Dumpster Diving "Scrap Trap!"

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all right y'all ah [Music] oh man there's some lights in there all right let's get in and get them how's everybody doing all right i hope y'all doing all right i'm doing good thank you for asking yeah check it out man somewhere cast aluminum there grab those suckers okay this one this one's got some ish in it not the stuff i'm looking for though got a little bit a little bit there a little bit over here a little broken stick may be able to figure something out with that all right whoa whoa i don't see any more stuff there goes a big one oh we gotta get in there get it there's the ceiling fan yeah look at that i make a killer fishing lamp huh over there this guy anymore those lights i'll take that just two of them huh two big old lights let's see here yeah there's a lot of castle cats aluminum right there i guess i should have taken that bulb out too huh oh well yeah that's the sound i like to hear all right anyways guys welcome to the episode of dubstep dive with mike scavenger hopefully we'll find a bunch more crap like that up police is busy tonight i see some stuff man let's see what we got here watch your hair watch your head what is that x-ray arm it's an x-ray i'm not gonna toss it it's a little heavy x-ray [Music] look at that man another piece of aluminum right there i think that's aluminum let's see that's definitely a piece of aluminum yeah it is more cast aluminum that look at that man it's like a turret it's like a turret oh wait that's pretty heavy too we got here man accurate x-ray equipment sweet i'll be able to check my bones my own bones there's a little plate right here and the juice is in here anything yeah look at that oh that crap it's heavy man this pulse another plate bolts hardware and such good dumpster right there man you put me an x-ray machine together all right i hate these these taller ones sometimes they can be tough to get out what's up mr light el ladorino whoa that's like a transformer not a bounce interesting little transformer transformer robots in disguise lots of wood and stuff little pieces of toil oh what's the nips man watch the nips what's my nips decorative pepper pigs peter piper picked the pepper oh this heavy oh look at that man there's a vacuum in there it's a oreck yeah or i think oryx are good vacuums i think they like they have like their own store and stuff like it used to be like top of the line like the creme de la creme or whatever and then uh people like dyson and that's the other one a couple others came along whoa whoa whoa all right i see electrical stuff man more than outlet plugs you gotta be kidding me man let's back it up man i think we should back it up i think so what do you think do you concur i concur all right give daddy some smooches oh smooch look at this thing big electrical box man it looks brand new it sure does oh that does there's this bucket too man looks like it's bent like you got banned a little bit [Music] set our bucket right there big old plug old breaker this was that one i was just in the other night man people been tossing out some good old stuff yes sir lots of it just cast aluminum there big ol plug taiko i found these before the relay i think is what it is i think it's a relay boy that looks fancy doesn't it open her up black forest whitaker's eye i stole that from a jelly roll song i can't take credit for that whoa look at that balance baby that's a thing of beauty right there yeah wires that just hose just hoes oh that's stainless right there it's not sticky at all man this dumpster has been good to me lately not going to lie very good to me very good breakers plugs and such [Music] yeah anybody else listen to jelly roll i recently discovered him about about six months ago i like his music man it like comes from the heart not fake there's a screw collar loop kit it's eating something or another thermal insulator kit another one oh crap anyway him i like yellow wool cat wire another one of those boots all right boy we got some good crap out of this this puppy tonight [Music] something this bag all right daddy like daddy like that he i think we got i think we got most of it yeah we'll probably take that huh guess we could probably take that don't want it to get lonely a little bit there all right rock and roll man yeah oh look at this look at this man look at that big old balance holy cow yeah got some more lights better lights these are better than these fluorescent bowls man that's what i'm talking about yeah yeah we got a bucket let's go ahead some more man the night is young and so are we yeah i see books i've seen books and what the hell was that at that [Applause] [Music] boy that looks brass huh yeah it does look the patina patina a little brass patina on it old little candle holder oh get out of here oh that looks like a uh cookbook holder the spoon and the fork for your recipes recipes let's see what kind of books we got they look old nytt juradisik archive see if there's any kind of there's a date 1959. that's all in a different language let's see if we get here the world's great religious poetry there's a 6 1961 date there this will be in pretty good shade about spiders these books look oh 1940. marilyn monroe confidential well we know that can't be like that old it was late october 1957 i had never been more nervous in my life to begin with i was late battlefronts of industry westinghouse in world war ii 1948 oh man these are some these are some old books bro the best loved poems best loved poems of the american people before that looks old i probably should be touching with these gloves i always shake my head though you know people tossing out books this says 1936. 