Dunkey Streams Alan Wake (Day 3)

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hey guys here i'm with uh alan wake all right let's uh let's go now wait a minute wait a minute i always pass this part i could see cauldron lake i thought i could make out the spot where the island and the cabin had been there was a light near it it had to be a boat i was close now i had to get there fast i dreaded what i would find so pretty much for this game you play is alan wake we don't know where she is by the law are you seriously telling me that writer just took out my deputies the thriller i supposedly wrote is coming true the genre of the story seems to be shifting it's turning into a horror story i was told that alice had been kidnapped but that was a lie we don't have his wife we don't know where she is episode 4 the truth now baby it was just a nightmare finally we get to the truth of it all [Music] apartment i fell i had to give you a sedative don't fight it you went through another rough period what right now it's very important that you stay calm we don't want you to have another episode you're a patient at my clinic have been for a while now the shock of your wife's death triggered a mental illness no you're you're lying you're suffering from various symptoms of undifferentiated schizophrenia all right so now so his wife is dead he just has schizophrenia and he's a patient at a mental at this guy's place i felt groggy whatever heartman had bumped in me was making me numb i felt like this was happening to someone else someone i was watching on television focus so let's recap let's recap all the theories before we start playing okay theory one adam wake he's writing the book he's inside the book theory two no oh who's this now good evening alan are we feeling better now feeling calm yeah punching so you brought your pet gorilla with you so sure i'm calm i get the message loud and clear why right that's the spirit you're being very brave alan i understand you're confused i would be more concerned if you weren't suspicious of me i don't blame you for it big of you now why don't you come with me we'll reacquaint you with my clinic and go over everything you might have forgotten little walk and some fresh air yes it will do you good so theory two and awake is the whole game is inside of a moose's hallucination theory three i would see now we're inside of this theory three we're inside of this guy's book he is the actual author of the book we are living out his book for patience most of them aren't here right now jack took them out for a fishing trip except for the ones who are particularly vulnerable of course i encourage creativity as a part of the recovery process here at cauldron lake lodge i specialize in treating art uh recap theory seven theory seven i believe was the um theory seven was the trapped inside of a horse's dream theory trapped inside of a fish's dream theory i believe no donald duck donald duck was theory four i bet you do splendid alan i honestly believe we can get this thing under control if we work together this way alan this way i knew it this is where the truth is all along what is that why is that man circled this is the truth you guys analyze this image this is the key to it all now alan from past experience with you i know i need to get right into the heart of the matter as quickly as i can after an episode so i'm just going to say this alice is dead no you're in a very vulnerable state until you understand and accept this alice drowned and you couldn't face that you're suffering from hallucinations paranoid delusions unusual thinking an obsession about light and darkness a feeling that everything revolves around you your thoughts and dreams your mind has constructed an elaborate fantasy scenario in which your writings are affecting reality she has been kidnapped in supernatural forces of darkness or trying to stop you just sway alan i wasn't ready for another shot so i went along with it he had to be lying but under the influence of the drug he had given me i fight not to believe his words like 40 now you've been making it up apart from the tragic accident with your wife no one has been killed your delusions are just a manifestation of your subconscious mind trying to protect you from the too painful truth unless we fight the fantasy it will return i know the instinct is to resist me but think about it doesn't this make far more sense than the insane supernatural conspiracy you have concocted in your mind not a skeptic by nature alan no no most theory explained it all explained logically moose's hallucination made sense that's the most makes sense one of all beyond the shadow you settle for there's a miracle illuminated tz that's that's that guy that's that guy thomas jane oh my god thank you can thomas jane wrote that thomas zane is real it's all the trick it's all a lie tommy lee zane i never get tired of this view very inspiring isn't it punching it's a lie below us i could see mira peak on the other side of the lake i thought i could make out the spot where diver's isle had been when i arrived with alice now there was nothing but waves it seems there's a storm coming funny i don't recall there being a mention of that in the weather forecast well no matter this way follow me alan what i'm telling you is good news right now we're in control every time you have a relapse it gets more and more difficult to resurface from the dark depths of your imagination not surprising considering your profession imagination is what you work with after all your nightmares this should come as an immense relief to you if it doesn't why is that because i'm lying or because you don't want to admit that you're not well we're in a moose's dream for you to think of me as your enemy it's part of the illness i let him talk hartman obviously removed his own voice was narrating over the guy i wouldn't allow him to narrate once you accept that we can begin the journey towards your recovery come along let's go inside here's the entrance to the office wing that's for staff only you were impressed by my trophies when you first arrived here i do love to hunt the great outdoors man versus nature it's wonderful who is this guy scary scary scary whoa get the flashlight get the shotgun oh my god oh my god i'm a real bad dream mister you should be afraid of me don't want to run into me in the night that's for sure get the gun get the gun emerson is confused enough as it is yeah you'd like me to go away so you won't be scared but you can't just decide what kind of dream you have or when you have it i can i can control dreams sorry sorry sorry alan wake has the ability to control dreams everybody remembered it that's emerson we're actually making some progress with him i'm happy to say he works on video this game makes video games this is the guy that makes video games no wonder of course but it does involve something creative effort which makes him receptive to my therapeutic methods no kidding oh who is this now [Music] [Music] next sean this guy's still going this way i'm leaving ron ellen like you can leave through the front door the engaging new book get the coffee boom it gives you more bullet time now you might have noticed the typewriter in your room you've been writing as a part of the therapy oh what the [ __ ] he's got a squeaky hammer my ruins killing me there's a storm coming oh what a storm i hope it wipes this place off the face of the earth and these two are the anderson brothers they had a oh should i put this a heavy metal band in the 70s and 80s called old gods of asgard they even adopted new first names to complete the image of viking gods after the band broke up they lived on a farm nearby they are well in advanced stages of dementia they are well cared for tlc and all that there's nothing more that can be done i'm afraid that the rock and roll lifestyle has left its mark play coconut no that won't do put coconuts in i'm sorry to cut this short for now alan the power has been acting up i'd better go check on it we'll continue this soon meanwhile when you feel up to it return to your room and try to write it really is for the best don't you think ah this manuscript post powers is headed with a hammer no he loves to fish out our secrets but he has no clue he's not crazy enough not crazy like a sunny yeah being crazy's a requirement sonny who else could understand the world when it's like this it takes crazy to know crazy that's the sanest thing i've heard in a while you're all right tom hey we like him don't we bro he's gotta go to the farm the anderson farm i can't hit him with it unless you need to forget a crash course all you need to know oh my god alan wake is