Dumpster Diving "That's Straight Money"

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all right oh check out that man it's one of them snazzy pallets people tell me these are worth good money i've never oh i've never really tried to sell pellets before though maybe i'll look into it and then again maybe i won't what is that we got stuff in here y'all let's see what we got bring it on down got some tubs those are aqua bins oh not quite hack on there i'll take the what is this oh i know what that is you like run wires through it that's that hose wire housing or something scrappy square you know what let's just throw some out we'll throw it back in [Music] yeah there's some scrap in here you just gotta have to dig for it yeah we are gonna hear it oh check that out those are like hdmi cables yes please more of that please those are plastic all those brackets that's what i was looking at he says is that a bag breeze huh probably use that yeah that's what's looking at all these brackets we're gonna be uh metal but they're not dude that's straight money right there got in here some wires and such back i know what that is that's that's stuff for wires and such electronic guy probably like that [Music] oh oh my gosh look at that there's some number one yes please more of that please [Music] oh my gosh this box is full full of cameras [Music] all right all right we'll work to this side over here look at that there's another full box right there there's a little basket look at that there's another full box right here look at all these wires bro yes please take more of that emptiness emptiness it's a big o oh that's the u-line the knock-off of the acrobin the heck is that oh but i'll take it dude this box is full of stuff not lying they see my stuff oh my god here man some sugar waves [Music] knock off and all of these things they look like metal but they're not that's a piece of metal right there guess what dumpster dive is about ooh check it out man lucky wait a minute those are tricks not [Music] looking all right kind of do it once oh there's something in here oh some sort of bracket it's definitely metal take that sucker down here towards the center look at that i'm throwing out total full rolls of electrical all right broskies broskies that's that's metal that feels like light enough to be cast aluminum right here oh no i ain't messing that all right man that's what i'm talking [Music] about all this fish throw these boxes back in the duster clean her up this is bananas absolutely in these boxes they're full of old cameras these guys right here old cameras we'll go through it see what all we got toss all this is dude not a bad little lick right there i'll clean her up and i'll even go one step further i'll close the lid for them they go so much close this over here look at all of this stuff dude look at that yeah that's like plastic stuff for your you run your wires through it same stuff say bro nice yeah baby oh it's a little cold out here tonight yo this box of some goodness doesn't look like a whole bunch but let's check it out oh it's chilly out tonight it's supposed to like get down into the 30s baby ain't nothing like the uh my friends up to the north though y'all getting a big nor eastern up there in the west oh look at all that man this one made me a little box look at the uh look at that man wires and all kinds of stuff some of it's stripped some of it not so much it's a box of stuff to go through look at that man i need to find a roll of this stuff right here all i find is the little flip it let you know all right all right man get down on some of that we didn't even have to jump in this go round [Music] off his trash all right it's a box full of snippets what we got up here y'all i see something something in them let's see i see a big old hose oh look at that look at that look at that oh those are those motors what is that looks pretty pretty inexpensive pretty handy oh my god here [Music] what is this well that looks fancy and snazzy and all kinds of stuff all right let's see here there's a gun [Music] what that is y'all i don't know man let's see here little top of the way here i'm very curious what that is that's somebody's lunch this stuff looks like good scrap for sure these those motors oh yeah low motors man make good scrap little motors make good scrap all day long leave all the plastic and such i'm not gonna lie it's getting a little chilly i don't think i adjust appropriately for the occasion yeah baby oh god here what this is it's a meter of some sort and it's still on it's a flow meter look at that some teflon tape some hose clamps boy it is a little chilly this is getting chillier by the second yeah these like hose fittings of some sort look at oh motors though there goes another one these are empty already got those guys yeah baby scrapping this crap check out what's going on next door oh there goes a minivan i don't know if y'all see that but i see stuff in there it's definitely some stuff here goes another minivan i bet that's the cleaning ladies yeah we're gonna have to get this crap out let's see definitely gonna have to get this crap out probably not coming gonna happen from this side let's see all right oh yeah we can do some transferring here yeah we got a dumpster right next to it so look at that something magnetic they're that in the back of the track let's see here throw this next door come on that wrapping paper okay packing paper not wrapping paper for packing all right yeah we'll definitely be cleaning that up all right let's get down here to the good stuff it's actually kind of nice having a dumpster right next door all right look at that these are those uh those little gearbox things gearbox staying in the gearbox in the box ah come on palace you go to their