Dumpster Diving "Pop It When She Pops"

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[Applause] it's like a pooder let's see here oh this looks pretty sketchy up in here see what we got is that a pooter that doesn't look like it honeywell rapid eye multimedia all right rapid eye multimedia [Applause] i don't know what that is man i don't know man swallowing us hole though oh that's some cheap stuff right there see you guys [Applause] the bottom part of the basketball goal but not the top part there's a that's way dug down in there though looks like that's gonna be it whatever that is let's see okay all right rapid eye multi media that's gotta be like uh oh it's gonna be a burger to get down huh let's see all right gotta be like a uh i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know this one looks like a doozy i see all kinds of let's see what we stuff here y'all see some lamps christmas decor looks like an old sewing machine check that out a little one like an old sewing machine or something it looks good that's uh if you fold it up might have a shot oops oh got here yeah a little barefoot chardonnay all right i feel like i feel something in here the reason i'm grabbing that crap is crap because i'm in here panther arms oh firearms oh there's no gun in there there's no gun in there some uh heads trimmers or clippers ooh 1987 paw man they want those lamps back let's see [Applause] there's probably not a whole lot of hope left for those that will grab them [Applause] oh look at that someone did a brake job actually those look brand new yeah they do drum brakes keep them in the box for resale value and such taxi code vehicle papers we got here yo yeah nothing too hot and heavy take it anyway that's why we're here y'alls while we're here some more snips some of the little charging valve things for the cans the chargers ac system i see a cord down here see what we get a car back it's got the cord on it and everything lots of paint cans again carpet it's not a bad little piece of wood that's what that is that's an old sewing machine table i don't see no sewing machine no snowy machine anywhere that's not in here all right some more crap all right [Applause] lamps and such we can close it up yeah we got more rain in the forecast golly is supposed to be another weight week all week i mean i like rain but come on man it's a bit much look at these old these old things they're just missing the pink shades pink shades what a box we got over here crap a little bit of scratch not much some drip pans oh i see some wires back there i can't pick it up with my fingers there's a better one yeah these are my favorites to grab because it's like the those wall studs they're just light and uh you gotta make sure you put some on top of them those are easier to manage though than the wall studs it's that one little piece huh not not attached to nothing nothing for nobody stop there i see something back there yeah see what this is hey let's do him a favor do him a solid yes sir i say that's fair game dirty blower motor thing [Music] just like i said do a massage do a massage that's some nasty wet stuff up in here i guess it rained over here a little bit today yeah yeah we got a couple of motors fans huh check that out y'all which i think fair game yeah i'm gonna say that's fair game because there's the the thing to it i'm gonna say that's totally fair game let's uh back the truck up grab it chef air game and pallets yeah there is a pal guy be driving around i seen him let's get this puppy up in here man i don't like treadmills they're so heavy good scrap value though they got good scrap down here but they are freaking heavy huh apparently these things have wicked motors on them like real wicket motors the uh the varial speed barrel speed motors stick it up here when i was looking up uh videos i was thinking about fixing up that old lathe i found but i decided not to put it up for sale got a bill 50 for it that's pretty good all right and uh i saw some guys using uh treadmill motors they're very up speed all right all right we got her in there it opened up cray lamps and booze lay them some booze all right huh i think i see something let's take a little look we got some juice up in here though let's be a little careful uh that's the juice what the heck is it's that like a snowboard it's like something you'd hang on your wall that's kind of cool i guess all right let's see there's a light little scrap there what are these those are some wicked cool looking shades it's a cool little board looks like junk oh this box here man more christmas stuff those are christmas cards those would come in handy for me what's that t-mobile zte any telephone no no phone jump jump jump that's not too bad right there see t-mobile box some compact digs i like to go through them let's see what we got there's some more cards sometimes they'll be having good music on the compact dicks and uh you know a bunch of paper clips office stuff mouse ron john surf shut up i've never been there man i've always seen the t-shirt it's never been though pictures of somebody's little kid oh no thank you let's take that over here with our stuff let's see what's in this box pretty picture frame my wife likes picture frames fine art studio studio picture frame more junk wire i got here man it's the xb700 they're jammed it's jammed and pass on that all right cool so what the heck are these oh these are uh are these for art oh okay hold up i thought these are like something else those are still wrapped in wrapped in the packaging okay set this down right here awesome picture right got juice juice some cards and then a display case of some sort good to put like a little piece of pegboard in it and put some router bits or something yeah oh oh oh oh okay all right cool stuff man all right jungkook okay check it out y'all ah little scrappy scrap man i seen some shiny stuff sticking out the top see what we got here pepper tree air okay i'll get down on that more uh oh look at that got it right around the uh the broomstick let's see here whoa let's go a little something let's hop up in here [Music] ventilation stuff more scrap here don't know what that is oh check that out now that's good stuff right a couple of them exhaust muffler no catalytic converter though not tonight whoa there's a hole there y'all watch out for the hole oh there's another hole standing on sheetrock and it's literally literally just disintegrating under my feet scratch my leg all right a little something something there that she rocked ain't no fun all right a little scrap there a little bit more here this is a metal pipe down here [Music] that's a good piece of scrap that there all right little scraper they see stuff there right out the back of the truck y'all all right got a couple good things it was gross in here all right let's get out yeah baby i see some back there i hear broken glass sounds like