Dumpster Diving "There's Cameras In There Too!"

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yeah what's up bro one some more did you want some more dance she's a cute hey buddy how you doing today mmm not so good I see some worried vade class is gonna be very look at that big funky let's grab it they probably try to steal at the scrapyard for me it's clean clean just sticks like chlorine that's a pretty bitchin buggy hey chlorines are disinfected this big out open top here oh that's that big ojos [Music] they finally took decided to toss that big ol house in the dumpster got that some huge house whatever get those fitting them big old piece of steel see there's fittings over here she'll do tasty wanna get this guy off but I don't think I have an element's these are like coupling oh that's aluminum y'all in the dumpster [Music] it sort of like jacketing or something [Music] hand it through the trash cans away that's gonna be steel that's aluminum you can just tell by the weight currently I do not need to track here all those kids do rock these are big ol big hose fittings my blade will cut that crap let's see No let's get this out real quick someone did mention at least collecting this kind of stuff this is that that's heavy I think it maybe I'll get that big old couple you got here the card we're all right let's see what we can do here No I need a big ol allen wrench I may have something in the truck we'll come back you check that out any more of that yes sir I'm right there that's freakin awesome okay cool cool cool yeah we're gonna come back I'm gonna see if I have a an allen wrench or something that big that's a big owl ring although I'm a big oh-ho that the net don't is death sweet it's so crazy quiet and weird out it's box that caught my eye back there [Music] the box full of need hey our seats full I see stuff to the brim oh holy Sh that's a more stripping to do y'all maybe I'll do a video where I strip for 24 hours straight mm-hmm it looks like somebody's nasty house oh crap that's not what I'm here for look at all those oh we can't shoot falling out of the bag right that's a wire job Christmastime baby over here y'all bad ball right here oh no that's not bad whole bunch more sever that better for thee antenna cable already antenna cable whoa stable ground oh that's just always mostly just empty grab it this weekend if we can see it camera yeah there's cameras on there what [Music] that's a camera you're gonna hold it together tell you what let's just go get Dottie it's so much crap in here we'll just get it all Oh oh there goes dari hey girl how you doing get our coupling then yeah down here look at all that that's good stuff right there I gotta get that storage it drop some of this crap up that feels like steel it's really cool man something about fracking okay that's a big one right there 12 is well it taunts anything that dumpster sure do Dennis you check there's the other I gotta say if somebody admits in something about taking the heavy steel definitely what we need to be doing not the crappity stuff but the heavy stuff like that that hose off take tallit Kathleen there's a spray good oh it's been used looks like it's been used once didn't close the box back right okay like that too one useful denatured alcohol mineral spirits antiseptic catalog and it's a husky it's not the Harbor Freight brand one step up what else they got up in here there's our notepad notepad drop down some notes yeah thankou z1o PES and take know PES what is this down underneath here though steel plates now that is heavy right there [Music] there's more crap it looks just like freebie crap probably gonna end up in there's night what led you looks like some sort of a boxer is right in the left we got a match get all my steel shoe loading her up y'all big old hos up in that dumpster and then this box may we are filling it up I didn't want to get all this iron though [Music] hey my man plates that stuff's good stuff I guess that uh whoo huh it's square square tubes pretty cool too I didn't either get a bike rack though it's like all this room over here that's for Sunday oh yeah and then this guy right here I have this out rinse in the truck this is the one that fits the crank on my bike but I don't think it's gonna be big enough yeah shoot oh wait a minute oh the hose is good what the hell am I thinking all right big oh-ho yeah we'll just I'll pop that crap off tomorrow gee these mystery bags out of here yo the ones that are falling apart that are full of like awesomeness that's always easy stuff oh here I see wires in there to ride more spaceship stuff like all camera biggest camera crab full of wires to shoot put the dead whoa electronic board cool there's a screen [Music] these guys [Music] we'll fall right out of that bag oh there's cameras in here too this was heavy really heavy it's a rearview mirror y'all okay and then this bag in here oh that was don't fall apart holy crap y'all we got wires for days I'm still gonna pick up all this crap over here all right we're just going over the top god I hope it doesn't rain tonight this is the one that when it's jump out just get her in there heavy get paid that's what's up look at that yeah we got some coarse disinfectant wipes in the tread wombats what Oh Eddie White's look at that yeah oh there's actually wipes in there oh they're all dried out what's up with the wombat we got koalas wombats kangaroos the Tasmanian devil that's not kind of cool or there's like from a classroom or something is there anything like legit up in Hill there's some wire clippings in here [Music] how much weight you and I think now there's quite a bit of copper in there we'll take the bag these are all stripped sweet little copper oh well alright scavengers it's another successful evening getting some stuff in that urban jungle get these couplings here it's actually legit really but those are all iron will scrap those out let's see let's just jump right into it let's go ahead get our trash can over here just go ahead this is the bag we found in the one dumpster it's just the one bag