Dunkey Streams The Simpsons: Hit and Run

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so radical oops i put the wrong game does it ever change it doesn't seem like it ever changes it hey guys yo donkey okay billionaires [Music] i'm just watching the simpsons [Music] i want this game hey i'm endorsing a new cola kids and this one isn't poisonous to anybody that we know of new and improved buzz cola is made from only the finest sugars and waters plus it has a special ingredient too hot for the fda it'll give you the get up and go you need to do all the pathetic stuff you have to do try new improve buzz cola [Music] i gotta get some of that buzz cola thank you your car local man ruins hot dog eating contest ninety percent of video games start with an easy tutorial level all right player one uh homer i mean homer use the directional button or left analog stick to move around this is called walking press the x button to jump and hold down the circle button to run anytime you're in the air hit jump again to get a little extra push got it thank you bart i just hope this is good like the family guy game should i talk i'm gonna go explore first before i talk to marge love this i know what a coin is but cool surprise the game is too quiet how about that oh you can double jump okay oh you got a ground pound look at that oh that's nice oh you got some kind of jump kick here we go oh you can sprint okay kick kicking is on the table there are a bunch of these scattered in each level little surprises are hidden inside each one be sure to come back again to see if there's something you missed okay oh man this is like the time when i played family guys game at jeff goldblum's house i'll get that get that homer get that get that get that homework get homer get that homer no homer get hey come on now i touched it simpson's on a tuesday dude you are amazing much love donkey happy thank you robert thank you man yeah this game is pretty good i like to play all the games like family guy and simpsons homer won't get this card though he's kind of dumb do i have to like hit a butt oh oh huh okay this l1 does this r1 does this get a nice look at homer here all right don't you guys don't that's what homelessness in that situation thank you nerd and live breaker and wario thank you everybody that i missed i'm getting really wrapped up in the simpsons revenge dreams or we ride beaver ball revenge stream i don't know if my computer can handle that now what's this thing oh thank you k billion for the bones what episode is this from oh that kills homer okay thank you porky do the couch gig yeah that's true thank you bray ghosh you can go inside certain buildings by pressing the triangle button why did i agree to do this stupid tutorial it is so boring all right couch gig you can't jump in the house all right that was my couch gig oh he's got xbox gonna get that xbox hey i'm lost [Music] what all right so i thought you could go to the whole house in this one i guess you can only go in the living room kick marge all right don't worry that should heal fast dang we got press the triangle button to get into the car and don't take all day this is the tutorial she's hit and run wait this is illegal and so it begins wait what'd i do oh [Music] huh i died okay here's marge they told me to told me somebody ate every dessert in the house i need you to run to the store and pick up some of that ice cream with the miniature pie hello dungo well it must have been one of our kids probably milhouse milhouse isn't one of his kids piece of cake freaking homer okay homeboy get the [ __ ] out of here bart press the x button to accelerate and use the left analog stick button to steer the circle button is your break in reverse and the square button is your handbrake you know just like every driving game ever all right gotta go to the store now dreams version is better you like the dreams friction all right i'm doing good into the oh this is fun wow i haven't played this in so long do not press means pressed right away oh [Music] nobody knows why these things have turned up all over springfield they always seem to turn up whenever something exciting happens i don't know what they are but violence is always an appropriate response in the face of the unknown that's true boom i got a lot of money now look at this oh collector cards hidden all over springfield find the other ones and sweet reward is yours for the taking if you want to take a closer look at the cards you can see them in the pause menu and don't get your stinky fingers on them fatty hey [ __ ] you bart thank you g-man bouncy bouncy what was that up in there i saw something up there how do i go first person wow this is a lot fancier than the family guy game this has like a whole open world and everything family guy can learn something from this game look at this turn on big head marge instead of chi oh i'm staring like a candy rabbit all right here i am in our poo store hey he's got a dude in here my metabolism has been slowed by frozen peas my metabolism has been slowed by frozen peas my metabolism has been slowed by frozen peas is it the future yet freezer burn on my beard is it the future yet thank you burn oh look they have larry the looter and celebrity at hot autopsy i know that word hey give me a cola and i need another bucket of ice cream with mini [Music] you with many pies your wife bought this morning oh i probably ate it i don't remember stuff too good thank you rich congratulations homer this is an easy mission to start the next mission oh look at this what's this money how nice we can oh there's different outfits it's kind of like mario odyssey you ramrod oh homer chosen one costume oh mama right that's interesting thank you big yoshi and mushroom all right we gotta drive home wait what's the pay phone for what's the point of the pay phone oh you can get different cars okay yeah what do you guys like better gta or this i feel like this is a little better a little more high quality the driving is kind of wacky i have road rage and i know how to use it i'm home homie lisa left for school without her science project can you get it to her no do i have to you can drop it off on the way to work and i have to go to work there's a restaurant on your street called donkey chicken legit this is better than gta 3 and cyberpunk rushing time huh turn the game up how about that [Music] yeah probably i'll probably be doing one like that oh here we go wait i'm racing this guy this is a say i'm race wait a minute that was an insult here we go here we go [Music] go home and go oh it's church here we go here we go boom lisa need braces thank you for the classic a classic joke where's lisa thanks for bringing me my model of the digestive system hey where's the gallbladder i got hungry and it was a fig it was modeling clay oh by the way dad mom called she says she needs to talk to you at home before you go to work thank you lopez and thrashy hey look it's this guy what's his name ralph he came out oh shouldn't you be in class leave me alone i'm calibrating the protractors please i'm busy installing asbestos right now go to shelbyville and steal me some math books can't kick lisa shouldn't you be in class all right i gotta call marge oh what's this dice what does that mean dice homemade you need to really put the hammer down and drive you can always enter these time trial rates gunky possums cost a little to enter but they have a mucho dinero payoff oh should i do this love you dunk scooby-dooby-doo i could beat this thank you ingram here i go here i go let's see youtube [ __ ] this isn't good this isn't a good time oh here i go here i go i'm winning i'm winning this map is a lot more detailed than grand theft auto back in the day this car sure can take a beating hidden toner oh look at this oh this is crazy look at this get out my way get out my way this is a time trial i do like the grand theft auto driving though a lot better i don't know how i feel about this driving are these the same guys that did simpsons road rage that was like a knockoff crazy taxi wasn't it here we go here we go oh what the hell come on go go go i gotta win this money do i get enough time still this is a huge ass man i think i'm getting a bit close to getting back i think i'm gonna win i think i'm winning i think i'm