Dumpster Diving "Still Hittin'"

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all right take a little poke a little poke in here man y'all see that back there it looks like a ceiling fan this metals dude [Music] all right tell y'all what let's just check out this uh this ceiling fan situation in here cause that's what that is it sure is all right we're gonna grab that get that sob right there [Music] all right this feels pretty look heavy that it's full of clothes on hangers and such like it looks like legit clothes too i mean there's a nordstrom hang hold up i usually don't grab clothes but when they look looking good like that always worth the taking peeps huh [Music] garbage food that sounds like [Music] trashy just one bag with some clothes huh yeah okay disgusting all right dude yeah we're gonna check out these clues looks like there's some dresses and gowns or something my ceiling fan [Music] all right all right what we got here y'all trash didn't quite make it into the trash oh yeah oh yeah i see that scrap i see that scrap you gotta get that get that scrap another [Music] something heavy in this box look at that what if those are now those look old look at this little box going here yeah those are older breakers but i'll still take it she got some snippets lots and lots of snippets there's some strip copper in here too oh this goodness all this goodness oh man this box is absolutely full holy crap what do you think we should do okay we'll get this romance there get this stuff here should we just take the whole like the whole box i mean it's full but you know what no we don't take the whole body the pp bottle let's see see what we got here [Music] some more of that romex stuff and this is that big aluminum stuff look at that yeah people say that the aluminum stuff is used for uh weight purposes like overhead that's what was weighing that box now is uh we're running overhead to save on weight they can rock the aluminum [Music] i don't know i just grab it out because i lock it a lot so is that like to ground things literally like you stick it in the ground and you ground it so notice there's something just like that inside of my house by my electrical box where some wire is coming out and i'm guessing that's what that is that's like the ground the ground goes to the ground good number one in here man all right get it all get every last bit of it because that's what i do that is what i do all right we hit a pretty good lit and this one this is the dumpster this is like this is like one of my favorites i'm gonna name this dumpster nick's dumpster and people are like mike why call it nick's dumpster well truth be told right over yonder had a good friend of mine a long time ago drowning the uh the creek the creek right over there drinking and driving accident bad stuff man one friend lost his life the other friend went to jail and i was the one that found the body four in the morning very traumatic very traumatic but yeah just being young and stupid man so yes we will call this next dumpster after you for you nick all right my little bit of scrap start this trip off yeah you got up in here yo i see some stuff yes i do buried under all this other stuff let's see what we got up in here [Music] trying to break that glass it's a bicycle trailer let's see here whoa whoa yeah hook that to the bicycle you know pull around the cooler stuff i see a license plate down there california baby i don't want the glass shoot i tried to break it she didn't want to break on me man buckets okay what do y'all think man what's up here take a look take a closer look at this guy and it's not in terrible shape i just know it ain't gonna make it in the back of my truck man [Music] what do y'all wanna do take it i think it'd be kind of rude to break the glass in the dumpster sorry forgive me lord for i have sinned okay all for the scrap what's up dumpster oh i see books see books see what kind of books we got in here oh what that is does it got money in it no books we got back here build your own gaming pc pc gamer the ultimate how-to guide is this is a yearbook that another one yes yeah i mean old yearbooks one thing new yearbooks let's see the lightning thief [Music] titan's curse the last olympian i think i have found that book before [Music] oh yeah i started grabbing more books now that uh because i used to take them to this place that they would buy books but they will they'll only buy books like high demand books in a spectacular shape like these they probably wouldn't buy but the other day i was driving through this neighborhood and uh about my house what is that this is a big slipper and uh they have one of those uh those boxes like a little are you what's that munchkin it's like you uh you know borrow a book take a book that kind of thing it's like this almost looks like a uh like a mailbox or something what is that and uh you know you can just put books in it so i started putting books in it i mean kids are gonna love this kind of stuff harry potter like this looks like the whole a whole harry potter collection right here yeah so this kind of crap may not be able to get money for it but i'd rather you know donate it