Dumpster Diving (I Got Busted!)

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all right this is uh my lucky dumpster here and sure enough look at that it's got stuff look at that there's computers all right let's back her up baby that's what we'll do we'll just background up all right here we go i'm gonna try to be a little bit quiet because i think there's people here yeah i got a hood back here long story maybe i'll tell y'all about it later oh there's some scanners and such right there set these to the side going back in pooters let's see all right yes sir i keep coming all right and this thing's kind of full yeah it is all right medulla all right all right some printers let's see what's back here look at all that go get it all filled up all right morty lordy lordy lots of bridges let's get up in here uh this is pretty full there there is a lot of plastic in here get this stuff out whew that's a big printer [Music] [Music] all right watch your head whew ah it's a metal box it's actually a drawer grab that guy [Music] that's all plastic [Music] let's see [Music] where is it kind of stuck all right all right yeah these are a little plastic i guess drawer some of them are metal bears so looking so buried ugh uh oh [Music] get what we can we're gonna fill her up y'all [Music] all happens it's working our way around all right stay there i'll stay here ah one and down baby one and done but we ain't done it [Music] we got a video to make y'all all right i noticed how i started off quiet i just kind of said the heck with it you know what i can probably take these printers [Music] good stuff i don't think i grabbed it we're almost there almost there now you stay there [Music] that's [Music] uh-oh oh hello what's going on not much uh you don't have a problem with taking this crap out here huh i don't know oh yes sir i come by here somebody who left somebody left a pilot and they left a bunch of stuff so just don't okay okay no i actually pick up myself i've done uh i've been back here a few times you guys toss out great stuff but i make sure to clean up after myself i really do yeah well hey i thank you guys so much man appreciate that yeah i'll leave it cleaner than i found it all right there we go all right that's a green light baby see i knew somebody was here but you see what happens most of the time once they realize that you're not making a mess and that you're just scrapping pretty good people one of them guys came out i was like oh no here we go i think that's the first almighty all right dude these printers are driving me nuts all right all right little printers all right that's awesome i feel like i worked my way around the sensor a couple times now yeah that was the uh the good kind of encounter uh uh [Music] [Music] okay all right all right of course there's a metal box at the bottom oh all right okay moving stuff back around go [Music] all right all right all about there right and girls yeah i'm not this big bull keeper although those could most likely be scrapped i'm gonna go try to find some other stuff too all right all right and remember we got to keep it clean all right let me pull forward all right leave it cleaner than we found it guys is it a cutting board so all right even picking up stuff that i didn't throw out all right hello what up waste connection of texas what the shoe seen these before i still don't know what these are we find them all the time in here but they're mostly rubber not a lot of metal not scrappable maybe stainless oh my gosh my truck's so full like crap's not even going in it we got a little bit of room here not much not much but we'll try to we'll try to make something happen for you guys look at that arctic baby that's like yeti's probably probably yeti's biggest competitor do you know what this is all these right here these are little tumblers is that what that is yeah like a those are christmas gifts they're probably engraved too come on check that out it's not a bad looking monitor all right that will definitely go up front not in the back christmas card yep christmas cards yetima or arctic mugs christmas gifts hey [Music] i'm probably gonna hit this open top here it's kind of full very very full got a little conduit though i think that kind of oops that's definite no stripped out conduit no it's actually got wire in it so holla holla for the dollar i just got the innards there i don't know much is gonna be happening in this dumpster man it's puppy puppy stuff whoa let's see over here it's a decent palace some masonry yeah this puppy is full okay well i was kind of hoping maybe we'd find a little bit more but all right all right let's keep on cruising baby scrap oh this puppy is full see what kind of goodies we got up in here and not a whole lot let's see got a little bit of a little bit of iron scrap there let's see that roofing crap maybe we'll find some room for it try to y'all gotta be careful with this stuff it'll start man so sharp it'll cut your mama true story catch it so hard your mama will feel it well we got a lot of that out of this one a week or two ago glass isn't the stuff i wanted to save a little bit of room for conduit with the wire all right that crap is buried let's see a decent 2x4 stud goes sitting it down the line sitting on down the line all right yeah oh isn't it all right got a little piece oh no it slipped down yes crap all right all you cats and kittens we're gonna go ahead and call it right there we got a few things but it's just mostly just scrapping these gravity scrap scraps grab got a lot of stuff a lot a lot of stuff oh all right some computers in there uh scanners scrap wire you name it we got it we totally got it tonight some of y'all might be uh you know like uh on the the first dumpster you know sometimes it just is what it is it's like fishing sometimes when you go fishing your first catch you catch the biggest one of the day and then well that kind of happened tonight but you know we made it work and uh you know some of y'all might be saying like oh mike you know like you made some mistakes on that you know the first steps are getting to start but to be honest with you the adrenaline was kind of pumping because when i rolled up to it i saw like six cars parked out front and this is a dumpster that i've hit that have you know i've done this before but there was never anybody there and i knew there were people there and i started off being quiet got a little louder and uh you know they came out but that's kind of what like what was going on some people would be like you know you pass up this pass up this as you were spiraling all the way down to the bottom of that dumpster and yeah i may have made a couple of mistakes but you know it's that whole boot scooting boogie thing like um i knew there was people there the adrenaline was pumping and you know they made a couple of mistakes but all in all i think i got most of it and the fact they came out and then they didn't kick me out and they were cool with it that totally works for me um but yeah we filled her up what's up yo uh yeah we filled her up and uh you know don't have a whole lot of room so what i'm gonna do here gotta get this stuff cleaned up all this crap right here and you know what amazes me like this is a scanner this is a scanner from kentucky i'm in texas y'all how does this end up here but anyways these are really hard to clean up for get to get clean scrap off of but there's a bit like they have a lot of cast aluminum on them so these can be scrapped out as aluminum breakage but if you have the time to take them apart uh you can get some clean aluminum out of it but there's it's it's a lot of work it really is a lot of work i've done it tried it and at the end of the day i'd rather just scrap that out for aluminum uh breakings empty the truck out and you know and then go out and hit it again the next day versus leave the truck full and spend a few days doing that you know what you might make an extra 30 or 40 bucks so uh yeah my little two sense of knowledge but anyways guys thank you all so much for tagging along we're gonna go ahead and call it right there on this episode of dumpster diving as always it was a total pleasure appreciate y'all tagging along be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel share with your peeps uh shout out to everybody about the merch appreciate that if you always use it down below get y'all some stuff face masks t-shirts sweaters cups got it all but uh alrighty guys um i gotta go gotta go gotta go please sure what we got here y'all scrappy scrap script a scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 562,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: LeDMeZF2Voo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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