1936 on borrowed time that looks all the same too but yeah i always shake my head but books you know it's like tools it says 69. um what does that say it says 74 on someone bought it guile's goat boy 1966. but yeah like tossing out books i mean that's knowledge in the trash and uh it's like tools man it's like i don't understand why people throw out stuff like that but boy i tell you what you really want to shake your head oh there you go pop your head into a uh half price books dumpster at af after hours you will be amazed their dumpsters are full of books they throw out so many books it's disgusting i found one of these before it's disgusting how many books they throw out and i heard they throw out vhs tapes like crazy too but i try to grab them especially these old books like i mean this you know it's like historical almost you know books books man bucks oh there goes some more of those reels we found some of those a while back those actually everybody told me those are from uh whoa whoa whoa whoa let's hop up in here those are for uh old computers man apparently they used to be really expensive too paperwork oh woke out here man electronic equipment rackle rackle thermionic it's like an old tape recorder all right i'll take that i'll take that that's real heavy too man ain't no light punk that's for sure they don't make them like that no more racco r-a-c-a-l i have to check it out that's more those old office stuff right man golly this is crap that must have been sitting here for decades decades man that piece of plywood ah what is that look like a pump you don't want to come back yep that's a submersible pump now submersible pump any more of those i don't see i don't see any more of those [Music] no more of those up in this don't what's up dale no cord no nothing no no no sounds empty what's up hoes and hoes go see i think i see a piece of copper back there maybe let's see yeah looks like it gotta have that keen sense of scrap ism ish is that copper oh that's not copper i don't have the king since it's more hoes man i mean look at that doesn't that look like a piece of copper to you my senses my senses were no good it's insane oh check it out is that a scrap trap scrap trap oh yeah baby look at that man somebody said they're done with the trampoline so you give that to mike all right let me uh let me get all organized in the truck clear hole real quick hold up all right more smooches oh smooches all let's make it right y'all make it happen all right it's not it's not a scrap trap smaller pieces in there look at these springs i think somebody had emailed me a while back said they needed a couple of uh springs for their for their trampoline i didn't have any at the time got some now if you need one let me know let me down come on bro coming out no no not coming out now coming out yeah trampoline speaking of trampolines anybody been watching the olympics we've been watching uh we've been watching it all the mrs and i all i gotta say is where do i get one of the trampolines that those guys jump on they be getting like 30 feet in the air like 30 feet on this trampoline sign me up that's what i want probably a good way to break your neck though not gonna lie probably why they don't sell them at academy or walmart you know if i had to take a stab at that like you gotta have a special license oh i think it would be cool like you really want to step it up a notch like difficulty level with the you like the uh the uneven bars and the just the one bar the guys swing around on have it at the ceiling level and you got to jump on one of those big trampolines all the way to the roof rafters and then you do your bar routine that's how you take it up a notch that would be absolutely amazing although i saw a couple guys and gals take some pretty nasty uh smacks i guess that's what you'd call it when you missed the bar and go face-first into the mat just smacking good smacking oh [Music] springs trampolines are awesome for both jumping on and taking to the scrap yard i dig it i dig it all right yum i think we got most of it maybe a spring or two floating around all right get above it cletus it wasn't a scrap trap after all oh there we go nice fit nice fit ah look at that dismount yeah well crap y'all starting to rain again hey quick little peek up in this open top here uh oh i think i see some i did put those electronics oh those little recorder things in the what are these jma weatherproof protection system a box full of them huh check those out yeah i didn't put those little recorder things in the front seat i looked them up they're like old school recorders look at these these these are worth anything they're probably industrial be hard to get rid of but go check it out check her out see this wire over here although i'm at a place that does like cell phone stuff or cell tower stuff it's probably no good what is this crap yeah that's optical optical man i can't do nothing with that okay it's getting wet it's getting gross i thought we were gonna have a good evening apparently a good evening's not so good no more look at all this oh that's a box full of stuff that's scrap man that is scrap tell me scrap that um i don't know if i can flip the truck right here this andrew stuff that's expensive stuff [Music] yeah my truck ain't gonna fit through here all right let me just toss this out the side gonna have to make a few trips y'all holy cow look at that box see something here see if we get this box off this palette oh it's probably still gonna be heavy let's see oh it's getting gross wet and gross no that box is falling apart ah jeez god i don't think i'm gonna fit i don't think i'm gonna fit all right we're just gonna have to we're gonna have to work harder not smarter it's all right though i'll get the truck as close as i can show all this stuff in here sureflex assembly 25 feet l4a pdm dr 25 slash usa is what