Dumpster Diving "The Sloppy Seconds"

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all right all right yeah we're in the box against the dead we'll find lots of boxes of stuff yep they got some more stuff a little bit a little bit fuller than i like in here but hey it is what it is right here let's see let's see oh there's a few of them in here let's just back the truck up just make it easier on ourselves huh what'd you say all right all right let's see what we got here lots of good scrap in here a bit what is this protran huh all right pro tran that's no no good whole bunch of stuff right here whole bunch of stuff snippets and such another box right here let's get all this there's some good stuff right there all right hello how's everybody doing all right all right oh mike's on the scene out here trying to make it happen for you folks i think i saw some stuff over here too maybe maybe crap in here some wire there yeah there's a little bit down there we're going deep going deep all like number one stuff right there all right not a whole lot in there a little bit here let's get the copper out of here sauce saw a little bit grab that stuff red gold that's what i call it all right yeah there's and there's a little bit of stuff down here not a whole whole lot see if we can get on to bigger and more prosperous dumpsters y'all all right any more than big old breaker boxes i'll take them suckers all day all day it's that aluminum stuff yeah a couple little snippets but all in all let's see we i think we get on the next we still got some some pretty good awesomeness out of there get her filled up up drop this snippet all right i see wires already wires for days man holy cow start grabbing stuff huh full of cameras wires and such all right look what we got here this one's pretty pretty stuff too though it's the camera downstairs let's see here look at that box full of stuff feel that sucker up screens cameras and such just chilling right here on top that's why i like it that's what's good for me anyway although i bet there's all kinds of stuff in here see here it's like cat water let's see we need another box big next door i can use shoot see nothing unlock batteries just fill that sucker up as much as we can it goes that's a boatload of cameras y'all oh no all right tell you what tell you what we'll do oh there's a box sitting right on top oh there's batteries down there all right y'all getting comfy we're going to be here a minute i'll tell you that right now it's like christmas christmas but not all right let's see whatever that is awesome scrap man i bet there's like all kinds of stuff down here at the bottom i'm gonna go down after those batteries though almost certainly too there watch your head batteries are good money and then that way somebody start screaming at you before they get in their dumpster be like well i got you on camera some of the way stuff you ain't supposed to it's not enough to scrap on look at all the wires it's a ficus tree i think that's a ficus tree ugh yeah if i could just dump this into the back of my truck that would be ideal just take the whole dumpster but it is what it is i don't know what that is those wires back here all right all that boy these guys toss out a lot of stuff those are actually pretty nice right there grab the rugs those ain't half bad y'all boy staple or another one i've got lots of this table there's a camera in there a piece of aluminum grab that and get all these brackets they're all better work there's a box full of stuff right here more cameras just completely buried though just toss that crap back in there i'm just gonna have to take them out one by one get my exercise for the day man i don't know what i'm going to do when summer time hit just sweat it out again huh here sourced up hmm all right well we're getting up in this one too [Music] i'm gonna go too much deeper though all i don't right what that is amazon box right there except the viewline and cards all right all right there's probably more down here but i'm not emptying this whole freaking dump like i said it'd be nice if i could just you know dump the whole thing the back of my truck but that ain't gonna happen okay we're circling back around all right all right we always find good stuff in this steps here we will most certainly be back again fight fight history in my rush all right breaking a sweat oh yeah baby hell yeah holy whoa we got rolling up here y'all oh i thought that was a piece of scrap oh man i thought that was a big old metal box it's a fake metal box y'all you think they'll uh they'll be cool with that at the scrapyard it's like yo man it's fun metal it's faux metal ah jeez for real oh big old purple that's her open time hmm i see some aluminum in here a couple pieces right here a little let's see whoa where's my truck there's my truck all right a couple of the wall studs ah for those of you that don't know some people still ask what mike why don't you grab the wall studs i'll show you why i'll take that aluminum that's good stuff got a little weight to it but yeah these uh these washed out that's a piece of aluminum like i'll grab the aluminum to make sure but these wall studs all this stuff is so light and i do a lot of driving i'm not gonna lie what they're gonna say yeah a lot of driving getting on the freeways and such and that light stuff man i can't see in the back of my truck oh oh well hello and uh that stuff has a tendency to want to blow out you know some dumpsters i find are just completely stuck with this stuff and uh actually those aren't too bad it's a nasty bucket right there son this stuff not too bad but