Dumpster Diving "Slippin' With The Snippets"

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oh rock and roll rock and roll what's up trash i see something in that box let's see what that is all right save us from having to climb this slb what is that it's a can of some sort well there ain't much in there huh hey crew swoosh all right look at all those clothes yeah i think this is a place they take old clothes and make rags and stuff but that's bananas yeah yeah yeah yeah i think i see some license plates we'll fit in the hole ah yeah ah they're just texas place got lots of those but hey we'll take them oh there's some wires and such let's just get in now things are so much easier when we're inside all right yeah look at that that's a transformer a robot in disguise y'all look at those bugs bro trippy got my stuff all right mr oppenheim look at that y'all we got wires and such copper look at that let's get that out of here let's hop up in here what y'all say what y'all say look at that oh yeah look at all that wire y'all some of that more of that viper look at that that'll that'll take you out shoot oh there goes some that's it all right get my scraps oh yeah we got that looks like it's all just kind of centered right here little bitty hoes in the dumpster all right all right all right huh yeah let's get out of here oh hold on there's little snippets i'm slipping slipping with the snippets okay all right i got hit dumpster what that is a box there's a box some aluminum sticks that's right y'all those uh what we got here [Music] huh the signs those uh security signs in the front yard the sticks are aluminum yeah a little junk wire there some crap right there oh well got a couple of things oh not the best so far but here we go we got up in here y'all this is a a dual actuator by medline all right dual actuator let's go actuate some stuff there's some air hose there's a little uh regulator thing in the [ __ ] i'll take it yeah i'm not jumping in this one it's like a bunch of medical steps what the heck is that it's chilling on the side of the road it's a heavy metal door shoot i'll take a little road scrap i'm going to knock you out what's up open top check it out grab a little sound a little light on me okay i think i get that with the stick this is a decent job for me [Music] not a whole lot in here today y'all maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow oh yeah there goes some more ac scrap i like how they leave it out for me like this let's get it all right big old compressor right there look at this get some copper gotta be careful with the compressors they're full of uh full of oil and such nice and empty there big old block of concrete there not much happening there all right let's get our stuff here [Music] holler oh dude there's all kinds of ish up in here let me pull the truck closer hold on all right this way we can just throw throw crap in the truck because this puppy is stuck all right all right just start keep hoeing y'all look at these lights those are nice too those are nice like electrical wires all right you can see a whole mess of wire flank those lights are aluminum all right y'all cat wire rock seven two daddy's getting that's paid junk wire but i'll take it [Music] oops [Music] here [Music] out [Music] that's cast aluminum [Music] number one wire all right i like that copper stuff i'll take the copper stuff y'all know me man we got a good little load on this guy oh stripped emptiness yep ah ooh there's like bacon oh pass on the dumpster bacon all right sweetness man sweetness all right i think we got most of the goods all right y'all boy i'm digging this route y'all i think people are like catching on that i'm on to this route too because they're always leaving me stuff remember the last one there someone said that you know they might just drill a hole in it or whatever some yards will take them my yards they will not take those even if there's a hole drilled they said they have to be cut in half or completely flattened so i just leave them but that i won't leave big old motor yeah yeah i see another motor it was poking out right there these wires and such we'll get some wires today wires and motors hello there goes some stuff down here oh my god here y'all what we got here all right oh oh oh oh good to get my stick all right come here sticky stick stick get this out lickety-split you split part of a fan that looks brand new dude it sure is maybe bent or something huh too bad this one's like stuff although there ain't much in there but cardboard holler [Music] all right open top looks like they moved the crapper next to the ladder like that's gonna stop old mike yeah we got some stuff see some cat wire up here that over here that looks new but it has a little rust on it what if that's why they tossed her out look at that more cow all right is that it dude that's nasty plumbing right there y'all oh wait a minute huh i'll take it all right okay y'all let's move it along shall we all right all right is that open top we