going back to the school right i'm gonna win this is where the school was [Music] i'm gonna win i'm gonna win right go go go go go go oh no i don't have any time left i don't have any time left no no i'm right here i'm right here i'm right here i'm right here wait no wait i did it no wait i won no wait i won that was the school i won no no i won oh wait there's the finish line there's the finish line there's the finish line i will i win i'm good at symptoms i'm very good at symptoms now how do i fix this car can i use this uh [ __ ] that wasn't part of the deal can i use this pay phone yeah can you come and get me i'll pay you in back rubs okay i gotta fix this car somehow oh get a wrench okay wow this is cool what is this rail forester race here's how this works milhouse nelson and ralph run a series of races around town complete all the races and you unlock a new vehicle well thank you bubba what are you waiting for yo i love family guy taxi [ __ ] you ralph i all right where's the wrench you can run over little kids in this it's more advanced than uh you can't even do that in grand theft auto oh he does kind of dive out of the way oh i got him there we go now where's the wrench oh i thought i could go through there thank you guys there's a wrist there's a wrench boom oh it fixes it all the way that's nice i just want to go around the town and see all the little areas can i go in here i cannot believe the gta ripped off this beloved game yeah it is pretty [ __ ] up that the gta ripped off i don't know this is like this is for some reason parts of this are better than gta this is a simpsons game all right what's over here nothing thank you mish oh look it's grandpa simpson he's invincible okay i do like that they didn't have an animation wait no there is an animation okay there is an enter the car animation except if you're on the roof then you just you just zoom in okay i think i got an idea here what does that mean what do you say oh i gotta fight this bee i'm getting a lot of money what did that do does that fix the car if i just touch the wrench's home go get a homer skin yeah i will i will i'm thinking about going for moo moo homer who's better between peter griffin and homer simpson well it's a close call they're both very powerful peter guy can fight that chicken remember when he fought that chicken mama go talk to ned flanders he seems miffed and peeled why me i'm the world's greatest neighbor i even have a mug to that effect go outside go to the flanders house and talk to ned okay hey ned i'm all in a dither homer so many of my possessions have disappeared i called the police to find the culprit culprit my lawnmower my cooler my lawn chair a family portrait even rod's inhaler what kind of sick individual would take this stuff oh no i borrowed all of flanders stuff quick think of an excuse to get out of here uh excuse me i think i have to go shut some corn homer you don't gotta go shut corn thank you dumb dumb and crashing collect all six of ned's lost items into your vehicle wait did homer like take ned's [ __ ] and just put it all over the town is that what the mission is right now why isn't that just in the house flanders tuxedo why did homer take flandish tuxedo and put it in a different why did he put it here homer you ass homer why did you take ned flanders lawn mower and move it way the [ __ ] over here what were you what talk to barney oh he's trading it to other people he's taking that stuff and trading it hey barney uh you remember that cooler i gave you for your birthday well flanders wants it back now what will i use for a toilet uh-oh okay hey torture where did from here put the flanders family portrait oh you put it over here of course in the driveway classic [Laughter] why did he put his inhaler on top of the dumpster oh the duck truck this is dumber than the time that homer put this rods inhaler on top of the duff truck how to return this stuff before the cops find me sitting around talking to myself i'm a lean mean speed thingy go home and go the cops don't really care if you just slam into somebody look i found your missing stuff now about the reward thanks neighbor rooney here's your reward a prayer from the lord's number one fan our father in heaven bless these noble oath stupid flanders getting happiness from religion look at this crazy right over here can i get in here sneak in here homer i have an idea i have an idea look at this all right that didn't work it was like when i got here all right that didn't seem like that would work but uh that worked up okay there's nothing really here oh you can sprint that's true lois i'm home i'm home again you know where he's homer cause he's at home that'll be a hundred dollars to be a hundred dollar joke he's got hot wheels homie you're late for work and today's your workplace evaluation with mr smithers you'll find my scorpion farm then where will my scorpions live only one person can help me lenny thank you k billion for a hundred dollars thank you back hey i found my lost nachos drive to the krusty burger by the cemetery i thought i was supposed to go to work we're starting to master the driving nothing lasts forever the frame rate is really wacky though churro no time tell me where to find mr smithers yeah i think i saw him at the kwik-e-mart more breakfast churros for lenny what's this guy in the middle with a little more junk in the trunk if i'm gonna take him out i wonder if barney still has the plow king to complete this mission you will need the plow king purchase it from barney at the gasoline station for 150 coins barney give me that goddamn plow king barney can i borrow the plow king take what you want sexy leprechaun just don't shoot me with that dart gun oh whatever what the [ __ ] thank you destroy smithers car before he gets to the power plant oh if you ever feel like getting a new set of wheels and you're not picky just talk to old gil he's always got a couple crack boxes to sell all right where's my plow king car jared is janice yeah [ __ ] you jerkish [Music] coming through excuse me oh [ __ ] police are mad at me test complete what did i do i gotta kill the smithers busted no i'm not busted wait the mission is still happening huh all right i guess you can get busted during the mission okay i gotta take smithers out dang daddy give it up give it up give it up give it up man give it up smithers i don't know about this part of the game you guys don't know about this okay now i gotta go to work [Music] we did it we beat smith no this is not a strand type this is a driving type game ow my neck oh this is a rough part of town i have road rage and i know how to use it eat deer oh look at this you can drive through the barn you can drive to the little barn here shortcut well they announce homer for smash to know probably i think that's what people are expecting okay i gotta drive into the work now okay like this is that's right just don't seem right it's just am i doing it right how much got a big work area this is mr burns's house okay where the [ __ ] did i just go i think i just went the wrong way times a million stone cutters hidden toner okay i'm gonna go back through the whole hidden toner i just want to know when to burn stealth mission is coming up do i go through this go through here this it looks like i'm supposed to go here i'm here i'm at work here's work how can i sleep with that camera oh sexy girls could be watching me on the internet stupid cameras you should be smashed i'll destroy you at your power source blind big brother destroy all the power couplings before time runs out it's crashing time what is this little brick here oh he just does that to hold down the lever oh this is a platforming level now okay stupid like a fox here we go here we go what's this dude i'm almost done with this already i really thought i would need a lot of time for this one [ __ ] marge will clean this mess up later this is easy look at the shardy worms freaking so good at the simpsons games i'm one of the best players of this all the different simpsons games how does this work now oh what the [ __ ] oh i'm doing it i'm doing it ah [ __ ] off god damn it chest pain having chest pains do not press means press right away dinghy goes up i can do this i can get the secret card i'm an extremely skilled simpsons player wait you