Dumpster Diving "Found Something Awesome!"

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oh this one looks stuck absolutely stuffed up power curd oh look at that looks like it's full of wires and such a little speaker there [Music] this thing's full of all kinds of water [Music] there's a new stuff these are like little uh these are uh for like the cat wire stuff goes in the wall bunch of computer kind of stuff in here y'all lots of wires daddy will take wire charges all the goodness gracious i think so buried though we're not going to be able to i don't think we're gonna make too much happen with this one but we'll get what we can it's just a little too full about to have an avalanche too i bet oh [Music] here that's heavy maybe a little yes a little motor little magnet thing on there it keeps coming keep it coming guys keep it coming we can grab it right here we can see it here a little bit [Music] attached to something i got back up yeah get the back up more wires they just keep coming holy cow [Music] there's more of those little port things tell you what that box there man there's more of them too wall plates those are blank wall plates there's a thing up here [Music] oh i see something good y'all like my short shorts compliments of the trash [Music] all right we're just getting into the grossness here let's see what wires though all right let's see much else let's check this up here well that's pretty heavy [Music] the mattress that's the lady mattress okay there's another one in heavy metal things right here yep scrap [Music] oh okay i think that's about all she's gonna want to give us there [Music] yeah scrap oh wait i need some boxes [Music] that's a lot of boxes a lot a lot of boxes oh we got in here y'all take a look over here this thing's full of boxes too looks like there's some stuff maybe but maybe not [Music] all right what we got here oh that's cute oh come aboard y'all that's garage sale material over here is that all that's in there darn it let's see whoa something just broke that's a plastic okay it's breaking under my feet piece of scrap hey that's cool walk up aboard baby yeah yeah see it smells like christmas in here looks like christmas in here too what we got here there's some good stuff clinique happy the jesus candle bunch of old perfume is stuff not really interested why i saw wipes no bueno empty let's see what we got here in the tub there's some bows christmas will be upon us soon spongebob broke his leg piggy banks yeah he's still got tags on him yeah there's bags hangers all kinds of christmas stuff there tree far yeah christmas stuff man yeah it's got a hole in it [Music] i'll take some christmas tree especially like this close to christmas i cleaned out a desk here dry erase marker oh permanent mark anything good on your desk not really [Music] all right bunch of crap we got christmas stuff though and a tote and a tote yeah all right oh i see some wires wires search crack wire networking that's all scrap right there that's heavy too these little metal pieces right there see what those are made of trash can for my wires and so oh look at that oh yeah there we go that one's up hinges baby we got hinges that's some hinges [Music] yeah there's more a lot more okay [Music] well i'd like to take that could almost take it it's a lot of wood on there though i think they're probably more metal than wood huh fair enough some tiles all right oh that little scrap [Music] oh what we got here y'all golf clubs anything good true temper i don't think us like the creme de la creme of the lecrimder what is that [Music] well i know what this is interface meter what that was like a big tape measure or something i don't know what that is get on my shoe sticker trying to catch a free ride anything else there's a box right there let's check out this box real quick see what's cracking under here oh no no no no okay whoa some sort of let's see here maybe it'll tell us is yep soul in this solanced so lensed interface meter model one two two huh never seen that before oh look at that another tub some stuff in here maybe look at that there's another camera that's even older than the two i found last week is that a hippity hop oh no that's a exercise ball got a waffle maker no it's a george foreman grill [Music] nothing in the back dirty blankets and such broken glass ball dumpster dumpster what are we doing power quarterback board all right that's a big time power cord right there most of you see they're kind of small this one's a big old big old fat power chord what that is scrap see if we can fish this anything it'll hook on to anything oh yeah we got something shoot [Music] those are metal fans like that's not plastic those are metal scrap all day long of them [Music] that's some hoes holes those are stainless fittings on here though just like medical stuff let's take down down here instead of [Music] medical stuff yeah michael take that all day long sister some sort of regulator that might actually have some use now that's a uh not a regulator that's a uh air air liquid separator i think that's an organ i've never seen one like this this one must be like like i said like medical stuff because that's glass usually there are glass must be for human consumption rocket rocking what we got here i see some wires