Dunkey Streams Grand Theft Auto III

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okay hey red torch oh my minivan still here hey oh why do i hear my own show oh thank you duty hey onyx thank you mike hort say my course no this is not blake town this is not blaketown this is a light light orange town now i need a better car than this this car is no good that's upgraded now where am i going i'm going over here thank you billy webb you have two minutes plus five seconds for each checkpoint wait what what is this how did i get to this this there wasn't even a cut scene wait how do you get up there oh no oh no i killed someone already oh you have to go in here and do it oh [ __ ] it's like a parking structured mission okay all right oh [ __ ] wait wait no no get go go go go go go okay i got this i got this boom boom get up there get up there boom okay okay wait wait wait wait which way do i go let's show you is the right way to go this okay oh [ __ ] i missed oh no do you need every single one to win is this is wait is this how the [ __ ] okay i got that is this a mandatory mission is this a real mission or is this this seems more like a side mission how does this progress the story me just driving through these hoops like superman yeah i got that one right yeah thank you best bread wait wait wait wait no [Music] thank you toasty no way i didn't want to start that again no oh no i didn't want to start it again i got the gold suit now boys thank you terry [ __ ] okay here we go again i'm faced the wrong direction that's a good way to start this mission okay boom i got this i got this boom come on come on thank you jojo i used to be concerned and nervous about the future go go go thank you pants jones move out of the ring move out of the way of the ring why is this man parking i have to come in here and re-park the cars i have to go where i parked my copy of my ninja focus on anything now this is where i'm in jews three times in a row unconscious for hours okay okay this is doing good this is doing good today okay i think there is more than 20 thankfully maybe i voiced acted claude in this game hope you enjoyed my role holy [ __ ] we have the voice actor for claude in chad i can't wait to see his voice line what i forget what his voice line was it's like right at the end of the game he says something oh my god thank you what's a username thank you so much let's use the name for the bones oh my goodness i gotta win this for him now oh this i win this i win this okay i gotta do this right i gotta do this right i gotta make this jump just right go go go go go go go go come on no no god damn it i didn't get enough speed ah [ __ ] thing get out you idiot oh [ __ ] [ __ ] wait this guy dropped money [Laughter] it thank you for you i need a faster car for this wait the mission's not even available anymore the mission isn't even there did i lose for permanently did i i think i did a permanent loss all right let's go to a this is a good spot to find a car oh the rare dunko pop red uncle pops are completely sold out you guys they're all sold out never never again to be returned the gold one is never to be restacked but the normal one will be restacked eventually but it'll probably take a while all right all right just when i win this thank you bikini how do you look at this dumbass guy who parks right on the ring you know that guy's no good thank you duckiest let's get this let's get this right this time thank you i need complete concentration for this i need wait did i wait wait did i mess it up did i mess it up no okay good i think this is the one where i get it it's just you just gotta plan your route out it's more about getting the perfect route down here we go this is good i win this i win this one oh i'm getting that i'm getting that hit that ring hit that ring you idiot 30 000 bones thank you snake and bake all right let's go to a what is a up to beautiful driving some beautiful driving here thank you g-drax you guys i saw this glitch hello donkey this is the ceo of mcdonald's again ronald thank you for sending me your big big treasures to sell in our happy meals ronald no those are not to sell into happiness just beat dark souls 3 today you are a donkey clone of me you just beat dark soul 3 today wow what class did you play were you the thief class leah showed me this glitch where you can make cars wider but it's not working for me they fixed it damn it don't fix that that's funny i want that funny glitch i want that funny glitch that wrecks the whole game only in san andreas i thought it was in gta 3 thank you king paparazzi purge whoops a reporter has been nosing around marie and i have taken a little holiday together until you can get rid of this perverted voyeur he's probably out in the bay as you read this still a police boat and one year with you duncano love you this far cry 6 game play is on another level thank you robot thank you thank you cruiser all right now what am i saying here what am i doing what is this how do you do this game you gotta steal the boat steal the police boat oh this is easy this is easy mission look they parked it just right i don't even have to do a crazy jump or nothing i almost died there all right so you just go over here what am i doing here what is this do i just this is the guy i have to kill still watch red letter media you and red letter media are my favorite youtubers red letter media yeah those guys are great all right i'm getting this guy wait where's the gun coming from i'm just standing in the boat [Laughter] is it shooting ahead of me is it shooting ahead of me yeah it's shooting ahead of the boat are there is are there guns mounted under the boat invisible guns okay i'm shooting this man with my invisible guns can i turn on the radio this is like a really this is not this is like a really just a like a not an action-packed chase hey it's me robot i'm leaving you for the chat it's not me it's you robot no please please rope i don't leave please don't leave robot this is a stupid chase this chase is so lame hold still this is such a lame ass mission how is he not scared yet i've been shooting him for like an hour if that's not going to scare him off what will i heard seth rogen is the new voice of big mouth billy bass seth rogan is gonna voice big mouth billy bass in a new film i believe he's supposed to be donkey kong in a new donkey kong wait did i win now what what do i do now [ __ ] okay the [ __ ] just happened what's that right now well no wait now he's getting away [ __ ] wait no no [ __ ] you stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop do i win okay he's dead i don't that mission [Music] i don't know about that mission look at this place you can swim in here this is not water [Laughter] this is not water is this supposed to be water or is this supposed to be like a tarp i can't tell if it's supposed to be a tarp or water either way this is not how it works gta 3 fixio tarps fixio tarps gta 3 i should be able to sink into the pool and walk on the tarp and alter it like in real life now what's in here what is this what is this supposed to be it's a ice pool it's my handsome handyman maria's all tied up at the moment but i'll tell her you called it's time you met our man inside the lpd here's a payment for the last little job he did for us he is understandably cautious get to the payphone in torrington as quick as you can and await his instructions all right i'm going to this man now i have to go to this man the difference between achieving your dreams big bologna sandwich and two days later i was diagnosed with a terminal and now i can get email in the shower or surf the internet while i'm driving i was doing stupid at my daughter's recitals and my son's little league games thanks to house and tomorrow yeah and it has 3d virtual reality poker literally anywhere this guy i have to talk to this the [ __ ] why why not just what why call me on a phone to tell me to go to a different phone fernando's new beginnings fernando what kind of ass is this what's up oh [ __ ] so tell me about fernando's new beginnings now police are after me this is a revolution oh [ __ ] oh no take it back oh god go go go go go you are a [ __ ] [Music] there's like a there's like a way there's like a way well i mean you know it's an angel problem how do you keep the excitement all right whatever whatever excitement exactly passion danger how last long how tell me how and i give you a big big kiss like i gave a woman but i'm not going to give you a big kiss not a kiss like i gave a woman or even a donkey here we go you what the [ __ ] what is this what is this what am i accomplishing what is this [ __ ] who came up with this system why is it on a time trial what does this have to do with this with a storyline go go go go go please do not have enough oh [ __ ] [ __ ] cap go go go i know what here we go here we go get that phone do not tell me to go somewhere else why didn't he say that the first time what was the point of that [Laughter] that was all just to tell me to go to the park what the hell you must be a zooka's new erin boy you got the money is it all here i know what you're thinking another bed car well it's a bad world just because i lost a few partners those suckers from internal affairs have started sniffing around reckon they can smell me well this city is one big open sewer but i'm gonna need some non-union help and if you're interested you know where to find me that was it that was a dumb ass mission hey alex what's going on all right i guess i'm doing bathroom missions now now i have to do missions for the bathroom mccaffrey he took more bribes than anyone he thinks is going to get an honorable discharge if he turns dead evidence he just squeals he's under armed protection in which that property down at newport behind a car easy clap plus respect easy clap plus respect make sure he never talks to nobody all right all right bathroom mission activated dude that kind of sounds like a limited mark oh [ __ ] [Music] what's this house this is like smoking bones on the polar express at doncido's house it is kinda like that all right i gotta do this i gotta do what am i doing i gotta burn this guy out i gotta do a burnout throwing the grenade in how the [ __ ] you have to throw a grenade into the window is that what it's saying that's impossible all right here we go up almost almost maybe there's like a molotov item oh [ __ ] i'll get them i'll get them you guys i'll get them out of the building don't worry i feel like this doesn't go high enough don't there it is [Music] oh there he comes no [ __ ] he's gonna run me over where the [ __ ] are these guys get the [ __ ] out of here oh [ __ ] give me that car i need that car okay this is going to be a crazy ass mission come back come back oh god damn it this is a hard mission jesus block the exit oh good thinking good thinking black to egg [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right i gotta lose these cops first i can spray paint i can spray paint no no i'm not doing that yet i'm not doing that yet spray paint spray paint cops don't know cops don't know that i'm in here okay okay oh wait wait wait see this is tricky i'll use this to block them because if i miss this grenade is just gonna blow up the car here we go now i gotta do this just right i gotta throw this just right boom there we go he's stuck he's stuck he's stuck [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no no no get back come back i got this i got this under control don't worry boom boom yeah yeah how do i shoot and how do i shoot shoot that guy oh what the [ __ ] am i winning he's got a guy in this he's got a guy in the back i have this i have this oh no this game is hard it's a hard-ass game all right this time i have an idea i have an even greater plan i'm gonna put like 10 cars in front of the garage i would love to see him get me in there is this real water we going ocean this is fake water too but she's even bigger now she's like all right i have a big plan here i have a big big plan on this one not only do i say this listen not only do i say this boom this is going to be a huge plan that i'm doing yeah here we go now this looks to be what is this a parking structure over here this could be very beneficial yeah this looks like a this is a parking structure so if i get in here now we're talking here we go cars are gonna despawn no no cars do not despawn this is a very advanced game please don't despawn okay that one of them despawned one of them actually did despawn all right let's just do two two should be good i don't know why the one respawned police no this is not what it looks like this is not what it looks like i just have to get this guy out come out of there all right [Music] [Laughter] all right this time i'll get him there definitely [Laughter] even before my wife's car accident then i called new beginnings thanks to fernando i'm still married but on wednesday afternoon i meet barbara in the hotel who the [ __ ] is shooting him thanks for all the laughs from your friend and neighborhood robot thank you man stylist i mean how am i gonna do this maybe if i go better than cyberpunk 2077 it is it's even better than cyberpunk we lost little joey in the back and couldn't find him for an hour when i'm rushing to the mall or talking on my cell phone i know me and my family okay okay i'm thinking listen i'm thinking if i just go to the street they're not going to despawn there this is so close hold still i need this i need this i need this i'm doing a mission oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay the police are not mad for some reason okay okay this is gonna work thank you mick twisting old students do i need this for the mission i win this one i win this one i win this one i win this mission i would love to see this guy get out of here i would love to see that alright now i have to get this grenade just right [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my whole plan my whole plan [ __ ] yo donkey did you hear chris brown he's going to voice the joker my whole plans and dragons movie my entire plan is ruined [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] you how has that failed how was that failed i killed him this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] you guys saw it he's dead he's