give us some kiddos that could use it that would read it [Music] and uh i mean they're not gonna read yearbooks that's for sure but they'll read harry potter harry potter okay yeah like and it was crazy because like the books in there they were like kind of crappy little like almost magazine looking things and here i am putting in these big old monster hardbacks but hey i'm doing it for the kiddos for the kiddos yes there's a big old rug [Music] what the heck is that a buggy or something what is that grocery okay no grocery cart what is that what stainless steel cleaner polish what is is this from a grocery store yes it says coals yeah you can't touch that just like empty hammer man can't mess with those ooh there's a shell gift card check that out more often than not there ain't crap on them though this is stuff little fox piece of jewelry charm or something craft wire i got a feeling there's some weird stuff in here man it's like somebody's house all right let me see see what's under this rug oh look at that there goes a big old bag it's heavy too got in the big bag let's see my medication is a laptop in here it's full of tools just somebody's tool bag there's sockets okay a little crowbar pry bar okay i get down on that we'll go through that it's definitely got some weight to it [Music] oh crap oh that is i don't know what that is the agave all right let's check out over here yeah this is like somebody just straight up like just tossed out all their crap their nastiness see there's any good nastiness in there no phone no phone there's a little etch a sketch that'll keep me let's look busy this trampoline stuff of course everything's got to be very it's always got to be freaking buried what's today the day of the clothes or something yeah this is straight up like somebody toss somebody's stuff out look at that dude those are so cool got a little remy a little remy touching that little led light that's new the basket that's falling apart see what else we got up in here cables yuck yuck some protein powder nasty piss broken belt random crap junk chunk [Music] yeah i know what this is there was like an apartment right across the street there [Music] this is somebody's crap it just tossed out all right this is kind of gross looks like tupperware with old food in it there's old food right there oh check those out baby yeah that's i'm gonna be rocking up and down the block some air max nasty other air max see my size yeah if they're in better shape i might have grabbed them but this is some chords there's a little engraver look at that is that a zippo nope it's a knockoff there's a bag let's see what's in this bag look at that leather jacket can we call that leather i don't think so yeah this is like oh somebody's stuff 3xl that's a little big all right dude i'm getting out of this nasty one this is uh it's a little too much for me right now a little too heavy let's see here this box real quick there's a little likes those are those little tor er soldering irons i think that's what this one you all need some limes little scrap it's a cord yuck yeah i think i just saw some cockroaches man i'll just uh get a couple more things before i catch something up in here man all right getting some soda pop got some peach big peach cute and creepy coloring book hey that's kind of cool give that to people up at work cigarettes she tasted like cigarettes lieutenant dan what the heck is that night lazy i know i don't know i don't know big old flashlight down here the led light i don't know it sounds broken sounds broken there's a bag down here with some stuff let's take a look real quick this freaking rug not the coolest thing is any good nope ring if they're a little bit better jeans those don't look too bad god those are huge probably oh there's the thing for the soldering irons oh yeah that goes with it okay we might be hitting some pay dirt now way down here you got attaches to it also yeah somebody might have worked on some electronics here and there there's some cat wire it's more of a little soldering thing that's not like electronics guy wants all that stuff i bet i better bed toothbrush is that a phone that's not a phone what is it what is that that's brass on there i don't know what that is we'll grab it though [Music] oh looks like somebody was military said a jacket or some pants some military pants medium regular i'm gonna make some shorts out of it make some army shorts okay i think i'm about done with this one what do y'all say can't spend too much time up in here oh some skinny jeans okay skinny jean whoa [Music] yeah it's like full tools it says xbox 360 on it there's some tire plugs they look older than dirt though let's see and then this was like all tools rocking choir sockets shoot i'll take it dumpster's full of junk what's up disgusting infested diseased mattress man this is the uh dumpster with the bus to live luckily there's not too much happening up and now not too much happening up in here either somebody's cubicle got to axe though nasty cubicle oh look at that check that out that's those uh it's a little motors people say these are uh used for the oh my uh oh i guess we know where i'm at the dumpster