you don't need them no don't [Laughter] you don't need them you do need them don't do it you need the medals eat the metal don't keep the meadows destroy the metal all right i'm keeping them ask madden yeah madden will know what to do let's ask man i'll all right john man said try putting the medals on the pumpkin stool so if anybody knows where that is type put the directions in the chat examine the metal object this one didn't i have one of these before then i have this and you have to like you have to be like i think you have to like hit it with like a toothbrush or something you need like to combine it with the toothpick all right let's go crank it's crank time all the crank fans out there finally are going to get to see this see this incredible weapon pay off you don't use it much crank it hard you only use the crank twice in this entire game but apparently the crank is a very essential item all right here we go you guys ready for this you guys ready for this here we go here it is ladies and gentlemen [Music] boom there it is there it is and the crank is still in my inventory because i'm gonna need it again my gf press f to pay your respects fellas i'm gonna need the crank once more still have to crank in the inventory all right can i eat this this looks like it's the green herb i should just be able to eat all this all right now take the elevator all right well all right we're going to be using the crank one more time [Laughter] huh all right here we [Music] [Music] the go cut scene the pre-rendered crank cut scene whoa the classic the classic pre-rendered crank cut scene all right we're going over to the snakes again my favorite part i love going by these snakes all right i love getting a bit better snake all right now go down here oh i see we can go i see you gotta go down right here who in the world would remember that after doing so much stuff wow huh [Music] oh there's two elevators oh oh there's two elevators all right it's crank time happy birthday doggy it's me flubber from the movie flubber just wishing you a happy birthday from the flubber thank you so much flubber for the birthday wishes it's not actually my birthday but thank you anyway fluff lost my streak but it's okay game game why are you saying i can't use the crank now why are you saying that's not necessary to use the crank now am i not close enough that's right that's where the pre-rendered cut scene in the pool filling back up was supposed to go all right you gotta love the crank gameplay you got a level where you gotta stop playing the game for 30 minutes to [ __ ] around with a crank all right the crank is solved the crank is solved can i get rid of the crank now give it another crank just for old time's sake no the crank is solved there's no more use for the crank i'm discarding the crank you can't i'm combining the crank with the metal object damn it all right let's see what was behind the waterfall oh my god all that oh my god i should have known that's down here oh my god it's the crinkle room this is a save room this is a safe cave look there's a little increment i'm in the save cave now the fun begins what does that mean now the game gets for that easier putting the [ __ ] crank away still need the crank nope nope nope the crank is over the age of crank is over the age of crank is over i don't need it i don't need it i knew it i knew it you don't need to this isn't for the crank i knew the crank was terrible i knew it was a terrible idea i knew you didn't need to crank i'm a genius the hexagonal hole think about it that's where the survival knife goes that's where this thing goes this thing goes in there boom okay no maybe it isn't there's gonna be a different crank i think the hexagon crank yeah there's gonna be a hexagon crank that's a act again this is not an octagon this is a hexagon hexagon has six sides one two three four one two three four okay that's a hexagon oh wait that's act again actually the acid shells exactly smooth stuff done a large boulder blacks the way there are blood stains underneath the boulder oh this is going to be indiana jones road put all the metals away that's what i'm thinking i'm thinking thank you tim allen love her what's your favorite tim allen movie lover is brad in the chat right now brad are you in the chat the [ __ ] why are you giving me ammo for the pan gun why would i have that on me anymore all right game game you got you got some weird ideas the [ __ ] would i have the shitty pistol still on me for the elevators power source there's a round lid you can't carry any more items much love as always your friend stone thank you stoned hope you're not getting too scared out there i'll just eat this this game this game is this this is it this is a shaft see this is not a crank this is a shed it appears to be some sort of key to start the wires power supply you have to combine it with the crank no no no that's not what you do you don't know you don't combine it with the crank no no no no no you don't need to crank anymore no way are they bringing the crank back again there's no way who made this game where the [ __ ] why did they just start getting obsessed with the crank some guy just [ __ ] decided like the day before this game shipped he said we need to be using the crank item a lot we need the crank item to play a more pivotal role if i no if i go back here and i combine this with this i'm gonna be pissed i'm gonna be pissed off if it actually combines i'm gonna be pissed no way there's no way it combines with the crank the crank is now utilized i've used the crank to its full potential yeah i'm putting some of this stuff away i don't need all this