Dumpster Diving "Gotta Put Some Muscle Into It!"

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all right check it out y'all please subscribe scrap behind that dumpster oh man all right here we are back at it again this is one of those that uh i made a little thing for the back of my truck i'd hang on to that have another one a backup works as a little gate going across the back keep the uh keep the uh the stuff from flying out scrap man anyway like i said here we are again out here making it happen looking for that scrap glad to have you with me all right got anything up in here it's a guys oh it's some snippets a surge protector back there let's see what we got these wires ambassador i'll grab the capacitor didn't grab it last time oh somebody went pink huh that's my color that is my color right here pink is my jam all right there's a lot of bugs in here man bugs and pizza oh geez oh look at that that's why that's a hole a whole mess of wire right there a whole mess of what up down here dirty pillows oh yeah got some good wires good wires all right dumpster oh with the box there's a box [Music] good stuff good heavy scrap yeah all right trash bag dumpsters on the trash bag biohazard stickers it's usually not a good sign huh corn purified water some heavy stuff right here a little cord there some more heavy stuff breathing apparatus hose oh there's an oxygen machine right here there's another one in there too let's get this crap real quick good stuff man oh there's a couple of them in here another one no smoking no fumar last month oh there's another one good scrap right there what's the literature i can't get under that box right here oxygo got battery on it oxygen here's the bag for you there's a cord now i got trash down here all right trash can all right we get them out oh there's a whole bunch of them yes sir grab that more scrap there yeah oh yeah yeah oh whoa hoses hoses yeah this guy goes in here like that i think yeah like you and trash camp good stuff good stuff all right nerds oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah we got up in here man oh yeah oh that's some big heavy stuff right there man look at that car parts let me see let's pull a little bit closer let's pull closer all right time to get subscribe man get subscribed whoa that ain't light right there let it not lie holy cow not light [Music] that's a thick piece of pipe right there this is a dumpster i found the stoplight stuff in a while back these are like car parts huh is that from a car wreck piece of rim i wonder if that's what that is that's from a car egg let's see whatever that is it looks toasted these look like car parts there let's see we get this big other big heavy pipe out of here [Music] that that subscribe man that is some scratch siemens model 216 rack mount definitely looks like it got a little toasty huh set that up here heavy old car park yeah heavy car park some wires okay stoplight a little bit of wire edge in there that's what this is somebody hit a freaking pole most definitely hit a pole let's see more of that rim in there i guess this company fixes that stuff comes out and fixes it when it happens traffic sign yeah somebody took out a telephone pole this could be remnants of somebody's car that is no longer with us anymore possibly which is kind of kind of creepy a little creepy a little eerie thinking about that some stuff right there for this traffic light yeah traffic signal oh it's not coming out getting there somebody took out a traffic light okay but we got there hey how you doing is that coming out i don't think that's coming out yeah it is all right gotta put some muscle into it okay yeah yeah what's up there's the tire that's kind of crazy definitely kind of crazy but i'll take this grab man thank the city or the county for that leave it cleaner than we found help out because you know i'm just kind of feeling that way today little washers [Music] [Music] here oh there's juice careful we got juice what that is like a piece of scrap me man look like bonfire piece of scrap little wire there get in just for that i don't know what that is oh man we got it just for that man you're crazy okay just for that this little bit of scrap is rolling away rolling away sure what's up dusty old microwave i'm a hill figure huh man that's one of them limited editions got the wood grain and the dish oh gosh the whirlpool with the wood grain ah is it oak oak like all right y'all car parts what we got here man instead of alternator pretty sure that could be scrapped as a motor it's a motor right at the very least aluminum breakage probably the same price either way huh car parts be like johnny cash man i'm gonna build me a car one piece at a time crap found in the trash man oh that sounded heavy all right metal metal pipe man cooler they need some races racist look at that man there is a cerveza it's a blue light there's a bullet bullet dumpster beer nice and warm and all the good stuff all right oh i see stuff though i see stuff i see stuff i see stuff let's see what we got oh there was a piston it's like aluminum huh somebody have a party somebody have a party they didn't invite this cat i'll be the life of your party why are there i will i promise i'll bring all the