gotta go this way all right here i go here i go oh they made this [ __ ] up on purpose look at this oh here we go here we go boom there it is there it is i can sell this on the internet nice the carbon rod how does he's playing mario's finally playing off mindless drones return to your ugly families no i didn't unlock peter yet oh oh okay i can't leave now homer steel bart what are you saying what does that mean what does that mean how do i swap cars the plow king is too slow for me oh it has higher speed but slower acceleration okay i see steel bart now you can't steal bart you don't do that what do you guys you guys don't know how this is he doesn't steal bart bart is already his son why does he need to steal bart it doesn't make sense i'm not gonna steal bart how am i playing this very carefully that'll be a hundred dollar joke too 100 dunk [Music] this is good i'm good at drowning i'm not gonna steal bart enough with the stealing bar enough of it i don't ever want to see i listen i know you guys will listen if i say this i don't want anybody to say steel bart anymore i know if i say that nobody will say it anymore i know how to game the system of twitch chat i've been around i've been around a couple times i know how to get people to stop saying so nobody say steal bart anymore why does flanders have this in his backyard what is this why why is he in a bomb shelter now why can't i get this card over here look at this homer access this card you ass oh here we go boom there we go oh look at this you can see inside bart's room he has a crusty poster wow maybe i can steal this is extremely advanced nobody's ever tried this before oh my middle skull what is he doing why does he keep ramming into this what an ass oh cutscene here we go cartoon creator incarcerated in a peruvian jail in other news local citizens are outraged over the discovery of surveillance cameras throughout the town we go now to city hall where mayor quimby is feeling questions from an angry mob these miniature cameras are an outrage spying on our women's dressing rooms bathrooms and locker rooms is unforgivable i think i speak for all springfielders when i say where is the sexy footage in other unexplained news strange black vans have been appearing all over town marge that black van is spying on us oh homie you're so sexy when you're paranoid what the [ __ ] what why did she say that that's not right that's not right to the simpsons oh i gotta follow the van go home and go trailing mission very good driver don't get too close i don't think that matters hey he just destroyed that person i'm pretty sure i could just crash into this van and still win oh we went through he went through the barn the classic i'm gonna hit him and see what happens oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait oh wait okay i'm still good homer go [Music] dude go a lean mean speed thingy watch it buddy i am evil homer i am evil homer i got this i got this what do you do better when do i unlock the motorcycle oh mr burns is behind all this evil spying is so like him that wrinkled old monkey skeleton everyone sucks but me drive to the grocery store okay tickling my feet learn to drive dumbass get the secret vehicle what's the secret vehicle there's merge hey marge mr burns is spying on everybody we've got to follow him not now homer a new violent video game has hit the streets and we need to get rid of it before it warps any children with its bloops and bleeps but that game sounds awesome and therefore should be destroyed again hit the delivery truck and collect the bone storm games before time oh bone storm bonestorm is coming out [ __ ] you truck [ __ ] bonestorm please don't there we go drop more copies of marge shut up you told me to crash into this thing she told me to crash into the truck and now she's oh my god marge you told me to crash wait you're driving the car she's actually the one driving come on get one more bone storm one more bone storm did he run out okay i think he ran out i just gotta go back and get the old copies that fell on the floor he definitely had a lot more than 10 though this is a really weird where'd it go huh okay that one i lost yeah nice try i lost expensive i'm the first player to beat family guy game and simpsons game get the racket car how do you get the rocket car don't be happy oh if only kids would play more video games about sharing marge you know i have poor crazy plans now if you'll excuse me i have to go spy on my boss cops i've completed a mission you can't arrest me anymore it's on the map oh look at this you can select missions the fair and the furious i'm still on level one story missions there's only seven i'm about to beat this game look at this i'm about to beat this game already i'm good at this game i'm about to win already look at that 30 complete wow i've only been playing for like 10 minutes i only found 9 out of 15 gags though wow pretty good oh wow i even got the crab oh it explains what it's from this is like the spiderman ps1 game this is from episode 8f 13. huh what does that mean season eight episode 13 what is af the pet project homer is forced to abandon so he can work on his magic bit and i got i don't remember this the city when given a choice between crab juice and a certain sugary soft drink homer chooses the crab juice unfortunately there's no nearby bathroom i don't remember that these are like deep undercover secret jokes deep space homer homer's craved his rival the inanimate carbon rod first beat him out for employee of the month dang i don't remember that i'm not a fake fan i've seen simpson now the carbon right that's just the classic that's just from the intro no i'm a fan i know i know i know simpson mm-hmm no i'm a big simpson fan the sun is bart how would i know that if i'm not a big fan uh give me back to the come back to this let's roll i like this car better than mr plough i know what mr plow is from that's the one where homer gets a plow called mr plan please don't do [ __ ] how many coins can you buy in this game singing another song mr plow that's my name my name again is mr plan see now explain that if i don't know simpsons okay around town you'll probably run into a few people i like to call losers maybe they need a ride or maybe they need help whatever the point is once you've helped them out they will be available to help drive your lazy butt around where's this guy hey i know you you're in my dumb guy support group mind if i borrow your truck for a while no can do mr fancy blue pants i've gotten to finish up my daily chores or else brandine ain't making her muskrat pie tonight fine i'll help you with your hillbilly chores you help me bring in this season's harvest and i'll take you anywheres you be needing to go first most i want you to go to the gas station get me some of those cardio board tubes you know them i'm gonna build me some indoor plumbing when you finish with that knock down all them tobacco plants so the youngins can clean them up for market what is this [ __ ] this is the hardest mission in the whole world [ __ ] cletus jesus cletus gave me like 10 missions in one go ahead and deliver all the presents on santa's list then take out all the rival gangs and start up a video game studio man you're really going hard on try hard tuesdays thank you robert i am going pretty hard today okay okay now i got it to go to the tobacco field it's really hard to dodge civilians and cars although there isn't really a big punishment for it thankfully [Music] going to the tobacco field they only got a minute though come on come on get up there super mario brothers too no robot this is not super mario brothers too i gotta get the tobacco get the tobacco [ __ ] i'm running out of time i'm running out of time i'm running out of time i win [ __ ] [ __ ] i got it no no no no okay i can still win i can still win holy [ __ ] you gotta do all that and get to cletus no no go go go go go go go go go no no no there's not enough time there's not enough time so why are you doing that now you don't do that go go go where's cletus cletus no [Music] why is he giving you the hardest mission in the world the difficulty just went really far up here but i gotta go hard for tryhard tuesday [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go go go go okay here we go here we go i do