dead my beautiful plan that is a very early word a travesty i work miracles i say i give the passion back and you better wash yourself buddy because for my people we take these insults very personally and then the cop just crashed me the crash the car the cop crashed me how do i go to jail i am i am latin latin is a big place there buddy we're in latin i do not need to listen to these installs i have pride i have a calling many are all right here come police i can smooth this over look they they're off the center already i already tricked him [ __ ] [ __ ] okay wait wait wait what if i go in here while the alarm's going off do they know do they know that if he's not happy they need to meet fernando in exchange for a few hours a week get off get lost you're just a cheap pimp from upstate get out of my studio i saved your daddy i saved your husband it is a miracle the cop is doing crazy [ __ ] what is he doing up here he's trying to gram this wall [Laughter] he's trying to break through [Laughter] all right he's gonna be pissed when i throw this grenade but maybe he won't be able to get me [ __ ] [ __ ] okay that didn't get me in trouble with the cap right there it's only illegal if it goes in the window get in there get in there boom perfect okay here we go i win this now boom perfect perfect execution that's how you beat that mission it is a little prize in here there we go beautiful [Laughter] give me this [ __ ] don't [Laughter] what the [ __ ] is this [Music] there's a yellow ass car let's go do a mission for kay grand theft auto that's the name of the game that's the name of the game it is impossible to overestimate the importance of etiquette in this line of work to my eternal shame a man once did me a favor and i've never had the opportunity to repay his kindness the man's weakness is mother cards and he has requested that we acquire him certain models for his collection needless to say we must give him the cause and the gift to repay the debt that i owe him you must obtain the cars on this list and deliver them to a garage behind the cop less than three love you done my honor demands it thank you bobby [Music] don't make fun of his teeth his teeth are great [Music] why i don't i so i get the mission is he wants he needs to repay this man but why is it on a six minute time limit why does it i mean like why does it have to be six minutes to get all these cars is that gonna make the guy happier oh that was a nice little jump i did there all right he needs this car oh this thing is fast [ __ ] [ __ ] all right go go go go this is going to be a tough ass mission i can already tell wow this thing really goes fast makes like a really sharp turn what the [ __ ] is that you idiot [Music] all right look at his hood these people drive like [ __ ] the [ __ ] this too it's too fast to break go go go oh i'm going back here [Music] okay all right i only got four minutes to get the other two go is this dunk city i don't even have a [ __ ] car i don't even have another car to go this is going to be impossible this mission is going to be impossible did i even do it right [Music] you have to repair it no no no there is no way to win this there is no way to win this mission you have to [ __ ] repair it too it's in beautiful condition [Music] there do i get extra time why is this still acting like i didn't do it [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god that is meant condition in this world in the world of grand theft auto that is mint as long as it's not is is it still not in i can't tell if i it's if it's it or not thank you what the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] made this mission how in the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] am i supposed to win this okay [Music] yeah yeah yeah get out get out your [ __ ] go i can't i can't hit anybody i have to just do a flawless drive to the place how do you even leave this parking go go go go go go go go go this is gonna be this is gonna be close i don't know about this [Music] isn't this uh isn't this a shortcut [Music] boom boom flawless flawless this is mint this is a mint conditioned car this is a mint conditioned car [Music] right close the door it's mint it's mint this is a mint conditioned car no it's not it's perfect close the door wrong garage that's the only garage [ __ ] now i kid it [ __ ] now i gotta repair it go go go look at this look at this beautiful boom go why isn't it closing okay i think it did work i think that did work it's just not closing this is a failed this is a failed attempt [Music] all right where you try yeah yeah grand theft auto this should be like the final mission of the game go go go go boom beautiful beautiful go go get that dumb box out of the way yeah don't touch that radio go go go go go now that i know all the tricks i'm definitely gonna win this one i got this i got this i got this i got this who the [ __ ] just opened fire on me boom just get the repair quick thank you your boy open up open up boom beautiful go go go i can't tell if it worked or not i can't tell what is happening with this mission i hate that [ __ ] garage i hate that thing go go oh claudius they leave you the shittiest [ __ ] minivan this is the piece of [ __ ] car you get for this mission this is gonna be tough this is gonna be tough get out get out go go go go go go go go go get in okay i just gotta do this i gotta do this without no hits turn up safe and we've got a new sounds for everyone he's got fur and a tail no stupid truck idiot no no no for the whole family maybe i can do has a this cannon those nasty scientists deserve to die boom okay beautiful thank god the minivan respawns at least i did that all right go on how far away is this holy [ __ ] i don't know about this i don't know about this [Music] that man just flew out of the world i got this i got this [Music] i got this i got this i got this i got this across the city i gotta not hit anybody hello caller you are on the air are you sad i gotta not i need complete concentration somebody just shot me that's not fair that's not that's not fair [ __ ] [ __ ] i think the bullet holes would have been okay but it was just me hitting that street lamp that scented over the edge i got this i got i got plenty of time plenty of time all the time in the world boom look at that beautiful parking boom that's how you do it that's how you do it oh stupid mission there was no way in the world i could ever beat that mission if i was a little kid i couldn't even beat like the third mission on this game actually i don't know if anybody's actually ever beat this game to be honest hey yo beautiful beautiful driver maria and i have gone shopping our source in the police has informed us that one of our drivers is a strangely animated undercover cop he's more or less useless out of his car so we've tagged it with a tracer make him bleed give me this fast car invented liar you're the liar fire liar pants on fire chicken frog ribbon cheddar [Music] is your job affecting your health do you become fatigued does working take time away from family and social events like watching wrestling there's an easy solution sue your boss see the great thing about this country is you can sue anyone for pretty much anything and you'll probably know or at least get a settlement at the firm of rican and pods or personal injury attorneys we can show you how falling down and how like a [ __ ] can result in a large damage award from your employer no this is not the family guy game this is not family game this is from the makers of family insurance call the law offices of raken and ponzer and get ready to enjoy a life of luxury all right we're back on chatterbox here he comes to the chatter line here hello caller you're on chatterbox laszlo i just wanted to make your viewers aware of it okay now this is a radio show we don't have viewers we have listeners what do you do kill him why is that three stars i barely hit him oh i need my gun for this i need my uzi i lost it i wasn't aware that there was much demand for puppet shows these days oh man have you been living under a rock guys with puppets getting chicks get over here police stop please stop i'm [Music] i'm doing a mission stop stop crashing me i have to win stop this stop this stop this i have to win did i flip him he's dead he's dead he's dead get over here yeah and the police gave up because he's already dead you got to give up now this is where they make grand theft auto i need health this so this is rockstar studios huh this is where they make grand theft auto huh what does that say liberty memorial coliseum 1923 that is really stretched out front boom this is like being trapped in a basement for a year at jerry garcia's no this is not like being trapped in a basement for a year at jerry garcia's house this is more like playing baseball with al roker i need this where's all the secret packages it you guys think if you were the secret package where would it be this is definitely one in here look at this i knew it there was one there it's baby fat i haven't lost it yet thank you instagram oh in my own pocket oh in my own pocket there could be one that's the last place you expect really what if it's in here you know somebody said you get a prize if you get 10 secret packages for every 10 you get a prize or something they said oh look at this look at this you know there's one in there this construction building you know there's a secret package in here yep where's it gonna be huh you know there's one in here there's like three in here yep i'm thinking there is no the packages are not hot tamales i mean they could be but who would leave those all over the city only 92 more corox seeds to go nice job zelda thank you sleds how do you even enter this zone there it is that really wasn't that hidden at all no i'm not going to find all 100 i'm not going to find all 100 packages there was no way to there is no feasible way to find all 100 packages they're just randomly dropped on the map with no logic or anything behind it it's just in a random spot just walking a hundred random spots there's no wait here's one did i win delivered to hideout i unlocked the pistol dang i got a cool pistol unlocked i'm gonna find all a hundred oh thank you water malone it's water malone in the tip all right i'm out of this place i think i'm thinking two hidden packages that's gotta be the limit they would not do three rockstar doesn't have the budget to do three year if you find 80 you can play a spider-man is that real thank you so deep you guys google spider-man gta 3 unlock this doesn't seem right this part doesn't seem right is this a secret did i find a secret in here huh why am i being shot ah don't shoot me where do my guns go stop stop give me that give me that gun give me that gun no no no don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot no no i don't like that you lose all your weapons when you die that is very obnoxious look at that plane over there give me this [Music] all right all right where's the guns where's guns world did i just see a car drive through the road through the floor i think i just saw like the tail end of a taxi falling through the floor i passed it up how did i pass it up [Music] give me your dish give me all this stuff oh i have five hundred thousand dollars already [Music] look at all this money that i found no no no caps no no it's okay it's okay that was only 200.00 [Music] hey chick over here an old army buddy of mine runs a fitness and rockford we saw action in nicaragua back when the country knew what it was doing anyways some cartel scum wrapped him up yesterday said they'd be back for some of his stock today he's going to need backup and in return he'll give you a knockdown rates on any hardware you buy i'd go myself but the old sciaticas remaster why it looks so clean good luck thank you gogurt this is the definitive edition this is the best version of the game that's what it says on the box play the games the most definitively to be honest this probably is the best way to play it the other parts of this game are [ __ ] horrendous the pc port is like insanely bad for this game oh good go go go [Music] the original doesn't have a map no way no way the original has a map it has a map right it has like a piece of [ __ ] worthless map or something right it has some kind of shitty map no map at all what a piece of [ __ ] i think the police are still after me you have a knack for this go in i want to go in the tank no no no no no no caps no no no no no no no let me in this tank let me in this tank caps i'm in the mission caps i'm doing a mission i'm doing a mission no no let me out let me out get me out let me out let me out [Laughter] what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] he just parked on top of me stupid-ass cat i am going to see you grandpa glad he's going to go see your grandpa claude is going to go see him grandpa i think this is the this is the car that gets wider i think this is the wider car come on come on is it working is it working oh you have to do a bunch of stuff damn is this how new york is are there gigantic hills off in the distance are there massive like dr seuss looking hills i've never been there i'm assuming this is right though that there's just big crazy ass hills over great there to head but i thought there every more of you can't believe those yellow belly bastards left me without proper cover again well three arms are better than one so grab whatever you need those columbians will be here any minute all right what guns did he give me he gave me sniper so i gotta team up with army joe and we're gonna take out a bunch of colombians or something wait a minute he has a rocket launcher over here how do i get that wait i want that i want to unlock that get up there get up there wait oh no they're fighting oh no oh no i'm over here phil has been killed [ __ ] i wanted the racket and much of it hey this weekend if you want to dance your ass off check out sex club 7 for some steel wait what the [ __ ] happened to that car why was that upside down already before i even got there is this multiplayer is this online multiplayer did another player flip over and explode i know a shortcut to phil [Music] yo phil hey i'm hey phil i'm here t-pain subscribe is that t-pain for real thank you t-pain t-pain