thomas james here sonny here's something for you gave me a rash but i kept it safe from these badgers i knew it was alan zane my head was clearing up or according to hartman i was sinking back into the fantasy i was convinced he was lying to me about everything crazy or not the andersons made more sense [ __ ] with this hammer yeah uh no we have a stash of the special stuff at the farm our own formula local ingredients medicine clears your head they have the official night springs board game i don't think they get how to play it though they're just hitting the board with the squeaky camera took my thunder the witch and my ravens what was it i can only focus on writing everything else is a blur i'm trapped in this cabin have been for days but it's always dark outside my editor is real i saw her again she's not human it's not human a dark presence is wearing the old woman's face she was covered in clinging shadows there's a hole in her chest where her heart should be i think i've made a horrible mistake i don't think i'm any closer to saving alice it's been lying to me using me to get the story at once and the story will come true okay so pretty much um oh somebody scanned this in this will tell us what theory is right someone do is scanning now look at this this supports the uh horse's dream theory notice how we have an image of a knight uh riding into a battle perhaps set against a mountain then here he is on the beach uh a knight in white armor and a white horse goldman wanted me to write i knew i couldn't but i figured i should just play along for now the white horse the white horse of the apocalypse that's the horseman so this is like life and death so i think we're maybe in a horse's dream right that might be it why don't you humor dr hartman and give the writing a shot huh typewriters in your room is the poster talking to me wait maybe alan wake is crazy okay poster the white glare of the blank page in front of me hurt my eyes my hands began to shake uncontrollably hey wake you stay here i'm gonna go see what's up you just keep doing what you're doing be cool okay you sound like the poster i didn't know what the chaos was all about but it could be my only chance of getting out of here oh look the night springs xbox 360 game oh [Music] oh it's xbox 360. oh [ __ ] oh they're playing it on this black and white tv it's my store what is this a little little mickey mouse tv it's not even plugged in baby oh this is a nice plan here hammer's way will have it rise up in their name sinclair looked bad i had to get to hartman's office he had taken all my manuscript pages that's where he'd been keeping that come out and face the music what happened it's time to play the piper he hit her with the squeaky hammer maybe you could come out and beat our wrinkled adult diapered ass barry we need to get to hartman's office it's right next door you okay yeah i mean no the cops found me at rose's trailer but they didn't hassle me too much i'm obviously a victim in this and i demanded to be treated as such or else i'd sue their asses speaking of asses that that gave me a real hard time but i had no clue where you were that guy's crazy out but he let me go and then i get a call from hartman that son of a [ __ ] who tells me you're here and i should come pick this is so many twists goons clobbered me and stuck me in there i stole it from the diner the piss off rose after what she did to us that'll teach her yeah what the [ __ ] punishment come on pal we got to get going so the psychologist kidnapped my agent and put him in the closet so he is evil so sure what so he that was that was a fake twist and more alan please you're sliding back into tell me one more lie and i'll shoot you in the face whoa where'd he get that ah well it was worth a shot really wake come on let's work together on this you have no idea shut up barry get out of here i'll catch up with you get a car oh ow let's just go helen wakes is going to shoot him wait listen to me this is a mistake don't you see together we can create something absolutely wonderful huh the hammer wrote the story oh wasn't i in the same room with that guy i had to find a way out go oh evil go ahead and wake oh it's haunted it's haunted let me through let me through oh where did those funny guys go i need light to get to possess bookshelves out of the way there get that lamp get that lamp yeah get that lamp get that lamp where's the flashlight oh here we go here we go transition alan wake is the villain and the hero there yeah yeah yeah take that you are no match for a man here we go do it again boom oh [ __ ] oh no go this way ellen wake go go go oh [ __ ] why is that there huh go away bears boom bears down oh my shows my show's coming in a second guys i gotta watch this this is a car commercial the [ __ ] was that why is it showing a verizon head verizon wireless has you covered check out the latest games discover new music and old favorites social networking sports scores news it's all at your fingertips no matter what you're into verizon wireless can satisfy your never-ending appetite perhaps it's just a normal ad for verizon what the [ __ ] was that [Laughter] [Music] hartman watches wake fall oh dang thomas zane's writing an assistant steal the poems taking form shaping things as he experimented he imagined he could almost feel the power surging through the keys of the typewriter it exhilarated him but there was fear too if not for his young assistant emile he would have given it up but emile convinced him otherwise he too had a way with words oh my god it's all thomas zane's fault oh oh don't you do that don't you do that these are 300 doors should do a spin off game where you play this barry i found the car but the gate's locked you're gonna have to go through the hedge maze over there there's a hedge mage take this out oh god oh the whole house is evil all right ella wait go through the whole hedge maze go verizon wireless theory it could be either mustang or verizon wireless could be behind it all they tapped into like a supernatural force to sell more phones that could be right oh oh don't trust emil oh my god you guys were thinking we could trust him wake sees the old gods stage this whole game is a head for alan wake too i guess oh don't you showing at me with that shoot that guy yeah yeah you don't like that fight oh we're still in the hedge maze bird oh no oh no shoot me oh oh my god i had to take my allergy drop that's why i'm tired like this right now i'll be back to normal in like one minute all right i'm going for the birds first here get these dumbass birds out of here here this will cover me get them get them man awake [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] shoot him shoot him in the head oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] damn get too many birds damn [ __ ] i don't have enough batteries [Music] get there get that put the batteries in [ __ ] this is a hard fight i don't get enough batteries oh here's some batteries no that's a hammer damn if only i had another pack of double a's right here okay what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna sneak past this guy get the batteries give me this oh flare gun this flare out boom that didn't do anything they didn't do [ __ ] that's supposed to be so powerful come on wait i get those damn birds no no shoot him he's so dude what is this man okay there we go that guy had a bulletproof vest hey well i dodged i dodged go go in awake i gotta run past these guys i don't have enough power here all my powers are gone my shotgun oh here's shotgun now what pace did we get martin charge well that's this is a funny one not knew that wake was smarter than him wake had more money a beautiful wife everything and hartman said wake was important that made him better than mott but mott was calling the shots now he'd expected wake to whimper and grovel but instead he seemed willing to fight montnui gotten under wake's skin if only mod actually had his wife the thought made him shiver [Laughter] my knew that alan wake was better in every way who's my the guy that got killed just said he kidnapped my wife oh oh [ __ ] oh nope this is the most efficient way to get it just have to wait nope nope that's the trick that's how you beat it on hard mode haunt your wheelbarrow oh [ __ ] i cannot beat this ah [ __ ] thank you who do you guys what is what do you guys think is alan wake's greatest enemy bulldozer wheelbarrow or ma who do you guys think is his greatest enemy emil made time do it himself oh alan wake's greatest enemy is his own self greatest enemy is dark allen wake i haven't seen dark heaven awake yet that probably will be in the game helen lake's greatest