found all that ah all that crap in the last time it doesn't look like much let's see let's see some wires wires and such if we get them out they'll come out whoa that's some dust it's cat wire go ahead grab that sheetrock look at that it's still on 99 degrees outside it is hot it's really hot here in texas see if we can cut it cut it good oh it's ac crap man you could scrap it right here but i'm not gonna mess with it today there's a light over here grab it all right [Music] let's get the uh the lights out there's the ballast oops sorry i know people tell me that's bad i'll try to be less bad all right okay oh glass lots of glass to cut you up cut you up good all right man we got a mini fridge right here i'm gonna just pull in the driveway get out the street that's what i'm talking about all right all right here's ice cream man creepy oh man i see some stuff there's a bunch of screens like a bunch of screens it's a lot of aluminum right there all right let's see junk wire [Music] a little thing there got some hoe oh look at that there's another compressor look at that bigger ac compressor down on top of the the screen so they'll blow out all right aluminum brake is right there i'm gonna make like a huge mess hey that's brand new stuff right there all right all right sweetness what is this thing eco border okay okay eco border yeah cool there goes some more stuff let's get it microwave all right and that's an old school burger got some weight to it [Music] oh yeah yeah there we go yeah it's all glass glass okay [Music] what up scrap how we do it how we doing how we do it all right all right all right ah let's just hop in i prefer it that way i do see a piece of glass and be a little bit careful here yeah i guess so it's like a tv a tv rack or something there's a clock there's nothing anything wrong with it it's always good to know what time it is that that could probably be salvaged i mean if somebody wanted to go that route let's see here oh yeah oh getting dark y'all oh there's a boot steel toe got a screw in here all right so party time watch over here watch your head all right open time check that out y'all it's a dishwasher see a lot of wires and such dang i don't feel like climbing in to get that damn dishwasher man let's see whoa i don't know if i'm gonna be able to i ain't gonna lift you i'll lift that up that high up that ain't gonna happen no way yeah that just that one's just gonna have to stay all right i mean i know you got to be strong and all but jeez that's like really strong yeah i can't i can't lift that up there but get your cord hey yeah i can't get that out the back door's over there what is that i don't know what that is a printer or something [Music] a lot of plastic look at that bag full of wires holy cow it's a bag full of number one right there these are pretty heavy we can get you know what let me pull the truck we'll just unload them in there [Music] just grab that yeah let me get this loaded we'll back the truck up because these these are heavy not like in the cheapies uh the other wall studs all right all right all right hold up all right yeah we got the gate up yeah probably about 100 pounds that's still man are you scared i'm scared taking oh [ __ ] that yeah we gonna get that still yeah it sucks about the washing machine that's a bummer these these have some pretty decent weight to them so go ahead and grab all of them got a truckload for the scrap yard that's for true so [Music] we're getting her loaded up y'all that's the aluminum wire [Music] aluminum stuff ugh oop i missed one down here whoa whoa all right getting dark y'all getting dark [Music] well all right all right get that one over there well already scavengers getting dark trucks getting full i think we're gonna call it right there you know i bet i could drag this thing up here and then over the side but oh well maybe we'll come back later for it i don't think it's going anywhere but uh all right guys as y'all can see we got our fill of scrap today definitely got a few bucks back there folks chisel uh but uh all right all right well uh appreciate y'all tagging along be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel shout out to everybody that bless the merch appreciate that guys y'all want to help out the scavenger down below link t-spring go get y'all some stuff oh here's my breath but uh all righty all right well we're gonna try to get back at it tomorrow see if we get some more stuff and maybe we'll come back for the uh for the washing machine maybe i may be able to get her out all right but all right up out of this nastiness before we sink and disappear forever but already guys y'all take care be safe wash your hands cover your face in public i'm gonna go get me an ice cold glass and some lemonade yeah all right [Music] what we got here y'all those gravity scraps the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 152,917
Rating: 4.8890486 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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