neighbor and be like why y'all throwing all this stuff in my dubs in there like it's not me man it's the other guy there's a few of them down here look at that all right yeah this stuff right here as it sits that aluminum breakage that's cast aluminum but it's full of grease and [Music] [Music] that's me standing yeah i see a couple more down here grab them real quick boxes are empty about it here [Music] there's another one [Music] hey i'll take this crab man they may not be good from us but they'll bring me a couple of bucks what we got here i don't know what that is definitely scrappable though wires here okay i think that's about it all right all right look at all that scrap scrap all right oh we got to get that pallet we left i mean we'll throw a couple of these back they don't because i doubt that both of these dumpsters belong to the same company right last thing you want to do is like be like tossing out trash one day and you think you're tossing it in your dumpster and the next day your neighbors are screaming at you what are you doing this morning now you're like oh i thought i thought i was thrown in my dumpster and at the end of the day it's my scavenger messing it all up oh what's up big open top big green open top oh check that out got some stuff i'm gonna pull up right next to the dumpster too that's just some joke but hey there's other wire in here too let's see a lot of metal pipe be careful with that bus out the window and that there's no wire in it though [Music] but luckily they're like shorter pieces so it's not like that big of a deal but we'll gladly take it does that dab sir whoa whoa i'm sinking i've been driving by because they've been doing a clean out let's see when they do that man they toss out all kinds of good stuff just like all this that's aluminum it's aluminum vx all right let's see we've got up here see this this is the good stuff but somebody somebody stripped out probably laughing all the way to the bank baby all right toss that back down all right these these pipes man all these weird shaped intricate pops get a little stronger huh gotta use that leg power okay okay okay okay okay i think we got the goods out of goods hey duster [Music] got a couple little bit longer pieces but i think we'll be all right party time baby ain't nothing on the side huh got it all got it all got it all right it's crab it looks a little buried though more lights as y'all my witness i didn't break these bulbs that are on the ground here they did it let's see we get some of this out some of it maybe not all of it yeah maybe all of it i don't know hold on because i really don't want to be making this huge old mess out here it's already messy as it is give somebody a reason to blame something on the old scavenger nice mixed in with the banana peels the fecal matter and the whataburger cups all right here's another one let's see here that sounds crazy very crazy come on so it's about here oh no there's another one right here god i think everything's sitting on top of it look at that i just instantly made like so much more room in that dumpster it's all about the artist stacking stacking it got it okay cruising crazy cruising uh oh check that out it's a fan from ac i've never seen one that's got two blades though they're usually three or four huh yeah no sir like those are just no no no because i have to pull all this out there's pallets in there and everything all for what a couple pennies let's if we get this lighter oh look at that it's another bend is that an acrobin all right yeah there's a light down here but it's got the weight of the whole dumpster yep nope not happening it's like because i'd have to literally empty this whole dumpster in the ground for that little bit of scrap so sometimes you know just it is what it is what's your time worth my time's a little bit more than that i heard something oh but look at here there goes some more lights which adds a lot of weight on from the dumpster i'm gonna leave a note for these guys like look dude just leave them by the dumpster i'll come pick them up maybe i'll leave my phone number 281 33080 here for the those of y'all who actually know what that phone number is what up all right oh man look at this we're getting quite the little stack of stuff that's that's all steel bx that's number one all right this is probably going to do it here though got messages from the wife we got a little english bulldog winston he's like 11 or 12. starting to not act right making mom and dad worried so we're taking shifts keeping an eye on them i'll tell you what sometimes losing it a dog like the love for a dog man sometimes a love for a dog is way better than that of the love for a person you know but i mean that's just seriously all right i'm taking it i'm taking it it's in between two dumpsters you're my witness that's probably old stock brand new motor bro all right i'm taking it well alrighty scavengers good morning how's everybody doing as you all can see it's a little frosty out here this morning ain't nothing like what y'all are getting up in the northeast though my hibiscus plants i probably should have brought them in last night but i don't think it was too cold so maybe i mean they're pretty hardy plants but anyways back to the uh matter at hand dude what a night what a night got a little pile of scrap over here i pulled it out of the truck you know just to just get it out of the truck or whatever but let's kind of go over what we found here uh we'll go ahead and start off with uh this let's see we'll go we'll set this over here uh the the last dumpster that we hit we got a bunch of those uh these little gear boxes that we have found time and time again this is all cast aluminum on the outside they are full of grease so they're kind of kind