junk crank knew it i knew watch i knew it i knew it the crank is done i knew the crank was not needed you need a work pinch no no no where am i going this way my game is corrupted that might be babe can you give me someone all right is that you jill is that voice enrico's yeah you're alive stop are you with anybody jill no but why the stars are finished someone is a traitor umbrella set us up a rico enrico enrico who the guy who just shot him the guy who just shot him is the traitor that you just you let him walk away that's the guy who's the traitor he just shot him in the chest he's literally right around the corner and you just let him go insert the crank into enrico whoever did this is definitely professional wait he's holding something [Laughter] god damn it this game is so dumb this is just this game go go go go go go enrico had the [ __ ] cranks enrico had the upgraded crank a professional shot him though some kind of professional shot i'm from around the corner from three feet away all right now isn't it obvious used to crank here oh monkey ow all right all right what's my health that wasn't my health is a caution mode should i say i'll just save even though i could have played that a lot better bring the other crank no the other crank is outdated now why do i why does it why do i still have the other crank the other crank no i'm not bringing two cranks i absolutely refuse combine the cranks no no no i can't no i'm no how you don't need both you don't need both that's not true there's no way you need both it's not that advanced of a game i don't even need this crank anymore i can just get rid of this crank now i think i think this is what i'm saying i'm saying come here drop this crank boom and i'm gonna actually forget which one is which because they're both just labeled crank one has a different colored handle though no way do i need to crank you guys i know resident evil i know this series i know once you use the second crank that's it push the boulder she's so weak push the boulder push it she's so wimpy philosopher thanks for the bones oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you ran like three feet okay oh my god it's george he's bigger than ever oh my god boss fight [ __ ] wait what happened what's happening what's going on used to health shoot no don't shoot that one shoot the big one shoot him shoot no don't get hit by that shoot shoot oh wait wait wait get up get up get up get up get up use the thing shoot let's get the gun take the knife shoot that guy yeah yeah yeah i win but i'm poison and i'm out of ammo all right right here okay there's another spider uh all right let's go this way cut the webs with the knife that's good thinking cut the webs with the knife all right i'm gonna die can you die from poison oh there we go boom all right i'm back in business i'm back in business crank protects from poison no it doesn't there's a map but a courtyard all right thank you didn't really what if does this give you a little health boost if you do this does this help i'm doing it i'm doing it you get a little health boost from that you must you must wow you don't really get any health boost from that my health is still really low all right now what's this thing okay you don't interact with that i hope there's no uh uh why is this game like this why is this game like this why is this game like this is this is the crank section all right let's get the crank let's go back and get the crank dang i'm out of everything i'm actually gonna have to use the handgun what's better 15 handgun bullets are one magnum round i feel like one magnum round actually does more damage i do have grenades right i got acid grenades dang i'm actually gonna have to break out the pistol again i never thought i'd see today where i had to bring the pistol back the shotgun i ran out of shotgun i don't got no more shotgun bullets it's the crank that does the most damage no wrong crank run crank i have the right crank i have the right crank this is the right one other crank no this both pranks [ __ ] it i'm bringing both cranks when you're playing the crank section of the game you got to bring both just to play it safe this really is the crank section of the game dual wheeled cranks put the knife back oh that is good actually let's go back every time every time we open the door all right let's put the knife put the knife away i'm thinking i'm gonna need the shift all right now we're ready thank you dr rayne huh this ain't right this i'm getting lost this is no this is not right this is the way all right here we go leave of believe a trail of cranes that's a good idea actually i should just leave just a huge trail of cranks behind me don't miss the third crank no [ __ ] there's no third crank there's no third break now is this boulder gonna kill me is the question boulder are you killing me are you killing me baldi a huge boulder blocks you yeah how do you dodge the boulder do you come into this little crevice here i'm definitely going to get killed by this bowl that's definitely shoot the boulder used to crank again the crank again crank again do it again do it again boom [ __ ] [ __ ] wow wow i can't believe that worked the [ __ ] camera the camera is such a piece of [ __ ] for that part i got really lucky that that actually worked that shitty camera oh my god was that was oh god that was the closest call i think in the entire game okay now i'm in this zone the goddess stitch smile silently back in there's a hexagonal hole here all right this is this is what is this what is this this is also a statue that i can't see and this is a little zone though look at this little slab