the wall studs i just don't want that crap blowing you know what it means jelly bean pound for pounds because some dumpsters i go to they're literally stuck to the to the absolute brim with those wall studs when they have a new business come in and that i mean there's just so much it's just so much and i don't always have the proper stuff to you know because they just look steady they're really light really flimsy they're just and it's a lot of times they have screws in it and so it's for me just pound for pound ah now these aren't so bad though i'll take those all right see i think there's some more oh it's a little wet up in here little way i mean if somebody wants to come come in behind and get the sloppy seconds go right ahead this guy uh uh all right all right oh all the lights just came on in here all right there get our scrappy scrap oh i have to cut that off all in all not too shabby all right i already see some stuff right here that looks like aluminum to me y'all hammerhead baby yep that's aluminum right there cool stuff i think i think that's what that is i think that's cool stuff for the poo all right what's up hoes what is this some sort of motor attached to the hose we're not taking the hose with us i've got a uh a blade handy just cut that puppy yeah i lost my little pocket knife blade oh wait a minute this thing's got a wire running through it oh i don't know though i don't think the yard will take that like there's there's there's wire in there but uh let's see hold on let me see hold on get my little snippets here that blade's not too sharp yeah i lost my little pocket my little pocket yeah what do y'all think i don't think the yard will take that that ain't nothing but yeah i don't know y'all let me know y'all ever taking that stuff in like that because that'll be a pain in the butt i mean there's no way that's going to get stripped and i mean it is just all rubber all rubber oh big old bucket big old bucket hey buggy what are you doing in here there on there a bucket oh it's creeping by looking like more pool stuff here a little bit of copper on here um do i have a hacksaw i think i do see here yeah i sure do i've got hacksaw i got bolt cutters let's see if the bolt cutters cut this puppy real quick these are little bitty bolt cutters all right what we're going to do pull this puppy out and we're going to cut going to cut the good stuff off yeah i do have a uh a reciprocating saw at home but it's not the battery powered kind i need to get one of them but it is what it is i'm guessing this is more pool stuff [Applause] copper and brass and such oh we'll get out here y'all outback steakhouse outback what a place huh let me tell y'all something about that all right let's go oh they're all attached good good good good good good good good good i like it when they're attached a little bit that they're gonna support not like crazy stuff here but you know it is what it is go through the truck and get her all cleaned up and is it heavy with metal nope it's heavy with a toilet all right all right all right i'm wrapping up a couple couple little guys little stragglers oh watch your head what's up light how we doing tonight you want to go to the scrap yard with mike if you well that is if you don't work that's a pretty decent way got a cord in everything i got a cord and everything some wires i don't know what that is but i'll take it a bottle of paper all right another open top let's see we got into what's all that about shall we do there's a lot of scrap and some cat wire tell you what we'll back her on up right here make it happen get close not too close but i want to get out of view i've been run out of here before do the dang thing man lots of wires lots of wires hanging on by a thread let's grab that throw it back there with our ish looks like we got a lot of lights a lot of lights back here and everything's tangled up in these freaking wires uh lots of lights i'm sure you'll find a lot of lights heavier stuff here oh my there at these metal pipes here all right it's got wires running through it oh wait a minute did i just match myself well now i literally mess myself get the wire out first before we bend it off and that's thinking with your dipstick lots of scrap lots of look at these big lights with the balance first try to go for the heavy most expensive stuff first that way you do get rolled up on i wish you got the good stuff first oh like there's so much glass right here crinkling under my feet i'm even kind of skeptical about these guys because you know the uh there goes a van uh they be wanting to blow out they don't have a whole lot of weight to keep an eye on that van he didn't seem to care too much it's usually the employees that don't care it's the oh my god the uh other people the other folk there's this broken glass everywhere let's get on this pipe oh the pot all right i think he's going to do her after this dumpster shoot there more part all this stuff right here that's all cast aluminum be sure to grab that stuff and if you're not sure get a magnet all right let's see where's oh golly there's so much broken glass unbelievable yeah do a little rearranging there blow out of the back all that glass in the shoe not good all right yep in the shoe not good tell you what [Applause] i'm not digging all this glass at all at all i know i know i'm gonna i'm gonna give me some different shoes i've been looking at these they make like an athletic shoe that's kind of like a uh puncture resistant steel toe i think i'm gonna have to suck it up and break it off you know but yeah i'm not digging all this freaking glass not cool [Music] definitely