thank you for the bone true tea pain is here that's the fake tp oh the gift of t-pain donnie please review my new game snake man 3 return to snake hole please rate it one star in the game review site it is not a good game love robot snake wait review your game snake man in the hole 3 with one star rating it's not good give your game a bad review all right i'll give it a bad review if it really is that bad now before i talk to phil i want to get up here and get this rocket launcher oh look at that [ __ ] it didn't spawn in yet damn it hey phil can't believe those yellow belly bastards left me without proper cover again well three arms are better than one so grab whatever you need those colombians will be here any minute thank you gekko all right i'm thinking i'm gonna hide behind this how do you crouch i'll just wait here but i want that rocket launcher but those guys are going to be here pretty soon oh my goodness thank you adam thank you adam for the tier three sub to soldier boy here they come did i win no phil not phil oh he's still in the game he's still in the game phil is still in the game here comes the fire truck what the [ __ ] is the fire truck doing here what the [ __ ] is this are you evil what is this what what the [ __ ] is this why was the fire truck [Laughter] the fire truck distracted me the [ __ ] fire truck just pulled in yeah this is the remaster listen i'm gonna say 90 of these stupid ass bugs that's just the game being the game the game really is this crazy just to begin with i think they did add in new bugs though just to honor the vision of the original phil here i am phil [ __ ] phil [ __ ] um all right this time i'll get to feel unscathed how did i get full health and armor where are the fire trucks when you need them yeah where are the fire trucks they should just show up instantaneously the second my car is on fire and put it out this is my jam oh this is your jam okay i'll leave this one thank you ray phil here i am phil happy weasel here i am phil i have left me without proper cover again well three arms are better than the ones so grab whatever you need those columbians will be here any minute thank you poor push more funky underscore exclamation mark murfunke underscore admiral funky underscore dot me dot twitch.tv proves stream trumpet thank you trumpet gay face me face me face me face me wait i need a gun this is [ __ ] hard thank you mick forehead the rocket launcher yeah it's hard to get to the rocket launcher though you have to like do a speed run over there i'm gonna have to find out like a really fast path i could use that thing to block them off though too there's like that huge bus in there that i could use to block them off watch this this is what i'll say this is what i'll say this is what i'll say let's see if i can find a fast way up to the rocket launcher when are the donkey and fds coming out we we [Music] here's a package okay this is not i don't know how the [ __ ] you're supposed to get the rocket launcher this is punch this [ __ ] what if i shoot love spunky that doesn't work all right all right here's my plan here's my plan i can't get in this i guess you can't get in there until the mission starts park a car next to it it's hard to jump up on the car and stuff well three arms are better than one so grab whatever you need okay now let's quick get this over here we're gonna block them off boom they just spawned in right there i got this i got this i got this phil has been killed someone say ocean thank you jay gator gay phil is really easy to kill i'm learning phil just kind of dies in one second phil is very very weak phil is a very weak character in the grand theft auto franchise phil needs milk can you bring him can you bring phil a jar of milk to make him stronger is that of part of the game ah god damn it god damn it phil why do you put that stupid hell there phil you ass i'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of phil naked body i'm gonna have to cut you off don't you believe in free speech free expression no of course you don't know you believe it is free drinks naked there's not a damn thing you can do about it i'm naked and i feel so good what about winter what do you mean you know i mean what about winter when the wind blows it's really cold i mean this guy's naked privates to go blue i was born naked i'm gonna die naked it all shriveled up by the sound of things [Music] we've got a lot of other people waiting to talk about real things here nudity is real open your eyes take off your pants come on come on you can be a figurehead for liberty city naturist we have more members now for the first time since 1917. i'm gonna do this i'm gonna get this just i'm right out with god damn it god damn it phil i think that is phil talking i think phil was on the radio and he just got dressed the second i got here grab whatever you need all right maybe this time maybe i should start off with the are any of these other weapons good i know the shotgun is pretty good i think let's try the shotgun i gotta stay here with phil so he doesn't get [ __ ] murdered come on phil we got this we got this phil come on phil me and you here we go here we go here we go phil come on phil come on phil let's take them on come on phil we got this we got this phil they're just kind of going through this thing here we go come on phil come on phil one of them is like stuck okay now they're coming this way now they're coming this way which way which way they're gonna pop out this way boom come on phil we got this phil we got this phil okay there's one stuck i can't tell if it's gonna spawn in look at all these guys this guy is stuck are you okay oh [ __ ] go and check on phil we won phil we won this game was not meant to be played in 2021 if you need any the firepower leave the cash under the bench i can buy rocket launcher now i have unlocked rocket launcher it's twenty five thousand dollars [ __ ] i'll buy it do you spend money on this game on anything other than the guns do you ever have to buy cars or anything you have to buy the hookers thank you matthew all right we're going to the we're going to the restroom going to the bathroom missions thank you soul cale 106 expressway to hot music coming up next it's andy's short hot mix when we play oops put on ocean by led zeppelin they don't have that on this one remember i believe that was grand theft auto chinatown wars where they finally brought that song on i know a real important many times soft touch with shall we say exotic tastes the money to indulge them he's involved in a legal matter and the prosecution has some rather embarrassing photos of him at a more party or something the evidence is being driven across town you are going to have to ram that car and collect each little bit of evidence as it falls out when you've got it all leave it in the car and torch it do you realize how [ __ ] stupid that sounds i need you to ram into a car a hundred times and knock a thing a little package out of it every time they got to bring these kind of missions back for red dead redemption 3. arthur ram into a guy 300 times [ __ ] look how fast he is holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] look at him look at him go wait no great wait come back he is so fast holy [ __ ] look at him he's guys get back here no come back boom there we go he dropped the evidence the prosecution has dropped the evidence yeah give me that give me that evidence he's where is he going he's just driving in a circle oh no police are here now [Music] now it's going to start getting interesting stop stop wait wait i need the evidence i need the evidence police police no this is for no this is for this is for court kind of stuff i got this i got this next up here we go here we go boom give me that i got this i have this where did he go wait where did he go did i win did i win where did you cut where did the car go burn your own car oh burn my own car okay burn my own car now with the rocket right police police no no police police no no no no no no no i should not go to jail for that i should not go to jail for that please stop please stop please stop i have a rocket launcher i don't want to have to buy this again let me end this car let me in let me in go go go go i think this is the best way to reset it just start a new mission boom i think my partner's a rat we gotta shut him up permanently he goes fishing out of his boat thank you s smashy lieutenant make sure his backstabbing plans are suck i want him sleeping with the fishes not eating them this mission is annoying uh-oh okay police are still after me actually that didn't work i thought that actually worked i thought that would oh god oh no they set up a blockade it doesn't really work that good i gotta go to the spray painter police police please please please police [Applause] i got this i got this i got this i got this boom if you like checking out classic musicals head down to bedford point where you can see fanny saturday night is this better than gta for the game boy color i feel like without having played that one hard work i'm gonna say yeah but maybe that game is a secret masterpiece who knows this is a shortcut four months of bones what do i do if people don't have shoes hey hey what did you see how the hell do you get over here now we [Music] oh [ __ ] get out the hell do you get to the boat i gotta go all the way over here over around where am i where am i going what the [ __ ] is this is this right this does not seem right whatever now the question is can i survive this jump and i'm saying yes oh i only took three damage okay all right another boat mission so far i do not like the boat missions get to the lighthouse where's the lighthouse okay it's way over there boat mission is why you play the game [Music] that guy really likes the boat missions what is going to happen this mission that makes it so horrible this mission is very notorious everybody is saying this is a really really horrible mission okay that's okay he's throwing grenades the [ __ ] was that he's eating oh that's how he fishes oh that's how he catches fish i see that's how he does fishing it's just this again oh he's gonna throw grenades at me though the whole time it's just okay so it's a stupid-ass shoot the boat mission but he throws grenades i see why this is who but he's not throwing any grenades yet is this is this right this is so slow and lean [Laughter] this mission is not good i think where's those barrels were those supposed to blow me up they were just floating barrels in the ocean what what was that supposed to be oh he's throwing those down he's throwing those barrels down at me i see i mean it kinda looked like i crashed directly into one but it didn't work at all think i got him i think he's dead oh [ __ ] he's driving up on the land no no don't do that kill kill kill that man kill that man yeah all right that mission was [ __ ] stupid even if that worked that was stupid that was probably actually better that it didn't work he just [ __ ] phased through his nitro barrel that he threw down this game has the weirdest difficulty spikes there's just so many like insanely hard missions in this game all right i guess we gotta go back to the other islands has come home did anybody actually play the missions when this came out i'm gonna i'm gonna answer this for everybody no nobody played the missions they just went around and hit people with a car and shot stuff and just punched people on the sidewalk can't all right here we go liberator first of all let me thank you for dealing with that personal matter people will read something into anything these days experience has taught me that a man like you can be very loyal for the right price but groups of men get greedy a valued resource an old oriental gentleman i know has been kept hostage by some south americans in espatria they're trying to extort additional funds from me but i don't believe in renegotiation a deal is a deal so they'll not see a penny from me go and rescue my friend do whatever it takes [Laughter] you guys don't like that guy's face what the heck what the heck you guys i don't get what i'm supposed to do i don't think i was listening i was too distracted by the face go to the fort [Music] get a car get a colombian car and then bring it to the hideout check objectives oh i see i see you'll find one in fort staunton what the [ __ ] is that am i just okay somewhere in the north there's fort stone that's where i need to go i certainly don't remember anything since then you're listening to flashback fm i'm tony and i'll be right back now what is this card that i'm supposed to get i don't know what it actually looks like don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot is this it is just your car i'm gonna have to steal like every car in the game i think this is it right this is it i need this that was a good guess i'm gonna kill all you now police police this is a gang hideout arrest them arrest them police where's the guy that i have to fight where's the man excuse me excuse me where's the man where's the man he's in one of the garages i have to rescue him come on guy i'm rescuing you i'm rescuing you guy oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] is this is he are you in here no no [Music] [Laughter] this stupid-ass game you take like 50 hp just from guessing the wrong shut door down sit down all right no more ankles dude but you don't think no i don't never now listen to me [Music] well now the door is random every time no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't have that be real don't have that be real goblins are real goblins are real but don't have that be real this is it i need this all right all right this time i'm getting this went wait wait went went all right all right here we go here we go wait wait [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i'm gonna go to the same door i'm gonna be ready it is it's random it's random it's random okay here we go i'm saving him get in get in your dreams get in get in and they'll set you up with all your 21st century technology needs i only spent 20 000 and now i can get emails go go go go go go you can find it at house of tomorrow remember only technology makes life worth living house of tomorrow it was super glued to the floor i thought they would chase me