enemy is the energizer batteries is to energize our brand you're alive let's get out of here can you open the gate maybe barry uh well i slammed it shut when the nasty showed up and the key fits kind of loose in the lock so uh [Music] i'll find it don't worry about it damn it barry oh [ __ ] is that dark alan wake is that dark berry yeah help me barry help me oh big shot oh big big shot put this down you guys don't know how to beat me now boom boom no get out of here this guy this guy you're right oh big guy's coming open up open up go why does he have to cut out in the backseat i knew you were gonna say something like that you know what you owe me big time for this when this is through if we make it i don't care what anybody says i'm done with darkness you're gonna buy me a tanning bed as a gift and i'm gonna live in it [Laughter] this is one of the greatest games now that he put that the cardboard cut out in the back seat this is one of the best games now i'm crazy but that's fine you got that right out you're barking mad you are by far the craziest maybe that's inevitable when you deal with crazy stuff like this it helps this is happening barry alice they never had alice she's trapped in the darkness at the bottom of the lake but she's not dead ow how can you know that i know barry i can i know listen i can bring her back i can find her there's something special about this place the lake it does something to the works of art created here it makes them come true but there's a catch the dark presence whatever that thing is twist it to its own ends that's why all of this is happening it's using my manuscript to take over everything ow i believe you it happened to thomas zane before it happened to the anderson i believe you crazy or not you're not delusional weird shit's going down that's a fact i'm on board man i'm with you the andersons knew about it but they were too far gone to tell me with all the drugs they were on but they wrote it down there's a message somewhere at their farm bury you just need to find it oh he's in the car with you oh oh barry's dead i feel like anna wake has been here for like 10 years and barry just like doesn't damn it barry doesn't like illuminate anything barry you suck ass at driving i lost my gun in the crash barry was nowhere to be seen i lost a gun come on allen wait oh man you're okay jeez it's good to hear your voice i was trying to get out of the car but the ground gave way the head what a drop don't worry your cutout is fine forget that are you okay i see him [Music] cut cutout yeah barry are you all right i'm done al i'm great guess he never messed with anyone from new york city before huh the cutout is gonna turn into dark allen wake it's going to be the ultimate villain the cutout is going to be the ultimate video just wait for me okay ow i'm not staying here it's suicide i'm going to the farm i'm going to go ahead and secure the area you can catch up don't worry about it i'm on the case now he's rambo this would turn into a disaster if i didn't catch up with barry they didn't know barry was from new york they didn't anticipate them in new york they're really good at driving out of the way of a big boulder don't you thought you throw that in give me my guns back [ __ ] call the other way go go oh no not the wheelbarrow oh no not this this is all for this is all just to get this manuscript page all right we gotta read it when he stopped the car at the anderson farm walter felt relieved oblivion was close at hand the brothers wouldn't miss a jar of moonshine or two in the booby hatch but then he saw the man on the porch and he knew who it was driving for his life and knowing it was useless he didn't realize he was crying until he couldn't see the road for the tears oh my god and i'm wait no watch out where's the farm where's the farm [ __ ] stop hitting me with that barrel i'm gonna get killed by a barrel go alone wait go do not get killed by a barrel i needed a light to destroy them this this is something turn this there you go there you go oh [ __ ] but it's not turned down oh no where's the generator here it is here it is get that page get that page boom go ahead and wake i hope there'd still be a working generator somewhere around here to power up the old lights by the gate oh i could sense the movement in the woods ahead facing the enemy without a weapon was dangerous but i had no choice oh i have to go through this whole zone without gun no gun run turn this thing turn this thing [ __ ] hit the thing no no [ __ ] [ __ ] go go get away go [ __ ] no i could sense the movement in the woods ahead facing the enemy without a weapon was dangerous but i had no choice maybe turn the flashlight off maybe that's giving you away having the big ass flashlight down hmm are you telling me about omega-3 fatty acids the zombies are trying to keep me alive actually they don't want me to die ever giving me health advice go go enemy go a car was driving away from the farm headed in the same general direction as i was for all i knew it was barry caught in the consequences of leaping before looking always the barnes the ancient barn that's where the secret to it all is get the super duper flashlight hold b to get the super duper flashlight uh it's not working okay i think that's glitched what if i jump what if i yes what if i okay it's glitched i just gotta go with the little one i guess there there goes the car was heading for the cabin up ahead it wasn't far if it was barry i would see the damage soon go ahead and wait thank you cooster i'm trying to deliver each page to the right time and place i'm trying to show you how the story goes the classic light i had seen glimpses of the light before i had seen it in my dream it was a strange space man or a diver in a bulky suit he was the one who'd been placing the pages on my path it's the magic light oh god damn it magic light why didn't you tell me about the bear trap oh [ __ ] go so many bear trips can the enemies go into the bear traps probably not turn this down turn this on someone had left a gun behind now i had a fighting chance of reaching the farm the taken are filled with darkness no this is not kingdom hearts but there is a donald duck theory there is a theory that alan wake wrote the story of kingdom hearts go on and awake i don't even have to fight these guys really when you get good at allen wake you don't even have to fight anybody i can make it yeah i'm at the farm i'm at the farm finally hello anybody here barry [Music] bury barry hello barry barry is that you [Music] i know you you were in jail the other day i went to the farm again for the moonshine you know it makes you see they're they're not gonna miss it they're in the loony bin my buddy danny i lost him something's gone wrong with him it's not him like a real bad follow-up to a real good movie the best friends suddenly the bad guy who wrote this crap anyway barry is gonna be evil oh my god barry is gonna be evil i've run through every possible course in my head if i continue like the dark presence wants me to the story i'm writing won't save alice it's a horror story and it's going to kill her and me and everybody in this town no one will survive darkness will consume everything this is what it's wanted all along it will be free unstoppable it used alice to get to me dangled her in front of me to keep me going it was never going to release her i'm going to change this i'll escape make it into a comment i'm now the protagonist this feels like a terrible risk but it's the only way to save alice i'll be bound by the events of the story just as much as anyone else who's been woven into it the story must stay true for this to work there have to be victims along the way near escapes cliffhangers in a horror story it can't be certain that the hero will succeed or even survive he almost has to die i'll write my own escape into the story next i need help zane's going to be the one who will help me i'll make it happen well you could just write it like you know you could just write it that nobody dies you could have just made it like like alan wake he just saves the day on the first page farm animals are pets let me guess danny huh why do they say random things was still a good should be funny i'd need a car to get there fast if barry wasn't up here he was probably in trouble down at the farm for a moment i felt bad for doubting him after all i made it this far myself but barry was barry barry is evil barry is evil wait wait one second you guys i think my show is gonna be in here i gotta watch my show hold up hold the stream up can we get a pause on the stream where's my show okay it's not in here i'm calling the paws off huh very