here what you gotta do is you gotta get this thing here you gotta do it just right what is the crank dude let's try to crank oh the crank moves oh look at this okay okay boom okay this really is the [ __ ] crank section of the game now you gotta push that down here do it again spin around one more time spin go spin you're late to the stream could i tell you the story of the game up to now all right all right let's do a recap i'll recap i'll recap where the story is so far so first wait maybe i can find the intro maybe i can play you guys the intro i'll play you guys to intro to the game that'll explain most of it nope let's shake one shake it's not going to explain everything but it'll explain most of it no that's not right this isn't right uh that's no cat sorry about that guys okay okay here we go here we go all right this should explain most of it [Music] do you guys get it now you guys get it now so you can be either chris or jill yeah this is this will explain a little bit alpha team is flying around the forest zone situated in northwest raccoon city where we're searching for the helicopter of our compatriots bravo team who disappeared have recently occurred in raccoon city there are outlandish reports of families being attacked by a group of about 10 people victims were apparently eaten we can skip a little bit of this come here okay so this happens basically this happens this part all right this this is basically chris redfield jill valentine barry burton rebecca chambers allen wesker resident evil all right do you guys get it now and then there was like a note where it says like eat doggy food okay and now we're caught up a zombie wrote it out and he's like i'm gonna eat doggy and that's pretty much caught up man and there's a lot of cranks involved i'm surprised the crank wasn't in the intro video all right here we go here we go i solved this puzzle i solved this one so fast pretty smart for this one boom duct tape yes duct tape oh cylinder boom all right duct tape the cranks together that's good thinking that's more of an end game end game strategy if they gave you the duct tape that easily the game would be over that's true that is true actually resident evil 8 better have cranks i feel like resident evil 2 remake did have cranks you just didn't have to carry them in your interview i think i think i remember there being cranks in the remake maybe i think that resident evil 8 you'll actually it'll be like an upgrade system and you'll have to like upgrade your crank over to the over the course of the game you know is there a crank tree there might be there might be like a talent tree kind of like the overwatch like how overwatch is doing talent tricks for the cranks there's a monster behind the next door okay i'm watching now now i don't need the cranks anymore the cranks are done and that's my guarantee and i guarantee this the cranks are not needed anymore and i'm going on record and saying that is that is just guaranteed that is guaranteed there's never going to be need crank again put them away for good this time i know there's no more use for the crank be careful donkey you better not become a jill sanders when does she say she's gonna become a jill sandwich did that happen already did we pass that part when did they say jill sanders i'm about to become a crank sandwich all right here we go what button do i hit one two three four easy all right i'm gonna need a series of buttons to not examine the crank no no no no look look it's on here it's in here it's down here four two four two donkey please crank the shaft over that gaping hole oh four two three one all right four two three one okay let's see what they did i see what they did i know numbers what was it again four two three one four two times three one yeah all right here we go elephant mind thank god you're safe [ __ ] barry you too jill the noise i heard brought me down here but i didn't expect to find a place like this have any idea as to what might be at the bottom there's only one way to find out why couldn't they all just stay together instead of splitting up a hundred times what the hell is that sound it could be a person it's probably brave jill go check it out we had enough surprises for one day i'll stay here and secure our escape route in case something happens okay please send me in there jill sound like a zombie monster in there you go in there [ __ ] barry if crank is such a good weapon why isn't there a crank 2.0 yet there is a crank 2.17 uh oh that's the unkillable monster right it's down here now there's a crank call the lever the lever activates that go to the dish this is this this is this take this take this plant okay this is the master the unkillable monster go this way had a bucket room mansion has one all right for some reason i just thought i could do this and i guess that worked the crank kills that monster no way no way it has crank armor okay this crate is a crate i need to put this crate in the elevator right no i'm not scared i'm not scared i'm unscared maybe i pushed it too far maybe i i lost now the material has to be placed correctly what does that mean like this hey it worked all right all right hey hey what did i do was that good did i do something good all right here to go i hear the ghoul oh the goal is this way the goal is this one i can't see i can't see oh there's another ghoul okay there's dual ghouls i'm gonna sneak past this school no wait maybe i just went the wrong way i can't tell what's happening okay i'm going this time okay this wait i don't know where i am okay i'm here okay this thing some kind of hook the hook is stuck inside the hole open the door the