i thought they were going to chase me here excuse it's me you get to play with knives i see is there a real sense of teamwork my friend joey throwed his hands together wow you're learning 40 000 bones just for that forty thousand bones these are some rich ass criminals thank you tommy nothing drives down real estate prices like a good old-fashioned gang war apart from an outbreak of plague but that might be going too far in this case i've noticed the yakuza and the colombians are far from friends let's capitalize on this business opportunity i want you to kill the yakuza wakagashita kenji cassin kenji is attending a meeting at the top of the multi-story car park in newport get a cartel gang car and eliminate him the yakuza must blame the cartel for this declaration of war this sounds like the same pro this sounds like the same mission i just did oh okay good i already have the car i already have the car down oh okay so he's up on the tap go to the tap and kill him hey this is the classic uh this is the classic place where i did the or the jump drive to the hoops mission oh look look at this boom all right here i come to kill you it might come to kill you this this has like a hundred people protecting donkey did i win what the [ __ ] wait you have to get you have to get in there hit him and don't blow up who the [ __ ] made this this is i i don't think they play tested any of these missions i do not think this game has a play tested mission in the game i have to [ __ ] hit him and get out without blowing up that is gonna be insane i don't understand how you do that can i just get out and shoot everybody first can't be identified can they see me if i sniped him from like a different building or something what if i just piss off a bunch of cops and then they run him over or something what if i just get like a ton of interference going with with the bunch of cops wait what is this cutscene this wasn't here before all right let's see what happens if i yep this is a stupid-ass stupid-ass [ __ ] mission this is a stupid mission oh no how the [ __ ] so i just gotta i just gotta get in there and hit him and just pray that i don't blow up i remember the music it's just a complete [ __ ] it's just a complete chance game it's just a complete roll of the dice with a 9 and 10 chance of me exploding there's got to be a way to snipe them hurts you gotta be able to snipe them from somewhere let's look around for somewhere to snipe and doctors and politicians lawyers whatever you know i can't be bothered to argue with you but i do feel sorry for your little johnny the seven-year-old cook chimney sweet paralegal photocopier because his daddy's an idiot let's take a quick break phil and i just hmm there's got to be a secret there's got to be a secret way there's got to be some kind of way to get up and snipe these guys there's gotta be look at this fire escape can i get up there no hmm let's go repair it first gonna need full hp if this is gonna work maybe if i stack like a hundred cars up here then climb all of them like a big ladder hmm [Music] shoot from the car yeah that might be the way you can't like really aim very accurately from the car though you can't even tell where you're shooting really all right all right let's let's shoot let's shoot him go what am i supposed to do now dump the car get out of newport and dump the car okay go now dump the car yeah i'm out all right that wasn't too bad check it out what was the first gta i played this one actually maybe i played gta 2 first i want to try those ones out has anybody played the old old ones are those even more irritating than this are the missions in there even more insane there he is there's the old man in these days of moral hypocrisy certain valuable commodities can be hard to import on its approach to the airport tonight a light aircraft will pass over the bay it will drop several packages into the water make sure you pick them up before anyone else does wait is this a [ __ ] boat level again no not a boat level no not another boat level i don't know the stupid boat level no i don't want to go on a boat and pick up packages that's not cool that's stupid what the heck barely get any time is this just time to get to the boat it must be this must just be time to get to the boat [ __ ] okay that almost worked go go go going through the secret tunnel all right here we go the classic boat mission my favorite here i go wow at least this boat is fast wait why do i still have the same time why do i still have the same amount of time where's the where's the package where's the package drop the package you dumb plane okay okay okay thank god that was just the start of the mission timer i was about to be very angry police are getting mad at me for doing this what is the benefit of doing this why is he dropping [ __ ] out of a plane that is directly over my head how what what what is just what does this accomplish this is even a stupider idea than the [ __ ] pay phone idea we're just flying over in the middle of [ __ ] new york right in front of everybody doing like a drug deal or some [ __ ] just in the most craziest most obvious way ever now i have four stars of police after me what the [ __ ] i don't even wait what do i even do now do i park the boat and then drive there right is that right do i do do i get out okay go i have four stars of police after me this is gonna be hell that was the [ __ ] that was that's that was the least secret drug deal of all time [Music] they actually went far out of their way spent millions of dollars to make that the least secret drug deal possible go go go go get in there go oh god this is gonna be insane this is gonna be crazy [Music] can i just spray paint i think spray paint is the best way to go here [Music] just go spray paint just go spray paint go go go go go go go go go go [Music] i win [Music] easy easy [Music] wait smartest drug deal ever [ __ ] dropping it out of a plane 10 feet onto a boat [Music] what the [ __ ] did they come up with that plan so [ __ ] doomed ten thousand all right that was that was not worth the 10 000 i think it despawned my car too thank you for retrieving those packages brand theft arrow sorry about that but that's sometimes the way in business my real objective was hidden on the plane all along unfortunately the port authority sees the plane and we're stripping it down until i intervened at great personal expense across the bridge to shore side vale and go to francis international airport i paid off the officials my property will be waiting for you with the customs hanger in the aircraft fuselage it was just a distraction all along that was just a distraction the real treasure was in the airplane what happened here how you ass give me this people are fighting everybody's fighting everybody is fighting each other wait this is getting on the crazy lift bridge and it is now open to traffic flow there's a huge fight oh grandma just punched that construction worker he killed her now everybody's running around punching each other oh oh now all grandmas are running around punching now the now ambulance is here this is getting crazy oh grandma's fighting that guy oh he's killed he's killed grandma killed that guy everybody's running around ambulance is saving him ambulance saved him now somebody's shooting now there's somebody with a gun shooting this is getting good how come they don't do this in grand theft auto 5. oh that's a new fight new fight new fight construction worker oh that guy got in the middle and got killed oh this is a big fight this is a big fight two construction workers versus that guy oh they're stealing they're getting in a car the construction worker is getting into this car he's stealing the passenger seat from that car this man is glitching through the floor he punched that man okay now they're in a fight here come the ambulance ambulance is here there's a dude sitting in the back he's just sitting in the back of an ambulance oh they're staring each other down they're staring each other down construction workers looking at this guy he's like looking at him like you want a show you want some of this oh he walks away though he walks away oh ambulance is driving up on to the thing ambulances ambulance is killing ambulances killing hundreds of people ambulance has killed hundreds of people everyone is running away now from the ambulance they're running in circles this is getting crazy now this guy is crashing me oh now they're getting into fights again they're fighting this man is punching a grandma oh they're running away they're running away [Laughter] oh [ __ ] there's a new fight there's a new fight oh [ __ ] we need to fire we need the fire department call the fire department grandma just took out a construction worker oh she's taking him out go grandma go take that oh the man just tripped over the grandma oh construction workers fighting the man for tripping over at grandma the grandma's up grandma's been killed grandma's been oh wait grandma's back up grandma oh construction worker goes down grandma wins the paramedics is trying to get the construction worker up oh no oh no there's been a killing there's been a killing one of the npcs drove over somebody [Laughter] all right you know the police is here the police is here construction workers stole that guy's car oh the police just keeps walking police officer just keeps walking [Laughter] all right all right the ambulance just doesn't know where to go the ambulance doesn't know where to go he's running okay i'm just gonna jesus [Laughter] this game was really good yeah i don't i don't get what they did with gta 5 where they downgraded the ai from this this is a masterpiece gta 6 they got to bring back this ai oh we're going to the next island now we're going to the third island most amicable street in new york oh they gotta lower this thing all right no you can't make the car bigger that's like a very advanced technique that's a really advanced strategy to do that thank you kyle here all right so now i'm going to get the treasure from an airplane or something thank you for some gravity oh wow it is an airfield actually the colombian cartel is here there was a setup they set me up i've been set up again i keep getting set up hundreds of times hundreds and hundreds of times i am set up let me snipe you hold still donkey i finally found jimmy's coat in dark souls 3. you found jimmy's coat where was it boom pop up pop up pop up you're out of there do you actually get to fly the plane oh you do what i'm what am i doing this do i get to do this this doesn't actually fly does it [ __ ] it i'll drive this over there not gonna get a better vehicle niche i heard they i heard they this thing actually could fly but they turned it off because of 9 11. i think this game came out like a month after 9 11 or some [ __ ] so they took out the airplane feature thank you chicken master this is pretty good though i like this driving plane you flew for two seconds whoa oh look it does fly how cool [Music] so wait i have to go in here don't shoot me i'm in a plane why would you shoot at a plane on the street here i come for the package i'm in the airplane i'm here for the package oh the plane is on fire [Laughter] all right oh i gotta get in there okay i'm gonna have to shoot a lot of people i think thank you gamer okay here i go here i go do not shoot me do not shoot me boom face me face me what's the best way to fight these games probably sniper rifle am i winning i only have 40 health left i only have 40 health jesus i gotta get i gotta get ak or something i'm out of his range [Laughter] the [ __ ] shooting in this i got this i got this i got this under control oh look at that guy look at that guy i'm taking that guy out pop out pop out that is so [ __ ] stupid that is so [ __ ] stupid [Music] thank you for retrieving those packages this is the longest [ __ ] mission too oh man they should have put a checkpoint they should have put a checkpoint when you actually get to the shooting part this is hell this is hell stop stop the car the naga they added better checkpoints to vice city and san andreas is that rio thank you alex why didn't they add good checkpoints to this one what the hell hey donkey you're my favorite streamer thank you bread vice city has the same checkpoints no way did they add them in for vice city and san andreas i just feel surprised that they would actually add better checkpoints [Music] only san andreas now it keeps changing so now only san andreas has the good checkpoints i feel like san andreas does not have it either san andreas has new checkpoints oh i forgot we have to do this part this is a long-ass mission all right come on come on come and face me you're out of there you're out of there all right get the plane get the funny plane back go over this look at that san andreas has mobile port checkpoints so they just rip them from a mobile oh no why me why me why me 369. or i could get the fire hydrant the fire engine this thing reverses really slow this where do you get armor from gun store i'll go to the gun store and get armory [Music] that man died that man died he slipped right through the [Laughter] things today okay i'm going to the gun store in my plane wtf just happened that guy just died is what happened he just died permanently thank you is this that this is the armor right give me the armor thank you okay all right now now we have a chance hey this weekend if you want to dance your did you like the new dune movie the new dune movie i didn't see dune movie yet how would you say dune movie stacks up to the doom movie with the rock what's better doom or doom look at this plan i have i'm a genius in this plan for this one i'm a genius oh you're trying to face me you're out of there who's that who else is in there who else is in there show your face show your face i'm going to kill you i'm going to kill you i'm going to kill you i going to kill you i going to kill you i going to kill you just 50 of one guy in there going i going to kill you i going to kill you hey donkey it is me robot i got my new rare dunko pop and i now james corden wants make me a pizza thanks oh my god i'm so happy you got your new dunko pop oh my god those things are those things are extremely rare i can't believe you got one that's one of the rarest rarest toys ever