like how you can just shoot right through the trees trees post no threat boom here we go here we go [Music] i got a lot of time here i got a lot of time here and that [ __ ] i don't know if this is a good shortcut or not okay it was it was a good one all right here i go here i go what the [ __ ] was it go homer go get that get there get that can we get that this is so slow i feel like this might be faster just to walk and do this oh [ __ ] cops no wait no no cops you're ruining my time why am i out of the car i'm gonna get the things okay go [ __ ] i feel like i have the same exact time i did before i can do this now i can do this boom you go under the billboard here we go here we go here we go [ __ ] come by come on come on only 10 seconds there he is there he is you just yell into one of those magic talk boxes and i come running oh man them things is crazy give me clean this pickup truck then onto the sidewalk worst car in the game that was so hard to get this is the worst in the game okay lower lower acceleration lower handling lower speed than plow king okay yeah that's this sounds like a piece of [ __ ] car can you come and get me i'll pay you in back rubs hope this don't let brandane think i'm fooling around oh he is he drives it i'll try it out it doesn't have good stance but i'll just try it i out i had some really big tires like i saw on the tv ones babe i'm almost done with this game i almost beat it after i'm gonna play the uh the american dead game oh i could have made a good accepting system out of that [Music] all right let's see what carl's up to hey homer you look like you're having one of your trademark adventures danger mr burns mini cameras black fans well good thing i'm drunk stupid drunk oh no he's going to warren burns i can't believe i'm racing the same guy twice in one day beat smithers to mr burns mansion oh smithers what the [ __ ] wait up it's a good thing this thing has very low speed as soon as i'm done scratching myself your history here we go here we go oh he's taking a shortcut [ __ ] smithers is a [ __ ] no no tip over tip back over okay i'm not doing good here no no no i hate this car i hate this car this is not a good race car okay i'm catching up i'm catching up boom look at that look at that turn look at that turn perfection oh my goodness like gran turismo turns oh look at that beautiful turn look at that line look at that racing line oh look at this look at this smithers you don't know the [ __ ] shortcut piece of ass like this i win am i going the right way no more get out of the way i'm still winning i'm still winning he's so far back he can't win this mother sucks i call him [ __ ] go go go go go go go go go go go go go go after him okay i'm still going the right way i think keep going keep going where smithers he's so far back he can't win oh i destroyed him i destroyed team montgomery them i know you're guilty accused sir fine i admit it i had amelia earhart's plane shot down that hussy was getting too big for her jumpers no you're spying on springfield with your black fans and surveillance cameras black vans hmm aren't they connected with some sort of pizziola concern what they were only pizza vans i'm a class five idiot smithers release the hounds and if this oaf is an employee of the plant fire him at once [Music] i won i beat the game now beat the game [Music] let me save to my memory card okay eight megabytes low level employee harasses millionaire house released bone storm 2 coming out today no i haven't unlocked any outfits yet oh i'm bart now i stole bart i stole bart see oh now look at bart he's got a good move here oh look at this it's like a bayonetta wow look at this okay he doesn't oh he does have a double jump oh wow oh this is really nice here oh there's the rocket car i got the rocket car i gotta get the new bone storm and i'll be as i'm cool as milhouse i'm standing right here bart hey that's great you better get out of here bart principal skinner's looking for everyone that skipped school today and when you're caught it's expulsion bart expulsion avoid skinner drive to the try and save before time runs out okay let's hit the town go go [Music] wit where am i going where am i going where do i go the mini-map is just telling me where skinner is it's not telling me where to try and save this is this a whole new zone now did they just drop me in a whole new freaking world i won here's to try and save thank you silver panda too late losers i got the last game four finger discount stuff video games don't kill people they just kill their minds perfection by name look at this still car how do i get in this oh [Music] it's time for some road bart simpson style all right i gotta talk to this kid you drive poorly i drive poorly all right damn you're so weak [Music] how are they gonna get that new game who cares video games are so late 90s illegal fireworks are all the rave now better make it snappy though if you want to be part of this trend weapons of mass delinquency collect fireworks from springfield before time runs out avoid chief wiggum you got it okay oh this is too cool for school drive to mosh you think hamburgers and cheeseburgers work well with fries yeah that's kind of weird dude that's kind of weird that was totally awesome saying that in public is gonna give you a lot of weird looks [Music] one box of your finest quality chinese frog launchers please here you go two kilos of chinese sky candy that blew you away oh intermost intermose entering now entering modes oh it's nice in here what's this he's got pickle jar very good oh we got the love tester whoa i wanted to get hubba bubba but that's all right panda channel how come all the billboards are like the flipper one oh it's the seven duffs queasy sleazy tipsy remorseful edgy dizzy surely wow this is a good storyline on this is he drinking a thing of gasoline talk to mo talk to mom i can't serve both to a minor it ain't right i'm here to buy fireworks oh hell yeah okay i gotta go to town hall how do i go back to the first level i wanted to be homer more oh look at this let's there it's a little cat in a catapult okay i'm into town oh look at this it's this guy i gotta blow up this bee here we go here we go give me this money one dozen of your best tijuana toilet crackers my good man here you go kid dude now don't blow your hand off or do what do i care okay i got the fireworks that roundabout ass animation every time he gets in the car he's gotta like run around the whole car oh [ __ ] i only got 30 seconds oh no oh no oh no oh no that's not enough go go go go go oh [ __ ] wait wait huh huh wait wait wait huh wait i can win i can win i can win i'm here i'm here i'm here okay i went i win just gotta talk to ralph but the police is right here ralph where in the hood is that you got access to your old man's fireworks stash fireworks make my ears yell here's some gumdrops now make with the works my daddy's going to put you in jail bye fireworks yeah you're looking at five life sentences of community service this is bad this is better oh [ __ ] chief wiggum is trying to get me you'll never get me up here chief wiggle you'll never get me when i'm going this way [ __ ] she'll never catch me up here this level is kind of lame compared to the first one this is just a big old empty hat oh [ __ ] chief wiggum is hitting me okay okay i gotta lose him i gotta lose him what i want off of that okay now we gotta go to the google clicks thank you sam whoa oh you're the yoshim and flower i can't see [ __ ] with this smoke [Music] am i still on the first mission hey job of the fat do you know where i can get a copy of bone storm too yes i have no time to converse with you i must be the first to register my disgust oh i beat two missions already huh i like walking around more and finding the little secrets oh can you steal cars no it's time for some road rage bart simpson style oh you can't steal cars that's not damn oh what oh it's bumblebee i got a lot of money i got a lot of coins get up on this roof bar you ass get up on this roof oh you can't get up there doesn't have enough power kick milhouse yeah oh these coins are still here where is pickle rick i don't think he's in this one the wolf is at old gill's door oh you can get a limo fire truck what's the stats on here oh stats on the limon pretty good