door is locked maybe i have to pull the lever again maybe i have to go maybe i gotta go to a crank you need to crank no [ __ ] way no way on earth do i need to crank there's no way no way are they bringing the crank back yeah this guy is not that powerful ah there's another one there's money bone i can't tell if that is that is there one guy or two guys i can't tell the camera is just losing its [ __ ] mind at this part there's where wasn't there a lever i'm going over here what what just happened what the [ __ ] very very wide very quiet mary how do you do this [Music] that's the crate it's my item crate hey look i can't put this piece of [ __ ] thing vic and let's get that good gun out phone good gun out man maybe i should bring a handgun look it's the crate it's the crate okay oh okay i'm thinking i think i know what to do here i have to get in this crate crusher i have to get in here and i need barry to hit the button so i can get the crate ending become a jail sandwich all right all right check this out boom here i go here i go here it is i swear to god if it was a crank in there i think this is a flamethrower broken why is it broken it should survive that crush [ __ ] i broke it i was busted now i needed that to win fix it the muzzle was broken how did the just the muzzle get broken all right well i need to find a muzzle now why was it in a huge crate oh and i don't know why is anything ever in any place ever in this game that's what i want to know all right so barry [ __ ] left me here for dead i have a flamethrower now i'm kind of stuck here i don't know what you do how do you get the hook i don't know what you use to get the hooks in there no way do you use the crank no way do you use the crank no way you don't use the crank you don't use the crank you use the lever i think what happened is the lever reset because i left that room the broken shotgun oh my god is it actually the broken shotgun that makes sense it's the broken shotgun think about it think about it remember the broken shotgun from hundreds of years ago people are saying no there's no way it's the broken shack come on think about it what's even this weirder item than the crank the broken shot here we go excuse me how now use some kind of mechanical hook see boom put what do you put on it flamethrower had to do that oh all right [Music] the doll room [Music] every mansion has a doll that snakes that snakes in the water i don't like this i don't like this don't bite me don't bite me don't bite my head okay i'm out of the water this bed is still warm [Music] this is creepy how do you open this the stone ring a family picture and notes there's something written on the back jessica administer virus type a plasmalizing plasmonizing of tissue during cell activation negative disposed oh they they took his family and they turned them into zombies i feel dizzy after that shot they gave me i don't see mom where did they take her she promised that we would escape together did she escape alone and leave me behind i found mom we ate together i was very happy but she was a fake not my real mom same face but different inside uh-oh have to find mom have to give face back to mother i got mom's face back nobody can have my mom except me i attach her face to me so she doesn't go away what the [ __ ] because mom is sad when i meet her without her face from inside box scent of mommy maybe true mother there stone box heart it hurt steel rope in the way can't see mother because four stones that's that monster that little girl is the monster this is crazy this is a crazy story man the daughter is that monster running around and george had to eat doggy food no i don't think that was george that was some other guy he eats doggy food hey this is getting crazy dang the master lives down here or something use the herb to fix the shack do i really not get the wait i don't get the flamethrower i thought i would get the flamethrower this is a ripoff this is a scam only chris gets it assistant oh this is the cabin this is that that's where the little kid lives the monster damn i don't have ink ribbon [ __ ] oh i can't save maybe there's an ink ribbon in here maybe it gave me a new one combined metal object with the ring all right dang i wish i could save wow oh my god look at it incredible i went all the way down in that cave just to do this all right all right damn i wish i could save how that sucks that success that i can't save everybody keep your eyes peeled for a savory now i have no idea what to do what do you do with the dumb now what do you do is this game a shooter or a puzzle game it's a point and click really is a point and click it's a 3d point and click game on console we're never gonna finish this game no we're gonna win we're about to win we have to find barry we have to find barry now where's barry yet how did barry get to where did he go he elevated up somewhere where'd you go barry this way mary are you this way this here we go this way barry where are you this way this way barry there is that you [ __ ] you baby where you at barry leave me down there leave me for dead don't give barry the crank that's true that's true below the stairs oh i think i can go back there now all right let's go back let's try to go underneath the stairs you random sauce do i have another emblem i don't want to spread this down this this is the plant you guys see this it's a plant further back this that's a statue dude pass the statue this no you don't need this no i won't take that all right maybe let's just ask man okay thank you man it says take them again dang i need to save though i need to save maybe barry put a new ink ribbon in