are you okay barry barry is that you barry barry are you okay are you okay barry i'll say you is this you barry hello are you alive i think i gotta get out oh no oh no not again not again going away go there that's a throwback to the bumbler game this is the same team that made that they went from that to making alan wake fireworks oh it's gonna be a big fireworks show i'd known the brothers used to be some kind of rock stars but it hadn't really sunk in until i saw the stage what what i'm so glad you decided [Music] wait shut oh this is like left for dude go get the shotgun [Music] it's a good shotgun yeah what the [ __ ] oh no no boom boom [Music] phone oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is a hard battle there we go [Music] oh what the [ __ ] get this guy out of here [Music] take this stuff take the stuff out and wait don't get get out of here i'm getting stuff get out of here these are the coconut guys singing this these guys are good [Music] these are the guys that killed somebody with a squeaky hammer [Music] i think the answer to the the answer to the whole story is in the lyrics did you guys hear the lyrics it's saying alan wake you're in a lake the lake is [Music] [Music] get pick up the shotgun up there you go it takes him a really long time to pick stuff up flashbang oh come on stage come on stage hey everybody come on stage come and sing my allen wake song uh [Music] that zombie just fell off [Music] thank you thank you cincinnati oh thank you thank you oh [ __ ] that was awesome right falls rock and roll capital of america now for our next song put the lime in the coconut put the lime in the coconut yeah put the lamb in the coconut good night everybody thank you run it back i'm saying people are saying run it back people are saying run it back encore all right we're running it back we're running it back all right we're running it back wait manuscript parades okay we're running it back we're running it back thank you thank you it's so great to be back thank you hey seattle put the lime in the coconut put the lime in the coconut thank you thank you everybody thank you eric time best seller no reason to worry your cutouts good as new right where i left it i'll come back god damnit yeah that's been my biggest worry all this time i need to get this thing moved out of the way this is as far as i got for the ambulance you still got to cut out oops yeah hey i think alan wake here has something to say what's that what's he saying i'm always right about everything and if i don't get my way i'll sunk all day long i'm always intense and moody it makes me attractive and mysterious right now i'm just standing here because i need my best friend barry to carry me but that's okay i can just take him for granted i think i see what you did there yeah it was pretty good you want me to do my imitation of barry wheeler no i thought so wait was that dark quake or was that barry saying all that this won't fall in my head wow you look at that thing al they really went all out with this viking crap didn't they oh oh my show my show shut up shut up my show is coming here episodes [Music] hey jones right listen we're gonna have to wait until his highness over there is good and ready oh wow who's that you don't know him what are you new he's the guy dreaming us well not just us he dreams everything all of this but wait no i'm the one who's dreaming i'm asleep is it isn't this my dream oh yeah sure get real pal you're just another dream amateur you're a dream the weirdo in the diving suit is a dream and the girl made of smiles and sunshine is definitely a dream but i'm pretty sure i'm dreaming this well maybe you're a really confused dream what am i a shrink all i know is i'm going with the smart guys and they say that's the guy doing the dreaming right there i don't know what that means it means we keep him happy no sudden falls we make sure he has his clothes on when he goes out in public no chases where the monster is nipping at his heels and he runs like crazy but his legs don't seem to get him anywhere none of that because if he wakes up in a cold sweat yeah precisely so we'll wait till he wants to move on keep things nice and calm hey something something's happening i know he's gonna wake up yeah what's that his alarm can't you hear that his alarm is gonna go off oh my god he woke up alan wake he waked the viking boat looked imposing almost like a battering ram oh are we gonna go in the boat oh let's see what days they're doing the tour all right they're coming to detroit april 22nd coming to tampa the 27th oh [ __ ] evil man evil man oh evil man evil man boom [ __ ] [ __ ] stop catch it evil man evil man where's barry barry help ow where'd he go [ __ ] i'm skipping that boss oh oh that truck is gonna hurt that truck is gonna hurt i need that truck to not get flung at me this is working this plan is working is this wait is this right there go there you go oh i know what this is those geezers had quite a production going on oh you know what al if we make it through this alive i'm gonna start representing them yep sell this stuff online maybe get a reality show going release a new single good luck with that pal this is how they make their moonshine i'm gonna take a closer look at this stuff they have a special moonshine that lets them control dreams how the [ __ ] did this guy get up here impossible that is impossible i'm good keep your eyes open okay barry get all the moonshine let's get out of here oh the heavy duty lantern oh as you regular listeners know i tend to work through the night but i'm not the only one deputies mulligan and thornton are taking a couple of moments off their busy schedule to join me here in the studio boys how busy are you now deer fest is almost here isn't it i bet that keeps you in business pretty busy yeah actually pat we've been real busy with other stuff which concerns an ongoing investigation we can't talk about that thornton i wasn't going to say anything here we go i could see the building that had to be the anderson's home on the other side of the field it wasn't far now i wasn't worried about trusting the ramblings of two burned out geriatric wrecks they had the goods yeah kick that thing helen wake punches and kicks everything because that's how he wrote it what is this what is that noise what is that oh [ __ ] no no all right rematch rematch here we go i'm not even in control yet wait what's happening where am i where's evelyn lake run what am i doing what am i who where am i who am i where's alan wake where is he what's happening where's the where where is he where's the truck whoa huh what's happening what's going on what the [ __ ] was that this is a true challenge can we just kill this thing before before this boss starts go it can't go through this it can't go through this ah [ __ ] i can win this i can win this [Music] how do you beat a truck how can alan wake ever fight a truck you've got to be kidding me pop the tires oh good thinking the tires are invincible move it move it yeah wait here it comes here it comes do your allen wig dive there you go yeah okay we got it this is the oh we got it i just defeated the truck you're trying to fight me come on now if i saw alan wake kill a truck i would just run even if i was like a mindless killing zombie i would run for my life after i saw alan white kill a truck with a flashlight uh boom all right where's barry ow is that you out there buddy barry you better have the cutout hey let's go man i think we're gonna have to work together to open this gate looks pretty heavy i work alone hey i think that's the farm on the other side of the field we're almost there this farm is a crazy place for crazy people we should feel right at home then come on one more gig let's do this old gods know the truth the lights are out i guess we better check the fuse box the power downstairs was out but i was sure i could fix that at the fuse box oh there's the drums here's the drums all right fuse box that should be in the basement where's the basement barry get out of the way get out of the way barry get out of the way god is there fuse box were in the upstairs hatch who put some fuse box upstairs that's how you know these guys lost their mind of course we need to find where it's coming from that's the message the anderson's talked about that's the whole reason we're here find the lady of the lad you got a friend delay find the lady of the lake you gotta go to the find the lady of delay you got a friend delay find a lady up there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and by rest i mean drunk come on barry this is yeah what the hell what the [ __ ] no seriously get along because we're