Dumpster Diving (Found A Gun Safe)

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all right all right what's up with the funky couch grab me a little kid do i see something down there some chairs grab the chair little soccer chair i wonder if this is like a piece of a uh uh a trampoline yep that's what that is here so you can cut it another one there this guy same scenario a little cut here such a such an awkward spot you know what kind of net that is got a couple of them in here yes i feel like i saw something that looks interesting right here yep that's pretty cool looking make some hooch all right we'll come out this door lots of confidence yup sweet stick this box right here full sticks of some sort this lots of thorns yeah mike doesn't do thorns [Music] old school space here [Music] [Music] ah grab that [Music] workout your day all right sticks and stuff oh i see a little bit of scrap there in that dumpster not much but it's something lots of chairs some good lumber right there build us some stuff huh [Music] printer [Music] yeah all right all right i see something shiny sticking out of here let's see what we got oh it looks like truck step rails look at that it's a light beer sign you're a little careful with it fluorescent bulbs though usually don't last very long not very strong let's get this guy [Music] ah big metal case ah shoot that's heavy let's see get this cat here golly that's heavy whatever that is i don't know if she's gonna fit through the door [Music] nope [Music] [Music] here jeez i got no footing we go right up here [Music] [Music] little garbage there [Music] motor yep there's the motor [Music] all right [Music] so [Music] i'm gonna try to be careful with the with the light [Music] oh my gosh [Music] let's stick this up front just to see it doesn't look like it got banged up too bad but you can see that glass is crackling yeah audio video control processor oh that's heavy triad stuff for uh obviously stuff for sound system stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] like old dive gear oh hold that here i'll take it better believe it i see some shiny stuff we got moisturizer medication creepy jugs [Music] vitamins jewelry bots nothing in there god that thing's heavy heavy let's see these definitely want these old people diapers and such [Music] lights here one imports those are little candles [Music] huh you see anything cool in here stick these up front the little candle [Music] a life protector [Music] toothbrushes ah oh funky bags of rugs tell you what let's just grab this box because it's heavy like there is stuff in this box vitamins some buttons buttons and then this bag this bag is full of stuff oh my gosh see we open her up here good dude i see all kinds of stuff all right let's just grab the whole bag we'll go through it never know there might be some money might be some jewelry you never know people tossing out grandma stuff oh makeup a big piece of furniture but it's not falling apart lots of coat hangers over here that's a bunch of adult diapers and such yeah somebody said my grand grandma done passed on or grandpa so but we'll go through it be respectful maybe we'll find some uh some gems in there some aluminum look at that there goes a hammer auto traffic signs right here that's all aluminum so yes oh look at that we got some scotch tape in this guys yeah baby getting fuller all right we'll take a quick little getting to this big open top but i'm gonna tell you right now i don't think it's gonna be all that great nope lots of furniture with the pvc it's a pivot see let's see i don't know if i can climb up on this side another suitcase look at it i'll see nothing just a big empty suitcase yeah a little bit of scrap in here let's see let's see what we got not lies a little bit stainless steel all right getting the scrap getting the scrap yeah that looks like a piece of stainless yes sir huh there's a putter probably get the putter with the stick anything good i know you can break the heads off of these things that's a tiny little putter zeon m1 yeah this looks like magazines and stuff no more putters no more putters all right putters well all righty scavengers another successful afternoon getting some stuff out there in the urban jungle definitely got our fill with some scrap and such uh we're gonna go through these bags in this box here in a minute take a look see what all we got but for the most part back there just some scrap chairs a little bit of this a little bit of that nothing too too real expensive this guy right here has got me intrigued i can't get it open ah but if you listen there's something inside of it and i think it's a gun case but what i'm gonna do instead of instead of uh uh cutting it open breaking it open the key right here it's got a hmc and there's a number on here there's a locksmith right down the street i'm gonna take this information to him see if he can give me a key made so we can get inside and look at this but i think this is a gun safe and then uh being that uh if we can keep it in pristine condition definitely be able to get 50 to 100 bucks for it versus you know just cutting it open and then making it absolutely worthless and uh you know just having to scrap it out so be on the lookout for that i can't really see down in there but yeah do be on the lookout for that and we'll see what's in there it doesn't sound like guns maybe some screws like the door kind of want to open but i can't get it to it needs to unlock so maybe screws maybe ammo maybe absolutely nothing so who knows i got us some stereo equipment over here video input a couple of the vid video inputs over there uh audio video input a good electronic scrap right there there's some more audio video control processor here and then this guy the triad i don't know what that is but i'm guessing it's kind of like oh it goes to the sub so kind of like maybe maybe like an amp or something so pretty decent legit stuff over there got our little our little uh wine beer whiskey making cask little thing here looks like everything works