by itself that had all the clippings and electrical stuff I find these all the time they go out do projects and then these are the the clippings that are left how big of a mess we're gonna make you so this is sheetrock okay that's not where all the weight was now there's some wires in here all right we'll get good straddie from you yeah these are all the little wire clipping so let's get all this separated here go get a bucket real quick well we went ahead and got her all sorted up there and we ended up with this okay number one and then a bunch of these little fittings here I'm not quite sure what they're for but those are gonna be cast aluminum if you just tell the way it looks yeah I'll get that nut in that washer off you got a little bit of cast aluminum right there and some copper sweet all right it's over here okay let's get down to the nitty-gritty see what's in a bag here comes the back these bags are just falling apart alright whatever it is what it is now you can tell that's all don't you hate when masking tape gets like that it's like it melts or something we get ya where it's just completely just stuck yeah you just can't get it just can't get it man alright so we got these guys we saw a lot of these guys I don't know what these are for they've got little cameras on them looks like both sides but the connection it looks like has been pulled out of them yeah that one too huh so there's a ton these guys little iron scrap throw that back stairs lottery ticket so yeah this looks like all kinds of stuff there's a screen cameras is screens yeah that one looks like it's just straight I've seen better days that looks like a screen there goes a screen safety vision there's another camera yeah this is the place that I hit a while back a couple of times that they do cameras and stuff for cameras and stuff for like big rigs reverse cameras and stuff but I think they get into all kinds of stuff lots of wires to clean up here yeah they just look like connections and wires I guess they do a lot of repair work up here because that's all this stuff looks like all right yeah it's gonna be more cameras and wires in this bag so let me get this cleaned up and then we'll get on to the next bag sweet well all right here's what we got out of that one trash bag we've got all these wires wires wires four days of this business over here and then all these random connections I think these are can you get more than shred on these I don't know but yeah got all these I got these screens here like I said these are all like you could tell they're the boo-boo repair rearview mirror I'm guessing there was a camera or something we've just got random screens or yeah or a camera there's a camera lens there's a camera lens camera lens all these little tiny camera lenses and then I found this in the bag and it says attention object detection system on board and it says objects within 15 feet with audible tone and that's what like all of these are these are these these these tiny little speakers here that we found in there's a bunch of them in there tiny little speakers connections like awesome awesome awesome okay let's get this out of the way let's move on to the next bag that was just one bag y'all right see what we got here there goes the screen there's a yeah the connection switches switches si switches scheme I'll bet we'll get to that here in a minute this is what is the bills oh I think it's like a sensor yeah it looks a lot of the same stuff there's a big old screen these guys all empty [Applause] just sensors and such okay let me get all this cleaned up and we'll see what we get out of this one bag oh yeah all right so out of that one bag we got all of this I've got some wire egde crap ton more of these connectors here yeah there's some wires in there and then more screens we got connections here interesting stuff connectors screens little boxes was this a video link model PBL 4000 pre cope recollect Ronix what's inside there yeah so we got some screens and some more wires and some more kind of connectors we're just gonna add those to the bucket yeah and a couple little cameras that one looks really scared staff though so I'm guessing what it does you see these little lights here as get closer to something that comes in just you know that's what I'm thinking it just lets you know how close you are to something yeah you know probably a must-have in these commercial trucks you know to avoid accidents lawsuits what-have-you but uh yeah pretty cool all right let me get this put up and then I think we got another bag to go through all right let's see and then to these guys here in a minute there's another bag here yeah this one's full of cameras dude Tommy's back son all right let's see what we got here yeah yep look at that it's full of these things more of them more more more more MORE connecter city yeah this is a full look at all of these holy crap yeah this one just looks like it's full of cameras so let me get all this sorted out yeah get all this sorted out and then we'll get that other bag maybe that's the last one of the mysteries all right it started to drizzle a little bit so I had to move my operation over under this tree over here but what we got out of that bag we got a few of these add these are like it's our sensors or whatever but this whole box right here came out of that one bag we got a screen there's a camera lens and then all of these camera dealios oh and some switches yeah some switches for when you want to flag or jump what should you do flag or jump so yeah we got all of this just in one bag one bag insane bro insane all right let's check out this last I think that's the last one there might be two in there actually I think there is two where we're getting there get get in there making a dent yeah I think that's too bad oh this one's full of those connectors okay and then let's see okay yeah so that was it for the mystery bags the rest of this stuff is full of these connectors let's see what we got here and then I'll drag them all out I'm gonna probably take the liner out of that can just fill it