the save room you know maybe he'll put ink ribbon in here because sometimes he puts items in here damn it baby can i use water to save [Music] all right let's go to the mango room i don't think i don't think there's a game with a worse camera than this i don't think it exists this is my this is my first this is my number one worst rank worst camera rank devil may cry don't make cry yeah well definitely cry has the same camera as this here we go here we go now what's in here what's gonna be in here what's gonna be in here very if i had an ink ribbon i could save here but i don't barry do you have the third crank come on increment ink ribbon via ink ribbon why do you need items to save a game trust me that's that's just the that's the part of the game that makes the most sense honestly after what i've seen all right we just got to go there's no there's no saving there's no saver we just gotta beat it all i'm gonna have to fight barry hand-to-hand combat who lit all the candles barry [ __ ] barry dude you're alive i was worried because i thought you were shoot him whoa whoa talking calm down i didn't want to do it believe me i can explain don't lie to me shoot him ah no time to talk jill hand me my gun uh give give gun to barry give the gun to him give the gun to barry is he evil does it make the boss easier is he gonna help me shoot the boss help he's good give he helps you [ __ ] i don't know what to do hey should i give the gun to barry but he might help me but maybe he's not evil i'm giving him the gun there you go thanks jill shoot barry there you go there you go shoot there you go there you go we win right oh very very come on barry we win we win right do we win yeah huh do i need that a message has been carved into the sarcastics when the curse of the chains has been broken the path of truth will appear barry shoot the gun i'm really happy i gave barry the gun barry do it again shoot shoot [ __ ] shoot shoot shoot yes am i winning ah this is what you do very shoot now what the [ __ ] is that oh no oh no oh my god how much progress did i lose how much progress did i lose why can't she hit you off the side why can't she hit you off the side how far back am i you don't get a single save this whole thing uh hey there's a ribbon in the elevator before barry shows up does anybody remember the number oh it's on this thing four two three one i don't think there was that much gameplay maybe maybe now that i know what to do i can get there maybe wait what was the number elephant i don't see anything oh you mean like down once i go down there's an ain't cribbing down ain't creeping in this room mimi dang i didn't think i would really need an ink ribbon this whole game i've been having like extra ink ribbons that i didn't even need now i need one really bad hey i used every ribbon are you serious i don't get another ribbon for the rest of the game that camp is that real is that real it sounds like the stupidest [ __ ] idea in the world so that's why i think it's real i just gotta beat the whole game in one run cancel commands oh that's good thinking is there a console is there a cheat can i cheat to get another ink ribbon somehow yeah who comes up with this [ __ ] who the [ __ ] comes up with this old [ __ ] what kind of [ __ ] people used to make video games oh oh okay wait wait did i lose wait this room is red usually when the room is red there's like a item for you oh no this is just the ammo up here dang it yeah i think i might have i think i actually did use every ink ribbon in the game i'm gonna look it up quick how many ink ribbons it says there's a total of 30 on normal difficulty there's there's only 30 and i have 30 saves already change the difficulty no it's not that advanced it's not that advanced you have to you just have to pick it at the start and that's it save states this is not on the inventory this is on the pc hey you hit the thing all right i got this i got this i got this under control you don't need to save oh yeah i don't have the [ __ ] stupid thing uh huh huh okay i'm a genius there goes barry i can't believe you get 30 saves who comes up with this ideas for games all right get this thing what else do i need i need the oh yeah i gotta go do this i should have kept the dog whistle i should have kept the [ __ ] dog whistle what's better this version what's the better game gameplay gameplay i feel like shenmue is actually thought out a little bit more i feel like they actually put a little more power in the [ __ ] this is just evil there's just so many evil ideas this is past this might be the most evil game all right here we go here we go here i go put the all right here we go all right doll classic classic snake snake i always got to remember the max where's the box give me the box examine the box got the thing wait i saw something i saw something this defense knife resident beaver is my all-time favorite wario game thank you fortress all right this thing i need go this way climb this babe i lost all my progress the girl pushed me off of cliff there was a mechanic where the ghoul can push you off the cliff with full health and now i can't save there's only 30 saves and i've used all of them so now i can't save i can't do a safe state in this thing it's the real it's like i'm stinging i'm gonna see if i can save there's gotta be some kind of way i'm looking up cheat codes there's a grenade launcher glitch all right i'm not seeing any way to cheat and save start over and save less i can't start over this is this is one of those games where i'm i want to play this maybe to the end and then and then never play this again for the rest of my life i think i