pretty legit it's just missing the bunghole a bong hole so maybe we could brew up some hoops you know get some uh some old wine or something but even so that's a really cool little find right there somebody probably give a couple of bucks on that nice and easy all day so we've got our long of stuff over here motor ford step rails it's a four door so ain't gonna fit my truck but i can probably most definitely sell those which is good see we got these guys over here let's see and all that is brass none of that is magnetic at all so we got some breath just have to go through the motor over there did pick up a small weed eater that we didn't really see or didn't get in the video and then see there's some fans a little bit of this a little bit of that yeah not too bad not too bad scrap wise you know awesome anyways uh all right the one up so that we found the audio stuff i found an old dive bag when i say oh this is some old stuff man these are some old booties they still look to be pretty good these fins are probably about had it but we got a regulator here built-in compass pressure gauge i'd be very weary using this right off the bat i'd probably want to take it into a dive shop have them calibrate it have them actually inspect it make sure it's good because uh judging by the looks of it this stuff is pretty old got my hammer here piece of a snorkel yeah just somebody's old dive stuff finn there was some goggles somewhere oh yeah here's the goggles uh decor the professional choice still in the uh container still have the packaging so those may actually still be somewhat legit i mean they don't look to be in too bad of shape and the fact that they came in a pretty pretty decent bag or a container just leads me to believe that those might be pretty good but either either way like this bag right here this is a pretty good little bag to haul your stuff in kind of go through it make sure we don't have any uh money rings watches dive watches things like that doesn't look like there's too much any of that stuff in there so yeah a little bit crap there nothing too crazy set this over here i mean i already got i already got my fair share some dive equipment but uh yeah all right so let's go ahead and we'll start digging through let's get the trash kid start digging through the the stuff we got over here let's see just exactly what we've got here so some razor blades some vitamins somebody's medication i'll show this to my mom she's like yeah it looks like they may have passed away on a friday so yeah anyways looking at these it looks like it's like heartburn or not heartburn but uh diabetes medication and and uh you know old people stuff for sure a little 24 7 for life protecting that's bad stuff this is a disposable urinary leg bag is the one that i kind of looked at i want to look at here it looks like a little bit of some pearls some old buttons all buttons are pretty cool especially if they're like wartime buttons but i don't see the uh anything war type looking like that but we'll hang on to that our cool little box of stuff we have the uh the little ring box here that no ring whatsoever so we have here heart health allergy medication toothpaste burnt bees electric toothbrush nyquil white hot summer cabaret what is this that's really cool that is a pear point america's oldest glass works so we got some old glassworks here all right so we'll hang on to that old glass works shaving cream let's see leather conditioner got us a little power cord over here there's a black bag there's some double a's do some double a's that's for sure throw it any of the good stuff no just wore that medication things right there there's some more glassworks looking stuff a little uh little parrot golly like lots and lots of medication stuff some nice key clicker trash trash trash trash little scrap there let's see what the heck this is oh it's like a little warming pad okay yeah there's a little warming pad delsian delson looks like somebody just cleaned out somebody's bathroom that's what that looks like so maybe it's stealing the the toiletries more uh soap from hotels things like that no what is that cranberry good for your urinary tract flonase expired five years ago paperwork where's the jewelry all right we got a wax vac pass on the wax back get some b12 baby powder mouthwash there's a magnet so hang on to the magnet there there's uh these look like hearing aid batteries [Music] tylenol home therapy there's an old looking button thing in the jig is there more electronic toothbrushes a loofah lots of uh lots of pill stuff some keys get some brass off of them old mail [Music] there's a wallet anything in the wallet boy that wallet has seen some better days slide out more of ourselves from hotels must have traveled a lot that's my day let's do a lot of traveling gas x allergy medication razor blades more toiletries more shaving cream there's a card for a marriott yeah definitely somebody that did some traveling here there goes a little something [Music] definitely not gold but we'll keep it with the pretty stuff here what is that homeo homeopathic preparation for a healthy heart somebody had some heart issues that's for sure and then there's a rock the brock may have meant something to somebody somewhere but all right hey we got a couple of batteries couple little things we'll slide this over this is the uh this is the big boy i wanted to get into here see what we got this is so cool this fell out of the uh that bag i wanted y'all to check this out my mom said this thing looks like straight 70s but that's really cool right there and then the purse is i guess if some of them are okay shape let's just go through make sure there's no money no jewelry anything of that nature and then these let me donate these sell these this whole bag oh that's a nasty old bag there's some stuff in here travel stuff bunch of plastic bags guessing this may have been a man of god perhaps but i don't see nothing i don't hear nothing pc world all right let's just jump there some junk here there's a cool hat fitzgerald's