i might have to get the limo now what about these cars wait you don't even steal the car the dude just like picks you up in his car he's driving the car you don't even steal the car the guy they just pick you up and start driving you around oh here i go here i go whoa [Music] cool where is this going oh what is this guy up up and again why do these stupid things make me feel so good who is this guy try going to the railroad how am i playing this very carefully that'll be a hundred dollars to that's a new joke that'll be a hundred dollars thank you major can i see the cut scene before you got to play bart i never got to see it as a kid because my brother got here without me there wasn't even a cut scene there was no cut scene there was a cut scene where the only cutscene so far that we got was where there was a there was a van outside of their house and then homer went up here i'll explain the story there i'll explain the storyline so so far you see the simpsons logo okay zoom in mosquitoes come out of the air the mosquitoes have cameras are there bumblebees actually the bumblebees have cameras then you'd play as homer do you do missions then the cutscene happens homer sees a black van outside of the house and he goes oh what is that black man and then marge goes oh homie you're so sexy when you're worrying about the van that's the storyline so far that's the storyline i'm not making any of that up oh that was so cool pixel bomb thank you surprise foreign oh [ __ ] this is a big ass limo is this family guy too i did finish the family guy game i beat it do you know where i can get a copy of bone storm too yes i have no time to converse with you i must be the first race the nerd to the java server bart simpson at your service out of my way i might not be able to win this santa's little helper stealth missions no no don't say that don't say that they have to hit [ __ ] that was a hard one this is getting hard by me okay i got this i got this movie you [ __ ] oh my gosh i got this yeah i don't have a cow man [ __ ] taxi [ __ ] damn this car sucks how can you win in this junker wait wait wait i can't win we don't have deflector shields you know yeah we don't have deflector shields that's true what the hell hint force other cars off the road this is hard no problemo let me use my good car oh restart jake paul can't beat this jake paul could never beat this game nobody's ever beaten this game before it's like family guy come on it's an unbeaten game up to this point so that just got a little more rare check this out i've mastered this i've mastered this race check out my racing line look at this look at this master the master fanfiction.net that he has bought off all the remaining video games oh i'll thank you not to moan in my mid-sized vehicle give it up for america's bad boy i win that win drive to the stadium where's my limo at wait does this have better stash than the limo what the [ __ ] these stats are way better this is bart simpson requesting one pimp ride asap oh this is too cool for school why did this starting car have better stats is there a way to look at the minimum i want to go get some outfits where are my bart outfits oh look at this secret each level has a secret car in it [Music] look at this you got to be extremely advanced to get up here oh the head of jebediah i know that i actually know that one okay bonker can i get an okay buddy thanks all right buddy over and out it's professor frinker dear monkey new york three-year-old would love to watch your stream would you watch your dirty rotten mouth for the next hour so that my son doesn't think i watch wonky donkeys in my free time okay no swearing i don't want any swear words for the next hour you guys no more swears get it all out now get all your swearing out right now we can't swear for the next hour so if you want to swear now's the time get it all out of your system now hopefully the three-year-old isn't what can't read the chat probably not all right all right all right now starting now no more swears go i gotta play bonestorm too give me one no can do my pointy-headed friend i need the power of video game violence to run my latest invention slash monster if you find me a world war ii communication radio and a satellite then my creation will live and we can play with it and enjoy the frolicking oh cool real violence is way better than tv violence it's like a level boss come to life now who would have a world war ii radio that guy that sells all those grenades to nelson might i better check go to herman's military antiques to find a world war ii radio okay simpson at your service follow the pizza van full speed ahead it's getting away it's getting away it's getting away go overboard go why is it so slow man hey i don't want to see any swear words well oh new york three-year-old is watching [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah okay starting now no more swears this is stupid why why do i have this is not a pizza van why is it this is why is this a pizza van what what why wait what oh why so wait these so wait the pizza vans work they work for mr burns why does she have pizza why okay hey springfield's lamest what's the deal didn't you hear herman's been robbed hey you don't know who did it do you cuz if you did boy that would be great oh no now where am i gonna get a radio these fresh skid marks leading away from the scene of the crime could be a clue but who's to say really i'm gonna be honest family guy game was fun here i'm gonna i'm just gonna come out and say it the family guy game was much fun here easy peasy this game does not make me want to die like the family guy game but it's not as funny hey snake what's up um do i know you little dude i need that radio you borrowed no way little dude this radio is going to help me score beaucoup de chicks uh last time i checked chicks like fast cars not vintage electronics why don't we race for the radio oh i totally agree to your proposal race snake to the stadium all right oh [ __ ] it's time okay he's really slow i can still win this i'm gonna win the race oh i got this i got this what's my name your name is bart that's incorrect boom look at this oh world record world record world record give me that radio satellite dish who has those anymore i know like trash give me this wrench i don't remember these being here before thank you doctor zach oh [ __ ] this guy again this guy pisses me off hey there mr slack we've been watching for seven years now thanks for all the great content also when our among us thursday is coming back among us thursdays are coming back but i'm switching it to friday among us thursdays is gonna happen on friday now but it's still among us thursdays don't worry collect the meat before time runs out oh that was better than the movie box go go go go go this is what cletus this thing i'm going to stream it what time is it did you know when some horses shove their previous into each other whoever loses is the girls robot what did you just say about seahorses i don't think i actually want to know what you said i think i heard what you said but i'm just gonna try to act like i did and try to shut it down [ __ ] cletus get me out of here i got this i got this shortcut shortcut you know what so you know who makes this song right tim mcgraw get away from my poor okay i have to get away from my poo this is what our poo listens to i guess oh he's gone he's gone wait he's still trailing me get out of here you ass oh [ __ ] how am i gonna win this i wish i had some really big tires like i saw you need a better car oh i got this i got this this is where i lose them this is where i lose them apu doesn't know how to do that turn he doesn't know how to do that turn [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm losing i'm losing i'm losing [ __ ] look for crusty glass to find shortcuts [ __ ] that poo is good happy is one of the top ranked players oh yeah i can't swear i can't swear wait i'm all the way back here this piece of [ __ ] game [ __ ] simpsons piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sins they should call the shitzons this [ __ ] is ass i gotta get all this stupid-ass skunks again it's because i can't focus with this tim mcgraw music again i keep hearing this and thinking when his new album was gonna come out good thank you