fun times yeah that's that's no bueno that's good stuff man pop that out that's aluminum probably probably yup i wasn't invited to the party oh okay all right little bitty scrap little grab blue oh definitely watch your head on that one man alright i see wires metal lots and lots of let's see here oh we should probably pull the truck around huh what do y'all think cause i see a bunch of crap back there a bunch of crap here crap crap crap yeah let's do that [Applause] all right see what we got going on i [Music] yeah these are all probably aluminum more than likely more scrap bigger metal panel here another piece of scrap here i'll take it i'll take it this thing's good take the whole whole freaking bag eh oh forget that man that's the good stuff right there there's some more of that uh stuff someone said it's the glue for holding down heat sinks thermoflux or some sort of flux flux heavy right here all right big ol strap man laptop bag no laptop no wires it's not in the best of shape only that be scrap here lock the paperwork down there a little breaker and then yeah i'm not gonna take that [Applause] y'all don't really care for that oh here's some more of those what are these parts to lights scrap is what i call it i call it ah okay y'all okay y'all all right yeah [Applause] hey hey hey look at that that's a whole lot of metal right there yeah yeah grab all that metal gotta be careful with this stuff it looks pretty sharp man nothing sharp cut you up what's that like somebody shed somebody somebody said that they're done with the shed well i put one of them the metal sheds together you know like one of those you buy at lowe's and then little 400 sheds i bought one oh it's been a few years took me like two days to put that thing together man it's supposed to be the easy one that snapped together too i was like yeah no not so much this thing was a big old pain in the butt [Music] the key to them sheds man it's uh you got to build a foundation for it otherwise ain't no good for nothing yeah build wood foundation and everything it's pretty good pretty good some good weight right there being as much as there is stuff man you grab it oh oh man oh [Music] trucks a little far away but i think i can i think i can make these little pieces work i'll make it happen i'll make it happen i'll make it red what's your thing i got most of it give me a chance to work on my hands well this thing had a bunch in there didn't it sure did sure did yeah i don't quite sure know what that was i'm gonna just say maybe maybe a shed that's my final answer bob all right hey we didn't get too bad we got most of it most of it in the in the truck there all right chelsea look oh yeah oh yeah scrap yeah basketball cool man bucket mattress shoot oh i see a dish i hear a dog let's see what we got here yo we're going in going in michael always take a dish baseball boxes look at all these pages oh there's maggots maggots oh look at that oh rogue speaking of rogue somebody went rogue on this somebody went kurt cobain on this mofo it looks like a decent guitar though it's too bad yeah somebody although i haven't heard a robe all right i'm out of here man there's maggots i ain't about the maggots and cockroaches and crickets and everything else it's literally raining again for the 300th day in a row it's raining again i really wish i could send some of this rain to you guys up in the northwest we all need it more than we do all right well good morning scavengers ours she blows man we got a complete absolute disaster mess back here complete mess got some super heavy pipe back there all kinds of stuff uh to clean up here probably just gonna load up go to the scrap yard and bring some of the crap back like those oxygen machines right there those are worth your time to ship this there's motors in there you got motors in there there's brass in there there's aluminum in there let me see this cat right here all these that we pulled out oh dude well i was hoping these be aluminum sometimes they are they're not so nice and easy but yeah that's probably what i'm gonna do is just run up to the scrapyard get all the stuff out i've got a little pile back here i've been working on too get it all out come back with uh come back with some stuff to clean up like those oxygen machines but these guys like these lights right here these are gonna be aluminum they're like led lights but it looks like they've been glued in there i don't know if i can really get that out yeah it looks like it's all like kind of glued in there so this right here is gonna be pretty much breakage there's a couple of screws right there i might try to dig in there a little bit further see if i can clean it up but for the most part yeah that's all just gonna be breakage right there let's see yeah i've got all this stuff back here try to put some heavy stuff on top of it luckily like the dumpster i picked up all this stuff right here was was pretty close to my my house so i didn't have to like get on a freeway or anything but if i did i would have been afraid because like some of this stuff i mean this crab wants to blow out especially this small stuff right here the the breezels we'll pick that up and it'll blow right out the back of the truck so i don't