up so I'm guessing that's video cable dumpster that they do a lot of videos you know there's copper wire in there it's real small oh wow it is that's Allah holy heck all right well let me get let's go ahead and sort all this out back here and then we'll go through it cuz there's a few other little things there as well so oh shoot okay well there she is y'all the nastiest lick of the night filled up this can this sucker is God we that's dude that's that's well over a hundred pounds right there easily over a hundred maybe a couple hundred pounds that's what I'm talking about yeah this is harder wire to strip as y'all can see but I might just try to see if I can take it down to the inner wires because the escape here that I go to they'll give you a called icw insulated Kate yeah insulated copper wire and then if you take this outer housing off and then bring it in just like that they'll uh they do a icw eighty percent so insulated copper water copper wire eighty percent so you'll get more than it would be like with this cuz with this it'll just give you extension cord price which last I checked was like 30-something cents but it's probably way worse than that right now so but yeah I'll probably just try to take it down to that little one cuz there's some really small ones in there like I'm talking like maybe 18 gauge really really small stuff so but that is insane that's gonna take me hours if not days to do this stuff maybe we'll do like a 24-hour video a thong or something well Mike the scavengers just just goes at it for 24 hour I don't I don't know I don't know if I got it in me and then the other the other ones that we found in here they're these guys they've got a little 3m strip I'm guessing it's a sensor or something but it's got a little brass fitting on the end see one of these headed kitchen yeah this right here let's see antenna 3G 500 millimeter cable okay so it's an antenna it's it it's 3G though that's why it's in the trash 3G it's no bueno man or what do we get 9 G now or something yeah little antenna I mean I don't know what does still work I guess you had three 3G looks like in there yeah that's copper that's coax but it's copper through and through but it is so frickin small like hmm probably just send it in like that okay yeah and then let's see the other Lake of the night.the the hose couplings I don't have an outer inch here at my house that big I do have one at the storage unit little box Oh probably go over there later and try to get some of this out so I can get out again tonight uh but yeah awesome stuff right there this stuff is all aluminum aluminum aluminum aluminum and I'm guessing kind of looking things over I'm guessing with the stuff that we found in that dumpster I'm willing to bet it was like they had like it was like a display like if I get the you know like the OTC the old offshore technology conference or whatever and you'd have this out like on display the things that you have or whatever these right here are just like those go around the hose they have several different fittings here like this guy right here this is a hose fitting see the bar ban right here the hose would go over here and you probably have some some the worm gear beta band band clamps and then this particular type of connection is what's called a hammer reunion says three on us there's gonna be a 3-inch hammer Union this is one that you could hit with a hammer get it tight they use this a lot in the oil field I'm guessing they use it well I guess it I mean I guess you could use it like on a water chuck because that's what some of these fittings like these are over here for you see on the the the water trucks or the gas trucks like at the when you go to the gas station and he's a connected to the bottom of his Chuck this is what's called cam and groove SL part number on here yes C 400 so it's gonna be a tied C 4-inch it's gonna be and then basically what happens is you know this is the female in with the these are the little locking things here and then this guy would drop in here and then with these you come down and you lock it in but it's not wanting to lock very well but it's probably because there supposed to be a seal on a distance Internet and that's what's going on here but yeah that's how that works right there so you've got like a hose coming here the holes coming here and then you connect all your hoses and you got like hoses same thing over here all this these host plants where these are cast aluminum they're super well for this they're not super light but for like for the for the size of them like this or steel it'd be it'd be heavy like this guy right here this is it that's got some weight that's heavy that's a 4-inch - yeah super heavy stuff but yeah we've got the cast aluminum here the iron here I'd say hey that was a pretty good lick on that dumpster it's brand new stuff - these are like couplings for connecting to pipes sweet well alright it y'all that's gonna do it for this episode of dumpster diving with your host Mike the scavenger is always it was a total pleasure appreciate ya'll tagging along be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel if you haven't already share with your homies shout out to everybody that bought submerged appreciate the guys down below got a teespring got some stuff there go check it out Instagram got one yeah got one but all righty like I said I'm probably gonna head on with the storage unit try to clean some of this stuff out and just just start just start hoarding awesomeness in the storage unit until the yes scrapyard is reopened with good prices and you know hopefully hopefully it's sooner than later I hope I hope but yeah it's kind of drizzly wet I don't know maybe try to get out and out or try to get out tonight not sure but y'all stay tuned we've got some more crazy crap heading your way [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 545,166
Rating: 4.8133945 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: c0nkq8dsjU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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