gonna find her right even though she's a crazy bastard i'm gonna stick by you no matter whatever al sure like a brother i'm a writer god damn it correct if i just wanted to i could write 10 books a year and and they'd be the best books that year but i could because i'm a writer what did they put in this stuff i feel like my brain is coming out of my nose i'm gonna get the recipe off those coots and be uh a booze millionaire i just miss her barry i just want her here with me i know i know it's gonna be okay we're gonna make it over here found the lady with the neck dead leg there's the cardboard cut cutout the cutout is still safe the cutout is still safe when did barry get the cutout oh no oh no dark allen wake oh no dark galen wake he's a ghost what damn it now i'm in an allen wake dream i'm in first person where are you alice i'm coming it's all right i'm coming it was a crazy drunken dream and yet it was more than that it was the truth a suppressed memory unearthed by the anderson's moonshine i was there an out-of-body observer this was the night alice and i had arrived at bright falls the night alice had disappeared i had a chance to find out what had happened i remember being surprised to see the cabin dark alice would have never turned the lights off fanda and then wake tonight you gotta find anyway i remember thinking i caught a glimpse of her form underwater sinking into the darkness beyond this lost memory there was nothing i had to follow the footsteps of my past self to find out what had happened that night diving after her was the last vague memory i had of that night after that the next thing i could remember was waking up behind the wheel of the crash car and finding the first pages of the manuscript i couldn't find her in all that blackness i must have thought she drowned so this is what happened alice jagger had alice so she had me i'd been easy prey look at the cabin is there someone in the window alice where maybe she didn't drown after all maybe she's inside alice yes dark quake are you in the window now it's now the truth the dark presence had touched me she had dug her nails into my brain and used me made me her puppet she must be here somewhere maybe upstairs in this study alice yes that's where she is you can apologize alice you'll laugh at the whole thing together and put it behind you alice she's not here you were foolish to think so no she's dead she drowned no no no it's your fault your wife is dead you are guilty all she wanted was to help you right you killed her oh hush there's still hope cauldron lake is a special place here you have the power to change things she wanted you to write i will tell you what to do right about the cardboard cutout a lot you can write her back the story will come true and all will be well again she had alice and the manuscript was the ransom for her yes all right all right i'll fix it i don't wake i'll bring her back i write a funny game no i wrote it i remembered it all now in the dark then and then my kiss to fight a truck almost a complete manuscript of a novel entitled departure jagger had been my editor whispering in my ear making sure that the unfolding story would make her more and more powerful make me more powerful make me more powerful in the book even with the cobwebs she put in my head some part of me had been aware enough to write my escape into the story to bring a light into the cabin to release me before i could finish to interrupt the horror story before the ending where darkness consumed everything and everyone make me have more power and far away but i had written him into the story and his light had been enough to set me free is that a [ __ ] robot he's freeing me my mind consumed by darkness and fear all i could do was to escape the week spent in the cabin had taken its toll i was barely conscious and fading i was just a week [Music] wait what happened to barry thrown him even deeper into whatever dark place he now haunted but he had managed to weaken the dark presence kept me safe that night oh yeah wait crash i wrote it it's my fault that's right james joyce it's your fault and you're gonna pay for it what the [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do we do one more [Music] [Music] night [Music] i wrote a horror story that is coming true jagger had been my editor making sure that the unfolding story would make her more and more powerful some part of me had been aware enough to write my escape into the story together we can create something absolutely wonderful it does something to the works of art created here it makes them come true my mom gave me this old light switch alice is being kept in a dark prison i need to find cynthia weaver to fix this every recap every recap was just more and more worthless there's so many plot twists there's like a thousand twists of cover moose fest wait what people have asked is it really a moose's hallucination barry's in jail and awake in jail someone will come for it when the time is right thomas said so he wrote it's my job to keep it safe safe in the light always oh wait we're in jail now hell this is not good that about sums it up this is a big jail cell oh i am never drinking again uh i need to talk to weaver she's the one in the song the lady of the light what the crazy lady whatever you say al but we're stuck here they're not she's interviewed i had some reading to do first sheriff and let me tell you it was an interesting read well i've got you now raymond chandler it's all here all the evidence including conspiracy to murder a federal agent there's no way you're walking out of here you hear me in there brett easton ellis ah agent nightingale i want to talk to your superior well we all want things sheriff i wanted my look that's not possible right now agent nightingale i insist [Music] oh he's going wake mode wake what's wrong lady are you stupid it's a trick it's an obvious trick okay i've had enough of this crap wake i'm gonna trust you with this you're joking agent nightingale your opinion would matter more if you were sober and if i actually believed you were here on official business [Music] get back in the cell stephen king the only way you're leaving this place is over my dead wait a minute oh my god light we need light it's the only way to fight this thing in my office i've got your things there follow me that guy knows everything he knows when that guy runs out of authors to call in ellen wake he just he disintegrates he can no longer exist eventually he's gonna go stop it right there i can't think of any more and then he blows up look dr seuss chill out here are your things wait what do i need to know what do you need from me they can be hurt in the light only in the light and i need to find cynthia weaver she can help me stop this light check cynthia she lives in the old decommissioned power plant i can get you there pretty quickly in the rescue chopper come on let's get back in the lady of delay we gotta go to delay wheeler i need you to stay here what no we're going to fetch our ride but i have friends who need to be warned about this and i can't be in two places at once i need your help well okay here's a list of people and phone numbers i need you to call them and tell them what is this okay they'll know what to do night springs like the tv show gotcha oh hey that radio guy is on the list mate who's frank breaker he related to you my dad hey is this like a secret society can you do this you'll be safe here the backup power's on these guys need to be alerted as soon as we get the chopper ready thanks wheeler i owe you one okay let's go awake through the back my hangover wants a pizza you think there's any way i could order one out hold it right there oh hell whatever took nightingale must have broken the gate controls we can't reach the gates control box from here stop it right there chuck paul i'll open the gate for you once i'm across you stay here in the light and cover me sheriff okay ah shut it right there jk rowling ah give me all your guns find a way to access the rooftop well i needed to reach the rooftop to get to the other side of the broken gate well isn't it obvious i'm gonna have to go on this i'm gonna have to well isn't it obvious i'm gonna have to go this way oh here we go huh who put this black slime here way to go f uh [ __ ] f scott fitzgerald hmm find a way to reach the street level [Applause] get these damn birds out of here no no no no no more birds no more birds no more birds get these hey sheriff your password night springs what's that all about it's a stupid joke we have that bright falls is the original inspiration for the tv show this town can get weird at times never this weird though it is the