see what we got back here y'all oh yeah some aluminum right there grab that ish a little bit of it not much but it's something this is water think good yeah some hdmi the uh monitor stuff there's a little more what we got here digital check express i found these before we got some crap over here it's a keyboard nice mug stainless there somebody's lunch look at that we got some checks don't wait check blink checks we watched that movie just the other night from the 90s movie blank check but i still can't figure out how that kid managed to uh get all that stuff for just a million bucks and then like pretty much made out with a 30-something woman only in the 90s baby only in the 90s [Applause] okay all right all right yeah about here y'all yeah aluminum aluminium shuffle got here oh golf balls oh bless me guys watch me i see some shoes look out here got some nikes eleven and a half those are in pretty good shape those look almost new are those golf shoes looks like somebody's like golf net i wonder if they just got they just called it quits on the golf eleven and a half let's see oh there's the other shoe golf shoes i don't know about no fj there's some teas in there ah he's gonna be grabbing shoes but those shoes are in pretty good shape look at all that foam it's a lot of packing material good pack material i don't need that right now though all right yeah i think somebody gave up golf man they gave it up this is a new dumpster yeah it is this ain't the same dumpster that's been here smells like food up in here look at some wires let me get my stick right we'll fish them on out of there let's see here go ahead some cat wire it's gonna be some number two right here that looks like cat wire is that it nope there's a little boy down here buried under all this ish i think that looks like it let's take a little look up top here let's see y'all see anything i don't see nothing negative all right wires oh jeez that's a big one there that's a big one it's a big one that's a really big one i don't know if that's going to fit through through the window let's see it there i like to go over the top here oh we got juice more juice and that's a huge tv heavy there we go just set it right there cool got a big one watch your head holy crap that's a big one all right to the back to the back all right scavengers where we're gonna go ahead color right there we definitely got some stuff got my nikes and my golf shoes uh typically i don't grab shoes but i mean these are in such good shape they're not my size they're a little big they'd probably look a little funky on my feet but uh somebody could definitely use these they're nikes good to go baby good to go i definitely got our fill and scrap got a treadmill got some aluminum got a lot of steel got this big old tv back here that the uh glass decided it wants to start coming off so you know gonna have to just stay just stay yeah scrap back there scrap scrap scraps scrap got some wires or old 80s maybe early 90s lamps not in the best of shape got a little booze there a little barefoot chardonnay pop it when she pops enjoy a toast when baby joyce arrives okay that's for a for a baby shower so yeah we'll pop it when she pops that doesn't sound right and then we got a couple of things over here uh this stuff right here that i threw the side originally then i started like it's like wait a minute uh eight dollars it's a four pack it's canvas art canvas same thing over here this is all art canvas hobby lobby sticker 3.99 that's 2.99 so maybe if i get a little artsy you decide i want to paint something you know got some canvas over here to paint on some wires there a little display box here that'd be cool to stand up refinish stain do something with y'all let me know what we should do with it it's pretty cool does it hang on the wall it doesn't really have a hang on the wall so maybe it's kind of like for silverware put your silverware in it put a little green felt liner on the bottom don't know little box of goodies over here christmas cards these are brand new uh so yeah five bucks 14 these are uh these are disney mickey and mickey and minnie minnie i don't know why i grabbed these whoa these are like magnifying glasses or something oh oh no thank you there junk wire there and then uh yeah these are fun to go through that looks like pictures it says birthday mom's 60th birthday probably nothing too hip and happening doubt it's like you know pictures from vegas that the wife's not supposed to see uh more cards here these are photo greeting cards you insert a photo six bucks and then uh this one's fun it's little jalapenos wishing you a bright and happy warm and wonderful very merry red hot christmas or chili peppers yeah those are chili peppers not jalapenos uh 13 or 10 bucks so i mean 30 40 bucks right there and there's just a little miscellaneous crap i don't know what that is looks like there's a sim card in there so huh let's check it out and see what it is a couple picture frames and then we got this rapid eye multimedia i uh googled it when i was in the uh truck it's some sort of audio receiver or video i mean i mean yeah video video receiver some sort of they look like they're going used for 150 on ebay 75 to 150 uh probably doesn't work being that it was in the trash but yeah it has something to do with video maybe it's for like an office setup you know because it had the little lock the little lock face on it where you can like run stuff i don't know it's got dvd player i don't know play with it see if it powers on this and that but all in all pretty successful evening out there getting some stuff uh not the most successful but definitely pretty successful got a few bucks back here for the scrap yard probably you know 40 50 bucks total um you know i cover you know a couple hours it took me to get out there and get this stuff but anyways uh that's gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving guys as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share with your friends uh instagram got one check it out uh shout out to everybody about some merch appreciate that guys uh if you're interested down below teespring go get y'all some stuff t-shirts and what have you let's see yeah and that's about it like i was saying earlier we're supposed to have a whole week of just rain so hopefully it's not a complete washout we can get out you know be able to get out there a couple more times before the week's out fill the truck up you know some more get more stuff more scrap you know this and that resell stuff i mean awesome but anyways okay guys we all stay tuned we'll see on that next one be safe love y'all peace oh my shoulder oh what we got here y'all those gravity scraps mike the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 71,342
Rating: 4.9548221 out of 5
Id: gr5zz0RYuvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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