really care for those aluminum studs and you know it's just even though they're metal sometimes the light that's like that one piece that i folded fold it folded folded to make it heavy so it does not come out scrap there but yeah uh so we'll put pile crap i got stuff i've been working on back over here here's that that's that card i took apart uh that's the base of it right here that is a big chunk of aluminum right there i cut into it it's aluminum big old heavy chunk of it i got a little stainless sink over here some motors have been working on some wires you know a little bit of this a little bit of that so probably get up there get that and then those oxygen machines we'll get those back take them apart plus we've got all those ballasts and stuff i got to clean up in there and then there's some aluminum wheel but yeah all in all i mean like uh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and we got one of these guys what you're not supposed to throw these away they got like a lithium battery look at that 94 percent you'll hear it although it looks like it's been dropped but i hear it it's doing its thing perfectly good crap thrown in the trash probably all insurance money too these companies be making lots of money off the insurance companies but yeah i got that right there but all in all yeah pretty successful evening mostly scrapped didn't get a whole lot of like really cool like stuff uh like the night before the electronic stuff and speaking of the night before i do want to apologize everybody for not grabbing that vinyl that adhesive back vinyl that i found in the dumpster with the fans i did go back last night that's why i went out two nights in a row went out last night because i wanted to get back there after i saw all the comments about it like honestly like when i first looked at him at at first glance i thought it was wrapping paper and then when i got in there i was like that's not wrapping paper it looks like just crafting paper you know like yeah crafting paper whatever and but i guess i was just too caught up in the the moment just getting those electronic uh the computer like or the computer parts the fans out that i didn't really take a quick like or didn't take a solid look at them but even i wouldn't even have known though like had i saw the oh it's adhesive back blah blah blah i didn't have any idea that crap was as expensive as it was until everyone started like i started seeing comments about you know i'm sorry i'm sorry if i broke y'all's heart on that one i really am i didn't purposely pass that up to uh you know make anyone mad i really had no idea about that stuff i've never found that stuff before and so i went back last night and unfortunately the truck had come and emptied out the dumpster and it just broke my heart it broke my heart because i wanted to get it so bad for all of y'all that were telling me to get it get it get it get it but you know you live you learn now i know if i come across that stuff i'm grabbing it i promise i'm going to do better next time guys i promise i'm going to do better next time but i definitely went back out there last night trying to find it and it was gone total bummer but uh now i know thank y'all so much it was like a long time ago like when i was curbside scavenging i passed up some blow molds and boy i tell you what people got so mad and though so now if i ever see them i grab them because they're you know they're collectible and people spend lots of money on them uh but i had no idea about that vetted that vinyl stuff and and and i do apologize about that guys i will be grabbing it next time if i ever come across it again and uh you know like it really did bother me but anyways but alrighty well like i said i got some work cut out for me again today you know just cleaning some stuff up get some wires and stuff all organized bells you know get those oxygen machines taken apart uh no i'm not gonna sell those oxygen machines uh that's medical equipment uh people ask me all the time they wanna you know about buying them it's like sorry that's medical stuff like like i mean i honestly wouldn't want to buy used medical stuff like that especially you know when it comes to like that kind of thing so i just scrap them apart like i said there's a motor in there there's a lot of aluminum in there there's brass in there there's good stuff in there there's stuff worth taking apart that's for sure but already guys uh get to it do my thing before the heat that the summer heat picks up and kicks in and and uh you know we're out here frying like an egg but uh yeah y'all stay tuned for that next one we're gonna get it go get it hard get all that good stuff you know what i mean but uh alrighty guys y'all take care have a lovely day be safe what we got here y'all scrappy scrap scraps the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 181,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving at walmart, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, diving, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, frugal living, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving
Id: Bj0iWao0bQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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