actually am coming up with a strategy a new strategy where i don't need to save reloaded save 29 and save the last ribbon i can't i've been out i've been overriding my saves the whole time i didn't know there was only 30 saves i just gotta do this i just gotta do it i just gotta do it all in one shot the game is not really that hard once you know all the tricks now that i know that the monster can push me off a cliff they'll probably be like 10 more things like that before the game's over but i know that the monster can push me off the cliff now so that's good to know barry will probably shoot me since i gave him the gun and then i'll have to reload the save again all right all right i can do this i can do this all right here we go you're on the last boss already to remake and you ran out of first aid kits so you can't win does that it really doesn't give you more i thought it would give i remember in resident evil 4 if you ran out of stuff that would spawn in like new stuff when you died today does it really not spawn in new stuff for the remake all right all right here we go yeah i should have played this uneasy to be honest that would have been better and my game might actually shoot zombies all right let's put this back get the big gun out let's see what else what else can i use here i'll just bring these just to be safe all right get the crank all right now i'll bring the crank you never know you never know i'm thinking bring the original crank because i want to win this here we go here we go thanks jill all right here we go here we shoot the master shoot the master berry why is she still there why is she still up oh my god go down go down why is she still still that's all my grenades why is she still still oh my god that almost killed me that looks like it almost killed me why doesn't she get stunned there there push the thing push the thing remember when she fell down last time okay she fell over she fell over there i beat the game i beat the game [Music] yeah go down there whatever i beat her all right let's go let's go barry come on dumb dumb where'd barry go come on you idiot i don't believe that thing's really dead leave this place up to me go on ahead okay all right huh the fountain i need that thing i need to go back are you excited for the pikmin app game the pikmin app game oh thank you dude oh my god the pic oh it's like pokemon go right it's like pikmin go pikmin pokemon go that's what it's like right that's the guys who made pokemon go i don't know that sounds it sounds like such a weird idea i want the real picture where's the real pikmin in where's pikmi for man pikmin 3 was insane that game is a masterpiece and what i love about pikmin 3 is that you can just save however many times you want to save that's the beautiful part about that all right all right i need this i need this all the coins let's see wow everybody said i'd win oh wait we already did it already the believers win the believers will always win unless they believe i'll actually beat this game then they won't all right here we go here we go activate the wolf bomb activate the eagle bam ink ribbon gigantic ink ribbons underneath there's a big ink ribbon down here i can save oh wait is that increment if i had an ink ribbon i could save my progress i don't know wait a minute wait a minute i got three more saves i got three more saves i don't know how i did it but i get three more saves let's use them all right now let's just let's use them all let's let's shoot another one here we go use the save i wonder how i got another one i said max is 30. maybe i saved without one is that possible no you can't say maybe it just spawns in more who knows how it works i'm uneasy i'm not am i uneasy is there a very easy difficulty it looked like i picked normal oh that guy's out there that guy's added in wait i need those bullets okay i'm back in the game i'm back in the game it looked like i was out of the game but i'm back in the game very easy all right uh what am i thinking here is it about to get crazy am i gonna need a bunch of bullets all right all right i'll need a bunch of cranks i haven't activated madden mode yet now what jesus again oh people are trying to activate madden mode listen guys you'll never get to the you'll never get the hundred people saying i ask man he'll never be able to get 100 people all trying to activate madden in the chat it'll never happen it has to be a hundred people in a second it can't just be a hundred people flat it has to be a hundred in a second all right i think you guys hit it hit the number here we go thank you for selecting ask a maddens mode it's me john madden bye-bye there it is and there it is am i getting to a stand here how much does how much game is left is there a lot i feel like there's still a lot maybe we'll beat this next turn there's an hour two hour three hours left all right well i'm gonna cut it there for now then we'll beat it next time the unbeatable game they said it could never be beaten they said nobody would actually make it to the end they would just [ __ ] take the disc out and throw it out the window but we're about to make it to the end finally thanks for watching everybody i'm going to bed bye bye bye bye guys thank you everybody that subbed thank you jebus cremas and chipotle for a million subs you gave goodbye you guys [Music] [Music] and it's been like that since 1992.
Channel: WaLter .NO
Views: 87,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5GrlB0ajY8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 36sec (13176 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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