people that toss out lots of motors holy cow oh my hold up still hitting are you cereal are you cereal right now whole thing's full of them full of them [Music] wait wait these aren't motors these are little gear the motor goes right in there these are just a little gear gearbox okay these are not motors gearboxes that motor's attached to my bad either way i'll still take them i think that's aluminum it that's cast aluminum at the very least oh my god oh my oh my [Music] just fill up multiple boxes just when i thought this whole episode was gonna be mostly about like garage sale clothes and stuff like that we come across this it's absolutely bananas i wouldn't ask no questions though girl it's already a little dark though hopefully y'all can still see oh and i must say the weather today absolutely lovely had a cool front blow through it's probably low 60s no humidity that's what the killer is it's the humidity because i've been to like vegas before and it's hot summertime you know triple digits it's hot but not like texas hot because texas oh got the uh the humidity coming in off the gulf is so we're so moist on the coast and so it's like even like 80 degrees see 80 degrees and dry is awesome but 80 degree 80 degrees and uh human no thank you not interested been there done that it's not all that awesome so yeah totally enjoying this weather totally and i think tomorrow supposed to be somewhat the same so we might go hit it again gotta get home here pretty soon [Music] dinner all right oh yeah what and some of you all might be asking mike why do you have multiple boxes because this is gonna be heavy probably easier to do it in a few boxes in one big box although i suppose i could have just pulled the old duster to the window but that's neither here nor there [Music] that's a lot of squash right there yeah it's too bad they're not the little motors but these are like the little gearbox things that someone said they go car windows or you know motor goes in here it's got the screw and it turns that i wonder why they're throwing these out i don't see how these could be bad unless unless they're old which is a possibility when the grace inside's broken down it's easier just to throw it out and there's still more they get new ones and fix them because they look like they're somewhat permanently enclosed like those aren't screws on there so i don't know let's just keep grabbing stuff though [Music] i know those boxes are empty and they're just they are so beautiful anyways we're almost getting there almost there but how about one more little story before we're done you guys want to hear a crazy story the other night when i was out i caught filming that's what i tell my wife i'm out filming i'm dumpster guys urban treasure hunt looking for awesomeness that has been discarded left for waste and i roll up on this dumpster and i've been diving in for pretty much since the beginning what do i see a dude driving a white truck face down in this dumpster with a camera on his head filming himself dumpster diving in my dumpster so come on bro i gotta tell you what like i don't mess with like dollar tree and all that little you know retail stuff which is good don't get me wrong i have found some awesome stuff in the retail especially like you know the bath and body works lots of uh lotions candles you name it good stuff shelving good stuff but for the most part i don't hit those so y'all take them all just leave my dumpsters alone that's all i'm saying anyway uh yeah i think we got it all all right i think that was it so let's see what we got up in her that's probably 30 40 pounds how about 20 that's probably about 30. probably 60 to 70 maybe 80 pounds aluminum breakage as it sits pretty sweet already scavengers we're gonna go ahead and call it right there uh somewhat of an interesting evening fall shizzle uh got some scrap got some other stuff i've got the uh the little bike uh trailer right there i'll take a look at it it looked like it was kind of broken maybe not though let me see here oh yeah see all this crap over here got me all worried looks like it may well maybe not maybe just missing some screws now that i look at it actually this is a pretty good shape so yeah i definitely probably be able to sell that that definitely not a garage sale either that's a online craigslist or a facebook marketplace for that the canopy right here um uh it looks like it's a pretty good shape i'll pop it up take a look at it see what happens if not you know at the very end of the day it is scrap got us a uh california plate okay over here what we got of course y'all know we got all of this uh this scrap right here this aluminum breakage as it sits but good stuff i don't know why they would toss these out don't know why y'all let me know down below uh got our wires over here the first steps here this one yeah this is the bag the uh little computer bag it was full of just tools nothing too hip and happening let me see yeah there's a big old bag full of socks yeah somebody turned this into their little their little tool box but i'll definitely take a little that's a milwaukee yeah that's that's pretty legit right there so yeah we'll get some tools