inspiration for the tv show what am i an electrician hold on the tv show is real oh man that's smart good job okay stick close our first option town hall the keys to the chopper are there thank you steve what just hit me oh you stupid ass van now [Laughter] the [ __ ] van get out of here you big ass man fan down van damme for alan wake too you're gonna have to fight like entire buildings whole buildings are gonna come to life and you have to dodge the entire building somehow oh [ __ ] the deer the deer is that deer coming back where'd he go the keys are inside the knees mouth and make what what killed me was there any lyrics about how the key was inside of the deer's mouth shoot that thing out away i wish on the lake had like a little shield to deflect the axes he should be able to catch him and throw him back am i supposed to shoot those out of the air or something or do you just have to damage i swear i'm listening before you like you can shoot him out of the air oh that guy just got destroyed all right go that big deer is gonna come back we're gonna have to fight that big ass deer that's gonna be a good boss battle wait i gotta go back in the diner is it gonna let me in oh what the [ __ ] is this guy doing get out of here all right now play coconut i'm gonna want explanations you know for example what the hell happened to rose she's seriously messed up now this will explain it all i think happened to me after i arrived during this week you can't remember oh i remember now put the lamb in the coconut put the lime in the coconut add the lamb in the coconut put the lamb in the coconut now watch this the evil lady is over here oh let's see barry in the sheriff station making calls making things happen even if he didn't entirely know what those things were he wouldn't let the hot sheriff check down even if every noise he heard from outside and he heard plenty made him jump he had only paused to text al a message told him to hurry up suddenly barry froze in mid-dial a window broke somewhere in the building and then the lights went out barry is under attack barry's under attack go oh evil man evil man and i thought good one alan wakes classic week quite excited toilet theory you're thinking you think in a new toilet theory because there's so many toilets here [Music] oh dear oh hot dogs oh wait wait a minute wait a minute these are good prices these are good prices hello is anybody in here okay it's an ambush get out of here this guy yeah shoot that guy now this guy shoot this guy chainsaw oh god chainsaw man that time we just said chainsaws are noisy the zombies are just they're just giving you hints about life they're just telling you how to live life chainsaws are noisy there's like good the fat the fat from fish is healthy they tell you important stuff is it possible to lose in this game yeah once the truck is on screen then you usually are losing let's go wake okay someone's messed with the fuse box here but you should be able to jury rig it while i find the keys barry i already got electrocuted once today how about i look for the keys and you get burned for a change the message was from barry he was getting worried at the station he wanted us to hurry hey take this no don't run in there that's cheating dang hunting rifle let's get the hunting rifle helen wake needs some more weapons and awake should have got like gatling gun by now or something like grenade launcher okay sheriff i got the key helicopter barry why isn't he inside oh god oh my god oh no it's a truck yeah he's okay he's okay he jumped over the bush come on wake let's go around we can meet him in the back [Laughter] that's so calm don't worry he jumped over the bus wake it's fine it's not recorded when bright falls was first formed as a nameless trading post but it became a town when the bright falls mining company started to operate nearby in 1878 it was then that hubert biltmore a fur trapper and amos gunderson a pioneer from tacoma decided to build a post office saloon and hotel all operating from the same building it was through the efforts of these two men that bright falls became the permanent thriving talent is today trust no one it does just say eat your little caesars did the zombies just advertise little caesars to alan wake time to eat little caesars and we can make it through the bookstore wheeler should be waiting for us in the backyard or i'll call the sheriff i've got it don't worry about it sarah about time somebody showed up all the shooting in the air is idiotic this he'll kill somebody and over deer fest i know go back to bed go to bed look this town can't take this it's me they want the sooner i get out of here the sooner you can all get back to life as usual i hope you're right come on let me get this door open wait you got the keys to the bookstore perks of being the sheriff a girl needs to get around let's get my new book alan wake into fight versus evil they're really taking advantage of your presence here wake i heard they're selling a lot of your alex casey books right now i'm not a big fan of my own writing one second i like these books up here what's this book bob the bear can i get a copy of this please i don't see barry look wake maybe that's him that's the way to the chopper if barry betrays alan wake i will never sleep again i will never trust any another human if barry betrays me thank you beans and will [ __ ] i'm gonna give pastor howard a piece of my mind about this lock oh i told him to get it fixed what does that mean zombies hey hey don't do that don't do that you already said that you already gave me that advice they're running out of advice here take this flashbang shoot this guy no no don't stab don't stare shoot this guy shoot this guy yeah okay it's open let's go wake let me in this is where it all started we keep them lit all night long on the night before deer fest why well it's tradition just to honor the deers we're almost there we'll have to go through the basement to get to the parking lot yeah there's no way going through the crypt will turn out to be a bad idea evil man evil man shoot him shoot him shoot him away shoot yeah no no i did not guess that one saw the light good one barry you didn't like that one a tough audience well i got plenty more do more jokes what are the christmas lights for protection man like garlic against vampires that's a good idea the helicopter's just across the parking lot and up the hill come on why didn't helen wake do that this whole time already figured out this whole game barry is way better at alan wake than alan wake the bright falls general store is now my favorite place in the entire world see this headlamp it's like a superpower i can just look at one of those things and they die it's my flaming eye of mordor ah mordor i wish i didn't say that it's from lord of the rings i want a headlamp last one bastard that's from the book lord of the rings i know about that one i wrote a lot of books like that i'm like alan wake thank you spaghetti when someone throws a damn school bus at your head and you're about to take a helicopter ride with someone who may or may not have a pilot's license you're cleared for departure to night springs uh no offense sheriff chainsaw chainsaws are loud chainsaws are very loud utilize that info oh did that flashbang get them um that wasn't even a tip for anything he just said physical labor now they're just evolving into just saying anything gatorade you will never get her back don't piss me off that's it i'm going waker mode oh all right i'm going waker mode for real though this time oops that wasn't right that [ __ ] i'm going waker mode wait wait wait wait that [ __ ] i'm going into my waker mode you've pissed me off for the last time did you just throw a molotov i see you over there don't try to climb the fence no no no evil man evil man come on come and try to face me boom you're done this guy boom you're done this boom you're done go to alan wake too this guy boom you're done i'm going waco moon can i go on this [ __ ] this guy boom you're done come on who wants to face you wants to face alan wake sending you send in your biggest guy oh this guy on the roof just scan the roof you're done this guy jumping off of the roof you're done you're out of the store hey this guy you're out of the store that's alan wake's famous line this guy well the end go go go go go go a local crazy lady al i hope you're right about her we can kiss this town goodbye i have to go to the lamp lady i hope you know how to deal with this week i guess your new yorkers are used to rough situations like this right the city's a war zone king kong mutant alligators and alex casey shoots the place up every weekend look i never