it is some more crap cold shrink kit that's what all that stuff is right there it's got a copper thing and oh wait another box full of stuff that box full step check these out these little shrink kits like i said there's probably not going to be a whole lot of value here for someone like myself because this is probably all all gonna be commercial industrial stuff i don't know all right i didn't hurt to at least check it out at least check it out at least check it out that's a lot man that's a lot all right yeah this stuff i can scrap it even the fittings on the end brass are stainless okay all right i think that's these boxes you've been good oh yeah that's scrappable that's got the metal innards all right now we get the uh the joy of pick uh this crap up yeah yeah i don't think you don't fit but my background as close as i can i feel like an astronaut in the ocean oh all right scavengers going caught right there luckily here at the casa as y'all can see it's nice and dry so i pulled these guys back out of the front i got all that wire back there loaded up got a whole mess of this stuff to go through i think it's cell phone tower stuff these fittings are actually pretty good stuff you have to cut them off um like i said there's a lot of this stuff i really really don't know if i'm gonna be able to make any kind of profit off of uh some of this crap got wet type two four five one seven four it's a cold shrink kit by andrew i know this andrew stuff is not cheap radio stuff uh wps-4a it's a half-inch annular weatherproof protection system got a whole bunch of those tons of those i got that big box we found back there that's i think it's got one two three four five maybe six it's a meter socket but it's like for five or six i mean it looked like it was new i don't really know what to do with that other than to grab it out i mean like that's the biggest one i found to date i got some huge lights back there uh they're buried under all that stuff we gotta have to clean up uh that's all cast aluminum good clean stuff over there got our trampoline got some books up in the front the cabin i don't even want to bring those out mess with those because it's wet i just leave them up there got a good piece of wire right there uh but yeah i got a lot of cool really old books i like really cool old books uh sometimes the wife can use them when she stages furniture and stuff but the poetry and stuff like my mom might be interested in some of that uh but yeah so got all of this stuff hoober and sooner uber and hoover sooner uh yeah although i was told those fittings sometimes those fittings could be something a little bit more than just like stainless or aluminum like uh like silver plated stuff and and all kinds of crap so y'all let me know on that got a bunch of stuff over here let me know if you are interested in any of that because i really don't know what to do with that i'll do a little research see if we can find it but i want to check out these guys i looked them up like i said these rackle electronic equipment and they they're like recorders a bunch of really old cables it's a technical handbook england yeah the books but let's take a look and see what exactly this thing is so what i could like just to quick off of the internet it looked like it was uh a recorder boy that is how i'm heavy yeah look at that thing ah rachel thermionic i wouldn't even know where to begin y'all but they don't make them like that no more i don't even think they make i don't think they make that anymore that's some old equipment right there got two of them i'll do a little research see i mean god i just don't know that there's a market for those but they're very heavy they're very very heavy be curious to dig into these if i could if i could because some of this i mean this stuff it looks pretty looks pretty decent probably shouldn't be putting a magnet to it yeah nothing's sticking so that is awesome stuff right there oh god i am soaking wet now it's just like just like swampy out just total swampy in this pocket here oh there's the power cord look at that power cord this is made in england made in england but anyways well already scavengers that is gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving oh yeah we got an x-ray stuff accurate we got some x-ray machine stuff too some brass right here but yes like i said that's gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most mike the scavengers always was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share with your friends uh instagram check it out got one um i still have a facebook although i'm really not getting on there these days guys i mean facebook sucks straight up uh teespring down below get y'all a couple t-shirts some stickers you know koozies that kind of mugs i don't know if there's cuz these bugs that kind of stuff uh help support the scavenger uh but yeah i got my work cut out for me like all of this stuff just gonna have to do some serious micro scrapping back here but hey that's what i do man you know just come out here kick the fan on put the radio on got the uh i'm gonna give me an umbrella so i have a little canopy out here but i just sit out here and uh spend most of my day on my days off you know just cleaning up scrap organizing and uh getting ready that's how i make my money well my scrap money that is but uh all right guys will y'all stay tuned on that next one be safe love y'all peace peace peace what we got here y'all those gravity scrap scrap oh [Music] like a scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 88,183
Rating: 4.9468961 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving, make money, extra money, scrap yard, free
Id: _3lAjoLrrzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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