change car i don't think you can change the car i think you gotta drive cletus car for this can i just hop out and get in a different car that would make me a lot more powerful move it land cow move it or lose it cool up how do i get away from my poo how do i defeat our poo what's the trick somebody look up how to defeat approval what if i do this oh the juke the reversal the reversal he doesn't know how to get that whoa look at it i defeated him he doesn't know how to get recover from there boom i'm gone i'm gone i defeated him oh the classic the classic trickery tony cancer to google i mastered this game burgers are made of roadkill that explains the tire tracks take this satellite dish as a reward she gets 14 channels including the outhouse channel man i love watching that thanks inbred hillbilly torrent nothing boom got the satellite now where am i going what happened to paulie uh you can still see him from time to time it's hard to imagine donkey being bart oh look at this crazy taxi they only got the one song on this level oh it's the springfield stadium dang this is what springfield is like this is like the first time you ever see what springfield is like in this video game that's what's crazy about this game this is the first time you learn all the locations of every building will these wonderland review yeah we watched it we watched twilight's wonderland it was it was good it was a very good movie you expect me to complete a mark 10 truck asaurus without a blender why don't i just make a plasmoclave without a tennis racket for playing out loud i think nicholas cage gave a great performance now where am i gonna get a blender oh dr nick he loves blended girl drinks during surgery monkey see monkey doll now that's that's a joke that only simpsons fans are gonna get we got any simpsons fans out there so dr nick more like dr dick that'll be a hundred dollars that'll be a hundred dollar joke tip hi dr nick hi everybody you seem like a heavy drinker do you have a blender not now okay my monkeys have escaped can you catch them for me i'll be so grateful why won't they come back to you because i have tortured them horribly silly there's no way i'll be able to get all those in my car i better get a big truck or something to complete this thank you mike to complete this mission you'll need mr powell i have mr powell purchase it from homer i already have it why do i gotta purchase a vehicle that i already own homer is here i should have steal homer i'm gonna kick homer's head off [ __ ] here come the cops here come the cops hey donkey gangnam style you're charging your own son yeah i guess i am collect the monkeys before time runs out you got it okay i'll get the monkeys oh this is too cool for school find all the monkeys oh there's a [ __ ] ton of them there's a lot of monkeys damn 30. these are not in good spots these are in like really awkward spots oh this mission is gonna be hell this mission is gonna be hell does it even stan how much you want to bet that it spawns in exactly 30 monkeys hey slower traffic to the right please that doesn't count that doesn't count if if bart swears this is this is a piece of [ __ ] mission all right get this okay all right the cops are angry at me oh okay i think i got enough time i think i can do this hey i know that i know that joke he says i didn't do it i know that episode i know that one oh oh get back in where's the monkey it's over here [ __ ] it's on the roof get that monkey get there got this i got this here we go here we go only two monkeys left oh i got this i got this all right got one minute just for one monkey i got this just got to do this jump boom oh [ __ ] all right i gotta get some speed i gotta get some speed here we go here we go here we go hey [ __ ] no okay i can do this i can do this that was too much speed that was too much speed oh [ __ ] the cops okay okay this is it this is it stop now stop there i got it drive the screaming monkey to the doctor with the cops chasing you go go go go go okay okay i got this i got this this is crazier than the time that i had to go get dog chow for brian and the family guy game welcome home daddy's little angels now to put electrodes in your brains boom i'm good at this game man this is a world record how many missions left uh seven there's seven missions per level i don't know how many levels there are though i've only seen four gigs though i think the best collectible you can get is the gigs because those are really funny there's 19 levels no don't you say that don't you say seven levels holy [ __ ] there's seven levels how many how far do you think the average person got on this game do you even think they made it to level two back when i was a kid i didn't ever beat any game i usually would quit very quick into a game because i would like rent them from blockbuster and i would not get very far in any game your mom beat the game oh look at these pigeons this is nice mission seven is where most kids would start yeah like you can see now like in video games you could just look at like there's like there's usually like an achievement i like beat the game i like like sakura was like when you beat the game i said there was something like 10 percent of people beat the final boss or some [ __ ] at least level goes hard thank you moozy sir lockdown the only games you would be are the lego games i don't think i've ever beaten a lego game maybe i'll beat lego star at one if it cost 60 bucks it better be worth beating so this guy this guy's not played a lot of video games here's your last do dad so can i see the truckasaurus thing yes there's a word i would love to be able to say unfortunately there are too many people using cell phones and the interference would then cause the monster to malfunction and kill many people and my insurance is already sky high with the premiums and the schmidiums destroy all the cell phone users cars before time runs out bart simpson at your service out of the way wannabe oh all right dad am i winning charlie horse eat ass bald ass this is my least favorite type of mission the ram the car mission i have five bucks get him is that his health do i have to get the red meter all the way up oh [ __ ] what'd you say robot oh minty yeah you can have five bucks i am not going to be able to kill this car he's killing me me ramming into him is just killing my car he's invincible i'm just getting killed from this well how do you kill how do you even defeat him how do you even beat him there's like there's no way to like do any good damage oh wait wait that just did a ton for some reason okay he died that killed him oh i gotta do another one okay this is weird yeah i think this is where everybody turned the game off oh my god i have to blow up a whole nother one wait i want that wrench i'm so dead my car is so cute [ __ ] what are vin diesel's best games vin diesel's got a lot of games the fast and furious i think riddick critic is probably number one chronicles of riddick yeah escape from butcher bay that's gonna be one of his top games what happened now what oh okay kill bart kill this sucks this freaking sucks okay that's doing good damage oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no come on ah it doesn't matter how big of oh okay that blew him up okay the damage has like nothing to do with how hard you hit the car i can grand theft auto if you ram into somebody at like a million miles an hour it does like a [ __ ] ton this one is just like whatever it seems like hitting the side of the car does the most like doing one of these oh that did nothing hopefully didn't hope that didn't break my memory card bar you freaking jokester thank you cable oh that was a nice big hit okay so that's how you do the damage you gotta hit them like you get a t-bone oh hit it into something else yeah that doesn't i don't know that doesn't really work that good enough up another one for jesus christ get out of here i don't want to keep [ __ ] doing this oh my god how many do i gotta blow up whoa that did why did sometimes you'll just hit them and it'll like one-shot their car the rules are just non-existent boom oh [ __ ] that kills me okay i need a car i need a car so tired so very tired give me this give me this [Music] hey [ __ ] you [Music] all right i got this i got this i got this i got this i can