out of it what is this prominent baseball players pete alonso new york mets well that doesn't look too old it's adventurous things still oh look at that uh oh oh no hold up i think i found some pretty bad stuff hold up be a little careful i think i saw i think i saw a spoon i think i saw some drugs in here well i can't dump it out because of all this stuff let's see it look like here a piece of a glass pipe i mean i don't know i don't know there's a uh that's one of those little vapes yeah some of the darker sides of uh dumpster diving you come up on people's nastiness i don't know what the whole melted brush is all about but i don't see any needles so that's good yeah we got some locking pliers in there look at this a little bit of that sock is there but you know i mean you tend to find that like this kind of crap you know when you find all this stuff that's tossed out but we'll probably throw that in the trash alonso this can't be that old i mean there's 2019 right there so okay there well i mean can i get to what i wanted to get to yes we can uh yeah so we got some clothes here got some pants uh some jeans probably ourselves in the garage i was gonna see if these uh these marine ones are these uh military ones fit and if they do you know make some shorts at them go do some dumpster diving we'll check the pockets out it's usually usually nothing in the pockets but people i have heard stories of people finding stuff ah this guy right here the little weller that's what all of these i feel go to i just yeah right there so we have a whole little kit a little bit cat wire scrapped there there's like a whole little kit there and they look like they all plug into this guy right here i'm not sure what this is i hear things come on so those look like little nozzles or tips yeah use only original original welder tips you said no well compared to me warranty so yeah i think this is like part of like a little soldering thing oh there's my cool guy shades close here yeah all right all right so yeah we already saw all this we want to see what's in that in the bag with the clothes with the uh y'all see that dust coming off there yeah my wife said you're not bringing any of this in the house she said no but uh okay all right the stuff in the bag hopefully it's something awesome i mean we saw the uh the nordstrom hangers and then you know i was telling my wife about it just go because she used to work at nordstrom and she said oh yeah we gave out you know that kind of stuff all the time you know people buy suits and it's like yeah suits that doesn't look too promising right there looks like some ladies clothes see here well i mean definitely at the end of the day garage sale stuff some pants it's i mean they're they're all dry clean those are some slacks peter manning i mean they still have the the plastic on them and then all this ish right here let's see what else we got because this stuff's still in plastic too oh shoot the tide kind of plastic that looks like like a little skirt i guess and then that's a little blazer lord help me here you know a man going through women's clothing so you know i mean this still has the tag on it in addition to our normal return policy this garment cannot be returned if this label is removed so it could still be returned dillard's 64. originally 170. size 8. that's a little snug for me y'all let's see what else we got here size eight huh there's another one i don't know these are like some it's like deja vu like from that last one i found with all those dresses i was hoping to find some like awesomeness but i'm not sure what that is yeah maybe i'll surprise the uh the misses tonight you know i'll put on a little dress do a little uh reverse role-playing no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding y'all yeah but this looks like just a bunch of just women's dresses oh they all this has donation on it interesting okay well there you have it folks there's like a ballroom gown or something there you have it women's clothes my cup of tea but uh yeah all in all i'd say somewhat successful evening it wasn't the uh the greatest of all evenings but we definitely found some stuff i mean right over here this is the uh the hot lick of the night i mean unless you're in the dresses because then that's the hot lake of the night but uh uh anyways alrighty guys well appreciate y'all tagging along with me on this uh dumpster driving journey this evening y'all be sure to take care uh be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share it with your friends special shout out to everybody boss of merch appreciate that if you're just sit down below teespring go get y'all some stuff but like i said we're gonna go hit it again tomorrow and uh yeah we're gonna try to make it happen so but in the meantime you'll be safe be careful cover your face in public if you feel sick don't go out that kind of stuff whatever peace what we got here y'all scrappy scrap scriptures a scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 607,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: uypJv0___ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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