crunch ever constructed by man i going to kill you i'm going to kill you did i win did i win take the lift up to the tower okay there's gonna be more shooting isn't there i like how he's holding a pistol like that was possible to beat that part with a pistol i'm going way up here god knows what it be worth is shoot him hey that's his girlfriend hey don't shoot amigo no no no problem we all friends [Laughter] but you've done me a favor you're not the only one that has a score to settle with the cartel this worm killed my brother i never killed no yakuza yeah we all saw the cartel assassin what is happening and kill all you colombian dogs i'll be operating on our friend here to extract information and a little pleasure you drop by later i'm sure i'll require your services please amigo don't leave me here with her man she's she's psyched what the [ __ ] just happened i am so confused i am so so i am so confused i am so confused so i went up in this thing where the package was supposed to be i did so okay let's get this in order let's get this in order what the [ __ ] happened i drove under an airplane that was dropping off drugs in a big like water filter and they dropped six of those but that was not real drugs that was a distraction from the true treasure which was not in the airplane like he said even though he said the true treasure was in the airplane divine ta six gets out of three wolf smiths but the true treasure was actually not in the airplane the treasure was actually at the construction site so i went up the elevator and then some woman was with this man with a suitcase and she shot him and jumped out of a window but then the man was the one got kidnapped but captured by some other lady that didn't even give me the mission to begin with right step right save the plane in my hideout oh good thinking good thinking i don't know if that'll fit but i'll try it excuse me excuse me listen dunko pops are not a scam dunko pops are not a scam they are not they're very valuable you are proving to be a safe investment a rare thing in these days of falsehood my oriental friend will need an escort while he takes my latest acquisition to be authenticated i want you to follow him and make sure both he and my package get to pike creek unharmed i have just a vehicle for this mission all right i'll follow you let's go no wait wait stupid ambulance thank you mids oh i hit the cap go go go capture man already this thing is kind of hard to steer all right here we go here we go it's hard to like keep the acceleration in check we got this we got this we got this imagine if you saw this driving down the street my okay he crashed he crashed are these people trying to kill him i can't tell if they're trying to kill him or not why doesn't my propeller kill oh they are trying to kill him oh no he's being killed he's being attacked oh no my plane is on fire oh no i'm dead all right i don't think the plane is gonna cut it here i gotta be honest the propeller doesn't even hit people if the propeller hit people i think we could make this work but without a work functioning propeller i don't think it can i don't think it's feasible it's plain to see it's plain to see exactly is yeah i'm playing on console i'm playing on ps5 oh [ __ ] here they come i got this i got this don't attack my guy don't attack my guy go go go go go go go go go go go go go go whoa look how much money that guy had police help we're being shot at go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go this mission is kind of stupid i gotta admit oh here they come did that guy boom they're dead they're dead oh no he's got jesus the [ __ ] people on the sidewalk just like shoot the car for like a third of its health it's just this people on the sidewalk that do all the damage the cars do nothing you gotta drive around that guy you gotta drive around him you have to drive around that guy you have to no you can't just ram him you got to go around that guy you can't just keep ramming him you have to move you have to no you have to turn left and go over him you have to pass this man i don't care if it's a double yellow go over that just go look look do this go over here and just pass him up you can just pass him you can just pass this guy up [Music] okay here's this guy now oh [ __ ] please don't please don't kill him made off here wanted to sink no get out murder i mean products this is why nobody has ever beaten this piece of [ __ ] game no human has ever played all these piece of [ __ ] missions there is not a single person that has beat this dumb game with these dumbass missions can i just take the car can i just drive it instead of having to ai drive it maybe i can just steal it let's try that let's try stealing it you'll need a car yeah i'll take this one let me drive [Music] this this is i think this is the one i think this is the mission that makes me crack this is the one where i go no i can't beat this anymore i can't beat this game you have to follow a slow ass [ __ ] stupid ass ai that doesn't know how to steer and he takes he takes 30 damage just from a stupid-ass dude on the sidewalk shooting at him this is hell this mission is hell this is a hell mission you are so slow go go here i'll ram him like the other i'll ram i'll do i'll drive like he drives go go this game really makes you feel like dark souls 3 thank you boneless swing move move go faster you have to move faster we have to beat this mission before i die of old age come on come on you got this you got this there you go okay here comes this guy this guy is three thousand times faster please do not blow up my guy okay at least they cut you that break at least you can't get at least the exploding truck doesn't blow up your car i'm surprised they thought that through thank you hot dog oh god he took so much damage from that sidewalk guy oh [ __ ] what am i am i just supposed to just drive way ahead and kill every man on the sidewalk go go go nobody shoot nobody shoot i can't i don't even know which what what's the guy who shoots oh god okay you can't get to that guy there's no way you can get to that guy he's like in a special scripted position all right here we go again here we go again here we go my favorite part of the mission shoot at these cars to speed them up oh there we go good thinking go go go i gotta speed this guy up go go faster there we go all right good thinking good thinking on that one that truck is so soft it's made of cream cheese oh [ __ ] oh no holy [ __ ] look how fast these guys are i can't tell if these are just civilians or they're trying to kill the armored truck holy [ __ ] look at them look at him go it's gonna blow up wait holy [ __ ] [Laughter] shhh go go thank you be easy look at this guy he's up there oh that was that was beautiful oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no here we go oh no come on come on you got this you got this i will yes i will also cry if we lose if we lose this this game goes off this game goes off permanently if we lose this mission this is so long this is the longest mission no do not kill him do not kill him do not kill my guy there is nothing i can do to protect him do not kill him please please ai don't kill him he's got this he's got this i can't tell if this is evil or just just an ass i think that guy is evil i think that is i think that guy actually is evil okay that guy's evil that guy's evil no do not kill him do not kill him go go go go go go go go go stop stop stopping stop stopping and go go no no no no no no what are you doing why are you what are you doing what are you doing go go go win go in what are you doing why are you doing that why are you crashing why are you crashing a hundred times why are you crashing a hundred times you're not moving i think he needs to i think i think he needs to go into here go go go fix fix fix what are you doing what is he doing what the [ __ ] is this i don't get where he's trying to go i have to push him back i have to push him back he won't be able to make it without my help stop pushing back don't push me back you don't get how to drive you need my help go go do not push me do not push me holy [ __ ] go go back go back go no no no no stop go to where you're supposed to go you have to go to where you're supposed to go you gotta go the right way to go there i'm doing it i'm doing it this is the worst mission this is the worst mission in grand theft auto history don't ever don't ever talk to me about this stupid train mission look at this look at this how do you win what is he doing what is he even trying to do push him up the street okay let's push him up the street i guess he keeps reversing he just reverses and accelerates all right we got this we got this we got this we got this one we got this one oh my god oh my god why why are you doing it again [ __ ] thing [ __ ] game okay you got this you got this you got this you got this come on you got this you got this there you go there you go there you go you got this come on there it is there it is there it is [Music] stupid [ __ ] game stupid [ __ ] game how the [ __ ] how did this spawn like the most successful franchise this [ __ ] [ __ ] show game [Music] what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] oh there cannot be a mission in this game that is harder than that there is no way there was no way on earth [Laughter] all right let's let's go do another mission i guess my soul is entirely drained after that i don't know if i'll ever play another grand theft auto game again oh if it didn't save if dead didn't save [Music] [Music] please please save please have auto save please have auto save [Music] please have auto save you gotta have you gotta add autosave to it to a remaster okay think [ __ ] good think [ __ ] good [Music] oh wait this is the good sign oh no this isn't the funny song where's the funny song put on my funny song that's gotta be that's gotta be the hardest mission there cannot be a harder mission than that history liberty city survivor this takes reality tv to a whole new level we'll take 20 recently parole guys equip them with grenade launchers and flamethrowers that's my new trick that i do every time i come to that bridge [Music] thank you all right please you useless you're totally messed up my ass is on the line and you can't even kill a goddamn fly i paid you good money to kill that witness and he ain't dead but today he's going to make a federal deposition he's being moved any second now from the carson general hospital up in rockford if he squeals i squeal all right all right what are we doing here uh oh foreign wait what what happened i have to wait wait wait i'm still winning i got this he's taking a lot of damage but i didn't do any of it oh no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i need this [ __ ] oh how did he bust me from the other door that's not how it works that's not how it works there he is all right let's get him let's get this game three stars just for that come on for that three stars holy [ __ ] that guy come on come back come back now let me kill let me kill oh i'm out of bullets already funky donkey man how come you thank you burger tyrant how come he doesn't take damage his damage isn't working he's invincible why is wait why is he invincible why are you invincible let me in here wait here did i win did i win i need this car [Music] he bailed i didn't see that when did he bail did he bail before he even got in here he is oh there he is [Laughter] there he is he's invincible yeah i'll get him he's [ __ ] invincible how does he live through that what the [ __ ] is happening in this game how is this body cast is [ __ ] rocket launcher proof where did he go to get rocket launcher proof cast still your longest sub to date how the [ __ ] did he get a rocket launcher-proof guest hey do you watch yourself mister and you janet why are you so ugly your husband he'll make you happy no he's an idiot but he's probably a good daddy and you sound very pretty angry and a little bit of a know-it-all but very pretty what that guys tamriel thank you tamriel oh my goodness four years sub this man has been subscribed for four years that's my longest subscriber thank you tamriel for you tamriel i'm beating this mission no no don't worry for this for you tamriel i beat this mission i will be just guaranteed victory boom get him okay now i just have to get out and just shoot him 100 million times he's invincible he's entirely invincible how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] do you win how the [ __ ] do you get him he's invincible happy dunks day to my boy dan he's [ __ ] invincible thank you beanish baked beans [Music] i need like i need eight i need like a hundred rackets to take this guy get off get lost you're just a cheap pimp from upstate get out have one delivered just [Music] here's my music now that i got my good music on now we can win this [Applause] hey jake thank you jake get him where can i get it get him out like that [Music] get him out of there [Music] get him out of there [Applause] okay here we go boom say boom say boom shape boom a couple more couple more grenades and he should be dead get the rocket launcher out and what there we go there it is [ __ ] game oh this guy's taking his car back all right i'll just take this one up okay i got okay there [Music] jesus every mission now single mission in this game is just insane now is a mission go up here she's still hitting this game he seems to think i'm mistreating him still he's revealed the extent to which catalina fears your quest for revenge she has three death squads started around liberty whose sole job is to hunt you down act as the bait and get the death squads to follow you to pike creek where some of my men will be waiting for them so this is so the main villain is claude's girlfriend right his girlfriend betrays him and then they are in a huge battle the whole game this is the goofiest [ __ ] storyline of all time she's in san andreas that is a weird storyline i don't even get what she's doing she's just i guess she's just running a bunch of crime operations and my guy is just trying to get revenge or something my guy is just on a revenge mission or some [ __ ] i have no idea you have no idea what he what's going through his mind his ultimate goal could just be to get chicken strips or