looks like a bunch of crap though yeah a bunch of coax crap junk we'll take it throw it in the shred pop oh there's some under there let's see what we got here open up say all right oh yeah there we go it's more pay dirt as i call it cat wire no that's not catway the blue stuff is mixed with some junk oh my god it's so full in here man did you see anything yeah i seen better days i like the wind they're a little bit newer man i bet there's like crap down in here but it's so full oh well we'll be back this is actually a new dumpster they just moved in yep this is brand new stuff so we will be back with a vengeance i have a feeling promising things will be happening out of this dumpster crap crap [Music] a little bit not a whole lot but yes mike will be back they won't get it oh there's a bunch of these whatever these are a little uh what they call it pat's cable patch patch something or another just more down here it's all buried [Music] i guess that's what you would call that patch cable yeah i bet there's some pretty awesomeness down here but i'm not about to empty this entire day [Music] for the sake of a couple of dollars but like i said this is a new dumpster this is not one that's been here so we've got some new neighbors in the neighborhood hopefully they'd be tossing out some good stuff whoo whoa what's up nastiness this is some wire see a few wires let's see what we got up in here these are i have found these before actually i think i have some of these for sale still from like two years ago they're like uh wires that they plug into a uh that port and then it's like one that would go into like a uh that one i don't know what they call those connections we'll take them but yeah i found a ton of these a while back just like this too and uh i think it's like old technology or i don't know but i mean i've managed to sell a few it's taking a long time though i've you know because i found a whole bunch of them i mean a bunch of them and i have you know i've had them up on ebay i'm so cheap you know like the uh what you got here the uh you know i sell them at bulk you know like a pack of 10 or or what do i have maybe a pack of five or six i don't know something where it's cheap though it's real cheap but i mean it's just one of those things it's just you know it's old technology [Music] again we got another dumpster that's just so full [Music] [Music] there's a box full of something that's an open jmod single level job fire bracket probably something similar to that that's a whole box hold up oh my look at that almost cast these up it's all brand new stuff in boxing into it oh they're coming they're coming is that me got me huh see a cord down there nope that's not a cord it's a fiberglass antenna with pieces of metal on the tips is he circling back around god i hope not box is full too we might have just found something awesome yo all right you're probably like mike why are you backing these up to the what is that i don't know uh send a pile over here and set it back into the trunk here in a second when i got my pile over there i didn't realize we weren't gonna find this stuff in here but then again i mean do you ever realize that you're gonna find some stuff [Applause] now that is bananas let's see this is full of something take a look at it like fiber optic type stuff that or maybe we'll take a look that looks like all the full boxes huh maybe not there's one more oh i see more wire down there too i really should just take all this crap look at that oh hold up there he is again he's after me this is uh this is this is optic cable this has no scrap value but there's a lot of it but yep that's what that is that's optic cable there's no copper or damaged hanging there which is a bummer a lot of stuff what is this self-wrapping split braided sleeve i probably sell that in garage sale okay all right it looks like [Music] an empty box it sucks that it's so full though there's a bunch of flat boxes but let me see i think we got the majority of it yeah that's flat boxes all the way down the bottom sweet oh yeah it's an antenna or something or a beating stick but yeah checked that out rock and roll baby well all righty scavengers another successful well wasn't quite an evening afternoon afternoon delight getting some stuff out there in the urban jungle totally found some awesome stuff this trip you know not a complete home run in the scrap department but definitely probably most likely in the resale department for sure uh and then a couple of just you know some weird odds and ends you know but we got our christmas stuff i was showing this to my wife she's like oh my gosh i would have totally bought that i mean it saw the tag on it and i mean you can see it's like it's never even been like put in the ground so brand new there's some uh ornament hangers that kind of stuff some bags over here we had spongebob with a broken leg poor spongebob maybe we'll find his leg in the bottom of the box we have some stockings they also have the tags on them 2.99 bows and with the holiday season rapidly approaching have no problem getting rid of whatever that we don't want to keep so awesome there got this really old camera this is bring back memories guys i feel like i feel like these are like maybe 95-ish maybe a little earlier but there's