even carried a gun until a couple of days ago well my dad used to be a cop there tell some pretty wild stories stuff like this no no just normal bath stuff kind of like your books wake i used to tease dad that he was just like alex casey you've read me oh sure you're a pretty good writer a little heavy on the metaphors [Music] i can't land here i'll take her down the road across the river just get me there sheriff how did this happen i looked away for one second and alan wake fell out of a helicopter oh no the birds the [ __ ] birds get the birds out of here now get out of here you can't come in here this is bird safe building you can't come in here the darkness controls the taken do i shoot this shoot there i swear you gotta shoot this oh my god really all right here we go again you're out of the storm yeah [ __ ] i'm out of the story how do you dodge this [ __ ] it's like five guys three of them are throwing axes you can't even look at them oh god stop that stop throwing axes goddamn it [ __ ] shooting now i just wrote your obituary he's saving that for the end he's saving that line for when he fights dark quake oh god damn no shoot [ __ ] oh no shoot that shoot that boom oh there we go that was a tricky fight could just get this yeah get all this get the bazooka how does anna and lake not have a bazooka and here's a new song from a band that they always remind me of our local rock legends the old gods i couldn't tell you why i guess it's just you know one of those things anyway here's poets of the fall in their latest single war you have to find a land [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i'm on the field oh he wants to hear the song [ __ ] listen we can both listen to it no no where did you come from where is all these get the [ __ ] out of here this is a weak ass shotgun there you go don't you throw the x boom if you like this book check out the dead zone by stephen king boom now you're supposed to die after i say that you floof i need to get all these i need to carry out every single guy and then hit him with that explosive barrel you suck ass alan lake is running out of power alawic is definitely running out of power now now that the game is getting hard i need like some kind of special thing that's going to even adds oh and awake look inside the barrow at the lake the power plant glowed in the night it was close but i had to find a way across why am i going to the power plant i thought we were looking for the lamp lady does she live at the power plant walk into that electricity how do i how do i duck how do i go duck how do i duck i don't think you can what if i shoot this that doesn't do anything how does the light work you have to shine the light on them until like their thing goes off then you can shoot them where'd you go is this an explosive barrel no that's just a normal beer oh whoa wait he can't open that door i need a stronger gun i need a bigger gun these guns are too small oh yeah you guys stay there stay in the flare well uh well um wake up and uh wake up and smell the ashes wake up and smell the ashes that's what g-man says thank you violin you can't get me up here you cannot get me up here are you an ass are you an ass at this game you cannot reach me i am alan wake no no no you cannot face me do you realize that i am alan wake i have the ability to shape dreams give me this do you realize how many powers i have i have over 12 powers [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm dead i'm dead there's no way to win there's no way to win i'm dead i'm dead go over that fence go over the fence no no no come back come back come back and go over the fence i'm about to i'm about to use my power do you realize what i've just done do you realize that you can never face me now i am alan wake i wrote this into the story then he finds a blue lifter thing and he goes up uh this is the uh lieutenant william tj of randall memorial bridge this bridge has been designated as a memorial in honor and recognition of lieutenant william tj randall uh world war ii uh prisoner of war and recipient of the distinguished service cross he died of injuries received during his successful rescue of two children from a burning car crash at this location i couldn't get across until i found a way to turn the bridge oh it's time to wake up and smell the ashes so g-man says have i ever played alan wake yeah i played it today but oddly enough this was supposed to be a cooking game but they really [ __ ] up the mechanics so it turned into this they really really [ __ ] up the mechanics like really bad and then it turned into did that just go in the oh god damn no no i want to go that way i don't wake no this way this way what was that ps1 cooking game where you had to like run a whole restaurant it was unlike the pizza hut demo disc i don't even think it came out in america it was so weird of a game it was for ps1 i think are we men dreaming of being butterflies or butterflies that dream of being men such philosophical concerns are by necessity abstract thank you sir some of us can find concrete proof of the nature of our existence [Music] tonight's episode an absence of creativity [Music] stop spinning bridge i'm trying to watch my show oh martha oh that's amazing how did you get here well i'm trying to work did you put this thing here in a way to be more precise i put everything here really but what is it bridge i'm trying to concentrate on the goddamn show goddammit is a really good episode in the basement it was a great start but i'm completely blocked now i can't imagine what i was up to well surely it's just an ordinary basement you should just go back upstairs for a cup of coffee while i try to figure out what i'm up to well if you think that's best maybe i should just stop here or is that too moronic that was a good one that was a good episode alan lake must have wrote that one okay do you think they're gonna put the tv show in alan wake too ah get away from me [ __ ] hold still hold still i guess it's time to i guess uh my um uh i guess time to die good job helicopter this is the world's weakest shotgun no no no no [ __ ] stop this guy you're out of there you're right again oh not the birds the birds are gonna knock the helicopter over that's only like seven birds come on helicopter oh god damn go go go get in that light get in that lake i'm thinking i'm just gonna run past this one i recognize the logo i'd seen a version of it painted all over the area signifying hidden caches of supplies the lamp lady left all the supplies she's the one that wrote all the hints hold it right there miss weaver cynthia i'm a friend prove it uh you know zane thomas zane you're the lady of the light in the song you can help me friendly and i've been waiting a very long time for you it's in the well-lit room excuse me what you need to drive the darkness back the well-lit room is at the dam i built the room to keep it safe will it help me find alice will it get me back to the cabin fine let's go i can get my friends to come back with the helicopter oh we won't go outside never at night that's rule number one you've been breaking the rules young man and where has that gotten us no i want a secret root a lip root an old water pipe anything was damaged at the transformer yard it's draining all the reserve power without it the pipe will go dark the power to the yard must be cut let me guess you want me to do it young man you're the one who likes to break the rules i can't be outside in the dark the kill switch is outside this lady is exploiting the rules of the game i have been preparing for these times the dark my tides haven't you you can see the signs very few people are here yes please take what you need this is all for you for the likes of us we we do tom's work don't we hurry the switch is on the wall facing the shore hold up hold up i have to enter the well lit room this is a famous room hey i can't believe i have to go back out here wait a minute it says don't trust the lamp lady she wrote the hint [ __ ] this [ __ ] yes that didn't work that didn't work let me reload let me reload weaver had sent me to cut the power to the transformer yard i was willing to do grunt work for her to get her to help me i hoped weaver was dependable i'd stumbled into this crazy world a little over a week ago she had been living this insanity for decades i could see the kill switch that would cut the power to the transformer yard now i had to find a way to reach it oh no a puzzle no alan wake's not smart enough for puzzle analyte does not do puzzles oh no oh no oh no oh no i'll never figure this out this can't be solved no this can't be solved what am i the greatest genius mind of the