still win this if i lose this i will be so mad i will not play this game anymore if i lose this mission if i lose this i do not play this i win i win another one no okay drive to the stadium okay why is this thing go this way okay no that's not right i got this i got this there it is there it is boom profession drink well done my little sociopath right i like to smash now there is no chance my truckasaurus will go on a killing rampage with the screaming and the sadness and the hosing of blood off the robot all right that was so cool i'm pretty good at this game wow truckasaurus is some kind of truck slash dinosaur i never would have guessed you are a better family guy than peter [Music] yes everybody knew the bart man the [ __ ] is happening okay they stole bart they stole bart they stole bart bart simpson disappears family pleads the light get back up boy enter the androids dungeon oh now i'm lisa all right for everybody just tuning in i'm gonna recap i'm just gonna recap for everybody just tuning in right now okay the storyline storyline so far is like this okay we see the simpsons text the simp sims logo you know what i'm saying mosquitoes fly out of the sky they got cameras they're bumblebees camera bumblebees they're working for mr burns possibly he's got a lot of black trucks driving around he says that they're actually pizza trucks pizza a lot of pizza trucks with cameras it looks like they're spy trucks but really they're pizza trucks according to mr burns so then homer looks out of the window uh he looks out of the window [Music] of the house and he sees one of those black trucks right and he goes oh marge i'm worried about the truck then marge goes ho homie you're so sexy when you're worried about the truck then bart drives into a baseball stadium and he sees a giant truckasaurus it's like a t-rex made out of trucks and then he dad shoots fire at him he drives out of the stadium dodges the fire but then a spaceship comes and up and sucks him up with a laser and now we're lisa thanks for tuning in everybody thank you mister okay now we're lisa is this a new level now wow they make a lot of levels for this lisa sucks oh no are you serious still less confusing metal gear that's true last new level though oh it just repeats the same three levels okay i'm going into the baseball store oh look you can get outfits for lisa these are cool oh wow this is nice [Music] i'm thinking this i'm thinking this am i right or am i right thank you busy bee thank you sour your rifter do i still have the world record yes i do i'm getting new world records today on the simpsons game lisa hockey 300 look at this look at this [ __ ] this is [ __ ] no i go i get this yeah look at this this is great are you racing your school bus around don't touch that that is a ticket to the unreleased itchy and scratchy episode i would only trade that for a complete set of collector cards please to note i said complete i'm not going through that crap again i need to find my stupid brother have you seen him yes yes can't talk now i must get the last copy of the new itchy and scratchy adventurous comic it's the controversial issue in which they finally kiss assist me and i will aid you with your dilemma race the nerd to the itchy and scratchy store get the comic back before time runs out hello springfield these missions are hard these are the hardest ones i think this car is such a piece of [ __ ] oh i might just win right off the bat on this one where am i now i'm in trick in los angeles i spilled my squishy worst video game ever oh i'm in las vegas before it deteriorates into near san francisco i think you could have avoided that i have had enough of you we don't have deflector shields you know thank you kfc king hey there is a big consequence for getting busted you lose 50 coins you need those to buy uh the florida outfit that's a big that's a big knockoff wait i'm still racing oh [ __ ] official fanboy business now to get this inky treasure into its mylar sanctuary what about bart i asked you have you seen him i think i saw him at the noiseland arcade video games with a waste of money now to go online and bid one thousand dollars for itchy and scratchy corn cob holders a terrific terrific expense how am i liking the wisconsin cold donkey did not know what drew underscore is a big fan i'm making it none drew breesus is a big fan i didn't know that thank you rbi the favorite simpsons character oh that's a tough one the best simpsons character is uh let's see who's the best who am i thinking here michael jackson he's in there thank you gizmo and gilligan purp queen let me see let me let me think who's the greatest character it can't be a celebrity character that doesn't count here we are i'm eliminating all those characters and it definitely is not one of the main characters you can't say homer i'm eliminating homer from the equation [Music] you can say mike tyson because he's not actually called mike tyson in the show so that's kind of a technicality milhouse has barf in here uh i haven't seen them hey can i buy you a frozen yogurt i'll throw in two dry toppings or one wet topping bart's disappeared you have to help me find him well yeah i'm gonna have to go with carl from aquatics that's the smell of the ball cage follow milhouse's clues to find bart where'd my car go i just watched that one i just watched that one yesterday that was a good episode look wally wally you guys wally pixar do we got any wally fans and [ __ ] everybody type in wally and then say the things that oh look at this hey maggie's in the box what is the graphics on this baby next to fakey the graphics are much lower and they're have very good graphics on these babies oh oh i'm filling it up oh can they breathe still baby they'll find their friends where am i going i gotta talk to milhouse milhouse what are you doing here lisa what a coincidence hey is that a new dress no i've been wearing this dress for years now where's bart it's not a dress this is lisa's car this is a weakest car where's lisa's car what's your like signature car she didn't even get one oh you can call it up all right i'll call it out what the heck were you i like this level more than the last level i want to go find all the gigs oh here's a gig here's a gig this is one of the gigs what's going on with this bird [Laughter] oh all right let's keep going oh i need to get up on this boat this is where the true power lies look at this this is a top secret zone they never thought you would access this that's why they put no reward here okay what sound did that bird make made no sound i kicked his head off i could sure use a pony right now oh let's see if he can swim okay that's what happens if you go in the water i'm not a sandwich i'm not a sandwich i'm florida see see the apple am i old enough to drink coffee yet oh let's check out the boardwalk ah so many memories coming back to me from all the simpsons episodes who can forget this ramp who can forget the episode where marge drives off of this ramp into the globex ship uh who can forget the lighthouse there it is the classic earl electronic automatic robot lighthouse arrow who can forget earl [Music] phone i like this more than the driving [Music] that should have made this the game i think so hungry need federally mandated breakfast yeah when i say nintendo direct what time is it i didn't see what time it was is it in the morning 2 p.m pacific what is that what is 2 p.m pacific to central what's the conversion 4 p.m cst okay yeah i'm gonna stream the nintendo direct they said i should stream it saxon phone i might make some big predictions i'm saying we're gonna see we're gonna see a lot tomorrow we're going to see a lot of big stuff tomorrow first they're going to open with mario odyssey 2 trailer right off the bat oh wait i got to get this bird he's invented he's more powerful than the first time okay i got him all right first we're gonna see mario odyssey 2 trailer right off the bat it's going to start with like uh it's going to be very unexpected it's going to like show there's going to be like a man crawling in a pool of blood there's going to be a dude crawling in a pool of blood and then you see like a gun up here and he goes no wait wait and then he gets shot in the head and then you see like blood running down and then the camera