of gross and they are a pain in the butt to take apart so i just scrapped these out as a breakage i don't know what this is telco green for use with motor i don't know i don't know uh y'all let me know and then all this crap right here i don't know what this is either say it says uh high amps but that's there's definitely some aluminum on there i don't know it looks like it's something spin like a pump maybe maybe a pump i got our little motors over here some wires let's grab a strap there's got to be some sort of pump or something i don't never seen anything like that before ah but hey i'll take it all day long son uh alrighty already already okay so uh we got our box of our little snippet back here and then we've got the uh the one dumpster with the cameras and such we pulled out this spool right here this is the plastic wire wrap uh you run your wires through it and like say like you wanted to run some wires externally on the outside of a car or something like that this keeps the wire safe from rubbing on things and uh yeah this stuff costs money and they just tossed it out same thing with this right here uh all these hdmi cables vanco hdmi speed cable with ethernet 12 foot that's all we got all brand new in the packaging in a container over here there's more of those same thing hdmi cables good stuff good stuff ac my cables cost money y'all they do cost money uh more of this uh over here this is the uh uh same stuff as that stuff on the spool just a little bit smaller and then this is braided uh wire protection sleeving [Music] big old spools of number one right there i mean that's just straight money in the trash man back brace some more wires and such these are like little wiring harnesses i don't know what this is it's got some sort of sensor in it so i don't know if y'all know let me know yeah more wiring harnesses wiring harnesses that that motor look at this guys this is a ball door industrial motor 0.5 horsepower 230 volt 2 amp 1725 rpm brand new and i mean balder baldor is a name brand motor it's not like some off-brand cheap chinese like that's a decent motor they just toss that out brand new brand new probably a couple hundred bucks huh i would say what a new motor goes for more of our stacking bins these are so awesome these are great these are like just absolutely great stack it here got to have it on a somewhat solid surface but yeah stacking bins love them love them love them uh okay let's see let's check out these boxes right here these we one of them we opened had cameras and such and i'm willing to bet the others are the same let me get my knife and my pocket heel all right yep look at all that cameras wires i don't see any monitors though usually i'll find monitors with cameras and things but no monitors lots of wires though yep okay that's what that is yeah right i open this guy it's probably much of the same yep more cameras and such bananas i find these all the time in here but no monitors because they do toss out the little monitors that these things read on some good stuff in here [Music] good stuff all right and then this one this is the one that was open and uh there's another closer gander here yep all the same stuff cameras cameras cameras that almost looks brand new almost that really does some of these look fairly new man just in the trash in the trash nice nice nice nice all right got my work cut out for me yep there's a little snippets and stuff i had to go through that clean that up get our stuff out of there yep then our pile of scrap over there all in all i'd say somewhat of a pretty darn successful evening here guys a staple cartridge where'd that come from those are staples staple cartridge for a those are big staples i don't know where that came from it just was back there it was just back there man cool i like to find stuff it's like you know surprises and whatnot but anyways guys that's gonna do it for this episode of dumpster diving as always it was a total pleasure appreciate y'all tagging along uh be sure to like the video uh smash that like button subscribe if you haven't already hit the notification bell stay up to date when i post new stuff uh extra specials out there everybody bought some merch appreciate that if you're interested down below teespring go get you all some stuff got some sweaters definitely this time of year sweater weather baby and uh you know t-shirts caps things like that face mask you know go check it out at the very least just go check it out but uh already guys uh we're gonna try to hit it again maybe today maybe tomorrow i don't know we'll just have to see how it plays out but until then y'all be safe wash your hands cover your face in public don't catch the cove in and uh going into the holiday season you know like we basically had to cancel our whole thanksgiving plans and christmas looks like it's going to be very much the same so you know 2020 get the hell behind me so i can move forward you know what i mean i think this whole country needs that but uh anyways alrighty y'all take care peace what we got here y'all scrappy scrap scrap alright mic the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 102,483
Rating: 4.9393282 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster, diving, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster diving at walmart, dumpster diver, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster divers, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving police, jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster haul, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving, jackpot dumpster diving apple store, dumpster diving cvs, dumpster diving mega
Id: 4Tr6-jeEqmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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