some [ __ ] what am i doing now do i just drive by all the pink dots yeah claude just answers pay phones and does missions for random people he just drives around goes oh payphone's ringing all right this guy told me to do something sure i feel like isn't that it's the exact story of hotline miami like like a weird guy just calls you on the phone and then you go and kill people but then it was like a twist it was like a twist like you were brainwashed but in gta 3 there is no twist your guy just did that on his own his own free will he just went yeah sure [ __ ] it i'll do it i like to do that whatever okay phone all right i found the way to go here we go oh that was nice [Music] so come get me okay so i gotta piss this guy off go over there piss that guy off and then bring them to the yellow world so piss everybody off and then bring them back to the yellow world look at zip [Music] thank you chef come give me come get me come get me all right now we gotta go get the other guy whoa oh no oh no oh no oh no stop stop stop crashing stop crashing me i still need to get the third guy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] go [Music] come on come on no no no oh i'm at the damn come get me [Music] okay how the [ __ ] do i get there now let's just go back the same way here i go here i go okay this mission isn't so bad this is like a doable this is like a mission that can be completed i feel like yeah now we spring the trap right is this a good trap why didn't they follow me where are they going why are they getting where are they where are they leaving where did they go why are they all leaving back okay here they come here he comes shoot him shoot him shoot that guy get him yeah get him where this doesn't work this mission does the missions don't work these missions do not work in this can they only like track onto me when i'm in a car i think they can only like follow me when i'm in the car that's what it seems like all right come and get me shoot them shoot them okay i guess i'll go okay they're coming here they come they can only lock onto you when you're in the car i win i win yay no i haven't played the radiohead game can i play the radiohead game without getting copyright killed will i get banned from twitch for playing the radiohead game i wish i could just teleport to the mission that would have been a nice feature to have on the show right now this is an sos going out across the city let's go over to this line hello caller you are on the air are you saying are you a sane caller absolutely let's go check out these movies the mainframe five stars soldiers of misfortune all right thanks caller ants killer bees fat people what's plaguing you call now chatterbox hello you're on the air uh yes i'd like to say something about these damn people on trains buses in the city yammer on and on into their cell phones i'm really glad we get to hear about what you're having for dinner what we should do is turn them up and put them on an island i am the president of a group called citizens raging against the mountains crap exactly your organization is called crap the [ __ ] was it that was all right [Music] [Laughter] laughs [Music] get out get out i can't believe i'm still doing missions for this guy you weren't followed good this is it my way over my head and i'm starting to drown here the cia seems to have a vested interest in spanx and they don't like us brewing with the cartel i'm a mock man so i'm getting out of here get me to my flight at the airport and i'll make it worth your while all right first we're gonna have to find a car because i have no car where did he go where did he go okay he can't jump over that come on come on there you go there you go all right let's take this limo we're gonna take this limo okay i guess not we're going to take this car get in [Music] oh she's on fire i mean i've done a lot of crazy things i can tell you that i've never been on fire here we go here we go was this a trick that was a trick waypoint wait that was a trap wait what what huh why is he saying go here now go down there what the [ __ ] now i'm like i'm like the ai from the one mission now go go go this is [ __ ] up this is [ __ ] up okay okay i got a good uh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] good thing i got this fast car i lucked out having this car pulled up get up there get up there go go go this is how the tunnels are in new york this is what it's like the whole concept of this game is just trying to drive places fast in new york i win the mission is still going [Music] i think the bridge was going up but i just drove over it so fast i didn't have time oh [ __ ] have one delivered just log on to petsovernite.com and we'll send you a cute kitten overnight petsovernite.com delivering little bundles of love in a box directly to your door all right here we go [Music] huh all right i get to audition this car look you can go in here hey it's me i'm here i'm at the internet cafe he's going to miami he's not actually going to vice city he's going to miami which is a different place all right let's go to d how far am i into this game am i am i gonna win this game is this like resident evil one where the game doesn't end where it's just an undefeatable game three percent five percent only thirty percent only thirty percent through tutorial complete this is the prologue thank you french toast thank you chuckle banana 70 more to go this this is this 75 done wait i'm 75 more to go or 75 completed ea is a good franchise i see a couple people saying there's only three more missions left to beat the game i feel like that maybe is right i feel like i've gone through like what what is what's supposed to be a year's worth of missions in like one night i'm pretty sure that mission with the airplane that was supposed to take like multiple months for you to master [Music] save the car yeah i'm too far from the thing [ __ ] [ __ ] it decoy my friend if you have a unique commodity the world and his wife will try to wrestle it from your grasp even if they have little understanding as to its true value swat teams have cordoned off the area around my associate in the package get over there pick up the van and act as a decoy keep them busy and he should make good his escape i've got a flamethrower now damn excuse me excuse me the police didn't give a [ __ ] i just mowed down that must have been 10 people police don't care what product does he use for his hair i'm not sure wait a minute is this a new movie arnold stallone top down city oh [ __ ] oh and chuck schwartz is half cocked one man one night one gun [Music] the lighting is terrible what what's wrong with the lighting that's probably the one part of the game that actually kind of aged decently just the art style and the environment the darks are too dark the light is too light wait i get to drive this now the cops are immediately okay immediately immediately i have full stars where do i go lead the cops away from the warehouse okay so just go away oh holy [ __ ] okay here i go you'll never catch me you'll never do i have to evade them for two minutes that's gonna be tough actually this might actually be kind of tough it's a [ __ ] cap holy [ __ ] [Laughter] there they go here they go here they go come and get me your coppers you'll never [ __ ] get me you [ __ ] you'll never be able to catch me your sons are [ __ ] come and get me your motherfucks you'll never be able to catch me your sons are bastards come and shoot me you'll never be able to get me in a million years come and fight me try and get me you [ __ ] [ __ ] i got this i got this i got this i think they gave up oh [ __ ] that's army man that's an army man shooting at me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yes you man i avoided him for the whole time and then the stupid-ass army man just shot me with a pistol and that like knocked off my entire health bar the second you're like sitting still they all just focus fire on driving to the woods too much blood in the city streets well the trick is to just keep going you just need to you just need to keep going if you stop for like a second you one did plus one love made two so this is studio two with double the lord thank you jesse all right all right redo redo where the tunnel is [Applause] what if i go this way don't ever catch me this way dark souls thank you snail don't ram me don't ram me stop ramming me here's the tunnel yeah okay i am getting [ __ ] murdered why are they doing so much damage to me yeah this is a good way to go come donkey your back door is broken you should probably check that out the [ __ ] the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] yeah that i don't i don't i don't think the tunnel's gonna work i don't want to drive all the way back here grand theft auto give me a checkpoint okay anyway laswell i just wanted to make your viewers where the first international puppetry festival is next month at the fairgrounds the first international puppetry festival is happening dude it's going to be totally killer i wasn't aware that there was much demand for puppet shows these days oh man have you been living under a rock bro guys with puppets get chicks i take my monkey puppet to the park all the time we play hacky sack together it's but anyway dude at the international puppetry festival we'll be having workshops on finger puppets too i love petunia the pinkie me the thumbs up it's glove puppets dude it's gonna rock okay thanks by the way can you give me that guy fernando's number no i'm sorry fernando hasn't paid his bill to our ad all right all right now listen i need to focus here i need to focus and i need to not look at these [ __ ] they're already ready to kill no no no no no no no we're starting this mission the right way this time [ __ ] you [ __ ] you okay let's go here i go go go go go go go go go do not kill me do not kill me do not kill do not kill that cop just drove way off into the air did you guys see him drive off into the [ __ ] sky [Music] go go go go go i think i think i just need to drive around in this little circle to win i think that's the way to win oh [ __ ] but going up the sucks okay maybe not maybe that's not a good way that's too slow all right all right i'm off to a good start though i'm off to a good start [Music] so far i haven't taken a lot of damage all right here we go here we go i just need hills to go down what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did you do that you stupid little idiot what the [ __ ] was that look at him look at what what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] look at him go i'm not going in that tunnel i'm not going to of no no get off me little [ __ ] get away go up there there you go there you go go on that other side go on the other side these [ __ ] are crazy this is the craziest cops they could get look at the helicopters [Music] i got this i got this i got this under control i got this under control this is all under control right here you'll never get me you'll never ever give me oh i win this i win this it's just a straight shot from here no no no don't spin me out do not spin me out holy [ __ ] guy just t-boned me from at a mile million miles per hour go go go go i got this i got this i got this i got this boom all right only two more missions to go and the game is over the helicopters are air drifting you can't skip the pay phone missions no no no no you can you can skip to payphone missions that was my favorite mission of this game that was just a beautiful beautiful mission the d missions were optional what the d missions were optional what what the hell why that can't be real that cannot be real they stand for these are optional [Music] that was the hint that was the hint that they were optional [Music] [Laughter] latin stamina i'm quite exhausted we underestimated catalina's plans for spank it reaches far beyond the she's been hitting this guy for like four months the cartel have a front company the kappa coffee house they've been selling spanx through the street stalls we have no choice but to put these drug stands out of operation smash them to splinters all right all right here we go what did they even do to her i don't know i don't know anything i don't know i don't understand anything in this world i have to kill this kill [Laughter] all right where's the next one what what do i just have to find him there's no waypoint wait okay so you just have to find them yourself all right you guys be on the lookout yeah take that take that all right so it did like kind of mark it for me once i was in like the vicinity so maybe just drive around really fast and just hope that it marks one for me i guess that's what i'm doing you're calling me a punk ass [ __ ] have six minutes to find eight of them i don't know about this you guys i feel like every mission the game is just trying to one-up itself with like how [ __ ] stupid it is where what what tell me if you guys see the coffee stand there's got to be more down this island do you have to go around all three islands there's one [Music] day this is one of the last missions taking out coffee stands shouldn't i be like robbing a bank or doing like crazy [ __ ] shouldn't it be like really crazy stuff for the final mission not hit a coffee stand i really am five percent into this game [ __ ] [ __ ] i need a fast car i need a fast car this is fast let me in let me in leave me alone here i go here i go boom okay okay i think that's enough for this island right what did it say all espresso stalls in staunton island wrecked okay so i have to go to the other islands now [ __ ] i don't even know how to get to the other one i gotta go up to that big street whoa that was nice that was nice get out of the way okay okay here's the bridge here's the bridge i am never going to beat this this isn't gonna work this isn't gonna work this was a bad idea it worked it worked where's the coffee where's the coffee okay that that's dead i need this no no this is faster hold still jesus you ass okay give me this where's the coffee where's the coffee i only have two minutes does five does it mean i killed five or there's five more to kill i think i killed five they really did not place enough of these for this mission i gotta admit this is on fire that [Applause] arguably the best mission in the gta series