not cool bro yep oh yeah oh yeah there's all right tell you what we'll go ahead and just finish up in this dumpster right here cuz i don't even know how much of this i could get in there because we're getting some full [Applause] we'll swing back by here in a day or two see if they put some more out but i keep getting glass in my shoe like and this isn't like like that glass that don't cut you this is that glass that'll cut you up like crazy cut you up i feel like an idiot for being in here this is an osha hazard waiting to happen okay okay i think we got most of it all right we'll swing back by here in a couple of days also let us know someone been scavenging in my scavenger dumpsters yeah like this kind of stuff right here i want blood i'm gonna pull off the scene off location slowly and get this stuff up make sure it's good i'll be losing none of that yeah glass lots and lots of glass all right all right scouters we've got a car right there we made it home safely as y'all can see got everything in the back of the truck still uh luckily i was close enough to the house i just rolled slow i didn't pull off just to make sure everything was just kind of tucked away you know not gonna blow out and uh you know nothing did thank god thank god thank you very much uh but uh yeah uh a pretty successful evening out there uh in the urban jungle hit the uh the one dumpster that we hit all the time to get those cameras i don't know man they'd be throwing them out like crazy but hey i'll take them i'll take them all day long man good stuff good stuff right there and then the the last episode we hit i feel like driving home i was kind of thinking i mean i really feel like i got i got a gator around my neck i feel like there's like like glass everywhere i feel like there's glass in my shirt i feel like there's glass in my pants i feel like there's glass around my neck gator i mean just everywhere and i and and now that you know i was thinking about it i'm like man that was actually probably not the smartest of things to do so definitely don't try this at home children this is not a how-to video this is more like educational and entertainment purpose type video um how i made it out of that last sums without slicing myself into pieces is beyond me because there was just big pieces of glass in there that were broken and just crunching all over the place luckily i didn't get nothing going through the shoe and but now that i think back on it that was probably pretty stupid i probably shouldn't have done that you know like that was i mean but i didn't realize when i was getting into it like how bad the glass was but there was some serious i mean i know y'all probably heard it like just oh you know like very stupid don't try that home you guys come up on a dumpster like that you know just get what you can but like i mean i literally like i'm gonna like wake up in the middle of the night thinking like there's glass like like i just feel like there's little shards of glass everywhere on me nuts but anyways like i said successful evening uh tomorrow i'm gonna have to you know do a little sorting a little wire cutting clean up a little bit back here got a little aluminum sharp tiger head uh tiger or what was it hammerhead sharp thing from the dumpster the one dumpster with the pool stuff all this stuff right here in the one dumpster we did the explaining on the uh the wall studs and uh yeah um but scrap prices are good right now they're i think we're getting 10 cents a pound on the shred so on this guys right here just cut the wires off leave the ballast on because i think ballots are like 10 11 cents a pound uh no sense to take you know wasting your time to take them off uh i mean yeah yeah rock and roll rock and roll but anyways already scavengers that is going to do it for this episode of dumpster diving as always always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share it with your friends uh instagram check it out uh just posted some of this crap on here tonight you know if you guys are on instagram y'all could have seen some of the stuff that we found uh i mean i know not everybody has instagram uh i still trying to figure out why i have it the wife suggested it to me said it was a good idea you know to be on multiple platforms although youtube is my jam yes sir it is uh but all right um oh yeah extra special shout out everybody bought some merch oh thank y'all so much man i've been been checking the analytics on the teespring and and uh golly man it's awesome i thank you all so much i mean like that is totally truly like like you guys want to help out go get your t-shirt help it out help it out help it out but anyways all right like i said we're gonna clean this stuff up um i don't see any other choice i guess if i leave it in the driveway we'll have some more room and then uh we're gonna get out in a couple of days uh we might swing i said we're gonna swing by the one with all the glass we may swing by there maybe you know i'll wear some jeans and figure out the whole shoe situation but that was just that was stupid on my part and the fact that i got out of there without cutting myself up like i said i'm just doing it for the scrap and for the fans but alright guys y'all take care be safe and we'll see you on that next one sure what we got here y'all scrappy scraps a scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 587,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: poYWGfUhHng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 8sec (2768 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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