casito reno baby all right there's a cool little toy hand out to the kiddos although it's interesting with all these purses australian garden um all right let's see this bag boy these bags have seen some better days i will tell you that much much much better days all right more purses just kind of take a little pig i mean they still got like the paper and stuff in them i see any any dinero like that person's disgusting it's all turning green and moldy ain't no good for nobody all right another little handbag they've definitely been emptied out somebody's a toiletry bag this thing still has a macy's tag on it i wonder if i can return it it says 275 holy cow but it's so dirty [Music] somebody like their handbag yeah still has the paper in it all right we'll put that with the maybe this one geez geez geez [Music] this one's got a wallet in it look how bad look how bad shape this stuff is there's pictures everything's obviously gotten super wet i don't see any money no money no jewelry no cards no nothing yuck i mean this still has the tag on it 230 bucks but everything's so dirty same thing these bags that's a there's a couch bag right here i guess you could clean these up huh clean them up a little bit not quite my uh my cup of tea there's something very uh southwest [Music] there this is a serious audio box we'll just keep that with our chords try this phone chords look at these old headphones holy cow it's like a shoe horn right there it's got a cat on it it's got a cat it's got a cat just some coax calvin klein bag that's nice it is kind of sad to see this kind of stuff you know people just tossing out here's all these old receipts all right and then over here look like we got some uh we got a party card haras somebody like to go uh somebody like to go gambling get some spaghetti bagels chili this old receipt see there's a date on this receipt 1995. where were you at 95 yeah these are uh 1944 1994 the party at harvey's [Music] the party at harvey's old school matches taking these dirty old bags we got some uh english coffee some more matches compliments of price long and company little uh calculator this is just crap that had been sitting in a garage for forever there's a dime i'll take it down money's money right oh look at that look at that there's a roll of uh nickels see the old nickels that one says 64 81 okay 80. more coins let's say 1970 and there's a couple of older ones but they're not like super super old but we'll hang on to them anyway got some wires here pile of wires some socks some more wires funky towels look at that it's an old camera there's actual uh there's actual pictures in it oh i'd be very curious to see what's on them pictures but judging by what i'm finding in this this bag say this person was you know probably a pretty good person some dishes here wires let me gotta get got to get my wires i gotta get that boom boom boom danger i hope somebody didn't die hawkeye motion detector motion detectors wall switch modules these are still in the box golly they look older than dirto yeah they're little uh motion sensors okay it's a little bit of a wire there let's see what's in this box here [Music] a la a plug a little electronic scrap there here's the other thing for the foot i think that's the other thing for the foot and then all of these that's a remote i bet these are plugs that operate with the remote if i had to take a stab at it that's what i'd say that that is right there powerhouse it's probably so old and outdated at this point but is what it is we'll go through it look at that there's another car there's another car for a hotel dang i was kind of hoping to find some money hey that's a metal remote [Music] some money or some jewelry or something super cool it was a keychain history channel club life member see monsters of the past collectivity trading cards yeah just jump jump jump jump jump oh well you never know sometimes you find like you find these gyms in these trash cans and it's like you know is exactly what they are at gyms but anyways yeah all in all you know got some pretty good stuff y'all let me know about all these i really don't really know what to do with all that got some uh got my cool little boat here i'm gonna hang that in the house some toys and this camera i'll be real interested i don't even know if you can still get this stuff uh uh that's cool that is so cool uh developed or not and if you do you got to get it sent out a wicked cool hat little keys for the scrap batteries here your battery is just that and then some cool cool looking buttons but yeah all in all i'd say we had a pretty successful evening or day or afternoon or what have you out here but uh anyways yeah so hey guys that is going to do it for this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most mike scavenger as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel extra special shout out to everybody about some merch appreciate that if you are interested down below t spring get y'all some stuff help support the scavenger uh i'm gonna get in here clean some stuff up we're gonna get back at it and uh try to load her up but until then y'all take care peace all right so bad some bad news here on this light uh if you look right here uh it is kind of busted i hope it wasn't me that was a a little bit rough with it i was kind of rough with it but you can look at some of this old lighting you can see that's cracked it's burnt out we plugged her in nothing's happening so i really don't think there's much repairable going on here there is a balance back there a little bit of scrap value uh there may be maybe some sort of resale value to a collector but this thing has definitely seen its better days too bad what we got here y'all mike's a scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 145,321
Rating: 4.914957 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: zYT23yjVIZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 8sec (2948 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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