what [ __ ] ass came up with the idea to just have you make to make you find all of them you just have to roam around and find them within a time limit what sick bastard i guess the time doesn't actually start until you hit the first one is this their dumb ass idea is the dumbass idea just find them all first are you supposed to find them all and then just speed run through let's do let's do that i think that's gonna work a lot better i don't remember any of them i don't remember a single thing okay oh we're gonna have to go over there maybe i should start on that island i should probably start on that island this mission is gonna take this is gonna be like a three-hour event just completing this one mission i i should have i should probably do just an entire stream dedicated to completing this one mission thank you dario all right so i found one two three four there's four of them here i think there's there's one dad there's at least one more here isn't there five on this island these are all kind of in a like a line so the next one should be somewhere up here oops five on the middle two on each other island there's only nine [Music] that's so [ __ ] up there's only one you can miss this game is evil this is an evil game go dancely far south for the last one all right all right whoa excuse me excuse me excuse me did i get it where is it over here maybe the other way maybe this way where you at coffee here it is all right well those are the middle ironman ones now we gotta go find the ones on the other island this is a 10 hour mission all right let's go to the other end and now and scope those ones out this is a good strategy i've developed at least the strategy actually does work and then i just have to hope that my car doesn't blow up like it did last time what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that where are you turning where are you turning you [ __ ] ass you piece of [ __ ] taxi where are you even going the ai just does the craziest [ __ ] driving in this game they'll just go oh i'm doing a u-turn out of nowhere [ __ ] you i'm driving off of a bridge now [ __ ] it oh okay there's one there's one there maybe in the northern part of this [Music] all right these are these two now this is the question do i start the mission now or do i go all the way to the other island scope them out i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go all the way to the other island and scope them out i don't want to make i don't want to have any risk of not winning this i want to mitigate all risk from this [ __ ] abomination of a mission i want a zero percent chance of failure what is that what are you trying to do you [ __ ] ass driver they do crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] i needed that car but it didn't start yet i have time to find a better car let's wait until i find a good car how is this this looks fast give me this now please do not kill me do not kill do not kill me do not no do why are there three cops on me with one star one star is not supposed to be three cops that's not right i cannot die i cannot die during this mission i will be so sad okay okay here's one and then the other one was it was up the road this way is this eight this is already eight we'll start from here though i feel like this is safer to start from here all right all right who is the [ __ ] [ __ ] shooting at me i hate this game this is the worst video game gta 3 is the worst video game gta 3 is the worst video game humans have made this is the worst video game that you can buy never play this never play this game this is the worst game this is the worst game ever created by humans never play this [ __ ] game dribbled up by the sound of things winter was invented by clothing companies clothes are unnecessary they're ugly this is hell this game is hell this game is hell this is the game you play when you go to hell a better remaster of this game would have just been instead of starting the game it's just a black screen and you can't actually play the game i'm beating this mission oh i'm beating this you think i'm quitting on that one no no no i'm beating this mission unless i lose one more time then i will never beat this and you know what i'm just starting it i'm just starting it from here i'm not even scoping it out damn you can't even heal your car all right some [ __ ] guys shooting at me already here i go here i go i'm going for it i'm going for it i'm going for it this looks fast i want this give me this all right here we go now i got my good song on this is how i win boom go go go [Music] okay now i just got to go over the bridge i got this i got this i got this jesus [Music] go go go go go go [Music] [Music] all right all right here we go where the [ __ ] were the other ones [Music] i think this was the most this was the northernmost one right maybe goddammit how is it how is it still alive there [Music] that was the mars that was the most northern one every other one is to the south of this [Music] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] mission go go go [Music] okay there's one there's two of them okay good go go go go go go go boom [ __ ] [ __ ] give me this i need this i need this i need this is there one more on this island how many have i get i've hit six i've hit six i need one more i need one more on this pine island i know where the two on the other island are i think so i'll just hit one here and then go to the other island oh wait i've hit six already okay here's one hit this one and then go to the next island i got this i got this i got this boom two more two more let's go southeast corner go to the next island go to the next island okay i'm going to the next island i'm going to the next time okay this mission is hell i can't believe they just they just keep one-upping themselves with a more [ __ ] up mission than the latest it doesn't feel like it should be possible but they just keep doing it somehow oh god go go go go go i got this i got this us us okay you are an ass you are an ass i got three minutes three minutes to hit two coffee stands and the [ __ ] bridge is going up okay okay this is [ __ ] up this game is so [ __ ] up simpsons hitting run looks good now go steel bar no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] this this thing is fast enough go now the last one is to the north the last one is like up to the north i have this i have this now knowing this game once i beat this part of the mission then i'll have to fight 300 people on foot again 400 400 people on foot this is it this is it you guys this is it 50 seconds left all the time in the world all the time in the world yes i did it i did it oh my god i did it i did it i did it i did it i win i win i wish i win the stupid game the stupid [ __ ] game whoever made that mission shame on you shame on you for coming up with that there's thank you ben your dad made that mission shame on your dude shame on your [ __ ] dude hey dear dude how can we make this [ __ ] how can you make [ __ ] like this thank you doodle that mission would have been fine if it just told you where they were that you've been streaming more you're hilarious and very fun to watch what did that really add to the mission by making you find them thank you quirkless we [Music] oh i got 160 bucks for that for doing a cool stunt all right here we are the final mission of the game final mission right find this is it the final mission this mission will be 10 at least 10 times harder than that last one go get armor yeah that's a good idea is this next one a shooting mission you are so funny duckney i watch all your video thank you burt i'm surprised by i'm i was surprised that there wasn't that many shooting missions in this game it's mostly driving missions it is it is good that they were aware of how [ __ ] ass the shooting is in this game [Music] if this whole game was shooting missions that i don't know the best part is just the driving but they were also did put in a lot of boat missions they put in probably 10 more boat missions than should have been in this i'm gonna lose all my weapons no no i'm not gonna lose all my weapons do we tighten it someone now or just wait for it turn black and fall off give it a quick prod oh what is that gooey yellow stuff hey babe my handyman i was bored so i came over to keep a secret company she's got the makings of a natural this girl she's managed to extract this little gem from our guest there's a plane coming in to francis international in two hours time it is full of catalina's poison you can avoid airport security by getting a boat out to the runway light buoys and shooting the plane down on its approach collect the cargo from the debris and stash it oh you be careful now okay baby now try the chili oil find the boat oh oh good hey oh man good morning give me the boat get me in that dumb boat get me in this dumb boat i'm ready for the dumb boat mission that will be terrible okay get a rocket launcher all right here we go get to the marker don't worry guys this is the final mission of the game then i win the game wait use the rocket launcher to shoot the plane down where is it am i not at the right place you have to wait look at how far up it is wait a literal minute here comes i see it i see it here it comes here comes i win did i win did i win now i gotta get the cargo okay helicopter is shooting at me shoot that guy there's a guy way up there shoot that okay all right all right here we go here we go i got this i got this i got this don't worry you guys i win this i got this i got this i win this i win this now i just gotta grab the packages and i win and grand theft auto 3 is over just grab these boom boom get these uh-huh yep all right now i just gotta go back to the construction site okay go over there simple it's as simple as that now is this gonna work yes please stop please stop please stop shooting at my boat no stop that stop i hate this i hate this game i hate this game i hate this that's not good that's not good game that's not good game wait you can [ __ ] drive oh god damn it oh god damn i didn't know you could drive if i knew you could drive i would have driven the boat is the absolute last resort in the world of gta when somebody is really desperate when they're really at the end of the rope they go i'm going in the boat this mission is so [ __ ] up i'm actually going in the boat that's when you know that they're serious i'm actually using the boat this time let's go my getaway car no my plan [Laughter] [ __ ] i have to shoot the plane again oh god i hope that isn't impossible i hope i didn't just get insanely lucky somehow i did get really lucky and hitting it oh no oh no all right here he comes here he comes look we can snipe this guy while we're waiting what there all right here comes the plane here he comes [Music] controller battery is low uh oh oh right here he comes this is like the dark souls 3 of gta 3 games thank you counter this game as hell hit hit hit it hit it did i hit it did i hit it i hit it i hit it i did it the cargo is all over the [ __ ] ocean now oh god damn it oh god damn it no no we're not doing this we're not doing this get the [ __ ] out of here okay come on [ __ ] the packages change depending on where you blow the airplane up i thought that [ __ ] was scripted go go way up there i don't want any possibility of touching this water okay okay this is going good this is going good so far boom boom okay okay here we go here we go now we just gotta snipe these guys okay okay here comes a helicopter hit shoot that guy i got this i got this i got this under control okay here we go here we go here we go this one dish let's win this [ __ ] game five stars this is gonna be interesting that could have ended it right there that could okay i'm still going all right here we go here we go there's helicopters there's no way you can actually drive the helicopter though all right here we go here we go this is not the right way back come back all right all right here we go here we go jesus okay here come the cops oh [ __ ] it's like special fbi cops or some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this why do they have special cars why am i dead already this is hell this is hell [ __ ] i should go to the paint thing right i should just go paint i can make it i can make it i can make it i can make it [Music] stop stop spinning me out stop spinning me out don't spit me out don't spit me out let no no no no no crash into a tree crash into a tree i got this i got this i got this i got this i got this i have this i have this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i have this i have this i have this paint the car paint the car paint the car and that's how you beat the game and that's how you beat a stupid [ __ ] game there it is there it is the game is completed thank you everybody for watching grand theft auto 3 completed slightly i don't know i don't know how i'd rank this against donkey kong 64. it feels like it was made by the same people no you guys it's over so rap beat the game that was the final mission i beat the whole game that was the final mission i'm gonna bring this back and they're gonna say congratulations roll credits uh oh leave leave leave the car leave the car i got this i got this all right [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this is just i just have to drive there without dying there's nobody trying to kill me even i just have to get to the location without dying here here it is i win i beat the game i beat the game i won game complete thanks for watching everybody game complete what is this the [ __ ] was it okay one more mission now this is the true final mission catalina took his girlfriend i didn't get that at all this game has a very weird story all right i'm going to see all right i can explain this i can explain the storyline nevada basically you pull a bank heist but then your girlfriend betrays you she shoots you so then the police so you got shot so the police arrest you but then you're in the same car with a mafia boss so they blow up the armored transport and then you escape and then and then you do missions for the mafia boss but he also betrays you so then you kill him so then you start working for the yakuza but then eventually the bathroom man gets involved i didn't i forget how he was involved at