slowly pans over you see mario holding a gun mario odyssey two and it's gonna be they're gonna get really crazy with the second one i think that's i'll give that about a 7 out of 10 likelihood thank you jacob breath of the wild too yeah we'll see that we'll see breath of the wild too there's going to be a big twist to a breath of the wild too there's going to be some kind of big twist just to differentiate it link also has a gun yeah i think they're just going to add a lot of guns in pikmin yep we're going to see pikmin 4 pikmin 4 is going to be revealed finally and it's gonna actually come out uh it's gonna come out in two months actually pikmin four it's gonna be a big reveal and then yeah donkey kong we're gonna see a new donkey kong game and then uh yeah metroid ford metroid four is gonna they're gonna drop that it's gonna be like a uh what's that called when they just drop it a shadow drop it's gonna be a shadow drop they're gonna just they're gonna say metroid freuer is out now go buy it now and then you can get it you can go and actually get it tomorrow it's already done man out of three yep banana three is gonna that's gonna be revealed comes out next week yep yep overwatch 2 yo gta 6 is going to be there yep those games are coming out half-life 3 yep yep oh hi lisa fancy meeting you here stop following me uh i heard bart might be out by the springfield sign perhaps you'd like to share some chewing gum yeah didn't ring yep that's gonna be shown shadow drop they're gonna shadow release elven ring what's really messed up is it's gonna be tomorrow they're gonna show they're gonna show like some [ __ ] ass jrpg nobody cares about and then the dlc character for smash is going to be like like jonathan from fire emblem and then uh no zelda trailer and then they're gonna close out with like wwe 2021 trailer look out it better be a good one though they haven't had a nintendo direct in a long time right didn't they not even they did did they do one for e3 last year they did a really bad one i remember yeah they showed like that john cena [ __ ] was like one of their big games that they showed that was really bad hi lisa my your hair looks pointy today milhouse have you seen bart or not so lisa do you have a date for the harvest dance this is not a good time it's never a good time bart always hung out at the kwik-e-mart maybe apu has seen him easy as pie yeah i should kick him into there there he is yeah i should finish the job oh i can't even go down there where's lisa's car now i want to see what lisa's car is hey wait milhouse got up hey little house get get back in there you go down here you go down here you go down there now okay he's good see there he is see he's fine what are you guys looking forward to for the nintendo direct watch the big reveal see how done mario kart 9 that would actually be a really good one this is lisa's car what happened to this get the donut truck i hope kids at home don't imitate my hitchhiking god of war x mario kart yeah i feel like that's pretty likely i remember i kept seeing a [ __ ] about like a star fox racing game or some [ __ ] like the dumbest [ __ ] i've ever [Music] heard thank you clinton oh this is terrible a very bad man is delivering roadkill cumin smash [Music] [Applause] now that would be good bring in kuma help papu defeat the meat eaters hit and collect meat from cletus's truck hurry last time i left this door oh man these missions they they ran out of missions like 10 missions ago they really stopped coming up with mission ideas get back here cletus drop that meat give me those skunks germany crickets you gotta love you gotta love how he drops the food way in the zone where you could never get in a million years why is he dropping it over there how can i even get it you ask cletus okay that one spawned in front of me i am not going to beat this there's no way there's no wait what drop it drop oh no is he out of me [Music] family and my story all right dad don't i think that's where i i think that's where i draw the line i think at that level that's where i draw the line all right guys i'm gonna get off for tonight codes what cheat codes do they have do they really have cheat codes let me see what they got here for this [Music] oh [Music] hmm okay i have an idea i have an idea i see a good cheat i see a good cheat triangle triangle triangle square square i have to go to the main menu it says in the living room okay i haven't i have a plan i have a plan here i saw a very good cheat that she it says there's a itchy and scratchy cartoon if you unlock all the cards too okay it says hold l1 and r1 triangle square square oh it worked it worked yeah we gotta play this again some people missed out on this people missed this good cutscene cartoon creator incarcerated in a peruvian jail in other news local citizens are outraged over the discovery of surveillance cameras throughout the town we go now to city hall where mayor quimby is feeling questions from an angry mob these miniature cameras are an outrage spying on our women's dressing rooms bathrooms and locker rooms is unforgivable i think i speak for all springfielders when i say where is the sexy footage and other unexplained news here comes here comes i've been appearing all over town marge that black van is spying on us oh homie you're so sexy when you're paranoid there it is there it is sup dunk dogs in the ladies okay let's see if they let's see if the uh if this cheat code worked now after cheat worked cletus should blow up and die immediately fresh air is much more pleasing than the order of the hot dog machines [Music] wait he didn't drop the food this is not good for my insurance wait cletus you gotta drop the food up all right so you can't win that mission now oh you can drive this how nice now this game is starting to get good all right here we go boom he's out of there i'm swapping cars i'm swapping cars here we go here we go here we go here we go boom okay here we go whoa getting some big spins here here we go [Laughter] oh there he is babe check me out i'm getting good at this game [Music] no i don't have videos it works all right though this is lisa she's no that's not a hat she's florida why is that little card kid driving that car what does this flag mean is this a race hi nelson this is a surprise oh the pleasure oh this do you have to erase another player three two oh i'll be good at this what i'll be good at this watch this i know how to win this race you just gotta get rid of these guys just got to get this last guy out of the race and then i should be good [ __ ] oh no i might lose i must lose oh there he is there he is all right there we go hey huh where am i am i winning there's one of the racers i'm in first place now okay [Music] thanks for all the bones i'm winning the race i'm winning i'm winning thank you slave i'm good at this i race wish that blowing up cletus's car didn't stop him from spawning the thing maybe i can turn it off for that mission that oh should i only have five seconds to win your grandmother must be rolling over in her grave right now i lost i still lost i don't know how oh here let's see if i can fix this car gotta get the wrench get the wrench get the wrench i'm back in action i'm back in action get rid of them hey hey what are you doing over here you're out of there who's this you're out of there who's gonna who's gonna catch me these guys these cops they're out of there hey i'm just a little girl are you gonna kill me you're gonna come at me you're out of there who else wants to go you guys you're right you're out of there you want to get me you want to get me you're out of there i'm out of there i'm back in there i'm busted i'm getting a lot of coins for this oh i'm going off the ramp here we go all right i'm going off the ramp and then i'm going to sleep i'm i'm going out and i'm going out with a bang though here we go here we go [Music] here we go here it is i think they were i think the reverse is faster [Music] [Music] all right thanks for watching everybody bye bye bye bye goodbye so bye
Channel: WaLter .NO
Views: 205,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wFP0XsNoL1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 35sec (10775 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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