actual tape in there look at the battery on that totally crazy got our little welcome aboard uh clock over here you know throw a little triple a battery in there see if she fires up if so awesome sauce can't put in my house wife already said no but you know i got some uh all these hinges over here some backups uh this stuff right here i mean this self wrapping split braided sleeve this is great i mean it even says you know like on the boat the office automobile like this stuff this stuff can this stuff is definitely handy you know definitely handy when you're running bulk wires and that kind of thing keep everything together and it keeps the uh you know uh from the wires from like when they rub on stuff to keep the abrasive so you know good good good stuff definitely be able to resell that so we got a bucket back there with some more wires don't know what this is quite yet i'm pretty sure everyone's gonna tell me though it's hooked to something i wonder if it's like you drop this down because it looks like it plugs to something let's see here like close to something and yeah maybe you hook it to a sensor drop it down and it gives you a depth reading i don't know silenced interface meter model 122 all right but yeah the hinges scrap scrap scraps grab scrap that's from the previous strip back there got all these plates some of them are blank some of our yeah structured cable products it's a double gang blank wall plate lots of those and then these are two port wall plates wp three four two to la yeah ground sale stuff you know that kind of thing uh we got all this panduit over here and then uh yeah we we already went over these wires uh this panduit stuff let's check it out and see what's actually in there oh this is that fiber fiber optic stuff i mean it's new in the packaging but i've had some of this stuff in the past i've never been able to sell it it's a fiber jumper x-ray golf lima was it a oscar m m like mike mike duplex part number foxtrot juliet 2-lima charlie lima charlie 5 lima 05 alpha quebec i don't know i'll look it up see if it's worth anything it is you know maybe make a couple bucks off of it but uh let's see over here all right these guys the jmd wb1x that's that j mod that single level drop wire bracket that's what i was thinking i was like maybe similar to those other little brackets that were in there singly but let's see i mean there yep okay that's not the same stuff that's something different but i'll look these up see if there's a price there's actually a guy that i had sold some stuff to my mom works for a construction um contracting company they built like hotels apartments and things like that and they had given me a bunch of old like i think it was called uh oh i don't even remember some sort of tie strong tie something tie i think it was like like for roofing roofing ties or something i don't know bunches of boxes out and they're like you just go and scrap them out and i'm like whoa whoa whoa whoa you know because there was just cases of them and uh but i mean the cases you're there i mean they were old you know it's all old beat up or whatever but you know we end up putting online and found a guy that buys constructs or he bought him from me he told me if i ever have come across construction stuff to uh you know give him a buzz and i still have his information so we'll definitely check that out i think that's going to be the same thing i'll send him a uh yeah that's the same stuff and uh send him a little shout out and be like hey man are you interested i'll say all this stuff nice and cheap i wonder if this is this probably all the same stuff now that i'm doesn't have any kind of tag on it this is uh well there's 10 of them whatever they are so it looks like it yep same stuff same exact stuff right there so i don't even know what these go to i don't have the cloggiest idea but we have a ton of them one two three four [Music] eight twelve sixteen so you have about 16 of them four eight yes twelve yeah fourteen fifteen maybe sixteen somewhere in there uh there's a couple of the guys floating around my mouth isn't all that great you know i'm not so sharp i was covet stuff you know haven't been like staying sharp but uh anyways yeah so shoot pretty awesome pretty awesome pretty awesome but uh anyways alrighty scavengers that's gonna do it for this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most mike the scavenger as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel uh instagram check it out post stuff on there before the video is actually post so you get a little sneak peek of what's going on uh special shout out to everybody boston merch appreciate that guys fire just down below get y'all some stuff uh but uh yeah we're gonna try to hit it again maybe tomorrow maybe the next day i don't know but one of those days we'll definitely hit it and we'll hit it good but in the meantime y'all take care be safe wash your hands frequently wear your face mask and uh yeah peace what we got here y'all those gravity scrap scraps mike the scavenger mic the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 286,932
Rating: 4.9000936 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: snBPK8lYZoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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