all he didn't really seem like he made sense in the story at all to be honest he's felt very shoehorned in so and then that guy was in yeah that guy was a cop he was like a crooked cop and then you were doing doing missions for him for no reason and then there was like a real estate guy that was like trying to start a gang war and then you did like a trillion missions for him and then your girlfriend shows up now i have to go kill her that's pretty much it oh yeah and phil phil phil dies uh about 700 times all right that's the story oh yeah i was a maid man i forgot about that part at one point i was a maid man for about one mission i was a maid man and then instantly they tried to kill me this sub is brought to you by amazon amazon immortality is within our grasp thank you amazon for bringing this stream to everyone thank you caesar all right here it is let's beat this dumb game one of these idiots the real question is did you turn up to rescue maria or to get me back well i got news for you shooting you will be a pleasure but then you was only business you are muy pequenito amigo throw over the cash you have been a busy boy but you haven't learned i'm not to be trusted kill the idiot well that was the obvious oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] who's shooting me you i have a better gun now shoot you oh he fell he fell down what do i do what do i do get catalina where where is she is she in the big house go in the garage this is the final mission is that her armor do i get a chaser now is she out here you have to find her on the other islands wait wait a minute there she is follow the chopper to find her okay is this is this right where is he going there she is she's over there i'm going in i'm going in all right here i go here i go okay here i go here i go wow it took all my weapons i have all the shittiest guns now for this mission here i come this is a very very exciting mission [Laughter] oh i get the sniper boom boom you're out of there look at this guy he's trying to hide boom you're dead you're out of there look at this dumb guy boom you're out of there oh look at this guy look at this guy but oh is he hit he's out of there he's out of there oh [ __ ] out of him oh [ __ ] oh yeah there's a time limit oh no no no no don't try to face me don't try to face me got him who's shooting who's shooting who's shooting is it who's shooting this guy [ __ ] i'm out of bolts there she is oh no oh no she's getting away she's getting away jesus christ that's that's a kill this is the dumbest [ __ ] game this is the dumbest [ __ ] game of all time what the [ __ ] is this game all right get this thing at least it started me at the mansion this is probably the nicest checkpoint in the whole game [Music] i wonder if i can just go and go to the gun store and buy all guns no i guess not probably not enough time with the timer let's see there's not even a gun store on this island [Music] uh [Music] man there's got to be some way there's got to be somebody that i can just drive off of this and just land on the woman just bypass this entire level and just drive a truck under can i just get the sniper rifle and sniper all right give me the good gun give me the good guns all right i got this i got this in the bag this time there i should just be able to sniper over there drive all right i'll try driving on outside give me this sniper and that's why you don't get in the car and that's why you never never get in the car and that's why you don't ever get in a stupid-ass car i'm going to kill you i'm going to kill you all right here we go again round 10 round 10 of the greatest mission i will have a breath in my body and hope in my soul all right here we go here we go here we go [ __ ] look at that i should just be able to drive off i should just be able to drive off a huge ramp and then land on the roof i can't see [ __ ] the rain is killing the ps5 cannot handle this ps5 cannot handle these incredible graphics okay oh god that was almost a death that was almost a death all right it stopped raining now here i go here i go you only get six snipers i thought i got more than that last time all right this is good this gun is good all right give me that gun that guy's dead that guy's somebody's shooting me who's shooting me who's shooting you i got one sniper rifle shot left i don't understand who's shooting me i hear him shooting but i don't see him shooting there he is are you dead are you dead okay here we go now this guy boom i take him out like that this guy he's out of there the [ __ ] recoil is so crazy okay now this guy's gonna drive me over in the car again watch out for the drive guy trying to drive me over boom he's out of there he's out of there the [ __ ] is happening the [ __ ] is happening the helicopter is dropping bombs on me is that what's happening you're dead okay i have this i have this i have this i have this i have this he lit me on fire he let me on fire that guy's dead that guy's dead i only have 40 health [ __ ] i might not win this i may not win this i'm out of bullets give me the sniper she doesn't know shoot her head off what the [ __ ] what is this game who makes this game why do they make this game like this that's the wrong person whatever just end it just roll credits he kills the wrong person roll credits don't make me play more that's a good ending to me the story is a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] anyway whatever that's a good ending just have phil come back bring phil back all right this time i'm gonna do it and i'm gonna shoot the right person let's see see if i get the alternate ending where he shoots the right person i already lost a ton of health though wait here's guns oh that gun fell to the floor in a row wow thank you okay you how do i do the tank cheat code i want to spawn in a tank me oh she's on fire i'm gonna beat this whole game but just use cheats on this one final mission i beat the whole thing fair and square but this one i'll just cheat right at the end excuse me sir do you enjoy your job here okay i have the shittiest gun okay shot his head off holy [ __ ] this sucks okay give me the gun give me the gun thank you i will say the only game with worse aiming than this is actually the original version of this game this is hell this is hell just trying to aim at someone in this all right i got the sniper maybe i should save the sniper for the harder part yeah i don't get any ammo shoot that guy shoot that guy [Music] that guys did all right i got this i got this don't worry you guys i win this i win this game oh all their guns are despawning okay okay see the problem this gun is stronger the m16 is stronger but you have this [ __ ] dog [ __ ] aiming hold still hold still oh god i'm not falling for that i'm not falling for that trick i already saw where that was gonna go oh no okay he's out of there he's out of there boom okay that guy's dead the guns are really accurate they're really accurate it's just impossible to aim them oh [ __ ] okay somehow that worked somehow that worked i hate that i hate that i hate that shitty helicopter where is that thing that took off so much health that took off all my armor and all my health that was dog [ __ ] where's that shitty helicopter i'm gonna shoot it down it's invincible it's invincible i'm dead i'm dead i have this i have this the [ __ ] is shooting me what the [ __ ] is you are a piece of [ __ ] game you are the worst game you are one of the worst games of all time this is the worst shooting game ever created this is the worst shooting in a game there is not a video game with worse shooting than this game if bubsy had guns bubsy would have better shooting than this here we go again at least i have a hundred health now this time and i think i understand the stupid [ __ ] helicopter thing oh man this is bad this is how this game is just back-to-back l missions now all right you guys i have a feeling that this is the one grab a supercar and jump over the fence that's what i'm thinking i think that is how you do this i'm gonna give that a shot i played bubsy with guns for the dream cast bubsy with guns on dreamcast what is it called it's just called bubsy with guns what are we give me this is some slow ass cars give me a fast car i need a fast car you dumb game give me a good car spawn me in a good car now these suck these suck ass [ __ ] [ __ ] it [ __ ] i'm out of here i'm out of here give me a good car give me a good car give me a funny car give me a really funny fast car give me like a really crazy car that i can jump over the whole level oh that one that one that one here i go here i go all right i got a better plan i got a better plan what the [ __ ] no no come back come back it despawned wait there's another one there's a blue one don't worry you guys don't worry have a plan i have a plan give me this give me this okay here we go now we need a good song to do this or it won't work all right here we go now where do i need to land this will work this will work [Music] this will work this will work this will work this will work this will work this will work this might actually work stupid-ass game brother stupid ass game [ __ ] grand theft auto why is the shotgun in health down here all right now i'm in trouble i'm gonna have to do a speed run i only have one minute left [ __ ] hey all right that plan did not work that plan really misfired that plan was a big [ __ ] disaster all right here we go this is the one this is the one this is the one i'm out of bullets shoot him shoot him please how do you miss with auto a mine you [ __ ] [ __ ] claude you [ __ ] dick the aiming in this game is so bad you mess with auto a man use the cars no that's a beginner's trip cars are a beginner's trip i did use the car once that didn't go very good maybe if i piss the police off they'll go in there and they'll fight liberty [Music] all right here we go here we go this time this is the one i got a good feeling on this one i got a good feeling on this one for some reason i feel like this one will actually work all right all right load it up blow that up we gotta take all precautions here boom that guy's dead that's the deadest guy snipe disk snipe that guy okay i got the m16 shoot this man we're gonna line this guy up just right okay he's dead boom boom that guy's dead that guy's dead okay i should be able to hit this guy he's very far away i don't know how the bullet spread works no that's not happening all right here comes the helicopter part i have to dodge this helicopter or i lose all my health oh [ __ ] in the truck i forgot about the truck oh god oh god oh god here he comes bombing run okay he blew up the truck he blew up the truck okay that worked out that worked out shoot this man he's dead i got this i got this here's a guy here comes a guy he's dead that guy's dead i got this i got this this this dumb guy this dumb guy shoot that guy shoot this shoot this [ __ ] helicopter i have this i have this i have this in the bag i have this in the bag swap to the ak faster lock on okay don't shoot the lady this time i have this i have this i have this i have this in the bag i have this in the bag what do you do now what do you do now rocket launcher okay here we go here we go i only got three shots with it this is so dumb this is so dumb direct hit direct hit direct hit shoot that piece of [ __ ] it's dead it's dead it's dead i beat the game residents in cedar grove have been coming to terms with the emotional aftermath of a full-blown war that hit the area yesterday [Music] local resident clive denver described to police a single gunman that he saw fleeing the scene with a dark-haired woman we're gonna have such fun because you know i love you i i really do because you're such a big strong man and that's just what i mean anyway what was i saying you know i forget but you know what it's like don't you the sound of explosion shook nearby homes as people ran for cover several citizens were injured in the panic as gunfire was exchanged between ground forces and a helicopter circling the dam yeah we got a good view from down here in the gardens when the finally got taken out better than the fireworks on the 4th of july with the death toll already over 20 police are still finding bodies there have been no official denials concerning rumors that the dead were members of the colombian cartel and still no leads as to the cause of the massacre i broke a nail and my hair is ruined i mean can you believe it this one cost me 50. wait wait that's what i did that's what i did i should have won i should have won [Laughter] well there's grand theft auto 3. [Music] there it is i feel like they did not play the missions i feel like this is actually the first time somebody is playing the missions [Music] here we are how many years later this is the first time somebody's actually played the missions on the game [Music] vice city is vice city better than this i feel like vice city has got to be like at least 10 times better look at the npcs they're getting in a fight it's been a long time since i played my city do vice city has a lot more shooting missions yeah i remember that i feel like vice city had less like [ __ ] missions though right here's the helicopter i remember that shitty helicopter mission was really annoying i'll play it i'll play by city eventually we'll see we'll see how it holds up it can't be any more [ __ ] up than this one i feel like at least two-thirds of the missions in this game were hell this game just had so many hell missions that one where i had to find all the coffee stains the [ __ ] driving that trying to get that guy's truck into the factory what the hell was that is this the hardest game ever made no but it is one of the most frustrating ever made this is the worst game you have ever seen oh my god this is the worst game mark has ever seen gta 6 you play as phil oh wow that'll be a big twist that'll be a nice call back to this gta 3 that everyone loves so much all right well thanks for watching everybody that's grand theft auto 3 go back you
Channel: WaLter .NO
Views: 120,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wAiIM5bhDho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 320min 47sec (19247 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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