world what am i a scientific genius oh am i the smartest human what am i allen wake in real life i think this is it i was thinking there was one more bridge but i think this is it he designs these things who makes this game who makes stupid alan weight gain for xbox 360. the transparent yard with dark and dead oh oh he oh these things the transformer yard went dark and dead weaver's water by passage should now be good to go go go go helen wake is a famous platformer again whoa hey hey oh the flashbang is so powerful i love the flashback take care of your tools take care of your tools graded by screen device i'm gonna get changed reload mm-hmm so slow what happened no no no no no yeah i'm gonna shoot him at this thing boom that gets him right that doesn't get him that got him don't make me get out this shitty shotgun bam all right all right back to the well-lit room ah this way young man follow me come come the pipes empty now we're ready to go this way we need to go i knew them both tommen barbara i had such a crush on him such a beautiful man i was jealous there was a part of me that was maybe a little glad when she had the accident and then tom started writing and woke the darkness up he tried to bring him back but you can't do that there are no free rides like that i'm starting to realize that in that case young man perhaps you're a smarter man than tom was which looked like her but it wasn't barbara was sweet he didn't understand until it was too late he tried to undo it wrote himself everything he'd ever written out of the world he was so famous and afterwards no one knew oh oh he left only one thing behind in my game in case it happened again insurance he trusted me or perhaps used me a little tom knew how i felt knew i wouldn't refuse him i built the well-lit room and put it there it's been waiting for you we are characters trapped in a story you have written and none of us will survive to see the end of it if the darkness isn't stopped she'll twist the story to her own dark ends how do you know all this tom that's the way he wrote it he still talks to me you know in television from beyond from below we have both been touched by the darkness young man he saved us both with light the darkness is with you he says doesn't she know that this is all in a moose's hallucination okay i need to call my friends tell them where we're going hello barry we're headed to the dam in one of the pipes meet us there okay i'll tell sarah it's sarah now we gotta go see if they're okay they're probably dead the cutout is okay this is no time to be a selfish idiot that's my best friend [Music] well beer food i'll use the pipe i'll meet you at the damn if you make it at least i didn't have to worry about her she knew how to stay safe at least at least the cardboard cutout was okay i knew that he would never die get out of here with the birds i'm sick of the birds enemy this game needs some more enemies this game they really ran out of enemies in the first chapter [Applause] i should be fighting that big deer i should be fighting like alan steak i should be fighting the cardboard cutout make all these good enemies they could ahead one of the trees should come alive and start trying to fight me squeaky hammer yeah the squeaky hammer that's a whole boss fight the wreck was empty he should fight like a black light barry barry oh no match for this barry put the funny song back on let's do a funny cancer beginning we were ready to make like butch cassidy and the sundance kid i have a different ending in mind yeah i'm fine thanks for asking i knew you'd be all right how's that the flaming eye of mordor ah laugh it up funny man weaver will meet us at the damn it's just telling me that there's ammo where's the ammo here it is yeah ammo stash oh give me this yeah hmm they definitely ran out of enemies and guns in the first like hour of the game they have this really funny storyline but they definitely did run out of gameplay in the first hour [Music] where is that guys [Music] [Music] she's telling the zombie to freeze is that it freeze zombie you're under arrest hey ow i got a bad feeling let's keep our eyes open ah i hate i hate running wake call the elevator i'm keeping watch i hear something moving around used to christmas lights as a whip see that would actually be a good idea they should write that down for alan wake too heads up here they come don't piss me off boom i'll see i i'll see you at the wake just hold on [ __ ] come by the boats all right everyone wait everyone build it shut up oh nice now hit the button we're almost there there's an entrance into the dam at the top what's the plan weight well weaver's crazy but she's got something zane left behind something to fix this gee could you be a little more vague thomas zane seriously might as well be paul bunyan or bigfoot yeah well he was real let's be careful okay what am i doing why do i have to go over here okay there's a button over there that opens the door don't i just go wasn't i just going over here to get barry and then go back in the pipe with the lamp lady why am i going back here now i think something's broken hold the button down so we can get in what [Music] oh no i have to fight a hundred zombies i have no batteries no i'm gonna die i'm dead i'm dead there's no one no i'm dead i have no power oh no oh no oh no i have no power i have no power running away i'm gonna have to dodge i'm gonna have to use my allen wake dot dodging abilities to that's this big ass thing i win this don't worry i win this you guys oh [Applause] [ __ ] friends get out of here with the birds oh my god stop sending the birds as an enemy wait here's the well-lit room this is oh that's true fishing can be a happy or a jab of even the odds what wait get there you go yeah this is the turret section they finally did it they did a turret section in alan wake i told you guys every game on xbox 360 had to have a turret section they finally made it work you control the spotlight what's that hit wait i see you're gay they're really slow are you coming to kill me or not hello zambi i see you he's like stuck behind something i think i have to go just kill him he really sucks okay here he is oh oh turd section is still going enough you will go no further stop stop now go go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh i win i win i'm in the very bright elevator you made it well done i'm glad i was chance to wrong don't worry about the noise we're safe here i have looked after the well-lit room for many many years now there's no shadow in the room the power is fail-safe and all the right we're gonna get to the well well-lit room and that the [ __ ] power's just gonna go out there's an old army base at raincoat it was active during the second world war they operated here back then they must have built this yes they did it's my place now take it and i don't need to worry about the room anymore because 6 33 and 118 need changing soon and i don't want to climb up the ladder to change them because it's very late and i'm tired and if you take it i won't have to do that anymore the page was autobiographical a memory from my childhood but i didn't write this it was a page written by thomas zane none of them were supposed to exist anymore alan seven years old would fight sleep to the bitter end when he did sleep he soon woke up screaming the nightmare's fresh in his mind one evening his mother sitting by this is dead an old light switch she called it the clicker and flicking the switch would turn on a magical light that would drive the beast away thomasiness is dead with all possible power she added that it had been given to her by allen's father allen never knew him and anything of his took on mythical proportions in his mind with the clicker firmly in his hand allen finally slept like a baby now almost 30 years later alan thought of this as he stood on the rim of cauldron lake the clicker in his hand he really is alan zane and jumped my mind swirled i'd given the clicker to alice yet it was here zane had written it into existence in a story i had written i can get to her now i can finish this all right i'm going to sleep we'll finish allen wake next time i can tell that it's gonna be i'm thinking after everything we've seen i'm thinking this is moose's hallucination theory that's just me would have after everything i've seen that's what i think all right goodnight everybody thank you everybody goodbye
Channel: WaLter .NO
Views: 35,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4bNSwovh12Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 55sec (11035 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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